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    Sunday, December 27, 2020

    Legal Advice - [Michigan] I do not want to go to China

    Legal Advice - [Michigan] I do not want to go to China

    [Michigan] I do not want to go to China

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:16 AM PST

    I'm a 17 year old, my parents are divorced and my mother is trying to convince me to go to China with her. Their initial plan was to allow me to make my own decision when I become 18, but they went against their word and changed the date to a month before I become 18. I do not want to be taken to China against my will as a minor. Is there any way I could legally leave my mother to live with my father without having to emancipate myself? I'm willing to go through with it if I need to but given the choice not to I'd take it. I just need clarity whether or not I'm old enough to make the decision to live with the parent I want without needing legal intervention.

    submitted by /u/Toad_Saint
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    (OK)Roommate ditched. His name is on the lease. Purposely destroyed his room

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 04:52 PM PST

    Friend of mine is dealing with a situation and I am trying to walk him through what he needs to do the best that I can. His roommate(who is on the lease) and that roommate's gf(who is not on the lease) flat out ditched him and said that they are refusing to pay anymore rent. They also flew back to where they lived before in Texas so are no longer in the state. To make matters worse, they peed and pooped on their bed which they left, before leaving.

    My friend is going after them for the cost of rent and utilities via small claims court. I suggested also going after them for the cleaning cost of the room. I instructed him to send a certified letter laying out the money owed and date to be paid by as well as paying for them to be served and including each of those cost in the money owed that he is going after them for. I also said he should start printing some transcripts of agreement to pay x% of the utilities, their statement saying they aren't coming back, as well as taking pictures of the room for documentation.

    Anything else that he should do beyond this?

    submitted by /u/jeremyfto
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    (KY) Is it possible to apply to stop paying my ex boyfriend child support if he never sees our daughter

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:02 PM PST

    When my ex boyfriend and I split up and we worked out child custody before she was born, we have shared custody once I stopped breastfeeding. My lawyer advised me Kentucky has a law that presumes shared custody if there are no aggravating circumstances. My ex boyfriend wasn't abusive and doesn't have a criminal record so we have shared custody. Since I have a job and he was unemployed, I must pay him child support. Our daughter just turned one. He could decide to start taking her every other week even though he's never seen her before but so far he's ignored me.

    He has never met our daughter. I told him when I was going to the hospital for the birth. He knows where I live. I've texted him and left voicemails that he's never replied to. I stopped breastfeeding her when she was three months old. I had to go back to work in March and I tried to keep going after I returned to work but I work in a hospital and between the shiftwork and COVID-19 I could not do it.

    She has a spot in a daycare for essential workers and that is affordable but I am paying out the nose for childcare when I'm working overnights/weekends/overtime and the daycare is not available. My child support to my ex boyfriend is court ordered so if I stop I'll go into arrears and face legal issues. I'm working so much now but between the childcare and the rent increase at the beginning of the year I'm close to struggling. Not having to pay support would help but I can't afford an attorney to help me with the court case.

    Can I apply on my own with the court to have the child support removed since my ex boyfriend refuses to see our daughter?

    submitted by /u/throwaway-legal2295
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    Why was I asked to sign a blank piece of paper??

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 12:21 PM PST

    Awhile back I was a victim of a crime. While awaiting trial, a woman from the public defender's office visited my house and wanted to ask me some questions. I knew I shouldn't talk to her so I declined to participate. But then she asked me to put my signature on a blank page in a lined notebook. She said it would show that she contacted me and that I didn't want to answer her questions. I refused to sign.

    I've always thought this interaction was odd. Any idea why she wanted me to sign a blank notebook page??

    Edit: This occurred in California

    submitted by /u/_heart_eyes_emoji_
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    Scammed ~6k by an employee, refuses to pay, attempts to cut the price after delivery.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 05:38 AM PST

    I have to censor a lot of the text, I hope that you understand.

    Some context:

    This company hired me to do research on a particular topic, their workload is very intensive so, I had to guarantee that "no matter" the ingest of data, everything would be operative.

    It involves research and then mounting everything, after I finished and handled the invoice for all the services I found that the client vanished, one of the partners replied to an email and this is the situation. (Those of you that work with auto-scaling systems, monitoring, and big data will know how complicated those structures can be and the amount of research that can be put just into picking the best technologies ).


    Ever since that email none of them have replied to any email, and apparently, from previous conversations to that one, I'm the asshole since I'm giving them an invoice for something that they won't use.

    They had me working the last months, it's not my business if out of nowhere they decide to discard the entire work and opt to go for another model ( they offered me half of the payment and I rejected it because it's not what was agreed on).

    I'm unsure what I will do, there is a contract involved but they are in another country and I can't afford a proper lawyer, also, I think that this is a penal case so it would take a very long time right?

    I wonder, how expensive can this situation get? The employee is in a "good" European country (and so I am, Spain),

    Finally, I'm aware of how unprofessional that email is [...] I facepalmed when I had to read that, it's just so frustrating to go through this because they legitimately believe that I'm being unfair

    submitted by /u/pamfrada
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    My neighbor stole my property

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:43 AM PST

    My neighbor asked us a few times if he could build his fence off of one the the walls on my fence. We told him no and that our fence was at least one foot in from the property line. Now he built a fence 7 inches from ours so I hired a surveyor to mark the property. His fence is 5 feet onto our property. How do I handle this?

    Edit: we live in North Carolina

    submitted by /u/woofpack729
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    Parents about to lawyer up after our house burned down 10 months ago

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 08:40 PM PST

    Biggest turmoil I've ever faced. Was there when it happened. My grandmother died. Insurance company won't pay out, pending a never ending investigation. I know how the fire started. It was an accident pure and simple. There's nothing left to investigate. They won't pay because my parents are in debt. Insurance covers our rent but it took a lot of arm twisting.

    I lost everything. They lost everything. The lives of 5 people scorched away.

    We were supposed to be covered and we can't rebuild our lives to something resembling normal until the insurance claim can be resolved.

    Looking for best advice. Thanks in advanced

    submitted by /u/Ill-Secretary-2297
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    Urgent Advice Needed Regarding Surgical Waivers

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:41 PM PST

    San Diego Metropolitan Area, California - United States

    My fiancee had gone into septic shock from a very late diagnosed bowel infarction (I called it 24hrs before the doctors did in the ER, would have made a huge difference, but we already have guidance on that)

    She's recovering slowly, but necrotic limbs threaten to make her septic again. She's been responsive to me during all 3 of my visits. Her vitals have improved. Last time she didn't even have a fever.

    Resting Pulse: 74

    Blood Pressure: 152/81

    Temperature: 37.2 C (98.96F)

    Her supplemental oxygen was 30%, down from 90% the day before.

    Watching her vitals during the dialysis the negative arterial pressure created by the machine dropped her pressure a few times, but they were quickly able to correct. She came out of the procedure with HIGH systolic pressure... this is someone who has a CHANCE.

    The nurse in charge of her care said off the record that my assessment of her condition was correct and that we shouldn't move to palliative care, but instead to keep trying to save her, and that he would deny he said anything as officially he can't make any recommendation.

    She's been on a trajectory of improvement, but eventually those necrotic limbs will kill her.

    The surgeon doesn't want to operate, not even dividing the task up into smaller surgeries. He says she wouldn't survive the anesthesia. That it would put her into shock again.

    By using a weaker type of sedation, there's a chance she can survive. They say it would be too painful, but already she is on a weaker sedation with dying arms and legs... and the kicker is they would be willing to move to palliative care at a level where she would be off the ventilator and be conscious enough to talk... as if that wouldn't be just as painful.

    Doing nothing WILL kill her. Palliative care WILL make her suffer, just for the chance for her to say last words... words she already managed to mouth to me around the ventilator. If she is to suffer anyway, I want to go for the shot play.

    We are to have a Zoom meeting with the surgeon tomorrow. Is there any kind of waiver we can sign to allow him to take that shot? If not, is there a way to have one drafted?

    My fiancée is a fighter, even not having anything below the elbows and knees. One of her favorite hobbies is singing. Assistive technologies are good and will only be getting better. These nurses are with her all the time, she's been beating the odds over and over. We, as a family are already braced for the worst. We have made our peace, but we want to take that 4th and 5 shot to the endzone from the opponent's 40.

    submitted by /u/StrikeThePing
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    (Nevada) My ex's wife lied about me committing a crime. What kind of consequences can she face?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:35 PM PST

    My ex's wife called the police on me. She was in a car accident. She gave them my license plate and described me and said I drove away. I was visited by the police. I was able to prove I had not left my apartment since the day before (I'm on the second floor and all the exits of my building have CCTV, as does the guest parking lot which is below my balcony). Also she gave the make/color of my old car (the one I had when I was with him) and not the one I have now. Thirdly, I have been diagnosed with an eye condition. I have some sight but it's unsafe for me to drive, not to mention illegal and I had proof from my doctor about the eye condition and CCTV of the underground parking where my car is parked until I can sell it. I have never met her before and my ex-fiance left me in November of 2019 and I have not had contact with him (or anyone in his family/friend group) since then.

    I understand the police were doing their jobs and they were polite but it was unnerving all the same. I didn't even know it was her who reported me until days later when the officer phoned me and told me if she contacts me to call him because the police are looking for her. Since she called 911 and lied to them and lied to the police too, what kind of consequences can she be facing? I have never had to deal with the legal system or the police before so I have no idea how this works.

    submitted by /u/throwawayaccount1613
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    [California] 15 y/o boy posted lewd picture of my 13 y/o sister

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:55 AM PST

    I confronted my sister about an Instagram account I thought was hers whose most recent post was her in just a towel that hung down and barely covered her nipples. I thought she had posted it herself but the account actually belongs to a 15 y/o boy who she has been constantly rejecting. She took the picture herself awhile ago and sent it to her snapchat streaks (he was not included). One of these girls she sent it to screen shotted it and sent it to the boy because they had a falling out. I confronted the boy and he's said he posted it because "She shouldn't have rejected him" and that he's planning on getting more from the girl who sent it to him because she's been taking creep shots of my sister changing at her house during sleep overs. My sister's friends have also spoke up (Ages 11-14) and sent me screen shots of this boy begging them for nude photos of themselves and attempting to invite them over for sleep overs. Is there any legal action I can take against this boy and the girl who sent the pictures to him? I have both his and the girls' name, numbers, and addresses, but don't know where or how to start addressing the situation.

    submitted by /u/BeastyGirlKinx
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    (Missouri) purchased home with falsely advertising land size

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:16 AM PST

    Good morning all,

    My wife and I bought our first home Oct 2019, and last week began installing a fence around our property. The person selling the home listed the home as .25 acres, put down the parcel size (said the property was Parcel 'A' and Parcel 'B') and other specifications to say how large it was.

    However, this week while researching the county property map, I see that it's only .15 acres in size. The deed lists the lat/long of our property and it says .15 acres, but (literally) everything else provided by the seller says .25. Do we have any legal recourse to get the rest of the property?

    Can provide anything I left out, sorry but currently on mobile and a bit upset.

    Edit: Properly visual added below


    Ok, so to explain what I have diagramed:

    The red and blue box illustrate the entirety of the plot of land. The red box is where our house sits, and the blue box is a flat grass field. We were under the impression we were purchasing the RED box, as the blue box was NOT included and we were aware. The red and blue box is .25 acres each.

    The RED box is referenced as Tract 1.

    The BLUE box is referenced as Tract 2.

    The GREEN box is a reference to the plot. The northern 50% of the blue box is 'Plot A'.

    The YELLOW box is a reference to the plot. The southern 50% of the BLUE box and the northern 50% of the red box is 'Plot B'.

    The BROWN box is a reference to the plot. The southern 50% of the RED box is 'Plot C'.

    The sellers disclosure had the owner stating we were purchasing Tract 1 (aka Red box); AKA Plot C and the southern 50% of Plot B. This was stated by the owner of the property.

    Where I 100% accept that I screwed up, is in the property deed it gave Latitude and Longitude descriptions for the NW/NE/SE/SW corners of the property. I should have asked for more details and I didn't, that's my error.

    The Lang/Long details state we purchased Plot C only.

    Our hope is to purchase the blue box (Tract 2) from the owner (who was previous owner of red box/Tract 1). This is where it potentially gets difficult, as I'm sure if we sued/threatened legal action to get the rest of the red box/Tract 1 we would not be able to get the rest of property.

    Hope this helped and didn't confuse...

    submitted by /u/Punisher-
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    HELP: Mechanic crashed my car, did cheap paint job, now denying it. Anything I can do?!?!?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 05:36 PM PST

    Crossposting here for advice.
    Picked up my car from the mechanic shop 8 days ago at night. They were doing internal mechanic work. The very next day, I noticed scuff marks in the right rear corner of the car. I filmed it immediately and sent it to my mechanic (owner of the shop) asking what happened to the car. He never got back to me. I call him again a couple more times and he finally picks up today. It's now been 8 days and there's a VERY CLEAR discoloration covering the entire right rear of the car. The entire right rear corner is now a DARKER shade of red with a very obvious vertical line dividing both shades of red.

    My mechanic is denying anything happened in his shop and is telling me he "looked at the cameras" and nothing happened. He's also saying that if he had painted over it it would taken 3 weeks which I know from experience is not true.
    What I think happened: he crashed the car by accident, damage wasn't too bad but still there, he tried to fix it himself and cover it up but the new paint shop is cheap and it's very obvious. Was hoping I wouldn't notice.

    If he keeps on denying anything happened in this shop, is there anything I can do or am I simply out 1k in a new paint job for the panel?
    The shop is a legitimate but small business, but not a giant dealer.

    EDIT: I do have comprehensive and collision insurance, but my deductible for either is $2.5k

    submitted by /u/SunnyBunnyBunBun
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    Just got out of jail after being arrested due to clerical errors on a police report. Can I sue?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:06 PM PST

    For some background, I just did three months in jail after a warrant was filed, then a subsequent follow up police report, saying I was innocent came through but they never lifted the warrant, though it was due to an obvious paperwork error saying something about 2014 instead of when I was 14 in 2005 so I ended up having to sit in jail for three months waiting on a no bill from the grand jury. Do I have any action here against the county? I'd like some restitution for the 3 months of my life I missed out on cos my girlfriend's meth-whore stepmom got all twacked out and filed a false police report.

    How should I go about filing a lawsuit?

    submitted by /u/cy6nu5
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    [PA] Neighbor has outside dogs that bark continuously during the day/night, and I believe they have no heat as well

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 03:22 PM PST


    My nextdoor neighbor has 3 outside dogs that he keeps in a pen, nearly right on the property line. It has a roof with chain link walls with (what I believe is) an igloo type shelter for the dogs to sleep in. He doesn't take the dogs inside during snowstorms (such as the foot of snow we got last week) and the dogs just continuously bark all day. I can hear it inside my house and, since I work from home, it interferes quite a bit with my job. People I am on the phone with can hear the dogs! It is ridiculous. I often can't sleep through the night because the dogs wake me up with their barking. I live in a rural part of PA (Berks County) and I can't really find anything online about the noise ordinances, nor the regulations for animal abuse, since he leaves the dogs outside all year. Is there anything I can do here involving the police?

    submitted by /u/throwLA90456
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    Do dead people really need Volvo's?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:01 PM PST

    My mother passed recently and I'm stuck with her old volvo. I want to donate the car, but I'm pretty sure the title needs to be in my name. How do I transfer ownership from a dead person? I'm her only child and only living relative, so there's no one else that I can imagine would have a legal claim to her things. I live in Texas and I can't seem to get an answer from the TxDoT website. I'm high risk, so I can't make an appointment to see someone in person until there's vaccine saturation and I don't want to wait until fall 2021 to deal with this.

    submitted by /u/Dospescados
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    Please Help I’ve been set up.. I think!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 08:06 PM PST

    So I met this guy on Facebook and would do pick ups for him! Like Walmart. I didn't think nothing of it since I doordash,Instacart,uber,etc. well on 11/03/2020 I'm doing a pick up for the guy at Walmart and two police cars pull up and state that the card that was used was stolen. And the lady stays in Florida ! So initially they lie and say another county confirmed my warrant and they take me in! Didn't ask for the evidence or anything. I need help what should I do? I know where the guy stays how he looks ? I'm too young to go down with a credit card abuse against the elderly !!

    submitted by /u/Main-Improvement-334
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    Breaking a lease

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:57 PM PST

    Hi everyone! Basically I'm a college student trying to break my lease from an apartment. In my bedroom last night there was a lot of apparent water damage after I came home. I called my landlord immediately who sent over a man to check it out who informed me (despite my concerns) that it's safe until next week when it can be repaired (my ceiling was sinking and brown water stains were all over my bedroom). That night in my sleep, the ceiling fell all over me along with disgusting water and loads of drywall / plaster. I immediately called my landlord and documented the entirety of all of this, and now today he is attempting to claim that it is my own fault the ceiling fell. I really just want to break this lease now and I am looking for any advice and next steps please! I am in Massachusetts.

    submitted by /u/marinadss
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    Will I get in trouble?? [California]

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:09 PM PST

    So we've been living in a room that we're renting for about 3 months now. Lady were renting from handed us a hand written 30 day notice saying we have to be gone by Jan 15 because the owner of the house might be selling. We got in contact with the owner and they said they are not even considering it. The lady were renting from retaliated after the owner called her asking questions by cutting us off from the bathroom and kitchen, putting up signs and removing knobs so we couldn't use bathroom appliances. During the phone call we had with her she said we should be afraid and had no right to ask questions. Bathroom is back open but we barely have been there since and the room is falling apart. An outlet has been smoking and the only action taken by them was removing the shield and it's still smoking. There's crazy mold in the closet that we tried to clean up but it's nearly impossible and we're avoiding telling the owner in fear more retaliation will take place. We can't even stay in the room anymore cause of the hazards it holds. We have a two year old daughter as well who has been getting sick so we haven't been in the room. The lady we rent from said if we do anything again she will be calling the cops and cps on us and make false reports. I've already called both of them and let them know and they just told us to get out of there. I do feel like the owner needs to know but I don't want to tell them until we are out of the house. Can we get in trouble for not letting them know right away?

    submitted by /u/RunElle1
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    [Virginia] How to unseal a Will? Can a person charge rent on a property under trust?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 05:13 PM PST

    I'm keeping everything rather anonymous on purpose here, but I need some questions answered. I'm not sure if this is actually okay to ask or not but here goes nothing.

    There's a family of 5 that soon became 4 after a Grandfather had passed on. The eldest (Let's call them person A) left does not want to let the others know what is in the Will of the Grandfather, and hides it from everyone else. The will is sealed, however Person A tells the others that they cannot see the will but them and the Lawyer involved.

    Person C (The youngest) wants to unseal the will but Person B (The Parent of person C) insists that unsealing the will is like the movies in that everyone has to gather round and do a reading of it.

    Is this true? If not, how does unsealing a will work then?


    Second Question: Person A charges Person B and C with rent, but the property that Person A insists is theirs is under trust. Is this legal in Virgina?

    submitted by /u/ShouTuzi
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    (IL) Hypothetical death of custodial parent

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:05 PM PST

    My ex is a deadbeat and no-show for our kiddo. Hasn't seen her since she was a year old and has no plans to do so moving forward. He has fought me/still fighting me for custody to spite me (he literally told me his plan is to take our daughter and dump her at his mother's permanently so he can go travel and live his life and he'll 'visit' her when he wants). He stopped showing up for visitation ages ago by choice and still hasn't worked towards re-establishing any form of relationship with her (he never has called her either). She has no idea who he is either at this point. As of now, I have full custody of her and all legal making decisions but he is still trying to convince the court he deserves more (the GAL is siding with me). He is unemployed, refuses to get a job, has a documented history of violence against me, and attempted to claim access/rights over her CESA (in order to offset his child support payments) as well (with money I put in).

    To date, I am now engaged and she sees my fiance as a primary father figure. My ex is not going to terminate parental rights to let him adopt her either (again, just to spite us). My question is: if I were to die, is there any way, shape, or form that we can prevent my ex from taking custody of her? He doesn't have her best interest at heart nor cares for her. She has a home/family with my fiance and we are all close with my family as well.

    I am doing estate planning to make sure she is taken care of financially (and trustees to ensure she will be taken care of), but what happens with custody? My biggest fear is for her to not just to lose me, but lose access to everyone she knows.

    Any guidance would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/niniiker
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    Can a person getting divorced be roped into their partner being sued?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:03 PM PST

    I am in the USA and I am getting divorced from my husband. The divorce was already underway when he got sued. He is getting sued for more money than he has, and he is getting sued by a large business. He has said that they will go after my money that I will be getting out of the divorce, and that we will both be left with nothing. Can this happen? We are still married, however, they are only suing him, and the divorce has being going through since before he got sued. Can they take my money, and if not, can he give me all his money?

    submitted by /u/A_Little_Odd1
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    Criminal background check on myself?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 05:45 PM PST

    I've been seeing my long distance girlfriend for over a year and we're about to close the gap and see each other for the first time. The thing is, her mom is understandably a bit paranoid about me being dangerous and wants to make sure I don't have a criminal history first. I'm not on beenverified, and I went through every step possible a few years back to scrub my name from any public record website (whitepages, etc.) due to a huge online breach of privacy.

    Are there any ways to prove I'm not a criminal, or just in general to prove who i say I am? I've already sent her a picture of my driver's license, but online searches are coming up very scarce

    submitted by /u/throwawayblyat1323
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