• Breaking News

    Monday, November 30, 2020

    Legal Advice - My 80yo father sent over $40k to a disbarred Ontario attorney for "taxes" and "fees" to release a fraudulent $10mil+ inheritance for a family member who does not exist [located in NY]

    Legal Advice - My 80yo father sent over $40k to a disbarred Ontario attorney for "taxes" and "fees" to release a fraudulent $10mil+ inheritance for a family member who does not exist [located in NY]

    My 80yo father sent over $40k to a disbarred Ontario attorney for "taxes" and "fees" to release a fraudulent $10mil+ inheritance for a family member who does not exist [located in NY]

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:23 AM PST

    My 80yo father was contacted via email by a Canadian attorney with a suspended license who provided a copy of a death certificate for a "relative" who passed away a few years ago and identified my father as the inheritor of the estate. This "attorney" has multiple reviews online discussing the same scam happening to other people. He stated that my father would get 45% of the $10mil payout, the attorney would receive 45%, and the remaining 10% would go to "taxes" and "fees" on the inheritance. They have been corresponding frequently via phone and email for about two months and this "attorney" kept coming up with reasons for my father to send him money in order to release the funds (e.g. he must send $300k to prove he is not a money launderer, he must send $125k to prove his relation, etc.)

    He has sent this man over $40k that he absolutely cannot afford (and has tried to force him to empty his retirement account) and I am wondering who the proper authorities are to contact. I only discovered their correspondence while home for Thanksgiving when my father left these emails up on the family computer. My Google search directed me to the phone number for the FBI field office nearest us but I am wondering if anyone out there has any insight that could help me reach the right people to hold this man accountable. We are located in NY and the scammer is located in Toronto, Ontario, so I am unsure if local police would be the proper avenue. My father is so embarrassed and I am so devastated at what this "attorney" has done to my dad and that he has seemingly gotten away with this scam multiple times. Any help would be very very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/ElderFraud
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    Help. I have 2 hours!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:34 AM PST

    I just found out today that my grandmother (date of death 2004) did not have a will. In Indiana.

    My uncle fraudulently transferred all of her property to himself. He and my father who died in 1999 were my grandmother's only children.

    The final deed on land was transferred Dec 1, 2010. Can I do anything at this point because probate is closed?

    I need to leave my house in 2 hours with paperwork to be the clerks office before they close.


    submitted by /u/peppersmomma2008
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    $1980 bill for a lab I said I didn’t want.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 04:38 PM PST

    Three years ago I was pregnant with my first child. During one of my routine appointments my OB asked my husband and I if we wanted any genetic testing. We said no several times (he was persistent) and thought that was the end of it. Fast forward to April of this year when we got a bill for almost $2000. After going back and forth with my insurance and the lab to figure out what was going on I found out that the labs ordered were for genetic testing. My insurance ultimately refused to pay for it after it was escalated up through different specialist/supervisors. When I've tried to talk to my OB's office they tell me that this was just a routine test and that my insurance should have paid for it. My husband and I both know we did not verbally consent to genetic testing but I don't remember signing anything saying we declined the test. Do we have any legal options if it's just our word against his?

    Edit: Thank you for the comments and suggestions. I'll answer any questions here: 1) We live in CA 2) The bill came from the lab and had my OB listed as the ordering provider 3) In addition to my OB, I have explained this situation to my insurance and the lab. My insurance said I could appeal it again if I wanted and the lab said the best they could do would be to give me a cash "discount" which was maybe $500 off. Neither one had any suggestions on what to do if I specifically told my OB I did not want the ordered test.

    submitted by /u/nurse_by_night10
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    Am I at risk legally watching someone's kids? Can CPS tell people who called?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:04 AM PST

    I recently moved into a new house and my neighbors have several kids ages 11yrs-10months.

    I don't think they're necessarily neglecting the children, but the kids have started coming over to my house for 3+ hours a day, and once told me their parents weren't home.

    Am I at risk legally if one of their kids harms another in my home? A younger child (3M) is aggressive and tries to hit his younger brother (10months) often. I considered calling CPS when they said they were home alone, but when I first moved in the father told me that a different neighbor called CPS on him for setting off fireworks and that it did nothing because he knows all the CPS agents because he went to school with them (we live in a very small town).

    If it happens again and I call CPS, can they tell him I was the one who called? If I allow them to continue to come over while their parents aren't home, could I have any legal trouble?

    submitted by /u/ThrowRAneighborkids
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    I'm a stripper that was refused a rental application based on my job. Is this illegal? (CA)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:38 PM PST

    Hello all, I am in the midst of an apartment search. I asked for an application for a place I liked via email (I didn't want to go out during COVID) and the agent insisted I needed to come view it. So I viewed it and she (leasing agent) told me my income is adequate and she would send me an application via email.

    Suddenly, the mood turned sour once she asked my job and I revealed that I am a dancer. She asked what kind of dancer and when I answered, "exotic," her whole demeanor changed and she gave a slew of reasons why I should be pessimistic about renting (I work out of state, my industry isn't stable, COVID has made renting harder, the apartment wouldn't be done by the date I'm looking to move in, etc.)

    Anyway, she sent an email saying she would not be sending me an application. I prodded a bit and she claimed it was because my credit score wasn't high (it was never checked) and I wasn't "local" enough despite actual living in the same city and neighborhood currently.

    Should I report this person to HUD? If so, how do I do that?

    submitted by /u/yinyangtrend
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    [Georgia] Wife held against her will

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:53 PM PST

    Obviously a throwaway account. Sorry.

    I am writing this post because I don't know who to reach out to or how to find help. This happened in Georgia.

    My wife had an issue, where she was having a suicidal thought/situation, and 911 was called. When she was brought to the hospital they got a court order on her without consulting me. As I understand it, that should be 72 hours in a mental health facility in Georgia where she can be held. They may be holding her for alcoholism instead (not sure?) and have given her drugs for alcohol withdrawal but also now are giving her bipolar meds. She hasn't seen a psychiatrist yet. I don't want to touch on this part much, but it is now raising red flags.

    The problem is, she is reaching her 72 hours and they are not forthcoming with any information for her release. The only thing she has been told is that she is free to go when the doctor tells her she can go.

    In addition, there is differing information online. Apparently the form she was admitted on (1013) is only a 48 hour hold, etc.

    I am asking this to find out the following:

    1.) What kind of lawyer or legal counsel should I seek? I've asked to malpractice lawyers but they don't seem to have any referrals or know what to do. Medical Health has been an avenue but I haven't gotten a call back from any law firms about this. I have called the GA bar lawyer recommendation hotline, got a lawyer, but he told me that this was not his stuff (he was malpractice as well) and that he didn't really know who to contact other than to try the GA bar recommendation hotline again as well.

    2.) If anyone knows of legal resources to look for, specifically related to GA that would help as well. I have found a few places and reached out but no word back yet. Additionally, if anyone has any other advice or pointers, I will take it.

    I am trying to leave no stone unturned to help fix this.

    submitted by /u/throwawayreddit2244
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    Man is trying to pressure my mom into signing over land that was owned by her great grandfather for $1k. Unsure what to do to make sure we’re not being scammed out of more money.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:26 PM PST

    I'm sorry but this post might be very confusing given the dynamic of my moms side of the family and how far back in generations is involved. Also sorry if the tag is wrong I just figured real estate law made the most sense.

    So to start I'm going explain how my mom fits in the family. So her grandfather had two kids, her dad (Phil) and her aunt/adoptive mother (Helen). When my mother was 5, Phil died and my biological grandmother (Michiko, a Japanese immigrant) knew she couldn't care for my mom here in America since she barely spoke English and didn't really have a job. So Helen, who thought she couldn't have kids decided to adopt my mother to keep her in the family. I explain this because my mom doesn't know if she counts as an heir.

    Onto the issue. So my mother's great grandfather (papa Nail, is what he was called) grew up in Arkansas, and moved away selling his land at the time. Unknown to papa Nail and the neighbors at the time they had the property lines wrong and there is a whole half an acer that didn't belong to the neighbors that papa Nail never sold, so even though he's been dead for decades now, it's still in the Nail family name. Some years ago a property developer (Tim) bought the land from the neighbors and built an apartment complex on the land, but has now realized he doesn't technically own that small half acer. The half acer he doesn't own is in a triangle shape that covers the entrance and exit road, a ditch along the side of the road, and most of one of the apartments near the entrance.

    Tim did his research and found Helen, who he paid $4k to sign over the property, as she is one of papa Nails only living heirs. It was through Helen that he learned of my moms existence and is now trying pressure her into signing everything over. He called today telling her he would pay for any out of pocket fees, plus $500 for her troubles. When my mom explained she was having trouble finding a notary he told her he would give her $1k if she had it done by this Friday. My mom didn't promise him anything. My mom also asked why he never got the property appraised and he told her because he figured it would be easier to find papa Nails heirs. He also stated that by his guess the property itself was worth probably less then $1k. He only gave Helen so much so she didn't feel "cheated."

    My dad thinks he sounds like he's trying to scam us out of the property and it's worth more then he's saying. I agree with my dad, and think we should look into this more to make sure we are in fact getting a fair deal out of this property this guy is trying to buy from them. My mom, understandably, doesn't want to deal with all the legal stuff and just wants to sign off and have it be over with.

    And just some extra info, Helen lives in New Mexico where papa Nail moved to, my parents and I live in Maryland, and Tim is obviously in Arkansas.

    So here are the questions I have:

    1. My mom thinks that because Phil died before papa Nail did, she might not count Phil's heir so she might not even have a claim to the land. Tim also isn't sure from the sounds of it but wants my mom to sign it over anyways to cover his own ass.

    2. Who should my parents talk to? What kind of lawyer?

    3. Are my dad and I right is suspecting there might be more worth to the property then Tim is letting on?

    If any clarification is needed I'll do my best to respond.

    submitted by /u/Pheebers713
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    $10,720 Forfeited at Airport and Received Notice of Seizure & Information

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:44 PM PST

    Upon departing the United States on November 3rd, I had $10,720 cash forfeited by a CBP officer for underreporting transporting currency worth more than $10,000. I meant to carry exactly $10,000, however there was $720 in my wallet which I was supposed to deposit to bank before departing.

    I received US Customs & Border Protection Cafra Seized Asset Claim Form, and I plan to go for Petition to get the money back. Little fortunately, it's little easier for me to prove that the money came from a legal source; I got my car totaled from an accident happened on October this year at the fault of other driver, and I was compensated the residual value of the car, and sent it to my bank account, which I withdrew the money from.

    I'm still outside the states, and will stay here indefinitely.

    Would it be strongly recommended to hire attorney for petitioning, especially that I am not in the states now? Or would I still have some strong chance against filing it online myself? Also do I have a strong chance of winning the petition based on the fact that it wasn't too much money ($720) over the limit of $10,000?

    submitted by /u/kartashon
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    Sold a car when I was still in the military last year in Germany to another military member. Sold it as having a dead starter because that's what I thought was wrong with it, now he says it won't start because of compression issues and wants me to give him his money back.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:01 AM PST

    I definitely don't have to give this guy the money back right? I sold the car as having a dead starter to which he agreed and to my knowledge that's what I thought was wrong, I'm not a car expert. Now he's claiming it won't start because of compression issues and that I should reimburse him. I'm no longer in the military or located in Germany so I feel like I should just tell him thats not gonna happen and leave it at that.Am I in the clear here or what should I do? I'm in the US if that matters.

    submitted by /u/Scrody_Cody
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    Roommate hasn’t paid gas bill (in his name) for two years. Gas Co. says I am responsible for full amount because I “benefited from service” even though it was never in my name. [CA]

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:04 PM PST

    So my former roommate, who I share a lease with, never paid our gas bill after we moved in two years ago. His name was the only one on the gas account, and I only discovered that he hadn't paid it when I called to transfer service to my name because he moved out without notice.

    I would assume that they should open an account for me, close his, and send it to collections or something. Instead they are saying that the unpaid amount "rolls over" onto my account because I "benefited from the service", and also that this is "unwritten company policy".

    To me, this sounds like total BS. I have no financial responsibility to this company, and I have fulfilled my financial responsibility by paying the person on the account (my roommate), who then neglected to fulfill theirs. My understanding is that I would have to have some sort of contract with the gas co that would allow them to go after me for any outstanding bill.

    This kind of feels like the gas co is trying to strong arm me into agreeing to take responsibility so that they don't have to deal with collecting on the bill themselves.

    I don't see how it's on me to try and sue my former roommate in small claims court for money I've already paid, rather than for the actual company he owes money to to collect on his account.

    I'm located in Los Angeles, California.

    submitted by /u/jackinitt
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    (KS) Doctors didn’t treat wife’s issues

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:58 PM PST

    This is in Kansas,I'm sorry if this is rambling and full of unnecessary info I'm just really tired and pissed.

    My wife had been suffering with pain in her right side for almost a year now. She went to the emergency room on March 2nd of this year for the pain and they said it was most likely gallstones. The ER doctor told her if the pain continued they would recommend removal. They gave her pain and nausea medicine and told her to follow up with her primary care doctor. She couldn't get in to see the doctor, but the nurse practitioner had seen her and got her scheduled for a HIDA scan. Ect, ect, they didn't see anything.

    Unfortunately I was laid off and my insurance was out. At this point she could no longer follow up with her doctor or go to the original ER. But she adjusted her diet and exercise and it seemed like the issue was better. She was meticulous about tracking everything she put in her body, and every gram of fat was accounted for.

    Except in September it seemed to come back again for no reason. As I still didn't have insurance we had to go to a cheaper ER with a much worse reputation. She had spent weeks doubled over in pain crying. She said the pain was worse than her miscarriage. In October she went to the ER a second time and we gave them all of the information that I've put here. She was at the ER for 6 hours. All of her care seemed to be handled by a single nurse. The ER doctor saw her once when she was being discharged. They gave her no medicine, no treatment, and seemed to imply my wife was faking it all for drugs. (She asked once about pain management when the doctor gave her discharge paperwork. Not even asking for medicine specifically.)

    And now I'm back at the same ER, my wife in emergency surgery, because her gallbladder ruptured. I'm really angry because she's had to suffer for MONTHS in the worst pain of her life while it feels like no ones taken her seriously. She had a coworker go to the same ER for gallstones two months ago and they got their surgery done the next week. Her mom went three weeks ago and the same thing: out the next week. Why did she have to suffer months?

    I have free access to medical journals due to my job, and I've spent a lot of time looking up gallstones/gall sludge because I wanted to help her anyway I can and it seems like her thyroid condition can make it more likely for her to have sever gallbladder problems. Which it seems like her doctors should've taken into consideration any of the times she's seen them.

    I guess my question is: is it worth looking to malpractice for the second ER doctor? Is any of it worth pursuing, or in anyway a good case? Or should just be lucky it wasn't worse and let it go as another "doctors are shitty sometimes" story?

    Thank you, and sorry again if it's rambling. This is in Kansas.

    submitted by /u/throwaway2637474736
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    My friend’s wife is threatening to show up at my job.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:27 AM PST

    I don't really know how to start this but basically my friend's wife thinks my friend and I are screwing around with each other and now she's threatening to show up at my job and kick my ass. I've been very upfront with everything and answered all her questions but she doesn't believe me (which is understandable) or her husband. She's asked for me to leave him alone and for a few days I did but he's my coworker and our jobs require us to give updates and communicate on a daily so it was inevitable that we had to resume texting. Right now, he's out of town for family matters and she's been calling me non stop for hours. They also have foster children so even if she says they're gonna try and work it out I know she can't have an criminal records on her but like...??? I don't know what to do. Should I call the cops? Do cops even handle this? She's showed up at my job already and caused a huge scene, where my manager had to get involved but I have camera footage of that. I have the text message history to prove that we were chatting as mutuals. I never hid the fact that we texted I wish he would have done the same....

    submitted by /u/Spirit_Ki
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    Boss threatened gf at work Colorado springs

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:17 PM PST

    My gfs boss threatened to "beat her until not even the emts would be able to save her" if she got another complaint of her or another employee not finishing their work in it's entirety. What could she do from this point because this is completely inappropriate

    submitted by /u/kiroheart
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    I think I'm being stalked.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Recently a man who I don't know has been following close behind on my daily walks, trailing me in my car coming home from work, and I've seen him in front of my home twice.

    It could all be a coincidence, but I've never seen this person before and this has only been happening over the last month. I could just be paranoid, but this just feels weird, y'know? I've never interacted with him, and when I've seen him outside my home, it's not on the property but just around. I live in a townhouse with a roommate but I don't think this person has moved in.

    I really don't know what advice I'm going to receive but this whole situation has been stressing me out.

    submitted by /u/BriggsVsBlade
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    Arizona land use

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:22 PM PST

    I am in yavapai county, arizona. It is boarder line impossible to live in a camper or rv on your own land here. However, all legal definitions of camper and rv require it to have a bed in it. If I modeled my trailer to be a mobile office and just slept on the floor, would that get me around that rule? Would just sleeping in the unmodified cab of my pickup truck get me around it? Arizona doesn't have any laws specifically against sleeping in a car like Hawaii does (I also dealt with that).

    submitted by /u/kingofzdom
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    Ageism case? Fired just before retirement

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:10 PM PST

    I'm hoping to get some legal help/ recommendations for free legal aid. My father-in-law has worked for a retail giant for many years. Recently, he decided to make plans to retire by mid-2021. I've been told that he put in a formal request with managers so they knew he planned to retire. Today, he told us that he got fired for not meeting expectations.

    I've heard this story so many times but has anyone successfully tried suing their retail employer? Isn't this ageism. I would appreciate any help finding free legal aid in Massachusetts.


    submitted by /u/AnaRayGrim
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    Notice of Libel for a Reddit Post

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:01 PM PST

    A while back, I made a post in a professional subreddit under a different account name calling out a company that helps people get into the field. I felt (and still feel) that their tactics are shady and predatory. I never used their paid services, but remarked that their free services were full of upselling, and putting pressure on viewers. It got minor traction, and I argued with a few accounts that were obviously paid shills for the company. Nothing major happened.

    Earlier this week I got a PM asking if I had ever used their services. I responded that I hadn't.

    Today, I got a notification that was a 'Notice of Libel' from a Canadian Law firm the company uses. It basically states that I published defamatory content, disputes the things I said, and claims I had no justification to do so. It claims I intended to do this to cause financial harm to the company, and that I am to be held liable for any such damages. They demand I take the post and any comments down, as well as refrain from posting any more, or share any mention of this letter. If I don't comply, this can lead to a lawsuit, and they claim they can get the Superior Court to force Reddit to reveal my personal information, and that they will lead to a lawsuit and punitive damages. Very Scary

    The good news: the notice uses my Reddit Username. They have no idea who I am. If spending time on r/legaladvice has taught me anything, it's that you shouldn't take legal advice from your opponents. If they are lying (as I suspect they are) about being able to force Reddit to reveal my ID, this can make for some epic memes on the original subreddit, and should trigger a very nice Streisand Effect. On the other hand, if they are right about the ID, I don't need this shit and I'll delete the post. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Bonjovisdickcheese
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    My roommate is wanting to throw a party with over 10 people in our apartment for her bday while me and girlfriend are sick with covid next room[Located in Colorado]

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:42 PM PST

    Hi, pretty much title.Little bit about her, she tested positive early on during the pandemic and still went to work.As a server, in a huge restaurant.Simply because she didn't had any visible symptoms.She ignorant and rude, and that should give u general idea of her. She told me that she wants to throw a party and invite around 15 ppl including a few from Texas to which I told that I dont approve because me and my gf currently recovering from covid that hit us pretty bad and we need peace and quite, to which she replied "Shut up and man up", after that I told her that I would call a cops in to stop the party since our county is in red zone, which is severe and doesn't let gathering of 2 ppl or more not including same household.

    Is this the right course of action?Is there anything else I can do?

    submitted by /u/buldog4354
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    I have been duped by Moving company

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:41 PM PST

    Last week I paid a moving company $ 1000 for my house move. After payment he stopped responding to calls. Business is listed on BBB & other moving sites. After some digging I found they follow same pattern.

    On the email they promised a week on question asked cancellation. I have emailed them and called multiple times no reply or response yet.

    What should i do?

    Edit: I am in NJ. And the company is registered in CA.

    submitted by /u/anonmoversucks
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    Retaliating for calling the city WI

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:03 PM PST

    So at the advice of my doctor I contacted the city and reported that the landlord was not fixing the broken heat system.

    We reported that the system was broken shortly after paying the first months rent when the temperature started dropping. Landlord called a service man who said the whole system needed replaced. That was the end of it. Nothing else was done. We asked a few more times throughout November and all he said was "pay the rent"

    Yesterday the heat was fixed (a minor wiring issue apparently) some one did the owner a favor so it cost him nothing. Today we find a 5 day vacate notice taped to our door. Stating that we "violated other terms and conditions of the rental agreement : no rental agreement or lease was given due to conditions of the house that they were aware"

    We were not made aware of anything other than some obvious repairs that were needed (an open ceiling, some water damage, etc) not once were we informed of the broken heat system. We moved here being told that the house was ready. The guy/owner being someone my husband knows and works for, I trusted this meant the basics (like heat) was covered. We also repeatedly asked for a lease. And we were constantly told he would bring one at the end of the week. He never showed up at any given week.


    This noticed is signed by HIS WIFE AS THE OWNER of the house and not ONE WORD has come out of her the entire time.

    I can fight this right? Or are completely boned? How is this legal?

    submitted by /u/KhajitCaravan
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    Dad passed away in June without a will, was in sole possession of my Grandmother's property and we don't want it. Also looking for general advice on what to do moving forward. (Pa)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 04:22 PM PST

    Both my family and my grandmother live in Pennsylvania.

    Back in June, my father passed away unexpectedly. He had no will prepared, and to our surprise, was in sole possession of my grandmother's property. Needless to say, we don't want it. Apparently what happened was my grandmother sold it to him for $1 in order to transfer the deed to his name. I have no idea why it was done like this, but unfortunately we can't change the past. We do have a lawyer, but my grandmother's lawyer is telling us that the method of transferring the title back to my grandmother isn't valid and overall this process has been a mess. My grandmother is not communicating with us clearly and my mom, who has been primarily in charge of this, doesn't understand what is going on. Obviously I'm not going to do anything rash and do what someone says without consulting our lawyer, but if anyone has any recommendations for me to consider I will be very appreciative.

    In addition to this, I'd also appreciate any general advise anyone has regarding getting life under control after the loss of the person who handled all bills, insurance, and everything else in regards to being an adult. My mom doesn't understand any of these things and isn't able to figure this stuff out on her own, so I need to step up and help her out. Unfortunately, I have no idea what things even need to be updated or changed now that my father is gone. For example, I know that I need to get the names changed on our vehicles titles from my dad's to mine/my mom's, but I have no idea how to do that. Are there any other things that would be in my dad's name that need to be updated now that he has passed (such as banking/billing stuff)?

    Thank you all for your help, my family is in a very tough spot right now so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Just let me know if there's any more information I need to provide.

    submitted by /u/acedgeegee
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    Stuck with bad options? Employment law - Sign on and moving bonus

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:34 PM PST

    TL:DR I'm so fucked. US - Wisconsin governed contract. Actual work takes place in Illinois.

    So, what do you do if you are 3 months from completing your 2 years and just started a new job about to finish you current one in 3 days and all of the sudden your company is seeking around 50k in return payments for not completing the full 2 years?

    It's not that I don't want to pay it's just I don't have that kind of cash on hand, new employer was willing to throw in 10k to help but that was it.

    I stayed on for 4 weeks instead of 2 because they begged me to stay to help ease the loss. Now I feel slighted and stuck. They even said I could reconsider resignation and stay the final months to not have to pay it back. If I do that I will lose my new job which I don't want to do, it's bigger job, a little more money and a move back home.

    I already offered to sign a longer pay back beyond the 30 days, was asking for 6 months and to give them 20k + keep last pay check and PTO (7k ish). They came back with 60 days and not a single cent budge on the dollar amount owed. I simply don't have the cash.

    Do I give them some and wait for the letter from lawyers and litigation or do I give nothing and wait for litigation? Withdraw from 401k to cover? Take a personal loan?


    submitted by /u/ExactExplanation8603
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    [NM] Apparently, my mother owned something called a "Royalty Interest" and someone wants to buy it?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:29 PM PST

    My mother passed away a little over a year ago. We've never been in the best financial shape, so there wasn't much in terms of inheritance or any assets. Just a car and some personal affects.

    Today, I got a call from someone in Idaho who had apparently gone through the county records and saw that my mother had something called a "Royalty Interest", which I think has something to do with land? I don't exactly know what it means, but he gave me the name of the company as well as the unit and section number.

    Neither me or my brother were aware of this, and apparently it's paying yearly interest somewhere? I'm not sure if this is a legitimate thing or some sort of scam, and I just wanted to know a bit about it before I go sending emails containing personal information to what might or might not be a legitimate company.

    Does this sound like something above board? Is it likely some land speculator legitimately found my mother's name and contact information on some record somewhere and wants to buy it? Is there a way I could double-check those records without contacting the land company directly, in case it's a front?

    The interest in question is in our home county in New Mexico, and the person calling me says they're from Idaho.

    submitted by /u/digikun
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    RUBS Scam?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:03 PM PST


    I was wondering, I live in a apartment complex in San Bernardino California and we were notified that RUBS is going to be implemented in our new lease contract next year, we were also notified that by California law rent could be increased anymore. This is my problem with the situation, our rent included Utilities in our monthly payment and now they say they are not increasing our rent (its staying the same) but are now charging extra for RUBS. So they are increasing the payments right? is this legal if they are not supposed to raise rent?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/zem_0129
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