• Breaking News

    Friday, December 25, 2020

    Legal Advice - Won large amount of money in a disability settlement; family member posed as me and changed bank details to theirs and stole the money. What kind of lawyer do I need? Police+Social Security are doing NOTHING.

    Legal Advice - Won large amount of money in a disability settlement; family member posed as me and changed bank details to theirs and stole the money. What kind of lawyer do I need? Police+Social Security are doing NOTHING.

    Won large amount of money in a disability settlement; family member posed as me and changed bank details to theirs and stole the money. What kind of lawyer do I need? Police+Social Security are doing NOTHING.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:01 AM PST

    I'm going to be as vague as possible in this post so I'm not identifiable... so sorry if this gets long.

    I have had an ongoing disability case for 5 years with several appeals. Finally, in December of 2019, I was approved and awarded a large lump sum back payment (less than $70k, more than $30k). Only problem is I never received the payment... in January2020 I called my social security field office to figure out why I had stopped getting mail and why my Medicaid benefits had been cancelled only to find out that my address, phone number, and bank details had all been changed to my dads information (at the time they could not confirm it was his but I found out months later; I knew it was the whole time.) I took the account number and deposit info to my dads bank, Wells Fargo, and tried to access the account (I assumed it had my name on it but it did not) the bank informally confirmed it was his account and the money was transferred immediately after deposit.

    My dad is a drug addict who I had a personal falling out with a year prior to this. He knew all about the case and before our falling out he had been helping me since I'm young and didn't understand how any of it worked. My address with social security had "mysteriously" changed back to his address several times, but they told me it was because their system was slow and didn't update. My lawyer and I have proof we requested to change the address at least 4 separate times over the years.

    From this point on, social security told me they refused to talk to me or give me any type of paperwork or information without a lawyer. With pulling some teeth, my disability attorney (who I am close with) was able to get me the full bank account number and date that this occurred. Unfortunately she is not able to practice fraud/criminal law in my state and she advised me to find a new lawyer to help. She said that all "notes" that were previously on my account with social security had been deleted and that there was some seriously fishy stuff going on at the field office, and said I may even have grounds for a lawsuit.

    Enter my problem: I've called 15+ lawyers in my area and I can't find someone to help me. I have no money (all my money was in the settlement that was stolen; I am a disabled mother and cannot work). I have no clue what to do. It's been a year and there has been no progress on this case whatsoever.

    I also made a police report but because I don't have any solid proof of the crime being committed they say they can't help me. At this point I'm desperate for help and don't know what to do other than to post here. Please, any help or advice on where to go is greatly appreciated. I mostly need help finding a lawyer. I'm in MD if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/DeathCabForLeah
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    Teacher fired for being tested for COVID and principal is claiming she reigned, barring her from receiving unemployment.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:12 PM PST

    (Title: resigned*)


    I am located in Ohio. My mother was a teacher at a school in my area for 6 years and has been a teacher for 25 years. In October, she became very sick and was afraid she had COVID. She let her principal/boss know that she was afraid of passing her possible virus to her kindergarteners and that her doctor wanted her to get tested. Her principal doesn't "believe" in COVID and told her that it was ridiculous for her to get tested, that she still needed to come to work, etc.

    Her boss made her come to work and teach (in person) Monday-Friday while she was sick, then on Friday she pulled her into her office and fired her. My mom has a recording of the conversation of her getting fired, and other various recordings of her verbally bullying her, etc.

    My mom is trying to apply for unemployment, but she found out that her principal is claiming that she resigned so she's unable to receive unemployment. She can barely afford her bills and is stuck in an abusive relationship because her boyfriend is the only person working and she relies on him to pay her bills.

    She's tried to find a lawyer, but she is struggling financially and is unable to afford one. She filed a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, but is unable to speak with anyone until March.

    What are her options here? She has proof that the claims being made against her are wrong, but she doesn't have the funds to do anything about it. I don't know much about legal things, but I'll do my best to answer any questions.

    Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/pootscoot1
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    [California, USA] Co-signer Took My Name Off The Registration Without My Knowledge

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:47 PM PST

    Asking for a friend. My friend is the primary and the co-signer is the secondary on the registration. On the original registration there is an "or" in between their names. My friend was out of town for a few weeks and the co-signer was driving the car. His cosigner took his name off the registration of the car without his knowledge by selling it to a dealer ship and purchasing it under his name only (co-signer). The car was owned by the bank. To do this, the co signer took the car to a dealership where they allegedly purchased the car and sold it back to him the same day. They charged him taxes and fees and issued him new registration. When they purchased the car from the co signer, the primary (my friend) was not present and did not sign anything paperwork at the dealership to authorize the sale of the vehicle to the dealership. The co signer passed away a few days later. The family of the cosigner produced the death certificate to the bank and the bank took the car and sold it in auction. Now my friend is out of a car, lost all of his money he put in payments. What type of lawyer should he look for? Might he be entitled to any type of compensation? Any help would be great, thanks.

    submitted by /u/MadabaJordan
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    Manager not giving out schedule

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 03:48 PM PST

    I have been working at a restaurant in Florida for about two months now and every Friday I have to ask for the schedule. The schedule is never done and it has to be sent to me several hours after work. This week I asked for the schedule and was told she would send it in a few minutes, it is now the next day and I still dont have the schedule. I even sent her a message today asking for it again. I know that I usually work Saturdays and come in at 7 am, but I cant be sure because I dont have the schedule. Can it be held against me as a no call no show if I weren't to show up? It annoys the crap out of me that I have to beg for my schedule and half the time I'm walking on eggshells wondering if I'm actually scheduled that day.

    submitted by /u/goatgirl1112
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    My roommate tested positive for Coronavirus, then coughed in my face intentionally

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:58 PM PST

    My roommate informed me today that she tested positive for Coronavirus. I decided we need to quarantine. She then tried to invite her boyfriend over. I requested he (as well as everyone else) don't come over as she's tested positive for Coronavirus. We argued, and at the end she walked up and coughed in my face intentionally and said, there now we all have it, and let her boyfriend in.

    I live in Salem, Oregon. I feel like the intentional exposure to Coronavirus by my roommate is assault.

    Do I have legal grounds to press charges or go through civil court, for assault or otherwise, for my roommate coughing in my face while positive for Coronavirus?

    submitted by /u/RipCity-NBA-LoL
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    (NY - not NYC) Neighbor blocks my car when I park on the street in front of his house

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:37 AM PST

    My neighbor doesn't want anyone parking on the street in front of his house. Our street is a couldesac, and so it can accommodate 20 cars of parking with no issue.

    While this is normally a non issue because there is ample parking in my driveway (which my mom and brothers use), this morning (Christmas) I have some family over and they are parked on the street. My neighbor moved his cars from his driveway to block my sister's car from all sides and she cannot get in her car now.

    What should we do? At this point, he has fought with us several times, and all civil resolutions are out the window. This is a suburban street and there literally is no reason for his attitude other than being very petty.

    submitted by /u/Lynxjcam
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    (Dallas County, Texas) How to I legally keep my parents away from my wife and I.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 12:38 PM PST

    I'm 28. I grew up in a messed up, immigrant household where child abuse was the norm. My dad regularly hit and kicked me, and verbally abused me. This trauma has affected my personality and how my life in so many ways that it would be too long to go through all of that now. I got married and we live away from my parents on the opposite side of the county.

    My parents have been trying to make amends because they didn't expect me to move away so soon and they can't deal with the fact that they can't control me. But honestly, I'm not interested in making amends. In fact, I'd rather keep them away from as far as I legally can.

    Sorry for the long backstory, but I felt some context was needed. Anyways, on the my question: is there a way I can legally keep them from contacting myself or my wife and from visiting us (they found out where we live). These are people that do not deserve to be called parents. I don't want them anywhere near my family and I want them out of my life. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/marbeastmodius
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    Manager has been manually editing my hours after I work them to pay me less.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 01:51 PM PST

    The last two months I have decided to start keeping track of my punch in/out times because my paychecks were not adding up. Due to COVID I was ordered to keep track of my own hours on a physical, official, company time sheet instead of using a company fingerprint scanner/puncher.

    I have a firm start time and a not so firm end time (because I cannot finish all my necessary job duties/filing until everyone has turned in their nightly paperwork).

    About a month ago I did the math and realized I had been underpaid 8.45 overtime hours the past two months. I took pictures of all my timesheets, all my paystubs, and created an Excel worksheet that calculated my actual pay and compared it to what I should have been paid. I emailed all this to my manager and let them know. The next day my manager walked into my office and told me they apologized because it must've been a clerical error and told me they would manually inflate my hours that week to pay me the 6 hours I was missing. I repeated it was 8.45 hours not 6 hours and they looked at me with a weird grin and said sure they would fix it and left me alone.

    A week passed and my hours were inflated to look like I worked more than I did but were still short by 15 minutes. I let it go because I thought hey it's just 15 minutes, maybe I wrote my times wrong and the manager looked at the cameras and corrected it. A month passed and I let it go.

    Today I got an early check because of the holiday and noticed my hours looked off again. I went back and calculated my hours again and am now underpaid by 1.64 hours this month. Every week has been underpaid by a small amount but it adds up.

    I am infuriated because this job takes 12 to 13 hours of my life every day and I truly try my best. All my coworkers rely on me for any kind of questions and these last few months my manager has had be driving around the state pretty much doing my managers and my regional managers job for no extra pay.

    A few weeks ago I got fed up and asked my manager for an $8 raise because I had been doing a lot already am paid very little. My manager said no and I told them I would quit. They contacted my regional manager and my regional manager told him to pay me for my mileage. I have yet to receive that check. I also asked the regional manager for a meeting to see if I could move to a different position or negotiate the raise and he agreed but also invited my manager to the meeting. In the meeting they both told me I would get a maximum 50 cent raise and that no new positions were open. They both appear to be really good friends.

    In my time working with them I have realized they are incompetent at their jobs and delegate everything to others while they sit in their offices on their phones watching YouTube.

    Oh and my manager has been repeatedly telling me to smile more in a creepy way. We are both of the same sex and they have a family. It makes me feel really uncomfortable.

    Should I contact HR and let them know all or any of this? Is there anything I can do? I am tired of doing their work for them but I do not want to lose my job. I applied for another job in the same company and was interviewed but have not heard back yet. I don't want to compromise my future in this company over this.

    I know my manager is manually changing my hours because last week on the time sheet I did the math and wrote it in big numbers on the bottom: 54.67 hours. They entered 54.37.

    Final note: I don't want to make this political but I am the only minority here. They are both white. All my other awesome and hardworking coworkers are all white.

    TL;DR: Manager is intentionally not paying me hours I work and I confronted them. I have not been properly compensated yet and it keeps happening.

    Location: Southeastern Illinois

    submitted by /u/theoawayy32
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    About to lose $2,500 deposit next week, wondering best recovery strategy.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:30 PM PST

    Long story short: Attempted to purchase a home, and found out in late stages that my lender was requiring the details of my new job 2 months in advance, but my employers fill jobs in a 2 week period so I wouldn't get that level of information until I was ready to begin work, which I couldn't do until after I move and complete a 2 week quarantine (moving from Maine to Vermont).

    My loan officer told me there was no way for me to get the loan approved without the details of the job, which my employers cannot provide until after I am in state. So I withdrew my application to recover my $600 appraisal fee, since I knew the loan application was hopeless.

    My loan officer did not tell me that by withdrawing the loan, I am not being "denied" financing, and therefor I am sacrificing my $2,500 deposit on the home I was trying to purchase, and she is refusing to give me a letter that says I was going to be denied, which is the only way I can get my deposit back.

    I still have a week until my financing contingency date, should I:

    A: Attempt to get a loan from somewhere else knowing I don't have time to close, and hope to get a denial letter that I can use to get my deposit back.

    B. Threaten to sue my loan officer for damages for telling me the loan was going to get denied and then not actually offering me a denial letter.

    C. Split the deposit with the homeowners ($1,250 each) on top of the $1,300 I spent on inspections and just take a loss of $2,550 to get away clean.

    D. Some other option?

    My contract calls for deposit disputes to be settled via mediation, however neither party wants that because we have been advised that the cost of hiring a mediator and attorneys will be greater than the value of the deposit. Any advice is appreciated from anyone with law or real estate or banking experience. I can answer any questions about my situation, I was just trying to give a brief summary.

    submitted by /u/refsinstyle
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    My mom's ex sent my 18 year old sister a nude photo of my mom. He took the picture without my mom's consent while she was sleeping. Is this illegal?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:34 PM PST

    I live in New York State. This happened a little over a month ago. The picture itself is old and probably from years ago, but my mom never even knew he had it. I want to know if there's any legal action that can be taken.

    submitted by /u/xqwowpx
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    Accused of leaving the scene (ny)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 06:35 PM PST

    I'm being accused of leaving the scene of a ped accident. My local pd called me saying I was reported in a accident and flee the scene. I was at a friend's house the entire day and the pd said they have a witness but no video or picture proof. But I all I have is a friend who can attest that I was at his house and my car does not have any damage to it. I was ticketed for the accident and have no idea what to do. Please help

    submitted by /u/neinmisc
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    CT - Unemployment Overpayment Notice. Applied for unemployment, but never actually put in a claim for any payment. How in the world were we overpaid?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:21 PM PST

    My son, 18, applied for unemployment after he lost work due to covid. Due to how complicated the system was, we honestly couldn't figure out how much he was awarded, nor how to claim anything, so we let it go. I was handling this for him completely, he never had any direct access to the system. So, he never made any claim himself, not even one I might not know about. We never got a check, a benefits card, nor did we give them any bank information to make any direct deposits.

    Now, he just got a notice in the mail that he owes money for an overpayment.

    How in the world could we possibly owe for am overpayment when we never actually put in a claim in the first place?

    We have a form here titled "predetermination hearing request", dated 12/17, that requires an answer within 14 days.

    Should we request a hearing by mail and just write that we never actually put in a claim and never actually received any money? Would a hearing by phone be better? Is there some money awarded to him sitting somewhere, minus this "overpayment" we are entitled to that we should figure out how to access?

    This whole system is so confusing and overwhelming. Stuff like this is partially why we're hesitant to even get involved in this system. I feel so stupid but things like this just absolutely overwhelm me.

    submitted by /u/AveNoIdea
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    (California) [URGENT] Does this qualify as child abuse? If so, how can I help my friend?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 11:32 AM PST

    Hello. Here's some background info.

    • My friend has an eating disorder and is very suicidal. We found out recently that she self harms, has made multiple attempts on her life, and drinks diluted bleach (I think she said 2 tbsp in 2 cups of water if that matters). She referred to herself as "Hannah Baker #2" in her last sign-off. I'm very worried that she might die soon.
    • Her parents' response to this has been to deny her professional help, force-feed her, and cut her off from speaking to anyone outside of the family, even us (we have been close friends since elementary school and our families are very close). They installed cameras everywhere and she's not allowed to be nearly anywhere on her own.
    • Our only way of contacting her has been through a Google Slides document on her school computer, and her parents have found out about it and now she will be moved to a charter school so that she won't see us again. I'm worried that might've been our last goodbye.
    • Our parents have also picked up on this and are also very worried for her. They encouraged us to find a way to help her.
    • She's a minor (12). My sister is the same age as her and I'm 14.

    So can I contact CPS about this? What are our options?

    TL;DR: My friend is very suicidal and her parents are making the problem worse and refusing to allow her to get professional help. I'm worried she might die soon. How can I help her?

    submitted by /u/dumbassadors
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    My landlord sexually assaulted/abused? me last night and I don’t know what the fuck to do

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 01:18 PM PST

    My landlord sexually abused/assaulted?? me last night. What the fuck do I do?!

    He's a former police officer for Denver, injured in the line of duty. He teaches women's self defense classes.

    Well liked in our neighborhood and seems to have friends.

    He came into my room drunk last night, asking where my dog was. I didn't realize that he was intoxicated. I've recently moved into working for myself as an OF creator. I decided to fill him in on this information out of courtesy/to keep him in the loop about my source of income.

    He responded very aggressively to that and immediately began asking me for sex. I said no instantly and continued to say no throughout the entire 30-min ordeal. He started pulling me into him, grouping my sides, my legs, my butt and trying to reach under my shirt and bra. He didn't stop until I set in my iPhone emergency alert. Once he let go, I turned it off.

    I have a 15 minute long video of him being very verbally explicit towards me. Unfortunately I didn't start filming until the majority of the physical abuse stopped. He didn't stop until I set off my iPhone emergency alert. Then proceeded to stand in my room, sit on my bed, ask me extremely sexual questions, told me to lie down and show him how to touch me, and recreated a previous sexual encounter with a women where she wanted him to stop and it made him upset.

    He offered me 2 months rent for free if I had sex with him. Told him no. He kept insisting and kept grabbing me so I promised him that I would find him a sex worker to sleep with him ASAP. I completely fawned my way through the situation, trying to not make him angry and making those fucked up promises so that he would leave me alone.

    Now I'm essentially homeless on Christmas. And I don't know what the fuck to do.

    Somebody please fucking help me

    submitted by /u/amelya-coven
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    The distracted uninsured driver who hit my friend and killed his brother is suing my friend. How is this even possible?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:18 PM PST

    The driver is in prison but yesterday my friend was served with lawsuit papers from her. She is suing for $150,00 $150,000 dollars. She was the one texting and driving who drove on a sidewalk and hit them. She didn't have car insurance. My friend has a huge hospital bill and his parents had to take a loan for his brother's funeral. It was her fault. Can she legally sue him under California law if he's the victim?

    submitted by /u/lawquestionthrow3
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    [MA] - Everyone's Favorite: Tree Law

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 11:17 AM PST

    This may not be as juicy as some other posts, in fact it's probably pretty boring.

    We had a tree which was on our property fall over due to a windstorm last night. It fell through our neighbor's fence and the branches are leaning against the home. I don't see any damage to windows or siding after a quick walk through.

    After some googling, I am pretty sure that my neighbor would need to call their insurance company since it was due to a windstorm and since the tree is on their property.

    However, I found it odd they didn't stop by this morning to let us know what had happened. When I found the tree had fallen down, I went over and rang the doorbell but nobody responded. I checked the land records to find out who was on the deed since I remember multiple people there before. It turns out there was only one person on the deed but they had passed away earlier this month. Nobody has been back to the home since then as we haven't seen any cars in their driveway, which now makes sense as to why that was the case.

    My question is, would it be legally ok for me to clean up the fallen tree myself? I don't want it to snow more and add extra weight to the home and have it cause damage to windows. I feel bad for whoever will inherit the home, it's probably the last thing they want to deal with after having a loved one pass away.

    I did submit a claim to my home insurance company, I don't expect anything to come out of it but I wanted it on record.

    submitted by /u/tutome
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    Got some noticeable damage on a rental car; what should I do?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:58 PM PST

    Rented a zipcar for an hour a couple of days ago (California) for some urgent business because it was late and there was no public transportation. On my way back, the car got scraped; no third party was involved. This caused some paint to be left on the bumper, which was easy to get rid of, but more importantly it detached the bumper. Can't put it back together and even though it's not very noticeable initially, it makes a noise while driving.

    However, I was driving on an international license (valid in my home country for several years from now), which is valid for a year on an F1 Visa (which I'm on). It has been close to 13 months I've been here however, which hasn't caused an issue for zipcar because they never asked for my entry dates and I got an account much later, but I am concerned it might cause issues if it goes to insurance.

    Should I inform zipcar? Do I face deportation risks if this happens? There is a $1000 damage fee which I am willing to pay if it comes to that.

    submitted by /u/tempthrowaway2512
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    My ex is saying I cant keep my kids overnight because he considers my friends strangers

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:24 PM PST

    So we're separating not married with 2 kids and tonight he told me I cant keep my kids overnight because he considers my roommates strangers I mean they've literally spent the night with us before we split hes saying that his apartment is the home and that if I take them hell have me arrested for kidnapping if I wanna see them I have to sleep at his house or I cant see them at all and he keeps trying to use the kids to force me into being with him I'm separating him because he 1 cheated 2 financially abused me wouldnt let me work or spend money he made 3 wouldnt help with the kids My friends are great and my kids love them What do I do

    submitted by /u/Societys-Typo
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    Restraining Order without a crime committed or real evidence of intent

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:06 PM PST

    Sorry if this is a repost, I looked but couldn't find any similar. If there's a better sub for this I'm all ears please. (offtopic?) Thanks for reading.

    Colorado, USA

    My mother-in-law threated to report me for domestic abuse just for the sake of winning an unrelated heated argument. Yeah, I know today is christmas. The context was me shouting that 'this is my house and you have zero authority to tell me what to do or say in it' (best recollection)Her response was "Yeah well all it would take is one call to the Domestic Abuse hotline to change that."

    I love my family. I have no history, incidents, intentions, fantasy, or otherwise about any sort of abuse toward my wife and kids. But being accused of something that I did not do and may follow me for the rest of my life is not something I'm going to entertain in the slightest - nor is just trying to pretend it didn't happen. I guess my question is what are my options? Is a restraining order even an applicable solution for this kind of threat of false accusation? I have no evidence that this threat was made. It would just be he said she said.

    submitted by /u/No_Wolf_965
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    Mystery fence.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 06:23 PM PST

    Located in Connecticut.

    There is a fence on my back property line that I want to replace in the spring. That fence spans three of my neighbors backyards, and no one knows who's owns the fence.

    Can I just replace it?

    submitted by /u/xj3kx
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    Work has been shorting me on paychecks

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:52 PM PST

    Hi everyone. This is kind of preemptive because I haven't spoken to HR or anyone yet but I feel like I should ask for advice about this before even talking to HR. Just for background I am a CNA at a long term care facility in Wisconsin and my base pay is about $13.50 an hour give or take (not really sure, clearly been a while since I've checked). So up until early October I was working pool or PRN hours just picking up where necessary because I'm a full-time nursing student. Well, school has been going pretty well so I decided to switch to a more regular schedule (every weekend) even though I'm off now for a while and my school schedule will change mid January. So as a pool CNA I was getting paid $11.49/hr as my base pay but $4 extra for weekdays and $5 for weekends. It's weird. Basically 15 bucks a weekday and 16 a weekend. Which was good I was able to make my lesser hours work for me.

    But like I said I switched back to part time and as I said above, my "scheduled" base rate is somewhere around $13.50 maybe even 14 I'm not sure. But definitely not $11.49.

    It may be own stupidity for not checking sooner but I had noticed that my last paycheck was weird (usually I am so busy that I don't even pay attention because all my money disappears to bills immediately). They basically didn't switch back my hourly pay to normal and therefore have shorted me almost $450 over the past 2 months on my paychecks. Not sure I can talk to someone from HR until after New Years either because they're all gone on vacation. What should I do? Kind of pissed off but keeping my cool because I'm a rational person and I know mistakes happen, especially one I should have caught sooner.

    submitted by /u/cot-hocoa
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    Is my mother stringing me along about the accounting of my Trust Fund?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:24 PM PST

    I'm in NY, my Trust Fund was prepared in NJ, but my Trust fund bank account is overseas. I'm the sole beneficiary of the Trust.

    Two years ago, I signed a Trust Agreement after my father died. My mother is the trustee. She moved thousands of miles overseas right after I signed it.

    I've been estranged from her for the past 7 years, but I'm now in very low contact with her because she has yet to send me an accounting of the Trust fund. It was prepared here the US, but the account itself is overseas where my mom now lives.

    I asked her for the accounting or at least a bookkeeping of the Trust fund back in October. She replied that she'll send it by the end of the week. She never did. I emailed her again in November to ask where it is, and it took her 2 weeks for her to reply that she's waiting for the report from the CPA and will send it to me when he sends it to her. It's now over a month later and she has yet to send it.

    Based on the trust laws in the US state where the Trust was prepared, she is required to send me an accounting. I'm not too sure about the trust laws overseas.

    Which Trust laws apply to the Trust fund: the ones where the Trust Agreement was prepared or the ones where the Trust's bank account is located?

    Most importantly, is my mother stringing me along? I'm the only beneficiary of the Trust, so why is it taking so long for me the get the accounting of the Trust fund?

    Sadly, money is very tight for me, so I can't afford to hire a Trust attorney yet, and the Legal Aide societies in my state don't help people in matters pertaining to Trust Funds.

    Just to be clear, the brokerage money was money that my father put into a custodial brokerage account when I was a minor, but it legally became mine when I turned 18 twenty years ago and I was paying taxes for it. My father never gave me access to it and hired his CPA to do my taxes. I fired the CPA recently and hired my own because he was withholding my original tax documents despite multiple requests to return them. I reported him to the State Board of Accountancy for misconduct. He's the same CPA my mother hired to do the Trust's taxes and bookkeeping.

    I did consult with a few lawyers who were interested in my legal issues, but they won't work on a contingency unless there's hard evidence of wrongdoing, not just strong suspicions.

    I'm located in the US and not a minor.

    submitted by /u/fergi20020
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