• Breaking News

    Friday, January 22, 2021

    Legal Advice - Bought a Watch 5 years ago in good faith from a State Treasurer abandoned bank auction, found out it's stolen after I tried to sell it, do I need to give it back? (Missouri)

    Legal Advice - Bought a Watch 5 years ago in good faith from a State Treasurer abandoned bank auction, found out it's stolen after I tried to sell it, do I need to give it back? (Missouri)

    Bought a Watch 5 years ago in good faith from a State Treasurer abandoned bank auction, found out it's stolen after I tried to sell it, do I need to give it back? (Missouri)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:18 AM PST

    5 years ago I bought a vintage Rolex at a Missouri state Treasury run abandoned bank vault auction in good faith. I have a receipt showing payment made to the Missouri Treasury and my cancelled check in my records. I tried consigning the watch to an auction house this year. Apparently the auction house I tried to consign it to runs the serial numbers of the watch though an insurance claim database and I was informed of the theft. I was told the previous owner was robbed 7 years ago and they received an insurance payout and the insurance company is the real legal owner. There is no question I'm in no legal criminal trouble but am I required to give the watch back to the insurance company? They have asked me to sign a document waiving any interest in the watch. According to Missouri state law regarding purchases made through the treasurer 447.558-3 " The purchaser at any sale conducted by the treasurer pursuant to sections 447.500 to 447.595 shall receive title to the property purchased, free from all claims of the owner or prior holder thereof and of all persons claiming through or under them. The treasurer shall execute all documents necessary to complete the transfer of title. " Does this mean I have clear title or not?

    submitted by /u/EitherFuel
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    Wife using breast pump at work and coworkers are giving her a hard time - VA

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:24 AM PST

    My wife and I have a 4 month old. She works at a public high school. Each day she is allotted 2-3 breaks per day to pump. These breaks are at specific times based on her schedule.

    Originally, they tried to put her in a bathroom to pump, but she objected. So then they found a break room with running water and a refrigerator and created a makeshift "room" using tall filing cabinets. She is fine with this arrangement.

    Initially there were times where supervisors are upset with her because she can't cover other teacher's classes due to her pumping schedule. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal, but it stresses her out.

    Now there is one particular woman who isn't happy the my wife is pumping in this room. I guess because other people are in there.

    This woman started a text chain with everyone in the special education department (wife's department) except my wife. The purpose of this was this lady asking if anyone else had a problem with my wife pumping in that room.

    My wife found out about this when a friend of hers told her about the text chain because she didn't want to be talking about her behind her back.

    Now this lady has gone to the head of the SpEd department complaining that someone walked in on my wife pumping. This is a straight up lie because it is not possible to see my wife without her seeing you as well or without climbing on top of and across multiple filing cabinets.

    This morning this lady came in to the room when my wife was pumping and said "I thought you weren't allowed to pump in here anymore."

    My wife informed her that none of the other areas provided to her has reasonable access to refrigeration or running water. One was literally an electrical closet on the other side of the building. Plus no one had told her anything even remotely close to that.

    My wife replied that it is not her (wife's) responsibility to find an adequate place to pump. It is the schools responsibility to provide an adequate space.

    The lady then told my wife that she would find something else by the end of the day.

    This lady's constant harping on this has really stressed out my wife. It is actually affecting her milk supply. She gets less than half the amount when pumping at work than when she pumps at home.

    I'm also very frustrated.

    At what point is this harassment, hostile work environment, or some other violation of state/federal law?

    What's the best way to handle this if things continue to deteriorate?

    submitted by /u/blackdragon8577
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    [NY] Landlord says we’ll be charged a late fee if they are unable to collect our rent check from their office “due to Covid”

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 04:23 PM PST

    Our apartment building recently got bought out and is now being run by a new management company. The online payment system charges a fee (and we know it's illegal for them to force us to use it) so we had planned to send a check, but in the rent payment instructions they say "Due to COVID-19 we ask that all rent is paid online as we may not be able to access our office for mail. This is to ensure that you do not automatically get charged late fees."

    It feels like they're being sneaky by using the language "we ask", so as to not be accused of forcing us to pay online. My question is: can they legally enforce late fees if we send our check on time but they're not able to access and cash it on time?

    Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/espescks
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    [Tempe, Arizona] Friend lived with Gma, who just died of covid last weekend. Uncle is getting the house and says friend must move out in an hour. Is it even Uncle’s house yet and does friend have to leave so soon?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:31 AM PST

    I don't think it's gone through probate, but it's unclear if the uncle was on the deed originally or just inheriting the house. Friend doesn't want cops called but I think they will laugh at the uncle. Need some more opinions. How can he push back on this amicably and what rights does he have? Are evictions even happening in Tempe due to covid? If he stays at his moms house a night, does he loose his tenancy?

    Update: it seems they went to lunch to chat about it and the Uncle took the keys that were left on the table... He is staying at another family members tonight, but this was an unfortunate move.

    submitted by /u/Trailmagic
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    [NY] Girlfriend left child with me, who has legal rights prior to court if she tries to take the child?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 06:56 PM PST

    Long story short, girlfriend has been having trouble handling the stress of taking care of a child and being an adult in general. I suggested leaving and staying at a friends. She agreed and left my child. We were working through things, she's still not back. With the way things are going it's looking more like it may just need to end. My mom has been helping me with our child (1 year old) and things have been fine. I've told my girlfriend she can visit the child whenever she wants but can not currently live here until she's in therapy and parenting classes. She did not ask to take the child anywhere.

    Should things end, what should I do while waiting for court? Can she come here and just take the child?

    submitted by /u/throw1245224848595
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    Trying to work remotely but company wants to “pause salary and benefits”?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 07:45 AM PST

    I work for a company in the UK and live in California. With everyone working from home right now, I would like to temporarily relocate to Puerto Rico for a myriad of reasons—namely that I would save $1500 a month in rent. This would only be for 3 to 6 months. My boss is telling me that in order to do this, they would have to pause my salary and benefits, meaning I would be invoicing them.

    Does this sound right? We have a meeting next week to clarify the details but from this initial email, it almost sounds like I would be reclassified as an independent contractor, working full-time and without benefits. Two other employees have temporarily relocated to other states as well and from what I know, their situation has remained the same.

    What red flags should I be looking out for during our meeting next week? What should I know about my rights beforehand? For example, if I am only going to be in PR for 6 months, wouldn't I still be protected under California labour laws? And I know that unless my job description changes, there is no legal way I would be classified as an independent contractor in California.

    submitted by /u/sirisaacmewwwton
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    Bank cashed $14,000 check with fraudulent POA after mother's death

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:55 AM PST

    This is in NM.

    My mother's estate is in the process of being settled after her death. I am the executor. She lived with a (questionable, unemployed) boyfriend, who has (not surprisingly) been difficult to deal with after all this.

    After her death, a check was sent from her employer for approximately $14,000 which was her final paycheck and payout of leave, etc. It was sent to her home address, where her boyfriend acquired it (he is still at that residence) and proceeded to (or had someone) take it to a bank with a fake power of attorney (she was already deceased) and cashed out the check. This is what our guess is, after talking to the employer, and after other assets have been fraudulently placed into his name.

    Her employer will not look into it further as it is "out of their hands".

    Who is liable for this? Or what is my best course of action? The bank will not cooperate as they said only the employer can file for the loss of the check, and I'm struggling to get the police to file a report because I don't have proof of what happened (because the bank will not disclose any documents or evidence relating to it).

    The money needs to go to paying off her funeral expenses and I'm at a loss of what to do.

    submitted by /u/DoctorYogurtButler
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    HOA wants to convert single mailboxes to cluster mailboxes

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 07:14 PM PST

    I live in a well established private community (15+ years) in South Carolina. To reduce maintenance costs on our single mailboxes, the HOA is considering removing them and installing large cluster mailboxes. Although our CC&Rs do not specify mailboxes in the exterior maintenance section, the HOA has always maintained them. The HOA's legal counsel throughout the years has reaffirmed this and our maintenance chart indicates that the HOA is responsible for "routine repair and maintenance of the single mailboxes originally installed by the builder or Association." Removing mailboxes original to the community and changing the mail delivery system (if approved by the USPS) seems well beyond the scope of routine repair and maintenance. I welcome any insight or advice you may have with respect to challenging this proposal. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Competitive-Ice-1630
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    Is an employer allowed to make it a policy to deny all PTO requests, but only for employees in a specific department, through the remainder of the pandemic?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 10:07 AM PST

    [California, United States]

    Hi everyone, I am posting this question for a friend. My friend works at a childcare center that operates under a large science laboratory, where the lab employees can drop off their kids to be watched while they go to work. My friend recently submitted a request to use her accrued PTO time to take a weekend trip to a national park in March, followed by a self-quarantine period, which she has accrued enough PTO time to do. This request was denied by HR, who claimed that it would be too difficult to keep the childcare center running if they allowed any of the employees to use their PTO during the pandemic (outside of sick leave). Their concern is that even one person getting sick with COVID-19 would leave them understaffed if someone else was on PTO. They are also not looking to hire any new employees to help alleviate this problem.

    Her supervisor informed my friend that it was recently made a policy to deny all PTO requests from the childcare center employees, no matter what the reason for the PTO is, for the remainder of the pandemic. For example, another childcare employee was denied a 1-day PTO request just to stay home for her birthday. However, the laboratory employees at the same company are still requesting and receiving their PTO as usual. I did read that employers cannot deny PTO requests in a discriminatory manner, but I don't know if it legally counts as "discrimination" to grant PTO to lab employees and not the childcare employees. It may be worth noting that the lab employees are ~75% men, whereas the childcare employees are all women.

    I've read that California law states that companies can deny PTO during busy periods, but it seems excessive to deny all PTO requests for what could be the rest of the year, especially when it's only one specific department.

    My question is: is it legal for my friend's employer to automatically deny all PTO requests for the remainder of the pandemic, and only for the employees in her department?

    submitted by /u/lathrowaway01222021
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    Contractor was called for an estimate, and is now trying to invoice me for time, and is threatening to place a lien on my house. I don't have a written contract, and no work always expressly authorized. What are my options? (New Jersey)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 02:26 PM PST

    My company just laid me off and are splitting my final commission check 50/50 and paying me half on 1/31 and the remaining half on 4/30.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:28 AM PST

    Hello All,

    So I was recently laid off from my company (not fired) due to a structural reorganization and overall workforce reduction. I was on the sales team for a software company. For location purposes, the company is in Denver, CO and I live in Broomfield, CO.

    The way the commission payouts worked were that you would get paid commission for the previous month ie: my January commission check will be for what I sold in December. Additionally, the way that the commission was structured, we would get a "true up" for the quarter for the rates we were supposed to be paid, meaning the upcoming January check will have rates that my Oct and Nov should've been paid, in addition to my full Dec comp.

    Since I was laid off, I've been in contact with my HR rep with the company. I've been requesting the sales commission calculator which is sent out by the finance department every month so that we can review for accuracy. I finally received that this morning. The numbers all checked out correctly, but with the calculator, I also received the following message:

    "Sorry for the delay. Attached is your final commissions calculations. Sales Leadership has decided to pay this out on a time delay to ensure everything is closed out properly in the upcoming quarter, from what I understand.

    You will receive half on 1/31 and the other half on 4/30. Please let me know if you don't see these payments hit your accounts on those days, and I will follow up."

    This means that I'm not getting paid the full amount of commission I'm owed until nearly 5 months after closing the deals that generated the commission, despite the company receiving revenue before that time period. Additionally, I'm concerned because now that I no longer work there (meaning I have 0 visibility into their internal systems), I can't audit or monitor the status of any of those clients or deals, nor can I see if they lose revenue that has nothing to do with my sales/deals that could lead them to withholding or reducing my final pay.

    I guess my question is with regards to a commission payment, are they allowed to just make the decision to withhold half of my earned commissions for another 3 months?

    Edit: I've contacted the Colorado department of labor. They have to be naturally vague on the phone, but it sounds like there might be case for violation. I've requested all of my prior compensation contracts and amendments. Once I piece through those, I can see what the verbiage looks like and depending on what that says, I believe I'll be filing a claim with the CDLE. I have to wait until the missed payment (2/1 would be the date in this case) so that will give me some time to look into it. Very much appreciate the help and resources!

    submitted by /u/Djaynes55
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    Being threatened with collections over a $10 bill that I can't pay - website crashes every time I try - for a subscription that I'm not even receiving anymore.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:08 AM PST

    This is so stupid and it seems so petty but I'm so frustrated and worried my credit is going to suffer over this idiotic ten dollar bill. Apologize in advance for the wall of text. Flairing this as small claims since I'm not sure what it actually applies to.

    In 2019 we signed up for a toothbrush subscription. You pay monthly for the toothbrush for a year and then from then on out you pay a lesser fee monthly for brush head replacements. It just seemed like a way I could take something off my plate for just a few bucks a month. Things went fine for a while - we were on autopay and it charged monthly and we got our toothbrushes and brush heads for a few months, no problem. Then we stopped getting the brush heads and after a few months I noticed in my email that they were threatening to send us to collections for an unpaid bill. To the tune of about $100. So I think "Hmm, thats weird because it's on autopay but whatever, I can go in there and pay it, maybe something happened to my account."

    I log in and try to pay the top invoice (it listed about 15 invoices all in small amounts instead of prompting me to pay the whole $100, I needed to go pay $3 here, $7 there). Website error. The whole website crashed. So I try again, same thing. Tried from my computer, same. Different browser, same. Cleared cookies, same. I COULD NOT pay these bills no matter how hard I try. So I reach out to the company and got the rudest responses of my life - implying I probably need to check my account to make sure I have the money (we're talking about a $7 charge here and yes, I had $7 in my account). I gloss over the fact that its supposed to be on auto pay so I'm not certain why I have unpaid balances to begin with, and just focus on trying to make sure they don't report me to collections.

    After raising what I felt was a pretty significant amount of hell suddenly the problem was fixed. They auto-debited the full amount from my account (so clearly they ARE capable of doing so) and I told them to cancel the subscription.

    Fast forward to this month. I get an email from Toothbrush Company: "Final Notice" - sure enough theyre after me for three unpaid invoices: $3.33, $6.24, and $.42. By the way, none of these amounts are what the monthly subscription actually COSTS. So I log into my account (murderously) to pay the $9.99 (in three separate payments) and...it doesnt work. "Oops, something went wrong Your payment didn't go through.Please review your payment details to fix the problem or contact support for more information."

    On a separate but related note: we have two accounts since they wouldn't let us add a toothbrush to our original order, we had to make another account to get one for my kid. Both accounts had issues last year (this idiocy alone should have been a red flag). The original account, although it was supposed to be canceled, is still auto-charging me, though they haven't actually fulfilled the subscription in over a year. So the auto-charge works for that one. The second account is now the one that's being sent to collection over $10. They are both tied to the same card.

    What can I do? Customer service is impossible to reach and entirely unhelpful. I don't know how they fixed the issue last time and managed to charge me, but they clearly didnt FIX the issue and I'm tired of dealing with it. I want my subscription canceled and honestly I'm a little salty that I've paid as much as I have without getting my GD toothbrush heads delivered. I'm worried that this is still happening and theyre still threatening to smear my credit report over a problem that I CANNOT FIX. I'm at a loss.

    Sorry for the wall of text, gold star if you made it this far.

    submitted by /u/katierose0324
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    University Accusation of Cheating for Over 200 Students

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:05 PM PST


    I am a college student at a university and my chemistry professor decided to accuse a very large portion of the class (200+ of us) of cheating regardless of proof or not. He found a group chat and assumed everyone within was in it even with evidence of the cheater's actions ( the chat got saved by student conduct before it was deleted) and now everyone in the class has a cheating accusation that is at the risk of going onto our records and needs to be taken in front of the student conduct for investigation.

    I had the meeting today with the student conduct (the person who will decide if I am responsible for cheating or not), and it is confirmed that I have nothing to incriminate me to cheating. By looking through the entire chat log the student conduct worker explicitly told me themselves that I did not say anything against policy in the chat. However, because some people did (giving answers to homework questions etc). I am now being charged with being compliant and not reporting the chat to the professor or any higher up. The worker quote said, "even if you did leave the group chat before exams started and rejoined after thus not actively participating in any form of cheating, you did not report this to the administrators which is not what the university would have wanted". I told them that I left the chat hence they cannot ask me to testify against anyone regardless if they cheated or not because I would be ignorant, I would not know, but apparently, that isn't good enough. So now I am waiting on their opinion on whether I am to be held responsible or not.

    I suppose my questions are:

    1. If they decide to charge me with cheating (if they believe that it is wrong enough in being compliant) would my appeal be considered because of the "school policy" (it was not explicitly mentioned that being silent and not reporting is against school policy at least the worker did not tell me) I do understand that if it is against school policy to stay quiet then there is nothing that I can do.
    2. Would the concept of ignorance apply, in that, because I left before exams, I cannot be asked to testify against the students who presumably did cheat during exams or be found at fault because anything I state against those students would be an assumption with no clear evidence.
    3. Could if the school decides to convict me of cheating be a form of defamation on my behalf because it will inhibit a lot of future opportunities for me as I wish to go to dental school.
    4. Is there anything I can do if they do decide to charge me with academic dishonesty which will result in it being on my student record for 7 years thus lowering my chances greatly of achieving my goals of entering grad school?


    1. The professor considered discussing any class material outside of class as cheating, we were apparently not allowed to discuss homework, clicker questions (in-class questions), tests (obviously). But he did not tell us (at least to my memory I have no more access to the class syllabus)
    2. I have told another professor who agrees with my viewpoint that this entire case is bonkers and has decided to advocate for me and the other students if the situation gets dire.
    submitted by /u/teemoda321
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    Tax Fraud job going to screw me over on Taxes

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 05:14 PM PST

    Boss won't give me a W2, saying I'm a 10-99 independent contractor, but we never agreed to this and I never signed anything.

    I work at a carving and sculpting studio, and get paid HOURLY working a normal 9-5, 5day a week schedule, payday every Monday.

    I've been working there for 5(ish) months now, and things have been going well as I lost my original job in the COVID shutdown. My boss is kind of a moron, and is rarely around anyways so I figured when I first got hired I would eventually get my W2. He handles the time cards and payment, I get paid with cash and a company check with the company's name on it.

    I asked for my W2 and he told me I am a contractor, but I am most definitely not.

    He told me and my coworkers we are all (kinda) 10-99 and he buys goods from us, but again, we are all hourly, he set up our work schedules, and I take orders and directions from him.

    Looking into it, I'm afraid he probably hasn't been paying payroll tax, and his previous employees were all 1) foreigners on temporary visas who didn't pay taxes, took their money, and moved out of the US 2) Questionable people who don't pay taxes because they're constantly moving around

    I'm recently married with a baby on the way, and cannot pay thousands of dollars in back taxes, especially when I thought my boss was taking care of this stuff.

    I've never been an independent contractor before, we didn't talk about that when I was hired on, and I've never been in this situation so don't judge too hard, I just figured eventually he would help me figure this out, but after speaking to him today, he's not going to help.

    I'm debating taking my evidence such as time cards, his signature on my time cards and checks and reporting him to the IRS, as he doesn't report any cash sales either, just pockets the cash from the till - during my time working here I've seen around $25,000.00 in cash sales that weren't reported; I have pictures of receipts and evidence to prove this.

    My question is, how do I protect myself from the IRS? I'm about to start an amazing new career in 2 weeks, I'm just afraid this current job will screw me over in the future, I just have to get thru this and onto better things.

    Located in South Dakota.

    submitted by /u/jeffdahmpeoplenom
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    Non-consecutive guest can no longer park at residence because of HOA

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:59 PM PST

    Location: Florida

    Hi everyone,

    Recently I had a guest over at my rented condo who stayed overnight and parked his vehicle with guest pass displayed correctly.

    Our HOA is threatening to tow his vehicle if it is ever parked overnight again because it has been in the parking lot for more than 30 days non-consecutively since I moved in. (Over 4 years)

    He comes and stays for one night each week or so.

    Is this legal? How do I go about fixing this issue? The HOA rules don't specify consecutive or non consecutive it just says that guests can't be parked for more than 30 days. This seems extremely unreasonable.

    submitted by /u/wiskeytf
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    Attorney threatening me with legal action if I claim the deduction for software I donated to him.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 07:31 PM PST


    I wrote this legal form filler application that can also electronically send documents to the government, and in addition has a mobile based intake form.

    I had to shut it down because I couldn't support it and my full time software engineering job. My customers were not willing to pay me for my hours in order for me to make it my full time job, so I quit.

    That being said, I gave everyone 2 months to get off it. One attorney demanded that I sell it to him. So he offered me way under the value, and wanted me to work X hours to get the low amount.

    I disagreed, but I did agree to train a lower cost software engineer to support it, if I could donate it to his non profit. The deduction was good enough for me.

    So, I trained this SWE multiple times and even made a video of me doing a task so he could refer it to it. However, the other guy cannot figure the application out.

    Anyways, I still want to claim the deduction, but now he disagrees.

    He's using the application every day though, and I even gave him the source code plus set it up on his own server.

    I'm at a loss what to do, but I'm going to stop communicating with him because he threatened to take me to court if I claim the deduction 😬

    submitted by /u/BlahBlahBlahLoLLoL
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    My fiancee did some hit and runs in my truck, destroyed it purposely and lied to the police about it being stolen

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 08:42 PM PST

    I'm a security guard. I was working overnight and when I got home my fiancee told me my truck got stolen (when COVID-19 hit my employer assigned guards who do the type of security I do - ie: not in the same building every day / not indoors - their own vehicle instead of us just taking a random one from work every shift. So for now I get to take a work vehicle home with me). She said she went to bed when I left for work and when she woke up later it was gone. She reported it online to the police. Then 2 days later the police contacted us because they found it damaged and partially burnt almost 20 miles out of town. It looked like the thief ditched it. That's what the police said and what I thought.

    The police now arrested both her and her sister. They say she hit 6 parked vehicles, some mailboxes and some fences. They allege she was distracted and lost control. They say she called her sister who helped her take my truck and try to burn in and drove her home. She was caught on someone's security camera in the neighborhood. It apparently caught some of the damage, and my girlfriend getting out and then leaving. Her sister's vehicle was caught on security camera by where my truck was ditched. My fiancee waa arrested for 6 hit and runs to cars, 3 charges for property damage, filing a false police report, obstruction of justice and destroying evidence. Her sister was arrested for helping her and for destroying evidence. My truck is a write off completely.

    Obviously the relationship is over. I wasn't charged (I proved I was at work and I didn't file the report or lie to the police). But I owned the truck. My name was on it, not hers. I called my insurance company when she was arrested to update them that it wasn't stolen. But I don't expect to hear back until Monday now. Even if I did not do anything, can this affect me in any way because I owned the truck? I'm honestly worried about how much this will mess up my life.

    Location is Indiana.

    submitted by /u/anonymous1222021
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    My city built a structure on my property, admits fault, but refuses to tear it down.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 02:03 PM PST

    I live in a smallish town in California. On the side of my property there is a small private road with a city-owned pump house at the end. This road's ownership is split down the middle between myself and my neighbor. Our only obligation is to keep it clear enough that city workers can access the pump house.

    Last year the city decided to add an additional structure to the pump house without any authorization or warning. This structure is built well over the property line and blocks a gate that we have to access the back of our yard.

    When we contacted the city, they admitted fault and offered to move our gate at their cost. We refused, as they would not allow us to choose our own contractor and moving the gate would force us to reconfigure existing structures in our backyard. We have told them the only option moving forward is to remove the unauthorized structure. They are refusing to do so.

    What recourse do we have? We are concerned about retaliation, such as refusal of permits in the future, etc., but we are also concerned about the precedent that is set should we do nothing.

    submitted by /u/chapstickhoarder
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    How to ban a customer in Texas

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 05:19 PM PST

    Hello, I'm looking for legal advice on how to effectively ban a customer from my shop in Plano, Texas.

    The customer harasses my employees and me - including sexually harassing a minor that is on my team. Today he refused to leave after we were closed and continued to barge his way into the back kitchen. I fear for our safety when he comes around, and telling him to leave does not suffice.

    submitted by /u/nerwaras
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    California, employee that hasn't worked since March 2020 just filed for unemployment claim (January 2021), but was always offered same number of work hours as prior to the pandemic

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:59 PM PST

    Employee was hourly part time, max hours per week from our business was around 8, generally less. Business is a bar/painting venue and business shifted to virtual events after the pandemic so there was still work available. Solicited work/hours since after the pandemic but employee never accepted any hours/work. They did not officially quit and we did not officially terminate them.

    We received the claim today, but aren't sure whether it's worth it to dispute. In principle we object since they have always been offered work/hours but never accepted (we also don't particularly like the person in terms of their work quality or work ethic, but that's completely subjective and not reason to act against it) and, but we also don't know how this works. I understand that their unemployment payments will be dependent on their income for a period around their claim, but they haven't worked for us for nearing a year, and when they did the amounts of hours/money was not very much.

    Is there reason to be concerned about this and contest it? Are there any warning signs? Can this be done against us so long after actually working despite always being offered work? Should we expect it unemployment insurance to go up with just this one claim?

    submitted by /u/cdegallo
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    House was rented out to someone who created a weed lab. Rental agency somehow overlooked all of his forged documents/ID in their background check.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 03:07 PM PST

    [California] House was rented out for a whole year and the guy absolutely trashed the place. The guy just ran away and left the place trashed. It was rented out by an agency who somehow overlooked that all his bank documents and ID were forged. Do we have any legal recourse against the agency?

    submitted by /u/a1up11
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    Collection debt that isn't mine

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:53 PM PST

    I found out in 2020 after checking my credit for the first time (I had to learn a lot of adult things on my own) that I have an almost $500 debt on my name and it's in collections now. I tried disputing the claim but everyone is saying it's verified as me and the address for the debt is even on my tenant screening report. I have never lived at that address, in fact I was in college and living almost 3 hours away at the time. I live in Georgia and the address for the debt is in Statesboro. I've lived in this other town since middle school, im 23 now. My partner of almost 4 years lived in the same apartment complex as the debted address. I visited him 2 maybe 3 times. His apartment was also broken into at one point. I'm guessing whoever did it grabbed some information of mine I may have left. I only ever brought school stuff so I don't know how it would happen. The debt is for a capital one credit card. Both Capital one and the debtors say I must pay it and that's my only option. I doubt it though. Is there some way I can get this collection off my account without paying it? Would they be able to send me a copy of the contract signature and I verify it as not mine? Could I use my college paperwork as proof I didn't live there at the time? I'm so lost.

    submitted by /u/vannah1015
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