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    Thursday, December 3, 2020

    Legal Advice - [AR] Neighbor’s kids rode their bikes through my freshly poured concrete.

    Legal Advice - [AR] Neighbor’s kids rode their bikes through my freshly poured concrete.

    [AR] Neighbor’s kids rode their bikes through my freshly poured concrete.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:29 AM PST

    So I am new to this area, moved in late September. I have not met any of the neighbors, as I am trying to respect their safety with Covid, and honestly, I'm antisocial lol. There's these kids (3-4 of them depending on the day) around the ages of 10/11 a few houses down who are always out riding bikes and doing kid stuff. They've ding dong ditched me a couple times, ride in my yard/driveway daily, and attempt to block my vehicle with their bikes coming to and from my home, I guess as a joke. These aren't major issues for me, I just smile and wave as I am super easy going. Well, yesterday I had a very expensive plumbing job finished up with new concrete poured. Orange caution cones surrounding the repair and everything. Got home that evening and it looked great, was actually excited with how good they did. Woke up this morning to it not exactly ruined, but looks terrible. There's bike tire tracks zig zagging all through it, it was done right at the point the concrete was almost finished drying so it's not deep, just about a quarter inch of the surface is just destroyed. I do not have cameras, but I have a good idea who did it. I also know the parents of the culprits will not care. They enable the behavior by watching and laughing as their kids ride bikes towards moving vehicles. I'm honestly at a loss on this one, I was told not to approach the parent's home in case they claim I am trespassing. I planned to approach them in a very civil and respectful manner, but it's hard knowing they very likely will not care and could actually get me in trouble. I'm 22 years old, first time home owner, and grew up on a farm with no neighbors. This is all new to me, I'm considering just fixing it and crossing my fingers they don't do it again. My fiancé is much less calm about it, she views this as crossing the line, I am also leaning towards this being over the top. My end goal: fix this at my expense but prevent them from doing it again. So...any advice Reddit? Do I call the non emergency line, document it, and hope for the best?

    submitted by /u/MothaChicken
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    [Update] Ex-husband forged my name on a student loan

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:22 PM PST

    Here is my original post.

    I was able to get my name removed from the loan and the loan has been removed from my credit report!

    Here is what I did:

    1. I stayed in near-constant communication with Navient and I do believe that me being really honest with them and communicating nicely helped. They're just people doing their jobs.
    2. I made a police report against my ex-husband and the police dept never contacted me. The detective on my case never responded to my calls and emails (surprise). But it helped my case that I filed, so if this happens to you, just know that filing the report is a good step.
    3. I submitted my fraud paperwork/packet two ways and made copies for myself. There had been a snafu and they claimed they didn't receive it and I was able to confirm both methods of delivery and it was found.
    4. I know that the advice is typically don't speak to the other person involved, but I did reach out to my ex-husband and was able to get him to admit to what he did through email. I was able to forward the email to the fraud investigator of my case.

    This ordeal was so stressful but I learned a lot.I was really grateful to the Navient people that were so helpful and hardworking and who took the time to really investigate my case.

    If you're ever in a situation where someone co-signs your name on a loan without permission, these tips really helped me:

    1. Communicate kindly and respectfully to the loan servicer. They're just doing their job. I believe that this is one of the biggest things that helped me.
    2. If you can find a way to have the other person admit guilt, it might be worth it. If you need to think about your safety, definitely don't do this, but it might be worth it to prove your case.
    3. Keep a thorough paper trail once you report the fraud and fill out the paperwork perfectly. Include as much evidence as you can.

    And the biggest tip I can give:

    If someone co-signs your name on a loan, report them to the police immediately. Even if it's someone you love (or loved), a family member, a friend - report it to the police. I would have saved myself a lot of time and worry if I'd just done that.

    I'm so happy to be free of this burden. Thank you to those who commented.

    submitted by /u/thechrissie
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    UPS driver forged my signature on a very expensive package and I have spent the last few months running into dead ends with the claims department of both UPS, PayPal, and Louis Vuitton.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:12 PM PST

    Hello Legal Advice Community!

    Hoping some of the experts here can help me as I try to figure out what options I have to pursue legal action in this situation. I'll try to keep it short but here is the overview of the situation.

    Near the end of May I ordered a handbag for an upcoming anniversary from Louis Vuitton. The delivery ended up being delayed due to stock issues and it finally went out for delivery in the first week of June. At this time I was living in Chicago and civil unrest had made me uneasy about living at my apartment so I went to stay with my parents in the suburbs. While I was staying there the package went out for delivery. I figured I would get one of those "we missed you" slips and be able to pick up the package from an access point as soon as I got back to my place. To my surprise the package was marked as "Delivered and signed for my __my last name__".

    I am the only one with my last name that lives at or around that address, and it seems obvious to me that the driver just typed in my name off of the package and left it outside somewhere. The only way to get into the apartment lobby is with a door code or to be buzzed in, neither of which I had the ability to do from 20+ miles away.

    By the time I was able to get back the package was nowhere to be found. I called UPS and they said it could be a mistake and to see if it shows up in a couple days. This didn't happen and that's when I opened the first claim. I spoke to both UPS and Louis Vuitton who assured me claims would be opened. I let them both know I had supporting information, including text messages discussing me living at parents house and GPS data from my phone showing me in their house and around their neighborhood at the time of the supposed delivery. I was never contacted to share this information. I tried emailing, calling, and sending chat requests but to this day neither company has ever reached out to me to get this information. Every time I call I get the same response, UPS tells me to work through LV since they are the shipper. LV tells me they will have a claims specialist reach out to me to discuss the claim and share supporting documents. I have been through the "claims" process with LV now 3 times and each time the claim is closed before an effort is made to contact me. I feel lost in this whole process and now LV is saying I have opened the claim the maximum number of times.

    Since the timeframe to file a claim with PayPal is nearly up I started a claim with them. This time I was able to upload the supporting documents and typed out the entire situation but now they are treating it like a lost return since the UPS tracking says it was delivered to me. I have no idea what to do and have been trying to research what courses of action I may have to pursue this legally. I'm out a few thousand dollars and both UPS and Louis Vuitton don't seem to care enough to even contact me regarding the situation. So please r/legaladvice, do I have any options here?

    (Hopefully everything made sense, happy to provide any additional info, first time posting here!)

    submitted by /u/iwjhtbac
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    Girlfriend left But without her Daugther

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:33 PM PST

    Hello (WA)

    in 2010 I met my Girlfriend, she had a 2 years old daughter at the time. 8 months ago she left suddenly and since then I've been taking care of her daughter.

    the situation is that my GF has a History of drug abuse but got clean when she discovered she was pregnant. The father is completely unknown, ma GF's Father died a long time ago, her mother is in a care facility with terminal cancer and there are no siblings.

    2 years ago she had a relapse and started taking drugs again, I tried helping her get treatment and rehab but it ended in the situation that 8 months ago when I was at work and the daughter in school she packed her bags and just left.

    Now I do not want to send the daughter to foster care or give her up at all. I've raised her together with her mother since she was 2 and consider her my daughter as well. But I am not her legal guardian. I have power of attorney in case of a medical emergency because we set that up for school when she was 6 years old.

    This is not a missing person's case we know she is somewhere and alive but neither we nor anyone else can get in contact with her.

    How do I get Guardianship over the daughter, we are both worried (me and the kid) that if we contact the wrong person she will just immediately get removed.

    We are currently getting by on the fact that no one has asked if I am the guardian.

    My question is who do I contact, what kind of layer will I need, or generally if there is even a chance of making that happen with the mother being unavailable and probably on drugs somewhere? How do I get started on this?

    I do not want her to leave and she does not want to leave either.

    submitted by /u/latrwawy
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    (Illinois) Terminated due to "performance" prior to EOY bonus payout. All of my recorded performance discussions have been positive.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:56 AM PST

    I am in Illinois and have accepted an offer from a competing company in my industry. My background check and employment check have just come back all clear and today I received a termination notification, effective immediately due to "performance".

    All of my performance reviews have been positive. Additionally they are recorded and stored. I have personal copies of these reports as well. I believe I was terminated prior to end of year bonuses because my employer found out I had accepted a job offer at a competitor.

    In my offer letter a 10% bonus was part of my compensation and now I am being told that in order to receive the bonus I need to be an employee of the company "at the time of the bonus payout" which is later this month.

    I think it would be very difficult for my job to prove the cause was for performance when all of my reviews and documented discussions have been positive.

    submitted by /u/throwaway667553433
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    UK citizen held by family in US against her will

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:17 PM PST

    A friend of my family, a UK citizen, a woman in her seventies, came to visit her daughter and grandchildren, all US citizens, in Williamstown, MA.

    After a longer than expected stay due to the pandemic and several unrelated surgeries, my friend is willing to go back home to London, where she has a flat and a pension. However, her daughter decided that my friend has dementia and no legal capacity to make her own decisions, although there had been no such diagnosis and no legal challenge to my friend's legal capacity.

    Despite my friend repeatedly stating loud and clear that she wants to go back home, her daughter decided to keep her in the US, took away her passport and withdrew all the money from her card, effectively taking her hostage, although free to roam about Williamstown.

    Moreover, the daughter doesn't actually like her mother, which she has told me personally over the phone, and she doesn't want her to stay in her home, but wants to put her in a care home in another town nearby.

    My friend's English is not so good and she has trouble understanding people over the phone. Still, she managed to call Williamstown police, who so far seem to believe the daughter's allegations of dementia more than the mother's claims, although they have not asked for any paperwork to confirm the diagnosis of legal capacity. She is also in touch with the UK consulate in Boston, who are supposed to come back to her tomorrow with how they could get involved.

    I must mention that I've been watching my mother-in-law develop dementia over the last 12 years, and although I'm not a doctor I'm positive that my friend doesn't have it, and even if she's in the initial stages of it, she has at least five years before her legal capacity can be challenged in any way.

    Today the daughter found out that her mother had been speaking to me and my wife, and called me from her mother's Facebook messenger to tell me to stay out of this and threatened to cut her mother's internet access.

    To me all this looks like domestic abuse at the very least. My wife and I are worried sick about our friend. Please advise how can we convince Williamstown police to actively intervene, make necessary checks to establish our friend's legal capacity and ultimately make the daughter return her mother's passport and money so she can return home. Maybe there's something else we could do besides the police and British consulate? Any practical advice greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/somePaulo
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    City sidewalk reconstructed a foot lower than it used to be and no longer level with home entry walkway (Houston, TX)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:23 AM PST

    They've been doing construction in front of my street for a while now, but recently they've torn out the sidewalk. They've repaved the sidewalk these last few days, but the issue is that it is a whole entire foot lower than it used to be (before, there was no change in incline). Is there anything that I can do? I live in Houston TX and found this municode for Houston, but I'm not familiar with construction terms so I don't know if I'm necessarily out of luck on this one.

    Here are the Before and After Photos of the sidewalk: https://imgur.com/a/JtobOiy

    Edit: Included the notification in the gallery. Also, I've called 311 to submit a service request and gave them a WBS and description of the situation. I'm also planning on using u/aaronw22's advice and calling the project manager as well.

    submitted by /u/mozzarella_please
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    Huge water bill due to landlord mistake

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:14 PM PST

    Moved into a new house a month ago. It's in Texas so it has an irrigation system for the grass and plants. Last week I received a water bill for $1300 stating that I've used 80,000 gallons of water. My landlord sent someone over to look for a leak but instead they found that my irrigation system (which I have not touched) was set to use 70,000 gallons of water per month. The irrigation system even has a sheet of paper attached to it stating that it should only use 7800 gallons per month (https://i.imgur.com/mPitqFu.jpg).

    The landlord now says that the water bill is my responsibility since the irrigation system is under my control. The city says they can't reduce my bill since there was no leak.

    Is there anything I can do? I just moved in a month ago and I'm not home much so I didn't notice it was watering the lawn that often, plus I never go in the backyard anyway.

    Really appreciate any responses!

    submitted by /u/klanecek
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    Private school administrator in CA searches students backpacks w/o permission if they forget their hw. Now confiscating phones and searching text messages.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:44 AM PST

    I'm a first year teacher at a private school in California. Today my students were pretty freaked out because there was a bullying incident reported by a parent that occured via group text message outside of school hours. The administrator (and school co-owner) took a student's phone and searched his texts and has threatened to continue with other students' phones.

    During this, it was revealed that he also searches backpacks when students say they forgot their hw or binder.

    I know it's illegal to search their phones (edit: at public schools) but legal to confiscate them. I'm appalled that the administrator (and owner) is doing this. What can I do?

    Edit: gained information - also for clarification, I'm not interested in pursuing something legally, I'm just interested in the legality of the situation for the sake of my students.

    submitted by /u/myfriendlyalt
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    Forced a child patient to wear a mask, now being threatened with lawsuit (Ontario)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:03 AM PST

    this occurred in a health clinic, I'm aware you are allowed to refuse business if someone won't wear a mask but I had a child patient i was working with and they came in without a mask and they wouldn't put it on so I told them they had to or they would get in trouble. Eventually they wore it but were visibly upset about it. After the child left the room his parent saw him wearing the mask and went ballistic, screaming about lawsuits and child abuse. They posted on facebook about my business saying that I wronged his kid and that his kid is traumatized and will be needing therapy. In my opinion, that's not true at all, obviously.

    It just happened so nothing is official yet, but did I do anything wrong legally?

    submitted by /u/ballabate4
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    My ex is making my life a nightmare and there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do about it.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:23 PM PST

    Throw away account because he knows my username. I live in Florida with my two minor children. 11 and 6.

    My ex has been incredibly hostile to me since the divorce but lately it's become much worse.

    He demands I follow his orders with the children, where they can go, where they can't go and who can watch them while I work. He berates me over text and tells me what a horrible mother I am and threatens to take my children away.

    I finally had enough and my fiancé started acting as a go between. Just coordinate dates and times. Every time we made an arrangement he finds a reason why he doesn't accept it and demands it be changed. He's threatened to take the children if I don't talk to him and blocked my fiancé completely.

    My fiancé is currently out of state for work and I have a weird schedule. So we agreed that he can pick up the kids every day after school, normal visitation is every other week.

    I was asked to remove her from an after school program by the staff because he has created so many problems and not having very many options for childcare right now.

    She had to be picked up directly after school on Monday because of that. He lost his mind and threatened to take them again and demanded I be punished to learn a lesson by leaving work early on Tuesday to pick her up. My fiancé refused and told him he wasn't going to punish me and we would make sure she got picked up and was available when he got off work.

    After he dropped them off we found out he has been telling my son that I'm bi polar and it's job to protect him and his sister by coming to live with him. Then he called the cops and demanded a well visit check.

    Today he called the police on a different daycare and terrified a young girl that was kind enough to watch her for me until he got off work.

    I don't know what to do, I can't eat or sleep. I'm running out of places to help and I can't lose my job. He's talked to every attorney in the area and they won't talk to me. The police say it's a civil matter. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit. I am not talking to my ex anymore. My fiancé told him he was taking over completely because he refused to let him bully me.

    submitted by /u/wits_end_in_fl
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    Job wont pay for "off the clock" work, but in order to do what is required of us every day, we would have to work off the clock. Advice on what to do?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 02:46 AM PST

    Hey, first of all I'm so glad I stumbled upon this subreddit.

    This is for an Iowa location

    So I work at a brand new Hy-Vee that opened this year. I'm a barista at the Starbucks inside. Everything is great, (sorta). Now onto the problem.

    Problem: Starbucks closes at 8pm. We have been told that we will not get paid after 830pm, which is the latest we are scheduled to. Which leads to most of the employees working till 830 and no later because who wants to work and not get paid? So as a result things are cleaned terribly or not at all because we barely have time to get the dishes and machines broke down and cleaned by then. Every job I've been at would never encourage this. I want to be a good employee and also a good coworker, and so I've been wondering that if I/we stay and do a proper closing, which would only take until 9 or shortly after, are they legally required to pay us for hours worked?

    I just want to be able to properly clean the place without having to do the extra work in the morning because there is already so much we have to do during the morning Is hyvee allowed to do that since our shifts are "scheduled" to end there or not? Would we get in trouble for working past our scheduled time for trying to properly do our job? Basically what I want to know is since the shift "ends" at 830, does that mean they legally don't have to pay us after that? Because I know it's against company policy to work off the clock.

    I'm not trying to get more pay out of hyvee although I've already started noticing just how terrible and greedy the company really is. I just want to be able to help run this place like a buisness should. The only reason that place isnt disgusting as fuck already is because me and my favorite coworker always clean the fuck out of that place in the mornings. We've even made our own daily and weekly cleaning checklists that include over 2 dozen things that otherwise would almost never be cleaned. Usually one person comes into a kiosk that's still dirty and depending on the day over half of everything needs restocked.

    If you read this far, thank you and please comment what you think below or what I should do because I don't know who I should talk to about this, It is against company policy to work off the clock, which is what working after 830pm would be. So are they legally not allowed to pay us?? And also would we get in trouble for staying to finish up what is SUPPOSED to be required to do every day? What should I do?

    edit Are we shooting ourselves in the foot doing extra work in the morning?

    submitted by /u/Sad-Conclusion442
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    Sued over “home inspection”

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:15 PM PST


    Hello, thanks in advance for everyone's time. Got a call today letting me know I have been named as a co-defendant or third-party defendant in a lawsuit.
    I'll try to make it brief. I'm a general contractor in a small family business and I have a friend/client who I've done several major jobs for over many years. A couple years ago she was buying a house and asked me to come to the initial viewing with the realtor. I was not there in an official capacity, just as a friend to take a look at the bones of the house and make any suggestion for immediate renovation if she were to end up purchasing. She ended up buying the house and then a year ago filed a suit against the former owner, the real estate firm and the agent over foundation issues that she claims they knew about but were undisclosed. It's an older house and I mentioned while we were there that there might be issues with the foundation and it was obvious some recent work had been done to it. I have been brought into this because they are counter-suing and the real estate agent is saying that I said I was a home inspector and that there were no issues. I am not an inspector, I have never purported to be one. I have literally no documents or emails or any sort of communication with this realtor or my friend that have anything to do with the foundation or anything to do with the sale of the house. In fact I can provide documentation and correspondence between myself and the engineering firm that I deal with to show that I do go through the proper channels when dealing with structural issues on my jobs, proving there would be no way I would ever make any official "proclamations" in a professional capacity about the foundation of a home based on a 20 minute walk-through with a realtor. How worried should I be or are they just grasping at straws at this point?


    submitted by /u/wallace204
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    My neighbor is accusing me of killing his dog and has harassed me and my wife on multiple occasions.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 07:46 PM PST

    [Alabama] A day less than a week ago on Thursday the 26th someone found my neighbor's dog dead about half a mile from their home. It was in the ditch on the side of the road but it had been shot in the neck and shoulder. I know very little about the circumstances of the dog's death other than it was found in a rural area near the suburbs where me and my Wife live. My neighbor also lives in the same suburb a block down from us. I was walking down the street a few days after his dog was found and when I walked past his yard he started yelling at me about how he knows I killed his dog. I tried to talk to him but I didn't want to go onto his property. He wouldn't calm down or let me speak so I ended up jogging back to my car and going home. His only "evidence" against me is that I'm a gun owner and that I have complained about his dog going onto my property before. I went on a hunting trip multiple miles away in another county with a friend for that entire week as well as a few days before. His dog was found during that time. My Wife as well as the friend I went on the trip with can confirm this. He has harassed me and my wife when he has seen us in public ever since. It has gotten to the point that my wife doesn't feel safe going out in public in fear of being yelled at by him. He has been escorted out of a resturant at least one time because he saw us and started yelling at us. I checked with the local police and a report has not been filed against me but what are my options if he does? What can I do to keep him away from me and my wife? This has really thrown a wrench in the cog and with our son turning three soon we just don't want to have to deal with this anymore.

    submitted by /u/DogLegalAdvice2020
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    [California] Looking for advice on my dogs vet bill after getting attacked on the sidewalk.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:25 PM PST

    So it looks like the owner of the dog who attacked our dachshund is not going to help with bills. Their dog ran out their front door and across the street and almost killed our dachshund. I got the dog off just as time and the owner came out all annoyed saying it's going to be expensive like I inconvenienced her with the situation.

    I want her to learn a lesson so I would like to take her to small claims court. Are there good resources for this kind of situation? I'm in Alameda county if that helps.

    I wish people would be responsible for their animals. The ignorant woman said "this is what we sign up for when we have dogs." No sorry I don't sign up for my harmless dog to be mauled half to death.

    Sorry if this was ranty it's still emotionally effecting me.

    submitted by /u/Deaniv
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    Boss wants me on call after he laid me off

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:39 AM PST

    First off I live in Michigan. Now, when I was first hired in my boss told me we get laid off for the winter because we can't do the work we normally do during the winter. But, towards the end of the year he asked me to shovel snow/salt during the winter for him even after I was laid off and collecting unemployment. He has contracts with businesses around our city to plow, shovel and salt for them. He was of course going to pay me for hours worked but he said that if I don't do it for him he would tell unemployment that I wasn't accepting work. My problem is that there is no schedule and he wants me to go in whenever asked, sometimes within a one hour notice at 3am. Then he just told me yesterday he had a job offer, just a small project to do for one maybe two days and expects me to come in, if I say no. He might tell unemployment. He is also pooling our hours until we get 40 then paying us once we get 40. Whether it takes 1 week to 2 months. I don't think it's right he expects me to come in whenever asked once he laid me off, is any of this even legal? Am I supposed to go in for the work? I don't feel like it's considered adequate work.

    submitted by /u/Foster3532
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    I got a USPS Florida Change of address confirmation letter, but didn’t request it

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 03:27 AM PST

    When I checked my mails 5 days ago (online), I got a mail about a change of address confirmation. I ignored it thinking maybe it was not mine for some stupid reasons. Now, I am not receiving any mails. I went to check and that confirmation letter was not even in my mail box. How do I fix this?? And is there a way for me to know who did this??

    submitted by /u/FeistyCee
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    HOA vs Hard surface flooring, What would happen if I refuse to get carpet?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:35 PM PST

    Hi Everyone,

    I recently purchased a new condo unit and my HOA board has requested that I change my hard flooring to carpet or else I will be fined every month until it is changed. Is there any way I can keep my flooring? and What legal actions can the HOA take against me if I continue to not replace my flooring?

    A little background: I live in WA state and this is my first home purchase. The condo is a corner unit on the 2nd floor of a 2 story building and already had hard surface flooring when I made the purchase. The previous owner of the property has told me that he had gotten verbal permission from the previous HOA president and that there is 6mm cork and 15mm rubber under the flooring for soundproofing purposes. I also have a letter from my downstairs neighbor stating that they knew about the installation hard surface and have had no problem with any noises.

    The declaration for my community states that any portion of the flooring that is directly above another unit may not be changed from carpet to hard surface without written approval from the Board which may be withheld in its sole discretion. The Board may require report from an acoustical engineer and/or installation of acoustical subflooring and/or carpeting over designated portions of the hard surface flooring.

    When I tried to dispute the flooring issue with my HOA board, I pointed out all the above points regarding verbal permission, soundproofing, and the letter from my neighbor. However, they said that the previous HOA president has denied ever giving permission and that the letter I forwarded o them is of no consequence. They only gave my a firm no and demanded that I change the flooring with no exceptions. When I spoke with the previous owner of the unit, he told me that he had indeed gotten verbal permission (only that the previous president is denying it now) and that the flooring has existed for over 2 years with no problems or fines, until it was being sold.

    I believe the intention of the rule in the Declaration is to mitigate noise complaints between neighbors. However, my downstairs neighbor has already written that they don't have any noise complaints. In my opinion, this flooring issue should only be a problem between my neighbor and I. I understand that since the HOA board has denied other units from getting hard flooring that they don't want to make the exception for my unit. But unlike the other units, my hard flooring is already in place. It is still new and replacing it now would only create unnecessary consumer waste.

    Still, my HOA board insists that I change the flooring or accept the fines.

    submitted by /u/sparklebuttxyz
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    Rented a car, paid for damage waiver but car rental company keeps coming at me

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:17 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I rented a car from a Car Rental Company in BC, Canada a while ago and was driving normally. Then, the transmission of the rental car broke down on the highway; I believe it was a rock or a metal plate hitting the under of the hood on the highway. Anyway, I am not too sure what happened exactly since I was driving at night and only felt the loss in transmission after a while. I had to stop on the side of the highway which was also a one-lane-each-way road, so a bit scary. I managed to bring back the car as per the instructions of the Car Rental Company, filled a Damage Report with them, and got a second car that I brought back without any issue.

    The first car had to be repaired and the Car Rental Company keeps sending me an invoice. BUUUUUT I had paid for the Damage Waiver (DW), as it can be seen on my opening and closing rental agreements. As per the Terms and Conditions associated with my rental agreements, I am not responsible for damages and ensuing costs as long as I do not do anything that would invalidate the DW as listed on the Car Rental Company's Terms and Conditions; and I did not do anything. I should not even be getting an invoice as it is written somewhere when you pay for the DW, I don't remember where I saw that one though.

    So, I know that I am not responsible. My questions are the following:

    What can the Car Rental Company do to me? If I refuse to pay, what happens? Should I cancel the credit card I used when I first rented the car?

    It has been a bit more than three months since the rental. I called the Car Rental Company many times, and they told me every time that "looking at my contract, I should be fine, but I'll get back to you after I talk with my boss". I never get an answer, and the file never gets closed. Then, I managed to get the phone number/email of the Risk Manager, left multiple voicemails and an email but the Risk Manager NEVER replied (it has been more than a month since I first tried contacting). I got another email yesterday and I'm getting REALLY tired of dealing with this. This is super stressful (because of the HUGE amount); and I got the DW to literally be stress-free (not having to deal with Credit Card insurances because it's a lot of paperwork).

    submitted by /u/Patagucci_X
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    Landlord responsibility for compensating tenant’s car towed and auctioned by condo’s property management without adequate communication. (State: WA)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:04 AM PST

    State: WA

    Hi there

    Looking for some advice on how to move forward with my situation where my car was towed and auctioned off by condo property management without adequate notice while I was outside country for my father's medical emergency.

    I am leasing a unit in a condo complex with different owners for different units. Have a covered parking space assigned for my unit as part of the lease. The condo has a HOA and a property management. Landlord pays HOA and lives slightly far away. I had an old car maintained well and in great condition just enough for my needs. No parking tags needed to park in my spot. Landlord and I are in good terms for the last 7 years.

    I flew out due to my father's medical emergency 3 months ago braving travel restrictions and the pandemic. Dealt with various travel, medical expenses, stress and anxiety due to this. Before leaving, I once again gave my email id, phone number to my landlord for any communication. I also gave the keys to my unit and instructions to a friend who lives nearby if there was a need to enter the unit or access my car during my absence.

    Just few days before my return, my friend texted me that my car was not seen in the entire complex and there was another car parked in my spot. I emailed my landlord and also called the towing company (assigned to my complex). The towing company said they can't find my car on their records. Landlord replied that the property management did not tow or remember any towing authorization.

    After I returned, I called the towing company again and they confirmed my car was towed along with 3 other cars and a motorcycle from my complex on the same day about 2 months ago, and the towing was authorized by the property manager. The towing company retrieved last registered owner's physical mailing address and sent me a towing notice through USPS. I had scheduled vacation mail hold with USPS and my paper mails were held at the post office. Subsequently they sent me an auction notice and also auctioned off my car since they didn't receive a response from me. They also sent me an invoice later with additional amount for their towing and storage services not covered by the auction price, which I paid out of pocket.

    Talking to my friends, the department of licensing and researching online suggested I raise this with my landlord and not deal with the property management directly. So I shared my experience with my landlord and mentioned that I lost my car, bear additional towing company charges and potential future expense of few thousand dollars for a replacement car, for no fault of mine.

    My landlord said she talked to the property management and they insisted they can't do anything about it now that it's already past two months. They said they posted notices in the entire property for a pavement project and asked the cars to be moved out of the parking spaces. My landlord said she did not receive any form of communication from the property management – email or phone and so she couldn't relay any communication from the property management to me. She also did not touch on the topic of compensating my lost car value and the towing company expense instead offered to loan a car she isn't using.

    My question for you folks –

    1) Is my landlord responsible for compensating the 1) auction value of my car 2) towing company expense? What if she says she can't do it or similar response?

    2) Could I've done anything different that would've prevented this situation?

    3) Anything else I overlooked or missed?

    Last few years were very stressful for me personally following serious illness of my father and my brother, and managing medical emergencies. This incident just increased my stress level. During this extraordinary Covid times, shouldn't the property management take extra care and diligence in making sure the residents get maintenance notices through all channels possible - phone, email, and not just sticking a notice on the front door assuming there is someone always present?

    I read reddit a lot and this is my first post so please bear with me with any shortcomings in my post. Much appreciate your inputs. Thank you and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/op000000000
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    Husband has Covid - work telling me to file for unemployment while I’m quarantined (PA)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:07 PM PST

    My husband who works in assisted living tested positive for Covid today at work after not feeling great. He got sent home and so was I once I found out and informed my employer. I'm a recently graduated dental hygienist and work at an office with only 5 people that is owned by a larger company that owns multiple offices.

    Our front desk/office manager employee told me to stay home one week and to file for unemployment to make up for my missed work since we don't get sick days. Is this legal? I'm already stressed because I was just diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had to move my surgery consult for the week and now am concerned my job is telling me to make a false claim in order to avoid giving me our sick leave.

    submitted by /u/motography218
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    Can someone take back an item they previously gave to you?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 07:11 PM PST

    My mother in law gave me a ring last year, one that had belonged to my husband's great aunt. Today, we got in a fight and she is asking for it back. I don't have any paperwork on it, but I've had it well over a year. She is saying she is coming to my house tomorrow to pick it up and isn't leaving without it. I know she is going to be beating on the door tomorrow asking for it and I'm wondering if I'm legally required to give it back to her? I don't have any paperwork or anything, but I probably have the text messages from when she offered it to me on my old phone. I'm located in Oklahoma.

    submitted by /u/itaintaspirin
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    Can a Guardian Ad Litem force us to renew their contract?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:19 PM PST

    The guardian ad litem for our case wants to be kept around for another 1-2 years when she is not needed.

    Though she never has explicitly said we have to renew the contract (its supposed to end in December) she has adjusted the time their guardianship is supposed to end. And she wants to have 3 month check-ins which are very expensive.

    My mother has guardianship of my son, and we are on the path to getting him back.

    My mother has punished me and my girlfriend by not letting us see our son before. And the GAL has admitted this in her report, so she is aware.

    Yet the GAL wants to stay in the case "for emergencies."

    While giving my mother a full year or two of Guardianship.

    If we do not renew the contract, that means the GAL is off the case and noone can regulate how my mother treats us, so she can punish us through him again. We arent criminals, nor drug users by the way)

    I believe the GAL knows this and is forcing us to keep paying her throughout her new contract.

    TLDR; We think we are being forced to renew the GALs contract through underhanded tactics.

    This is in New Mexico.

    submitted by /u/gottagofast1981
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    Can a landlord force you to leave the house during a Cleaning Inspection

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:40 AM PST

    Hello! i'm from Maryland i've tried searching this on my own and i've posted on a lawyer q&a site about it and haven't gotten any answers yet, anywho my landlord is trying to sell the property and theres a couple who is interested in it and keeping the tenants in the house.

    Monday my landlord stopped by and told me that possibly Dec 5th but definitely Dec 12th those people might be stopping by the house to do a cleaning inspection. She wrote down that all of the tenants must be out of the house for it, i didn't think anything of it this is my first time renting anywhere my boyfriend however said it was extremely sketchy and wants to know the legality of it

    submitted by /u/PoeticallyDead
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