• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 20, 2021

    Legal Advice - New Neighbor is Really Crazy | Bragging About Recording My Son Naked.

    Legal Advice - New Neighbor is Really Crazy | Bragging About Recording My Son Naked.

    New Neighbor is Really Crazy | Bragging About Recording My Son Naked.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:02 AM PST


    Hi there,

    ​ Our neighbor, rent out the extra bedrooms in his house to tenants. A new on has recently moved in and he has been parking blocking the entrance to our home.

    My son (22) approached him tonight to ask if he could move the car. Out of nowhere, this guy begins screaming in my son's face (the neighbor was wearing a chin diaper mask, my son wearing his). My son keeps backing up, this guy keeps approaching him.

    They're chirping back and forth, then the guy says "I took a video of your penis and you peeing off your balcony!" (backstory here is that our home has been out of water for a few days, no toilets. and apparently my son went to our balcony, in our backyard to pee. he also says he hid behind a wall was discreet) anyways, this guy keeps bragging about how he has a video of my son's penis and is going to call the police and report him for public indecency.


    Is there any recourse or action we can take?

    Does the man's claim have any merit, is what my son did public indecency? (if so, that's one thing but I am sick to my stomach that this guy would take a video and brag about it during an argument!) ​

    submitted by /u/desizexro
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    Please help: My 17yo sibling may have her rights stripped

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:01 AM PST

    Ok, so I'll do my best to make a very long story short. My sibling is 17 and will be 18 in May, and my biological parents are going to attempt to have her rights stripped. She was born prematurely and had numerous health complications when she was young, but has since outgrown nearly all of them, shy of possibly being slightly behind cognitively, but nothing serious. My parents have a long history of being the controlling type, and we suspect my mother has Munchausen By Proxy We are all located in Texas if that's of any use My wife, myself, my older sibling, and her SO (all well over 21,) are losing our collective shit over this and need some direction. I don't think we could afford a lawyer even if we all pitched in. How does this process work? How can we fight this?

    submitted by /u/HarcroftTheBrave
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    My widowed elderly father just learned that my mom didn’t pay taxes for several years and now owes the IRS 70k

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 04:41 PM PST

    In USA

    My mom was an alcoholic with bipolar disorder. My dad is 81 and has Parkinson's, so she was in charge of all finances. He currently is in an assisted living facility with a very, very limited income (just enough for room and board). No one in our family is remotely able to pay this. He didn't know about the unpaid taxes until after her sudden death.

    The letter he got is threatening to "seize (levy) property or rights to property." It does not say when that would happen. Extremely high confidence that this isn't some kind of scam.

    Is there anything to do here? I don't even know where to start if we fight this, what kind of lawyer to look at etc. Will update this with additional info when I get it.

    submitted by /u/420buttbabies69
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    Lady ran stop sign and hit me. She begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. What should I have done?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:19 AM PST

    Happened last night. I have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. The accident wasnt TOO bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car.

    She was a young women with a young child in the back seat. She was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. She begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. She said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record.

    I felt kind of bad so I didnt call the police. I did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. I will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop.

    Did I make a mistake? What should I do if she ghosts me? Am I screwed if she ghosts me?

    submitted by /u/PMMESHRIMP
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    Restaurant made an unauthorized debt card charge the next day after a dispute over pricing.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 08:37 AM PST

    A friend went to a restaurant/bar and opened a bottle of alcohol that the bartender briefly sat on her table. My friend was confused and assumed someone had ordered it for them. The bartender came back to the bottle she accidentally left and said that they now had to pay $300 for opening it due to covid policies. My friend refused and the restaurant called the police. The dispute was settled at the restaurant after my friend paid $100 and the owner said he was satisfied. But the next day, the restaurant charged my friends debt card for $200 with the card had used to pay their original bill the night before.

    Is it legal to do this? Are there any legal actions that we could take next?

    submitted by /u/butterypopcorn12
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    A phone repair company went through my phone without permission and left themselves a 5 star rating and review on google. They did this twice (first repair was defective and I dropped off my phone again a second time). I feel as though they violated my privacy. What can I do in this situation?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:51 PM PST

    I am in NJ, USA. I dropped my phone off at a phone repair kiosk in the mall after I shattered the screen. They asked for my passcode ("to make sure the screen works when they turn it back on or something like that) and they said to come back and pick it up in 20 minutes. I returned in 30 minutes and picked up my phone. Three weeks later I dropped it off again because there was an issue- he said they'd replace it for free and to come back in 20 minutes.

    Today I got an email that someone replied to my review on google, which was surprising because I have only ever written one google review in my life and it was almost 5 years ago. I checked my email to see that I apparently left a 5 star review that commented on their "cool" phone cases. I did not write this, nor would I ever. I didn't even look at cases while I was there! I logged into my google account to see that there was another 5 star rating (no review) for them from 3 weeks earlier (when I dropped my phone off the first time). I would have never known had the company not responded "thanks!" to my review...

    I am furious and don't know what to do. Who knows what else they gained access to?! What an invasion of privacy.

    They are not a BBB accredited business. What can I do in this situation? It's not that I want to sue them, but are there any repercussions?


    submitted by /u/srn426
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    Landlord is selling the place, including the kitchen appliances, while my contract is ongoing

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:59 PM PST

    My current situation is that I'm renting one room out of three in a condo in CA, US. The landlord lives in one of them. I've never been late to a payment for 2.5 years. My contract doesn't end until the end of next month. (February 28) I was out of town and a drove back on January 17, only to find out that the place was under renovation. The landlord (or I guess her mom in this case) was surprised to see me there, as they thought I'd get back later towards the end of January.

    Anyways, I'm just shocked at this point because they've already signed with a real estate agent and they're preparing to model the other rooms to prepare to show to potential buyers. (Again, leaving my room untouched) They said I can continue to stay in this room until my lease is up. They will pay me back for any of the days in February should I choose to end the contract early. Now, I can deal with this, but the problem is now this:

    The landlord is also selling off all the condo appliances. So laundry machine, stove, and probably fridge as well. The stove went out today. And this is infuriating because I didn't find out until today and I went out and bought groceries yesterday. Now for the rest of the time I'm here, I have to worry about whether I'm going to lose the rest of these appliances that I need to live a normal life.

    Is this legal? I looked at my contract and it doesn't explicitly say I'm allowed to use the kitchen. But it does say that I'm obligated to keep it clean.

    submitted by /u/juyqe
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    I work I.T and they taught me to use Pirated MS Office for our call centre.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:58 AM PST

    I work in the I.T department and since I started they put me in charge of setting up the call centre computers. When they taught me how to set up the computers they told me to use a pirated version of MS Office, (they have been using this pirated software for years before I joined)

    I want to report them as they have over 40+ computers using pirated MS office, I would like to know if I can face any legal suits for reporting them?

    Can I get sued for doing as they taught?

    I live in Ontario, CA.


    submitted by /u/VideoCreepy7852
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    I owe my company money and I want to quit.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:32 PM PST

    I work for a company in Charlotte, NC. I was furloughed for several months and during that time my company continued to pay my insurance premium. When we got back they told us they were going to deduct 50% more than our usual cost of our premium to cover the cost of what they paid while we were gone. I've talked to my coworkers about this and none of us remember signing anything agreeing to any of it. Fast forward to now and I have serious concerns about covid safety there, and that with a long list of everything else has made me want to leave. What happens when I do that? Can they come after me? Thanks in advance for your responses.

    submitted by /u/igetsothrownaway
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    Texas - Landlord adding middle man delivery service by force

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:09 PM PST

    My apartment complex has decided to remove the package lockers in our apartment and implement a package delivery service for 15 dollars a month tacked on to our rent via a partnership with another company. This basically constitutes as a charge to get my own packages delivered to me.

    The good news is I've only got 3 months left on my lease which we are definitely not renewing.

    Is there a legal ground for not paying the 15 dollars for a service I won't be using and isn't on my lease?

    Should I contact a lawyer and would it be worth to do so over what would probably end up being 45 to 60 bucks?

    submitted by /u/zelcor
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    Found out I was paying for the complexes laundry and outdoor appliances. Wasn't told this nor was it in the lease.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 08:58 PM PST

    So I have been living in the complex for 6 months and have been having a high electric bill. I'm pretty stingy when it comes to power so I have everything turned off when at all possible. My wife and I went to Montana for two weeks in December and unplugged everything and when we got our bill, it was for $245, even with everything turned off.

    We called the power company and found out that our breaker is connected to the complexes laundry on all three floors (washer/dryers), the heater on the third floor which is always on so the pipes don't freeze, the outdoor plugs and the outdoor lights. We were never told that these would be included on our lease. When we were first looking into the apartment, we were told that the rent was cheaper because the power is a little higher but the text said we would be paying "$60-$90 total".

    I told my landlord all this and he said the most he's willing to do is give us $150 credit towards February rent and to move apartments on another floor with the lease ending when I want. He said he's already doing us a big favor by having our rent low and doesn't know what more we want.

    The weird thing is, the power company said they haven't been updated on the complex since 2016 because they still use analog readers. The landlord also said the average cost for power in this complex is around $145 which doesn't sound like it makes sense.

    What avenues can I take? At this point, I don't want to live here cause the manager lied for so long that I'm thinking of just taking the apartment on the other floor until about April and leaving. Is there something else I can or should do? I recorded the call with the landlord cause in Idaho there's one party consent laws.

    submitted by /u/Yesterdays_underwear
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    MD divorced and the ex refuses to move out.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:18 AM PST

    Hi. I have a bit of a dilemma. I live in Maryland. My divorce was final in February 2020. My ex got 5 years worth of alimony beginning when she moves out. She so far has refused to move, basically trying to extend her alimony. She doesn't work and has made no effort to find a job. She's using Covid as an excuse now but I filed in early 2018 and she asked for a divorce in mid 2017. That should be plenty of time to find work. I kept the house and paid her half the equity. We have a teenage daughter whom the ex has primary custody of.

    She is living in the master bedroom while I have one of the guest rooms with just enough room for a bed because the room is stacked with her junk. She's a hoarder (not to the point of health code violations but just stacks of clothes and accessories everywhere). How do I get her to move out? How do I get her to remove all of her stuff in a reasonable amount of time? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/neverinamillionyr
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    My younger siblings (6F/7M) have to stay with me or they might be put in Foster Care. My roommate doesn't care and refuses to understand the emergency of the situation.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 08:26 PM PST

    I am sorry if this is long but it's such a mess.

    I am student and working part time 24F). My mom (48F) had the Social Services on her back for my younger half-siblings (6F and 7M). I received a call today from my mom that SS were there and that they wanted to bring the kids to my place for the night since there was a report at school over something my brother said.

    I completely panicked and started shaking because this is not the first report with SS. There was one a couple of months ago, where my brother once again said at school that my mom pulled his ear, which my mom said it was an accident.

    The big problem is that because this is the second report, there are high chances that the kids will now go to foster families. Social Services have been pretty clear on the first report, that due to a history of domestic violence to which the kids were exposed, and the first report, a second report would be extremely bad news. Needless to say that my entire family is completely shattered. My poor mom is completely destroyed, and I'm scared she might do something life-threatening because she's in so much pain.

    As the only legal adult that they know that can take them in, they called me to ask me if I could take them for tonight, and I am supposed to bring them to Social Services tomorrow for interrogation over the report. My mom will also be subject to interrogation, and she has been extremely uncooperative for as long as SS have been involved.

    I don't want to be negative, but given the history, there are chances that they will either stay with me from now on, or its 2 separate foster families. I am not ready for this at all. I am completely petrified just thinking about the weight of responsibility that now lies on my shoulders, but if it is what must be done, I will do it. I love them, they are my siblings, and I will always be there for them no matter what.

    The problem is this: I have been living with a roommate (35F) for 3 months that is generally very hard to live with, will comment on every single thing, and although we were getting along at the beginning, it has become so bad that we have judged it's best to not talk to eachother unless it's related to the house. I cannot kick her out (I've tried to inform myself but it's impossible) unless she doesn't pay rent for example, which she has done so far. I am subleasing the apt, and she is subleasing a room from me. I could be made tenant if I wanted as I know the current tenants and they will not come back. Our agreement is until June 30th. She's extremely afraid of COVID, and has even made remarks when my brother comes over to sleep every week that "kids shouldn't be allowed in the house". We have an agreement that states that only 1 sleepover per week is permitted.

    You can imagine her reaction when suddenly the police comes to my place with 2 kids. The SS explained to her that they HAD to stay with me, but she said that wasn't her problem, that she has a weak immune system and kids touch things and go to school, and that they are forcing this on her, and that the law states only 1 person is allowed in the house. They said that this is an exceptional situation/emergency, there were no covid cases at their school, and that the police is allowing them to stay with me, but she just kept disagreeing that it wasn't fair and started yelling at them that if she gets covid, they will be held responsible. They told her that she didn't have a choice and they left.

    She called me out of my room to make it clear that what these kids are going through/my situation is NOT her problem, and that I should just go to a hotel, since she has 9 classes (she's also a student) and blatantly refuses to live with 2 kids. She just "doesn't care" (her own words) and they "better be out tomorrow morning".

    This just adds a ton of extra stress on my shoulders and I am so discouraged I just want to cry. She just refuses to comprehend. I will be calling our Rental Board/lawyer to see if my situation would allow me to give her a notice to leave within set amount of time but I'm afraid she would sue me. Can I legally give her a notice due to this situation? What if she refuses ?! I don't know what to do, but I can't let them go to foster families. It is too early to tell what will happen (will know tomorrow) but I am under so much stress and anxiety right now. Please help, I don't know what to do, and I don't know how I'll handle. I have to come up with so much courage and lead by example for these kids.

    TL;DR: My roommate doesn't care that my siblings might have to go to Foster Care if I don't take them to live with me. Can I kick her out, can she sue me, what can I do.

    submitted by /u/throwRAaaricia
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    Is a 5 year, 500 mile non-compete agreement too much? Will it hold up in court after 2 years?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:19 PM PST

    Located in Arkansas

    Long story short an old employer had me sign a non compete agreement of 5 years and 500 miles. I felt like that was ridiculous but I loved the job and had no intention of ever leaving so I signed. Pretty much as soon as I signed he started showing his true colors and began taking advantage of me, yelling and cursing at me, screwing me over on deals involving me making a percentage of profit on certain projects, belittling me, I could go on. Eventually I had enough and quit. I am certified for the job. I earned the certification on my own time and with my own money. I have been away from that company for 2 years now and want to pursue this career again on my own. He even had an attorney serve me papers saying he will take it to court if I violate the terms. I had no intention to nor did I put myself in any position to. However I did some work for a few friends for free as a favor every now and then.

    A year or so after signing, he let me go as a full time employee and "allowed" me to work for him as "contract labor". He still required me to be there at a certain time, he determined the pay, and required me to do things using his methods. Put me back on full time another year or so in. And put me back on contract labor for a few months before I left.

    1. Will the contract hold up in court if it came down to it?
    2. Will me being 2 years into the terms make a difference if it went to court?
    3. Is there anything I can do to get out of the contract? Former employer will not release me.
    4. Does the time as contract labor have any effect on this situation?

    Different subject but still related: I formed relationships and have contact information for the majority of my old customers I serviced through that company. I obtained this information with his knowledge and permission. He required me to use my own phone for scheduling and talking to customers and I stored the info in my phone. Would it be wrong/against any rules to contact them as potential customers? Or should I stick to organic marketing (not sure if that's a real term. Just the first word that comes to mind to describe it) and serve those customers if they contact me on their own? Or should I stay away from them altogether?

    I plan to get in touch with an attorney but a friend suggested I try this first to get an idea of what to present to the attorney or if I even need one at all.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/D3v0W3v0
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    Stolen Golden Retriever

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:30 PM PST

    Asking for a family member.

    My brother and his ex-fiancé bought a dog together in 2018 from her cousin. They split the $500 cost to pay for the dog. Fast forward to 2020, brother breaks things off with his fiancé, they agree over text that the dog will stay with him. He has the dog registered under his name on the microchip, pays for all its shots and medical care.

    Last week my brothers ex-fiancé came over to his house and stole the dog. He called the police and they cop let the ex take the dog home with her after she said the dog was a gift from her cousin to her and he didn't have the right to have the dog. My brother has gathered all the records of the medical care and microchip registration of the dog to get it back.

    The issue is the microchip was re-registered on December 10th (a few weeks before the dog was stolen) to the ex-fiancé's name. We believe she and her cousin are going to get a notarized letter stating that the dog was a gift. How else can my brother prove that the dog is his and get it back?

    submitted by /u/radparr
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    The IRS is Saying I Owe 4k in Taxes from Trading Crypto on Robinhood :(

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:53 PM PST

    Back in 2018 I decided to try to buy and sell bitcoin on Robinhood for some extra money and ended up losing about $150 in total. The problem is the IRS sent me a letter claiming that I made 30k more than I claimed in 2018, when actually I never made more than 50 bucks in any of the sells and lost money on about 90 percent of them. In the papers they sent me, they're only showing all of the individual sells without including the buys and are totaling it up to say that is how much I earned. I've written a letter to dispute and am including my screenshots from the Robinhood app of all my buys and sells and a spreadsheet of the money I lost. Before mailing it, I wanted to see if you guys think there's anything else I should do first or if I can do anything else to reduce or, preferably, eliminate the 4k in taxes they're demanding. Thanks!

    Edit: I'm in Texas

    submitted by /u/XxninjaclutchxX
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    Complex maintenance ruined $1,000 worth of stuff. Saying file insurance claim. Please help!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 08:22 AM PST

    So I had a leak in my ceiling and my apartment complex was quick to come and address it. They hired a plumber to do the work on the busted pipe and then the maintenance workers came and repaired the hole in the ceiling. When they repainted the ceiling they got paint everywhere. Nike sweatshirt, north face jacket, free people jeans ($80), my piano stand, Burberry belt ($450), laptop, furniture, pillows, my dogs food and water bowls, etc all ruined. I went to the office immediately and they told me to file a claim for "damages" with my renters insurance and when I questioned damages from what I got "I don't know that's just what I know to be the course of action". Is renters insurance going to accept a claim of worker neglect??? I doubt I'm going to be able to file this under the busted pipe?? Am I even going to be able to get any money back for something like this? I am located in New Orleans, Louisiana.

    submitted by /u/summer10419
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    (California) My veteran uncle passed away, no one in my family wants to claim him - what are my options?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 08:58 PM PST

    Located in Bakersfield, CA

    My uncle passed away tonight, and my family cannot afford burial expenses. He passed away in his home. The coroner left a card with their number with his friend who found him to give to me (next of kin) when they picked his body up to take to the morgue.

    I want to know what my options are before I sign anything or talk to the coroner. The morgue he is at doesn't have a good reputation, and I want to make sure my bases are covered with California law, and my options for financial assistance are clear. He is also a United States Air Force Veteran. He has no children. He has a girlfriend but they aren't married, but they might as well have been.

    Also another question I couldn't figure out myself- I am told that he can only be cremated during this time due to COVID, can somebody confirm or deny that? I'm a bit too flustered to find articles on my own. I researched a bit but wanted to reach out here, as it's one of my favorite subs and I could really use outside perspective.

    Thanks in advance. And sorry if the post seems harsh, I didn't want emotions getting in the way of facts.

    submitted by /u/2manyaccounts4me
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    [WI] I think I accepted a benefit package I wasn't supposed to be offered, will this be a problem down the road?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:16 PM PST

    Hello LA, just wondering if I might have some trouble down the line. I think I may have been erroneously offered a benefit package that I wasn't supposed to have access to, which I accepted without really thinking.

    I accepted a full-time job with a public hospital about six months ago. They offer two benefit packages, A and B, but some positions only have access to Package B. Both are decent, but Package A is better—has an old school pension and everything. I'm somewhat low on the health care totem pole and only expected to get Package B, but it's not actually public knowledge who gets what, as far as I know.

    I was interviewed and hired by a team of people including a recruiter and my actual department manager. When I was talking with the recruiter on the phone and verbally accepted the offer, she started talking about the packages with me and said something like, "Now, this is a little strange, but I think you manager must have pulled some strings, because for some reason it shows you have access to Package A." She put me on hold a bit, ostensibly to verify, then came back and told me that yes I did indeed have access to Package A.

    Perhaps notably, she also said that once you pick a package, you can't switch to another unless you change job roles.

    I took Package A, naturally. My department is pretty understaffed so I figured it was something my manager pulled off as a hiring incentive. I submitted paperwork for it and have been in contact with HR about it (I goofed up something about the dental coverage—they had me correct that but didn't say anything about the overall package), nobody's said a peep about it.

    However, earlier this month, it came up in conversation with my manager that I'd wound up with Package A. She looked completely dumbfounded and said something like, "Really? Most people in your role don't get that one." I wasn't really sure what to say so just said that the recruiter verified I could have it. She dropped it and moved on. But clearly it wasn't my manager who made it happen, it must have just been a weird error.

    There's no public document or anything that I can find which delineates who has access to what exactly, apparently only HR has access to that. It's also been a few weeks and nobody's said anything about it. All the paperwork's long since been signed off on. I know this puts a bit of a target on my back as an unusually expensive employee, but is there any risk of this coming back to bite me legally?

    TL;DR: New job offered me the wrong benefit package by accident and I took it, could this be a problem?

    submitted by /u/packageAthrowAway
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    Can my job force me to exercise? [Contractor]

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 04:44 PM PST

    Contractor for the state of IL. Information Technology. My organization wants to make us all gather in a gymnasium and exercise together, during a pandemic, once a week. The exercise would be similar to PT you'd find in the military, but with old retirees and some out of shape people involved. Some light stretching, and some push-ups, sit ups, etc. The head-honcho has posted a memorandum stating we all were expected to attend.

    My contract clearly says I'm only responsible for duties dealing within my department duties outline, which as you can imagine is just computer stuff. As far as I'm concerned it's not in my contract. Can a memorandum that I haven't signed, or been asked to, append a contract like that?

    I'm certainly not attending, but I might take a write up as another employee (and this is hearsay) has already gotten written up, I've heard. I just want to be prepared mentally for my options to fight, what I believe to be, nonsense.

    submitted by /u/NoNomNomsToday
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    Father is trying to claim ownership of a vehicle purchased with my inheritance funds

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 08:27 PM PST

    A bit of context: the vehicle was purchased in early 2014 using inheritance (around $4,000) I had gotten from my great-grandfather that was kept secret up until we were ready to buy the title. My grandmother let the detail about where the money came from slip and we moved forward with buying the vehicle in my father's name for insurance purposes.

    Fast forward until earlier tonight and he said he would be reclaiming the vehicle because of a bit of a falling out we had. Though the vehicle is currently in his name, we used my money to purchase it. Given these facts, who owns the vehicle?

    submitted by /u/_Draxler_
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    Company pretends to be me, sets up an email account under my name and talks to people as if they are me. What do I do?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:36 AM PST

    I recently graduated with a Computer Science degree back in May. As soon as I graduated, I got hired at a company (that will be nameless for obvious reason). When I agreed to work for them initially, I had to sign a contract with them that basically said I had two weeks to decide if I still wanted to work for them. After that time, if I change my mind, then I have to pay $25,000. They offered training in programming for a few months. In return, they would help me find a job and get assigned to a project. The contract basically said I had to be employed with them for a year after the training. I was supposed to get a certain amount for training (which was in the contract I signed), but it was later reduced to $200 a month without me signing anything else. After a month or so of training, I was told I needed to sign a new contract. I was basically forced into it since I could no longer quit since the 2 weeks from the previous contract had already gone. This new contract now has me on the hook for a percentage of my pay for the job I get (which I now have). I had no idea I would even be working outside the company. They initially made it sound like I would be placed on a project within their organization, not outside it. While they were helping me find a job and setting up interviews, I learned that they had actually set up an email account with which to communicate with potential employers. I found out which email account it was and found the password. When I looked into it, I was shocked to learn that they were actually talking to people as if they were me, signing my name, etc.

    I don't know what to do. I still have access to the email account. They never changed the password to it or closed it. Should I talk to a lawyer? It is so shady. A lot of times, the emails they sent would have grammatical and spelling errors. I can't believe someone would represent me like that to employers. Networking is huge for me, how I was represented as them could come back to haunt me. I talked to my Dad about it and he didn't think they did anything illegal. I feel otherwise. What should I do? I need advice. The company is now blowing up my phone trying to get me to resend them my contract so I can start paying them from my current salary. I wanted to post this here first before I respond to them.

    submitted by /u/nerd-for-life
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