• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 26, 2020

    Legal Advice - [Michigan] I sued a Concrete company/owner in small claims court for a bad patio job that they refused to rectify. They hired a lawyer who moved the cast to general court, and he's trying to get the case thrown out as "frivolous", wherein I would have to pay *their* legal fees... (more inside)

    Legal Advice - [Michigan] I sued a Concrete company/owner in small claims court for a bad patio job that they refused to rectify. They hired a lawyer who moved the cast to general court, and he's trying to get the case thrown out as "frivolous", wherein I would have to pay *their* legal fees... (more inside)

    [Michigan] I sued a Concrete company/owner in small claims court for a bad patio job that they refused to rectify. They hired a lawyer who moved the cast to general court, and he's trying to get the case thrown out as "frivolous", wherein I would have to pay *their* legal fees... (more inside)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:11 PM PST

    I will try to truncate this as much as possible. This has been going on for over a year.

    Sep 2019 - stamped concrete patio installed by an LLC company. cost was about $6000. after initially looking at it, it looked good.

    A few weeks later, it had rained and I noticed that there was a large section along the patio where it meets the house/foundation that had standing water. I am (and was) fully aware that stamped concrete can have "birdbaths" where the stamped patterns are. But this was definitely not that - this was a much larger area (about 6" long) that spanned several stamping pattern lengths.

    I took pictures of the water collection and even videos showing the water flowing toward the house when poured several feet away from the foundation. The owner of the company took weeks to come out and have a look and tried to talk to me as if I was stupid. He offered to put in a saw cut length wise that ran the distance of the entire patio, but refused to redo the section of the patio (rip out and pour again). Knowing that the saw cut would only be a temporary band-aid that would eventually have its own problems, I declined.

    A few days later, I left a review on Google reviews of my experience, explaining the problems I was having along with pictures showing the water collection against the house. The owner responded with a very rude response insulting my wife and me, and saying something along the lines of (paraphrasing) "If you think there's a problem, that's why we have a legal system!" So that's what I did.

    Oct 2019 - file small claims suit against them. at the court office, the clerk specifically told me to go ahead and put both the owner's name AND the company LLC name on the affidavit, so i did that. several months go by before i learned that the certified mail was ignored and the court sent an officer to hand deliver the subpoena to the owner of the company. shortly after, i learned that the defendant hired a lawyer who had the case pulled from small claims court to general court. it is my understanding now that this was done because "a company can't represent itself" and i put the company name on the affidavit. but had i known this would be the case, i wouldn't have done that. i'm wondering why the clerk not only didn't tell me a company can't be taken to small claims court, but actually advised me to put the company name on the affidavit. In any case - what's done is done.

    Unfortunately my wife and I could not (and cannot) afford a lawyer to fight for us. So we figured 'what do we have to lose' just trying to fight this ourselves. We have evidence (pictures, videos of the problem, measurements with a level, text message correspondence with the owner where he basically admits fault) as well as an assessment from a different concrete leveling company that says the pour is uneven and dips at the foundation.

    Our settlement hearing has been pushed back several times due to the virus. We had one meeting at the courthouse with the judge and the defending attorney in Sep 2020. It was basically useless. My wife and I brought our packets of evidence but never got to show them. The judge told us that we would need to have an expert witness - the problem is that out of the several licensed concrete experts we've called, no one wants to testify in court case. they just don't want any part of it.

    We have a Settlement Conference on Dec 30 (four days) via ZOOM (thanks again to the virus). However two days ago in the mail, I received a letter from the defending attorney - a "motion for summary disposition". In it, he details that i tried to bully the defendant into redoing the work, that there's nothing wrong with it, and it asks the judge to dismiss the case as "frivolous". Additionally, it says in this motion that should the case be considered frivolous, i should have to pay sanctions to the defendant, essentially paying his legal fees.

    This is making me sick. I can't afford my own lawyer, let alone someone else's. I figured my wife and I could try to present our evidence and see what the judge thought - and if we lost, OK no harm done. we still have to fix the patio but at least we tried to get our money back. however, i never realized that somehow i could be responsible for the defendant's legal fees. i didn't even want to take this case to general court, i started off in small claims. and through all of this, my wife and i have never had the chance to show our pictures, videos, or explain ourselves to the judge.

    With four days to go before the settlement hearing, what can/should I do?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/tectactoe
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    can my parents stop me from moving out

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:19 PM PST

    so I just turned 18 and i've been saving money literally forever to move out because I just can't seem to get along with my parents. i'm moving to another state (about 6 hours away) and my dad said if I try to move out that he is going to drive up there and throw me in the car and make me come home. i've purchased almost all of my clothes with my own money and i'm leaving my car behind since they bought it. can he actually come to my new house or can I call the cops on him since i'm 18?

    submitted by /u/Ok_Software_545
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    [New Mexico] Store director made 17 yo clean up the scene of a suicide.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:09 PM PST

    This morning (12/26) an Albertsons employee took his own life with a gunshot wound to the head. After the initial clean up, the store director of Albertsons made a 17 year old clerk clean up the blood and glass left from the scene.

    Is he legally allowed to demand an underage employee to do that?

    The boy started crying and throwing up while doing it. He left work shortly after.

    [edit] it happened in the parking lot

    submitted by /u/Fkn_d
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    Is my apartment complex legally allowed to do this?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:12 PM PST

    Hi everyone, thank you in advance for your help! Looking for some advice on what to do.

    So, I had just moved into a new apartment complex with my partner this month (12/19). When we were applying for the place, both the leasing agent and we had agreed that rent would be $1759/month, which is the net effective rent after two different concessions (20% off in addition to an extra $250 off per month, as indicated by the texts shown here):


    We've all (both us and the community manager/landlord) signed a holding deposit receipt and lease (both legally binding documents) stating that our monthly rent will be $1759/month for all 18 months going forward. The lease also contains a rent concession receipt that says: A monthly concession of $250.00 for the full term of the Lease. A monthly concession of $502.00 to be given for the full lease term. Again, both sides signed this.

    Last week, they had sent us a new rent concession agreement (after we moved in already), claiming that it's actually only a one-time move-in deal of $250 as opposed to a monthly deal as they had stated previously before. Today, we had a call from one of the leasing agents saying that if we do not sign this new agreement, we will be choosing to terminate our lease early (and will have to pay a $2500 fee). We are just wondering if it is legal for them to change the agreement after we've already moved in, considering we all signed legally binding documents saying that our rent is $1759? What should we do in this situation?

    submitted by /u/qthatneedsana
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    [California] Can my stalker make a legal case against me for talking about my experiences with him?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:25 AM PST


    A man named "Bob" has been cyberstalking me since 2017. Bob sends me dozens of sexual messages, tells me to commit suicide, describes killing me, and posts my full name, DOB and general location (See post history).

    I've spoken to a police officer in person and presented Bob's messages, but they would not file a report until Bob mentions a specific weapon or time he will come to kill me. I've consulted with 2 attorneys and they said it would be an uphill battle to file a long-term restraining order because he uses pseudonyms and "a pattern of behavior won't hold up in court." For now I decided the best course of action is to sit tight, continue to document messages, and hope the police will become more interested with time.

    This month I've learned that Bob is actively targeting several other artists in the same community and sending them similar messages (Bob bragged about it to me and sent me screenshots of him harassing others). As far as I know, he only started targeting new people in the last 2 months.

    I want to let other people know that Bob is dangerous and help them protect themselves.

    Last night I wrote a draft document that described my own experiences, screenshots of his messages, and aliases he uses. I describe his actions as "cyber-stalking, suicide-baiting, and sexual harassment." I didn't include his full name or any other identifying information.

    If I publicly post about my experiences is there a way Bob could potentially use it against me? Sue me for libel, doxing etc?

    Bob will definitely see it because he messages all my social media accounts frequently. Is there a safer way to let other artists know that Bob is targeting new people?

    TLDR: Can my stalker make a legal case against me for talking about my experiences with him?

    submitted by /u/NoYam6970
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    Grandmother passed away and left a will to exclude my mom & uncle(Her daughter and son)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:16 AM PST

    My grandmother just passed. My grandfather passed a couple of years ago. Before she died she let me know that before my granddad died they wrote their kids out of the will. Me, my brother, and my cousin are the beneficiaries. I live away from them and my cousin lived with her. She made him power of attorney that way if anything happened he's the one in the same town as her. I'm 29 and have never had to do anything like this, so I'm at an utter loss for what the next steps are. I know my grandparents wrote my mom out of the will because they have had a tumultuous past. I'm now worried my mom is going to get into their house before I can make it back home and grab things. I guess what I'm asking is do I reach out to the lawyers they drafted their will with and then contact the police to let them know my mother isn't in the will so they can let her know not to enter the house? Idk, I'm completely lost as to what the next steps are. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: She passed away in the state of Alabama

    submitted by /u/Velcromoosev3
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    Retroactively denied unemployment claims, saying we owe back everything despite clearly qualifying for pandemic unemployment assistance

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:00 AM PST

    Washington state here. My girlfriend is a service provider in a salon - skincare, makeup services. In early March Washington state made it briefly illegal to operate any business for personal services, thereby obviously directly impacting the employment of everyone at these businesses. When they were allowed to reopen at vastly reduced capacity, generally only one or two people were allowed to book so anyone beyond the "top" girls were still not able to work despite also not being laid off.

    She's pretty hysterical about a bill saying we owe nearly $9000 when she has literally no money, so I'm typing this up on her behalf and trying to figure out what the hell we need to do.

    We started the application process through the WA Employment Security Department for her on April 25th (still not able to work at her primary salon), retroactive to the week of March 15th (the first week of the mandated shutdown for these businesses). The website explicitly says the process is this:

    • Apply for regular unemployment

    • Get denied

    • Apply for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance

    We did this. First document received was a simple data sharing notice on the 25th, followed by a denial of regular unemployment benefits, and an "I've applied for unemployment benefits, what's next?". As part of the application, we applied for standby (don't need to look for work to continue receiving benefits). The website also makes it clear that people seeking PUA should do this, as people that qualify for PUA are often still employed, just not able to work (exactly my girlfriend's situation). Once the denial letter came back on the 25th we went through the PUA application and submitted on the 26th. On the 27th we received the approval for standby, followed by a determination on the 28th that the PUA program would pay out $283 per week for each eligible week, Feb. 2020 through December 2020. This struck us as odd for two reasons. One, we thought the CARES Act unemployment assistance was $600 per week. Two, on the 28th she received payments for (week ending in):

    • March 21st: $255

    • March 28th: $255

    • April 4th: $795 (okay, so the $600 kicked in here I guess)

    • April 11th: $795

    • April 18th: $795

    May 18th, she received a "Work Search Directive" on her PUA claim saying she would need to start looking for work to keep claiming. Considering salons were technically open at reduced capacity still, this seemed reasonable. She was looking but it wasn't clear how to document it, so she decided to just stop claiming unemployment. We have essentially been single income (thankfully my job has been okay through all of this) since this point.

    In early June, she decided to leave the salon and set about starting her own "booth rent" business (renting salon space inside a salon, but being your own employee instead of being an employee of the salon manager). This has some separate licensing requirements which she had already applied for through the WA DOL. These licenses would not arrive until the end of OCTOBER due to COVID-19 delays, but she was still looking for spaces, negotiating prices, and getting equipment and supplies ready during this time. All this is to say once she left the first job, she stopped applying for unemployment benefits because we heard the system was going to run out of money regardless. So she only received payments for the weeks of March 21st through May 30th, even though I believe she potentially qualifies all the way in to September when she found a part-time job working retail and shipment at a small clothing store.

    The next correspondence was an LWA Determination Letter sent September 9th, saying there was additional money available for certain weeks in August and September. Since she had not claimed during this time we ignored it.

    Here is where things get dicey. November 9th, their system shows a "Determination Letter" which in no uncertain terms says "We denied your unemployment benefits from Feb. 2021 to Feb. 2021". The kicker is we never received this letter and we stopped checking the ESD website months ago because, again, no claims since May. The letter states:

    To be eligible for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) under the CARES Act, you cannot be eligible for other unemployment benefits in Washington or any other state.

    You did not fill out a new unemployment benefits application as required. Therefore, we must presume you are no longer eligible for PUA because you qualify for other unemployment benefits in Washington or another state.

    To requalify for unemployment benefits, you can fill out a new Washington application at esd.wa.gov or by calling 800-318-6022. If you are eligible for unemployment benefits in another state, you must contact that state.

    The law that applies is Public Law 116-136.

    To be eligible for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) under the CARES Act, you cannot be eligible for other unemployment benefits in Washington or any other state.

    We evaluated your new application for unemployment benefits. We determined you are no longer eligible for PUA, because you are eligible for a new unemployment claim.

    You should submit your weekly claims on your new unemployment claim. The best way is online in eServices, where you will see "You have a UI weekly claim to file" on your home screen.

    The law that applies is Public Law 116-136.

    If we need to consider other questions about your claim, we'll send you separate letters to address each issue.

    You owe us $3113.00 as a result of this decision. You must pay it back because you were at fault for the overpayment.

    This number corresponds to the original $283 we were "approved" for on April 28th, in a document titled "Pandemic Unemployment Claim Determination", so it really sounds like this is the PUA claim, but this document makes it sound like this was the part she DIDN'T qualify for, which makes no sense.

    Again, we never got this letter, and then we moved addresses in early December. On December 24th we checked our mail and found a letter dated December 12th, forwarded to us, saying we now owe all $8513 (the entire amount paid for all eleven weeks, plus taxes) with no additional information on how this decision was reached, or why it went from $3113 to $8513. This money is due by the 31st and has plenty of scary language like they'll charge interest, garnish your wages, take your federal income tax return, etc. etc. etc.

    Based on my girlfriend's situation I don't see how she can't qualify for the CARES money, even if the original "unemployment" claim (the $283) was in error. And if it WAS in error, it sounds like it was the ESD's error because we provided all of the relevant information. So even if the $3113 was improperly paid out, the language making it out to sound like our mistake is very confusing, compounded by the additional request for all $8513 back with no extra justification.

    Obviously we are opening an appeal. The only thing I can think to put together for this is the relevant timeline. When she started working at the first salon, when the shutdown order started, when the various application steps were taken and which documents we received when. All of this should be easily verifiable on the part of ESD, but in that case we never should have gotten this in the first place. Also, because of the extreme delays on the WA DOL's end, I'm not confident calling the ESD will actually get us to a real person. In that case, what do we do on the 31st? Do we have to start paying to avoid legal action, even though we may not be at fault? Or just submit the appeal by the 31st? What other info should I be putting together? Is there a more specialized area I should be reaching out to?

    submitted by /u/Valdair
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    My dad’s girlfriend stole my identity and ruined my credit

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:07 AM PST

    When I was 16-21 years old, I lived in New Mexico with my dad and his girlfriend. When I turned 21 I went to live with my aunt in Utah and tried to open up a bank account. They told me I had multiple credit accounts opened with stores and cable/internet companies. I looked into it and my credit was in the toilet. There were some incidents where I found my documents had been ruffled through, and I knew my dad's girlfriend was responsible and had access to all my personal information. I was told to report this to the police, so I did but that was almost 3 years ago and I'm haven't had a single thing done. I'm almost 23 and want my own apartment or even my own credit card but I can't without paying off all the crap that woman bought for herself. I want her held responsible and I want to repair my own life. What can I do?
    (I know it was her because the cable company's reported it to her address and my dad doesn't need a credit card to Sephora)

    submitted by /u/uncutgemz
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    Seller did not disclose unpermitted work

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:10 PM PST

    Hello all

    Wisconsin home purchase- closed this past July

    I've found a number of issues and it's been a tremendous financial burden (roof leaks, asbestos abatement, wiring issues, basement leak- all of these undisclosed)

    From talking to neighbors I can see the previous owner did a ton of work on the house. On the real estate disclosure they noted that no work had been performed without a permit. This is obviously not true, and a great deal of the wiring has a manufacturing date printed on it- proof that this wiring was installed during the sellers ownership. I contacted the city and verified that no permits have been pulled since 1998. (The last owner purchased in 2007, wiring is dated 2008)

    I can't really prove that they knew about the leaks or asbestos, but the wiring is plain as day. A lot of other work is obviously done by them as well, but not dated like the wiring

    How should I proceed? Is it too late?

    submitted by /u/nesquik8
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    Found a paper Treasury Bond

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:26 AM PST

    I recently purchased a neglected home and started rehabbing it. Last night I was clearing out an old desk and found a paper savings bond issued in 1945. I know nothing about these. Is this one of those things where the person in possession is the presumed owner? Or do I need to track down the owner?

    The only identifying info on it is the serial number and a six digit number on the "recorded" line.

    I live in Ohio.

    submitted by /u/LumbermanSVO
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    My job knowingly let two employees back who tested positive for COVID-19 because “their symptoms lessened”

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:34 PM PST

    As the title suggest, I just found out about this twenty minutes ago in their casual conversation about their quarantine. I've been around them all day and had no clue until then. I asked 'did you test negative before coming back' to which their reply was 'no' but their symptoms lessened per instruction of the supervisor. They're still coughing and cannot taste anything.

    Is my job legally liable for endangering their employees by letting these people back into the workspace? 6 employees including them have also tested positive.

    I don't want this, my 6 month old son has cardiac and respiratory problems and it would be devastating if his immune system couldn't fight this as well as mine probably can.

    I'm in Texas.

    submitted by /u/imbadatgrammar
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    Someone lied about me and a warrant was placed, $10,000 in legal fees.... (Colorado)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:07 AM PST

    Someone lied about me and I had a warrant for my arrest for over a year I didn't know about. I was arrested at work by at least a dozen cops and charged with 3 felonies that would have gotten me up to life. After $10,000 in lawyer fees, more in lost wages and finally a complete dismissal of all charges and the judge ordered my record sealed clean. Is there any way I can sue the other party for all the money and time wasted by the false accusations?

    submitted by /u/Unipooper
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    [Texas] Can my parents go against my doctor’s wishes and force me to eat against my diet plan?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:09 PM PST

    I am quite overweight (actually obese) and pre-diabetic. I am also 16/male so very much still a dependent.

    Six months ago at the doctor's he wanted to run some tests (blood pressure, diabetes, etc) due to my weight. I already have had frequent back/leg pain I think because of my weight (though my parents don't agree). I was found to be pre-diabetic, in that I was very likely going to become diabetic if I did not change my diet/lose weight. I was referred to a dietician/nutritionist who went over a diet plan/goals/exercise plan with me and my parents with the ultimate goal of losing around 100lbs and getting a better diet and hopefully not getting diabetes.

    For around a month my parents were helpful, in that as agreed I was allowed to prepare my own dinner/meals based on the established plan, and followed up with the nutritionist after the month was up and I lost a small (but not insignificant) amount of weight over that time and I was quite happy about this. But basically since that visit my parents have tried to make sure I can't follow the plan. I don't have a job, so I do have to rely on them to purchase all of the groceries, and to allow me to prepare the meals, which they have refused to do (it is not due to financial issues), they have also tried to consistently get me to finish my portion if I try to get up from lunch/dinner without finishing it all (one of the issues the nutritionist identified was that our portion sizes were considerably larger then was healthy). They also have cancelled all of my follow up visits that were already planned.

    I know that the nutrition/diet plan we all signed with the nutritionist is not a legal document, but I am scared that if I can't at least try to lose weight and be healthier I could have long lasting medical consequences and certainly there has to be some legal way for me to make my parents adhere to the agreement they signed off on?

    submitted by /u/Mydadsajack
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    A tennant was forced out of her apartment for not paying 10k+ rent this year, she called RAC who rented her a laundry machine ti take it back. They flooded the property. CT, USA

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:35 AM PST

    My dad owns property in CT and had this tenant not pay over 10k in rent because courts were closed during covid. She's been living for free for almost a year and my dad had her evicted after paying court fees and a lawyer. A few days before she left, she called Rent-A-Center to take back a laundry machine they loaned her, but they did not shutoff the valves and let the water-flow. Our whole first floor and basement got flooded (basement water is knee-high). This can't be an accident because as soon as RAC unhooked the laundry the water should've started flowing, there's no way it delayed. When my dad arrived the water was flowing at a fast rate out of the valves and all he had to do was close them to stop the water. We don't know who's at fault, we filed a police report but they can't do anything but put the incident on file because there were no witnesses. Called RAC and they won't confess/deny anything. It's a 3 family home, she wasn't home when she called and won't tell us how she knew about the incident when calling. Need help looking for lawyers, my dad's lawyer is on vacation. Thinking of suing RAC but not sure if tenant is at fault, she got away Scot free without paying rent and then informed us about the flood. She also trashed the apartment before moving out. CT, USA.

    Edit: Guys, I need help finding a lawyer and need help on taking the proper steps. I asked in the post and no one's helped with that. I've been getting a lot of opinions, which isn't legal advice. I don't care if you think landlords are scummy, we're not scummy. If you think we're in the wrong, keep it to yourself. Got a few mean dm's, this is a stressful situation and time and you're only making it worse.

    submitted by /u/browsingonmywii
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    Grandparental Rights in Arizona

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Long story short, my son's father turned out to be really crazy. I was 17 when we met and he loved to control me. I broke up with him and he continued to stalk me for years. I didn't file a restraining order back then because we still had to see eachother for the child so I didn't understand how that would work. Due to his actions we got our son taken for 6 months by DCS. Fast forward. I've maintained my own residency for the past 2 years, got a stable job, and I have a 2 bedroom with my boyfriend. I finally provided my child with the stability he deserves and a happy household. Well I ended up having to get a restraining order because his father was threatening me. Then his father violated that so he's in jail now. His mom keeps blowing up my phone trying to come from out of state to take my child. My son is happy and healthy. He's 3 years old and he loves being with his mom. What type of grandparental rights does she have if she's coming from out of state? My biggest concern is that they will run off with my child, since they have done so multiple times.

    submitted by /u/Mixedmarilyn
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    My Kids Were Exposed to Covid and my Ex-Wife Wants Them Back

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Hi. I'm in AZ.

    I have 50/50 custody of my minor children with my ex-wife. My ex-wife (Betty) dropped them off to me on Tuesday of this week. When my kids got in the car, they told me their stepdad was sick with they guessed a cold. I was a little startled by this because my ex knows I have elderly family members I care for with illnesses that would make Covid problematic for them. But, I figured that if she thought it was a problem, she would have told me. So anyway, on Christmas eve, she calls me to say that her husband DOES have Covid and he had just gotten his test results back that day. So she had suspected the whole time that he had coronavirus, knew he was going to get tested, and sent them over to my house anyway without warning me first. Now my entire household has potentially been exposed.

    Today, she called me to say she wants the kids back on Monday (which is the normal day to return them). However, I don't think I'm supposed to send them back to her house, where they will be exposed again, and then have them sent back to me a couple days later. I'm angry she did this, but I don't know what to do. Do I have to send my kids back to her household (where her husband is sick with Covid), or am I supposed to keep them here? What's the legal guidance for this? I don't know if it matters, but my youngest child is 12 and the oldest is 17. Thanks

    submitted by /u/English_Toffee
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    [Florida] My Ortho ignored my concerns, took the braces off and now it's causing me a lot of discomfort

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:59 PM PST

    Before my braces were taken off, I notice I started not able to sleep on my back because I couldn't breathe, my jaw when relaxed was in a very weird position. Since I could not sleep on my back, it's causing me a lot of discomfort, my shoulders started to hurt, I could not get a good night sleep, I'm constantly exhausted.

    So I scheduled an emergency appointment w/ my ortho earlier than my next appointment. My ortho told me that eventually it will go away, THEN proceed to scan my teeth for retainer (Edit: on the same day). After a month, the problem subsided a little bit, then the ortho took the braces off, and made me wear the retainer. After 2 weeks, all the problems I had before came back and worst. Since Covid, it's hard to get an appointment w/ the ortho, but I've been seeing 4 others doctors, (ortho, ear nose & throat, dentist, oral surgeon), they're all said my jaws are not aligned. The new ortho & dentist told me that I will have to back to braces again for at least another year.

    I will be seeing my original ortho again in a few days, I have no faith in him to try to rectify the situation since every time I voiced my concern, he just ignored it. What can I do? paying another braces will cost me at least another 5k, is there a way for me to ask for my money back? Should I get a lawyer involved?

    submitted by /u/Platypus_Anxious
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    Employee claiming injury - footage doesn't show her getting injured

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:45 PM PST

    This happened in the state of Florida. Retail location, employee goes in a small office type back room where she tried sitting on a chair and missed it which then cause the chair to push up against a wall that had slat walls. The slat wall fell face down but she was away from the fall. Another employee within 2 seconds swings by, helps put the slat wall back up in a standup position. She clearly is showing no pain, injury, or discomfort of any kind. The footage shows the slat wall falling away from her, missed her for sure and she turns around to lift it back up with the other staff member.

    The following day she tells HR about the incident and that she was completely fine. The third day, she gets contacted by owner who she then says to that she feels like she got hit by a truck. We immediately contact HR and notify them about her new statement, she then gets sent away to workers comp process and visits a doctor.

    While all this is happening, we just got access to the footage and realized anyone with an eye can see this is a case of someone trying to take advantage of the system. I don't think she realized we have cameras there. We're all about helping people and all but for a false claim, that will not stand in our book. We're going to share the footage with the insurance company and adjustor.

    If we confront her - she'll obviously feel some sort of way and will most likely quit. She is a very decent employee and works well. Just wanting to see what is the best way of action here?

    submitted by /u/Zikki11
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    Obligation to care for Grandmother (USA, FL)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:47 PM PST

    I live in the same city as my grandmother and I provide administrative and a good bit of practical care.. Basically I take care of things.. She is 92 and for better or worse mostly entirely lucid. She has gotten increasingly more demanding and can no longer take care of herself.

    I'll save the details for a post on an appropriate sub Reddit.. Please save any value judgements.

    I don't have any official guardianship over her but I do have POA and am a health surrogate.. I've tried getting her to go to an assisted living facility but she refuses.. I've decided to take the "live with your decision" approach and informed until she does move I won't aid her in anyway.

    The question is, what is my personal exposure? If she trips and falls and dies is this legally on me in anyway? Remember she is pretty lucid for her age and has said repeatedly she would rather live alone without my help than to to a facility.

    Side note: again, I just want to know what my level of legal obligation to take care of her is.. I have offered many solutions and she won't accept anything that doesn't involve living in her apartment alone.

    submitted by /u/crashed_panoz
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    [Florida] Now Ex-Employer threatened defamation, verbally abused and berated me, and owes me $1,005.25. Screenshots included.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:37 PM PST

    Screenshots of convo, with a screenshot of our texts when I was working my first two weeks and expecting a check.

    We've always been pretty agreeable, but this kind of came out of nowhere. I sent the screenshots to my coworkers as well and they pretty much weren't surprised. One of them said it was a really bad day today and that's probably why he went unhinged like that. Unacceptable, either way.

    I also have screenshots of all of my hours worked through pay periods on Homebase, included with the companies name in the screenshots. Comes up to $1,005.25 I'm owed. I also have all of my bank statements showing when and how much he's payed me.

    Just for clarification, this is a part time job at a locally owned business with only one of its kind in the area. It's just him that owns the place.

    What should I do? If he doesn't pay me what I'm owed, I'm going to have to contact an employment lawyer or something.

    submitted by /u/Dickbossthrowaway77
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    Is what my dad is doing legal?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:39 PM PST

    I'm sixteen currently, but I have been working with him I believe since I was eleven. He owns a construction company that he runs alone, but he has me work with him very often, helping with things like installing tile, staining/sanding/refinishing hardwood floors, demo (demolition) etc. So basically, we have very often worked days from ten hours all the way to sixteen hours, but I have never been payed by him, sometimes not even getting lunch. And currently, we have been doing maintenance work fora man that has been paying my dad an extra ten dollars an hour that as far as that man knows, is going to pay me, yet my dad untruthfully pockets all of this money. This work also interferes with my schooling, as on several occasions he has not allowed me to go to school because he made me go to work with him instead, which negatively impacted my grade (last time this happened, very drastically, all the way from an A to a D) I live in Ohio

    submitted by /u/nueboimccoy
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    [Ohio] Neighbor's won't leash their dogs. So far one's nearly killed my dog.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:14 AM PST

    We moved into our current house in November of last year and we share a driveway with our neighbors that connects into our respective, small backyards. As soon as we moved in, we noticed that they had 3 dogs they would let outside without leashes and frequently unsupervised. We made it a point to tell them that we have a dog reactive dog and they cannot let theirs run up on her. They assured us it wouldn't be a problem.

    Fast forward to February and sure enough, their Pitbull charges into our yard and a fight ensues. My fiance had our dog on a harness and managed to keep it from turning bloody until the neighbors noticed what was happening and retrieved their dog.

    Okay, fine. Now they know to pay better attention.

    June 1st, It's 7am and I'm leaving for work with my dog. I usually take her to our friends house and she spends the day with his dog, as they are friends and the healthy interaction is good for her. Stupidly, I didn't worry about putting the harness on as it's about 10 feet from my backdoor to the car and the neighbors were usually gone by 7am.

    No sooner do we step outside do I hear the neighbors back door swing open and, sure enough, here comes the Pitbull into my yard. I have full recall of my dog, even around other dogs, though I usually still keep a harness on her. I say her name and she laid down, as she was trained. The pitbull ran into MY YARD once again and got into my dogs business. My dog snapped at her and a full fight broke out. Once again, I recalled my dog and she stopped and tried to come back to me but the Pitbull would not stop and got ahold of her neck. This lasted for about 20 minutes until I grabbed the hose and sprayed it into the other dogs mouth to make it let go. My dog was severely severely hurt and had to go to the emergency vet to get multiple staples and stitches all over her head, neck and ears. The other dog had no injuries at all.

    We didn't want the neighbors to have to deal with losing their dog, so we chose not to involve the police and just requested they pay us half of the vet costs (ignoring my medical bills as I had also been badly bit) and keep their dogs leashed.

    Well its been 7 months, they've paid $100 and still won't leash their dogs. When confronted today the one girl just said, "Well we take [Pitbull] to the dog park! It's not our fault your dog is violent!"

    I'm so frustrated. What do I even do now? What CAN I do? Do I have any legal recourse? We have photos and videos of their dogs off leash on property. I know our city does have a leash-law but can't they just agree to it and not change anything?

    submitted by /u/AncientEldritch
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