• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - [NYC] Mother's Grave is Occupied...

    Legal Advice - [NYC] Mother's Grave is Occupied...

    [NYC] Mother's Grave is Occupied...

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:47 AM PST

    On Sunday, my mother and brother visited my mother's parents graves in a Brooklyn Cemetery. Next to those graves is a third plot that my mother purchased for herself in the mid 1960's. Upon arrival, they discovered that someone had been buried in my mother's plot.

    The plot was apparently re-sold in 1998 by the son of the Rabbi who sold the plot to my Mother. Based on the information I received, he had a copy of the deed. I will add more info as I receive it from my mother.

    edit: She has 3 deeds with original cemetery permits dated December 31, 1962. A second deed for the last plot (hers) was issued by the same society/congregation in July of 1998. In 2020, when whoever was buried there died, the cemetery tried reaching out to congregation for internment, but the phone number was disconnected. The other family then brought their 1998 deed to the cemetery and was granted the plot.

    I have no experience with this sort of matter, so any advice on getting this sorted out would be greatly appreciated. Ideally, the casket would be removed and my mother would get the grave next to her parents back.

    submitted by /u/vaporizador
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    I canceled a scheduled fence installation but they showed up and installed it anyway, and of course want payment. What now? IA

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:13 AM PST

    Earlier this fall I spoke to a fencing company about removing a crappy old fence and replacing it with a new vinyl privacy fence.

    We paid a small deposit of $250. At the time they estimated they would get to us in early September, but couldn't give a specific date as this time of year their schedule is weather-dependent. They contacted us several times saying they were behind and that they were thinking 2 more weeks, etc., several times. Since they were continuing to push the install date out further and I wanted the new fence sooner rather than later, I ended up just canceling and forfeiting my deposit. I spoke to them on the phone and then sent a follow-up email. A week later I received a check in the mail for my deposit and a note apologizing for the scheduling delays, so it seemed clear that they had handled the cancelation.

    Meanwhile, I bought materials and beer/pizza for my brother, and we did the labor ourselves, bam, new fence with no delay.

    Last week I came home from work and found another new fence in my yard. it turns out that the company I had originally scheduled with was owned by a man who wanted to retire, and someone bought his business. When the new owners were given access to the computer scheduling system at the start of the transition process, they printed out the schedule as-is and worked off the paper copies. The old owners continued to update the computer records (like canceling for me) until the sale of the business was finalized, but the new company never looked at the computer system again.. so they brought a crew out, removed old fence and installed new fence, like the initial order stated.

    The new company was initially apologetic. They have offered my choice of two solutions: (1) Get a discount of 20%, pay for the fence, and keep it or (2) They will come remove the fence and re-use the materials on another job. My issue with (1) Is that I just PAID for a brand new fence already that my brother and I had just installed and they removed and for (2) that will leave me with no fence at all.

    I have been going back and forth with the owner for a while and at this point he doesn't want to budge. He told me last night to let him know if I want (1) or (2) by Friday and he hasn't responded to me since.

    Looking for advice on what to do now. Obviously we haven't sued one another or anything yet, but I'd like to resolve this before I (a) get sued or (b) end up with no fence.


    submitted by /u/exsilinfo
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    I think my marriage might be void

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:59 PM PST

    My husband called the courthouse that processed his divorce from his ex in order to obtain a copy of his custody agreement.

    The lady he spoke to told him that his case had been dismissed and she mentioned that it seemed as though they were missing a financial form.

    He and his ex had been separated since 2013. The divorce was supposed to have been finalized in 2016. He moved away during that summer and failed to give the court his forwarding address. However, there was an order to reappear that the court says they mailed out, but we never received it.

    When we looked up his case number, it states that the case was dismissed. We have all the paperwork and they went before a judge and the paperwork is even stamped filed. We got married in 2018, and from what I have read, it appears that our marriage is invalid.

    What is our best bet? Should we file a motion to reopen the case and have the divorce granted retroactively? Is that even possible? Neither of them live in that area anymore and I'm not sure who is at fault here: them or the court, so I don't know if nunc pro tunc could apply in this situation.

    Should he refile for divorce in the area that we live in now? The child from their marriage lives with us (and has for over 6 months) so our area has custody jurisdiction. Currently his relationship with his ex is amicable, so I think she will be cooperative.

    Do I have to annul my marriage and then get remarried to him? I want to remain married to my husband. He has been truthful and forthcoming about the situation and is, by all accounts, a great husband. All parties were under the impression that the divorce was final, though there are circumstantial things that make me wonder if his ex knew that it had not been finalized. I am so crushed. It would be really helpful if someone could give me advice based on this situation.

    Update to add location: we live in the US. State of MN. Separation was filed in 2013 in MN. Divorce was filed in WI. Ex now lives in AR.

    submitted by /u/Evening-Ad6253
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    [Update] Father had contract to sell family home over his children's objections but died before closing, can we get out of this sell.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:53 PM PST

    Original post


    Thank you to everyone who replied to my original post. One or two responders brought up a great point, probate takes a long time. We brought this up with our probate attorney and asked if there was anyway we could contact the buyer telling them probating our fathers estate would take quite some time as a way to encourage them to drop out of buying the house. He told us the probate process could take upwards of six months and he would contact the buyers agent and let them know as much. The buyer was apparently not happy but they agreed to void the contract. Thank you all for the advice, even those who told us we were stuck losing the house.

    The house will remain in the family and be deeded to our younger brother Jimmy for his growing family. We were able to have a happy Thanksgiving together knowing this worry was off our shoulders.

    submitted by /u/Visual-Tiger
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    [PA] Threatened with buying a laptop

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:04 AM PST

    Hear me out, I can't make this any shorter.

    So a few months ago I bought a used laptop off Facebook Marketplace. Specifically it's a top of the line gaming laptop that retails for over $2000. It was listed for $375 and I assumed it was a scam but I contacted the seller anyway. I asked them to verify the price and the specs, which they did. I said "are you sure because that price is insane" and he said he was selling his 15-year-old son's laptop as punishment.

    We met at the local police station trading area and I paid cash, and he gave me the laptop. This was in early October. It was in like-new condition and all the specs matched, nothing wrong with it at all. It was barely used.

    Starting about two weeks ago the seller began reaching out to me asking for the laptop back. At first he demanded it back without a refund and accused me of committing fraud against a minor. I told him no, I bought it from him. Then he said he gave me the wrong specs (he didn't) so that invalidated the deal. I told him the specs were right and told him to stop bothering me. Then he sent ANOTHER message telling me that I "should of" known it was mispriced and he's entitled to take it back without a refund, but he'll be nice and give me money back. I again told him to never contact me again.

    Today he emailed me a photo of this form filled out demanding $12,500 for the laptop, "aliention from MINOR (sic) child", legal costs, and "pain / suffering". I told him in no uncertain terms that he could go fuck himself and to never contact me again.

    Well evidently he got ahold of my phone number somehow and my phone has been ringing constantly all day from blocked and spoofed numbers. Apparently I've called myself a dozen times already today.

    So what do I do now? Am I under an obligation to give the laptop back? I asked him twice to verify the laptop price before buying.

    I told him three times to never contact me again. Can I go to the police about this?

    submitted by /u/iofds78a9f789dsajfd
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    Moved to a rural GA, HughesNet was my only internet option (50mbps, $75/month). Service is unusable but cancellation is $370. Any options?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:36 PM PST

    Hello all,

    As the title states, I recently moved to a very rural area in Georgia where the only service provider was HughesNet. While I didn't want to pay $75 a month for 50mbps internet (plus a surprise $100 fee for the installation of a satellite dish... That was already there?), I forked it over and said goodbye to online gaming.

    However, the past few months have proven that the service is almost entirely unusable. I can't upload a single photo from the Wi-Fi, I can't download anything over a few MBs because it times out. Couldn't even install the "DVD player" app on my Xbox past 1%. I can barely check my email. I can't even download something to my phone and stream it to the Chromecast because it works on wifi as well, even though the show has already been downloaded.

    Unfortunately, cancellation of the service is apparently $400 for the first 90 days, less $15 for each month after. This is month 5, so I'm sitting at $370 to cancel a service that doesn't work at all. Not even moving to a different house would void the contract, in fact they would just charge me more to transfer the equipment over.

    Unfortunately, due to a divorce, a move, a car wreck, and my dog being diagnosed with terminal cancer a few weeks ago (and needing emergent surgery), my funds are short. I can't really afford to keep paying for a service that I can't even use, and I can't afford the cancellation fee.

    Is there any way that I can avoid this fee? I've read through the terms and conditions, but to me, it just sounds like HughesNet is saying "it's not our fault if our service doesn't work".

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/-guarded713
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    Office was broken into. Alarm never went off

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:46 PM PST

    Happened last night. I made the company rep aware a few months ago that one of the sensors wasnt working. Turns out our construction people threw away the motion sensor to the front of the building. He said he would replace it but never did. As for the glass shatter sensors, that seemed to never have been installed. So we got broken into last night. They took about 2k worth of stuff.

    Does the alarm company have any liability here? I was paying for a service that did not work to begin with. Is there a way i can get out of my contract and get my money back for the months the alarm had no sensors?

    Thank you all. This is in Nevada

    submitted by /u/FMartin5
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    High school senior is harassing my family on instagram. Making accounts claiming to be my brother, accusing my father of sexual abuse, and sexually harassing my brother's girlfriend. The main account is also claiming to be another student (not our main suspect). How do I pursue legal action?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:28 PM PST

    [GA, USA]

    Do we need to hire a PI or something to find out who it is? Can we take any action without proof? Get the police involved? I would really like to take this motherfucker down. Please help!

    Edit to add specifics:

    Kid made an account named schoolname.soccer.club and posts about how my brother's GF (still a student and under 18) sucked him off behind a dumpster. Then starts posting that my brother is gay (Lol? ok dude). THEN makes multiple accounts like brother.backup.account and comments on the soccer club post and says "it's okay yeah i'm gay. my dad did peg me when I was 7 so what! Everyone's dad does it! Right? follow my main @ mybrothersactualaccount

    He's made many accounts pretending to be him and we just keep getting them shut down. The original soccer club one is still up, though, and pretending to be a kid who has graduated, who we doubt is the actual person behind this.

    submitted by /u/Severedcaesar
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    [IL, USA] I got an unemployment debit card and a notice of approval for unemployment benefits. I have never applied for unemployment benefits and I am not unemployed.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:53 PM PST

    Title says it all.

    I got two letters in the mail today: one was a letter approving my unemployment benefits, and the other was a letter with a debit card with (I assume) unemployment benefits.

    I am not unemployed nor have I ever applied for unemployment benefits.

    So what do I do with this stuff?

    submitted by /u/FrostyAd2020
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    Co parent hid covid virus from me?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:41 PM PST

    USA/State of Kansas. I have court ordered joint custody of my toddler. I found out just today that my toddler was exposed to Covid(The co-parent's family were all diagnosed with it), and the co-parent did not tell me until today. They had known about it since at least before Thanksgiving. I have two questions, one is why would the co-parent cover this up and tell me after the fact? And secondly, is there anything I can do to assure this doesn't happen again? Luckily, I did not accept my family's invitation to Thanksgiving, where I could've passed on Covid.

    submitted by /u/wtguard
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    30 day rent increase notification.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:26 PM PST

    I live in Anchorage, AK. I signed a year lease 5 months ago for $904.00. Just got notified today that on January 1st my rent goes up $200. I can't afford it. Is this legal?

    The lease does state:

    "d) Rent Escalation Clause

    It may become necessary to change rent charges prior to the expiration of this lease agreement due to changes in utility or other operating costs. All increases will take effect upon 30 days notice; even if the lease term has not expired."

    Also, it is a "Affordable housing community". Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)

    submitted by /u/kissAgingerToday
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    Legal advice on what seems like an apartment scam.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:13 PM PST

    Hey! So I was apartment hunting recently and I was suggested this one that me two friends lived at and "loved". It was a student living apartment complex because it was cheaper and I am moving to a college town. I went through the tour and they said I needed a guarantor or 1.5 months rent for my deposit and I would be accepted (yes they said I would be accepted). They told me to fill out the application online and to sign my lease and then have my guarantor fill out their info and I would be set to move in on the first of December. Well... my guarantor was declined because of bad credit so I found a friend to stay with instead. They called me and I just ignored it for the first 3 days hoping they'd get the point and stop but they didn't. I finally answered and told them that I was going to pass on the apartment because I cannot afford the 1.5 rent right now and have no other person to help me out. Then they said in the leasing agreement I signed (before I was even approved or saw my apartment and roommates) said if I backed out I'd owe 2 months worth of rent ($850). I somehow didn't see that in the lease nor was I told about it. I called my friends that live there asking if they were told to sign the lease before being accepted and they said yes, I also asked if they saw the 2 months rent fee if they backed out and they didn't. (Keep in mind this is college living apartments. Most people moving in there are young and very inexperienced and vulnerable to scams.) I looked at their reviews online and there were hundreds of awful reviews saying they are money hungry and unethically getting tenants money and getting away with it. A lot of them said that they charged damage fees even when it was damage done before they moved in that they reported. Management only responses were "did you take pictures of the apartment before you moved in?" If they didn't then they are liable. Others said they charged cleaning fees even when their apartment was spotless because they knew about them doing this. There were a ton (about 90% and the ones that were 5 stars sounded fake) of awful reviews about this management scamming them out money. I just wanted to know if in my situation is there anyway I can get out of paying the $850? I signed a lease before being approved and was not explained anything about it (did it all online by myself). I'm only 21 and was doing this on my own like most people moving there. Is this ethical? Is there anyway I can fight this before they send me to collections?

    There might be more I'm missing that is important so anything you need to know I can answer.

    submitted by /u/Klclyn
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    Voiding a contract maybe?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:56 PM PST

    NY. I think I voided a contract and it might be a felony. I really need help with this. My car was financed through the dealership and was connected to the starter and the relay broke. I called them and they said "do what you have to to get home". A coworker spliced a couple wires so it would start, bypassing the dealership's system. The GPS is still connected just not the shut off switch. So it can still track my vehicle just not stop it. I think it's a felony to disconnect the GPS but I don't know if it is to disconnect the other part of the device. I really need help as I cannot afford jail time or fines of any kind.

    submitted by /u/sneppaHtihS333
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    [KY, USA] Alleged process server keeps calling me looking for my mom with whom I am no-contact.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:14 AM PST

    Hello! I'm kind of thinking this is a scam, but I'm not sure.

    The past few days, I have been getting daily calls from a process server from a Restricted number. The first day, he left a voicemail giving me the information: that this message was intended for the "property owner of [my address]", the he was looking for my mother's name (said incorrectly), and he gave me a number to call back and a "case number".

    Edit: also, small note, I own my house. It had been converted into apartments, but my wife and I converted it back into a single-family home (practically and legally). The address he gave was for one of the old apartments (which is just my address with a number on the end, so it is technically the "same", but legally I think that's important). Also when he gave the address, he only listed the street name. He did not mention city, state, or zip code.

    Important note, I don't talk to my mom. She had some drug issues some years ago and we don't have a relationship anymore. We haven't talked in 5+ years.

    First thing I did was google the number, and I didn't find anything conclusive. No offices, nothing like that. Hesitant, I called the number back. When I said I was calling back with a case number for someone who wasn't me, I was put on hold for a couple of minutes. Then the guy who originally called me picked up.

    I told him that the person he was looking for did not live at this address, never has, and in fact I live in a completely different city and county than the person he is looking for. He said I was contacted since I was "next of kin according to the state department" and they need me to tell her to contact them so she can be served. I tell him that isn't possible, she isn't in my life and I don't know how to reach her. Guy gets a little snippy with me and says, "my father lives in Spain and if I needed to get him a message I could find a way." Pretty flabbergasted, I told him I think there's a cousin that follows me on Instagram, so I could try to message them to contact her. But who knows how it'll go. And I ended the call.

    I looked up online information about process server scams but I'm still unsure. I also...don't really care what happens, except the past two days he's called back and left a message again, saying exactly what he said in the first. Today's message, though, he added that they would be serving the papers at my address with or without my consent.

    So I suppose my question is, what's the over/under on this being a scam, and are there ways I can find out more concretely? If it is likely real, would it even be legal for them to serve papers to my house for someone who is technically a family member but doesn't live anywhere near this county, let alone address, that I am no contact with?


    submitted by /u/BananafishGlass
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    Someone is trying to sue for libel.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:24 PM PST

    I'm from California

    Me and a few people foundout a teacher was posting some pretty racist things along with anti vax and huge critiques about how the school district is stupid for trying to keep people safe from covid. She doesn't believe covid is a real thing and she was also making fun of and talking down to someone with a brain tumor/outing their suicide attempt publicly and etc. We ended up actually contacting the school board and complained about it because someone in that authority position shouldn't be publically saying all of that stuff. Her HR called her and yelled at her and they're thinking about firing her too. She has contacted our family and said she's going to sue and she said "she's not going to stop until she gets restitution". Do I need to contact a lawyer or is it not really that serious of a thing

    submitted by /u/rmayne384
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    Landlord demands I pay $1000+ for accounting error from November 2019

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:42 PM PST

    I am a working single mother tenant with 1 roomate in Orange County California (tl;dr at the bottom)

    A couple of weeks ago I got a message from our landlord referring back to November of 2019.
    They want me to pay $1020.34 that was somehow not paid for.

    (Total Rent is usually around 2800, each half paid bi-weekly)
    When I looked at my statements from last year, I realized that my roommate at the time ( M ) did not pay his full amount. I paid my amount AND apparently some new fees for that month. It looks like he paid some amount like $300 and then we were "paid up" for that month, according to the payment program app we use for our rent.

    He has since moved out and by whatever means, gotten off of the lease.
    The landlord is trying to hold me ( E ) ( and my new roommate R ) accountable for this mistake in accounting, found a year after the fact.
    Important thoughts I have at the moment:
    1. Under no circumstances, if their mistake was caught sooner, would the landlord have let my old roommate ( M ) off of the lease without paying the amount "he" owed. Otherwise their logic would let me sign out of the lease to "pass the buck" to the next tenant. They ARE saying that Myself and my current roommate are both responsible for this random payment request, to make up for Nov 2019.

    1. My new roommate and I never signed documents removing M from the lease. (M) was somehow removed before we were even rescreened to see if the new roommate and I qualified for the apartment on our own.

    2. In no way am I able or willing to pay for a mistake they made on their billing, that was then taken advantage of by a roommate that I no longer live with ( or much care for ). Also, there is 0% chance of getting money from (M)

    3. For as much as we pay, the carpets are absolutely trash, the toilets have been inoperable twice now, garbage disposal is broken, seems like half the power outlets don't work and the dryer takes 2-3 cycles to actually dry clothes. The location is unfortunately the only redeeming quality about the place.

    On today the 30th I am now looking at a bi-weekly payment amount due for $3792.57 (Usually around 1600) This is not only with the added $1024.34 but with a mystery number of around $1100 for god knows what.

    To be honest, sometimes it's just worth it to pay and make the problem go away.

    This time, however, I don't want to bend over and pay for it, knowing how they've handled this through email, and that this type of thing can happen again in the future if I get bullied into paying it this time.

    The landlord over several emails has made it very clear that he's not going to budge. I don't feel that my negotiating was lacking. The best he came up with is a bogus payment plan that I just can't be a part of.

    Questions I have:
    What actions can the landlord actually take?
    Is eviction even legal right now during the pandemic and re-lockdown?
    Who is responsible for this money that wasn't paid?
    What would you do in my position?


    Landlord finds error in accounting from exactly 1 year ago. Claims that I owe over $1k that was somehow not paid by my ex roommate. Landlord won't budge. Wondering what to do.

    submitted by /u/ILikeElfs
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    Can I press charges against a guy that threatened to shoot me?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:07 PM PST


    I work at a grocery store, I'm off the clock and a rather disrespectful customer, who is refusing to wear a mask btw, is causing trouble and being a dick to employees, literally, as we are closing. Myself and other employees are asking him to leave as we are now closed and don't want to deal with him. As he leaves he asks my name and says he wants to report me, I don't give it to him as I've clocked out and don't need to. He leaves, then as I'm leaving he pulls up to the front door and is causing another ordeal. I walk past him and he is insulting me, I say, "If you wanna start something, you're not gonna like how it ends." This dude is maybe 5'6" 130lbs, I'm 6'1" 230lbs. He continues to insult me I continue to walk away and repeat myself. He then threatens to shoot me so I take out my phone and try to take a picture of his car but I'm shaking cause I'm angry so I get a blurry photo. Cops have been called at this point and are on the way. My question is, if anything comes of this can I press charges for him threatening to shoot me?

    TLDR; guy comes into store 3 minutes before close without a mask. Insults employees and is asked to leave. Insults and threatens to shoot me as he drives off.

    submitted by /u/CasanovaDragon
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    How to follow up on a wage claim? School refused to pay me 2 months of work in May and is now opening up again, acting like nothing happened. (California)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:16 AM PST

    This is in California.

    I filled a wage claim way back in May because I had not been paid for 2 months, and after confronting my boss about that, was laid off. I filed a wage claim, and was told by most people that the company (a private language school) would most likely dissolve and I would never see any of the money. I had my initial hearing in September for the claim and my employer didn't even show up. The person handling my claim was very friendly and helpful, although at the time, she was having trouble getting a hold of my employer.

    Well, about a month or two ago I found out that the school did NOT dissolve and is in fact holding classes again. I have been trying to contact my wage claim case handler but they have not been responding to any emails or texts I have sent. I even tried to make it clear to her that even if she has no news, I would just like to know that the process is still moving forward. I also want to see if she was able to get in touch with my employer, and if not, help do that. Any advice on how to help this process move forward, or at least get an update? I know that things like this move slow, but these lockdowns have been hard enough financially without an employer straight up refusing to pay me for 2 months work.

    submitted by /u/SenseiKramer
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    Handyman scammed 1.3k out of grandparents and sexually assaulted my 65+ grandmother.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:22 PM PST

    Quite shocked this could happen but wondering what are the right steps to take in this situation. The police have been contacted and there is a case number but I am unsure there is any charges. She never went to the hospital. Any help is appreciated!(IL)

    submitted by /u/myrandastarr
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    Do Retaliatory Eviction laws apply to month-to-month leases?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:52 PM PST

    State: HI


    I live in a two-family home and am a month-to-month sub lessor. Downstairs is a 15-year old teen who I believe has adhd or something along those lines. He constantly plays loud music and screams at video games directly under my room at all hours and has often done it late at night as well. I got him to do it less frequently by calling the police, but before that I had to go down and talk to him and his mom many times over the course of 3 or 4 months. He's beginning to start the habit again.

    Last time I called the police, the leaseholder who typed up his own month-to-month lease in a word document that I signed, told me no more calling the police or talking to the downstairs neighbors about the noise complaint and to complain to him about it and mentioned but didn't directly threaten to kick me out over text. He said "i'm not going to kick you out buy you can't be calling the cops or complaining to them downstairs about the noise anymore because the landlord is concerned that the kid is a minor and his mom is protective of him." He does nothing and just brushes the issue under the rug and will say something like "oh let's wait a week and see if it gets better." and does nothing about it himself. I also work from home currently and it is quite distracting when I am trying to work. The police did give them a police report about the noise complaint.

    I know the easier solution would be to find a new place especially since i'm on a month-to-month lease, but here in HI that would almost certainly paying at least 2 or 3 weeks of overlapping rent which would set me back $500-$600. No one here lists their rentals very far ahead of time and they're almost always "available immediately." Also aside from this kid being loud It is a good living situation in a good neighborhood and location and of course I don't know if just moving again a new place would be any better or if I would just have different issues.

    Since I have these text conversations all mentioning the noise, police, complaints, and being given 45-days notice (the amount of notice required by law in HI for month-to-month leases) I'm wondering if this could apply to Landlord Eviction Retaliation law. I believe I have what I found is a "right to quiet enjoyment." I want to be able to call the police if this persists and not be scared of being kicked out for it.


    submitted by /u/Johnfeb94
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    Child labor laws of colorado

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:49 AM PST

    I am 17 years old, senior in high school. Today my shift was extended from 4pm-11pm to 4pm-1am. I worked this shift

    Are late hours like this legal for a high school student?

    submitted by /u/Soonog
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    How to Evict My Roommate's Girlfriend Not On The Lease

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:41 AM PST

    I moved into my current place in Orange County, California with a roommate (male) about 4 months ago. He met this chick on Hinge in October and they started dating. This woman became a huge problem. My roommate and I never signed a roommate contract about what to do in this situation because he was single at the time, and given how everyone was socially distanced, I never thought he would move this fast to be with someone.


    Before they became official, she started moving into our place in early October with consent from my roommate, but never told me (obviously, without my consent). I had to find out after she started using my roommate's bedroom as an office. (Talk 1) I personally told him that she can't be living in our apartment, especially since she has her own place. He told me to chill and that I'd understand if I got a girlfriend, and told me to get one. My roommate seemed to really like this girl, so we agreed that she could visit after hours for 2-3 days a week maximum. They followed this for about two weeks. When she was here, her behavior is beyond horrible.

    My roommate's girlfriend does not pay rent nor does she contribute to utilities. The girlfriend uses the place as if it was hers:
    - She parks in our apartment complex's garage
    - She eats in the common area, she nor thee don't do dishes in a timely manner
    - She showers in my roommate's room
    - She uses our apartment as her public storage
    - She nor the apartment.
    - She is loud during common hours
    - I do Zoom Taekwondo which requires a lot of common space. She decides to cook food whenever she wants and that makes a lot of noise that interferes with my Taekwondo.
    - She took up 95% of the refrigerator space. I normally am able to get food from work on weekdays, so this is not a problem, but on the weekends, I am unable to store anything, prep anything, or clean anything simply because there are too many dirty dishes and cooking utensils in the dishwasher/sink.
    - She is someone superficial and with personality differences I do not get along with.
    - Her actions have consequences that the leasing office will deal out to me since I am on the lease.

    One night, she was caught trespassing after hours on the rooftop common area of our apartment complex with my roommate, and she was cited by a security officer on our complex. These violations will give us warnings from the leasing office against me and my roommate as a household. She brought her own friends to party at our apartment, which was way beyond her privilege in this apartment. I discussed with her how she was overstepping her privilege in the apartment (Talk 2). At the end of October, I was forced to evacuate since the air quality was bad where I lived from a nearby forest fire. My roommate and the girlfriend stayed back, and that's when she really started to take over the apartment. I spoke to my roommate about honoring our agreement and he said I wasn't around for that week so why do I care? (Talk 3) I have also spoken to my apartment complex about getting her removed, including the parking ticket she has received in the apartment complex and various photos of both of them living in the apartment that they were dumb enough to post to social media. My apartment complex did absolutely nothing because she did not have a key, and suggest that I "talk it out with my roommate", which I have already done 3 times. They also did not find any violations in their system, despite clear evidence of a ticket issued on the premises within a week. The girlfriend was able to claim that the officer that cited her was being too aggressive, and all violations against her and my roommate were dropped.


    Up until Nov 16, she was living in the apartment every day. I confronted my roommate yet again on November 8 and he agreed to move out end of January (Talk 4). This is legalized; I took him to the leasing office and we all signed an agreement for roommate removal. She was scheduled to leave for some spiritual retreat on November 16 internationally and was scheduled to come back in February. Unfortunately, the lease at her place ended, and she was homeless. I allowed her to stay since it was only a week, and I would never have to see her again for the foreseeable future. My work was getting harder, and our office was open, so I was spending time in the office just to avoid being in my own apartment with her. Or so I thought I would see her.

    Prior to the Thanksgiving holiday, Governor Gavin Newsom declared that the OC county was moved back to purple tier. My mom had surgery, and I needed to go back and take care of her in Northern California for the holidays (I drove there, no planes for me). The day after Thanksgiving, Nov 27, my roommate's girlfriend changed her plans and immediately flew back. My roommate, rather than telling her to quarantine somewhere else, decided to let her quarantine in our apartment. The standard for quarantine for international travel in California is 14 days. He only told me about this at 1:00am on Nov 29, the day that I was supposed to drive back. That morning, my whole family was beyond pissed. We had a discussion with my roommate saying that this behavior is unfair, and it impeded my ability to go back. My roommate's girlfriend, not being on the lease and contributing to rent/utilities has inconvenienced my life before, and the last thing I want to do is return to my own place to possibly get COVID and deal with this person again. We had a verbal agreement since Sunday where she would move out of our place by tomorrow, Wednesday, Dec 2. I am required to go back to continue my work since part of my work now requires hands-on product handling.


    I have already spoken to my leasing office, but they again have told me that they'll "look into it", but they have already proven before that they will not evict people not on the lease if they don't have a key. I have no reason to believe my roommate will actually follow through with his word to get her to leave since he has demonstrated his inability to follow through with his word if a contract or law is not involved. I can't call the cops since they aren't doing anything illegal, and she's technically not trespassing. Given the pandemic, I doubt that any actual eviction can happen. Is there any legal action I can take to remove the girlfriend permanently from my place, or to at least punish my roommate?

    submitted by /u/tsunbae
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    Other Parent’s Employer is being a “buddy” and not following orders to garnish wages for child support [FL]

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:32 AM PST

    There has been a garnishment order since July and the employer has two months to respond to each one. The first time he used a loophole because their pizza franchise switched ownership. The second one was sent on Sept. 28 and I just got a notification that the Dept. of Revenue has sent a letter to them again asking why they're not receiving garnished wages. Phone clerks were no help. What can I do short of hiring a lawyer?

    submitted by /u/poip-
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    Advice on how to deal with a joint ownership of apartment units. CA

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:23 AM PST

    About 20 years ago my dad and his cousin "Mike" purchased a 4 unit house. The agrrement was always that two units belonged to my Dad and two units belonged to Mike. For my dad's two unit, my parents lived in one unit, and the second unit was rented out to my sister and her family. Mike had a similar arrangement for his two units, expect his tenant was not related. My sister would pay rent to my dad. And Mike's tenant would pay rent directly to Mike. Every month my dad would make a list of the bills due for the property (mortgage, rental permits, utilities, etc), and he and Mike would split the expenses evenly.

    About 10 years ago, my parents purchased a second property down the street and moved there, while my sister and her family moved into my dad's old unit. My dad also found an additional tenant for the other unit. Despite not living in the property, my dad continue to split the cost evenly until the property was paid off in 2018.

    At this point, the only bills due for the property are the gas/server, rental permits and taxes. Every month, my dad is the one who receives the bills, and makes the payments. Mike then reimbursements my dad for his share of towners. Also at this point Mike stopped renting his 2nd unit and two of his daughters moved into that unit.

    The problem is that his daughters are major hassles. On several occasions they have refuse to grant access to my sister or my dad's tenants to shared spaces or common areas. For example, there is a 4 car parking lot for the entire property, and Mike and his daughters have changed the gate lock to prevent other people from using the spaces. They constantly pick fights and harass my sisters family and da's tenant. My dad has tried talking to Mike and his daughter, but it ended up with Mikes daughters going into a shouting frenzy about how they are the owners and all other people are only tenants and have "no rights to any say about the property."

    We have been advised to involve the police when this disputes happen, but we are weary about taking that step.

    We have a suspicion that Mike and his daughters are trying to terrorize my dad into giving up his share of the property, so they could become the sole owners. My dad does not want to sell his share, but he also doesn't want to have to deal with all their BS.

    Does my dad have any recourse to create legal boundaries between his two units and Mike's? Would it be possible to convert a single 4-unit property into two separate 2 unit properties?

    On the property title, my dad and Mike are both named as joint owners.

    submitted by /u/irenieq
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