• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 24, 2020

    Legal Advice - Bought a house, someone injured in home showing prior to me buying it, need help what to do ?

    Legal Advice - Bought a house, someone injured in home showing prior to me buying it, need help what to do ?

    Bought a house, someone injured in home showing prior to me buying it, need help what to do ?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:17 AM PST

    I bought a house and the house was shown to someone before I bought it and he was injured in the showing. The person was "seriously" injured according to a letter I got from the lawyer representing the person. The letter is requesting me to open my property for investigation.

    Should I respond? if so should I allow them onto my property? What happens if I just ignore them? This seems to be between them and the previous owner and nothing with me

    submitted by /u/seekinghlp
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    State has filed to terminate parental rates from my ex. The baby is possibly mine

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Kentucky for my location. My ex-fiancee had a baby six months after we broke up. I was not aware she was pregnant until I heard she had a baby. Her cousin told me the state has filed to permanently terminate her parental rights due to drug use during the pregnancy by her and the baby being born dependent on drugs. Can I request a paternity test and take custody if the baby is mine? I have a job, a place to live that isn't a drug den, no arrest/criminal record and I would pass a drug test. I'm single and don't have kids but I will step up. Can I go to the state without a lawyer or is it better if I have one?

    submitted by /u/custody_throwaway12
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    A sheriff shot to my mom’s window when tried to “kill a deer” and we can get in the phone with anyone in the department

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:35 AM PST

    My mother's house received a shot in the window from a police officer that (he said) was killing a deer in a nearby road. He then went to my moms house and took the bullet from the floor and left. My parent were in the room of the accident at the moment and almost (a few feet) got shot but this cop. My mother is calling every day several times to the sheriff's office and she only can talk with the voicemail with no response from anyone. This happened yesterday in Outer Banks, NC What we need to do? The window is broken and a dresser where the bullet hit. Thanks

    submitted by /u/papalotes
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    Pregnant and need to leave. Do i wait until after child is born or go now.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 11:06 AM PST

    I (32f) am 6 months pregnant living in tennessee with no family or friends of my own around. My Bf (34m) won't get a job, has not contributed financially to our household, is an alcoholic that will cut back drinking for 2 weeks then go right back to as bad as it was before, won't get mental help for his anxiety/depression/adhd though his family and i have offered to pay and even schedule an appointment for him. I've pleaded with him to get help and his response the last time was to tell me twice "just leave so i can kill myself". I never threatened to leave. Now that things are still not getting better I want out. It is obvious to me now, a little too late, that nothing will change. I have nowhere to go in this state and my home, where i lived 4 years before coming here to be with him is 4 hours away in Indiana. My friends will let me stay with them until i get on my feet. I've been employed working from home for the same company for 5 years now so it shouldn't take long at all to get a place. Legally would i be better off to leave now, (in the middle of a pandemic, 6 months pregnant, having to find a new doctor in a new state with only 3 months left) or wait until the child is born to leave? I would be filing for full custody either way because he cannot go an hour after waking up before needing to drink. He is already in a custody battle with a previous ex who left while pregnant (she moved 10 hours away) and they still haven't come to an agreement and the child is 3 years old. I am concerned with having to allow an infant 50/50 time when bf can't stay sober for 12 hours. I'm concerned about how difficult it will be to go through custody court when i won't even technically be a resident of the state I want to go to until my baby is 3 months old. He lives in a family home he inherited and i will be staying with friends until i can get an apartment. Like i stated before, he refuses to work, his family allows his drinking (he drives to his moms to "do laundry" a multiple times a day where they keep a stock of beer and liquor), his mother pays for his attorney in his current custody case, his grandma pays his child support and the utilities of the house we live in. What can i do to be sure that I can keep my future son safe? Leave now? leave later? stay for documentation of his addictions then try to leave? I'm scared my son will have to grow up in an unsafe environment because once I leave my bf will use that as an excuse to become even worse than he is now.

    submitted by /u/Sissin88
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    (Washington) I was wrongfully arrested when I was 12 and I would like to erase the arrest record if possible

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:25 PM PST

    I was charged with 5 things - 3 felonies and 2 misdemeanors - and those were dropped but I was fingerprinted and there was a mugshot taken. I had been in the car with my parent while they led the police on a chase and when we were finally stopped both of us were arrested. I spent 4 days in juvenile detention before the charges were dropped. I never went to court. The arrest shows up on background checks and so do the charges. Is there anything I can do to get the arrest erased off my record? The charges were dropped by it still shows up even though I was only arrested and not convicted.

    submitted by /u/thr0wawaylegaladvic3
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    (FLORIDA) My fiancee's sister impersonated her to get admitted to the hospital

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 02:36 PM PST

    My fiancee has cancer. Her sister went to a hospital and impersonated my fiancee. The hospital contacted my fiancee's doctor and he gave them information and later on he visited the hospital and realized it wasn't my fiancee. Her sister has been caught faking illnesses and injuries before. She's lied about broken bones, cancers and other illness or injury One time someone set up a crowd fund for her. The only reason she didn't go to jail was because she didn't ask for the money herself and didn't collect anything and the other person honestly believed she had cancer.

    Her sister had copies of her insurance paperwork, we suspect were taken from our mail as some went missing before and had to be resent. She wants attention all the time for being ill. She took all kinds of photos and posted them on her public Instagram about her being in the hospital. I have screen shots. When she found out my fiancee had cancer she actually said she was upset it wasn't a hereditary kind so she could have it too.

    I'm helping my fiancee navigate this now. The hospital was not in our network so I don't know what that means for insurance. She was there for almost 3 days and 2 nights before her doctor was able to come there. I don't want my fiancee to have any stress but honestly both of us are lost. What should we be doing (if anything)?

    submitted by /u/throw_away_legal3
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    Got charged $200+ for a COVID test I never took. Can I dispute these charges? (Indiana)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:32 PM PST

    Just before Thanksgiving, I called in to an immediate/urgent care center to see about getting a COVID test. I registered for a test over the phone where I provided my personal information and they asked me about my insurance. I wasn't sure if I had received my insurance card from my new job yet, so I couldn't provide that info, but they said I could bring it in later and get it filed when I took my test. That day, I checked my mail and didn't have it, so I just never went in to get tested. Today I received a $212 bill for that test that I never took, labeled "Medical Services", due on the 31st. They have my insurance plan listed on that bill as well, even though I never provided that info. Do/Should I pay this or is there any way I can dispute it?

    submitted by /u/Invisible_Mirror20
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    My Grandmother's Bankruptcy Attorney Neglected To Do His Job

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:54 PM PST

    My Grandmother filed for Chapter 19 Bankruptcy which of course required her to set up a payment plan and take two separate money management courses. She made all of the payments and took the first course(at the beginning) but didn't know she needed to take a second course at the end. The court mailed her, saying that her time to complete the course was almost up. So we called the attorney, and informed him of the situation. He gave us the website that you take the course at, and told us he would take care of it, as soon as she completed the online course. We brought the site up for my grandmother, had her take the course, and emailed the attorney the PDF of the completion. Unfortunately we get another letter from the court, saying my grandmother's time has run out, but they're essentially giving her a grace period. We call the attorney again, and he checks his records while we're on the phone, and says, he sees the problem and his taking care of it right this instant. Good, case closed. Well, we then get a letter from the court saying the Chapter 13 bankruptcy has failed without being discharged because may grandmother failed to meet all of the requirements. I'm calling the attorney back on Monday, but is there anything else we should be doing in this situation? What are our options?

    Location: U.S. Kentucky

    submitted by /u/THEBHR
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    A company is using our daughter's picture without our permission

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 05:49 PM PST

    We have a 10-month-old daughter and we got some family photographs taken by a local photographer. We did some photos with all of us and then some photos of just her. These photos were taken in August when she was about 6 months old.

    Last month a bunch of people start texting me screenshots of Instagram and facebook ads asking us if it's our daughter. And it is but we did not give any permission to anyone to use these photos. A company called DHGate (which appears to be a Chinese company) got the pictures of her I think from our photographer's website and is using them to sell an outfit. Our photographer swears up and down that she did not sell our photos to anyone and just used 2 for her online portfolio (we gave her permission to do so) which are the same photos that ended up on DHGate.

    Also, we did not buy her outfit from DHGate we got it from TJMaxx, but no idea if DHGate is their supplier.

    We have asked them multiple times to take the ad and the picture down. They do not respond to our emails. We tried calling and they hang up on us or leave us on hold forever.

    Is there anything we can do here? What kind of lawyer should we talk to?

    submitted by /u/Pof_no
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    Uninsured driver caused an accident that wrecked our car (TX

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:50 AM PST

    So, I'm not a regular Reddit user, but it was recommended that I post here for advice.

    2 weeks ago my husband was in an accident. Car #1 (uninsured) hit Car #2 and caused Car #2 to smash into my husband's car and a bus. My husband was stopped at the time. Car #1 is not insured, although he lied about that at the scene. Car #2's insurance just called (on Christmas Eve) and said they will not be paying any damages. Our insurance says there is nothing they can do. Is there anything we can do to get paid for damages in this situation?

    Possibly worth mentioning: We are insured, but only with liability. No uninsured motorist or collision (trust me, we feel really dumb right now). My husband's car is badly damaged and we still owe $7k on it.

    Car #1 was driving a 2020 Mercedes. He gave fake insurance info at the scene, including saying he had State Farm insurance, but State Farm says he does not have a policy with them. We looked him up and found he was charged in 2019 for driving without a license.

    If there is any other info I missed or that is needed, I can add it!

    submitted by /u/Weekly-Effective5118
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    Mom sent $150k+ to her scammer boyfriend.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Yup. I hate to say it's true, friends. Disclaimer: I know everything I'm about to type is bogus, but I need everyone to know what I know.

    A little backstory: my father passed away in 2019 and we were all obviously devastated. My mom went to dating sites to cope. Unfortunately, my mom is a senior citizen (61) and isn't the brightest. When my dad died, she took control of handling everything. She receives his social security and has Survivor Benefits, so she's on a fixed income. I (24) worried because she was controlling the money she was to live off for the rest of her life and working with the finances is something she's never had to do, since my dad did all that stuff.

    Fast forward: she meets this guy on a dating website in September. She says she messaged him first and they set up to video chat. My mom asked me to say hello, but it was all too soon for me. I let her have her relationship and tried not to ask questions. After two months in the relationship, my mom told me she broke up with him because he asked her for $200,000 to help him get out of debt for a contract job in Italy. His funds in America were frozen and this was the first time he had taken an overseas contract. Once my mom told me this, I grilled her. I told her this was a scam and that she should cut all contact. However, I couldn't keep tabs on her because she was in the process of selling her home and moving states.

    Fast forward to December: I'm visiting for the holidays. They've been dating for almost four months now. My mom had made subtle hints that she was still talking to this guy. She would mention that she's stressed and didn't have any money to spend when we'd go buy necessities (this is what flagged me because my mom is a huge spender and is very materialistic). Her boyfriend always calls her at midnight because it's morning there in Italy. I decided to listen in on her conversation she had with him this time.

    What I know: she hadn't heard from him in a week because he was in jail. He was doing foreign trade with the Chinese, that apparently was illegal. They kept raising the prices for the materials and he had to comply. My mom said: "I can't give you anymore money. I've exhausted all my bank accounts and taken out loans and maxed my credit cards. You know I would help you, but I can't this time." He said she had already done too much for him, more than he could ask for. If he didn't come up with the money in two weeks, he would go to prison for 24 months.

    I'm just in shock. She had him on speaker phone, so I could hear everything. Once she got off the phone, I sat her down and confronted her about it. Turns out she lended him about $160,000 -- $80,000 twice. She sent the first one as a cashier's check to a person with a different name (she said it was his business partner), and the second one was a cashier's check sent to an auto company. At this point, I'm crying, screaming, and hysterical about everything she had told me. She said she wasn't worried because she truly believed he would pay her back. He had them both sign documents stating he would pay her back triple what she lended him once he had access to his bank account and this whole thing blew over.

    As of right now,

    I'm in the process of changing her passwords for EVERYTHING. I'll be a joint owner on all her bank accounts and will be looking at her bank statements soon. Honestly, I'm just surprised she hadn't been flagged by the IRS, and if she had, why hasn't she received a letter?

    I have this information about this scammer: His name, driver's license, passport, his address, the bank he uses (along with the account number), the contracting company he works for, his phone number, his son's phone number, a couple of signed contracts saying he'll pay her back by a certain date, his email, and many pictures of him.

    So, now, Reddit, I ask you... what the hell do I do?

    For legal purposes: mom moved from Texas and now lives in Washington state. She sent him money while she was still living in Texas and has sent him money from here as well. She has Survivor Benefits, my dad's pension, and his social security that pay for everything. The money she lended was what she had saved up since he died.

    Some questions I have:

    (1) Will she lose her VA Benefits / Survivor Benefits for not being smart about her money?

    (2) Is there any chance we can flag this guy down?

    (3) Will she be able to get this money back?

    If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I'll be leaving here in a couple of days and will most likely return within the month or the next one to keep tabs on her and to support her through this.

    TL;DR: My mom lended her scammer boyfriend $160k to help him with his contracting job in Italy.

    submitted by /u/llellowducky
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    Disabled College Student: Professor creates barriers against accommodations in “fairness to all students” in course.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 06:05 AM PST

    What can be done? I'm in California attending a state school. I'm registered at the disability office and they have verified my disability. Ever since transfer to this state college from CC, I ve had a very difficult time with Professors in my department granting my accommodations despite receiving notice from the disability office on campus. Excused absences for infusion treatments, Dr appointments, test extended time or extensions on assignments or quizzes.

    I've had 4 professors, either ignore, refuse, argue with me and disabled services on whether they'll grant the accommodation or not. I've also had professors treat me rudely, are curt and cut off communication with me during office hours. Like they're avoiding me. This impacted my grades and I've consistently received lower grades due to not getting my accommodations. What can be done?

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Algae97
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    Creepy Maintenance Man crossing boundaries [IL]

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:45 AM PST

    So I (26, F) just moved into a new apartment about 20 days ago. When I toured the place, 3 of the lights in my unit were out. I made a note of this and my leasing agent said it would be fixed before I moved in by maintenance. Day I move in, these lights are not fixed. I filled out a maintenance request and the next day a man comes to fix the lights. He tries to stay past his welcome, asks me if I live alone (I do), tells me about his recent divorce, and leaves my unit and comes back 15 min later "to go grab the right lightbulbs". When he comes back he gave me his personal cell # and says if I ever need anything "between us" to call him. I don't. A few weeks go by, and I've been working at my new work from home job. A couple days ago I'm just finishing up on my lunch hour at home and I hear a loud continuous knock at the door. I had been playing music so it's obvious that I'm home. I look through the peephole and yell "CAN I HELP YOU?!" Someone says "Is this Ms. xxxxx?" [not my name] and I say No. They keep yelling something but I cut them off, "OK BYE!!" I didn't hear what they said and my lunch hour was about to end and I had to hop on a call any minute. Plus I wasn't expecting anyone. A few hours later around 4pm, someone returned to my door, this time banging. This second time I was actively on a zoom conference, so I didn't respond. They started banging even louder again. I muted myself, extremely irritated, and yelled "IM AT WORK THIS IS NOT A GOOD TIME!" They kept banging. I got up and looked through the peephole again. It was a guy in grey workmans clothes with a baseball hat, I believe the same guy. I immediately went into the master bathroom turned the fan on and called the front desk and asked if they sent someone up to my unit or there was any note of maintenance. I informed them I DID NOT request any maintenance whatsoever. She said no & she was gonna come up to investigate. I checked the peephole again and the guy had his back up against the wall waiting for me to open the door. By the time the doorwoman got up to my unit he was gone. Shortly after, the maintenance guy texted me telling me to let him know when I wanted him to "come up and check on my fridge!" There's absolutely nothing wrong w/ my fridge. I asked him if that was him knocking and he said yes. I asked if that was him at lunchtime too and he said "oh i see, no that wasn't me".... then proceeded to ask me what i'm gonna be doing this weekend.

    I'm getting really creepy vibes. Even more so because I know he has keys to my home (and subsequently my office where I am all day). There was no notice or report of him coming to my unit. What can I do to keep myself safe and what can/can't he do legally? Do I have any recourse if this continues?

    submitted by /u/lucyintheskyw100s
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    Landlord wants us to pay for furnace cleaning due to dog hair (Cali)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 04:48 PM PST

    My roommate and I just moved into a small single-family house (US, California, Bay Area) about 3 months ago. It's an older house that was built in the 40s that didn't seem lovingly maintained but good enough for us to consider as they allowed for a small dog and we wanted to adopt a dog.

    When the weather got cold about 2 months ago, we tried to turn on the heat and it didn't turn on. After a maintenance request was submitted to our property management, the HVAC company came in and replaced the thermostat (broken) and pilot generator (was on it's way out). That was fine and taken care of but we then noticed that the furnace would sometimes not ignite immediately and would then have a loud BOOM once it did ignite. HVAC guy said it was air in the lines but it kept happening days later. Put in a second maintenance request as we saw some flames shoot out the grates.

    Same HVAC company came and then went ahead and cleaned out the burner assembly. A few weeks later, we got a bill for this since the HVAC company stated "found burner clogged with dog hair / dust. pulled out whole burner assembly and cleaned." Property management (really, landlord) wants to charge us for this fix since dog hair is involved even though it's a lot more likely that it hasn't been maintained. We feel that this should fall under normal maintenance, wear & tear. Thoughts??

    Some more background: it's an old wall furnace. Probably hasn't been turned on in over a year. Landlord lived here prior to us so we are his first tenants. Also had trouble getting the landlord to approve a dog as he wanted a "clean small breed less than 25 lbs", whatever that means. We have a 20lb girl who hasn't been here for more than a month when we put in the request and hadn't started shedding at that point. I also religiously vacuum (2x a week) and have a Roomba (3x a week).

    TL,DR renters put in a request to fix furnace before it causes a fire and landlord wants us to pay for furnace cleaning due to alleged dog hair and dust for a dog that hasn't even been here for more than a month (and we haven't lived there for more than 2-3 months). Should we be responsible?

    submitted by /u/Jaded-Owl-1229
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    Ex trying for 50/50 custody and no child support.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:22 PM PST

    Location: Georgia, US

    I quit my job in Aug to go to school full time before divorce was on the table- my ex and I made that decision together. I'm looking to return to work now, but currently I have no income at all and I am obviously struggling to find a way to support myself and our 2 kids moving forward.

    My ex has a good job, but does work nights. He is saying that he wants 50/ 50 custody and that I must find a place in the same school district as him. He is saying that he will not have to pay child support due to the 50/ 50 custody.

    Can he do that?

    submitted by /u/misc00001
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    Mother-in-law's ex boyfriend claiming items from her apartment after death

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:20 AM PST

    My mother-in-law is currently passing. Her ex-boyfriend left her at her apartment in bad health (knowing she needed to goto the hospital) to goto drug rehab. He is not currently trying to claim anything from the apartment, however his sister is trying to claim things "for her brother". He was not on the lease (and couldn't be as it was government housing) but stayed there anyways. They have not been together for over 3 months. Is he "entitled" to anything in the apartment? We are not trying to take away his things, we just dont want his sister to try to claim anything that isnt his for her own personal gain. This is in KY if that helps. I appreciate any help.

    Edit: MIL has now passed away. I appreciate all the help everyone. As it stands, the plan is to try and get in contact with him to get a list of things he claims is his and then trying to make arrangements to get them to him or his family and let them go from there.

    submitted by /u/thechop96
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    [NY] No one showed up for my traffic ticket court case

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Cayuga County if it matters.

    I had gotten a ticket and had prepared to show up for my hearing to contest or plead down the offense (as I understand if the officer no-shows you win by default).

    The original date was changed via a letter in the mail from the 16th to the 23rd which was inconvenient as a traveling healthcare worker, but not unmanageable. Myself and 2 other defendants arrived 30 minutes early to the small town courthouse and waited for someone to come and open up/run court. No one did. The small group of us waited in the parking lot with lights out for 30+ minutes with no sign of anyone.

    What is the significance of this and can I use it in contesting my ticket? Does this happen frequently in small towns?

    One of the defendants even arrived 3+ hours early because google maps listed their hours as 3-4pm and they didn't want to miss their case based off a typo.

    Also, the courts website lists court being held on the 1st and third Wednesday each month, which would have been the 16th. I'm planning on emailing the clerk to see what the deal was, but wanted some extra perspective.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/TheDukeOfSpook
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    Man going onto my property and searching bins

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:28 PM PST

    Hi everyone.

    I live in NSW Australia. I am a female single parent of 3 kids and live in a rental property. The house is close to the street and has a picket fence, but no gate, point of access is the driveway which leads to the front door. The garbage bins are at the front of the house, next to the front door, which are glass sliding doors with a clear view inside the house.

    The issue: an elderly gentleman comes to my house every week and goes through both the general waste and recycling bins looking for cans and bottles. (There are never any bottles to get, as my kids recycle them for pocket money) Adding to the shock of an unknown man coming up to my front door, he also then stands at the glass doors and looks inside my house. Its creepy AF and it makes me very uncomfortable.

    I can't put the bins anywhere else. I live in a rental so I can't add a gate to restrict his access.

    What can I do? There is a clear language barrier, as the man is Asian and I have tried to speak to him before to get him to stop and we could not communicate.

    submitted by /u/AgentBeaverhousen
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    I (21F) am HIGHLY considering asking my stepdad to adopt me and be my legal father. How could this process work?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:52 PM PST

    Edit: I live in Ohio.

    submitted by /u/orgasmicravioli
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    Someone I know has COVID and is refusing to stop their rideshare gig

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:48 PM PST

    Sorry if this isn't the spot to ask this, but I'm running out of options.

    A person I know has tested positive for COVID and is refusing to stop their rideshare job.

    They drive for Lyft, and I am not close enough to them to stop them from doing this. Not a family or friend (technically, it's complicated.) This is a side gig and not their main source of income.

    Several people I cared about have died from Covid. This individual is a massively self-absorbed piece of shit. I genuinely don't care if they lose their job from this. I don't want them to kill people. What are my options? Lyft does not have a designated support page for anyone other than customers.

    submitted by /u/vladimirlovescake
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    Spouse provided dog walking/pet sitting services, now the customer refuses to pay and still owes her just under a grand. What can we do to legally collect? We're in B.C. Canada.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 04:41 PM PST

    I'm not too sure how to format this but here's the gist.

    My common law spouse (24F) who I'll call "Jane" provided dog walking services multiple times for another lady-Let's call her Sarah for anonymity- (Also 24F ) over a period of just over a month for which she has not been paid. She also provided over night pet sitting services during this period. Now, she doesn't have a business license as she's just started and isn't likely to be making enough income to warrant one. During this period my spouse Jane and Sarah have communicated periodically throughout the last month explaining details and hours and we have everything on record with "Sarah" agreeing to everything. Now Sarah has only paid a small fraction of what she owes and keeps making excuses for why she can't pay what she agreed to and pushing back dates. Now she's refusing to pay at all. I will admit that the messages have been somewhat hostile between Jane and Sarah of late after Sarah started flaking on her agreements. Nothing threatening, harassing or intimidating but nonetheless fairly stern in nature.

    This has really upset my spouse, because she was trying during a difficult time to help out with our finances after being laid off much earlier in the year. It's also been a very financially difficult time for us(Vet bills, loss of income etc.) and although the debt still owed is under 1000.00, it would be immensely helpful right now(Mostly for my wifes self esteem. I hate seeing her this upset.) but I doubt it would be worth taking to a lawyer and we have no signed contract or anything, just the text message records.

    I Guess what I'm asking is if anyone knows what we can do to in BC to collect on what she's owed and force Sarah to pay her? Legally, that is. I'm not out to steal her car or anything. I'd greatly appreciate any wisdom, knowledge or information/resources. Thank you in advance if you've gotten this far and thank you even more if you can help us.

    submitted by /u/DisappointedDogWalk
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    Buying a gun with history of suicide attempt

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:34 PM PST

    Hello, I live in PA. I have been considering buying a handgun for self defense purposes since I live alone. It has been a little over 4 years since I attempted suicide and consequently was sent to a mental institution for 5 days after my hospital stay. Is there any way I can still legally buy a gun? Is this something that would prohibit me from purchasing a gun for the rest of my life? Thanks in advance for any help.

    submitted by /u/bumbiaa
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    I think somebody is trying to steal a house from an autistic girl

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:39 AM PST

    I recently found out about a situation that, as far as I'm concerned, stinks to high heaven of fraud. I work with special needs people and am rarely surprised when I hear that one of them has been defrauded. It's unfortunately a very common occurrence, but the sums rarely exceed four figures. The autistic girl involved in this situation may have been defrauded of six figures.

    I should note that I haven't been able to view the documents associated with this case, only the electronic summary provided by the deed office - to access PDF uploads of the documents I've got to mail in a form and a copy of my ID - so perhaps there's an innocent explanation for all this.

    The girl is in her mid 20s and lives on SSDI which she receives because of her autism. When her grandparents died in the 2000s, their house passed to her mother. When mother died about 5 years ago, the house passed to her. There was no mortgage on the house, and it appears that she owned it free and clear. After living there on her own for a few years, her "best friend" and "best friend's" boyfriend moved in.

    Apparently the house needed work, so the new roommates remodeled the kitchen and bathroom after moving in, and it was at this point that they obtained the first of three quitclaim deeds from the autistic girl. I believe that they wanted partial ownership of the house since they'd invested in remodeling work. Such an arrangement could be sensible for somebody on a fixed income, and an equitable arrangement could potentially have been made, but understanding and negotiating such an arrangement is beyond this girl's capabilities, so she signed a quitclaim giving them 1/3 of the house.

    I'm not sure what the rationale behind the second quitclaim deed was, but a few months later she signed it, giving them another 1/3 of the house. I'll try to get more details on this and the first quitclaim deed tomorrow. What I do know is that the electronic record from the deed office lists a sale price that adds up to about 1/3 the value of the house. I also know that she hasn't seen a dime.

    The third and final quitclaim came this summer after she defaulted on a debt and the "best friend's" now husband told her that if she didn't quitclaim the rest of her interest in the house, her creditors would foreclose on the debt and take the house. I asked how much she'd defaulted on and she answered "one fifty." "A hundred and fifty thousand?" I asked, thinking that maybe she'd defaulted on a home equity line or something and that they really could go after the house. "No, $150" she replied. The electronic record at the deed office shows a higher sale price than before, but still roughly 1/3 of the value of the house. Again she never saw a dime.

    While the husband warned the autistic girl that the credit card company could foreclose on that $150 debt and leave her homeless, what he didn't warn her about was that she'd no longer have any use to them once she signed that final quitclaim. Once she signed over her remaining interest in the house, she was no longer a co-owner but a freeloading tenant. Now they're telling her that she's got to move out, otherwise they'll evict her.

    Does this sound like quitclaim fraud to anybody? How about mortgage fraud? Doesn't it seem strange that the deed office quitclaim records would sale prices of about 1/3 the value of the house, even though no money ever ended up in the hands of the autistic girl? Would it be possible for them to obtain mortgage funds one the basis of these sale prices but not actually pay the autistic girl?

    I'll update as I learn more. Thanks for any help you can provide.

    submitted by /u/Woke_Bogan
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    Divorce lawyer not doing any work for MONTHS after accepting $20,000 payment. What are my options?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:09 PM PST

    I hired a Divorce lawyer 7 months ago and paid a $20,000 retainer. They haven't done any work on my case to speak of. They repeatedly miss deadlines for the settlement agreement that they themself set, over and over again. I call and email, but they dodge and say they will get me the agreement to review in 1-2 days, only for same thing to repeat week after week (for months).

    I've asked on 6 different occasions how much I've burned against the retainer and neither the lawyer or the paralegals have provided even a high-level estimate.

    I realize the lawyer is busy, but they are taking on new cases even though they are not allocating the necessary hours to finish the work on my own case.

    What are my options? I feel at a loss. I've asked for the lawyer to send me the unfinished agreement but they haven't yet. Is there any hope in getting any of my retainer back or will they just say they used all the hours and didn't finish the work? Is there any angle that I can play up that could encourage them to work on my case?

    The extensive delay is actively making my life harder every day. I had the upper ground in several aspects of the divorce early on, but because the lawyer isn't moving anything forward the strength of my case is being dulled over time. Additionally, other issues have come up that wouldn't have ever been a problem if the agreement had been finalized and negotiated months ago.

    Edit: location is the United States

    submitted by /u/alwaysfranky
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