• Breaking News

    Friday, November 27, 2020

    Legal Advice - Update [Fired for following company policy]

    Legal Advice - Update [Fired for following company policy]

    Update [Fired for following company policy]

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Quick update to my post.

    My colleagues and I were pressured into resigning and again accused of time theft. One of my colleague did resign, but the rest of us decided we would consult an employment lawyer instead. Our employer got wind of that somehow (I suppose one of my colleagues couldn't keep their mouth shut) but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing because they changed their tune completely. We were told that the company doesn't need us anymore, which means we're still losing our jobs, but we're not fired for cause, no accusations of time theft. The VPN thing is now a "lack of communication between departments". I was offered a decent severance package (I don't know about the others, but I think they got it too). That's something at least. I think it still could be argued that there's age discrimination at play here, but I'm not sure if it's a fight worth fighting. Actually I have reasons to suspect that the company isn't doing well at all. Time to dust off that resume I guess.

    submitted by /u/WilsonJF
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    My job is telling me that “satanism” is not allowed?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    Let me start off by saying, I'm agnostic. I don't have any particularly strong religious views, but I grew up religious and I have nothing against anyone who does. I have several coworkers who are very Christian, their cubicles have tons of crosses, Bible quotes, and other Christian decor. Recently I lost my mom, and I had several coworkers sending me messages that they would be praying for me. Again, this doesn't bother me in the slightest because everyone is entitled to their own religious beliefs. I work in the back office of a credit union and never see any customers. Headquarters is specifically designated for employees. I'm very into taxidermy and Halloween-ish decor. I have a few animal skulls that I've collected and cleaned myself around my desk and some gifts other coworkers have gotten me because they know I like this stuff (a tiny coffin, a mummy figuring, things like that). Well a week ago my sister bought me a very small tapestry (about the size of a sheet of paper) with the words "as above so below." I placed it next to my computer and then received an email from management asking me to taking it down. I was a little off put by this. When I asked why, they said because it was sacreligious and therefore not allowed. I asked if anyone with religious decor would have to take their stuff down and was told no. Can they legally do this? This is not a small business. We're a large credit union with branches in several states and HQ has about 300 people working in it. I'm planning on leaving the job soon since I graduated college and am moving into my field, so I took it down as to not upset anyone I might be wanting to use as a reference, but is this allowed? If I refused to take it down and they fired me would I have a course of action?

    Edit// I live in Washington state

    submitted by /u/throwaway553357
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    Legal Drug Seized By CBP (USA/PA)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:05 AM PST

    I recently got a letter from the United States Customs in border patrol that claimed my package valued at $0.50 was sized at JFK Airport under the federal analog act. The package was actually $150 and is 2-FDCK. 100% sure the package is legal and I use the package for research purposes and even got it approved by my doctor as to not pay $1000's of dollars for research treatment and testing. The package again is not regulated by any law that I have found in my extensive research of the substance. I have also consulted with a grad student becoming an attorney a year ago and I understand they are not an attorney as of yet but from weeks of research, he said I was fine. I appreciate any advice and if more information is required please let me know and I'll be glad to give them in more detail.

    submitted by /u/Gmanc2
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    Makeup company sold items for cheaper due to the promo code, now asking to make up the difference via PayPal

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:44 PM PST

    (I'd like to note that I'm not in a dire need of advice, but I am quite curious about the legal side of the situation, so I would appreciate your input). Also, apologies if I didn't tag this correctly.

    I'll try to be as clear as I can:

    • Yesterday for a Black Friday sale a makeup company had discounted some of its items up to 50%

    • As I and quite a few other customers found out the sale was "stackable" (aka you got the coupon discount on top of BF discount) with a discount code that we had received from a beauty subscription box. The code was for 25%.

    • The order proceeded as normal, and I have received a confirmation email.

    • Fast forward to today, the company sends an email to everyone who used the code that the code will not be honored because double discounts aren't allowed (it's possible that was mentioned somewhere although I don't remember seeing that) and presents two options: either reply "cancel" to the email so that they will cancel the order and the customer will receive a refund or the customer needs to send them the difference between the non-coupon and coupon sale prices via PayPal.

    Now onto my questions:

    • I've immediately contacted them to cancel as soon as I received the email (there was no deadline by when to respond), but I still received a shipping notification a few hours later. If the order somehow arrives here I'm planning to immediately return it. My question is - could I still be charged the price difference in the meantime?

    • A number of customers have decided to "wait and see" - aka ignore the company's email and see what happened. Could they be charged the difference to their payment method without their consent?

    • Is it common/legal for the company to ask to "make up the difference"? I'm asking here not because I don't think the company deserves the money or because I think me or the other customers deserve the items for a cheaper price, but because I thought the common approach was to simply cancel the mispriced order on the company's end.

    Thank you for your help :)

    submitted by /u/SnooBananas3878
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    Fired by Laboratory that knew my Covid Pos result before I did

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:30 PM PST

    I was just fired over the phone by the laboratory I work for. I missed days this week due to strange, painful symptoms. Turns out those symptoms were due to Covid. The laboratory I work for is the testing site for my test in particular and knew my results before I did. What can I do about this? Is this legal?

    Edit: Location South Dakota

    submitted by /u/pewpew_poopoo
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    Landlord forcing us to move after new tenants moved nextdoor due to my partner being a sex offender.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:40 PM PST

    Obligatory "throwaway for obvious reasons,"

    I'm assuming we're screwed, but it's worth a shot—

    Anyways, my partner is on the registry in TN. We have one person that shares a driveway loop with us. Our last neighbor was great. She never caused any issues. Ever since these new people have moved in, there have been nothing but issues.

    We literally haven't done anything to these people. But after they moved in, our landlord started hounding us for things that were just so dumb I honestly can't remember what they all were. I think the grass was too high one time (we live out in the middle of nowhere and the neighbors house was actually higher), my car broke down and I was working on it behind our house and someone called and complained that it looked trashy since I couldn't finish it in the same day... just stupid stuff. Things that she's never had a problem with before.

    So tonight, I get a call with her saying "I forgot that ___ was on the sex offender registry. I received an anonymous phone call saying that a sex offender lived there and I just can't have that anymore. There are kids living next door now so I just can't have that."

    There are other families that live nearby and we've never had an issue.

    Our landlord only owns these two houses, and suddenly knows everything that we're doing since the neighbors moved in, I think it's pretty likely that they made the phone call. Nobody else nearby has anything to do with our landlord.

    I'm assuming that we can't really do anything since it's her house but it's just already stressing me out. It was a nightmare finding a place for the both of us to live last time.

    Our landlord has never had any issue with us until these new people moved in. She's always complimented us on how well kept it is, how clean it is inside, we always pay rent on time... it just sucks.

    submitted by /u/anon47277362
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    Prescription medication in the work place

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 02:14 PM PST

    Forgive me for the formatting I'm on mobile. This is a throw away account in case my boss finds it. Also, so that legal advice can be specific: I live in Colorado

    Background: I have a medical condition called triageminal neuralgia. It causes extreme facial pain which is nearly unbearable without medications. I've been on Gabapentin and amitriptyline since halfway through last year and have taken them without side effects or any kind of impairment. I recently got a new job working at a record store, where the only other person working is my boss and the owner of the store.

    The issue: today, I was a bit tired at work. We opened five hours earlier than usual and, since last night was thanksgiving, I didn't go to bed until quite late last night. I was exhausted this morning because of this combination of factors. My boss requested to know what medications I take when she noticed I was lagging and I answered without realizing she had no right to ask me since it doesn't affect my ability to work. She declared that my medications are sleeping medications and that I could not work while taking sleeping pills and sent me home from work. She texted me after I left stating that I would not be allowed to return to work until I'm off the medications. Is this legal? What can I do in response to this ultimatum? I cannot stop taking these medications since they're the only things which really give me relief from the pain the triageminal neuralgia causes.

    submitted by /u/Sure-Possibility-757
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    Pandora Refuses to Remove my Music! Help!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:10 PM PST

    Hello everyone.

    Recently I have been engaged in an effort to remove some of my older music from Pandora.com

    Long story short I am a musician from Colorado in the USA and recorded an EP years ago that was just awful. Just completely the worst, most embarrassing project I have ever been a part of. This was several years ago when I was much younger and since then I gone on to become a full-time working musician. (You can understand my frustration as I do not want this abomination of a project representing me online!) I have scrubbed the internet far and wide of the embarrassment that was this EP however it still remains on Pandora. This is my 3rd attempt over a period of several years trying to have the EP removed from Pandora, however, every time I contact them they claim that they will not remove my music saying they have the right to keep it under the Section 114 compulsory license for sound recordings. As a little bit of background, I did not distribute the music to Pandora through a 3rd party like distrokid or CDbaby, but instead submitted it to Pandora directly. Additionally, I do own the copyright to the sound recording of the EP in question.

    Please let me know if you know anything about the legality of what they are doing or if you have any advice on what I can do to resolve this situation. I would rather not have to resort to hiring a lawyer to have this handled but at this point, I am desperate to have this music removed.



    submitted by /u/markdambrosiomusic
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    Surprise PayPal payment

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:33 PM PST

    Wisconsin. I received a sketchy-looking email today telling me about a payment I'd received. Yeah right. So I sign into PayPal (didn't click on anything in the email of course) and sure enough, there's a surprise payment with no details about what it's for. Just the persons name and address. The amount is under $500

    I'm worried that it's a new form of refund scam so I haven't touched the money. I haven't gotten contact from the sender. I did send them an email letting them know about it so that they could request a refund from PayPal.

    PayPal says I've got 180 days to issue a refund. Is there anything I should be watching out for during that time? Is there a point where it'd be safe to refund the money if the sender doesn't take action? Anything else I should be doing other than what I've already done to protect myself?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Rapdactyl
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    I work at an Indian casino and the non-natives are about to be let go (allegedly ) Is this really 2020?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:45 PM PST

    USA NY State.
    Hello, I work at an Indian casino. Due to COVID-19 business has taken a turn for the worse. Rumor has it that the higher ups have mandated that for the table games department, all the non-natives are to be terminated and to keep only Native American workers regardless of seniority or work history. Allegedly the director of that department is refusing because all of his most seasoned workers who really know their job are non-native.

    Myself personally, ( I work in a different department) I have been told by my manager that I will likely have to move to graveyard shift to allow a native worker to go to day shift, which I have worked really hard for the past 14 years to achieve. This other worker has worked less years than I have and had a poor work record. Mine is nearly spotless.

    I am well aware there is a "native preference" that was originally created to help the native community which falls under some kind of "native sovereignty ".

    My question is how is this ultimately not straight up racism? I live is the USA and it is 2020, not 1950. How the hell is any of this legal? Isn't racial discrimination illegal no matter how you slice it? If I get terminated due to my race is there really nothing I can do about it?

    submitted by /u/mpgcollins13
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    Ex Brother in Law is trying to take my home in Divorce

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:13 AM PST

    Said house in question is a tiny house, we were making payments on a shed, my husband and father converted it into a house. House is on family property. My sister received court papers today and in the papers my soon to be ex brother-in-law filed they have a joint house together, but the house is my house that I am letting my sister stay in during the time that we are stationed in California. They were renting originally, they did not sign papers just verbal agreement that they would make the monthly payment and could stay there as we were out of the state. They only made two payments and then they couldn't so I agreed to just keep making the payments myself and let them stay there. Then they wanted to just out right by it for me I gave them a price and they never came up with the money so My husband took a personal loan and finish paying it off so that we wouldn't have that huge payment. So the paperwork that was sent to us has myself as the sole owner. Is there any chance a judge would actually rule in favor of my ex brother in law and give him the house? We are stationed in California and said drama is happening in Alabama. Sorry for the run on sentences anxiety has kicked in.

    submitted by /u/Zzzstreet
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    An old brick wall fell onto my car and several others due to high winds, and the owner of the wall says they aren’t liable

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:11 PM PST

    My building's parking lot and the building behind it were separated by an old brick wall that was likely built in the 70s or 80s. Due to high winds the other week on Saturday, the wall that was there came down onto 8-9 cars, mine included. Most cars had roughly 12 bricks fall directly on top of their car hood/windshields.

    I'm told that it's likely going to be considered "an act of god" under the law, similar to a tree falling from a neighbors lawn. However, I feel as though high winds shouldn't be able to knock down a brick wall that is supposed to be next to 8-9 parking spots. What if that happened during the day, and someone was in their car? I'm pretty ignorant on all of this stuff so I feel like they are probably right. But I just wanted to check with you guys.

    Edit: NJ, USA

    submitted by /u/Reddituser42069
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    Neighbor lady harassing us

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:55 PM PST

    I live in Portland, OR in a Duplex. One of our neighbors has been repeatedly running out our next door neighbors (other side of the duplex) She goes out of her way to harass them by calling the cops and our landlord for numerous things. Our neighbors from a few months ago already left in the middle of the lease because of her and our current neighbors are looking to leave now too. Both my household and the other side of the duplex household play guitar/drums a couple times a week for maybe an hour at a time at a reasonable noise level. Also we never play after 9pm. We have talked to the other neighbors and told them to contact us if we are ever too loud, and we have also tried talking to her the same way but she refuses to and says anytime she hears anything she calls the cops and our landlord. For the first 6 months that we have lived here we played music with no problem with her because she was busy harassing the first duplex neighbor we had(he was a freelance traveling mechanic). She would constantly yell at him for his occupation for whatever reason, telling him it was illegal. One time she wrote up a warning pretending to be our landlord and put it in his mailbox. Also took pictures inside his house trying to prove that they had a cat. But now that our new neighbors play music she is harassing both them and us, even though it was never a problem before. We are unsure about how to go about this but it sucks because we are trying our best to be reasonable with all our neighbors including her yet she is doing this to us. One of the other neighbors on the block said she has run out 5 or 6 different tenants from this Duplex.

    submitted by /u/KurtKobeLane
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    Need help! Arrested 119 days ago and still haven’t heard anything

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:00 PM PST

    I (19) was arrested by the PA state police on July 31st this year and was told by the police that I was being charged with possession and paraphernalia of marijuana (title 35 780113 section 31&32 paraphernalia) and prohibited beverages (title 75).

    When the police asked about weed I admitted I had it, however I didn't know my bf had left a drink in my bag from the beach the day before. The police ended up impounding my car, put me in cuffs, fingerprinted me, and took my mugshot.

    On the ride over to the station the officer who arrested me asked me what I wanted to do with my life, and when I told him he said he would recommend ARD to the judge for me so that I wouldn't have a record.

    Well it's been almost half a year since then and I'm getting worried I missed something. They didn't give me any paperwork and whenever I call they tell me that the weed is still being tested.

    I know things are backed up because of Corona right now, but is there anything I should do? Is it possible that the cop thought he scared me straight so he didn't actually file charges?

    submitted by /u/throwawaymaryjane913
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    Driver information in a UHaul Hit and Run

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:16 PM PST

    I was hit by a UHaul truck back in October in Maryland only to find that my deductible will not be recompensated after the case was reviewed. With insurance failing me and the UHaul insurance saying that their driver is claiming to never have been in an accident, what can I do? Is there anyway for me to get that driver's info from the insurance company? The driver fled the scene. I sent pictures of the UHaul truck and it's plates that hit me as well as photos of my car damage which clearly has the paint of the UHaul on it. I really just want my deductible back.

    I guess it is impossible to prove this person did it but shouldn't there be UHaul receipts for when and the condition of the return of the UHaul?

    I can't stand knowing that Uhauls insurance is backing a criminal's lie.

    submitted by /u/sopranos410
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    Fighting this speeding ticket

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:38 PM PST

    Hello! Last Tuesday I (19) received a speeding ticket. Unfortunately, it is my third in 12 months and a misdemeanor in my state (Ohio). I have had my license for 3+ years and never had a ticket before this year, 2020 sucks. Now I believe the this ticket is bogus for the following reason. I was caught going 50 in a 35, but on a road that people commonly speed on. There was moderate traffic traveling around 45+ mph. I was behind a group of cars and slowly approaching them at the 50mph mark. The cop was traveling in the opposite direction, we were both in our respective left lanes. He was surrounded by other vehicles, but as he saw me he flicked his lights on and did a 180. Vehicles in the distance behind me were gaining on me going faster than 50 mph, but it felt like I was the first vehicle he was able to turn around and pull over without hitting another vehicle. He read my speed via radar while moving. Additionally, I feel like I was mildly profiled for my vehicle, a 2007 Civic Si with tinted windows, something that looks faster than it really is. Weather was not an issue, it was dry and sunny out. The officer also told me I would not have to appear in court and that I could pay my ticket online, but when I try to do so it says "Ticket is not payable online," not sure if there is anything I can do with that.

    I really think this ticket is ridiculous, but I have a court date set for Tuesday. I would really like to get it thrown out but I think I need more to my argument. Ohio State law says " No person shall operate a motor vehicle at a speed greater or less than is reasonable or proper, having due regard for the traffic, surface, and width of the street or highway and any other conditions, and no person shall drive any motor vehicle in and upon any street or highway at a greater speed than will permit him or her to bring it to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead." I believe my speed was reasonable given the surrounding traffic, and I was still at a more than reasonable distance behind the next vehicle to stop if it was necessary (It wouldn't have been).

    Any advice or experience would be awesome. I don't know how the judge is and this is my first time having to go to court so I am not sure what to expect, but I am not going out without a fight. Hopefully I won't get the maximum sentence of 60 days in the slammer.

    submitted by /u/LoftedJester
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    Started a partnership LLC, considering legal action against partner that abandoned the project

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:30 PM PST

    Basic details, I'm not sure what is and isn't important, sorry.

    Had been planning on starting a rental property/flipping company off and on with a buddy for some time. Committed to the idea and bought a fixer-upper house. Tentative plan was for both of us to move into the upstairs bedrooms (he never moved in, remained at his parents ~10 minutes away), the business partner would do the fixer-upping (as he has some experience with it), while I learned from him and handled the financial and administrative portions of the business.

    Eventually formed an LLC as a vehicle of renting the two ground floor bedrooms, despite the house still being unfinished (the tenants were aware of and comfortable with the house being in-progess), because eight months in, my business partner had sanded and painted about half of the ground floor. The house at this point is a bunch of half-finished messes and I've put in about $160k between the property, bills, taxes, etc. Certainly not getting my money's worth.

    At this point, my business partner starts borderline-ghosting me. Maybe a message every few days. I've been incredibly patient, but this is the third time I've gotten on him for not fulfilling his obligations to the business, specifically for the lack of progress on the house. A week later, I inform him I'm planning to dissolve the LLC (I've filed for it at this point, but I'm still working on getting him to sign off, despite agreeing to; can remove the "borderline" now), planning to just reconfigure it as a solo venture going forward.

    My "basic" question is this: can I sue for abandonment of duties to get the house repairs at least partially funded by him, since he didn't fulfill his obligations to the business? If so, is this still an option once the LLC dissolution is signed and filed?

    Thank you in advance to anyone that can offer advice!

    submitted by /u/AgentSports
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    Can my employer require me to sign over tips for lost product?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:07 PM PST

    I work for a legal dispensary in California. Today I was forced to sign a paper that states that if my register station is short any products, the amount of the product comes out of my tips.

    The interesting thing is, that managers are the only people allowed to swap items from our stations and we cannot move items between stations ourselves.

    Isn't this illegal? I would assume this falls under the cost of doing business and they assume it's customer theft but employees shouldn't be responsible for loss or breakage, that's part of doing business with consumers.

    Thanks for any help/ replies!

    submitted by /u/monochrome444
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    My ex was viewing Child Porn.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:09 PM PST

    This is a long story, with a lot of details and I'm sure I'll miss some so please feel free to ask any questions for clarification. I'm posting this in hopes that someone can help me figure out if there's anything else I can do to find justice done to this man.

    I live in British Columbia, Canada. In 2017 I was dating a man for 2.5 years, who had cheated on me twice and attempted to a third time. Because of this there was definetely an air of distrust between us. At the begining of September I had a hard day at work, and to try and distract me we decided to go see a movie that night. After we got home, we went straight to bed as it was late. I'm normally a heavy sleeper, but that night I felt him get out've bed almost exactly at 3 a.m. It was definetely odd, as he wasn't the kind of guy to be considerate about being quiet but was definetely doing that this night. I stayed up quitely in bed, and he was up for an entire hour until coming back to bed.

    The next morning he worked earlier than normal and I had the day off so I got up, and pretty much right after he left I went onto his computer, one we were sharing at the time (separate users, but I knew his password to play games on it sometimes.) My assumption was he was talking to someone online, now actually trying to date someone else. I checked his social media messages, email, steam account. And there was no activity for when he was up the night before. I sat there confused for a bit, but decided to check his browser history. I saw that the night before he had gone on Omegle, followed by a bunch of dropbox links literally a minute after Omegle. I clicked the earliest dropbox link, and after clicking a folder was immediately hit with images and video files of child porn. Joint further investigation he had been viewing it for the past five nights in a row, seemingly with the same method of connecting through Omegle.

    I was in disbelief, but knew I wasn't going to be able to handle whatever came next well with how unstable I was mentally already, so I went to the doctor and was quickly prescribed a mood stabilizer which I started taking that day. I took the next three days to decide what I was going to do, as I had no point of reference of previous experience or stories about how to handle this best. Luckily I was watching a friend's cat while they were away at the time, so I made an excuse that the cat was sick and I stayed at my friends. After three days I decided to call the police, and reported it over the phone. I then had to meet with police twice over the next two days to describe in detail what happened, and in detail exactly what I saw.

    The police informed me they had never dealt with this type of crime before, but their plan was to write a search warrant which they told me should take three weeks maximum. At that point it would either get approved, meaning they could seize his laptop as evidence and take it from there. If it was denied, they said they would still come over to our apartment and tell him what he was reported for. I was hoping for the search warrant to be approved, but was fine with either outcome as it gave me an out of the relationship, safely.

    Over the next few weeks I had to move back into my apartment with him, and made an excuse I was severely depressed to sleep on the couch by myself at night, and that I needed space. Over the next few weeks I got a couple updates from police, however that the search warrant was taking long to write. Slowly, I started hearing less and less back from them in terms of updates, until eventually it got to two months since I had made my initial report, with no replies from the officers handling the case. I reached my breaking point by the end of October, and decided I was going to confront him. I still wanted to see him put in jail for what he had done, so I did some research and found that it would be completely legal to record a conversation between the two of us without him knowing. So I downloaded a HQ audio recording app on my phone, and waited till he got home.

    Once I confronted him, he didn't put up any fight or denial. He admitted to it basically immediately. So, I pushed for more. I asked him how long he had been looking at that kind of porn, and he said since he was 15. He was 27/28 at the time of confronting him. The conversation remained calm, surprisingly enough, and I kicked him out of the apartment (I had already taken his keys.) I immediately wrote an email to the cops and told them I had kicked him out, he had confessed, and I had recorded him doing so.

    When they replied days later, they told me that there was now nothing they could do as he no longer lived at the residence, and they could not confirm his new one (his parents house) as there was no mail proving he lived there and they didn't have the manpower to monitor his residence to see him enter it. So, I was basically told because I kicked him out that there was now nothing they could do. They never even mentioned the audio recording in any way.

    So, this was back in 2017, but this whole interaction still plagues my thoughts, I think for obvious reasons. I'm hoping someone can shed some light on what I can do to help this man see justice.

    submitted by /u/Fabulous_Secretary92
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    Looking for advice for neighbors

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:00 PM PST

    Summit County, Ohio (OH)

    I have been living in an apartment complex for five years. Recently, two brothers have moved in above me and it has been hell ever since. They're constantly fighting (physical fights as well as verbal fights) and often argue with their girlfriends too. They are constantly slamming doors or stomping around so badly it shakes our apartment, and they let their dog use the restroom indoors- and when they DO take her outside, they don't pick up after themselves. To make matters worse, recently they have begun leaving their dog in what sounds like a kennel (we can hear the bars rattling, and all the noises stay in one place) and the dog has begun barking and howling in distress for hours on end.

    We have discussed this all with the landlord, and they keep promising that they will 'talk to them' and get things handled, but it has only gotten worse. As of today, they dumped their dog's kennel mess (urine and fecal matter) through a hole in their balcony that landed it directly onto the railing of our balcony. My wife has several medical conditions that makes her very allergic to animals, as well as issues that make the constant fighting and shaking of the apartment very distressing.

    How can I handle this? I have already called the police on them once for the fighting, and they got off with a warning. I'm not sure how to address the dog issue either.

    submitted by /u/AnonAccount958
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    Apartment not providing internet amenities (IL)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:38 PM PST

    I live in Chicago, Illinois. My apartment building is supposed to provide free Comcast internet to all residents, as stated on our lease. It's been down for almost a week now, during Thanksgiving week no less, and they don't know when it will be fixed. I've been using my phone's hotspot, but there's only so much my phone plan gives until it gets throttled or we get overcharged.

    Is it within my renter's right to purchase a pass to Xfinity hotspot and then deduct it from my rent, or will I get in trouble? Internet is very much a essential amenity imo, and my husband and I absolutely need it for university and our jobs due to covid, since and we're technically not supposed to go to our campus/office and it's dangerous to do so anyway.

    Please let me know if there's a better place to ask this!

    submitted by /u/Zaea
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    [MI] apparently un-contestable ATT account, collections, and confusion.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:11 PM PST

    My wife had an ATT contract for her mobile device from 2014-2019. In July of 2019, we had decided to move her to Verizon with myself on a shared account. When we did this, we contacted ATT, setup to auto pay the final bill, and ensured we did not owe anything on her device ( she had her iPhone through the NEXT plan, and she wasn't sure if anything was still owed). ATT informed us that the device was paid in full,and did not have a remaining balance. These conversations we have saved as Chat Transcripts with their support personnel.

    Earlier this year, we got a call from a debt collector, who had stated they had an account from ATT in the amount of $418. We informed them that there must be some mistake, we filed a dispute and submitted the transcripts. That was the last we heard of it.

    Now a different agency is contacting us, with the same debt account. We explained everything again,and submitted the transcripts, but this time the dispute came back with ATT refusing the dispute. I have spent HOURS on hold, being transfered to different departments, and speaking to the next person in charge, and today was essentially by ATT told "the account is too old, we cannot look into records to find the discrepancy, the only thing you can do is settle with the debt collector".

    I am upset. I don't know what to do. I don't know what my options are or who to talk to. I would gladly pay it if I thought it was money we owed, but not knowing if it was an error on ATT's end, I feel weird about giving in. I feel that it is awfully convenient that I'm stuck doing the one thing that would directly benefit the entity that says I have no options.

    submitted by /u/Roughly_TenCats
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    I have a stalker and the cops arent doing anything to help

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:47 PM PST

    I've already told this story more times than I can count, so I apologize if this isnt as detailed as it could or should be.

    Basically, when I was 14, there was this dude who lived down the street from me. At the time, I didn't realize how weird it was that a 10+ years older dude always wanted me and my friends to come over and would let us smoke weed at his house and shit. He never tried anything back then, and never even made any verbal advances, so I just thought he was this nice neighbor guy. Fast forward to now, we had been friends on Facebook the whole time, but never talked until about a year ago. We catch up, even decide to hang out after all these years, and shit seems fine. We even hung out a couple more times afterward!

    But then.....(dun dun dun!!!!) I found out he was telling people that we were fucking dating... obviously I confronted him about this. Especially seeing as i actually had a boyfriend and he knew that very well.

    Yo, when I tell you his entire personality just flipped right then and there...fuck, do I mean it. He was no longer this polite dude that I've just kinda known vaguely for years. Nah, he dropped that whole act and IMMEDIATELY began sexually harassing me, telling me I just made an enemy, blah blah blah. Just all these extremely fucked up shit. That was about 6 months ago.

    Since then, he has:

    -texted me: way too many death threats and other threats, sexually harassed me more than I can even recount anymore, along with countless apologies for his actions and words, a fuckton of stuff about my current boyfriend and ex boyfriend, countless insults and other somewhat bully-esque things. And just way too many more things to even detail here.

    -calls me at least 5 times a week (but texts much much MUCH more and has even fucking emailed me...)

    -has come to my house to attempt to harass my FAMILY (I had to call the cops to get him to leave, but unfortunately, I hadn't told them about this before that, so they just made him leave and that was it, and I made a police report afterwards)

    -has somehow obtained my ex-boyfriends PARENTS HOME ADDRESS AND CELL NUMBERS and literally texted them their own address along with threats that's he's "gonna come for them"

    -has started sending mail to my house since I dont reply to his texts anymore bc I legally cant

    -has been told twice by two separate officers to stop contacting me (then, each time, both officers told me the exact same sentence: "I dont think he'll be bothering you anymore." Well, he still is...so...) (oh wait I almost left out the best part! The first officer literally laughed at me and tried to tell me it was MY FAULT because I had responded to his texts before)

    -has started messaging innocent friends of mine and attempting to convince them that he and I have had....shudder...relations....and legit tells them disgustingly detailed made up stories of how it supposedly went down

    Okay I'm just gonna stop there. I could literally go on for days about all the shit he does/has done. In fact he has texted me twice AS I was typing this. I obviously dont respond to anything since the police got involved bc now, neither of us are legally supposed to contact each other, but he has not stopped once. The police havent done anything more than call him and "have a talk with him." I obviously cant just go bash his head in like I wish I could (I'm sorry, this is obviously an exaggeration....kind of.....I'm so not a violent person and never have been....but after dealing with this shit for months on end....yeah I'm just on my last straw and have been for a long time now).

    So um...I guess my question is wtf can I do about this? The cops obviously arent going to take this seriously since he's not literally coming to cause bodily harm (except that one day but obv the cops came so nothing happened).

    Ohh my god and just as a fucking cherry on top of everything, he acts like one of those "I'm the joker, I'm pZyKo-KraZiie, dont f with me!!" people and the cringe hurts my soul so much.

    There are so many other details, obviously, but yeah...idk what to do. Obviously I'm gonna have to change my number (any time I block his number he just makes a new one), but he also knows where I live so that wont truly stop anything.

    Thanks for reading. I'm sure the story in this better belongs in r/stalker, but I'm not looking for emotional support or people with similar stories right now. I'll attempt to heal when this is over. I just need to get this fucking abomination to stop harassing me so I can get on with my life. Obviously a lot of what he's doing is illegal....yet the cops do nothing more than "give him a talk" and then tell me it's gonna be fine as if some dude, cop or not, telling him to cut it out will actually stop him...

    I'm going to look into getting a PPO, its just really hard for me to do anything right now. I'm beyond depressed, now have some kind of actual PTSD forming (I'm not even misusing that, my entire perspective on life is actually tainted from this experience, but I'm not gonna get into all of that rn of course), plus I work almost every day, and honestly am just plain exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally, so anything that involves a "process" is so unappealing to me. I dont even know how to get a PPO. The police told me to do it and that they would help me but just havent.

    This dude literally spends every day of his life just thinking about me and obsessing over talking to me or getting to me or whatever. Hes just fucking obsessed with harassing me and everyone around me. He clearly needs a fucking LOT of mental help or something.

    Thank you in advance for any advice. Sorry if I didnt express this the best, or if I repeated myself at all. As i said, i am extremely stressed by this and everything else I'm already dealing with in life, and just am desperate for help at this point.

    I ALMOST FORGOT TO MENTION THE PART WHERE he literally told me he "waited for me to grow up" 🤮🤮🤮 hes fucking 40 years old, by the way.

    For state laws purposes: this is in Michigan. My ex and his parents are in Indiana tho. I know they need to do their own PPO and stuff, but if anyone happens to have advice I can give them (if it's different from my state's), thatd be cool too.

    submitted by /u/NotAThrowaway1793
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