• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 21, 2021

    Legal Advice - Neighbors are squatting and using the property to cook and sell meth

    Legal Advice - Neighbors are squatting and using the property to cook and sell meth

    Neighbors are squatting and using the property to cook and sell meth

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 02:05 PM PST

    Hi all. So I've recently found myself in a less than ideal situation. My boyfriend and I recently moved to Arizona into a condo complex. My boyfriend has been living here since September and I only moved in about a month ago.

    In September, my boyfriend was leaving our condo when the guy who lives across the street stopped him to ask if he could borrow his phone to cash a check because his phone died and he didn't have electricity in his place to charge his own phone. My boyfriend obliged, and while he was standing there letting the neighbor use his phone, the neighbor admitted to him that he and his girlfriend had broken into the property and were living there for free, not paying rent. The neighbor said that he used to live there and got kicked out, but he knew the property was vacant so they broke in.

    Fast forward a couple months, and my boyfriend and I have had to call the cops on these people multiple times because we can hear the guy SCREAMING all kinds of profanities at the girlfriend and it sounds like a WWE smackdown is taking place. The cops almost never show up whenever we've called about this kind of thing.

    More recently, we finally got one of those Ring security doorbells because our packages keep getting stolen. Even more recently, the neighbors have started cooking and selling meth from the residence. There are people in and out of the condo all day every day at all hours, people sitting outside their condo tweaking, waiting for our neighbor to come out or come back home so they can score. We have a plethora of video footage of this kind of thing, including but not limited to recordings of these toothless drug addicts standing outside of the residence screaming the neighbor's name saying they "need to score." We see them going in and out of the condo with buckets of random chemicals all the time, we hear them digging holes in their backyard, presumably to dump the chemicals they're using, it constantly smells like cat piss and sulfur outside of their place... the list goes on.

    Yesterday around 1 PM, the doorbell picked up motion outside of our door and we could hear the male neighbor screaming and carrying on. I go to watch the doorbell, and see that the couple is outside and the man has his girlfriend backed into a corner. On the video, you can hear him cussing her out and then you can clearly see him punch her in the face. At this point, I had had it. I threw open my front door and told him not to lay another hand on her and to leave her alone. I asked the girl if she was ok, but she was crying very hard and looked pretty worse for wear. I went back inside and called 911. In the video footage, you see two cops show up at their front door 10 minutes later. They knock on the door twice and when no one answers, one of the cops goes "screw it!" (which we have on video and you can hear clearly) and they left without doing anything.

    I have tried calling the non-emergency line many times to report this stuff and no one answers. When I called 911, they hung up on me. I left a voicemail with the drug enforcement bureau giving all the information I have. I have contacted the landlord, the property manager, and the HOA to no avail. I'm wondering if we have legal standing to get out of our lease early or if there's something else we can be doing to protect ourselves or get these people the hell out. I'm scared for my safety and my life. Just an hour ago, I saw the man neighbor standing in his backyard looking into our bedroom window, watching me. Please, please, please, what can I do?

    submitted by /u/throwaway129380283
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    My employer sent everyone's W2 to every employee

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 01:56 PM PST

    [Florida, US]
    Yes... you heard it right. I can't make this up. I'm currently looking at a non-secured PDF with EVERY employee's W2 including personal information, wages, bonus, and SSNs....

    What do I do?

    Edit: Sorry, ex-employer** (quit this job a month ago)

    submitted by /u/jgerman3
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    Lost property was found in the home of my Uber driver

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 03:02 AM PST

    To keep a long story short I work for a relatively big company that provides us with laptop. I left said laptop in an uber one day and when realized, i tracked it to the drivers home. When confronted about it he just denies it and acts like he doesn't know what i was talking about. I called the cop and they claim that because i didn't "see" the driver steal it or it wasn't physical taken from my hands they can't do anything about it. The laptop contains company classified information and isn't just a cheap laptop, although its passcode locked, with the right tool and knowledge it can be bypassed. I was let go from my job for incompetence and negligence and was told i may face legal action if any company secrets are leaked. I am not sure what to do or if there is anything i could do

    Edit : For those wondering how I tracked my laptop/How I figured out where the uber driver lived. The laptop has a location tracker on it, its not precise but i knew it was in the general area. I knocked on the door of the closes home as i saw the device was not moving i assume someone found it and brought it home. I recognized the driver when he greeted me at the door.

    Edit 2 : As i was informed I have to apologize for the title. The tracker showed a generally area so i cant say it was for sure in his house, it could've been in a neighbors house or even in the dumpster outside i just came to this conclusion that it was in his home because he was my uber driver and few hours later and my missing laptop showed up in the general location of his home.

    submitted by /u/Cheap_Influence4559
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    My neighbors kid spray painted my house

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:31 PM PST

    So i live in maine and i left to do some basics like getting food i came home to my neighbors kid spray painting my house. He signed his work with his name. Would i be able to sue them for the damage and drop in value of my home. He broke a few windows as well i already filed a police report.

    Edit: they are saying boys will be boys and refusing to settle for less

    submitted by /u/A_Squib
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    My brother’s high school is kicking him out and is also refusing to give my mother his transcript because she can’t afford to pay all the money she owes them right now

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:24 PM PST

    My family lives in Missouri. I know that legally, his transcript belongs to the school and is not my brothers property, but I'm not sure how to help her or where to go from here. Basically, my mom has been unable to pay the remainder of funds owed to the school, which is resulting in my brother (a junior) being kicked out before the end of the school year. My mom doesn't like his school (for a plethora of reasons, they've always given us trouble) and wants to move him to another public school. However, this new school needs his transcript to accept him and his old school refuses to give it to him until they receive their money. Tomorrow is his last day if she can't pay up. We've talked about taking out a personal loan, maybe selling something, etc., but we're just stuck. Are there any other options out there that we just haven't looked at yet? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    Edit: Forgot to mention that he goes to a private school at the moment. This new school he's trying to go to is a public school.

    submitted by /u/LindseyVD
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    [PA US] Around a month after my SO passed away, his family and I entered his student apartment to clean and found it trashed and multiple items missing. His neighbor told us this morning he saw a maintenance man wearing a pair of his shoes. What is the best course to get the items back ASAP?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:30 AM PST

    My SO passed in mid-December. We entered the apartment the day of to get valuables, and then exactly 8 days after to get clothes for him to be put to rest in. 12 days later we entered the apartment to get his belongings and clean to find the apartment ransacked, and many of his belongings missing. It's a student apartment, so there is a PIN on the front door, and each bedroom has its own pin. My SO had two roommates, one who is still at home with his family for winter break. Since he passed in the apartment, the apartment was instructed to not let anyone in until the family cleaned out his stuff.

    Turns out the maintenance man (#1) coordinated for one of the roommates to move out and knew about him coming in. We asked maintenance man (#1) if he was in there or if he knew who was, he said no one was allowed in so no. So that's suspicion number one. A roommates room was cleaned out and the place was trashed, so we automatically assume it's the roommate. We contact roommate, he lies at first but admits he took some posters and records to remember him by. But he didn't take the shoes, tv, heater, money, or ash tray. The other roommates door was also open, and missing a TV. no one knows this code other than the roommate, who is 3 hours away. The maintenance men have a master key to all doors.

    We also went into the police station to tell them of everything that was missing and show pictures of the trashed apartment.

    Today, I get a call from my SO's neighbor, says maintenance man (#2) is wearing the shoes. I tell him to get a picture or video (they're very worn and there's a distinctive stain on the left shoe). He got a video from up in his window. It's not perfectly clear but you can tell they're the shoes.

    What can we do here? My irate mind is telling me to go there now where he's working and threaten to put him (back) in jail until he gives the stuff back. He's literally wearing my dead boyfriends favorite pair of shoes. If we take this to the police, will they even care? Will the guy just throw them away to avoid getting caught? That's the last thing we want. We just want them back. How long is it gonna take the police to knock on this guys door to get the stuff back?

    I'm heartbroken, I can see them I just don't know how to go about getting everything back. Do we need a super clear picture to make sure 100% they're the shoes, or is this enough of a story to make sense to them?

    submitted by /u/silentkiller000
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    Landlord making comments about disability, harassing me, and threatening eviction at every turn

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:05 PM PST

    So, I (21, in Virginia) made a post to r/Landlord back a few days ago, explaining my situation. Basically, I'm (professionally diagnosed) severely autistic and have severe ADHD. Keeping things super clean is very hard for me (as I get distracted easily, forget, and can't be around chemicals for more than a few minutes), but I try to keep my apartment clean enough. I originally moved in to this apt. with my mother in May 2020, but she ended up moving out shortly thereafter and I stayed here. My landlord has refused to sign the lease over to me, even though my mother told her she'd be moving. On top of that, she has sent me letters in the past over minor infractions (having plants in the window sill, having the wrong color blinds, etc...) and has threatened to evict me for not "following the rules." The final straw was this past Monday, when she text me several times, claiming my apartment was the "dirtiest she's seen in 25 years" and once again saying that she's giving me a chance, but I have to clean or get out. She is quite aware of my disabilities, and after reminding her again and explaining, she said that it wasn't disability, but that I'm just "being lazy." All these texts and pictures of the apartment after she text me can be found in the Imgur link below.

    I've reported her to the ADA, but I would like to pursue a case so she doesn't do this any more. My question is this: what form of practice would this fall under? Disability discrimination, housing discrimination, or tenant-landlord?

    Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/TGKTMNt

    submitted by /u/Gore-giaOKeefe
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    Company I was an independent contractor for decided not to pay me

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:00 PM PST

    I was doing GIS work as an independent contractor for a startup. I billed them a 40-hour week. I got an email from the supervisor stating that they wouldn't be able to pay me for those hours because I didn't submit enough maps. There was no production quota whatsoever in my contract. I feel that they've said this only because they're halting data collection to focus more on biz dev (this was stated to me). What can I do to get paid? I'm in WA state if that helps.

    submitted by /u/rutherfordthelion
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    "we don't accept bankruptcy filings"

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:12 PM PST

    I filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy mid 2018 and included several utility companies, credit card accounts, medical debt, my old mortgage, and a delinquent phone bill at the time (at least 12 accounts I believe). All of them have disappeared and have been discharged completely except one utility company who still emails me for payment and xfinity mobile.

    Xfinity mobile still routinely emails me asking for payment even though I've contacted them multiple times asking them to close the account and telling them I have filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy and they were included. My most recent conversation with their chat literally boiled down to the rep telling me verbatim:

    "But I'm afraid with Xfinity Mobile we don't accept bankruptcy filings."

    I contacted my lawyers office today who assured me that they will send the utility company and xfinity mobile a cease and desist letter immediately and if either company contacts me for payment again that we can sue.

    Is this the end of my nightmare or are there cell phone companies that are immune to bankruptcy?

    Edit: I'm located in metro Atlanta, GA US

    submitted by /u/Aeroangel
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    Am I entitled to half of the property I lived in with my husband after he separated with me and transferred ownership to my son?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:44 PM PST

    I don't want to go into too many details so I'll only mention the important facts.

    I am in California. Please excuse my English, it is not my first or second language.

    • I married my Husband back in the early 2000s and lived in his already purchased house throughout the marriage.

    • In 2018, my son started accusing me of poisoning my husband. My son convinced my husband to file a restraining order against me.

    • He legally separated with me (not divorced) soon after and I got kicked out.

    I'm wondering if I am entitled to the property I lived in throughout our marriage and if I have any ground to sue my husband for half the ownership of the property.

    (Divorce still needs to be finalized).

    submitted by /u/AngelinaWearsPrada
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    Copyright on logos

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:49 PM PST

    So me and my wife own a company and over the last year we comissioned artwork from a friend that's an artist, we didnt think about the legal conflicts until recently when we were actually are making money so, is it possible to create a contract that defines the artists work as "work for hire" even though they did it a year or so ago.

    To add we did pay them for this artwork.

    submitted by /u/BulletTrainguy17
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    My boyfriend's ex has posted pictures from my onlyfans account onto her Facebook and snapchat, and I would like to know if I can pursue anything!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:37 PM PST

    EDIT: Thank you to those who replied! I sincerely appreciate it. I was really hoping there was something I could do. It's not her first time threatening or harassing us. I'm already seeing it's exactly as I feared, that there's not much I can do. It is what it is, no matter how unfortunate. Everybody have a good night! :)

    I'll try to keep this nice and short! I have an onlyfans account with my boyfriend and after posting our first selfie together today on facebook, she went and found it. I'm guessing because he has a very niche kink and she used it to track me down.

    She has posted screen grabs and pictures of me in my bra and panties, as well as in compromising positions, on her snapchat and Facebook. She called out my boyfriend's place of work in one of the posts as well.

    I know this violates OnlyFans policies and at the very least I'll be contacting them to get her own account shut down. I'm just wondering if we have a case for defamation, or invasion of privacy, or revenge porn? We are located in Tuscola county in Michigan for what that's worth.

    I appreciate your time! I know this is a tale as old as time and is probably boring at this point. Thank you all very much, and I'll answer any questions anyone has.

    submitted by /u/Imaginary_Tonight214
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    My job forgot to pay me for 3 weeks...

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 12:15 PM PST

    A little background first: I'm an "essential worker" who had to take off time because I got COVID. After the required quarantine time and my symptoms had passed I came back to work on Dec 28th. Now naturally I wasn't expecting to get paid that friday on the 1st, because of the delay period. But when the 8th came around and I still hadn't been paid I started to get a little worried. Normally we get paid weekly, and it's offput by 1 week. But I second guessed myself thinking I had made a mistake on how long the delay was between pay periods, and didn't say anything. Now when the 15th came around and now it's been 3 paydays, 30 hours a week, without pay; I started to freak out a little inside.

    So I talked to my boss, who said it was out of his hands. So I talked to his boss, who said I had to email the payroll team. So I emailed the payroll team, who left me on read until 5:30 when they closed that day and then they took a long weekend over MLK day. I immediately emailed them again on Tuesday when they opened. No response. I asked my boss's boss what he could do. He emailed them and CCed me. No response. But he said that they told him that they were "working on it." I have reached out to them once everyday this week and have not heard anything since. And now my boss's boss isn't answering my messages.

    Tommorrow the 22nd is the next payday, and I have no idea if I'll get this paycheck let alone all the other weeks. I'm not in a financially stable enough position that I can go a month without any pay and keep my apartment. Is there something I can say legally to scare them into responding and resolving the issue ASAP?

    I might have to quit and just find a new job, that will actually pay me when I work. Is there a legal case I could bring against them after I quit to make sure I get all the money they owe me? And if I get evicted from my apartment inbetween because they refused to pay me, would I have grounds to sue?

    Anyway, it's been a stressful 2021 so far. thanks guys for all your help!

    Edit: location is Southern California.

    submitted by /u/mfletcher1006
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    Background check?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:50 PM PST

    Hello everyone, bare with me as this is long and I'm not sure if this is even the right forum.
    Very long story short, my MIL is just evil for various reasons. However, my final straw was finding out she wrote bad checks in my husbands name when he was younger (always less than $500 as to not be a felony) as well as opening accounts in his name. This has SEVERELY impacted his credit, and I just feel as if there is no way she does not have some type of criminal background? I am wondering if my husband has any legal action he can take, as that seems like the only way to get it resolved. Also, I have googled her name but cannot come up with any information other than that she declared bankruptcy back in like 2002 which we knew. Please help. We want to buy a home and can't until all of this is resolved. I don't even know how to process this.

    Edit to add since I forgot: we are all from Tennessee. My husband and I currently live in North Carolina. His mom still lives in Tennessee where all of this originally happened.

    submitted by /u/glendathrowaway
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    My Mother has Secretly Driven my Grandmother Into 60k in Debt Over the Past Ten Years

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 04:51 AM PST

    I live in Lubbock, TX, while my grandmother lives in Graham, TX

    My grandfather recently passed away, and as the extended family has been going through his financial documents, they've discovered that my grandfather had been secretly taking out loans and lines of credit in order to basically fully support my mom. The total of the debt is just over 60k. It passed to my Grandmother, who now has to sell her house in order to take care of the debt. No one knew any of this was going on.

    My mom hasn't had a job in over 10 years, and has been relying on essentially anyone she can in order to maintain her existence, whether it be through legally opaque obligations that my stepfather has to her (he was removed from the house on molestation charges), or through my sister and I helping to pay bills while we lived in her apartment. She spent what we thought she got from our stepfather so irresponsibly that rent and general utilities were always late, and she always refused to allow us to see bills or dig into her financial habits (I now understand why). To find out that so much of her existence has been fueled by driving my grandparents into the ground, on top of needlessly sucking funds from my sister and I under false pretenses has been a jarring nightmare to say the least.

    I found out about this yesterday from my aunt, and we discussed what to do at length. Since all of the accounts were in my Grandfather's name, and he willingly gave what he did to her, I wouldn't really think that there's a lot we can do legally. My question to you guys is if there's any kind of grounds for pursuing legal consequences. My mom has taken a lot more than money from everyone around her, and if there's any information I can provide to my grandmother about legal action, I will gladly take it.

    submitted by /u/EuclideanPsychosis
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    Anonymous CPS calls by wife's ex husband

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 04:23 AM PST

    My wife's ex husband keeps calling CPS and remaining anonymous, although my wife and I know it's him. At what point does CPS realize this is just getting ridiculous? They've already came out and seen that nothing is wrong. At some point it can be labeled as harassment.. they say they can bring in the higher ups and hold a family meeting, but how can it be proved that it's him calling? I'm in Texas, by the way.

    submitted by /u/sillygoosifer
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    My father wants to sell his house, but needs me to sign a document written up by his attorney

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 12:34 PM PST

    In the US, state of TN. My brother and I are listed as beneficiaries, and apparently my dad needs both of our signatures before he can sell it. I didn't know this when my dad called me though. When my dad called, he told me to come over immediately and sign the document without even telling me what was in it. He made it sound like there was no time to sign it.

    When I called back and told him I wanted a lawyer to look it over, he got defensive and said that this wasn't going to hurt me in any way. It took texting my brother to find out that this was about selling the house.

    My dad is in his 70's and in declining health. He's having dizzy spells, had a mini stroke a month ago, and he just got out of the hospital after three days for an issue with blood in his urine.

    Because of this, my dad has to get out of his house because it's not on one level. The stairs are steep, and it's really unsafe for him at this stage of his life. He wants to move into a one-level home. He's been living with his assistant and her family. She's helped him a lot over the last five years and he has nothing but praise for her, but I feel like she's trying to get into his will.

    He has no steady income anymore, but he worked as a doctor up until last year when he was unable to practice.

    So this ties into the conversation I had with my brother. He said that neither of us had built what my dad has over the past 40 years, so we don't own anything that he has. He said that signing this document will have no effect on us, and it's the right thing to do. But my brother is a millionaire and I'm broke (which is why I resent him and hate myself, but that's another conversation). My brother has nothing to lose. Now I feel pressured by both my dad and my brother.

    Does my father really need my signature? Should I be concerned that this is a way to give his assistant my portion of his will? What should I do?

    submitted by /u/thishastobebullshit
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    Roommate hasn’t paid utilities since April and still charged me $75 every month

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 11:58 AM PST

    Portland, OR

    I just found out by calling PGE that my roommate hasn't paid utilities since April 2020 with a balance nearing $1,000, however she's told me every month that my portion is $75 (which I found out that also wasn't true) and still took my money. Can I take her to small claims court over this? My name isn't attached to the account with PGE.

    submitted by /u/0llyollyoxenfree
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    Grandparents rights Alberta

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 04:00 PM PST

    So my baby daddy and I split, it was messy and involves criminal matters. He's currently not seeing our child (no contact) . His mother has been very demanding about seeing my child, she was/is supporting my baby daddy through all of his bad choices (enabling). I cited covid as a reason a bunch of visits shouldn't happen right now but restrictions may be lifted soon. I don't want to hangout with my baby daddy's mother but I also don't trust that if left alone with my child she wouldn't try to bring my baby daddy around. What exactly do grandparents have a right to? Are video chats enough for access? If people go to go court for grandparent rights how much do they end up seeing the child after? Note my child did not see her a lot before the split she's honestly way more interested in her grandchild post break up than she was before. *Grandma is also a "functioning" alcohol"

    submitted by /u/No-Plant9119
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    Evicted in LA during quarantine while in hospital, but there was a 5150 involved

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:44 PM PST

    I'm going to start off by saying that I do NOT look good in all of this and I've improved a lot, but I still feel this went way too far.

    I lived in a hippy house with a very free love situation. My roommates girlfriend (who was not on the lease and had a house of her own) hadn't really clicked and she started moving many of her things into the house. A few months pass and they tell me they're kicking me out with less than thirty days because "that's when the lease ends". I was devastated, they started bringing up a lot of complaints they had about me that they had not addressed. I felt like I was completely doomed. I didn't have a place to go and my searching seemed completely in vain, no one was moving out because of the stay at home order. The roommate with a girlfriend left for vacation that day and expected me to be gone when they get back.

    Then I had realized some pretty horrible things. It seems like the girlfriend had told her boyfriend that she was scared of me and some of the ways that I had touched her (free love situation with communication beforehand) had been non-consensual much after the fact. Also, I found out (by careful process of elimination) that she spread a story that I had sexually assaulted a girl who was under the influence that had come to our house. Both myself AND the girl in question were flabbergasted and extremely hurt that such a story had been started.

    The clock was running out on the end of the month and my anxiety was through the roof, I was breaking from the stress. I had been diagnosed with pretty severe PTSD years before and I was still in treatment, but it started bubbling up again quite severely.

    Then I started to realize some things. Our 4th roommate on the lease had been away at work for quite awhile, but I was the only person who was ever nice to him and I knew he would vote for me staying. The girlfriend was not on the lease and arbitrarily convinced the boyfriend and the second roommate that she now had a vote, but on the contract only those on the lease had a vote. After contacting the roommate about the situation I had one other vote secured. That brought the votes 2 to 2, they had not given me 30 days (even with a lease ending I'm supposed to be given 30 days, right?) and we had a stay at home order. I had called the housing authority and they told me there were no evictions being processed for any reason. I brought this to the other roommate who was still at home and things started to get tense. Eventually we had a house meeting and I was so distraught I broke down and borderline yelled at them to stay the fuck away from me and that I knew my rights (I REALLY should have kept my cool, but my anxiety of being homeless and PTSD symptoms got the better of me). I told them I will have legal representation. I was definitely pissed with this speech and definitely did not do anything to calm down the situation.

    I got rid of everything illicit in my room (hippie stuff). Then something happened about 2 nights after the house meeting. According to what happened that night, I was making strange noises and sleepwalking around the house and partially damaged a table (I had no bruises on my body, I'm guessing I had just sat on it). I'm thinking the PTSD probably had to do with the sleepwalking as well. Apparently when the cops came to the door I was just walking into my room to lay in bed.

    When they came through my door and started waking me up I immediately came to into a major panic attack. I remember it all, but I was still delirious. I wasn't able to answer their questions and didn't really know what was happening. They dragged me onto my front lawn and put handcuffs on me, but I was struggling (not violently, but I wasn't aware of what was happening and frightened out of my mind). I saw that the other roommate was filming me while this happened. I got 5150'd (danger to self and others) and put in the mental hospital. When I got out my father picked me up and told me all my stuff had been moved out and he was called and told to pick it up (kind of wish he had filed an incident report, but he didn't fully understand what was going on and he's a great dad for trying to help me). He handed me my mail which included a 3-day notice to quit from the property owner for a "significant nuisance to other roommates and damage to property" and a restraining order from the roommate that was present at the time. I was still in the hospital when the restraining order case popped up. I still haven't been able to get my stuff that had not been thrown out (over $2000 of equipment) because fear of what the repercussions of the restraining order and the roommate on my side has moved out. I've learned recently that they accused me of being on methamphetamine and other substances, all of which my toxicology report turned up negative. Not even weed was in my system.

    I've been wrecked with trauma from the experience and making tiny steps to get better. I've finally been able to write this all out. That was my dream home and I have been couch surfing for months with friends, unable to care for myself until about $4000 in a Ketamine clinic to help my treatment resistant depression, anxiety and worsened PTSD. I've called the housing right center, but my voicemails are never returned. I guess my questions are:

    is there a case here?

    Is there any way to get my dream home back (probably not)?

    Is it too late for me to file a case? (it's been almost 6 months)

    submitted by /u/JustThrowMeAwayLegal
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    I was billed for a month of service by my ISP after I had the service shut off due to moving. I disputed the bill 3 times, it's now been sent to collections. (PA)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:37 AM PST

    On August 28th, I contacted my internet service provider to, initially, transfer my service to a new address in a new town. I was given a confirmation number, service was turned on at my new address, all was well.

    Approximately 2 weeks later, my internet wasn't working so I called them. They said there was no active service at my address because, for whatever reason, my transfer slipped thru the cracks and was never completed. The rep resubmitted the transfer and restored my service. Another two weeks later, the same thing happened. I called and was told for whatever reason they had to start me as a new customer because my transfer kept getting rejected.

    In October I received 2 bills from my ISP - one for my new address, one for my old address - both for the month of Sept (I contacted them on Aug 28 to shut off the old service but was billed for the following month). The bill itself says "Service for Sept 2 thru Oct 1" and was forwarded by the post office from my old address to my new address.

    I called to dispute the bill. The rep put in the dispute and gave me a ticket number. A few weeks later I received another bill, also forwarded to my new address, because my dispute was denied. I again called, explained what was going on, gave my ticket number from transferring the service and the ticket number from my previous dispute, and again disputed the bill. Few weeks later, same thing again.

    The bill has now been sent to collections. I have a non-renewal of my lease paper, paperwork from the post office and DMV showing I no longer lived at that address, a confirmation of service transfer, and multiple ticket numbers from the calls and disputes. But they are insisting I owe it and need to pay it.

    What do I do to clear this up?

    submitted by /u/worthlesscommotion
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    I received a sizable inheritance and want to help others around me.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:25 PM PST

    US AK- I received a sizable inheritance about 14 months ago, I left it alone until I was able to process everything and fully understand the gravity and responsibility of the situation. I've also told nobody about it, and I don't think I want to. However, I do want to help some friends and family around me that have genuinely been good to me, without bad actors coming into play so to speak. Is there a legal Sal Goodman-esque way of making a random payment that takes care of someones debt for example?

    submitted by /u/NoSoulsINC
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    eBay seller harassing and threatening me

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:04 PM PST

    (typo in the title.....this was a PayPal only transaction, no eBay)

    Hi all,

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    About two weeks ago, I (located in CO) contacted a seller (located in CA) online with interest in buying an autographed collectible from them. This item is very unique and would be difficult to find another.

    We agreed on a price just over $3,000. They sent me a detailed "goods and services" invoice on PayPal and I paid it immediately using my credit card. Because it was a large amount, PayPal put a hold on the funds until the item showed it had been delivered.

    The same day, the seller shipped the item to me via UPS and uploaded tracking info to PayPal. They emailed me and asked me if I would prematurely click "Item Received" on Paypal so the funds would release. I'm not an idiot, so I said no; I would click it only once I received the package.

    Two days later I checked the tracking information to see that the seller had requested a "Return to Sender" with UPS. The package was already in my local distribution center. I immediately called the seller who said that they requested it back because I "hadn't paid them". I tried to explain that I had paid them and that PayPal was holding the money until it was delivered. They could not be reasoned with.

    I called PayPal immediately to try and resolve the issue. They said I needed to ask the seller to refund my payment. I did as they suggested and shorty after received a refund email from the seller. I logged into my account and bank, but the funds did not come back into my account or onto my credit card.

    Concerned that the email was fake and I was getting scammed, I frantically drove to the UPS distribution center. They had the package but would not give it to me because of the requested return to sender. I called the 1-800 UPS line and asked the rep to change the delivery address back to me, to which they obliged. After the tracking updated to reflect the cancelled RTS, the distribution center informed me that the package would be delivered to me the following morning.

    That evening I got a notification from PayPal that the refund went through. The email had been legitimate. I took delivery of the package the following morning and immediately reached out to the seller to ask them if they wanted me to return the item or to send the money again. They asked me to send the money again, which I promptly did. I explained the whole situation in the transaction details and said that I had already received the item and asked PayPal to release the funds immediately.

    PayPal put another hold on the funds. I called them multiple times requesting them to release the funds to the seller. I was informed that I had done everything I needed to do to pay and confirm receipt and that PayPal was holding the funds due to an issue with the seller's account (they could not give specifics). My credit card has been charged and PayPal is waiting for the seller to claim their funds.

    On three different occasions (at my request), PayPal reached out to the seller (via email and phone) to help them resolve the issues with their account. I don't know what has happened in those conversations, but the issue has not been solved. I have gone through a ton of effort in trying to get PayPal to help the seller out because 1) I already have the item and feel bad that the seller doesn't yet have their money and 2) from the moment I sent payment, the seller had begun harassing and threatening me.

    They do not believe PayPal has the funds despite my explaining and PayPal calling them. They think I am scamming them and nothing will convince them otherwise. They are clearly not doing what they need to do to resolve their issue with PayPal, rather spending their time calling/texting/emailing me with threats. They have even gone so far as to suggest that the people calling them are not actually from PayPal but rather my friends disguising as PayPal agents to help with the scam.

    They have filed a police report with their local sheriffs department saying I have robbed them (they sent a photo of the report). They also claim to have reported me for theft and fraud to UPS, reported me to eBay and PayPal, and have called my local police department. They are making threats about UPS investigating me for "grand theft" and "fraud" for "having the item re-delivered without paying".

    This has all got me quite flustered. I didn't steal from anyone. I have receipts showing that I have done everything I can on PayPal to help them get paid. I feel like I may have overstepped my bounds by having UPS re-deliver the package (against the sender's original request), but I was under the impression that I was being scammed for $3k+ at the time. I'm concerned this could get me in trouble.

    At the moment, I have not responded to any of these threats or been contacted by anyone other than the seller.

    Can anyone please provide some guidance as to what they think the best next step should be? Have I done anything wrong that I should be concerned about? Do you think the seller is actually following through with their threats? If they are, is it anything to be concerned about? Should I just sit tight and wait to see if anything comes of it?

    To be perfectly honest, I do not want to return the item. First and foremost, it is rare and I am unsure if I would ever find another. Second, I am concerned that if I return it (even under a PayPal dispute) the seller could still make wild claims of fraud / me sending a different item / etc. and PayPal would side with them and not refund my money. I find comfort right now in the fact that I have the item; if I shipped it back, I would not have the item or my money and would be concerned that something else could go wrong.

    Thank you very much for any help you can provide.

    submitted by /u/sisslisw
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    Business partner and I want to dissolve partnership with everything in my name

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:58 PM PST

    My business partner and I opened our business last year. We are 50/50 owners of the business. We have already had several disagreements, including sexually harassing one of our female contractors, that have led to me wanting to end the partnership. I feel uncomfortable continuing the business with him, and both have agreed to dissolve the partnership and part ways. I want to open my own business as a sole proprietor that will be in the same industry as the one we had together, while my partner wants to continue to run the old business under a different sole proprietorship. The issue is that everything is currently in my name (lease and utilities) and I am unable to find a place to rent in the area I'm looking in.

    Once the partnership is dissolved, could I face any legal repercussions if I had my partner leave and take his business to a new location, while I kept the old location for my new business? I plan to freely give my partner the brand name, and anything associated with it, along with everything that he bought for our business out of his own pocket (which isn't very much). I also would give him time to find a place to rent and get set up, so that I'm not throwing him out all at once. I'm very nonconfrontational, and want to make sure I have everything I need before I follow through with anything. I am also located in Kentucky.

    submitted by /u/atarinerd80
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    Minor car accident - summons after 20 months

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 04:12 PM PST

    I was involved in a car accident in March 2019.

    Location: Chicago, IL

    My car hit another car at red light from behind at a very slow speed. No marks of damage were visible. Airbags were not deployed. However the driver of other car called cops and told them his neck hurt. He also added that he did not need any ambulance. After the formalities were over, he drove the car himself from the accident spot. Informally the cop told me "his injury should be fine with a pain-killer". Almost 20 months after the accident I got a summons for $50,000 (plus plantiff costs) for "injury requiring medical treatment, resulting in him experiencing pain, suffering and mental anguish both now and in future; resulting in him becoming both temporarily and permanently disabled and disfigured; resulting in property damage to vehicle and out of pocket expense" The claim amount mentioned in the summons is more that what my insurance covers. What options do I have?

    submitted by /u/youneverknow113322
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