• Breaking News

    Monday, January 4, 2021

    Legal Advice - Landlord solicited, my PARENTS, sexual favors in exchange to erase past due months rent

    Legal Advice - Landlord solicited, my PARENTS, sexual favors in exchange to erase past due months rent

    Landlord solicited, my PARENTS, sexual favors in exchange to erase past due months rent

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:07 PM PST

    Hi, I debated posting this since its embarrassing to write, and even more to share with people online. However I don't know anyone who i can ask for guidance.

    BACKGROUND: I live in NJ with my parents and originally paying rent was manageable and then, just like everyone, we got hit with the pandemic. Thankfully during lockdown, laws were past to stop evictions, we knew we would have to pay past rent and that was no problem. We came to an agreement with the landlord to pay an addition 400 a month, when lockdown ended.

    Fast forward to last Friday we get a monthly bill notice, showing how much we owe and a small message written in permanent marker saying "Eviction 1/15/21" My mom called up the landlord. Saying there must be some mistake, and my mom was hit out of no where with a vile proposal.

    The landlord, a women, told my mom that we owe her X amount of dollars but all this can go away if she, my mom, would be her husband's lover and that my dad become her lover. My mom immediately started crying, she felt vulnerable and it hurt me to see her crying trying to explain what had happened.

    The scary part is that our landlord's husband is a cop, so I can't just go to the police

    The whole conversation occurred over a phone call. And I just wanted to ask what are my family's options, can we sue? Should we move out asap? Any advice is much appreciated.

    EDIT: Thanks everyone for the advice. The plan is to go to a lawyer tomorrow and then the authorities.

    Also, I'm doing my best to convince my mom to call the LL up again so she can elaborate on the "offer" while we record the call. My mom is hesitant but maybe I can ask the lawyer to see if this is a good idea and have him convince my mom to jump on board with the idea. Thanks and I will post an update

    submitted by /u/107Maverick
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    Accidentally mailed two items to a buyer instead of one, buyer denied it, I proved they were lying...what recourse (if any) do I have?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:24 AM PST

    Had an odd situation unfold with an online sale. Guessing that I may have no legal ground here, but at the very list maybe you guys could give me some ideas that may scare the other party. Any help is appreciated.

    I have held two copies of a rare collectors / art piece for a while and decided to sell one of them. A few weeks ago I sold one of these serial numbered items on an online forum for a few hundred dollars. I feared I may have mistakenly shipped both of the items instead of one (they're small and thin, and I had them stored next to each other), but figured I'd look for the copy I intended to keep for a couple days around my house and then send a message before the package was delivered . Sent the message a couple days later simply asking to check if I had accidentally included two copies instead of one upon receipt, and making it clear if that was the case that I wanted the second one back. I wasn't too worried because this user had been in much longer standing than myself. The worst case scenario in my head was that they'd send the item back and I'd shoot some money to cover shipping back and as a thank you. However, the member explicitly said they didn't have the second item, and only received the serial # that I intended to sell. I had no luck finding it on my own in the coming days.

    A few weeks later I noticed their account on another site (linked to the original forum member's account) listed a copy of this item for sale for a slightly higher price than I sold mine for a few weeks prior. They may have been listing the copy that was honestly purchased, but I was too curious to let it slide, so I requested photos of the item (from an anonymous account) hoping to see the serial # was the same one they rightfully owned and not my missing copy. The user didn't send me an image, so I went full detective mode by purchasing and shipping the item to a family member's address in a different state than my own. Didn't have much of a plan here but mostly just wanted some peace of mind. The family member recorded themselves opening this package (with this user's full name and address visible on the package) and confirmed it was indeed the second copy of the item that the online user had denied receiving.

    Now, I acknowledge that I sent the user the item entirely on my own accord...but is there any law they broke by lying about receiving an item that was explicitly not meant for that person? My current plan is to send a message and threaten to damage this member's longstanding reputation if they do not provide me with a full refund for buying back my own item, but it would be a lot stronger if I had some legal ammo behind me. Not sure if it makes any difference, but the dollar amount of the item would be considered a felony if stolen in my state (IL) and there were numerous states involved with this ordeal.

    Thank you all in advance!

    submitted by /u/helpmelawyerdaddies
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    Wife and I had a baby at 15, our parents gave the baby for adoption against our will. Is there a legal way to know where she is, we want to be sure she's safe.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:54 AM PST

    Writing this on behalf of my wife too. Sorry for the wall of text TLDR at the end. We're in Georgia if that helps.

    So I got my wife (then gf) pregnant when we were 15 (unplanned and we were stupid but it happened). Our families are super conservative and strict so that didn't go well at all. My parents sent me to live with family in another state for some time then they enrolled me in a very strict youth program. In the mean time my gf had the baby. I wasn't there because I was prevented to leave the youth camp and even to call her. Her parents grounded her and took her phone and everything but then she left when she turned 18 and we got married and now we live together. My parents and hers said that we were minors so we had no say in what happened with the baby. They gave the baby for adoption and they didn't let my gf have a say. Her parents signed for her because she was a minor, as for me I wasn't there. Now we're 20 and back together and not talking to our parents.

    I never met the baby, I was forbidden to come back when she was born. The baby was taken from my gf just after she stopped breastfeeding and she didn't see her again and the baby was given for adoption to acquaintances of my gf's parents in another state. She doesn't know who they are exactly, and her parents won't tell. We know that they're in the same cult as them that's all. Not what she wanted at all but she didn't have a choice and there are consequences for going against her dad. Now we're married and we wonder about our baby. Sure a baby can't be raised by two 15yo but she was taken away from us. They said minors just have the right to shut up and obey and they did everything in our name although we wanted to love the baby and raise her with some help until we were old enough. We want a family and we miss our baby, my wife is hurting real bad rn because of this. So I wonder if there's anything we could do to know what happened to our baby. At least know where she is. Maybe meet her if thats possible. That would do my wife a lot of good. Like we're not even sure the people who took our baby can be trusted and she's worried non-stop about this. Now I want to be clear we know we won't get to raise this child now and we don't want to uproot her. Now she's part of her adoptive family and we don't want to bother her but we'd like to know where she is if possible.

    Also my wife's parents said they've spent money for her hospital bills (she had to have a C section), then on the baby, and if we go against them they'll sue us for all costs. And also that we will owe child support money to the people who took the baby.

    So our questions are: is there a legal way we can know who adopted our daughter, maybe even meet her? Even if we don't get to meet her, at least be sure that she's in a good family because my wife says there's a lot of crazy people in her parents cult.

    Also we feel like what they did to us was kind of violent especially for my wife and maybe illegal because we weren't even asked. Like don't minors have a say in serious matters like raising a baby? We were 15 not little children. We feel we were wronged tbh.

    And do we have to pay my wife's hospital bills and child support and the rest? I'm in trade school (carpentry) and my wife has a job and we're going to make good money some day but right now money's tight so their threat makes us worry.

    Hope this was clear. Thanks for your help, we're young and we are very ignorant of legal things so we'll be grateful for any advice you can have.

    TLDR: my gf and I had a baby when we were 15, our parents gave the baby for adoption against our will, they won't tell us where she is now and with whom but we'd like to know to be sure they're safe people, and we'd like to know if what our parents did was legal.

    submitted by /u/JasonKB2001
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    I've been sick at home with covid for 2 weeks but my employer refuses to pay as my covid test doesn't say whether it's positive or negative, it just says "virus detected". I need advice.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:29 AM PST

    This is in NY. Almost 2 weeks ago I was exposed to covid through my son who was confirmed positive. I've been in bed rest since. Then last week I had gotten tested, I received my results which stated "SARS coronavirus 2-VITALAXIS, Your Value: Detected, Reference Range: Not Detected". I had sent a copy of the results to my manager, to which he called saying that "your reference range not detected means that its actually negative" and that I wouldn't be getting paid for it. Now I'm confused. I've been talking about it with my employer about it but they're saying that I'm wrong and don't actually have covid. I think I'm about to get fired and I don't have enough sick days to cover my absence. I'm not sure what to do. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/emoeji
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    [California] Signed lease renewal at lower rent, building manager is now saying it was a mistake

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:46 PM PST

    I renewed my lease at $200 less than what I was paying originally. Dropped off the payment today and I get a call from the office manager stating my rent did NOT change and I owe the $200. I protested stating that I had a copy of the signed lease but now they are threatening they will consider the rent not paid in full which is grounds for eviction.

    I called the Fair housing foundation and they advised I do not pay the remaining $200, but if they make good on their threat that will leave my family and I out on the street...

    What do I do in this situation??

    Edit- The reason I did not question the decrease was because the rent is based on income. My husband lost his job due to covid-19 so there was a significant decrease in income.

    submitted by /u/eerie_spice
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    Gift certificate not being honored because "manager no longer works there"

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:22 PM PST

    British Columbia, Canada

    Won a 3 month (gift certificate format) membership to a gym over a year ago, signed by someone (presumably their manager at the time). I found out today by the assistant manager that the certificate will not be honored because:

    "Hello, I just wanted to let you know that we can not accept this as it was given by a manager that no longer works for the company."

    Is this not a commitment made by the company - regardless if the signing manager has now left or not?

    Anyone have thoughts or experience on this? Thanks!


    Thanks for the replies, everyone:

    1. It is a PAPER certificate
    2. It does not have terms or conditions (or expiry)
    3. It was gifted to me through a legitimate and popular "cancer awareness organization that does "relays/walks" every year in BC (I can't name it, I think, due to rules here?)
    4. It was legitimately presented to me despite the format it was created in
    5. I had contacted corporate at 3:00pm today and had it escalated and was supposed to hear back tomorrow
    6. I contacted the regional manager for BC and he was going to get back to me tomorrow
    7. The GM of the store phoned me tonight and said they will honor it until April 1, 2021

    Looks like a resolution is made, although the company started by saying: "We won't accept because it is signed by an old manager", which went to "it may not be authentic", which went to "I can redeem it by April 1, 2021".

    Overall satisfied, but a little frustrated. Many hoops were jumped through today to get such a resolution.

    Thanks everyone.

    submitted by /u/coltyie
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    Squatters on rented property (Portland, Oregon)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:42 PM PST

    My family are moving to Portland from out of state and signed a one year lease on a house, starting January 1st. Me and my brother were supposed to get the house ready over the next few days and we have PODS scheduled to be delivered tomorrow with wife and kids arriving this weekend.

    We got the keys from the landlord this morning and went to see the place. Well, SURPRISE! There are several homeless people camped out in the backyard. There are several tents, and the backyard is a mess. I don't know how many total but they've been there more than a few days. They haven't broken into the house itself but they are hanging out in the backyard and around the house.

    I called the landlord and he basically told me "It's OK, move in, I'll take care of it". I called the police and they showed up, took a report and said "It's a civil matter, your landlord has to evict them".

    So WTF do I do now? I do not feel safe and I definitely do not feel safe having my family here. We'll be staying in a hotel tonight and the PODS will be put in storage. Wife and kids will stay in a hotel until this is solved. This is gonna get really expensive real quick.


    1. Can I break my lease and try to find a new place? Do I even have a lease? Already paid a deposit / 2 months rent.
    2. What is my landlord responsible for? Does landlord have to pay for hotel, cost of storage, etc? Can I sue my landlord over this?
    3. How long does it actually take to evict squatters? I've read it can take months but are these even squatters given that they are camping in the backyard?
    4. WTF do I do now?
    submitted by /u/Plane-Blacksmith-207
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    Not allowed to wear a mask at work

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:50 PM PST

    My sister is currently working as a nursery nurse in England and is being told she cannot wear a mask around the children in her room. They can wear them in the hallways and when dealing with parents but have been told they aren't allowed to wear them with the children as it affects child development however that means she is in a room with a minimum of 12 children and one other adult and is feeling unsafe.

    We've tried combing through the Government website but cannot find any information. Is there any legal rights she's has to be able to wear one? Or what steps can we take?

    submitted by /u/hollerina
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    Walmart cancels $500 gift card, refuses to reissue

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:05 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    Looking for quick advice or info. Back in November my fiance bought a phone from Walmart that was a black friday deal. To get it she had to purchase the phone online and have it delivered and it came with a $500 E gift card once the phone was delivered. Location is MN, USA.

    The order never showed up and there wasn't a clear answer as to why. We were told that either the courrier lost the order or the warehouse never shipped it. The representative from Walmart said they would cancel the order and reship it, so she was refunded then charged again. We specifically asked if this would void the gift card and were told no the gift card would still be valid and sent to her email once the phone was delivered.

    Fast forward a few days and the new phone arrives but we don't recieve the gift card as promised. We call again and speak to a supervisor who says they can see that a gift card should have been issued but wasn't and they will send it. They said it would take no later than 30 days and should be on her account by January 1st. We have this conversation recorded and are a single consent state.

    Now of course the new gift card never arrived and now when we call Walmart they are claiming there are no notes of this and we are not entitled to the gift card. We are trying to escalate this as far as we can and just looking to get the gift card they owe us. But with all of the run around we are getting we are willing to take this to small claims if they keep refusing but honestly would much rather not. Their explanation is we voided the contract by cancelling but it was their agent who cancelled the contract with the promise of still getting the gift card. We're waiting for a manager to call back however this was the manager that just told the latest representative we spoke to to deny the new card so I don't expect it to go well.

    So my questions are this, are they legally responsible for what their representatives tell us to do? With the recording from the 2nd call would that be enough in small claims where they might just give us the gift card? By following the representative's advice and losing the gift card wouldn't that be false advertising? Like I said we just want the gift card owed but we're tired of letting big companies walk over us so won't take no in this regard. Any advice or information is appreciated, I can add more info if needed, thank you.

    submitted by /u/SG-015
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    Stolen Debit card used to send $1200 in Sex toys to my house what do I do with the packages?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:17 PM PST

    As the above states my debit card was stolen and 1200 dollars in sex toys were sent to my home. My bank has already refunded the money and declared it as fraudulent but I'm worried that somehow since they came to my house I could face consequences for recieving the packages. I have kept them all in their packaging and am completely lost as to what to do. My bank told me they couldn't advise me on what to do so I'm here now... Thank you in advance, -the victim of the most hilarious fraud of 2020.

    submitted by /u/OutdoorGamer332
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    You've heard of tree law- get ready for goat law!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 11:07 AM PST

    Hey there everybody, this is a weird one but I need some solid advice.

    I bought an American Boer Goat Association (ABGA) registered billy in June/July with the promise of having his paperwork within 1-2 months, as the woman I bought him from had his kid she was waiting to be born so she could register it. I was fine with this, and under the impression that after the kid was born and registered, she would send me the transfer paperwork, so I could then re-register the billy in my name.

    It has now been almost 7 months since this all occurred. I have messaged every month to check in, and been told that either they haven't mailed it out yet, that they are mailing it out, or that the ABGA has been backed up doing paperwork from May. I got fed up and called the ABGA myself 3 weeks ago, just to be told that they never had a record of her even trying to register him, and they were starting on paperwork they had received the week before. So they are definitely not behind on anything.

    Messaged the seller again and got an extremely dismissive response. My husband and I are moving to our farm full time in the next few months and I need this handled before then. I'd like to know if anyone knows where I could start to get my paperwork. Is this a Civil suit? I have a bill of sale, and every message between her and I, this is just frustrating and I feel like I am being jerked around. Would love some advice. The ABGA can't do anything as they are just a registration agency.

    I am in AZ and she is in Northern AZ

    Edit: this is a $1k+ goat from a really good show line, so letting his paperwork be up in the air isn't an option. Also the woman I bought him from runs a reputable farm that provides hay for a few big zoos out here, they are active on social media as well. So they have a reputation in the livestock world

    submitted by /u/agarrabrant
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    Purchasing lot that is exempt from HOA dues just received word that ARC may not approve plans unless become full paying member

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:26 PM PST

    I'm looking to purchase a lot in a neighborhood that is exempt from HOA dues. The lot is a unique situation that I wanted to check with the ARC that I could build on a certain part of the lot before I purchased the lot. They responded that they conditionally approve but listed I would have to become a full paying member of the HOA. One of the major selling points of this lot is there are no HOA dues. Is this something they could require or deny approval to build for? Is it worth having an attorney to look at? Here is the exact wording from the HOA's covenants and bylaws that talks about the exemption for the lot that I am looking at. It is actually listed twice in the neighborhoods HOA covenants. EDIT to add: Alabama, USA

    "Name" was the owner of the acreage he sold to developer for development into the residential subdivision known as "neighborhood name" which was made the subject of the declaration. In consideration of the sale of the acreage to the developer, "name" reserved certain rights with regards to his ownership of lot # according to the final plat of ....(records map page/book) The owner of lot # shall own lot subject to the terms provisions covenants conditions and restrictions of the declaration including without limitation the rules and regulations promulgated by the association the ARCs right to approve or deny plans and specifications for any and all improvements within lot pursuant to article 5 The use restrictions of article 6 and maintenance requirements of article 7 non-Withstanding. The foregoing the owner of lot shall be exempt from the following precisions of the declaration.

    The owner of lot shall be an owner, as defined by the declaration, for the purposes of all terms and provisions of the declaration except that the owner of lot shall not be a member of the association nor have the right to vote as a member of the association and membership in the association shall not be appurtenant to lot # and

    the owner shall not be obligated to pay annual or special assessments to the association as it is required of other owners under article 8 of the declaration

    submitted by /u/Plane-Copy
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    Legal Risks of Creating a Landlord Rating Website?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:57 AM PST

    Hi All,

    I'm working on a site that helps people to research rental and landlord ratings so they have as much information as possible before signing a lease - think Rate My Professor or Angie's List for landlords and their rentals.

    I live in Ireland and plan to start the site for that market only, but if it's successful I would like to open it up to the US.

    I have two questions:

    1. Are there any legal ramifications I need to worry about (eg. libel)? This is currently a coding/web design hobby for me but I would like to make it into something more when it's ready.
    2. How early should I register as an LLC? I would prefer to let the site run for a bit and see if it gets traction before applying as an LLC, but I'm not sure if that would be recommended.

    Thank you in advance for the advice. Happy New Year!

    submitted by /u/flwrchild1013
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    I made an insulting joke in an online survey and now my company is trying to sue me

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:48 AM PST

    I am 26 y/o Austrian working for a big automobile company.

    Two days ago we had an in-house survey on mentimeter (a swedish survey platform)

    As part of this survey with my supervisor and around 100 other colleagues, I supposedly anonymously insulted my supervisor in a question with a text box.

    I wrote: "Mr. xx is a son of a bit**"

    I know that I am an absolute complete idiot, but I assumed that it would not have any further consequences since we neither had to register nor give names for the survey on mentimeter.

    But today every one of my colleagues including me received an email from legal department.

    They wrote that they will file a complaint and request that the anonymity be legally REVOKED by the software provider and that the consequences under labor law then follow.

    Can my company actually request my ip address via the survey company and trace it back to me?

    Should I consider any legal matters if it comes out?

    submitted by /u/redditplshelp99
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    Step Grandmother sold all of my grandpas belonging while he is in the hospital. She is denying my mom of all of his sentimental items and took most of his stuff to the dump.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:51 PM PST

    This is in Arizona and my grandpa suffers from dementia so he doesn't understand what's going on. My step grandmother and mom had a healthy relationship and this is so out of character of her. What can we do to get our stuff back that she is holding hostage? Are we screwed since they are married so it is technically her stuff now?

    submitted by /u/Cornelius_M
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    Child’s father requesting daughters therapy records for DCF

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:32 AM PST

    I took my daughter (3y) to a therapist behind her fathers back due to her arriving home with dirty genitals, and also showing sexual behavior.

    Unfortunately the therapist was not able to help but due to being a mandated reporter she reported it to DCF for investigation for red flags. She referred me out to a sexual abuse psychologist which I am now in the process of finding one.

    DCF visited her father this past weekend, and he is now asking for all of her medical records. Per our paperwork, he is entitled by law to have access to her medical records.

    Do I have to give him her therapists information? I feel he has something up his sleeve & he has a lawyer. Can I get in trouble for taking her to a therapist behind his back due to unusual behavior I noticed from my daughter?

    I am located in Florida.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/anonymous_chick_
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    Is it acceptable for a leasing agent to come to my home and bang on the door excessively/ring the doorbell repeatedly and if so is there a standard for the amount of time?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:55 AM PST

    We are having an ongoing issue with a new leasing agent, who we have found is not licensed in our state (Michigan) and is making all kinds of false claims that we owe back rent, have changed locks without written permission etc. None of the claims are true. The last time he came to our home and spoke with my husband, he fabricated a story of what my husband supposedly said (claiming my husband admitted we owe back rent and we just didn't feel like paying it. My husband doesn't even take care of the rent, I do.) Its safe to say we do not trust this man. We are having a ring camera installed in the next couple of days but in the meantime I'm wondering how to handle this and if there are any parameters for what is allowable. He came this morning and banged on the door so hard that it knocked pictures and decor off the walls in one room. He also rang the doorbell 82 times!!! We are also in the process of trying to meet with the actual owners of the property but have not yet heard back from them but didn't expect to quite yet due to the holidays. Also if this agent happens to catch me at a time I'm exiting or entering my residence and I'm forced to interact with him, how should I go about this? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. He is trying to evict us currently but we are not late on rent and have not violated our lease in any way.

    submitted by /u/mycologyqueen
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    Wedding dress lost or stolen by consignment store

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:46 PM PST

    British Columbia, Canada

    In September 2019, I left my wedding dress with a woman who runs a wedding consignment shop out of her house. She had done the alterations on my dress, which went fairly smoothly, and came highly recommended by the store where I bought my dress.

    After Covid hit, I decided to take my dress back from her shop. I started contacting her in June. Weeks would go by between responses. Finally in August, she told me that her dresses were put into storage due to Covid and so she wouldn't be able to get it out until the Fall. I waited until October and then began to contact her again. She replied once to say she would look for my dress in storage and then stopped responding. I called, emailed, Facebook messaged her and texted, and eventually in December she responded that she can't find my dress. She said maybe it sold last year, maybe it's labelled incorrectly, or maybe its squished between other dresses... She continues to not respond or provide excuses about accessing her storage. At this point I've asked her to pay me for the dress, to which she responded that she cannot pay me if she doesn't know what happened to it. Despite ignoring me, she is very active on the wedding Facebook groups.

    At this point I'm sure that she cannot find my dress...How do I go about getting the money for it? Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ladybelljar
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    [MD] Ex has been denying visits with my daughter on the court-ordered day. Hired an attorney who wrote up a vague motion for visitation modification. Is it poor etiquette to ask my attorney to make my requests more specific before I sign it?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:00 PM PST

    When my ex-wife and I divorced 2 years ago, I couldn't afford a lawyer at the time and regrettably decided to just agree to everything my ex-wife and her lawyer requested (which included supervised visitation at her discretion). This was a huge mistake because a judge would have never ordered supervised visits and my ex has been allowing me little to no time with my daughter.

    The agreement is vague, but it states that I can have visitation with my 7 year old daughter every Saturday and that the time, place, and supervisor is to be agreed upon by both parties. My ex refuses to allow anyone else but herself supervise and says that her house is the only acceptable location for visitation.

    She has been denying my Saturday visitation for months because she changed jobs since the order was made and now works weekends, while I work a regular M-F job. She works until 7:30pm which is my daughter's bedtime. Since she will not allow anyone else to supervise, she says I cannot see my daughter on weekends and that I have to make a weekday work. She lives 2 hours away from me so I would have to use PTO to see my daughter on weekdays (I only get 12 PTO days per year). When I do agree to take a weekday off for visitation, my ex says that I cannot exercise the visit unless I agree to switch Saturday visitation to weekday visitation permanently, which I cannot do.

    I have hired a lawyer to file a motion for visitation/custody modification, or possibly contempt since my ex consistently refuses the court-ordered day. However, the motion that my lawyer typed up for me to sign is pretty vague and doesn't list specifically what I'm requesting. Is it appropriate to ask my attorney to change it and make it more specific before I sign it? Or are these documents vague in nature and the details are hashed out at the hearing instead? Im new to all of this and don't know the etiquette.

    Basically what I want out of this is:

    1) For the supervision to be removed.

    2) A fixed and unambiguous visitation plan that addresses clear days, times, length of visitation, acceptable locations for visitation, holidays, etc.

    3) For all communication between my ex and I to be done through some sort of court-monitored app (to document communication and minimize the hostile and harassing texts that my ex constantly sends).

    4) 50% legal custody

    The motion that my lawyer wrote up does not specifically state any of this, and rather focuses on my ex's change in work circumstances and requests a modification as a result of that. I really don't feel that I'm asking for much and want it to be made very clear what i am requesting.

    Also, should I consider asking my lawyer to file for contempt against my ex since she has been denying visits on the court-ordered day?

    Any advice/insight is appreciated!

    Edit: Formatting

    submitted by /u/__throwaway6969
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    Sexually abused at age 7, now 18 and want to seek civil action against my abuser. Statute of limitations & other questions.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:28 PM PST

    Hello all,

    First and foremost, I don't often post on Reddit but I believe I am abiding by all the rules and formatting properly. Please let me know if I have not done so!

    I am seeking some advice on if it looks like I'll have a case in regards to the statute of limitations in Florida on Sexual Battery. I am a bit confused on it and have a consultation scheduled with an attorney but want some opinions or advice.

    When I was 7 years of age I was sexually abused multiple times by a 15 year old living in my house - he was my mom's boyfriends son. We were close like brothers, so my mom didn't have any problem with us being alone, which he took advantage of - I do not blame my mom at all for this. This involved me being forced to touch him, him touching me, and him subjecting me to pornographic material. Additionally, there was one instance that I can recall him physically throwing me into a washing machine out of anger.

    Around 11 years of age I came forward and the prosecutor decided to not file charges due to a lack of any concrete evidence - this is murky for me as I was young and don't recall the exact reason, but I believe that to be it.

    I suffer from anxiety and depressive disorders and have for the greater majority of my life. I also have episodes of depersonalization stemming from the abuse (my doctor says it appears to be PTSD), and have to regularly take medication and attend therapy. I have serious trust issues as well. The abuse has had lasting affects.

    I recently became 18 years of age, the age of majority in Florida, and am looking to file a lawsuit against my abuser for the damages emotionally that I have incurred.

    My questions are:

    1. Will any statutes of limitations prevent me from filing?
    2. Can his guardian be held liable as well?
    3. Say he lacks funds to pay (I don't know his current financial state), how would this work if I were to win?

    Once again, I do have a consult scheduled, I just would love to get some advice around this. I want to get justice and make him pay for what he's done to me.

    Thank you in advance for your time and help!

    submitted by /u/exd12
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    [Michigan] Hit a parked car very lightly on the front, other driver made a claim for repairs to the BACK of the vehicle

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:55 PM PST

    My dad recently backed into the front of a parked car in a parking lot. He says it was very slow. He saw no damage to the other car, but waited there for the other driver anyway. She came out and looked at her car, agreed she didn't see any damage, and asked my dad for his info "just in case".

    A full month later, her husband called my dad and said there are $1400 in damage to the car. Made a claim for it on my dad's insurance. Dad asked the insurance company what the repairs on the claim are, and they said they can't tell him.

    Here's the kicker - I managed to find out, through "connections", lets say... that the entire claim is for damage to the BACK of the car. A piece of panel and a couple of sensors on the rear lights. No way a light bump on the front of the car caused that.

    Is there anything legally that can be done about this? Is there anything my dad SHOULD have done at the time of the incident?

    submitted by /u/steevo301
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    Protestor honks airhorn outside my building every morning from 7AM - 12PM EST (NY)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:11 AM PST


    Everyday for the past few weeks my roommates have started hearing this honking sound in our apartment and it would start in the mornings and usually go into the afternoon. At first we weren't sure what the noise was, we walked outside to try to find it one day and realized theres a protestor outside honking an airhorn all morning.

    We tried to ask him to ease up on the airhorn and that didn't do any good.

    311 told us to call 911, we did that and nothing happened.

    I'm at a loss here, my sleep cycle is so screwed and im woken up everyday by the sound of this airhorn.

    Is there anything i can do here? Is he really allowed to be out there every morning at 7am honking the airhorn? Theres a lot of NYPD in our area but they don't really do anything about it. If anyone has advice i'd really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Eljefe891
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    Cheating husband has kept me from seeing our children for 18 months (and counting)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:32 PM PST

    My cunt of a soon to be ex husband (Christian) had an affair and then left me for the woman (Megan) he cheated on me with 2.5 years ago. He and have two beautiful children together ages 6 and 4. He has not let me see my daughter (4) in 18 months. I see my son via zoom once a week for therapy but Christian will not allow me to speak or see him outside of that.

    On Christmas Eve, Christian told me he plans on marrying Megan. I took this as a good sign, he'd be willing to negotiate divorce terms regarding custody and be able to finalize our divorce so he can marry Megan but unfortunately, he is still being a twat. Today we had mediation and it was a complete waste of time. He wouldn't budge on custody even though I was willing to give him anything else he wanted in order to have my littles 50/50.

    When we first signed the divorce decree 2 years ago, I was very ill and wasn't able to take full or half care of the littles or even myself. It is in the TEMPORARY decree that I would have every other weekend Friday-Sunday with the littles, something he has never honored. Since then, my health has drastically improved to the point I can be at home, full time with my 2 month old that my partner and I had.

    I pay him child support even though I have been trying to get him to let me see them for 18 months. He wishes to take this to the courts and let them decide.

    I currently do not have a job, I lost in a week before my maternity leave was up, this of which he knows and has tried to use that against me along with my health and that we live in different cities 25 minutes apart.

    What are my options? We married in Oklahoma.

    submitted by /u/brilikethecheese0918
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