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    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    Legal Advice - The devil on my sofa

    Legal Advice - The devil on my sofa

    The devil on my sofa

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:52 AM PST


    I'm experiencing something that I'm not equipped to deal with and thought I would ask for some advice. I'll try and keep it succinct.

    I've known this friend for about 10 yrs who lost her job in the San Fran just before COVID hit . She seemed a bit overwhelmed and in distress so I invited her to come stay with me in central California while she sorted things out. She's a trust fund baby and still has her apt in $5000/mo apt in SF, but weeks turned into months and now it's been 3 mo and I can't get her to leave. I hadn't seen her in awhile and since then she developed a pretty bad alcohol problem and after speaking with her mother, apparently she is struggling with mental health issues as well. She periodically blacks out and enters this fits of pure rage. She's half my size, so I'm not afraid physically but what comes out of her mouth is pretty horrible.

    Finally after watching her almost kill herself or someone else driving very drunk, I just couldn't take it anymore and asked her to leave. She did but came back the next day threatening to kill herself.

    A week ago, I needed to leave town and she was threatening to break things while I was gone. I told her that if she did, I would file s police report. She preemptively made 6 calls to 911 and said I was threatening her. She even told an officer I would kill her if she tried to leave. Thankfully they recognized crazy and only asked me to help them understand what was going on.

    I asked them if they could help me get her out and they told me that although she pays no bills, rent and receives no mail at my address, she established residency after 3 days and the only way to get her out is file a 30 day eviction.

    I honestly feel like she is setting me up for something and I'm kind of afraid. I'm a 190 lbs man and she is a 91 lbs beautiful woman, who even with all her struggles is very smart. I'm literally about to leave the house I pay a mortgage on and rent an Airbnb just to remove myself from the situation.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/heleuma
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    My dogs previous owner is harassing me.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:44 PM PST

    I adopted my dog 2 years ago in August of 2018 from the pound. The pound told me her owner had been arrested and so she was picked up by police. They held her for 14 days to give the owner a chance to claim her, that didn't happen. I adopted her, signed paperwork, paid fees, etc. In October, on Facebook, I see a post of the woman looking for my dog two years later. I ignored it and moved on. And now Today my mom who lives 30 miles away has a woman at her door saying that she's made an offer on my moms house and needs to come in to take measurements. My mom realizes she looks very similar to the woman who posted looking for my dog. Then about an hour later I get a call from my leasing office and they leave a voicemail saying they're about to send a woman from the office to check out my apartment for a leak. I thought it was odd because it was 8pm at night and they're very much closed. Then I get a knock on my door, and it's her! I open the door and basically tell her to leave me alone. Now I'm so paranoid and uneasy. I don't know how she found all of my info! Also the fact that she got her caller ID to show up as my leasing office has me creeped out. I filed police reports at my address and my mom did at hers. I feel like this is going to turn into something unsafe for me and my family and now I wanna move away.

    Someone help :(

    submitted by /u/peanutbutterbananaaa
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    Realtor Gave Keys too soon. Seller claims items stolen.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:47 PM PST

    We finished closing on a house on Tuesday with a stipulation that possession of the property would happen 5 days after closing. The closing date changed several times which confused us, but the seller gave us the keys to the house on Tuesday. We thought this meant we could move in so we began moving in on Thursday. While we were unloading the U-Haul, the seller showed up to remove the few remaining items they left behind and informed us we couldn't move in until Sunday. Our realtor did not inform us of this... in fact she stated that we should move in by Thursday to enjoy thanksgiving at the new home when in reality she should have told us not to move in yet. She is also on video (which she recorded herself) saying everything in the house is ours and we can throw away whatever we don't want. This made us believe we were good to move in and get rid of the things the seller left behind. We did not get rid of anything and had only started cleaning the kitchen when the seller arrived. We loaded up our U-Haul again and left.

    The seller is claiming that a safe and jewelry/other valuables are missing. He told us that the realtor is responsible and it seems like he is trying to get money from her.

    Now our realtor is saying we are not allowed to move in on Sunday and cannot go near the property until this is settled even though our contract states we can take possession on Sunday. Does anyone know if this is true? Can we move in anyway? Is there anything we should do or prepare for?

    Update: This is in California, in case that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/emnm22
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    Putting in a fence on a “shared” driveway?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:38 PM PST

    I hate my neighbors. They are loud, obnoxious, and somehow believe that my side of the driveway on my property is theirs too.

    I moved in March of this year. The house was too good to pass up just for the shared driveway issue, so here I live.

    My issue is that they continue to use my driveway as a throughway for walking, trash, working on their cars(they have 3) and also have a 20ft long boat parked up against their house.

    Because of the tight quarters, the exhaust from the boat motor invades my home every time he "works on" the engine, running it for several minutes at a time all day long.

    Their children have decided that they can run up and down my driveway to play and even run around my car even though it is pulled up against the garage.

    I want to put a fence down the driveway. They have never asked for continued permission to use my driveway, and I don't know that the previous neighbor gave them permission either.

    Other neighbors on our street and in the neighborhood have a fence down their shared driveways, and we do not have an HOA to contend with.

    In all honestly it looks as if the neighbor poured asphalt next to my driveway instead of it being one planned slab, due to a rugged line at the border of our properties.

    All I want is a fence down the driveway and to regain some sense of privacy and ownership.

    Location is Delaware.

    submitted by /u/corkboardcollage
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    Building shutting down and kicking out all of its tenants during a global pandemic

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:00 PM PST

    I signed a lease in May 2020 with "the alps" apartments" in KC MO. I heard that del properties had some questionable behaviors but I've lived in slum-lord properties before, so I thought "whats new, I just need somewhere I can afford" (my bad). A month after moving in, our elevator broke down. I live on the 4th floor and after 5 months I just chalked it up to an extra glute workout but had my fingers crossed that it would be fixed before I move out next summer... well- they're kicking everyone out. We have 60 days notice to vacate the premises. The faulty elevator isn't the only issue, there's never hot water, the radiators leak, weird smells coming from everything- but I can pay rent and I have a roof over my head so I put up with it. Now hundreds of people are searching for affordable housing during a global pandemic. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has depleted their savings trying to "get by". I don't have thousands of dollars lying around to pay another round of first/last months rent, security deposits, truck rentals, etc. while this place is still hounding us for the next 2 months rent. They have a clause in the lease stating they can break a lease due to "renovations" but it just seems shady. I pay my rent on time and follow the rules. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/theresilient1-
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    Seller accidently destroyed cashiers check. Afraid 90 day Declaration of Loss may make seller cancel deal

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:33 PM PST

    I bought a used car in Columbus Ohio with a cashiers check. A day later the seller said it got destroyed by accidently washing it in his pants. We did all the paperwork, and I have the title and the bill of sale of the vehicle. I was planning on putting the car under my name the day I bought it, but the title place was closed that day.

    Me and the seller spoke since he accidently destroyed the check, and we agreed to just cancel the previous cashiers check and do another check. However, being the paranoid person I am, I'm afraid that if I send him another check, he will secretly deposit the "destroyed" cashiers check as well as the newly sent check. The seller seems to be a really nice guy, but he could just be a really good actor.

    I was thinking of registering the car under my name, then saying I will send a new check once the 90 day wait for the Declaration of Loss goes through. Was looking for others thoughts.

    submitted by /u/ToaztE
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    Park security

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:02 PM PST

    My son drives for a food delivery service. He delivered food to the same person the last three days to a woman in an upscale rv park. Today when he arrived he had a security guy come up behind him, hit blue lights and a blip of siren. When he got out the guy held a taser on my son (like you would a gun) ordered him to drop his bag and put his hands on his car. My son completely compliant, the customer came out and freaked out on the security guy, told him my son was delivering food to her etc. Guy kept questioning my son until they finally got him to understand that my son was delivering food.

    Is it legal for security to be doing this? The car he was driving had the campgrounds name with police on it.

    This happened in Kentucky.

    submitted by /u/Cubsfantransplant
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    My job put me on forced admin leave when I got injured without Workers Comp

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:42 PM PST

    Ok let's start with last year. I got hurt last fall at a work training where I threw out my back and got sent to the hospital. I didn't break anything but went to a chiropractor who helped me out and I could go back to work after a month. Workers Comp applied here.

    Fast forward to this year. End of August I threw out my back again at work, and I took the next day off to seek medical attention. No Workers Comp claim was filed by my job. I returned to work after a few days, and then the next day the pain got worse and I called in again. I was told that I was placed on administrative leave, WITH PAY, and that I wasn't in trouble but I couldn't return until I saw an occupational doctor who could deem me fit for work again. The next week, I was told by my boss that the higher ups said I would not be paid and that I should file a workers comp claim myself and that they can't do it unless I start it (???) So I told them I wanted one filed so I could be paid.

    In conclusion, I had to use ALL my PTO for the year in order to be paid and workers comp denied my claim due it not being work related even though i was physically working at work when it occurred. I heard from other sources that it's actually the job that tells workers comp if it's work related or not, not workers comp. Not sure if this is true. I was off for a month and barely got paid after being forced to go on unpaid leave for being hurt.

    Is there any way I can receive back pay? Is there any way I can get compensation for being forced to be off? I'm in MI for reference. I can appeal Workers Comp, I haven't yet, because I was under the assumption it's my work I need to go after, not WC. Please point me in the right direction.

    submitted by /u/Icy_Masterpiece5829
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    Someone stole my (37f) daughters (1f), (1f) SS cards and birth certificates. How do I protect them from future identify theft?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:20 PM PST

    I have two daughters who are about to be one year old. We accidentally left a folder with a copy of their social security cards and birth certificates in our car and someone stole them. How can we protect them from future identity theft? I need guidance on what steps we should take to ensure everything is ok. A copy of my and my husband's ID was also in the folder that was stolen. We live in WA state. Thank you for your help!!

    submitted by /u/tanyavaleri
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    Urgent custody/COVID travel matter

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:34 PM PST

    Location: US

    I'm required to transport my son to his mom by flight tomorrow. Our flight departs in the morning. My PCR covid test came back positive just now. I'm asymptomatic, but I know the health department in my state will require me to isolate for 14 days and there's no way they'd allow me to travel and I also wouldn't want to because social responsibility.

    The issue is my sons mom is threatening me and saying that if I don't bring the child tomorrow she's going to file for contempt and that I could lose custody. She told me that I could just not tell the airline I tested positive and that no one has to know about it and that I'm planning on withholding the child because I don't want the child to be with her.

    I have primary custody and I have never violated the custody order in any way.

    There's no way I should fly right? I feel like this is common sense and I were to lie and say I didn't test positive for COVID I could be putting so many people in danger. But if I don't, I could be held in contempt and lose my kid for withholding. What should I do?

    I don't know what to do right now. It's the weekend and I can't call any local attorneys.

    submitted by /u/pyrocryptorp
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    Can my landlord end my lease to sell the house?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:56 AM PST

    I live in Pennsylvania. I signed a fixed term, 1 year lease that ends in July. My landlord has decided to sell the house and wants me to move out within 60 days. From everything I can find online, she can't do that, my lease stays with the property. Is this true? Can I legally stay in the house? I understand that I may also have the right to negotiate a "cash for keys" situation. Would I be able to negotiate say, I'll move out early but not within 60 days? There is no mention of house sale or the landlord being able to end the lease early in the lease that I signed.

    Secondarily, am I required to do anything in the house to make it presentable for showings? The place isn't a dirty disaster or anything, but the realtor wants to come to "make notes on what needs to be done for photos and showing." I have a feeling that I am in no way required to do that.

    Thirdly, am I required to vacate the property for showings?

    Thank you all in advance I am in a really shitty situation at the moment. I'm finding it impossible to find a new rental in the middle of the pandemic during the holidays and I really don't want to end up staying on a couch with someone for who knows how long. Moving in with family is not an option because I'm a veterinary nurse working in a large hospital and still dealing with the public so I don't want to risk bringing home covid.

    submitted by /u/chompowski
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    Ex boyfriend peed in my car after I kicked him out my house.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:27 PM PST

    This is probably the most embarrassing post I've posted on here but yes, my ex boyfriend peed in my car after I kicked him out. I definitely would like to go send a couple guys to go to his mothers house and fuck him up right now but I need to know what I could do legally first so I could make his life a living hell just like he has done to me the past two months with his presence in my house.

    I don't think there's any cameras where my car is parked by my complex but my car definitely wasn't pissed in the day before I kicked his bum ass out. What are my legal options?

    submitted by /u/No-Concentrate-2390
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    had FtM trans top surgery (double mastectomy). results botched&are very poor, causing prolonged healing. advice?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:16 PM PST

    i am 21 years of age and underwent FTM double incision top surgery with a plastic surgeon in des moines, iowa on 11.6. I am now 3 weeks post op and the results are very poor, specifically with the left side of my chest where there has been continued swelling and fluid buildup, even tho i was given post op drains. every single individual i have spoken to and shown my results to has told me that my surgery was not done correctly and that i will need to seek a second surgical revision once i am fully healed.

    the main struggle i am currently facing is that my surgeon will barely admit that anything is wrong, even tho i have had to go in now 5 separate time to have it manually drained, only to have my chest refill with fluid where the extra sagging skin is. i am having to continue to receive care from him while i and other i feel as though he botched the procedure all together, all while he continues to tell me the obvious asymmetry is because of the difference in size of my pec muscles and not the sagging skin below it.

    i'm much less interested in bringing up a lawsuit and much more invested in getting in contact with someone else for a second opinion so i can possibly make some sort of gameplan for how i plan on remedying this. if suing for malpractice is a super obvious given then i might pursue that route but more than anything i just want a flat chest that is not obviously misshapen, even more so than before i had the surgery. is anyone who is familiar with medical malpractice and or specifically plastic surgery and has any advice on how i should move forward i would greatly appreciate it. thank you

    i'm not sure of the legality with plastic surgery and unsatisfactory results

    submitted by /u/ccgohnson
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    He passed away in the property.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:15 PM PST

    So, the wife's former step father passed away in his rental home and she was notified because he had no next of kin and nobody to claim his remains. Wife's mother and he divorced when she was a kid but he and the wife stayed in contact every now and then.

    He had no family and no real "estate" as he had nothing of value. Wife had him cremated by the state (Mn) and collecyed him. She also wanted pics and memories so she filed an affadavit since his "estate" was worth less than $75k to gain access to his rental property. She went through his things and cleaned up a little but he died in the unit so everything was basically a biohazard. She collected momentos as the afadavit stated she could.

    Now the rental owners are calling her the estate executor. Sent her a request/bill for like $8k for clean up fees and back rent. Is this legal or are they just trying to bully her into giving money to avoid a loss?

    I can't find concrete laws that answer this...

    submitted by /u/N0body88
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    My "tenant" refuses to talk to me.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:37 AM PST

    This all started in the beginning of 2018 with the passing of my father. I inherited my childhood home from him. When I took over ownership my dad had already had tenants downstairs. A very sweet older couple that have lived down there for the past 30 years. (They also had a son, 40ish years old who didn't live with them but would move back home every time he had girlfriend problems.) My father had a deal with them where their rent was only 440 a month for a 3 bedroom apartment. I told both of them when I moved in I had no plans of kicking them out and I would keep any agreements my dad had with them. A new lease was never written.

    At the end of 2019 the Husband passed away. Leaving just the mother downstairs alone. By the end of February She was taken away in an ambulance to a rehabilitation center. I talked to the son in person the next day and asked him if everything was ok. He told me him and his siblings wanted to get her back in this apartment and that they are trying to help her walk again. This was all fine with me as long as they kept paying rent I didnt really care. Then March 2020 hit and everything went quiet.

    In july they stopped paying rent. Then the hiding started. My neighbors Started noticing the son sneaking stuff out of the house in the middle of the night and at times when my car wasn't there. This is when my phone calls and text started. Voicemail after voicemail. Attempts to contact the other kids all lead to dead ends. By October I decided I would post a notice on their door. I'm not gonna lie to you this notice sucked. It was something I found online. My hope was that this notice would help him smarten up and take this seriously and just talk to me about what he's plans are. Instead it completely backfired.

    " Take me to court you little shit" "Fucking scumload" " you've StOlEn FrOm Me" (just not true) " good luck kicking out a sick woman"

    2 weeks later and the mother passed. Again I had no knowledge of her worsening condition because I haven't had any contact with anyone. The son still hasn't spoken to me since February besides some really angry texts.

    I waited a few more weeks hoping the son or one of the daughters would reach out to me. But I've heard nothing. (Even after I've called and left messages. Even sent letters to the address on the older checks and no response).

    I dont want backrent. I dont want them to clean the place. I just want them to be done with the apartment. They have definitely come and cleared stuff out But they've also left other things. The Son has threatened legal action so I don't want to just put a padlock on the door and make a whole new situation for myself.

    I posted a new 90 day notice on the door ( That might even be over kill Because technically there is no one to Evict ) I've called the son about 6 times since then. I've sent the notice as a verified letter to his sister and his workplace. This is all in preparation for the court. I don't want to go to court I just want him to come get his stuff and to be done with all this. The 90 day ends in February 2021

    What should I do next? If I wait until February and take him to court is it gonna be the giant headache I think it is, or will it be open and shut? Am i doing everything right? If I just put a padlock on the door and told him he doesn't live here anymore would that work? I'm only 22 this is all very new to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and im open to any questions you might have about the situation.

    Aslo this takes place in New York State.

    submitted by /u/Obzud23
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    My manager reduced my wage without notifying me

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:52 AM PST

    I'm located in North Carolina, 25F here.

    I was going through my pay stubs and realized that my manager (I work for a corporate pet store) reduced my pay by almost two dollars without notifying me at the end of September. I thought maybe I was spending a little too much on Christmas this year because I had less money than usual. I wish that was the case.

    After realizing what happened, I approached him after stewing on it overnight. I've read that it's absolutely illegal, but he was trying to defend himself by saying I should've expected it by taking another role in the company. The role change was made early in June, so I don't understand why it took until the end of September for my wage to decrease. Others in the company have taken other roles with no pay decrease. He said he just "didn't realize" he needed to change it.

    I told him what he did was illegal and he accused me of threatening him. I demanded back-pay and for my wage to be re-instated. I did not agree to my new wage. As the leader of the store, he blamed the manager directly above me for not "notifying" me of the changes, but from what I understand no changes can be made until I agree to the new contract. I told him if things didn't go back, I would put in my two weeks. He said to give him a few days to talk to the district manager. I tried reaching out to human resources but they won't be available until Monday.

    Once my issue came to light, my coworker realized that there was a discrepancy in her wage agreement as well. Without her approval. I have to go back into work tonight and I'm nervous. I can't live on this wage he assigned me, and he told me straight up that I wouldn't see any back-pay. I know I caught him off-guard.

    What should I do at this point? Contact a lawyer? The district manager? Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Sindel_Hairflip
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    Co-worker spit in my face when I asked him to put a mask on and management is 'Too Busy" to address it.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    For background I work in a high end small chain grocery store near Portland Oregon, technically in Clackamas County. I work in a department that directly handles food.

    I try my best to be careful about Covid as I babysit my sister's children some afternoons. My sister has breast cancer and is in recovery from a mastectomy so staying clean and healthy is important.

    My schedule has me in the store for a few hours before the store opens. About half the staff of the store do not wear masks or wears masks improperly before the store opens. Everyone in my department are good about wearing masks regardless of weather we are open or not. When the doors open all the masks go on properly. When employees are in the break room or in the back rooms the masks often come off again.

    I stopped shopping at the store as I don't like the idea of buying food that coworkers have been breathing on all morning. But I can't regulate other departments so I keep my disgust to myself.

    The only employee that I have a real problem with is the grocery manager, GM, who NEVER wears a mask when the store is closed or not in view of customers. He works the main area of the store and touches everything. Every so often he has to come into my department to set displays or delivering stuff we use.

    Once in the past, about two months ago, I politely asked GM to wear a mask when in my department. He rolled his eyes and went about his job staying maskless.

    The day before Thanksgiving GM came over to refill a display, again maskless. I walked over keeping the counter between us to ask him again to wear a mask if he's going to be touching things I have to work with all day. He got very upset and started a profanity filled rant. He yelled about how masks don't work, I need to mind my own business, what my problem with him was, and that I was a bitch. There was a lot of f bombs littered throughout the shouting as well. I told him my problem was him breathing on everything. He shouted "ya, I am" before dramatically huffing great breaths over me and the counter. Between these breaths and his shouting he got spit all over my upper face. I felt his gross spry on my skin and eyes. In addition to my face, be also managed to cover our food counter with his saliva.

    I left to go wash my face and cry a bit. There was no upper management there yet so I waited about an hour till one came in for work. I reported what happened and was assured by the store assistant manager they would do something about it.

    GM continued to work his normal shift for the rest of the day. He approached me in the break room later. I didn't say anything and he came up to about three feet away and asked if I was going to "mean mug" him all day. Later that day I went to the store manager to get information about what was going to happen.

    I was told that it was too busy with Thanksgiving to deal with it and they would look into it later after the holiday. Later in the afternoon I got an email from the store manager saying.

    "This incident with GM will be taken very seriously. There will be consequences for his actions. As I said, the day before a major holiday makes it difficult to properly process the incident, getting both sides of the story, talking to witnesses, etc. I assure you, this WILL be handled. I did get a chance to watch the video and although there is no sound, his aggression is clear."

    The next day, Thanksgiving, I got to work and GM is working his normal shift. He had no mask on and spend the morning smirking at me before the store opened.

    I'm now on my weekend and seething over what happened. I've chosen not to visit my sister for at least a week to be on the safe side.

    I feel like what happened was illegal or goes against state regulations but I don't know who I could talk to about it. I'm in Oregon, Clackamas County. I feel like the management in this store is allowed reckless behavior that is putting myself and the community at risk. My requests for this to be addressed continues to be ignored. I feel powerless and ignored and dirty.

    Does anyone have any suggestions about legally what I can do to protect myself any my community?

    submitted by /u/Public_Cat9520
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    Committed PUA fraud, not sure what to do

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:24 PM PST

    I'm stupid and I messed up and I'm screwed . I live in California and was gonna apply for the PUA program because I didn't read it thoroughly and thought I was eligible, since I had insufficient work history (last time I employed was in 2018). I still wasn't entirely sure if I was eligible and never applied, until my grandparents told me my uncle was applying for other people in the family. So I just gave him the information he needed (my ssn, picture identification, phone number)and I got the letter and card from the EDD a few weeks later.

    Now i got a text from the edd saying I need to submit some income documents that I don't have. I asked my uncle about it and find out that I made $32,000 in 2019.

    I'm not sure what to do now. I'm sure the edd will ask for the money back, which I have still, but I'm worried about the fact my uncle submitted fraudulent information and how I'm gonna be penalized. What will the EDD do when I don't submit and income documents? Will I have to pay heavy fees for this?

    TL:DR I was dumb and thought I qualified for the PUA program. Had a family member apply for me and find out fraudulent information was used. I'm worried about the repercussions and fees that will follow.

    submitted by /u/jcoop343
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    How would I be able to get a divorce out of a Covenant Marriage with out meeting any of the conditions for the divorce?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:54 PM PST

    I am in a Covenant Marriage but I would like to be divorced. How would I do this if none of the conditions for Covenant Marriage divorce in Arkansas are met? I do not want to stay married. My husband will not ever agree to divorce. I'm not even living there any more but I know him and my parent's will try to convince me not to divorce. No one ever told me what a Covenant Marriage was and I was 16 and did not know myself. I also don't have money for a divorce lawyer I am still working towards my GED so I might have to do everything on my own with out a lawyer

    submitted by /u/wantcovenantdivorce
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    being forced out of our Home Contract.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:32 PM PST

    Hello, me and my dad who is a 59 Year old Vet, are in the process of moving and we ran into a very serious situation where we could be homeless. as of right now we are living in a Poor Condition (Fixer Upper) Trailer that we sold to a family for 10000. We told the family upon purchase that they should be able to move into the home by the 1st of December, we already made an offer on a new house that was accepted and everything was going smooth. We made a Contract saying that we will be out by or before the 1st of December. But the house that we bought had to be fixed up ( orders from the VA) so it could pass Inspection.

    The people fixed the house and it passes inspection, but it took them so long to fix the house that the closing date had to be Pushed forward 2 times. and we agreed to it because the real estate agent said that we should still be in the house by the 1st of December. The people who own the house also have some things that are left in the house such as a few beds and a single dresser along with some random junk in the basement. (Not a-lot of stuff at all, the house is 90% Empty).

    We Closed on the house on the 20th of November then 3 days later we get a call from our Real estate agent saying that the owner of the house said we "should" be able to move in on the 25th, so we rented a Uhaul and started packing our things to move on the 25th. The 25th comes around and i call our real-estate agent who says that the people aren't answering their phones because Thanksgiving. Ok no big deal i thought, ill just call them tomorrow. So the next day i call the real estate agent again and ask if we can move in and she says that we have to wait another "week or so and that's not guaranteed" and its already the 27th and the people who bought our house have to be in by the 1st by contract. we explained this to our Real-estate agent who proceeded to say it was ok, but now its clearly not ok. because thanks to her and her False information that we should be perfectly fine. We are now going to be either homeless, or facing a Lawsuit for Eviction. and me and my dad have nowhere to go and we cant do anything because the people whos house we bought still have 24 days to move the stuff out so we can move in. I don't know if their is some law that stops people from just being Homeless Especially a Veteran in this kind of situation, When we got screwed over by our own Real-estate agent and the peoples house we bought Arnt actually living in the house, they already moved to a different house that they are currently living in, so we have absolutely no idea what we are suppose to do.

    submitted by /u/Independent_Bonus925
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    Competing Escalation Clauses

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:18 PM PST

    We just sold our house in Colorado and are in the process of purchasing one in Michigan.

    When we sold our house in CO we had 3 offers:

    1a) $330,000.

    2a) $325,000 or $1,000 above the next best offer up to $340,000.

    3a) $330,000 or $3,500 above the next best offer up to $345,000.

    So we closed at $333,500 because offer #3a beat the "next best offer," 1a, by $3,500.

    We asked our CO realtor why 2a wasn't the "next best offer." She said because we would have to use the LOW end of the range of offer 2a, $325,000, and therefore the straight offer, 1a, was the second best.

    We just put in an offer for a new house; let's call it offer 1b. There was a competing offer, 2b:

    1b) $300,000 or $3,000 above the next best offer up to $315,000.

    2b) $295,000 or $2,500 above the next best offer up to $310,000.

    So we were told by our MI realtor that we win the house for $313,000 because we beat the next best offer by $3,000 more than the HIGH end of the competitor's range.

    Which realtor is right? And if it's the MI realtor (who I'm more inclined to believe because she's been in the industry for 20 years) is there anything we can do still even though we already closed on our house in CO?

    submitted by /u/Dany-Stormborn
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    Friend took illegal substances, but got raped.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:26 PM PST

    I figured this was an alright place for this and I'm sorry if it's not. I'm new to Reddit in general but could not find anything anywhere else about this issue.

    My friend is an underaged girl, 13, from Ohio, who recently went out with friends to a trap-house. She took acid, which is obviously illegal and awful for such a young age. However, the problem here is that her ex's older brother, 19, took advantage of her while she was under the influence. I don't see how she could press charges without incriminating herself and I doubt she'd want to especially if that's a risk.

    I feel so helpless after learning about this and of course I'm not trying to force her to share her story or report anything but I'm just wondering what could be done in this situation.

    submitted by /u/needhelpbad5326
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    I live in turnersville nj 08012. My car was hit by some old lady

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:03 PM PST

    It was her fault and insurance sent me to a place that I picked from the list. I picked the closest shop. They had my car for a total of 4 months.

    They gave it to me every month and I would see things that were not fixed. Finally the 4th time I tried to pick it up I saw that they painted the inside of the door with the some sticker on it n just painted over it.

    I was done. I was upset 4 months and they can't fix it. I called my insurance flipped sh*t and they told me to pick my own shop.

    I picked my own shop 2 days later they sent pics of all the wrong things other shop did, such as not painting the back of the panels. Leaving air bag plugs on the floor not attached to the walls. Most importantly the frame was a " banana "

    Insurance came saw it was a bent frame n totaled the car. I'm waiting for a quote and in the mean time the said they will not renew my insurance due to my language used (misrepresentation they called it)

    Do I have a case against the original guys who let me drive out with a bent frame?

    submitted by /u/Gplock
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    Solar Scam California

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:31 PM PST

    We got solar nearly a year ago and a panel did not work about 2 months in. We have tried to contact installers for almost 8 months to fix this but they always say "we're looking into it" or say "we'll be here tomorrow", etc, but never do anything. I'm sure in the contract there is some sort of promise to maintain and fix the panels. I was really dumb since I chose some advertised Yelp installer who paid for good reviews. I wonder if leaving a review on yelp would even do anything cause they would just pay to remove it.

    What legal action can I take against the installers?

    Also, for those considering solar: they will always advertise to you, that it can generate $X dollars of electricity per month. But never tell you that it'll only be 1 month out of the year and the other half of the year you'll generate only a QUARTER of that.

    submitted by /u/ragequitx
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