• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 3, 2021

    Legal Advice - Dad died without a will and mom in ICU on vent

    Legal Advice - Dad died without a will and mom in ICU on vent

    Dad died without a will and mom in ICU on vent

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:15 AM PST

    My father passed a few days ago due to cardiac issues. My mother had already been in the ICU on a vent for 2 weeks after a major stroke. They are both GA residents but he died in LA (moms here too). He did have life insurance but she is his beneficiary (and same deal for her). I have no idea what to do. He was a vet and also gets those benefits but I believe she's his beneficiary for that as well. He wanted to be cremated which we can't do since my mom can't sign off on it. We can't get someone else to have power of attorney since she is sedated and cannot consent. We cannot pay for a burial without his life insurance but am I allowed to file on my moms behalf? Also if she passes we will need to pay for hers but my dad (her beneficiary) is already dead. I'm so lost and this is the absolute worst time of my life.

    submitted by /u/Terrible_Computer285
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    UPS driver stole my PS5 right in front of me, and I am mad. No one is willing to help.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:26 PM PST

    This is in Texas.

    I was lucky enough to find a PS5 console for sale on eBay in December. I wanted it before Christmas to give as a gift, but since the expected delivery date was later than that, I asked the seller if I could get it sooner. The seller said I would have to pay $40 extra for UPS express delivery, which I did.

    The UPS driver showed up at my house and explained that due to COVID they were not allowing customers to sign for packages, so she would need my full name to enter. She put the package down on the ground and asked me for my name. My name is complicated and unusual (I am from India) so I had to spell it out twice before she got it right. During this process she made small talk and said "you seem excited about this package". I said yes it's a gift for my nephew. She asked what is it and I said it's the new console for the PS. She said "what a lucky kid".

    After writing my name, she picked up the package off the ground, turned around, and started walking back to the van. I thought she made a mistake so I yelled "excuse me" at her a couple of times, but she was obviously ignoring me. She just drove away and I was left standing there.

    I first contacted eBay. They said that since the tracking shows it was delivered, they can't do anything. Which is fair, it's not their fault. I then contacted UPS and they said it was probably a mistake and the package should be delivered to me the next day. Which it wasn't. After a week I called again and they said that since it was marked delivered and the GPS of the delivery location is at my house, they consider it done and I can't fill out a claim. I then contacted the police and they took a report but I didn't hear back, so after a few days I asked them and they said they can't follow up but they will inform me if the item is found. Which I'm pretty sure it won't be.

    So now I'm at a loss of what to do. The employee just blatantly took the package and walked away, and no one seems to be able to do anything. eBay, UPS and the police are all saying it's the other's responsibility. Unfortunately, I paid with eBay credit so I can't even do a dispute with Visa. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do now?

    submitted by /u/angrybuyer
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    Landlord changed front door entry code at 11pm and didn’t notify residents, now won’t pay expenses after I got locked out. [NY]

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:28 AM PST

    Location: Manhattan, New York

    Apparently my landlord decided to change the door code after-hours for "security reasons", and only emailed the new code to the super - who is not available after 6pm.

    I stepped out to get food delivery in sandals, a thin t-shirt, and no mask, and found myself locked out at 11pm, with temps below freezing. I tried buzzing some neighbors but the intercom didn't seem to be working. I called the super and building management and any other number I could find and nobody picked up. Finally I hailed a taxi and was able to get to a friend's house. My dog, who has medical needs and is also extremely nervous was unexpectedly left all alone all night.

    When I finally got back to the building in the morning and got the new code from the super, management informed me that apparently residents are not supposed to have the building code, but are expected to use the key that was provided at move-in, and therefore it was my fault for forgetting my key, and that they won't reimburse me cab fare ($70).

    Nothing in my lease or anywhere else states that I have to use the physical key, and moreover, I was given the code by the original super (different guy) two years ago, and so was everyone else in the building, and they have a security camera pointing at the door so they should have seen everyone using the code and not the key for the past two years at least.

    Again, at no point was it ever communicated in any way that the code was not for residents.

    My damages are minimal obviously but now, frankly, I'm pissed off that I got stuck in the freezing cold with because they changed the code, and instead of just paying me back for my cab, they offered me $20 as a goodwill gesture.

    I DO have a front door key, so I don't know if it technically counts as an illegal eviction, but neither I, nor has anyone else in the building ever used it.


    submitted by /u/jules_su
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    Stranger is "claiming" my new house

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:24 PM PST

    First, I don't believe that I have much to worry about here, just trying to figure out what this person is attempting.

    Set up: My wife and I closed on a house in Arizona in the middle of October. The house had been on the market and empty for several months, and we didn't move in until the beginning of December (we were moving from across the country). After we closed our real estate agent checked on the house once a week and put our mail in the house. When we finally got to the house and went through the mail, I found several notices from bankruptcy court for a person using my house as her mailing address. I figured that some far previous owner had failed to update an address at some point and was not concerned (the bankruptcy person was not the person we bought the house from).

    Today, after owning the house for almost three months, this person showed up at our door saying that she had claimed the house through "UCC codes" as abandoned property and that the house was hers. We explained that we had bought the house with a clean title months earlier and that it had never been abandoned. My wife and I could not really understand what she was getting at or expected of us. She did say that she had never lived in the house before. She did not produce any paperwork, legal or otherwise, that would back her "claim". I could not get a straight answer to "what are you going to do?", and she left without a big confrontation or threat to continue her claim. We did not mention that we had several of her bankruptcy notices, mainly because we were so shocked at what she was saying.

    Because we have her bankruptcy notices I have a lot of info about her, from her actual address and SSN to her trustee's contact info. I called the bankruptcy court to try to get my address removed from the case, but they said only the filer could do that. I plan on calling the trustee tomorrow (Monday) to make sure he understands that she does not own my house. I also found that she appears to be in the middle of DUI proceedings, but I don't know that the two things are related at all.

    All county documentation clearly shows that my wife and I own the house. What possible scam could this lady be attempting? Did she expect for me and my family to just hand over our keys and leave? My wife and I have tentatively decided to not open the door to her if she returns. Instead we will just tell her that she needs to leave our property or we will call the police. Are we missing anything here? Thanks in advance!

    Update: Thanks all for turning me on to the "sovereign citizen" stuff. After reading up on it we made the decision to report the interaction to the police. Turns out that the sovereign citizen had already called the police on us after she left our house earlier. The police met with her, decided she was most likely a crackpot (cop's words were that she "seemed a little off"), and told her not to bother us anymore. The same officer who met with her came to our house hours later after we called it in, and we relayed the story and gave the officer the bankruptcy mail that had been sent to our house. The officer got the impression from the lady that we had both been trying to rent the house, but the officer was not surprised when we told her (the officer) that we had bought the house. We got a case number assigned and were told to call 911 if the lady showed up again.

    For security, we'll get a Ring installed out front, and luckily after her visit this morning the lady is fully aware of the 90 lb-protective dog in our house!

    submitted by /u/unclebuckme
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    Passanger was drunk and grabbed my E brake..

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:01 PM PST

    I was driving down a highway with my friends and my friends dumbass buddy grabbed my e brake and made me smash into another car. Hes now telling me its the drivers fault at the end of the day. I got charged with wreckless driving because i was to scared to point fingers when the cops showed up but my friends my witness. He also has been texting me saying he caused it but is giving me a hard time and wont pay. Can i get my charges dropped?

    submitted by /u/heystepbroimstuck
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    Mortgage not being paid while house was rented

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:18 PM PST

    I am now in NC with my father, I'm pretty sure I'm out of luck in attempting to fix this.

    I own a home In Massachusetts (mortgage is $679 monthly) my fiancé (now husband) worked 1.5 hours away, we wanted to live together and decided to rent out my home for a year or so while we rented an apartment near his work (I have rented out my house before)

    My dad came up with the idea that his friend (who I actually know and had met) needed a place to stay while going thru his divorce. He's a handy guy, and also would plow the driveway and it seemed like an awesome compromise so I told him that he just needed to cover the mortgage. My father said he would collect the money and pay the bank every month, as well as collect the mail and send me anything important. I contacted my bank and let them know that my father would be dropping off the mortgage.

    Everything seemed great, and taken care of. I talked to my dad regularly who assured me it was all set. My husband and I got married and our lease went up on the apartment and we wanted to move back it, tenant loaded up quick and left because he didn't have much stuff, we moved in a few days later got a letter from the bank that we owed just under 8,000. So basically my mortgage hadn't been getting paid, and I found out my dad was pocketing said money.

    Obviously I'm a fucking idiot but I trusted my dad. Is there anything that I can do? We paid that ASAP but with covid, moving it's a lot of money to us.

    submitted by /u/billy_the_kid16
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    Boy recorded me without my consent

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:45 AM PST

    So I met this boy at a bar on new year's eve, and I was pretty intoxicated. He ended up buying us a hotel room, because he is in the army and couldn't take me home with him due to covid restrictions on base. When we got in bed he was on his phone which I thought was weird until I realized he was recording me without my consent while I was completely naked and doing sexual things with him. I told him to stop and delete it and he showed me him deleting the video but it was on snapchat so he could have easily saved it or sent pictures or other videos to anyone already. This thought makes me very uncomfortable and since I'm a teacher this could ruin my reputation if it were to be posted anywhere. I texted him this morning just to say I was still upset about it and I hope he deleted those videos but he never responded. I looked it up and voyeurism is a crime in Georgia, which is the state we were in that night ,but is there anything I can do to make sure it's gone? Or any other action I should take? I just feel so uncomfortable about the whole situation and hate that there could be something like that out there with me in it.

    submitted by /u/shanbam8
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    Parents spent trust fund on abusive troubled teen programs where we were abused

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:10 PM PST

    My twin brother and I were sent to different lock down, behavior modification TTI (troubled teen Industry) programs from the age of 15-18 by our adoptive parents. We were mentally and physically abused there, and have been badly damaged by the trauma.

    We were also both sent to wilderness boot camps before our programs, and I was "gooned" or brought by TTI escorts to my program in AZ. My brother was sent to one additional "program" after leaving his TTI in Utah.

    My adoptive parents are quite wealthy. Recently discovered that my parents used money that my mother's mother left in a trust fund for us to pay for these programs. They have enough money to pay from their own wealth many times over. I think they saw this as part of the punishment for not falling into line.

    The programs we were at cost about 7,000$ a month, even 20 years ago. We were kept there for about three years. They also used this trust fund to pay for the wilderness boot camps (15,000$ or more) and for the escorts that took me to AZ, I was 5'1 and 105 lbs and had never been in a fight. There wasn't much money left after for higher education, but we we never knew the original amount or that this had happened.

    US Trust had a trustee and my parents were also trustees, but it might have been fiduciary trust at the time we were sent away. I was 16 when I was sent away, my twin was 15. We are now 35.

    Did my parents do anything illegal? Is there any recourse?

    submitted by /u/Smell-Brilliant
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    i was sexually assaulted, the cops have told me i can either take it to court or drop it

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:30 AM PST

    just a heads up i live in australia but i just want to get some opinions.

    about a year ago i went to make a police report about a sexual assault that happened and harassment from the guy. i have texts of him saying really nasty things to me. now only recently the cops brought him in for an interview and immediately he was like i never touched her. the cops tried bringing him in again but they got a letter from his lawyer saying that the only way to talk to him about it is in court. i'm 16 years old, he's done this to multiple other girls. i don't know what to do i don't have any proof

    submitted by /u/fuckthisshitbitchh
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    [FL] I just moved to Miami and employers require photos with resume? That's illegal right?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:11 PM PST

    It seems like this town is exactly as vapid and looks obsessed as I thought. I am coming across job ad after ad for front desk and reception positions that require headshots. These aren't jobs to be a model. How the hell is this legal? Some of them state they are a pro-diversity and equal opportunity job provider, after they demand a photo of you. Wtf.

    submitted by /u/prozaczodiac
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    Airline sold us invalid tickets and cost us our entire $10k trip. Please help.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:21 PM PST

    In 2019 me and my boyfriend booked a $2,000 (each) trip to South Africa for July 2020. It's a volunteer trip where we would help build a school/houses for a poverty-stricken community, and in the evenings get to explore the country. Because of COVID this trip was canceled and moved to January 2nd-16th, and the group we booked through is going out of business and said they will not do refunds. So if we didn't go, we would each lose $2k.

    We booked flights in June that the airline did not refund us, so we now have travel vouchers that we have to use sometime in the next 2 years. But that's an issue all in it's own.

    We booked the January plane tickets through Lufthansa, an international airline. Everything was good, we got our negative Covid tests back on time and went to the airport on December 31st to fly out.

    When we go to check in United Airlines, where the first flight is through, they told us we would not be able to board the plane because we had a 14 hour layover in Germany, and they didn't allow layovers for more than 12 hours. We were NEVER told this and can't find anything about it online. We contacted Lufthansa, they said they never heard about the layover rule before, and both United Airlines and Lufthansa said there was nothing they could do. We were able to get refunded these plane tickets because a few days ago one of the mini flights had to be canceled, so we qualified - but note that we did not get refunded because of the miscommunication in our situation.

    So, we book new flights for 3 days later. We drive 5 hours to get new COVID tests because our old ones are now expired. They were suppose to get these back to us in 24-48 hours. Our plane leaves at 6pm tonight, and we have still not received the COVID tests and after communicating tons of people were informed we may not get them until tomorrow (if we are lucky).

    We could reschedule the flight for tomorrow, but at this point we have missed about half of this non-refundable trip, and if we wait any longer these tests will become expired anyway (airlines require PCR Covid tests to be no more than 72 hours old from the time of taking them, but when we can't get our results back that fast, hence the issue).

    This entire mess happened because the original flight companies had a miscommunication and we were sold tickets that we could not use. And no one seems to have any answers. We do have travel insurance, but the insurance seems to only cover sickness/death/unforeseen weather, we can't find anything about our unique situation.

    Who do we talk to? Do we try to claim insurance first? Do we hire an attorney? We can't afford to lose all the money we put into this. We didn't want to travel during COVID anyway, but were forced to - if we can get refunded for our flights and trip I won't complain. We are just so lost and our bank accounts are running dry. Please help, we don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/american-toad
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    My friend is being denied entry to a senior living community by the HOA and cannot provide In Home Support Services [CO]

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:47 AM PST

    I am using a throwaway account on behalf of a friend to keep things confidential. Like the title says, my friend is providing personal care and housemaker services through Colorado's In Home Support Services system. The person he is caring for lives in a gated seniors only community. (Seniors live by themselves in their own houses, it is not assisted living or a nursing home) Because the neighborhood is classified as a seniors only neighborhood for tax reasons, only seniors can live in the houses, and they are not allowed overnight guests under the age of 65.

    On Jan 1st, the HOA changed the policy to not allow any guests without written approval from a member of the HOA board. Because of the new rule, my friend is being denied entry at the neighborhood gate. The security gaurd at the gate is denying my friend entry because my friend is not on a list of approved people. Even though my friend has been there before and talked with the HOA about his job multiple times, he is being denied entry because "The HOA board has no authorization on file showing you are an approved caretaker." The life of the person he cares for is not in danger, but their quality of life will be worse if my friend continues to be denied entry.

    He has all the proper paperwork to prove he is a caretaker, but the person at the gate says that does not matter since the HOA board does not have a written approval on file. The person that he cares for has tried calling the gate attendant to give permission for my friend to enter, but the attendant said resident permission is not enough anymore and that written approval from the HOA is required.

    Is there anything my friend can have ready or prepare for when he speaks to the HOA on Monday? If they deny him entry when he speaks to them, is there anything he can do next? The person he cares for frequently needs help after visiting hours are over, and he has had to argue with the HOA multiple times already because they considered him an overnight guest. He got by that in the past by having the person he cared for call and give special authorization, but under the new rules, that is no longer an option.

    Edit: He has tried calling/contacting the HOA office multiple times recently, but they never answer, even though they say they are open. He thinks it is because they are out for the holidays. He will try calling again on Monday. The new rule was only recently announced right before Christmas, he just wants to prepare in advance to have everything ready when he eventually can contact them.

    submitted by /u/HOAProblemsThrowaway
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    Employer's product is based on a GPL licensed codebase [MA]

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:48 AM PST

    I'm a software engineer who started a job a few months ago at a company, and I made a bit of a startling discovery the other day. For non-software people: when I use the word "fork" I mean "a derivative work of".

    Long story short, one of our codebases is a fork of a GPL-licensed product. The product that was forked off of is a large, open source, and very active project, that is in the same space that we work in. While they aren't a competitor per se, it's pretty close. The README of the code specifically states they wanted to license the code as GPL, so it doesn't end up embedded in a commercial product.

    I originally thought our code may have been a fork (the names are eerily similar), and I asked one of the cofounders if it was a fork. They stated it was not. I didn't believe them, went looking in the code history, and it's right in the history, including the original license.

    We distribute this code embedded on systems, without any source code distributed alongside our releases.

    I have a few questions:

    1. I've contributed to the code base in question that was forked. Does this create a problem for me?
    2. Do I have any obligations to report this in any way?
    3. Can I report this, given that I'm one of the contributors, and therefore my contributions were stolen as well?
    submitted by /u/GPLthrowaway3
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    Landlord offering cash for keys to end my lease early. What am I entitled to?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:16 PM PST

    My building was recently sold to a management company who is renovating the entire building in the coming months. I just moved into this apartment on August 1. I had previously lived in another unit upstairs for 2 years. The "landlord" aka our contact with the management company told us on the phone they'll give us $3,000 to move out by March 1. There's 2 of us so split between us would only be $1,500.

    Given the state of things, moving is not easy right now (or ever). My roommate wants to be out by February 28th but thinks we should ask for more money. A friend thinks I should ask for free rent in February as well as $4,000 instead of 3.

    For reference, my rent including my roommates portion is $2,150. I pay $950. Our lease is up on June 1 2021.

    What am I entitled to? I have no clue where to go from here.

    submitted by /u/catsnwine
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    Ex plead guilty for multiple felony assault charges then claimed he was innocent in a civil suit

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:38 PM PST

    My ex was charged with multiple violent felonies and took a plea deal and entered a guilty plea for a reduced sentence. A few weeks later he filed a civil suit against me claiming he was innocent and seeking damages stating that I filed a false report and that he was innocent of all charges.

    Is this perjury? Or anything similar? It seems like it shouldn't be allowed.

    submitted by /u/thisaintme47
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    Dad cashed out stocks in my name before I turned 18.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:05 AM PST

    I'm unsure of the original amount. Minimum 10 shares of Disney stock, though he's admitted there were over 35 shares himself. They were a gift from my grandparents given to me around 2010, and I don't know when he cashed them out. Is there any way to find the original documents? Does it even matter anymore? I feel like this was pretty blatantly theft, especially considering he didn't have custody at the time, but since I was a child and it was so long ago, I don't see how I could take any legal action. Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: I live in California

    submitted by /u/Particular_Sir_6983
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    My service dog and I were attacked by 2 dogs this afternoon. How do I handle this?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:58 PM PST

    I was walking home from getting groceries and was attacked by 2 dogs. There were 3 people who I assume were the dogs owners and only one of them tried to get control of the dogs and he lost his grip on the dog he was wrestling with 3 times. The 2nd time I was able to kick the dog away from mine. Both dogs were unleashed amd the 2 women that were there did nothing. I wasnt bit but ended up having to call an ambulance amd be checked over by the Mets because I was having a really bad panic attack and my enotions were out of control thanks to my bpd. My dog however has 5 wounds on her underside amd ankle where the dogs bit her. I demanded to see the vet records of the dogs to maje sure they were up to date on their rabies and the brought a phone out to show me a pic of the records. I didnt accept that as it was only one record, very blurry, amd could have been taken 4 years ago for all I know. I filed a report with the cops, took her to the vet to get advice on treating her wounds and how much of a concern rabies would be. She is up to date on her vaccinations and I am returning to the vet on Friday for a full checkup and make sure she isn't going to have any trauma and have to be washed from being a service dog. I have to wait until I get paid to take her to the vet since covid wiped out my emergency fund. One of the owners of the dogs was really aggressive and I'm looking into getting a PO against her because I thought she was going to hit me and she kept coming at me during and after the incident. I'm also goimg to seek therapy since I'm still having issues gaining control of my emotions 4 hours later and I'm scared to walk down the street where it happened even though thats my route home amd safest to walk during winter when there's snow on the ground. I am also arranging for a temperment assement for my service dog as soon as my stimulis check comes in to make sure she can continue to work as my service dog. I will be pulling the bite report from animal control as soon as it is ready and plan to take them to court to recoup my vet bills but am not sure what to do other then this. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I'm also on the US.

    I think I used the right flair but am unsure.

    submitted by /u/freedomstray
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    Legality Of "Mobile Zone"? [PA]

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:52 PM PST

    I attend a private high school in Pennsylvania. Our school recently installed an extension to our computers called Mobile Zone. Basically it has access to view our history, have live access to our screens, and from what I understand access our cameras and open new tabs from our computers (MacBooks). This would not seem to be an issue if it was only in school, but they have access to this remotely and can do this while we are at home. This doesn't seem acceptable and no papers we previously signed for our laptop usage states the school can do this/we constented to it? What am I able to do about this and is it legal?

    submitted by /u/tossedaccount89
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    Friend received creepy threatening letter

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:50 PM PST


    My older friend just received this card at her home address completely composed of the cut out letters like you see in movies.

    She has no idea who would send her this. My only thought is that she's a liberal in a red state and can get a little political on Facebook, but who doesn't these days?

    The local police were contacted but said they can't do anything because it's not a crime. I'm not sure if the language in the card is technically a threat, but scary nonetheless. Is there anything she can do about this legally?

    submitted by /u/DunderMifflinHR
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    TX Never married, can kids father claim daughter on taxes?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:32 PM PST

    He's been doing it since she's been born. We've never been married but did have a child support case brought by AG in which no support was granted, but in the court order it names me as the CP and her father as NCP. we haven't lived together in years and I have never signed a form 8332 for him. But he's able to claim her and get money every year. I asked him if I can do it just this one year (he threatens me constantly if I ask for anything) but he literally told me to go fuck myself. Can i still file for the exemption? What happens if we both do? Will it automatically go in his favor? TIA

    ETA: We have her about 50/50 give or take. He will say he has her more but there isn't really much to prove this. His family is very wealthy and mine is not. So he can get a lawyer to try to take away custody from me for trying to get the tax money. He is always threatening to "rape me in court"

    submitted by /u/frogsonlogs69
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    Not a tenant but paying rent

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:17 PM PST

    Please help me, I'm about to be homeless again.

    Bad parent, abused kid. My bad parent packed up, left and ditch my younger siblings with me before thanksgiving. Ever since I've been paying rent and bills out of my savings (thank god for paranoid planning). They want the apartment back as they are having trouble staying off the streets themselves. They say I have to leave the apartment immediately. I don't have any other housing options. Do I have any legal options since they abandoned the apartment and their belongings that I've kept up with? Their name is on the lease, mine is not. My credit is slightly below average (minor financial mistake) LA, CA

    submitted by /u/ecivdadedeen
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    (CA) Landlord wants to charge me a fee for breaking my lease

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:16 PM PST

    Hi, I moved to California in July and signed a lease there thinking I would be there this whole year. However, my work is entirely online this year and it doesn't make sense to stay in CA with how expensive it is, so I'm going to move back home. However, this has made me look more deeply at my lease and what I have to do to move out. My roommate and I have both already agreed to move out and discussed breaking our lease with our landlord but I have run into a problem.

    Basically, my landlord is going to charge my a 1500$ fee plus any rent until a tenant is found. However, I think that lease termination fees are illegal under ca civil code 1951.2 as they limit what a landlord can recover from tenants but I don't fully understand what the law says or if there is something else I am missing.

    My roommate and I signed the lease and in it was a clause that outlined the process to break the lease which includes the 1500 fee and responsibilities for paying for associated costs of finding a new tenant.

    I'm sorry to ask I just feel like I'm being taken advantage of because I don't have money to pay for a lawyer. I'm a recent grad and I'm working as a teacher so its hard for me to handle all of this in the middle of moving and covid :(

    submitted by /u/connorfisher4
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    Employer isn't going to pay commission I earned because I'm quitting and stuff I've sold isn't getting delivered until summer due to covid

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:34 PM PST

    I worked for a furniture store, earning 5% commission on things I've sold once they got delivered. If things got returned, they would claw the commission back.

    Usually things get delivered in a month or so, but due to covid, everything is backed up until summer or longer. My last day was yesterday and they will only pay me until Feb 2. So everything I've sold in the last couple months I just won't get paid for since nothing is getting delivered til summer.

    Is this legal? Seems like free labor.

    This is in utah btw.

    submitted by /u/guacislife12
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    [CT] My landlord who shares the house with us (we rent rooms) is infectious with C. Diff and is highly transmissible but refuses to get treatment which puts the 2 of us who rent rooms at risk. How do you force someone to go to the ER which was recommended by three separate medical professionals

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:49 AM PST

    And it doesn't "just go away." From what the Med Pros say is that he needs the ER, different antibiotics, and observation. And the self-centered prick bastard refuses to go.

    submitted by /u/I_SAY_FUCK_A_LOT__
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