• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 23, 2020

    Legal Advice - forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult

    Legal Advice - forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult

    forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 06:32 AM PST

    i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. He actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it's so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this January and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. Any suggestions on what i can do? This takes place in Australia NSW if that matters. Please help

    submitted by /u/ratyum
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    Update: FL: My sister stole my new Range Rover, looking for some advice here please

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:20 PM PST

    This is an update to MY LAST POST.

    My attorney reached out to my sister via phone and offered her to return the vehicle and agree to move out in 30 days or we would report the vehicle as stolen via the police.

    The gist is she was upset that we were asking her to cut her vacation short and that she had already paid for the hotel. She promised to return the vehicle yesterday (Tuesday 12/23) by 5pm. 5pm came and went, when I tracked the vehicle using the application on my phone she was still several hundred miles away.

    Over the weekend several friends helped me move all her belongings into my pool house/guest house. My attorney assured me this is not a self help eviction and is legal. Following I had all the locks in my house changed. She is not welcome in the main house, just the property and the guest house.

    A friend of mine owns a heating and air conditioning company and disabled the air conditioning to the pool house but left the heat to stay legal.

    I took the advice of several fellow Redditors (Thanks!!) and reported the vehicle stolen. I gave a police report in the city where I live. I also called Geico to report the vehicle as stolen and explained the situation to them. The police quickly arrested her and managed to get the key from her. I spoke with the manager of the hotel and explained the situation. He has the key and he is completely OK with the car sitting in his lot until tomorrow (12/24).

    My father and I will be driving up tomorrow so I can recover my car and he can bail her out and take her home.

    So not super exciting but I'm getting my car back tomorrow. My parents though disjointed that I had her arrested, understood my decision to do so.

    So that's the climax. Hopefully when I show up its not damaged or filthy (spoiler alert its probably filthy). 1 thing I didn't realized wasby reporting it stolen is will show up on a history report and may diminish the resale value.

    Once I get back possession, i'm going to work with my attorney to serve I'm working with my attorney the determine if there is diminished value and if so by how much (though unlikely, but there's a change the state of FL may brand the title.

    Once the dust settles well be serving her for the cost of any damage, excess mileage and any diminished value. Followed by a formal eviction letter.

    So thats it, I don't have my car back yet and my sister is spending the night in jail for GTA.

    Merry Christmas!!

    submitted by /u/Advicethrowaway667
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    [FL] Ex's new wife lists herself as my children's mother

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 02:02 PM PST

    That's pretty much it. On any paperwork for my twins, my ex's wife is either listing no mother, or listing herself as the mother and uses a different last name for the kids than their legal name. The kids are told not to tell me who their doctors are, or who their babysitters are, and say they'll get spanked if they talk. I have to go through my insurance company to find their doctors, and provide my ID and court order to prove that I am, in fact, the mother, and I have to constantly fix the insurance issues caused by his wife using the wrong last name on their paperwork, which doesn't match the name on their policies.

    What am I supposed to do about this?

    Edit: she's also signing HIPAA forms for other people in his family to have access to the kids' medical records.

    submitted by /u/IntelAnonymous
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    Found out dad had a trading account under my name. He signed the account over five years ago, told me it was a school acct and don't touch it. Im going through health issues, had to provide a statement of this acct, and all the info but ssn was dad's info. So I reset the pw.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:31 PM PST

    Pretty much the title. Still investigating the transactions, some of it went to help me for sure, not sure about the rest. I had to report a financial statement on the account and tried to log in. All the security info was my dad's. I asked him for the security code and he freaked out, kept asking why I needed it even though I explained it and wouldn't give me the code. So I called the company and reset the account password. Once I gained access, I saw that it was a stock trading account with significantly more than he told me in it. I have also been working for him, and he has been paying me out of this acct.

    Apparently it went up in worth after he signed it over to me. By four times. When I tried asking him about it and why I didn't know, he blew up saying I had fucked us by reporting it as income among other various insults. I have been going through health issues and he made sure to try to use that against me. Wouldn't give me an answer. He started screaming he would never speak to me again or help me or my mom. After he hung up he sent about an hour of texts about how I need to learn the consequences of my actions and other stuff about how he was removing me from his life. I didn't respond.

    I had been looking for a way out of his control. I was also working for him. It's like a weight is lifted, I set his house key down and left a note at the rental house we had been renovating, took all my tools and told him to find someone else.

    I feel free. Looking for legal advice.

    Edit: california

    submitted by /u/insanityisnotsobad
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    [TX] neighborhood drama revealed that a woman convicted of murdering her son is now babysitting- do I need to report this?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 06:56 PM PST

    I like to scroll through Nextdoor a couple times a day, like you do, and pick up on relevant goings on and lost pets and whatnot. Today a thread popped up that caused some drama. A woman that had, the previous month, made a post asking for help finding work and food (and got a big response with a lot of help) came back today asking for someone to send her Uber Eats. That got people's attention by just being pretty bold. She said she had a new job babysitting but hadn't been paid yet and needed help again.

    During all this- someone looked her up online and found that she was convicted of murdering her infant son in 2010. She had served 5 years and been released. My question is - can she legally watch children? I don't know all the laws but I'm technically a mandated reporter (CASA). I tried searching for the laws but don't really know where to start. I figure it's better to ask than do nothing.

    submitted by /u/hometowngypsy
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    Help: I'm a victim of wire fraud where my emails were intercepted and the fraudster pretended to be my loan officer. Wired money (200K) to their fraud account. Sick to my stomach.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 02:24 PM PST

    I'm a bit queasy still writing this. Short story is in the subject line. At some point my communications with my loan officer were intercepted somehow (no hacking that I can find) by someone and they started impersonating multiple people from my bank, resulting in me wiring 200K to a criminal's account. I have notified all the banks involved and local police (no response yet) and submitted a report to IC3 (FBI site). But it seems like I'm all alone in trying to deal with this. Any advice would be most appreciated.

    Apologies if this is not the purview of this sub/r but I couldn't find anything better and have been on this group for some time.

    submitted by /u/Jetpak911
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    I found and abandoned safe. Is it legal to open it and what are my steps for reporting anything inside? (Ohio, USA)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:29 PM PST

    Earlier today I found an old small safe that appears to have been disposed of or abandoned. It was set out beside a series of garbage cans on the sidewalk of an alley on my route to work. It remained there all day, so it doesn't seem like it was just put there temporarily while it was being moved.

    It appears to still be sealed, but it may have been cracked previously. More likely than not, it is empty. That being said, I'm nosy af. I want to take the safe and open it just to be sure.

    Do I need to report it to authorities? Are there steps I need to take or an amount of time that needs to pass for it to be legally considered abandoned? If I can take it, are there any steps I need to take with anything inside, assuming the contents aren't criminal and they don't have an easily identifiable owner?

    submitted by /u/TheCorinthianP13R
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    Phoenix, Arizona My uncle was signed a Do Not Resuscitate order and hospital resuscitated him yesterday

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:20 AM PST

    Hi everyone! Thanks in advance for any help with my question.

    Two days ago my uncle was rushed to the ER and was admitted for a pacemaker malfunction. He signed a DNR order before he went in for care. I'm not sure exactly what happened but he coded. He was rushed to the ICU and they managed to resuscitate him despite the DNR he previously signed at the hospital. Because his brain and organs went without air and blood flow for an undetermined amount of time, he may have suffered lasting negative side effects such as brain damage or permanent damage to other organs, hence the reason why he signed that DNR.

    Now the hospital is profusely apologizing and claiming they didn't see the DNR he signed despite it clearly being in his file.

    At this point, could he or other family members file a malpractice lawsuit against the hospital?

    Don't get us wrong here! We are happy he is still with us! Two weeks ago we lost another family member and cannot bare to lose another!! However, the fact my uncle clearly signed that DNR and the hospital ignored it means he may be in hospice or some type of long term care facility, permanently,due to brain damage.

    Thanks again for any guidance you all can offer.

    submitted by /u/darkerwebz
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    (North Carolina) I called 911 because my roommates brother was dying. After the paramedics ruled him dead, the police got a warrant to search our house and charged me and my roommates with felony possession and maintaining a dwelling.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:20 PM PST

    He choked to death on vomit. The cops smelled weed when they came in with the medics. I don't know if the Good Samaritan law will apply, or if the judge will be lenient given circumstances. I'll be getting a lawyer as soon as offices are open after Christmas. I have never been charged with a crime, clean record. What should I be worried about, what should I do?

    submitted by /u/pharoahyugi
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    I work for a family running a scam

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Oh boy do I need advice. I started a job working 65 hour weeks for a family with a disabled child. They are extremely wealthy, but receive financial aid from two separate companies for their help. Initially I was told I'd be making $22/hour for the first 40 hours through company #1, and $15/hour for the remaining 25 hours through company #2. $1,255/week seemed reasonable to me.

    They have a weekly time sheet through the first company that I fill out and told me they'd fill out the info for the second company each week. I have yet to be paid by any second company. I asked for one less day a week, and demanded the pay stay the same as I'm only making $880/week now and she had a problem with that but agreed, and explained she has this budget from these companies.

    Basically, rather than having the work she can afford through these companies, she has multiple employees almost around the clock and is underpaying each of them and having them lie on time sheets. I'm not sure if there's any legal action I can take or if I should report them, but I'm making almost $400 less per week than advertised and they don't pay anything out of pocket (but just purchased a 2020 Mercedes).

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    submitted by /u/ladymo0n
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    Cop pulled us over. Never gave a reason. He said he doesn’t like our family, and told us to never call the police again. Is this legal?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 09:46 PM PST

    Sorry if the tag is wrong. My brother [25/M] and I [27/F] left to get McDonald's. Literally just a 9pm drive for food. The night before we had called the police for the third time this week because my brothers ex girlfriend had smashed our windows out and kept threatening to kill our mom. When the cop pulled us over (and was following us) he had no cop lights on, but not only that, he was driving with NO LIGHTS on AT ALL to his car. When we pulled into the McDonald's parking lot, that's when his "squad lights" turned on. my brother said "sis go in and get the food before they close" so I went inside to order food. When I came back out, the cop tossed my brothers ID very rudely onto the car and said "I better not catch you calling the cops again" (he was one of the cops that came the night before at 3am over my brothers ex girlfriend) and my brother nervously said "well if she comes and smashes the windows to our home again or tries to kill me, we will call the cops". The cop paused, got into his cop car, then said "fine". He never gave us a reason for pulling us over. He never asked for our registration. This was clearly an intimidation tactic to get us to not call the cops on my brothers ex anymore. This is a VERY small town. The cops are known to let people off for sexual favors. Even my brothers ex gfs parole officer said "dirty cops run this town. Lots of my parolees commit crimes and the cops don't report it to me, it's awful". I mean, wtf do we do? This cops looked like he was on drugs (his eyes, his mannerisms). We have a theory that my brothers ex gf gives him sexual favors in exchange for keeping her out of prison and bullying us. Maybe it sounds crazy but it's a teeny tiny town!! Middle of nowhere, tiny valley. What the hell do we even do now with this? What's the legality of this? Location is California, tiny farmlands town in the middle of nowhere, nothing for hours. What should we do? Is any of this legal? Thank you so much

    submitted by /u/Pumpkinbread1993
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    There's a Child Predator threatening me

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 02:57 AM PST

    Hello Reddit... this is my first ever post. I'm 21 and when I was 13-14 years old, a man on facebook manipulated me into sending images of myself. I eventually got him to back off but now he's back in my life and threatening to send those pictures to friends and family. I privated all of my information but I'm worried he took screenshots of my friend's list. What he's hoping to achieve is to get my friends and family to think I'm a slut. I know they won't but it's still not something I want my friends and family to be subjected to. He also lives in India and I live in the US ... and it's been so long that I don't know if the police can do anything... What do I do?

    edit: Also he was 20 back then... sorry forgot to include that

    submitted by /u/HeyProbably
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    [WA] I am inheriting a health hazard along with other property I want to keep. Can I simply ignore or get rid of the health hazard and keep the rest of my inheritance?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:06 PM PST

    My father passed away without a will and left me with a "trailer," a small house, and relatively few other things.

    The "trailer" is affixed to the land (i.e. not an actual trailer that can be hauled away) and sits on land that is owned by the trailer park landlord. It has not been lived in in years and has broken windows, mold, rotting floorboards and is probably home to animals.

    The small house is fine, although not super valuable. It is located a ways away from the trailer and while it needs some cleaning, I'm pretty sure I can sell it for some money.

    I would like to ignore the trailer or just have it condemned or something and then just cleanup and sell the house. He didn't have much money in the bank. I've spent money already on funeral costs, court filing fees, etc. and I'm hoping to at least have something leftover. I'm worried that the costs of dealing with the trailer will cost the entire value of the house.

    Can I just ignore the trailer?

    submitted by /u/Badinheritance4235
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    (Ohio) I was sent home without pay due to being exposed to Covid at work on 12/16

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:29 PM PST

    I'm currently temping for a manufacturer in Ohio and I was sent home yesterday halfway through shift and informed it was due to being exposed to COVID at work last week. I asked if I would be paid the rest of my shift or for my future missed shifts and I was told no. Is this legal? I'm currently waiting for corporate to call me about testing so I can go back to work. I really need the money and this situation is screwing me over right now.

    Is this legal? Are they required to pay me? I wear a mask during work and only take it off for eating lunch and my exposure was most likely a trainer or coworker at the facility.

    submitted by /u/ControlZestyclose
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    Estranged husband shut off electricity

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:00 PM PST

    Today my kids, his also, called to tell me that the electric was off. Our kids are underage and it is 2 days before Christmas. After a call to com ed i found out he put in a disconnect order I had thought I had changed it to my name years ago but I guess it was still a joint account. Anyways i changed it to my name and it was promptly turned on. I know he did this as retaliation for me not sending his clothing to him several states away. I want to know what i can do because he is on parole and thought what he did was illegal. Sorry im in Illinois he was paroled in Illinois but lives in California.

    submitted by /u/saritabonita2
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    CARESAct - I am being denied a 401K withdrawal but the deadline everywhere says Dec 31st. Is this legal?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:52 PM PST

    Hi, I need help. My 401K Retirement is through TheStandard. I want to take out a withdrawal because my husband and I just had COVID. The deadline everywhere says it's Dec 31st but they are telling me they stopped taking applications after Dec 18 because they have too many and need to get them in by Dec 31st. I need to know if they are able to do that. I am reading everywhere that we have until the 31st to request a withdrawal. My sister has her 401K with fidelity and they are accepting applications up until the 31st. [Idaho]

    submitted by /u/lalaletswin
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    Advice needed on Fault divorce

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 03:15 PM PST

    (USA) I am 19 and asking for my mother who is 50 and does not have Reddit. She is looking to get a divorce from her husband of about 30 odd years. He currently has not been served yet but she is in the beginning stages of finding attorneys and organizing her assets. First I wanted to list a few of his "offenses just so I can know if any of this can be used in court or if they will help us legally at all? for several years, he has been a relapsing drug addict, hard drugs on and off for several years, including a few small incidents that were easily explained away. however, for the last 6 years or so he has reached a new low in his actions. including two DUI's in under three weeks. three DUI's total with two involving minors being in the car or going to pick one up. hasn't had a valid driver's license in years. He threw a punch at my older brother, police called, no charge was filed. he punched my mother, charges filed and he hasn't done any of the community service or classes he was required to complete. he now does hardcore drugs every day, has burner phones and withholds his income from my mother. with evidence just like this, can she comfortably represent herself? is any of this grounds for him to forfeit any assets?

    submitted by /u/AnonAcc12344
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    My my Moms friends friend was lied to.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:16 PM PST

    Hello! My Moms friends friend was lied to when buying a house. So in short they were looking for a house and found there dream home and it had been on the market for a while. so they thought they would be the only bet on it and last minute the realtor told them another bet was in coming and they put much more money to absolutely secure the house because they wanted it so bad. But it turns out that there was no other bet and they spent much more money than necessary and are deviated so I'm asking you if there is anything they can do?

    submitted by /u/PDiddyCamper
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    Am I Entitled to My 30 Minute Meal Break On a 5 Hour Shift? (QLD)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:52 PM PST

    In my contract the specific wording for breaks in this case is "Work 5 hours or more but less than 7 hours - One 10 minute rest break - One meal break of at least 30 minutes but not more than 60 minutes".

    Upon reading this I believed I was entitled to a 30 minute meal break, and when I asked while working at a different outlet of our store the manager said I was entitled to the 30 minute meal break.

    I just asked my boss at my "home" store and theyve told me I am entitled to one 10 minute rest break only.

    To me that seems like its violating the contract I signed, as the wording is clear. Today I am working 5 hours. Therefore I should have the 30 minute meal break.

    It is worth nothing the two stores I have worked at have two different area managers. They also do not normally let us go on our entitled 10 minute breaks anyway.

    The wording is also similar for longer shifts and I have subsequently worked 10 hour shifts with only one 30 minute meal break.

    I am in Queensland, Australia.

    submitted by /u/glowsh3p
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    Neighbors tree service cut my internet and my wife and I work from home. Won't be online for 4 days (after holidays)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 02:38 PM PST

    Colorado -- what are my legal options to get my missing work (30 hours between the two of us) which would equate to around $1800 of work. Neighbor told a sketchy tree company (in an unmarked 1980s pickup) that my internet line was abandoned and they can cut it (despite a ROW directly to my house).

    Not to mention I also lost TV (I don't have cable), smart lights, and Ring security system.

    EDIT - we have desktops, no wifi cards. So Hotspot does me no good.

    EDIT - when the fuck did legal advice become IT help? Yeah, I could buy shit, move all of our desktops and 4 monitors and everything else to a friend's house, and work in their spare empty rooms on our 5am-2pm shift (you all know better people than me that have the space during holidays with a few hour notice).. But I'm here for legal advice on a case against the idiot neighbor.

    Fuck sakes, when someone is in a car accident asking for legal advice, do the responses fill with how to fix your car?

    submitted by /u/Julius_Hibbert_MD
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    Loved one being sued for fatal auto/pedestrian crash

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:57 AM PST

    Throwaway and limited details for privacy.

    Over the summer, a family member of mine (the driver) was involved in an auto/pedestrian crash in which the pedestrian died at the scene. The pedestrian was illegally crossing a major highway in the dark. My family member was following all traffic laws when the collision occurred. The pedestrian was hit while he was crossing in the inside left lane. The police report and the insurance company both found the driver not at fault. There was a section on the police report that looked like it assigned fault for the accident and it showed 100% the pedestrian's fault. My family member was not issued any citations and the insurance company covered their totaled vehicle 100%.

    Now we have reason to believe the family of the deceased is suing my family member. My family member has not received the paperwork yet but were contacted by a process server today. They intend to forward everything to their insurance company and have no contact with the suing party as previously instructed by the insurance company.

    I don't know much about this area of law but it seems the family is seeking wrongful death damages or something similar. Do they have a leg to stand on after the police and insurance already determined my family member was 0% fault? What should my family member expect going forward if the lawsuit progresses?

    Any information is greatly appreciated. The accident was already very difficult for my family member to go through and adding this now is extremely disturbing and distressing for us. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/garbageacct1104
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    Manufacturer sold me a machine with options that don't exist yet, what can I do?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 02:15 PM PST

    Hello, I own a small business in California (I know, I'm an idiot)

    Anyway, I just recently bought an industrial flatbed printer

    They sold me a printer that had CMYK + White + Clear print heads. So it prints Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, White, and Clear for a clear/UV coat on prints.

    During installation, the technician doing the installation told me that they accidentally "forgot" the Clear print head. So they'll leave it out for now and come back to install that later on. During the final stages of the installation, the assistant technician slipped up and told me that the Clear heads are still undergoing testing and it's not ready for production yet.

    So they essentially sold me a product (or at least a major feature on their product) that doesn't exist yet. I called the owner of the company and he reluctantly confirmed that the Clear heads are still undergoing testing and they'll get it to me as soon as it passes all the tests.

    I'm pretty livid, this machine cost quite a bit of money and the only reason I chose this company over the other companies was due to the Clear option.

    Would this be considered fraud on their part? The contract I signed and all the paperwork clearly states that it comes with that Clear print head. What can I do at this point? Can I void the contract and force them to give me a full refund?

    submitted by /u/TimeJacket6528
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