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    Thursday, November 26, 2020

    Legal Advice - Suing the police department for selling my truck (Tx)

    Legal Advice - Suing the police department for selling my truck (Tx)

    Suing the police department for selling my truck (Tx)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:40 PM PST

    So I'm wondering if I could sue the county I went to jail in for selling my truck without giving me a chance to get it out of impound. I went to jail for 95 days and with in those 3 months the "owner" was supposed to have been notified and allowed to pay to get the truck out of police impound. I took a $500 dollar title loan against my truck before I was arrested. I contacted the title company for the info on the truck and I asked if they were paid out by the county because they had a lean against the title. They informed me that the state never gave them their cut after auctioning off the truck. I called the police department that arrested me and they didn't have the tow company information of whom picked up my truck from the scene of the crime. I called around and spoke to a tow company representative who informed me that the police should have, take down all information, put in my record who towed my vehicle, after so many days I should have had 3 notifications about my truck and how to pay to get it out. The truck was under my father's name and his address and they never received any notice. I'm wondering if they dicked me over legally or what? Thanks for ya time

    submitted by /u/Chamudachamp21
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    Job is basically forcing me to come in to work even though I am COVID positive. I’m an RN. Please give me advice.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:28 PM PST

    Hello everyone.

    I am a 24/F RN based in California. On Thursday last week 11/19 I developed symptoms of covid- body aches, loss of taste and smell, cough, and just generally feeling weak. I work on a COVID unit at my skilled nursing facility so I suppose it came from there even though can't be 100% sure. I told my boss on Thursday of my symptoms and he told me "still come in and get tested next week". I said I just didn't feel very great and they didn't seem to care. I worked last Thursday and Friday, then Saturday I felt very sick and called in, same with Sunday. On Monday I got tested and told my work I was 100% sure I had COVID and that I wasn't feeling good and I wanted to confirm my test results before coming back.

    My work called me on Monday evening and said that since my symptoms aren't debilitating and I am physically able to stand and work, that if I choose to stay home sick even if I am positive for COVID, that I will not be awarded major covid sick pay. Meaning, I will not get paid for the 10 days I need off, so I can't afford my rent or bills.

    I told them I still feel weak and generally unwell, and they said unless I have a fever or am in the hospital I have to come to work because "there's work that needs to be done on the covid unit and you aren't a threat". I asked them what about my co workers who are negative and they said that as long as we are wearing masks and face shield, we are 100% protected. We also have a few patients on the "covid unit" who are negative but are just here because they need IV treatment. I told my managers I'm not comfortable with taking care of them since I'm now confirmed positive and they said I still need to because no one else can. I have been confirmed positive since Tuesday this week and have been working everyday since Tuesday including right now.

    Is this all legal here in California? I'm going to report to HR tomorrow but I just want to know if anyone has experience with this.

    TL;DR: confirmed positive covid nurse who is being forced to work.

    submitted by /u/needlegaladvicecovid
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    I've received a "cease and desist " from someone via Facebook messenger regarding my business name.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:18 PM PST

    This evening I received a C&D from an individual threatening legal action if I don't remove my Instagram account and change my business name. I have a two word business name, they have a 3 word business name. Their business name is mine but with the word gaming after it. I sell trinkets on etsy, they stream videos on twitch, but they insist I am impersonating them and confusing the public. Not only am i in a completely different industry, I'm also in a different state. FWIW, the C&D has several grammatical errors and was sent as a Facebook message. Should I be concerned or should I just ignore them. Easton, PA

    submitted by /u/WhiskeyNap
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    New roomate decided not to move in / pay rent on a house we rent. Is there anything legally I can do about it?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:55 AM PST

    (NH:US) Last month my old roommate moved out and had one of his friends take over his lease. This new guy, let's call him John, already signed for taking over my old roomate's part of the lease, and paid the security deposit and first month's rent. A few days after moving in, John decided he wanted to move in with another one of his friends because a room opened up at their house. I told John that he signed the lease at the house I live at, and his response was essentially "too bad I don't live there anymore." I told him if he wanted to leave that it was fine, but he needed to find someone to take it. His response was basically, "I don't know anyone; that's your problem." Now the first of the month is coming up, and John's made it clear he's not going to pay rent. I called the landlord, and he basically said that John and I both on the lease, so we both responsible if he doesn't pay, which disproportionately affects me because I'm the one still living there. Is there anything legally I can do about it? He signed the lease and decided not to pay it. Now I'm stuck paying basically twice the rent, so I don't get evicted. I'm trying to find someone else to take the lease, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen any time soon, and I can't afford to keep paying twice my typical rent.

    Edit: Added Location

    submitted by /u/RichHomieJake
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    (TX) Management at my restaurant are pocketing tips. Who can I report them to?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:52 PM PST

    My general manager and assistant manager have been sending servers home to take tables and pocket the money. They keep changing the "rules" for how much servers have to pay in tip out and how much bartenders and hosts receive from tip out based on random explanations that clearly goes against the defined guidelines. It seems shady as fuck. I have little proof other than the complaints of my fellow coworkers. Can a complaint cause an audit to discover how bad this might be?

    submitted by /u/WaterBenderEssy
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    USPS Insurance Claim Denied - USPS Says "Damage Not Caused by USPS

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:44 PM PST

    I have a video of a USPS employee throwing my parcels after I loaded them on the dock at a post office. He picked them up and hurled them across the dock into the cages for transport.

    USPS denied my insurance claim stating that the damage was not caused by USPS.

    At this point I appealed the denied claim stating I have video proof that my parcels were thrown, however, I have not received any response from the appeal.

    Do I have any options here?

    submitted by /u/theo5o
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    Can I legally be charged fees for feeding abandoned cats in apartment complex where I live?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:47 PM PST

    I've been renting here for eight years and have personally TNVRd cats abandoned by neighbors to mitigate potential overpopulation. (And mangled kittens - I just couldn't) The long-time once absentee owner has recently sold the property and new mangement has texted me to cease feeding the cats or pay a fine. No further information was requested or offered. I have no idea how much this fine is or how it is to be tallied, but I am aware they have videorecorded me feeding the kitties since the text.

    The prior owner never documented his consent for this arrangement but just asked me in August if I could find out if the kitties would use a communal litter box space. I told him I would look into it but now we are here. I have no idea if the current management knows anything about the situation but fear the ballooning of fees coupled with the prospect that they'll not extend a new lease to me when mine expires 11/31. I have requested the information and was told that it has not been determined that I'd be offered a new lease at this point.

    I have never been behind on rent and keep to myself. Aside from saving abandoned kitties, I have not distinguished myself in this apartment complex. It appears that I am being set up to have balooning kitty fees alongside being pushed out. I am in the process of seeking rehoming help for the colony - now eight kitties - and recognizing the signs of renogentrification around me. They apparently see the kitties as unsavory (wtf?!) while ignoring that I've helped control a problem in the making for them. I did receive one payment from a former property manager in recognition of what I was doing but that was years back. Can they legally 'fine' me? What can I do if they do so?

    submitted by /u/sanc2uary
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    My tenant is a mechanic, fixing cars in the garage even at night.. Are there any legal consequences and what could the neighbors do?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:36 PM PST

    I am renting a house to a tenant for 9 months now, and he has been fixing cars in the garage, which he had never told me he would do when signing the lease. Neighbors keep complaining to me about noises and many cars parked in front that house, besides my tenant arguing with customers at night...

    This is probably some extra info, but he is disabled and on ss disability as well as food stamps.

    I've talked to him several times about the noise and fixing cars at home, but nothing has changed. I don't know how to handle this and what to do know? Besides what could the neighbors do?

    submitted by /u/6jms6
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    My ex wants to sell our house but I want to stay in it and take over the mortgage

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Before I start, I live in the Netherlands.

    So me and my ex just broke up. We bought a house a year ago and after a while we noticed that the love wasn't really there anymore. We were planning to break up with no hard feelings and still carring about eachother.

    I really want to stay in the house. I should be able to put the entire mortgage on my name with my current salary. My ex sort of agreed, but told me that we do have to look into the overvalue, which is reasonable.

    Suddenly her parents are getting involved and they don't want me to keep the house. They insist on selling the house and my ex always listens to her parents. They are already planning some meetings with real estate agents without even informing me.

    I really want to stay here and just keep the mortgage and give her the 50% overvalue that the house currently has.

    What are the rules here? Do I have the rights to eventually get the entire house on my name? Or does my ex have the rights to decide that the house should be sold?

    We were not married or anything like that. It's just the house that is on both our names.

    submitted by /u/bartje001
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    Got my first check at my new job. Didn't receive credit card tips even tho I am receiving cash tips.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:13 PM PST

    I asked why and they said because

    'You're training"

    This was not something we discussed when they invited me on board.

    I estimated I'm missing out on 100$untaxed credit card tips. I've only worked 2 days last week.

    The first night I worked the manager said we did really good and made 550$ in credit card tips for the whole day.

    5 people worked the morning and 6 worked the evening. That Estimates 50$ per employee untaxed.

    What doesn't make sense that I could take cash tips home which no one else is going to claim on taxes but I'm not receiving credit card tips yet.

    So am I a employed or am I getting paid under the table until they are for sure I'm suitable for the job? I filled out a w4 and I9 and got a stub with my check. I feel employed without the credit card tip benefits.

    I feel utterly cheated on my labor working busy front of house those 2 nights and taking food orders 7 hrs straight during dinner rush. While earning the evening tips for the entire restaurant with my customer service skills.

    Now I'm wondering how long is 'training' to them because I'm replacing an employee who is leaving on Dec 10th.

    I've worked many jobs and have always been paid all forms of tips during training. This is very new to me.

    edit a word

    submitted by /u/iMelancholyKid
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    Changing Last Name to Mother’s Name

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:09 PM PST

    Hello! This is my first post to reddit in general so bare with me. I am 19F and I would like to change my last name to my mother's maiden name(which she legally goes by) instead of my fathers last name, which is what both me & my brother go by. I was wondering what to expect from this process so any advice would really be great. I live in NY, if that helps!

    For those curious, I simply like the way my mothers last name sounds more than my fathers, and i personally have a massive distaste for my father and his side of the family. I would not like to be associated with them any more than I have to.

    submitted by /u/mymulletissexyashell
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    how much trouble for working underage at a gas station?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:43 AM PST

    i'm 17 and i've been working at this gas station for about a month now. i know i'm not supposed to be but working under the table at a gas station is the only way i can make 700 a week ($12 an hour i work 60 hours a week) without selling drugs. legitimate places consider me a minor and don't let me work anymore than 3-4 days a week and that's not enough for me. the gas station owners think i'm 19. i wanted to know if a cop could just ID me while i'm behind the glass and just take me to jail. also what kind of trouble would i be in?

    submitted by /u/yungvoodoo24
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    [AZ] Getting custody of my SIL

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:58 AM PST

    My MIL has had sole custody of my wife (until she turned 18) and my SIL for well over a decade now. FIL barely pays child support and owes over 30k in back child support, and everything he does is with them for the showing off aspect, to the point he'll steal other peoples pictures and post them online saying he took them and he is the one spending time with his kids.

    My MIL might bedying, no one wants to admit it but she probably is. Due to a combination of different brain issues and other health issues. She wants me and my wife to get custody because we are responsible despite being 22, we make more money than the FIL (by over 2.5x), have the extra space where we live (got the extra space as a just in case), spend way more time with SIL, and SIL says she would rather us get custody than FIL because she doesn't like FIL.

    So I have two questions. Is there a fair chance we could get sole custody or whatever it would be called where FIL has no visitation rights unless approved by me and wife (aka asked for by SIL because we want it to be her choicr)? He has left wife in hotel rooms at 12 years old in very bad parts of town for hours and hours. SIL is 15 and we are worried he'll do worse with her since she's a bit older.

    And if there is a chance, what documents do we need to fill out now while MIL is of sound mind, and is there any we should fill out later when she is not?

    I know the answer to the first question is speculative and as such answers will be based off of opinion, and no one here is my lawyer. I just want opinion for that. For the second one I'm sure there are specific forms we need to fill out so that I believe I can get a factual answer.

    For a third question, would I fill those forms out with a lawyer, or just a notary, or what? I know my wife, me, and MIL will need to fill out the forms. Should my SIL too stating she would prefer us get custody inside of FIL? Would that help?

    Edif: in case it helps, FIL has over 18 Pay Day Loans, has never held a job for more than a few years, has had over 5 cars repoed (one as recently as this week), and has virtually no savings, making less than 30k a year, whereas I have two college degrees, no real debt other than our new car and some student loan debt ( in total net worth is >-50k), save for 401k @ max match and save for HSA @ max yearly contributions.

    submitted by /u/makians
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    First Time Home Buyer

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:50 AM PST


    I paid an Earnest Money Deposit for a home in North Carolina, earlier this year. I signed a standard "Offer to Purchase and Contract - New Construction" contract. This contract specified the price and lot #. It is a very vague contract which does not specify build completion dates etc.

    The builder has provided us blueprints which have been approved by the county.

    We paid 4-5 months ago (expecting the build to begin shortly after) and the house has yet to break ground. Recently he reached out saying he requires more money for increased material prices. Basically he is suspending the build indefinitely.

    Do we have any sort of legal advantage in this situation? It is just frustrating because we resigned our apartment lease for this home, instead of purchasing other options. To clarify, he is offering the deposit back; however, this does not really seem sufficient. Mainly because this money was most likely used to fund his business for free. Additionally, we had to resign a contract with our apartment and miss out on other home buying opportunities (appreciation in a rapidly growing city).

    I have access to a family attorney;however, I don't want to go that route before gaining an understanding of my rights.

    submitted by /u/CLT_CPA
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    Naive sister started work under the table at a Surgery clinic, also stupid for quitting and then complaining about the office- now they want her to sign a confidentiality settlement

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:15 PM PST


    Sister is young and never had a real job, starts working at a medical clinic in the uppity part of town. They dont make her sign anything or even write her paystubs, just a check w| her name on it every week.

    Sister was unhappy there and quits, expresses her grievances to other employees and possibly clients.

    Clinic confronts her to cease. She does. Deletes everything like they never existed. Sister tries to collect last check in person, check is withheld until she signs something. Sister says forget it.

    Sister is now contacted to sign a confidentiality settlement and to respond within 10 days by a healthcare attorney.

    Does she have to sign? I have a copy if need more info, just dunno what i can and cannot say to not make situation worse. This is not the talk I was ready for.

    submitted by /u/secretsoflemonlym
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    Malicious Tenant from hell, have no idea if I can evict?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:51 PM PST

    Let me preface this by saying I am posting it for a friend of my parents, will try to explain the situation the best I can.

    So a couple of months ago my parent's friends rented out their basement to a person in Ontario, Canada, on a verbal agreement (no lease signed). At first everything seemed do be ok but about 3 weeks ago the landlords mother came to visit from out of province and that's when the hell started. The Landlord's mother who is well into her 80's is staying in the guest room above the tenant. Immediately after she moved in the tenant began to complain that the landlords mother was making too much noise. So they moved her to the family bedroom. Evidently that wasn't enough because the complaints kept rolling in noise complaints every day, and the tenant even went so far as to call the police multiple times, as well as file a report saying that the mother came down into the basement and stole her things. The claim was dismissed but that hasn't stopped the tenant from continously antagonizing them. The tenant is now running up their utility bill by turning on the heat at max level, leaving all her lights on and running the water continously throughout the day. It has gotten to the point where the landlord has even offered the tenant 10000$ Canadian just to move out but she refuses to do so. Is there any recourse here? I'm not familiar with landlord rights in Ontario but last I heard it was notoriously difficult to evict, doubly so during Covid. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LeeKaBal
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    My(31f) ex husband(34m) may be using a lawyer who is helping him fake full representation, or at the very least HAS to be fake.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:25 PM PST

    I am long divorced from my ex husband. He was abusive in every way and has been absent almost ever since (birthday party dad). Year 2 into a case that he has weasled into getting continuance after continuance for, and now he suddenly hires a lawyer.

    The night before the last pretrial hearing, I get rude emails and phone calls. I call the person back, who claimed to be ex's lawyer. Long story short, this dude was the one of the most unprofessional, childish, and rude strangers I have ever encountered.

    The guy didn't represent him in court, but filed a continuance and it was granted for bs.

    I filed paperwork to relocate a month ago in addition to the case. Served him through email (court ordered agreement in front of the judge that this was going to be our means of service). Everything filed on my end, served him, etc.

    Night before the recent status conference that was set to discuss adding the petition, his lawyer is suddenly on the call representing him. Keep in mind, ex never responded or called or texted me about the paperwork. This guy...

    He sounded drugged out or drunk- just like when I spoke to him a few months ago. He said he was sick and quarantined so he couldn't file a notice of appearance. Goes on to state he just found out about the status conf the night before, and the ex as well.

    So then he just went on about how full his schedule is, how he needs more time (judge asked 6x what exactly he needed that time for, because the second pretrial was already set and he went in circles). He used the entire alloted 30 minutes doing this.

    The judge continued it. My ex never responded to me about any requests I made for documents, or anything else including the petition to relocate. Didnt pay any child support (as usual). Tested positive on his drug tests.

    This lawyer interrupted the judge, took up the entire 30 min, and I just can't shake this very strong feeling this guy is bullshit in some way. I looked him up, his numbers match and he has a current law license.

    Btw: family coury case in AZ

    Advice? Routes? I cannot find a damn thing on this guy beyond lawyer sites and his site. No reviews, nothing.

    submitted by /u/Princess_Fox3
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    I sold a car with rolled back mileage I unknowingly sold the car with the wrong mileage.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:46 PM PST

    So I sold a 99 accord about a week ago. The owner before me told me it had 176k miles I didn't bother running a carfax. I fixed the car up and decided to sell it. The person who I sold it to told me it had the wrong miles what could I do? The car actually had 200k miles. Im in California would I be to blame or would the last owner be to blame.

    submitted by /u/Briant84300
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    How liable is a part owner of a company, who did not participate in the crime, if another part owner is caught embezzling money?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:36 PM PST

    Using made up names for individuals and businesses, there are 3 people who all are part owners of a company called HBP. Tim, Dick, and Harry. The company is being financed by a man named John. Tim is 49% owner of an offset of the main company called TKQ Maintenance. Dick owns the other 51%. Dick has been caught embezzling millions from John. How liable are Tim and Harry for federal charges to be brought against them?

    If more information is needed, I will be more than happy to provide

    Edit: Location- Reading, Pennsylvania, USA

    submitted by /u/centric37
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    Can a business refuse to accept a giftcard during the holidays w out previously stating that?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:15 PM PST

    TLDR: bought a $500 gift card from local boutique last week was able to use it until today & now they say they won't accept gift cards until Jan 15th.

    Long time lurker first time poster! I (25F) strongly believe in supporting local businesses. One way I kind of make myself do this is buying gift cards from them so I'm forced to continue to go back instead of opting for a cheaper chain. Here's where the issue comes in. I buy these cards in $500 increments. One of these business occasionally post "Sorry not accepting gift cards until XX date" which is normally a few weeks, I never thought much of it until I realized they only do this when coinciding w holidays or sales which is still understandable I guess but nowhere does it say that on the receipt, giftcard, or website. I found out today after purchasing a new giftcard last week to christmas shop (again $500!🤯) theyre not accepting gift cards from now until Jan 15th, well after Christmas. I'm not looking to raise a stink, and yes I'm going to stop shopping there and find new local stores. Obviously expiration dates are different But Reddit I just have to ask, is this legal? I've just never in my life experienced this before or heard of it. Thank you for any info! Honestly just curious because I can't find anything beyond expiration dates online. Again not going to make a fuss w the store! Just curious! Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/Reinadelasnubes
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    Police just knocked on my door

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:59 PM PST


    I need quick legal advice. I've just contacted a lawyer although I'm not not sure how this will go down.

    Cops knock on my door, say I've been accused of giving a girl a sexually transmitted disease and that I was the last person she slept with. She claims I have hiv. She asked me a while back if I had anything and I told her no Im clean. Police tell me I'm not charged but that I need to get a test and call them back because if I'm found to have anything I can go to jail. I called a lawyer and a paralegal answered the phone saying I shouldn't take a test and to get a lawyer so I went with them.

    Can someone explain what's going to happen I'm terrified.

    Edit: I went with a lawyer I'm just waiting for the attorney to call me. I just want an idea of how this will go down as I am really uncomfortable and shaking

    Edit 2: I'm not really sure why there are some.people claiming this to be take. This literally just happened. They were legit police officers.

    submitted by /u/largetu
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    Horse Trailer Storage, Landlord Now Wants $ - California

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:59 PM PST

    My friend has a horse trailer stored at a friend's house with his vehicle repair shop's contents in it. The so called friend said he could store it there as long as he needed. He never said a word about paying him for the storage. That was a year ago.

    Now the property owner hired an attorney who said that my friend owes him, the property owner, $200/month x 12 months plus all attorney fees ($900). Nothing in writing. The attorney said my friend must show up with the $3300 to get his possessions back. I was formerly a paralegal but I don't know what area of law this falls under. Landlord/Tenant? Commercial Law? The property the horse trailer is on is residential.

    submitted by /u/AsheboroWoman
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    Child Support

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:33 PM PST

    I got divorced March 2013 and was ordered to pay $400 a month. I moved out of state a month later and my ex decided to go to court. I had no idea she went to court. I kept paying and still pay her every month. Since I never stopped paying her she said she didn't go to the court appointment that was set July 2013. The state I was from now takes my tax returns and $400 a month out of my paychecks. She got a card that the money gets transferred to that she ultimately gave to me since I have been paying and never missed a single month. Is there anything I can do to get my state (Mississippi) to drop the case altogether?

    submitted by /u/12xander21
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