• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 22, 2020

    Legal Advice - [oregon] I accidentally created an army of crow body guards. Am I liable if my murder attempts murder?

    Legal Advice - [oregon] I accidentally created an army of crow body guards. Am I liable if my murder attempts murder?

    [oregon] I accidentally created an army of crow body guards. Am I liable if my murder attempts murder?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:33 AM PST

    To make a long story short, im a late 20 something living in portland oregon. I had a pretty intense emo/goth phase as a tween that i thought i had grown out of.

    A couple months ago, i was watching a nature program on our local station about crows. The program mentioned that if you feed and befriend them, crows will bring you small gifts. My emo phase came back full force and i figured that i was furloughed and had lots of time- so why not make some crow friends.

    My plan worked a little too well and the resident 5 crows in my neighborhood have turned into an army 15 strong. At first my neighbors didnt mind and enjoyed it. They're mostly elderly and most were in a bird watching club anyway. They thought the fact that i had crows following me around whenever i go outside was funny.

    Lately, the crows have started defending me. My neighbor came over for a socially distanced chat (me on my porch her in my yard) and the crows started dive bombing her. They would not stop until she left my yard.

    They didnt make physical contact with her, but they got very close.

    Am i liable if these crows injure someone since i fed them? I obviously cant control the crows. I would rather them not attack my neighbors. But since i technically created this nuisance, could i be financially on the hook for any injuries?

    To be clear, they're not agressive 100% of the time. If just the neighbors are out they are friendly normal crows. They only get aggressive when someone gets close to me or my property.

    ETA: TL;DR- I have turned into Moira Rose, queen of the crows. My inadvertent crow army has gotten aggressive towards others. If they hurt someone could i be held liable?

    ETA PT II: I did not train these birds to attack. Also thank you for all of your awards. Im glad my stupid decisions bring you joy. Please consider donating that money to your local Audubon society instead

    submitted by /u/cranne
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    Update: (OH) While incarcerated I was neglected proper health care and dental assistance which lead to 3 emergency surgeries which were nearly fatal

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 01:54 PM PST

    Hi all! I wanted to provide an update to my post that I submitted here a year or so ago.

    After a long & lengthy legal back and forth with the State of Ohio. I was rewarded a settlement of $350,000 to split 65/35 with my attorney.

    I want to personally say thank you for all of your legal advice before I started this process. The tips and comments were extremely helpful.

    Wishing you all a Happy Holiday! Cheers.

    Here are the former threads for reference:



    submitted by /u/IncarceratedDude
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    IL Mom bought house and everything says it's on city sewer. Turns out it's on septic and the septic is completely failed

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 05:48 AM PST

    Mom bought a house and closed on 12/1. The house had belonged to an elderly man who passed away and his children sold his house.

    On 12/7 she had sewage back up and called a plumber. The plumber told her the problem is with her septic tank and field - problem being that the house is supposedly on city sewer. The plumber poked around the back yard and found the septic tank, it was in a rock landscaped area and the cover was hidden by rock, and the tube that comes up was hidden by a large plastic decorative stone.

    Mom contacted a septic company. THEY say they have been out to this house 9 times in 2 years. They said they repeatedly advised the previous homeowner (deceased elderly man) that his leach field is no longer properly dispersing waste and needs to be replaced. The homeowner did not want to pay to replace the leach field and instead paid a separate company to "rehab" the leach field, which did not work. At that point he instead has had this company come out and pump the tank every couple months. They said that in addition to the bad leach field, they scoped and found that the main pipe that leaves the septic tank has been partially crushed and effluent (waste water?) does not flow through it properly. That part of the system is located underneath a deck and part of the deck will have to be deconstructed in order to dig and replace the pipe.

    At this point we know that mom is looking at a very expensive repair. They said if they handle everything start to finish we are looking at $11,400 and change but we may save money if we handle some things separately like the deck and ONLY have them make septic repairs. However they also warned us that since city septic IS available in our area, the city may not permit costly repairs to the septic system, and may instead require mom to hook up to city septic at her cost. They said this will need to be discussed with the city.

    Mom also questioned how there were no issues with flushing toilets and whatnot noted when the house was inspected. They guessed that since the house was uninhabited for several months following the death of the previous owner, the septic tank was probably empty enough that it was able to accept a fairly normal amount of waste water, until Mom moved in and started taking showers and doing laundry which quickly overwhelmed it.

    The biggest frustration here is that mom was told that the house is on city sewer. We have kept a binder full of every single paper mom ever saw in the sale process. Myself, my mom and my brother have individually pored over every single document and there is no mention of septic anywhere. There ARE several explicit statements that it's on city sewer, and the real estate listings online also state city sewer. Mom even specifically asked about sewer billing and was told it was handled with the water bill.

    At this point mom is looking at an extremely expensive repair OR expensive switch to city sewer. While obviously home ownership comes with expensive risks, if she HAD known that the house had septic she would have had it inspected and would have learned about this existing problem and not purchased the house - so as you can tell we are frustrated.

    Has anyone seen this happen before? Or is there any recourse or just SOL?

    Thank you for everyone who took the time to read and Merry Christmas.

    submitted by /u/quaranteaming
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    (CA) Can my attorney use information I give him to get other people sue me?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:00 PM PST

    Hello r/legaladvice,

    I'm a truck driver, and a few months ago. A driver ran a stop and I ended up hitting the driver. There were witnesses & I was Deemed not at fault.

    Well, the car that ran the crossing ended up hitting another car that my diesel did not come into contact with.

    The 3rd vehicle is attempting to sue me for damages.

    I called around looking for an attorney to work in my best interest. The attorney I am meeting with next week is requesting the police report. I have been told by fellow truckers that attorneys have been known to meet with truckers and find out who else was involved & solicit them to sue the trucker.

    I know that sounds stupid, but it is a fear I have. Any thoughts? Does this actually happen?

    submitted by /u/Stancliff
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    (OH) Builder removed top soil without consent and is now asking $6k for more topsoil

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:54 PM PST

    Wife and I are in the process of building a new home on 10 acres. We found out that our builder helped themselves to a lot of top soil that they then delivered to another job site against our contract, which stated that we would take care of any and all dirt hauling. We intended to just loose the dirt on the final grade of the property.

    Septic was installed last week in the wrong spot and they were forced to move the tank. Now we are getting a $6k change order for top soil to cover the lines.

    After asking about the removed soil, they mentioned that it's common practice and that the top soil that was removed was "unusable" and was only used to grade another project.

    I still have not responded yet because I don't know if I have a legal issue on my hands or if there's anything I can do at this point.

    Any advise would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/jaxra01
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    My dad keeps touching near my butt does it count for assualt or anything? I need legal advice to be able to leave this horrible family

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:33 PM PST

    (MA) I'm 15f and my dad has been touching my butt and lower thighs since I was a kid. I have told him to stop and he didn't. I told a adult from school and they have caused cps to come. My mom has been aware of it and saw me say not to do it and my dad found out I told. Now my family(extended as well) say it normal to joke touch those areas. And that they do it them selves. I'm scared and confused. Was I in the right to report or is it actually some assault. I need legal action cause I no longer want to stay in this family.

    They have bribed me with money to keep quiet as well.

    submitted by /u/throwawaydad8touch
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    Found out that an NYC SVU Detective lied on the case involving my daughter's 2nd degree burn (Order of Protection valid at the time) she received from her mother..what can I do?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:05 AM PST

    My daughters are now 8 years old.. ACS helps my daughters abusive mother and the NYPD never follows through with an arrest. I have been picking up my daughters regularly for the last 8 years with injuries from their mother ranging from burns, constant bruises all over body (feet, back, thighs, arms), black eyes, a broken clavicle and sexual assault. I had custody of my daughters after their mother had broken my daughters clavicle and busted my face open in front of them in Nov 2012 until March 2017 in Family Court. During our time in Family Court we had an order of protection against the mother of my daughters, despite receiving them with injuries the local police write reports, take pictures, say they can't make an arrest for the assault then close the case. In court after I picked up my daughter with a burn on her forearm I rushed her to a nearby hospital ER (since their mom did not seek medical attention or say anything). Three doctors confirmed it was a 2nd degree burn and that there was no way it was an accident. The court didn't care, ACS didn't care (but unofficially allowed me to keep my daughters until the case was over) and I was later instructed to hand over my daughters again to their abuser. Come to find out that the SVU detective that interviewed my whole family with children lied on the report saying we didn't have an order of protection (We did) and that my daughter didn't go to a hospital (She did go to a hospital because that's how ACS/SVU was contacted. To this day I am receiving my daughters with injuries and they say exactly how it happened and ACS will do followup cases they closed as "unfounded" (even with the medical and police reports saying otherwise and ACS stating their mother has anger issues) but do not remove the children from her or do anything helpful for the children in this matter.

    We desperately need legal representation and protection as well as a firm that can sue ACS/NYPD/NYC whoever it needs to be to have my daughters protected and their mother held accountable for her crimes like any other child abuser.

    Please feel free to ask me anything as I will accept any advice on where to go and what to do next. This isn't just child abuse by the mother, this is corruption in New York City and a lawyer/firm is needed because I know in my heart this is wrong. Thank you for your time in reading this.

    submitted by /u/hardyindustries
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    Landlord kept old tenants back rent a secret, didn't mention it at all in lease, expected us to pay it when we said we wanted to move (Portland, Oregon)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 04:39 PM PST

    The landlord also says we need to pay utilities too, which in the lease garbage and water etc are all paid for by the landlord, all we have to take care of is the lights and internet that's it. There's also a separate occasion where we were getting the front door locks changed because of some domestic violence stuff that happened (Not to me but to my sister) and the landlord just so happened to come in my apartment without giving a 24 hour notice the day prior. My question is what can I do about all of this? If anything (Most notably, about the back rent, the landlord said we owed $2,000 or so including rent, we've paid rent on time every month as we've only been here for 4 months)

    submitted by /u/SnapDragon0420
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    [Arizona] Leasing office gave me a written warning of someone accusing me of not picking up after my female dog.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:07 PM PST

    My dog pees and poops in the same position, by crouching. I pick up all of her poop every time we go out, because I actually enjoy jogging around and not breathing in dog poop. I'm thinking maybe, some nosey neighbor either thought they saw something, or someone doesn't like me, or both.

    I am now taking pictures of every time she poops, and every time I pick it up with a bag, to document the time/date/location, every day, starting tonight.

    Let's say they issue me a fine next time for a violation I yet again did not commit, and just attach it to next month's rent in our online rental payment system, and mark it as a lease violation, and I refute it with evidence and refuse to pay it, and they refuse or are unable to provide any counter evidence other than just saying I didn't pick it up on some unspecified day, and I rightfully believe they're wrongfully accusing me?

    What can I do to defend myself?

    submitted by /u/StunningObjective
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    My landlord is refusing to turn the water in my building on for a petty reason

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:00 AM PST

    I live in a 7 unit apartment building in Ontario, Canada.

    Around 7:30 am I discovered that my apartment had no running water. I contacted my landlord's office and they explained that the water was shut off due a large buildup of baby wipes in the buildings pipes. The woman on the phone then started blaming my girlfriend and myself for the issue because we are the only people in the building with an actual baby. The only thing is we've been here since august and only had the baby in November. We make a point of NOT FLUSHING BABY WIPES for that very reason. Every single wipe we use either goes in the diaper genie or in the garbage so there is no possible way that we caused the stoppage.

    We recently received an email from our landlord that was sent to all of the tenants. They are obviously upset and want the tenant at fault to come forward, but in the meantime they have decided to keep the water off until the person contacts them. This is obviously not right and I'm not sure what steps to take. Some of my neighbours work night shifts so it could take hours for that to happen. We pay 2000 dollars a month to live here and for them to keep everyone's water off for such a petty reason is absolutely mind boggling to me.

    submitted by /u/crusherjoe6
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    MD - Landlord attempting to withhold condo penalties from security deposit

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 04:28 PM PST

    My wife and I have rented a condo in a multi-unit building (through the condo owner, not the building) for 4.5 years with zero issues. For job reasons, we are moving out at the end of the month, which has been known to the condo owner and his realtor (the person we mostly deal with, as the owner lives out of state) since we signed our final lease 6 months ago. We hired movers, packed, set up the move-in process at our new residence... the works.

    Last Saturday, one week before our move out date, we received an email from the realtor with a copy of the condo bylaws (which were nowhere in our lease, never provided to us previously, and have changed substantially since we moved in). Apparently there is an extensive move-out process that has to be initiated 10 business days before the move. Again, we were not ever made aware of this previously. We called the condo management company the same day and explained the situation and that we would be happy to take care of everything for them on Monday.

    They, however, completely ignored our requests to go through with the move-out process and are claiming that because they were not given sufficient time to check the hallways/carpets prior to move-out to ensure the movers won't damage them, they will assume any damage is due to moving and charge the condo owner as such (expected >$1200). Per management, we are not liable for anything. Our owner has been made aware of this and thrown a fit, and is now threatening to withhold that charge from our SD.

    Does he have any legal standing here? The condo is otherwise pristine. We would have been perfectly happy to comply with the stated moving policies if we had received them in time to act, which is a failure on his part. Because we're renting, there's also no way we would have otherwise been privy to the owner bylaws.

    We live in Maryland. Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/throwawayLA410
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    Family member (and solicitor) and Lawyer lied to mortgage broker to get access to my records

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:25 AM PST

    Hello. Title provides some context.

    However a close family member of mine called my mortgage broker and provided the details of my mortgage number, name and date of birth to access mortgage details of my property I am title on (ie. Financials, payments, total mortgage amount etc).

    I am the only person on title to this property. The lawyer provided, on their letterhead, documentation stating that they represent me (and although they do not) and required a statement of my mortgage account and a discharge form. I have given no verbal or written notice that this family members represents me (as the do not).

    This was a clear violation in my mind. But also, as a member of the law society in Ontario, Canada is this not a clear violation of their code of conduct? What is the penalty for this? All the documentation from the insurance broker is there, and I have also not provided any consideration for this person to represent me, no given any direction (written or otherwise) for them to represent me?

    Edit: the mortgage brokerage believed his request was valid and provided him with the data/mortgage statement Cheers

    submitted by /u/plsthrowawaynow
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    [Pennsylvania] Ex won't give me get my dog back, Police advised me to pursue in civil court. No legal experience.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:35 PM PST

    We broke up and she kept me from taking the dog when I left the apartment we shared.

    All of the dog's veterinary bills, adoption paperwork, rabies license, and microchip are in my name. At the Vet's office he is listed as <Dog's Name> < My Last Name>, and the vet identifies me as the owner.

    Additionally, I have screenshots of texts of her offering to pay me for "damages to your dog", and acknowledging it is my dog, but claiming that it is in the "dog's best interest to stay with [her]".

    I have paid for everything and, thanks to the internet, have receipts for everything from dog food to collars to the Lyme's vaccine.

    How do I go about filing in small claims court to have the dog returned to me?

    How should I have the evidence prepared for the case?

    I called my local police and they said it is a civil issue and to go to court over the fuzzy boi. They gave me a phone number for the Magisterial District Judge's office that just rings and cites COVID as limiting their in-person hours.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ijustwantmydog1
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    (FL, USA) Is there any way to get help for a mentally ill adult you don’t know?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:43 PM PST

    I work in a grocery store and there is a regular who comes in. He is clearly homeless and mentally ill, he is so kind and childlike (in the best way possible) and never causes a problem. He always comes to my register so we can chat because I'm nice to him.

    He always buys the same thing, a two liter of pop and a can of chicken and liver wet dog food. He always pays with change and never knows if he has the right amount and just hands me a fistful of change. I've seen him around town on the streets and he doesn't have a dog so finally the other day I asked what kind of dog he has.

    He said the dog food was for him. I didn't press it any further and just double bagged his items and wished him a happy holidays.

    I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to get him some help. He won't give me his name and I can't look up his name in our loyalty system because whoever signed him up for our card signed him up under the name DUDE BRO. (Or at least that's what I'm assuming because we can only the first three letters of each name and when doing loyalty lookups and all I see is DUD BRO)

    How can I navigate getting him help? Is it within my ability or am I just forced to watch this dude suffer?

    The only positive thing I can take from this is that he must LIKE the dog food because we sell soooo much cheap food that's cheaper than the can he buys but it's cold and wet out here and I want him to be well.

    submitted by /u/leopardgex
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    Owner of restaurant is claiming I resigned, however, I never resigned or missed any shifts. ~Unemployment question~

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:18 PM PST

    Hi there, obligatory "I'm on mobile".

    Location: Wisconsin

    At the start of covid, my work had closed and I was filing for unemployment. This was enough to keep me afloat until my unemployment ran out.

    After that I found a part-time job at a (acquaintance's) restaurant that I was hoping would turn into more hours. To my surprise, the opposite happened and the restaurant was struggling with limited seating and decided to staff the longer-term staff first and foremost. Totally understandable. My hours were cut to basically zero the past month, and by basically, I mean, I worked no shifts, I was never scheduled.

    In this time the owner's had reached out to me to tell me there were no shifts and they were scheduling the longer-term staff first and essentially my position wasn't really needed. Again, I understood this and they kept me on payroll, as I was hoping I'd at some point be able to come back to work for them.

    Yesterday I filed for unemployment, (I am also an independent contractor and my work has been cut once again due to covid).

    Today I got an email from the owner asking me if I wanted to stay on payroll. I responded that I was filing for unemployment and I had already sent in my claim, so I asked them if they wanted me to stay on pay roll and offer me shifts, or if they'd rather 'lay me off'. She then sends me an email back thanking me for my resignation.

    I never resigned.

    When I filed unemployment for my independent job, it asked me about my job at the restaurant since they have my tax info, naturally, I had responded to the DWD survey that my hours were extremely reduced (i.e zero). I am now e-mailing back and forth with the owners and she is giving me a ton of shit.... how do I go about this??

    I have all messages from the time I got hired, to now. Help please!!! Last thing I need in this time of financial struggle is any legal trouble. Any help or insight is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/disco_doll_
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    NY - Received letter from unemployment stating that my benefits are cancelled, and that I owe $3k for not replying to a letter. However I definitely did reply - and have proof of delivery, USPS receipts, and a pic of the form. I've filed a request for a hearing. Do I have anything to worry about?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:06 PM PST

    Hey all. Thanks so much for reading - I'm panicking pretty hard right now as we currently have no money coming in through Christmas.

    Around the end of September, I received a notice in the mail from the NYDOL that I had "certified that I refused a job offer". The form was asking for details regarding an offer - what the pay was, employer, address, etc. The issue being that I definitely never refused a job. As best I can figure, I may have accidentally hit the wrong button while certifying - but while I've had several interviews, I've definitely never received any sort of concrete offer, so beyond guessing, I'm really not sure what happened. I didn't even have an interview in the week the letter references.

    I filled out the form as best I could, wrote a small statement at the bottom explaining that there never was a job offer/I may have hit the wrong button, took a picture of the document, and then sent it via certified mail to the address they listed. I also followed up with the DOL over the phone (a nightmare - four hours on hold every day for a week), and when I was able to get through, the lady assured me that the hold on my account had been lifted, and that everything looked clear from her end. I never received any follow-up correspondence, so I figured everything had been resolved.

    Well, today I received a determination of ineligibility stating that my benefits have been cancelled for "failure to report as required", stating that I have not responded to their request for additional information in reference to the week of the original letter (9/27).

    I've filed for a request for a claimant hearing online immediately. I have the original picture of the filled out document, the receipts from USPS stating the address, shipping date, and estimated delivery date, and I have the online tracking confirmation of delivery. I also have the phone records of my follow-ups with the DOL, although I'm not sure they'll be of much use.

    Anyway, I'd really appreciate any advice - am I okay? Am I totally screwed? I'm 22, recently graduated, and totally petrified and lost - not to mention heartbroken at this happening all over Christmas :( . Thanks so much all.

    submitted by /u/tesseracht
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    Employer trying to hold me to a non-compete

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Good afternoon everyone,

    I will do my best to explain the situation as clearly as possible. I work/worked for a major casino on the Las Vegas strip. Specifically in the nightlife department. As we all know, Covid hit earlier this year and caused massive shut downs. Las Vegas was hit especially hard.

    Our department was told to go home and we would not be working until further notice. Our salary & benefits would be paid until the end of July. After July we would be furloughed.

    Every employee in the department was put under a "blanket 6 month non compete" upon being hired.

    Well July came and passed, and our last contact with our directors was end of July to the extent they told us we are furloughed and if we want insurance to get cobra, and if we want income get unemployment. To the date I'm writing this, we have still not heard back from our directors. We are still listed as furloughed employees. The directors of the company have not said a word to any employees about bringing anyone back to work, despite the nightlife venues being reopened. The employees the directors brought back had no rhyme or reason. They were not brought back in order of seniority, the only reason that can be surmised is they are personal friends with the executives of our department.

    Now to the meat of the post, (sorry for dragging on) a new resort is opening and hiring. Many of my fellow employees, myself included. Have applied at this new resort. Less than a week after my first interview, I was hit with a letter from my prior job saying I was to abide by a 6 month non compete because I am still technically employed.

    I have not received compensation, or benefits, from my prior employer since July. Yet I'm still listed as an employee and until I elect to quit, or get fired, my non compete doesn't start until that date.

    How should this be handled? It's completely unfair that this company is trying to block someone who's been out of work for 6 months already, from getting a job. Especially after they cherry picked who to bring back once the venues reopened.

    submitted by /u/NightclubDoorGuy
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    Buying my financed car back at impound auction?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:42 AM PST

    Gatlinburg, TN Hello, my car was impounded without my knowledge, when I found out the bill was astronomical and I had no way to get it. I irresponsibly stopped paying the finance fee as well. I have the key, and it doesn't look to be in the best condition, so im guessing it will sell cheap at auction. What would happen if I purchased this car at auction? Would it be in my name clear of lien? I know the finance company will be coming after me for everything they don't get, but if it goes right back to me what would happen?

    submitted by /u/Pandas7
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    (US) Sister is forced to go to the hospital by the police because they got a call saying that she might take her life.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:40 PM PST

    This happened at 3 am, but my sister was texting her friends some self-deprecating jokes. Then, we get a knock on our door by the police saying they got a call that my sister is a threat to herself because she is showing signs of suicide.

    They force us to take her to the hospital, and since it was 3 am the only option available was the Emergency Response (ER). They tested her for drugs, if she was pregnant, and so much random unnecessary data.

    We got the bills yesterday, and the total is $2,000 after insurance. They charged us $180 for a pregnancy test that we could buy at the dollar store. Also, more than half the cost was just because we had to go to the ER.

    Is there any way to cut these costs? Or maybe a way the police department can pay? We had no choice in the hospital we went to or when we went (and we couldn't go to our normal hospital). It's crazy that the police can say that they did this for my sister's health, then charge such a high price. This is a cost we just can not afford - any help would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Mr-Thiccums
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    Two names, no identity. Help me.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Okay, this is a weird story so just try to stay with me.

    It takes place in Minnesota.

    1991: I was born, my parents were unmarried. I was given my mother's last name. My father signed the birth certificate.

    1992: My parents were married. Mother took father's name.

    1995-1997: Parents gave me two siblings, applied for medical assistance in our county. The county worker noticed that they all had dad's name, and prompted mom to change mine to match. It was a phone call, they asked for her permission and she agreed. The next contact about the issue came in the form of an envelope with two copies of a new birth certificate reflecting the new name.

    Fast forward to almost 15 years ago, I was about 15 and applying for my first job. My mom had misplaced my SS card and I called them to have a duplicate card sent to me. I gave them the wrong name (current name) with my SSN and they told me I'd have to come in to a branch in person to verify who I was before they could help me. I learned that they never updated my name and thus, I had my original name attached to the SSN still. They said I could provide a connecting document and it could be updated, all is well.

    I ended up finding the original card anyway, but the problem remained that it was reflecting my original name, not my current one. Easy enough, I'll just fix it.


    So I got an ID almost 10 years ago, in Minnesota and it was fine because they didnt require a lot of documentation at the time. The ID has obviously since expired. I attempted to get a new ID and since my documents don't match, I can't be given one. This means I can't do a lot of things. Education. Employment. Build credit. Have things. Drive a car. Etc.

    I cannot renew the one I have, I can't obtain a new one.

    Its a loop between SS and the DMV because neither can do their job without the documentation.

    Simple solution? Call the county I lived in when it was changed and ask for the records.

    They don't exist. Nobody can say whether it was a court ordered official name change or a birth record amendment. No connecting documents with both names exists. Nobody can help me with this so far.

    I called the county and the hospital I was born in, same thing. No records. Nothing.

    I'm 29. I have 3 kids. I'm single (my circumstances meant I was vulnerable to bad situation and abuse at the hands of someone who should have been helpful and supportive) and trying to make a life for myself, by myself, and am currently living with family (not a good time) and can't get out of the rut I'm in.

    My mental and physical health are suffering. I just want to go to school, drive a car, have a job and a home for us of my own.

    What can I do? I've been researching and following empty leads forever and I can't wait any more. I need to find a way and move forward. I need to be able to do things myself.

    Has anyone been through this? Any ideas?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/NoNameBigProblem
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    3 month old son got taken due to PPD. Dad isn't cooperating. Can his rights be terminated?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:28 AM PST

    In November, our son was recently taken due to me having a psychotic episode due to my post partum psychosis.

    The family plan has yet to be made, but he hasn't made an effort to see his son or call the caseworker or even attend the court date. He is currently living with his new girlfriend (?) while I stay at the house and watch his dogs.

    Is there anyway the court can force him to take a paternity test and maybe terminate his rights? His refusal to cooperate with me or the court may cost me getting custody of my son.

    This is in Texas.

    submitted by /u/TripleV420
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    I was sold a used car with a bad transmission from a local dealership in Ellicott City, Maryland and need advice

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:14 PM PST

    This is a long post so I apologize ahead of time.

    Hello all,

    I'm hoping I might get some advice as I'm caught in a pretty exhausting situation with a bad car purchase. So back in July of 2020, my mother purchased a 2015 Jeep Compass from a local dealership in the Baltimore Maryland area where she lives. I currently live in New Orleans Louisiana and was looking for a car locally until my mother found this one. The dealership is located in Ellicott City, MD so not far from where she is in Baltimore County. She took it for a test drive, everything seemed in order, and we decided it was a decent deal on a car that had plenty of room that I could take back to New Orleans with me. We also purchased the extended Powertrain warranty for 3 years just in case.

    I flew in from New Orleans at the beginning of August, but as soon as I drove it I starting noticing issues. The biggest problem was that when it shifted gears during acceleration, it would shift really hard, specifically from 2,000-3,000RPM. The 2015 Compass uses a CVT automatic transmission and I hadn't read any particular issues with it but I asked around with friends and they said it felt like the transmission was slipping. I'm not a car person at all, but I do know that a transmission slipping is a VERY expensive repair and considering I had literally just gotten the car (July 29th specifically) it seemed like something the dealership needed to fix.

    My mother and I returned to the dealership after a few days and told them about the issue. The representative said that because we purchased the vehicle so recently, he would have the mechanic take a look. We left the car with the dealership, and in the next few days we got a call saying that they need to replace the transmission cylinoid and one tire, confirming it should run fine after the repair. We returned to the dealership about a week or so later and picked up the car. As we were driving back home, we noticed that the car continued to have the same problem. Again, every time the vehicle would accelerate and change gears, the car would shift noticeably hard.

    We returned to the dealership AGAIN in the following week. This time when we arrived we stated that we felt the transmission in this vehicle was slipping and needed to be replaced. The dealership representative told us that the mechanic would take another look and that if the transmission needed replacing they would replace it. We adamantly stated that we absolutely want the transmission replaced as it seems to be the source of the issue. We then spoke to the mechanic shortly after who informed us that it most likely would need a new transmission and that they would be ordering another one. At first, we believed this would be a brand new transmission, but upon further conversation with the dealership it would NOT be brand new but a transmission that has 15,000 miles on it.

    We then waited approximately 2.5 MONTHS for this repair to take place. At this point, I had to return to New Orleans, but we continued to call the dealership almost twice a week to check on the status of the repair. They were supposedly waiting on the replacement transmission to arrive and because of COVID-19 shipments were taking considerably longer. The entire time the dealership was extremely non-communicative; we would call asking for a repair update and they would say the mechanic had left for the day or put us on hold and no one would ever pick up. If we wanted any updates on the car, we had to call the dealership as they never called us to provide any new information. In late October, we were finally told that the replacement transmission had been installed, and that the car would be ready for pickup at the end of the month. My mother went to the dealership to retrieve the car and finally take it home.

    When she drove the car home she said that she immediately noticed the issue we had been experiencing before. After waiting for almost three months for the repair to be completed, the car STILL was having shifting issues. In our frustration with the dealership, we decided to take the car to a local mechanic to get a third party opinion. He took it for a test drive and stated that something was definitely not working right, but his shop primarily does engine work and to take it to a transmission specific auto shop. We did as he instructed, but the auto shop said that they don't do work on Jeeps and were then recommended to take it to a Jeep certified dealership.

    The Jeep dealership ran a diagnosis. They checked the fluids, said things were fine but that the tires on the car were imbalanced and needed to be replaced. They also reset the computer system and stated these fixes would resolve the issue. We paid $1000 of our OWN money to have this done at this specific Jeep dealership in November to avoid getting work done at the original dealership that wasn't reliable. We were in constant communication with the original dealership through this process, and stated we felt they should pay for any repairs as the work they had been doing at their shop did not resolve our issues with the vehicle. The dealership refused, saying they would only cover repairs done at THEIR location.

    At this point, the car had been worked on since August, less than 500 miles had been put on the vehicle as it had been in the repair shop for the majority of the time we had it and we were still making payments on it that entire time. After bringing it back home from the Jeep dealership, my mother was driving it and STILL noticed that the vehicle had a hard time shifting. I flew back to Maryland this month and can confirm that the vehicle still has problems. We've contacted the original dealership and told them how unhappy we are with their service. We've expressed to them that this vehicle hasn't worked properly since its purchase in July, and that the supposed replacement transmission is encountering the same exact issues that the it had at the beginning. The mechanic at the dealership stated that if we did not like the service to take it up with the store manager and that "All Jeeps shift that way". The store manager is in agreement with his mechanic, stating that they have already replaced the transmission and done what they can.

    We are at our wits end with this purchase. I took it up to a local Jiffy Lube to check the fluids, and they took the car for a test drive and said the transmission is slipping. I don't know what to do with this anymore. The dealership states there's nothing wrong with the vehicle, even though we continue to have problems with the transmission. I don't even like this car anymore, and I like the dealership even less. They refuse to pay for repairs outside of their business, but won't do any more repairs as they consider the vehicle to be "fixed". Is there any action that I can take to resolve this issue? I tried looking at lemon laws in MD but they appear to only apply to brand new vehicles. I'm also worried that too much time has lapsed because they've had the car for almost three months. I just don't know what I can do with this situation. My poor mother was unfortunately taken advantage of and sold a garbage vehicle. Any help is appreciated and thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/awetcardboardbox
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    My (18) SIL (26) works for the bank I have and snoops on my statement.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:26 PM PST

    I've been away for the last few months at basic training, and making more money than I've ever earned before I've also been spending a decent chunk of change because I want to improve my own quality of life a bit.

    It started because my mother found out on a Facebook page that accounts of soldiers may have been hacked. My father went down to my bank (he's on the account) to check it out, and it was all clean. My sister in law caught wind of this from my mother just because theybqere talking one day. My sister in law decided to check it out for herself, that should have been the end of it.

    I come to find out from my mother while I've been on leave that my SIL is looking into my account and then "alerting" my mother that im spending a lot of money. My mother, nor myself, are happy about this. I'm curious of the legality of what my sister in law is doing.

    I'm planning to switch over to a different bank already, but I want to make sure I'm educated when I go to confront her about it, and know what I'm talking about.

    Sidenote: I dont plan on pursuing it legally if it is, because that would screw over my brother and his kid.

    Edit: I live in The United States

    submitted by /u/throwawayforreasins
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    A man bought a vehicle from my family’s small business with a stolen identity and the bank is making our business pay $12,000 back

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:34 PM PST

    Hi r/legaladvice. I feel sick to my stomach and I intend to do my own research, but I was hoping someone on here could help me. Our family business is a vehicle dealer/repair shop with six employees.

    The man stole another man's identity and got an official drivers license from the dmv and a credit card with this information. So when we took a copy of the drivers license and checked it, everything appeared legitimate and official. The problem is that the man's card did not work in our chip reader that we have through US Bank, so we typed the card information into the reader manually. This is something we often do for when customers want to pay for repairs over the phone or when our card reader is being finicky. It's also something that's common in restaurants and small businesses everywhere. Anyway, we have been told that since the information was input manually the full liability of the theft rested on us as the vendor.

    US Bank withdrew the $12,000 the men stole from our business account, froze the account for a day, and charged us overdraft fees. Is there anywhere I should begin my search to rectify this or are we completely out of luck? This business has been in our family for 5 generations in Washington state and one more blow like this after the shutdowns is not something my family can afford. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/myboolovesredpandas
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