• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 5, 2021

    Legal Advice - [Update] Is it arson if I burn down a building that I own?

    Legal Advice - [Update] Is it arson if I burn down a building that I own?

    [Update] Is it arson if I burn down a building that I own?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 07:41 AM PST

    Hi everyone, came here to give an update as many people asked.

    The burning of the barn finally happened! We went to the fire department and asked about a controlled burn. They said it might be OK under certain conditions but they had to do an inspection first. They made us remove all that could have produced toxic fumes and pollution, like old tires and the ruins of a tractor. The wood was dry and there was almost no paint left so they said it was fine to burn. They were actually glad for the opportunity because they had a new guy to train. They said they would do protection of the other buildings and nearby bush and it would be a productive training session for them.

    When the day finally came they let us start the fire (more of a symbol than anything, they did the "real" starting for safety reasons). The fire had to be helped a bit because it had rained a lot the days before, but then the whole barn was engulfed at once, it was beautiful in a way. I must say it burned spectacularly well, there was almost nothing left in the end, which is exactly what we wanted. For those of you who were worried about us burning valuable stuff, we did keep some tools and a pile of boards that we will sell but there wasn't much more than that, except if you can find value in porn magazines from the 80s, empty bottles and nude girls calendars. These were my father's possessions so we had a lot of pleasure in letting them burn. We added his clothes for good measure. We likely could have sold more of the barn wood, but there was more purpose for us in burning it all down. Probably won't solve the deeper issues of what our father did but it did bring some relief and some sense of closure.

    Unfortunately we couldn't throw the big BBQ party we wanted for the fire department (we did have some beer though) because of Covid restrictions, but we all decided to do it later, hopefully next summer. The firemen were real bros, really cool but professional, and they seemed to have as much fun as we did. We're really thankful for their help, you rock guys.

    submitted by /u/lgldvcthrw
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    Lights automatically turn off in lab with live virus (MA)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 01:36 PM PST

    I sometimes work in a high security lab with pathogens up to BSL3 (e.g. concentrated SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) that has automated overhead lighting. The most secure labs with the more dangerous pathogens have no windows or natural light and are located deep in the building. In the past, the secure labs were lit 24/7, and less secure labs and common areas (including bathrooms with showers) were lit 12 hours/day. We have asked them to either make all lights on 24/7 or give us manual control many times over the years, starting with our direct supervisor, to the facility manager and going up to the director. Nothing was ever done.

    Instead, the building recently changed the most secure lab lights from 24/7 on to only being on for 12 hours. We found this out when someone got stuck in the lab with infectious samples in a full suit and the lights went out on them. There is no manual switch inside to turn them on. In order to turn on the lights, we have to go through a full disinfection and PPE doffing (full body suits + PAPR unit), and exit the lab area, and even then, the light will automatically turn off after an hour. The building is open for work 24/7, and we have been working long, hard hours as we are processing samples from a certain pandemic. (Side note: We are all very tired and this has taken our stress levels to new heights)

    At this point we feel we have exhausted our options to fix this internally. While this is not the only major issue we have, this is one that seems like a crystal clear safety violation - especially now that it put one of us at direct risk with literal virus in hand. We do not have a union. Is OSHA the next step here? Is there another state or federal entity that can force them to fix this? I'd like to get this information and/or a complaint prepared to give them one last chance to fix things.

    submitted by /u/cantseepetri
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    What are rights of people living in extended stay hotels in the state of Florida

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:47 PM PST

    I(F25) have been living at an Extended Stay America property since February last year up until today. I paid my rent monthly and on time each month. I woke up today as normal and went about my routine(feed and walk dog, shower, get dressed, etc)

    Apparently, a new manager started today. She kept calling the room(while I was in the middle of showering) demanding I come down and make a payment. Now money wasn't the issue. I had the rent money, but my relationship with the other manager was that I just come in at whatever point on the day I'm ready and pay my rent. I told the new manager I would be at the front office as soon as I dressed and brush my hair. I politely hung up. She calls right back and said since I hung up on her she wants me gone from the property.

    I go into the front office ready to pay and she is livid, saying how dare I talk to her that way and I need to be out by 4pm. It was after 12pm at that point. Now, I wasn't to sure on the law and procedures regarding removing long term tenants from an extended stay hotel, so I searched it right there and found something vague that said I did have to receive at least three days notice. I even called the sheriffs office to confirm this and the officer said she would need to serve me a notice and give me time to organize my belongings.

    The manager called the police and when they show up I inform them of what I was told by the sheriffs office and the Florida Statute I found online. The cop says I have no legal protection and they could really only give me 30min to leave instead of giving me until 4pm. At that point I break down crying because I have so many items of clothing, dog bed, and refrigerated food to try and get into my car in a few hours and I have no other arrangement than going back to my parent's house so I can figure out my next move.

    Even though the cop said I have no legal rights or recourse I don't believe that fully. I think they were just banking on me being a young woman who doesn't really know any better and just go along with what they they said whether I had been clear on the laws that or not.

    Doggo and I are now safe at the parent's, but I'm laying awake wondering if what the hotel did was right and you I have any recourse I can take. It just makes me sad and sick in stomach to think somewhere I had been for 11months could just throw me out within a few hours all because the new manager wanted to bully and flex her power. Of course I'm putting energy into finding a new place to live, ( hopefully a real apartment with a lease) but I still want to know if the hotel manager was in the right and if there's any legal action I could take. Thank you in advance for any information.

    submitted by /u/Fantastic-Formal4435
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    Boss is positive with the virus and refuses to stay home, socially distance, and doesn’t wear a mask. I don’t know what to do.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 04:14 AM PST

    I work at a real estate company in Arkansas where everyone there has mocked the virus. Whether it was being called overblown or even a made-up hoax. Nobody there but myself wears a mask or follows CDC guidelines. The owner and I have been good friends for 5 or 6 years and I got this job in July managing their IT and marketing in July. I was thankful then due to losing my job in March when the virus started. Those mentioned circumstances is why the only confrontation I gave him was when he came in a week ago with a fever and a cough with no mask. I asked him if he had seen a doctor or gotten a Covid test. His response left me speechless. "Why would I get tested they're going to lie and give me a false positive because the hospital gets 10,000 dollars for every positive result they get. It's all a hoax!". Yesterday I found out his long-time live-in girlfriend was in the hospital for the last 2 days on oxygen with the virus. He still came in with no mask on like it was no big deal. I have already started looking for a new job and I'm supposed to find out if I got one of those prospects this week. I would rather just change jobs and quietly leave the circus. In the event I can't get another job staying at this one is dangerous and I'm tired of being in harms way for $12.00 per hour, I haven't seen my friends and family in months due to this. I'm not the most well versed person in the legal sense, but whistleblower comes to mind if things go south. What are my options here?

    submitted by /u/Windwaker74
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    [PA] - Wondering the legal process after reporting my husband for abusing our baby.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 07:29 PM PST

    I have video footage of my husband abusing our baby. It was on a security camera that he has access to, is visible right above the TV in the living room, knows it records audio / video and has recorded me in the past just playing with the kids or other silly stuff, and knows it records 24/7 to an SD card as well.

    On the video, he's:

    1. screaming at the baby (2 weeks at the time) while non-aggressively shaking him (if that makes sense) to "Shut the F*** up", "F***ing die", "I'd rather be in jail than deal with this sh*t.":
    2. dropping him about 6 inches down into the bassinet onto his back
    3. lifting him out of the bassinet with one arm
    4. picking up the baby with one hand like a football and slamming the baby against his chest jarring his neck
    5. aggressively yanking baby out of the swing or bouncer chair
    6. throwing things around the room
    7. generally being rough and jerking baby around when switching positions
    8. Falling asleep with baby on him, he falls asleep, baby rolls off, picks baby up by his ankle
    9. Pushing our 16 month old over by his face and the child falls backwards
    10. Slapping our 16 month old on the back because he was crying

    After I find this out, I immediately kick out my husband. This was December 12th or 13th, I don't remember.

    I made the report on December 16th, the same day I met with my lawyer to draft up the divorce and child custody documents. A day or so later the officer I made the report with submitted it to the district attorney for review. Same day, I get a call from CYS (Children and Youth Services) for "general concerns." CYS worker comes over to my home and does an inspection, found no concerns.

    Husband comes back for supervised visits on December 19th. He is never left alone with the children, but he claims he was.

    A few days later, CYS calls him and lets him know what's going on. He's furious. CYS makes him schedule an appointment with his doctor to get back on mental health meds. He does. He fills the Rx. He doesn't take the medications.

    After that, CYS closes the case because they said the children are safe with me and because he is no longer living with the kids and is only having supervised visits. They didn't say it was unfounded just closed.

    January 3rd, he tells me he'd rather "kill [me] before [he] loses custody of the kids" ad that I would regret filing for custody. I obtained a PFA. It was granted until January 15th, when there will be a hearing to potentially extend it to 3 years.

    As of today, January 5th, it's been in review at the DA's office waiting for a medical professional to review the footage to see if his actions could have caused harm to the baby. If the answer is yes, that medical professional would testify in court against him.

    What I am asking -

    1. How long do these things usually take?
    2. When are charges usually filed in a situation like this?
    3. Will I have to get a lawyer for this or would this situation be him vs. the commonwealth of PA?
    4. What type of charges usually come from these type of actions?
    5. If the PFA is extended to 3 years, does that automatically grant me sole legal/physical custody and would that sole custody expire after the 3 years?

    tl;dr husband abused our children and I would like to understand how the timeline of these things work

    submitted by /u/20-percent-success
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    [Oregon] Mom accidentally sent Christmas packages to my old address. The people at the house didn't recognize the name and gave them away to their Air B&B guests.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 02:32 PM PST

    The recipients claim that they had Air B&B guests in their ADU, and figured that the packages belonged to them. I guess they took them back to California with them. Seems fishy as they had my name on them. Do they get to just keep the packages then? Is that stealing?

    submitted by /u/phatsakis
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    [MAINE] My violent and estranged father made a gift-to-a-minor account with Fidelity for me 29 years ago, which I just found out about now because the IRS thinks I took money out of it in 2018. What do I do?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:17 PM PST

    Please see original post for context: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/iygn8m/my_violent_and_estranged_father_made_a/

    So now that you've read that, let me give you a few quick updates as to what I have found out in this very long legal clusterfuck they call a process:

    • Unfortunately, my dad is alive. The woman at Fidelity said she's not legally allowed to tell me even that much, much less anything else about him, but she did confirm to me that they confirmed he is alive.
    • I didn't mention it in my last post but due to the abuse my mom suffered by my fathers hands while she was pregnant with my younger brother, my brother is mentally disabled and lives in a state-paid-for-group-home with care takers.
    • This matters because disabled people are not allowed to have above a certain amount of money, and it seems that my father also made an account in my brothers name. This means with the swish of a magic wand my little brother now has a crapload of money. Which might be nice if my brother had a un-damnaged-enough brain to understand the concept of money or currency. So once some auditor in the government finds out about this, my little brother will be homeless and running around naked outside until he dies of hypothermia or something.
    • Fidelity has tried and tried to contact my dad, and given up. They confirmed he is alive, but I think he just refusing to talk to them about this subject.
    • Fidelity has given me the ability on their website to look at my dads account in my name. I understand literally nothing about what I read on the page. As I said in my last post I am a computer nerd and not a finance nerd. But some of you guys were correct in my last thread about how much money in the account! Here is a screenshot of it: https://0x0.st/-spF.png

    So where does this leave me and my brother?

    I've begged them to explain to me what I should do about this because I am ignorant of everything to do with big finance or law. The options basically require me to be rich enough to be friends with judges or just be able to have lawyers on tap, and they said there are no other legal options for me other than the following, which I will just copy+paste out of the emails they've sent me.

    1. Try to contact [father], get his permission to transfer funds
    2. Wait for [father] to pass away - then provide copy of death certificate
    3. Get a court order telling Fidelity to distribute the acct to the owner (you for your account, [father]for his)
    4. Get a court order telling Fidelity to give the money back to [father]

    If you decide to pursue a court order, it may be best to consult with an attorney. That's usually the first step, and they do all the work to get the court order for you. There may be ways to do it yourself, but that's out of my scope of knowledge. You could contact your local courts to ask for advice for moving forward.

    When asking, you would let them know that there are 2 UTMA accounts at Fidelity - one for you, and one for your brother. You were unaware of them, and you have been penalized by the IRS for gains made in the account. The custodian [father] is required to give permission before transferring the funds to the minors on the accounts (you and [brother]), but we are unable to contact him. You'll let them know that you need a court order telling Fidelity to either give the funds to you and [brother], or to give the funds back to [father] I'm afraid that giving the funds back to [father] will require information from him (Fidelity will need to know where to send the funds, but if he continues to ignore us, it may never happen).

    So what on earth do I do here?

    Talking to him is not an option because even if I knew where the hell he is, I'm painfully aware of how dangerous and violent he is plus if he's refusing to do the thing for Fidelity then he's sure as heck not going to do it for me if I just show up in front of him one day. I can't just wait around for him to pass away because I have to do my taxes in a few months and I can't afford the taxes on this!! If admit to knowing about it, I loose and then have to pay back all the aid I got from my university when I entered higher education and I loose and then have to pay back all the aid I got from the hospital I was treated for cancer at. When my brother has to have his taxes done for him then he'll just loose everything and I'm not able to take care of him, it's just not really possible to take care of him without a team of medical specialist caretakers. I can't "just go get a ask a judge" because I don't know any judges. I'm not rich enough to be chummy with random judges. I've never met a judge in my life. The only other option is to have an attorney person on tap, so that's out.

    I have no way to get any sort of order to force Fidelity to force my father to keep the money. Can Fidelity really do this to me and my brother? Just randomly decide to tell the IRS me and my brother have money we don't want or ever knew about and then tell us they won't do anything to stop doing this to us without a court order that we can't afford to buy? There's no legal means by which citizens can just say "I don't consent to receiving your goods and+or services" and be left alone? I never knew about this or asked for it and I want nothing to do with it.

    submitted by /u/otakugrey
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    Received a text from the lady I rent a room from saying I cannot work from home or if I do and she allows, I will have to pay more rent (NC)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 06:03 AM PST

    "Obligatory on mobile"

    I received the following text from the lady I rent a room from. (It is her house. I sign a lease). This is in North Carolina.

    Does anyone know the legality of this?

    I plan to print off a new copy of the lease agreement for you with the following changes: 1) anything with any volume requires headset or AirPods after 10:30 pm upstairs. Phone calls must be taken downstairs after 10:30 Pm. This will be effective immediately. 2) Starting April 2nd I will no longer allow tenants to work from home on a regular basis. Exceptions are bad weather and temporary shut-down type COVID effects, or sick or something. The main point is that I never meant to accommodate working from home situations before COVID. If I did entertain a working from home tenant rent would increase. Other public places charge for work space and the IRS recognizes the cost.

    submitted by /u/-let-them-eat-cake-
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    Offer to purchase house terminated because seller sold to family member before our agreed upon closing date.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:08 PM PST

    There is a lot to unpack in this one, but I will be as brief as possible. Seller and I have existing relationship due to prior RE transaction. Seller got himself into financial trouble and contacted me to purchase his home, substantially under market. Estranged daughter found about the deal and convinced him to sign over house to her before our scheduled closing. Seller has now contacted me again stating that she is kicking him out of the house, never pd off his debt that she promised and now is literally in double trouble. Owes $40k on outstanding debt, the initial motivation for selling house, and now has lost his house to "greedy" daughter. The $40k debt is a crazy story on its own, and led to the daughter contacting me to attempt to terminate the deal after she had already signed a new warranty deed with the seller. I declined and was immediately informed he was no longer the owner and "mentally incompetent". The daughter claimed seller was under duress and that I had threatened him. This could not be further from the truth. Both the daughter and I am licensed realtors. The seller has literally been left high and dry on this deal. My solution netted him out $40k after paying the debt and closing costs. He is again asking for my help as he has no where else to turn. Do I have legs to stand on to pursue getting the deed returned to seller and complete my contract or should I just walk away and let this be? Advice/opinions are greatly appreciated. I do feel it necessary to state the seller was sober, in good mind and appeared as normal to me as any other previous meeting every time we spoke.

    submitted by /u/DrgRnnr
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    Girlfriend got unemployment the first round. Now they want to take it back and are making her go to court.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 05:23 PM PST

    So me and my girlfriend are a little concerned because we've never had to deal with the law. Right before Covid started she had quit her job in retail and started working as a tattoo artist at shop. The way the shop has itself set up is that the employees are less hired employees and more along the lines of freelancers who rent out the space by giving the owner a percentage of the profit they make from tattooing.

    A few weeks pass and BOOM Covid. Due to regulations the shop had to shut down and she had a couple of weeks of no work. She applied for unemployment and because of the way they changed it for freelancers and the self-employed she used it until the shop could open again.

    Then a few months later they send a letter saying her reason for having unemployment wasn't valid because she quit the retail job. She responds and says "No, that was unrelated. I did that before Covid, was working securely at my new job and then it had to close." They said they'd get back to her with another letter. We didn't hear from them, sent a second letter and still didn't hear back from them. Honestly it's on us a little for not checking up on it. But then today she gets an email from them saying she has to do a court hearing over the phone for the situation. Do you think this will be easy enough for her to explain? Is there anything we need to be aware of before hand? We've never had to deal with the court or the legal system in any way.

    • located in missouri

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/chelypenn
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    Grandfather passed and left his house to us. Uncle from out of town was named executor of estate. Uncle is currently living in house until, his words, "probate is done". He won't leave or let us into the house that was given to us in the will.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:27 AM PST

    This is kinda messy. Sc usa.

    Grandfather passed away. He owned his house plus several other rental properties. We live in one of the rental properties he owned. Everything including the rentals, except the grandfather's house is marked in the will to be sold. His house was left to us. So since the current house we reside in must be sold and divided up among the family, meaning we have to leave, and the grandfather's house was left to us, we came to move in.

    The funeral was 3 weeks ago. Uncle from NYC came down before the funeral to help out, and just sort of stayed. He is living in the house, driving my deceased grandfather's cars, using the utilities and whatever else. I came over to start moving things around and measure rooms and get ready to paint and throw away trash, and he won't let us in the house. He is saying it's not ours yet and we have no right to be here, but neither does he? As I understand it, living off the estate you are executing means you are profiting from the resources you are supposed to distribute.

    Called a local cop and to his reckoning, nobody has the right to live here at all, but similarly nobody has the right to kick someone else out either. So he can't stop me moving in but I can't kick him out? I'm not sure what to do here. Uncle as far as I know plans to live here for the next 8 months while the probate is finished. Is there any way to get him out? Is there any way to remove him from his position by abuse of power/privileges? His own lawyer admitted to worries that he is profiting from the money changing hands. His wife also came down from NYC and posted up in the house with him. They are basically treating it like a vacation.

    submitted by /u/GardenerInAWar
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    [PH] Invalid CC charges from my gym. They're not responding.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:15 PM PST

    Hi, PH Laywers out there. I got charges in my CC from my gym which should have not been charged. They're not responding to my emails. Technically it's just 2k PHP so far they got from me but they're not taking me seriously and it feels unfair that they're dragging this out. I wonder what I can do about it from a legal standpoint?

    Also, others who might have been through the same thing, what did you do?

    submitted by /u/schizophrenyx
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    (The Netherlands) My landlord who I live in the same flat with moved in his family, now instead of a student flat I'm living with a full family

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 07:14 AM PST

    I recently moved to the Netherlands for my study and got myself a very cheap room in a flat with three others. The catch is one of those there is my 50 year old landlord. Since he travels a lot and the price was so cheap i decided to stay a while. Two more students live in the other rooms. Recently one of the girls moved out. While I was back home for the holidays, my landlord moved his girlfriend and her two kids into his room and the extra room. Now instead of a student flat with 3 others, I'm living in a family home with 5 others. Being corona times and a foreign country, moving around is quite a challenge. I'm scared he might try to kick me out, and generally I'm very unhappy with this situation. Is it legal for him to kick me out? If not kick me out I'm scared he's going to make the place super uncomfortable to live in. Is it even allowed to completely change the living situation like that?

    submitted by /u/i_am_a_teletubby
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    Package stolen by food delivery service worker

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 09:59 PM PST

    Hello all! Decided to treat myself for the new year by buying myself a new iPhone. The package came in on 12/31 but nothing was there when I went to go check so I figured it wasn't delivered due to holiday. Today I decided to contact my property manager who checked the cameras to see if it was delivered. It was indeed delivered and a couple hours after, it was stolen by a food delivery service worker while he was delivering an order to someone in my building. I wanted some advice on what to do in this case.. since I have video proof, do I bring this to local law enforcement or do I bring this to the app's customer service? If I bring this to the service themselves, what exactly happens? Do they pay me for this issue? Sorry if this is confusing, just very confused on where to go from here. Thank you all!

    I live in West Hollywood, CA

    submitted by /u/nickezo
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    (CO) Psycho Neighbor Keeps Harassing My Guests & Family.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:32 PM PST

    been here for 20 years never really had a issue with my neighbors until the last 2 years, over the last 2 years the police has come to my house more then 11 times for the same issue, and every time they show up nothing happens, I'm starting to look into pursuing legal action and need some help.

    1. they called the police on my family over 11 times the span of 2 years, for non existent "noise-complaints" these usually happen at night but recently she has been calling the cops on me for playing music at 2:00PM and the music isn't remotely loud and every time the police come they just don't see the issue and leave.
    2. She trespasses on our driveway & private property recording vehicles on my driveway and my house and street address posted (caught on ring cameras)
    3. she will leave a bright light in her window facing our house so it shines through our window some how in hopes of disturbing our sleep? I have noticed she only puts this light when a event has happened such as her calling the cops on us or if she was mad at us
    4. she does not allow our guests to park in front of her house, we live in a couldasac and when my driveway is full they have no where else to park so they would park on public road in front of her house alongside the couldasac and she would come and make up BS excuses about service cars coming and how she needs the space, or she would record the vehicles parked there
    5. she calls my personal cell as well as my sisters late at night with a number we don't have in our contacts that back traces to her name with a google search
    6. she tried to pull in front of me when i was leaving, so I would hit her and she could frame me. (recorded on nest camera)
    7. random trash that ends up on there lawn they would put on our front porch assuming it was our trash (which it isn't)
    8. called the police on me for driving into my garage with music playing in my car and 1 window down at 1:00 in the afternoon, music loudness was less then halfway.
    9. called the cops twice within 1 hour for me playing music and working on my car in my garage at 2 in the afternoon after they told me I need to turn it off and I refused, music loudness was less then halfway.
    10. when I have guest coming and going she will stare at them or us through her front porch window and just watch us.
    submitted by /u/Syscalls
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    Concrete dust from neighbors renovation caked my condo - who is responsible for cleanup?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 06:14 PM PST

    Hey everyone! I live in a condo complex (Kentucky) on the second floor, and my neighbors have been renovating their unit directly below me for the last 5 months. In general aside from the gripes of noise (which hey, it's construction so that's fine), there had been no issues until today. This afternoon I walked back into my master bedroom and bathroom and noticed an extremely dense cloud of dust. I ran downstairs and asked that they stop, when they told me they were cutting through concrete and that was probably the issue.

    I opened a window and let things air out for a while, but noticed after going back into that bedroom later, that my animals were sneezing and I had a sore throat, and then saw that the entire area was absolutely caked in the concrete dust, and could see that it was entering through a gap in the cabinet where the water line shut off valve is. I'm kind of beside myself over the mess at this point as it's all over my clothes/bedding/etc. I don't even feel okay sleeping in the area until it's cleaned up, and don't feel like this should fall on me for the expense given it traveled through a common area and was dry cut concrete without any containment.

    So my question is, who would be responsible to have the area cleaned up or the expense of doing so- the HOA, the neighbor, or me? Thank you all for any help, I don't feel like they intended for this but it's still a mess.

    submitted by /u/newly_me
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    Business asking for candidate to come and “volunteer” at job before making decision

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 06:07 PM PST

    I'm in Ohio and My job is to help people with disabilities find work. I have a client who interviewed at a local kennel. The kennel asked her to come in and volunteer for 4 hours to see if it's a good fit before they offer her a job. Just wondering if this is illegal or just a weird thing. It seems to me like they want her to work for them before they offer a position and then potentially regret it, or worse just want the free labor. I've never come across this before so I was a little surprised and confused. I thought it could potentially be discrimination due to her disability in the sense that they're unsure of her and don't want to make a commitment.

    Thoughts? Any advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/hardcorechim
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    [Canada] Crazy next-door neighbor who just moved in called the cops on me twice for no reason...they came banging on my door in the middle of the night, and shining a light into my house.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:09 AM PST

    Been living here for 6 years and never had a problem with my neighbors. The occasional disagreement now and then, but nothing serious. However, 3 months ago they sold the house and the new neighbor has caused many confrontations while trying to make it seem like my fault.

    1) they placed an open envelope with a book of fake cheques in my mail, hoping i would "return" it to them...but opening someone else's mail is a felony, and given what has happened since, i am 100% sure this was an attempted setup

    2) parking in our driveway...we have a private driveway, and they've parked multiple times in it, and in front of it blocking access...asked them to stop and they replied "that's cool"

    3) after they called the cops on me, they installed security cameras...i know you might think i did something but i really don't have any idea what is their problem, so i started recording them and she freaked out telling me it's illegal to record her a d she called the cops (i have this on recording). Due to that false 911 call, the cops came to my house again. All i did is record her while she installed security cameras as i wanted proof they weren't there before and it was her who put them up.

    So she has tried setting me up for a felony, she's made 2 false reports to police and she also harasses me when i go outside to do housework. What do i do?

    Oh yeah another thing is i have her on record saying that my landlord told her my name...here it is illegal for landlords to give personal information of tenants.

    submitted by /u/Separate-Time
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    Accused of stealing co workers presents Police involved

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:29 PM PST


    I'm using a throw away for this. A few weeks ago I dropped off my coworkers Christmas cards in the FedEx box outside my office. There were no cameras pointing to where the FedEx box was. Flash forward to today and I was let go from my job. I was a temp to hire so my contract could be thrown out any day. In my exit interview, my supervisor questioned me extensively if I took the cards. The Christmas cards had those over the counter debit cards you can get at Walmart. The cards had 100 bucks each on em. All the cards totaled up to around 500-800 dlls. I didnt take the cards, I loved my job and the people I worked with were amazing. I loved clocking in and out and I felt like I had found my place there, I was hoping to get off of my temp to hire contract and work there until I could retire. I was the last person to hold the cards and drop them off, So I feel like I'm the obvious suspect. I would work crazy overtime and loved the area where my office was. The company is going to the cops and I'm worried about abunch of what ifs. Our fedex guy said the box was broken into but it doesn't make me feel better. I was unemployed for a large chunk of the pandemic so this loss really did some damage. Should I lawyer up?

    I apologize if theres any errors in this, I havent posted in awhile

    submitted by /u/THROWNAWAYFROMMEBABi
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    Did the police mishandle my domestic abuse report?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 09:53 PM PST

    I'm not sure if this should be under Civil or Criminal Law Sorry in advance if the flair is incorrect.


    I witnessed domestic abuse recently and called the police upon hearing the woman screaming for help. While the police arrived at the address I gave and investigated, at the same time an officer came across the street and knocked on my door to get the same information I had already given over the phone. All within view of the abuser. I assumed something like that would be anonymous (for good reason). Two days later I saw police there again (I found out my neighbor called after witnessing more abuse) and now the dude is coming out and eyeing me every time I park my car and talking shit. I feel the police painted a target on me with the way they handled their investigation.

    My question: Is what they did illegal? And can I do anything about it?

    submitted by /u/Captain_Doobs
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    Job I turned down sent me a paycheck, it showed up on my UI income statement. I threw out the check (as instructed) now what?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 06:42 PM PST

    I accepted a job at a Christian non profit. Then, I later decided that our cultural differences were too significant to overcome. I told them it wasn't going to work out and I never worked for them. However, I still received a check for a week's work. I told them and they asked that I throw the check away. I did so. Now, the government thinks I was paid that amount. I don't want to pay taxes on this!

    submitted by /u/theoriginalmathteeth
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    Does a man have to pay child support even if he has custody of the children?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 04:46 PM PST

    I am writing about my friends girlfriend let's just call her Laura. She and her 2 siblings live with their father here in NY. The mom and the dad got divorced when she was 8. During that time the father signed some papers saying he was going to give full custody of his kids to the mother. However after being alone without kids he tried to go back to court to get his kids back. I think he lost the case.

    Fast forward to Laura being 16 she's living in a house with her 2 siblings and 3 half siblings. The mom decides to get re-married and move to Nevada. This time she does not want to bring any of her kids with her and instead leaves her oldest 22 year old son in the house in charge of the family. Laura gets into a fight with her half siblings and the cops get called. The judge "ordered?" or told her ok go stay with your dad. The half siblings wanted the Lauras siblings out the house too and then told them to move to the dads house also.

    Now the dad has had all his kids live with him for the past 3 years. Their addresses for school and everything else is now at their fathers house. The mom is still in Nevada with her husband and left her other kids alone in NY being raised by the 22 year old son she has.

    Somehow my Lauras dad is still paying child support to mom for 3 kids despite them all living with him and the mom being in the other side of the country. I am confused with the following

    Does the judge that basically told them go stay with your dad grant the dad custody of the kids? Is it possible the judge made a mistake? Why does he still have to pay child support when all 3 kids are registered to his address for school. Doesn't the system check for this type of stuff? Finally...........How can he get out of paying for child support when he's had all 3 kids for like all these years?

    submitted by /u/Intern11
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    Applied for nat in July, still no biometrics

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:49 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I applied for naturalization on July 7th 2020, and I still haven't received anything on the biometrics appt in the mail (or on the USCIS website). It used to say completion in March 2021 but now it says April 2021. I know stuff got kicked wayy back because of COVID19, but I can't even reach a representative to ask them what's up. Everytime I call (800-375-5283), it leads to the answering machine and never directs me to a representative. How can I get in contact with someone and ask them when will I get my biometrics appointment?

    I'm in the US btw, VA.

    submitted by /u/WildfireABJG
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    My wife is the the power of attorney, the executor, and TOD for my late FIL's estate, will and bank account. Can she see the bank transactions for his accounts? (MO)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:25 PM PST

    My FIL passed away late Oct 2020. We have concerns that his caregiver was taking money from him. My wife called the bank today to find out how much was in his checking account and it was ZERO. He should have had a little bit in there as he lived like a miser, but the money that Social Security deposited in December, they went to withdraw and over drafted and had to take from the savings account. That doesn't make sense to us. He had no outstanding debts, so if SS deposited an amount in December after his death, then that amount should have been in his account and not need to be over drafted.

    The bank told my wife she wasn't allowed to see the account transactions because she wasn't the account holder...

    She is planning on calling them again tomorrow to reiterate that she is the executor and POA, can they say no, or will we have to get a subpoena for the records?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/invisible_systems
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