• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Legal Advice - I was physically assaulted by one of my students and now I’ve been subpoenaed to appear as a witness. Do I need to get a lawyer and what can I expect in the court room?

    Legal Advice - I was physically assaulted by one of my students and now I’ve been subpoenaed to appear as a witness. Do I need to get a lawyer and what can I expect in the court room?

    I was physically assaulted by one of my students and now I’ve been subpoenaed to appear as a witness. Do I need to get a lawyer and what can I expect in the court room?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:34 PM PST

    I am a teacher in Ohio. Last year one of my (25F) 5th grade students (11M) physically assaulted me during class. He had to be restrained by three adults to keep him off of me and was taken out of the school in handcuffs. I really am not sure the legal process at all, but I think that I "pressed charges" on him. I went down to the juvenile detention center and had to fill out a statement.

    I've gotten a letter in the mail every month saying that the case has been continued until x date. Two days ago I received a letter that says the trial happened, he denied the charges, and that I am now required to come to court. I'm not sure what happens next, do I need a lawyer? And what can I expect to happen in the court room? I am very anxious about going. During the school districts expulsion hearing for the student, his dad screamed at me for about 10 minutes about how horrible I am and how I'm ruining the boy's life. The only experience with court I have is what I've seen on TV, so I have no frame of reference for what will happen.

    Bonus question: Is this a criminal, civil, or some other type of court case?

    Thank you for any advice you can offer.

    submitted by /u/paracrazy
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    Can I contact the cops to get my gun back.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Read all the way through! Updated throughout the day!

    I'm in Colorado and have a friend that was holding my gun for me. We've since had a fallout and are not speaking. I asked him for my gun back 2 weeks ago and he's not responded.

    I sent a new text today, stating that I want this resolved today, and that this is the second time I'm asking, and I don't want to involve the authorities.

    What are my next steps? Can the cops help? If I've asked for it back and not got it, is it now considered stolen? Do I file a report?

    Why someone would refuse to return someone else's gun is beyond me.

    Any advice is appreciated, thanks y'all.

    Edit: update 5pm:

    Okay so after speaking with a few friends familiar with CO state laws, one has told me that I essentially committed a crime by giving it to them in the first place.

    2nd after 7 years records are destroyed. I purchased that gun 8 years ago so odds of it being traced back to me seem slim.

    Still... Ugh...

    I also accept all responsibility in this situation, frustratingly.

    Thank you all for the responses!

    latest update 8:10pm he just returned my gun!!! Didn't want to talk to me, and I thanked him for doing what was right as he left. Gun in my hands. HUGE sigh of relief.

    Thank you all again so much!

    submitted by /u/MyLifesParody
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    Accused of rape by girl after we had drunk sex and I didn't respond to her request to hang out again.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:40 PM PST

    A few nights ago, I had sex with a girl. The next morning, she messages me on snapchat and said something like "I had a really great time with you, we should hang out on Saturday. I'll have more time to get ready for you" (I don't have that message saved, it was before she blocked me and my chats were set to disappear in settings)

    Me, being the idiot I am, left her on "read" - I didn't respond to her.

    A few days later, today, I have someone else message me saying this person is claiming I raped her. So, I message her, obviously in shock, asking her what was going on. She doubled down, claimed I raped her by "getting her drunk enough" and then said "you're going to jail" before she blocked me.

    I am currently losing my mind. I'm in a new city by myself, working a job that doesn't pay very well. I don't know what to do. I haven't been contacted by the police or anything. She blocked me on snapchat after I kept asking her why she was doing this. This is in MO.

    Edit: I don't have any other record of contact with her. It was solely through snapchat.

    submitted by /u/Tahersun
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    Unemployment has retroactively decided to deny the benefits I received for months and say I owe back almost $8k. I want to appeal but am unsure if I misunderstand the situation.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:22 PM PST

    Hi there, this issue is taking place in Washington state.

    I was working a full time job making about $75k, and was also working a side gig for my apartment complex where they discounted my rent by $560 per month in exchange for me serving as their on-site property manager.

    In May 2020, my full-time job notified me that I was being laid off directly as a result of COVID-19 and that my final day would be June 1. They had me sign e-documents certifying this information and that I was eligible for unemployment through them. I started filing weekly claims and was given a weekly benefit amount of $705. Because I was still working for the apartment complex, they deducted $104 per week.

    About a month later, my partner and I made the decision to move out of our high cost of living area into a low cost of living area. In mid-July, I notified my apartment complex that I was going to be vacating the apartment complex in about a month and therefore could no longer serve as the onsite manager. As soon as I was no longer receiving the rent discount for them, I adjusted my weekly unemployment claim to reflect that, and was prompted to explain why I was no longer working for them. I explained that I had to move out of the building and therefore could not continue working as the onsite manager, and the system began to give me the full $705 weekly benefit amount. This continued until September 5, which was the final week of my unemployment (I started a new full-time job on the 8th).

    Fast forward to yesterday, when I received an email stating that the unemployment office has denied my unemployment benefits beginning from the week I quit the apartment job. They are stating that my reason for quitting was not a "good reason" and therefore I must repay ALL the unemployment I received from the weeks of July 16 - September 5. Including the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation and Lost Wages Assistance, this totals almost $8k.

    I was never intending to collect unemployment based on the part-time apartment job - I wasn't even earning an actual income from them, just a rent discount. I tried very hard to be as truthful and as accurate with my reporting as possible, and I am hoping this is a bureaucratic error and that I don't truly owe that money back because I don't have it. I could understand if I owed back the weekly $104 I got after quitting that job, but do I owe back ALL of it? I have until December 28th to appeal the decision but I want to know if I have a case here. Did I fuck up?

    submitted by /u/100suns
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    Can a neighbor grandfather our property to his by slowly moving property markers? NY

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:23 AM PST

    This seems like it out of an old western movie. Our neighbor started by slowly moving his property markers more and more on our property. We have about 13 acres of land and about 10 of it is woods/grass/marsh. Our neighbor has a similar property. It seems to slowly be moving his markers onto ours each month. My dad is very non-confrontational in his old age and doesn't care, but this was where I grew up and where he and his father explored when they first got the property. He says that we have a deed that clearly marks our property, yet our neighbor keeps moving his markers. He also cleared a portion of his property and dragged about 50-60lbs of debris and knocked down trees and just left it in our property. Can this grandfather the land to him over time? I was looking at it over thanksgiving and the guy rode out on an atv with a gun on his back to try and intimidate me but if anything just made me take the situation even less seriously

    submitted by /u/scriggle-jigg
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    Mom’s boyfriend of 5 years misfired a gun in the house and nearly hit me in the head

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:27 PM PST

    About 4 weeks ago I was sitting on the couch with my mom sitting adjacent in her chair. We were watching tv when all of the sudden, a loud bang happened. I looked up at the ceiling and it was clear that a bullet had pierced it and had just barely missed my head.

    My mom's boyfriend came downstairs all freaked out about how he was gonna lose his job (he's a cop) and me being the fool that I am says "I won't tell anyone".

    I don't know if I have Stockholm syndrome or some shit but this fucker has been verbally and emotionally abusing me and my mother since day 1. We've lived with him for 8 years.

    Now he wants to kick us out of the house, my mom has paid half the bills ever since we bought it but he convinced her not to put her name on it. Does she have legal power in him trying to kick us out?

    And back on the other note, do I have leverage of legal action from him almost shooting me? I took photos of the hole before he patched it up.

    California USA

    submitted by /u/Evening-Tricky
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    Are Ring doorbell and peephole cameras illegal in apartment complexes that are inside the state of Pennsylvania?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:09 PM PST

    My landlord gave me permission to install a Ring peephole camera. I live in an apartment complex, and I have 2 neighbors that I suspect may be stealing my packages. The same 2 neighbors have threatened legal action since installing the Ring system a day ago. They say PA is a 2 party consent state and they do not consent.

    Is it illegal to have a ring peephole system installed on the door of my apartment inside an apartment complex in Pennsylvania (Northampton County)?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/TalkLessLearnMore
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    $50k Auto Sale Scam

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:32 AM PST

    I was the sucker who just had my childhood dream turn into an adult nightmare.

    I found a car online I was interested in buying.

    I contacted the dealer about said car.

    Dealer provided VIN#, copy of his dealer license, and car fax for said Vehicle.

    I applied for a auto loan through USAA and was approved

    Dealer submitted required documents to USAA

    USAA wired Dealer $50k

    My car never showed up, dealers website is now shut down, no answer on any lines of communication to dealer.

    Police report filed, FBI report filed. USAA has opened a fraud investigation.

    During a phone conversation with a USAA representative I asked directly "What would happen if my car never shows up?"

    USAA rep told me, "USAA would cancel your loan and we would go after the dealer". Now USAA is telling me I was given false information from that rep and that I am the one responsible for the loan payments to USAA.

    Any idea what I should do from here? I am in Texas. The vehicle and dealer where in Indiana.

    submitted by /u/GoldPsychonaut
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    My sister and nephews are in danger from her ex husband and the boys father. The judge (who was just voted out) made a dangerous ruling.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:52 PM PST

    Located in Houston, TX. While they were married, my sister's ex husband stalked women online, sold my sister and his girlfriend to men on Craigslist, and was in prison for the last 7 years. She has a temporary restraining order against him and she has hidden her two boys from him because he will kidnap them if given the chance. He was and is abusive and a complete ass hole. No one wanted to be his lawyer so he made a fool of himself representing himself in the divorce and custody court dates. He has threatened to kill her and the rest of my family. Every family gathering we must carry and be on the lookout and there's usually a mysterious car in front of the house or wherever we are watching us the whole time. This man was just awarded unsupervised visits and a lot of money from my sister's monthly income and from her 401k beginning January 1st. She has been in this battle for 7 years and has over 100k in legal fees- she has no more fight. We are terrified that he will kidnap the boys the first chance he gets and hurt my sister.

    We are all confused on this judges decision and we are scared. This judge was just voted out of his seat - this was his like last gift to the judicial system I guess.

    We are scared and need help. We don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/swishab
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    Oregon eviction during memorandum so that I can move into my own property and stop being homeless

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:19 PM PST

    I've been homeless while my home got rented out. Now renters stopped paying rent and I'm struggling even worse.

    I have read I can evict then so I can move back in.

    What is the process so i don't end up owing then money or screwing myself over?

    Please help

    submitted by /u/Hopelesslogic
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    Property damage after neighbor's tree service

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:12 PM PST

    (Eastern Connecticut, USA)

    My neighbor decided to take down some trees around our shared property line without discussing it with me. I woke up Saturday morning to chainsaws from a landscaper that he hired. As i was watching, the first tree they cut fell the other way and landed 40ft into my yard, taking out a fence panel. Without any attempt of contacting me, they trespassed into my yard and started removing the tree. I got concerned and went out to confront them and started taking pictures as they progressed. They did not have permits and there was no surveying that took place. I believe some of the trees they took down were on my property and gave me quite a bit of privacy from the main road.

    Today (Sunday) I came home to my fence almost completely gone and my invisible dog fence ripped out of the ground. They also pushed about a dozen boulders from my neighbors land onto the property line and into my yard. I am not sure which actions i should take. I made it very clear to them that the fence was mine when i spoke with them.

    Should i call the police, my insurance, the town?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Brandvik1991
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    Mother of child didn't put me on as a legal guardian for daycare for daughter

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Hello, I'm from Pennsylvania. The mother of my child didn't put me as a legal guardian in our child's daycare. We are currently about to go to court for joint custody. She also put her new boyfriend who she has been dating only for 5 months as a emergency contact. What can I do to prove to the daycare that I am a legal guardian and put myself back on?

    submitted by /u/King_Rezz
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    Hello all. I was recently attacked by a pitbull while delivering for Amzn. I have had to go to the FastMed for this under workman's comp. My question is, is this situation something I can sue the dog owners for? More info inside.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:42 AM PST

    To keep this as simple as I can, I've tried to shorten it without leaving any facts out.

    I was delivering 2 packages to a house for Amzn. There were 2 "docile looking" pitbulls walking around with invisible fence collars on. Amzn leaves this up to driver discretion whether we continue to deliver or not. I get out of the van and deliver the goods to the front porch. As I turned to go back to my van, one of the dogs flipped his switch and proceeded to lock his jaw on my left hand. He then did it again but I finally got free after punching him in his head. I was yelling obscenities at this point and both homeowners come out to my rescue. The woman was extremely helpful with giving my medical supplies to wrap my hand. The guy was pretty nonchalant and even looked agitated by the whole situation. Animal control was called by home owner and so was the vet for shot records. I called my job and reported it. They sent me to fastmed (urgent care) to have my hand looked at, and its covered by workman's comp.

    This honestly scared the shit out of me and I'm probably not going to continue this line of work anymore.

    Would I have a case to sue the dog owners?

    Things to note: Police we're not involved. Pictures were taken immediately after. I do not know if there was a Beware of Dog sign. (Idk if that matters)

    Any advice would be comforting.


    Edit: This happened in North Carolina. Thank you, Locationbot.

    submitted by /u/Thebumonurcouch
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    Roommate called police on me this morning

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:29 AM PST

    So my roommate(female) has been letting her mom stay here for the last week and a half for free, either she or her mom are sleeping on the couch when I get home ive been avoiding use of kitchen out of respect. The other day she complained we never leave the house because i decided to use it to cook breakfast. Her and her mom make me feel unwelcome every time i enter the living room either to turn the heat down or use the kitchen.

    I feel that she was turning the heat way up to 75 degrees as an act of passive aggressive behavior, so i decided to call her out on it and ask her why she keeps turning the heat up so high. She then goes off to call me a bunch of names and accuse me of doing heroin and lied about my roommates not liking me. She also said that i wake her uo every night by having my TV too loud, which was never communicated to me. I was so taken aback by her comments i decide to sit in the living room and talk with her more, but was silent for a moment while i tried to collect my thoughts. She then decides to call the police and claim that im antagonizing her with a breach of peace, so the police arrive and nothing is done but they said they will charge us with breach of peace if they have to return.

    I am on a one year lease at this place, and due to the legality of this i am unable to break the lease prematurely without being liable for the rent.

    I tried to negotiate with her peacefully about how we can make things work but she seems to turn it into an opportunity to instigate so that she can make rhe case for a police visit. I dont know what to do and i dont want to deal with a court case if it comes to.

    submitted by /u/States0fMind
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    Can I leave stuff I don’t want at an old apartment?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:48 PM PST

    Okay listen, I know this is a dick move. I'm sorry already.

    I lost my apartment because with covid I couldn't afford it anymore. I have to be out by tomorrow. My old roommates left a lot of trash and junk, and so far I've moved it all out of the apartment into the garage. The problem is, it's WAY too much to fit in my trash bin. WAY too much. And I just got a job for the first time in months and won't get paid until the 15th so I can't get it hauled. There's also a couch in the unit (I'm on the third floor) that I can't get out alone and no one can help.

    I really don't know what to do with it. Everyone keeps saying to just leave it and make my landlord deal with it. They're not nice landlords and already refuse to give me my security deposit so it's not like I'm losing anything here. But I feel like a total dick for doing that. But it's pretty much my only option right now.

    So my question is, legally can I do that? I know it's rude and I know my landlord won't like it, but can they do anything?

    submitted by /u/Adjnor
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    Family refusing to move out and possibly lying about having COVID

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:16 PM PST

    My lease ends November 30th, but my family refuses to leave. We had a disagreement back in august and I made a decision to separate myself from them. It was a very toxic environment. I told them in September that I will be looking for places and that they will need to find one soon. I gave them a written 60 day notice informing them of my move and to vacate by November 30th. It has been very difficult communicating with them since they ignore all my phone calls and text messages. When I try to communicate in person they refuse to speak to me. It turns into an argument about me being cruel and cold hearted. My family then tells me they have squatters rights and don't have to move out until Feb. 1, 2021.

    Then the landlord and I needed to do a walk through a week ago and he also wanted us to all sit down and talk to try to resolve this issue but we were unable to because my family stated they have COVID. This is after I informed them of our scheduled walk through.

    I don't know if they are lying but they refuse to show results and refuse to return any of my calls and text messages now. They will text me mean things then block me. They said they need a written notice for the walk through. Will they be fined for lying about having covid to prevent us from doing our walk through? And can we ask for their result or is that private information that only a court can request?

    They also told me that if I turn off internet and utilities they will sue me. Is that true? Im turning everything off on the 30th bc Thats the end of my lease. They withheld their portion of rent and utilities so I ended up paying for everything. They said they won't pay me bc they need that money to help them find a place. Then they tell me that they lost their jobs due to the unwarranted stress I have caused them. I never retaliated or tried to do anything shady. I did nothing but inform them and give them updates yet they still call me evil and have disowned me.

    I told my landlord that they won't move out until they receive a notice from him, not me. They are being extremely difficult but all I know is that he will be writing one up. Any advice on what I should do from here? And what do you think will most likely happen to them?

    submitted by /u/Padme2887
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    Landlord going through my mail and frequently showing up unannounced

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:29 PM PST

    I've been dealing with a nightmare landlord for the past few months. I live in Texas.

    Just to give you an idea of what they're like- I signed a one year lease for a room in a house and after one month of being there, one of the tenants decided to give her 30 days notice to move out. Two days later they evicted everyone else living there because they wanted to rent out the house to a family rather than renting out individual rooms. They claimed they were "having trouble finding new tenants" for the room that was about to become vacant and "couldn't afford the loss anymore". Everyone in the house was on month-to-month leases except for me so they were able to successfully kick out everyone else. When they asked me to leave I actually initially agreed to look for a new place, assuming they would cover any moving-related costs and allow me to take as much time as I need. Discussing this, they actually refused to pay for my movers so then I told them I refuse to move.. after back and forth arguments they finally agreed but then they started pressuring me to move out and find a new place quicker. During these past couple months, the landlord has come into the house maybe once a week, for reasons I'm not sure of. She would not tell me in advance that she's coming, would not even ring the doorbell, she would just suddenly be in the house. As a small young woman living by myself that would really freak me out every time. After the second time this happened I asked her to let me know when she's coming by and she never responded. A few days later she came in completely unannounced again, with her parents and stayed for maybe 4 hours, and the whole time never explained to me why she was there. Every time she had come in, I was in eyeshot of the front door, so she would 100% see me and make eye contact with me and I would say hello, very confused and she would just look at me and walk straight past me.. its not illegal to be rude but i would like an explanation as to why they are invading my privacy on a regular basis. I'm also not sure if that's normal or allowed that they come in as frequently and unannounced as they do and I wonder if there's even anything I can do about that.

    Anyways, I had to go out of town unexpectedly and while away, i had a couple things delivered. When I came home, I saw that my landlords had gotten my mail from outside and put it inside the house for me while I was away which was fine, but there were two packages that were missing. I asked them if they had seen it. They said they did have a package for me, but they had opened it because they "didn't know who it was addressed to" at first. I thought that was weird because I'm the only one who has been living there for a couple months now and my landlord does not receive their mail there so I don't know why they couldn't piece that together but maybe it was a genuine confusion. Then a few days later they still hadn't brought me my package and I asked a question about it and they sent a picture of my package to me. And on the package my name and address was very clearly and visibly written. Like literally impossible to miss. This leads me to believe that they intentionally took my mail and went through it.. WHY would they do that and can I do anything about that?? This felt very weird and shady and illegal to me and these landlords are really invasive with my privacy but I'm not sure if there's anything I can do. People suggest small claims court but they haven't really costed me anything financially so I see no point to that, and I don't know if there's really a case here for regular court? I found a place and plan to move out soon.. but is there anything I can do or are landlords just allowed to behave like this towards their tenants?

    Also while I was out of town I noticed my landlords had been at the house because they left some trash and also used some of my kitchen utensils.. and put them back completely dirty. Like obviously and visibly dirty. Is that allowed?

    TLDR My landlord evicted everyone in the house except me bc im on a one year lease, and she comes over to the house without telling me, kinda frequently, for no reason and also took my mail and went through it. is there anything i can do

    submitted by /u/surprisetapeworm
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    Legalities for phone call blocking of ex spouse while sharing custody of a minor child.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:05 PM PST

    Is my ex legally allowed to block my phone calls and force me to communicate with their new spouse about my minor child's affairs?

    Currently my ex said I hurt his/her feelings one day with a text message I sent about them not taking care of our child as well as they could. So my ex said, "you hurt my feelings so I'm blocking you and now I'm making you talk to my spouse about our kid. Don't talk to me again. Talk to my spouse from now on."

    This is childish no doubt so I disagreed and texted the new spouse that I won't discuss matters with him/her involving my kid. I will only communicate with the maternal parent like the divorce decree states.

    Am I allowed to ignore the step parents calls and only speak to my ex about decisions involving our child?

    Wichita Kansas USA

    submitted by /u/MrAnyways
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    Need advice, employer is only paying select employees "covid pay" despite every employee having the same risk level/amount of exposure.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:48 PM PST

    I currently work in a long term care facility in Missouri, doing housekeeping/laundry. Unfortunately, 3 of our residents currently have COVID. They are "quarantined" within our facility.

    I was recently informed that the company I am currently working for, has been paying nursing staff/Cna's/Med Techs an extra $4/hr "covid pay" on top of normal wages due to risk of infection & exposure to positive residents, long before any resident had tested positive.

    However, housekeeping, dietary, and maintenance workers have not been receiving the extra pay whatsoever, despite working in the same building with the same amount of exposure to said residents.

    We are often required to do tasks such as help move these residents from one room to another, clean & remove trash/laundry from their rooms, launder their clothes, and even sit down on the COVID unit for periods of time to supervise these residents, as we are extremely short staffed.

    Just to clarify, every staff member has access to PPE & uses it accordingly, & is required to wear N-95 masks at all times. We go through a screening process every morning before clocking in, & they automatically circle "yes" on the questionnaire when asked if the employee has had exposure to any COVID positive persons.

    I am also 22 weeks pregnant if that makes any difference in the matter, & have 2 young children at home. There was one other expecting employee, and her doctor put her on early maternity leave immediately when the company had requested she supervise the COVID unit.

    The housekeepers naturally are very upset about this lack of compensation, despite offering to select employees. We have mentioned it several times to our supervisor over the past 2 weeks, and she addressed the issue with our HR lady, who had sent corporate HR e-mails regarding the matter which have all been ignored.

    This past Friday I was informed that our HR lady was trying to contact somebody higher up among corporate that could address the issue. I am not satisfied, and feel we as employees deserve to be compensated as much as any other individual in the building. I am ready to quit, and would have walked out among learning this information if it weren't for me needing this job right now.

    What are my options here to go about being compensated, if any? I completely expect to face retaliation no matter which route I take, unfortunately.

    Thank you all in advance.

    submitted by /u/Sufficient_Giraffe31
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    Friend’s supervisor is instructing her to work overtime unpaid.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:59 AM PST

    This is in Indiana

    My friend is a speech therapist at a nursing home and her patient volume has been high lately. She usually does 30-45 minutes session working with patients with swallowing difficulties or memory problems. The past couple weeks her supervisor has put up to 16 patients on her schedule a day, meaning she would need to spend ~30 minutes each but also stay at the end of the day to do all the charting, which comes out to 10 hours. She notified her supervisor that this would put her into overtime, and her supervisor suggested she just make some patients 10 or 15 minutes sessions then. My friend said that she did not feel like she could get an accurate assessment or do adequate treatment with patients in less than 15 minutes. Her boss suggested that if she was worried about the quality of care they were getting, she could do 30 minutes sessions and then just not bill for them, so she would be working unpaid in order to give the patients quality care. This is in a text message. I told her to continue her full sessions and bill correctly, and if she got told again to work unpaid she should ask "to get that in writing please". Hopefully this is enough to get them to realize they can't ask this, but I'm not a lawyer. Any other tips?

    submitted by /u/annie-are_you_ok
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    Just found some undisposed of fentanyl, anxiety meds, and IV blood thinners

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:08 PM PST

    I just found the following meds that were undisposed of by my ex roommate (aka my ex wife) in with some Xmas decorations I didn't put up last year. The meds are from a dead patient she was taking care of (ex was a hospice admission nurse). What was the proper way I should dispose of these? I am thinking about calling the health board to ask for advice but am not sure if that is too extreme.

    submitted by /u/Afraid_Tart3182
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    I have some questions on inheritance laws

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:15 PM PST

    Alright so im a 14 year old kid and my father recently passed away. My aunt is currently handling most legal matters with it but i believe she is doing so in an attempt to get financial benefit from it. I have a younger sister and she lives with my aunt now because her mother (not mine) has practically abandoned her. My grandmother told me im supposed to be getting financial compensation until im 18 and this is where it starts to get fishy. My aunt tried to take me out of the compensation process so that my sister would get all of it but thankfully my grandmother got it straightened out. My aunt is now saying that my father had many bills that he needed to pay off which according to my grandmother he doesnt. My aunt wants to take all his belongings that would originally be inherited to me and my sister and take them to sell them and pay off his debt. Im just wondering if she is actually allowed to do that or if me and my sister should be inheriting his belongings. Thanks for any help in advance

    submitted by /u/UnsureMusician14
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    Can I Publish a "Fictional" Book with Some Real Accounts Detailed?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:46 PM PST

    I've been writing a novel during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). It's embellished stories from my childhood. I'd call it a mix of sixty percent true story mixed with forty percent artistic license. All names have been thoroughly changed for the obvious legal reasons. However, some of the incidents in this book will be highly recognizable, such as the five years I spent being molested by my grandfather, due to the circumstances surrounding it, or my cousin's eventual drug overdose. My mom knew I was being molested as a child, yet forced me to endure it to keep peace in the family, which is the main point of that particular chapter. Also, the cousin's overdose comes up for the very same reason (she died thirty-five years ago, so not a recent event at all, and it is handled as delicately as I can handle and still tell my poor cousin's story since no one ever stood up for her.)

    I'd like to shop the novel around to see if it might be marketable. After all, this novel is seventy percent my own personal story, and there's even some anecdotes in the book that are not so serious and can be at times rather funny to break up the tragedy and the bleakness of the subject matter. But I'm still concerned as to whether I can legitimately publish this without getting into any legal difficulties. I don't think my family would actually ever read this book, as I cut contact with them years ago and, well, they're not huge literary people to be honest, but I'd still like to be sure before I proceed. It is being presented as fiction, thanks in part to the artistic license, but there is a lot of truth to the stories, but most of the incidents happened twenty to thirty years ago. So, does anyone know if I can proceed with this? I don't know if it will even go anywhere, but I don't want to try unless I know for certain there won't be a legal roadblock somewhere down the line.

    submitted by /u/saffiegal
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    Landlord closing access to office on 12 hours notice

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:54 PM PST

    I rent a small private office for which I have a lease for through the end of next year. Recently, someone purchased the entire floor my office is on, so my lease was transferred to them. The new owner is kicking everyone out but I have a lease for 9 more months. He already has started construction in the empty units. Two days ago he asked if I would leave my unit for a few months so he could do construction, saying that I could rent it out from him after (but for more, because he is making it nicer). I told him no obviously, his offer didn't even make sense (rent the place I already have a lease to for more after not being able to use it for 2 months?).

    Fast forward to tonight (Sunday, 7pm, 3 days later) he tells me the building will be closed tomorrow with no electricity because the electrician he is in line waiting for is getting rained out at his other job and wants to start early. I told him I need more than 12 hours notice. This is my place of business, I am on calls all day. He basically told me to go screw, that he can close me out of my office without notice because he is calling it a safety hazard.

    From a brief conversation with the new owner last week, I learned that he is under heat from his bank to replace the electrical. Its old - knob and tube - but it was semi-modernized to have a GFCI on every outlet. It should be replaced but it's not urgent. We discussed that he would have to close the office for work sometime in the coming weeks, but that he would let me know. 12 hours notice? I can't work with that. I have no alternative for work space tomorrow. Do I have any legal recourse in small claims? This is in New Hampshire.

    submitted by /u/GlobalAttempt
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