• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 19, 2020

    Legal Advice - Do I have to pay an EMT bill if I didn’t call them and I ALSO told them I didn’t need help?

    Legal Advice - Do I have to pay an EMT bill if I didn’t call them and I ALSO told them I didn’t need help?

    Do I have to pay an EMT bill if I didn’t call them and I ALSO told them I didn’t need help?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 10:39 AM PST

    So I hit a deer the other day and I was 100% just fine. Someone ELSE (I have no clue who) called 911 and a few police cars, firetrucks, and ambulance showed up. The EMTs came up to me and said "Are you okay?" to which I said "Yeah, I'm just fine. I don't need examined" and then they asked "Can we write down your contact information?" so they wrote down my information and today I got a bill for $350.

    I'm already frustrated and tight on cash as is because I need to purchase a new vehicle, so I'm extra frustrated that I'm now being billed $350 because someone else called 911. I completely denied their services.

    Do I have to pay this bill or is there any way out of it?

    United States/PA

    submitted by /u/Meta_Man_X
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    School district keeps sending my paychecks to someone else with same name

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:48 PM PST


    I am a substitute paraeducator. Shortly after being hired I came to realize that there was another substitute paraeducator at this district with the same name as me.

    We are paid only once a month, which is a bit sketchy (CA law usually requires payment twice a month, however there are some weird loopholes for "professionals"- not sure if that applies here).

    After not receiving my first payment on time, I brought it to the office manager's attention. She assured me it was because I started work toward the end of the pay period, and that it simply "rolled over" to the next pay period.

    Next pay period came and went, wasn't paid.

    I asked her again. She seemed a bit miffed, and assured me it was on it's way.

    Another week went by. I went over her head to accounting, and sure enough, it had been direct deposited to the other person's account (and that person was on maternity leave, and hadn't worked for several months).

    So I worked for 2 1/2 months before finally getting a paycheck. Whatever.

    Covid hit, and I stopped working. Then I got a call from another school. Different school, but same district. They needed me to work.

    So I did, but I made it a point to write on my time sheet:

    "Please be aware, there is another **** ****** who works here. I am **** ******, social security ending in ****. Please be sure payment is sent to me. I informed the office manager of this school (again, a different one than I had worked at before, though same district) of the mistake that had happened before. She assured me it wouldn't happen again.

    So I worked one full day. And it was just one day. But darn it, I should be paid!

    It's been a month and a half. No payment.

    So, what should I do? I am thinking I need to go into the office and request a copy of my time sheet, then send a polite but assertive email to accounting and tell them that this is not acceptable. I hate that I am having to ask to get paid for work I did. It seems pretty negligent of them, especially because I did try to prevent this from happening again.

    Now, CA does have laws about timely payments for employees, and technically I could demand extra for them messing up again. But it is a small town, so I don't know that it's worth it? Either way, I think I'm going to be letting them know I'm done working for them.

    Any thoughts? How would you handle this?

    submitted by /u/Knarfia
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    SO assaulted at work by boss's criminally unstable adult son

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:00 PM PST

    This is in GA, USA. Happened a few days ago.

    Gist of it is: my fiancé/SO [F/25] works/worked in a small medical practice, run by doctor, his wife, and another employee. One day, while she was going about her duties, the boss/doctor's son (~28) comes out of nowhere, follows her into a room, puts her in a headlock, throws her against the wall with enough force to make a human-size hole the drywall. He then proceeded to punch, kick and stomp on her. She screamed and called for help as that dirtbag continued to attack her, until finally the doctor arrived to grab his son, and she was able to run out of the building, get in her car and call for help, and eventually get checked out for her injuries at the hospital as her face was bleeding and had quite a lot of bruising.

    Police arrived and the perp fled but was arrested, but was later bailed out that same night by his family. My SO gave the police her testimony and they took pictures, and we're in the process of getting the final police report.

    I've since learned from jail records that the perp has prior history of assault, battery, and drugs, and has just been bailed out of jail a few days before the assault. It wasn't his first rodeo, more like this 4th or 5th. Previous history includes arrest for a combo of DUI, battery, obstruction, trespassing, and MJ possession.

    We're trying to reach out to a few lawyers but it's been hard to due the pandemic/holidays. I want to make sure we take the right steps.

    Since the day of the attack, I told my SO to go no-contact with her employer until we have an attorney. She hasn't gone back to work, and hasn't heard from her employer.

    IANAL but I think she definitely has a worker's comp. claim against her employer, and from my research it looks like in GA one can either sue for workers comp. or sue for personal injury/gross negligence? But again I don't know how workers compensation works in GA, or how this incident would impact her rights as an employee to qualify for say unemployment if she hasn't technically been fired or quit. I would appreciate any pointers as to what to do. Thanks.

    EDIT: SO had never met or seen the dr's son before. The only reason we know it was his son, was because as she was running out of the building the doctor said to her [paraphrasing] "sorry my son has mental issues"

    submitted by /u/whatthehellnoo
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    Texas : I can't repair my house without my neighbor's permission

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 03:37 PM PST

    I have a crack on my house that needs to be fixed ASAP but my neighbor wont allow me to enter her property. Every time it rains water gets inside through the crack.I have called HOA but they don't answer. I have left voicemails but they don't call back. I did find an email for them and have already emailed but don't know if they will ever reply back. Due to covid their office is closed and you can only contact them by phone. Anyone know what I can do? I'm so frustrated and feel powerless to do anything.It rains often where a live so I constantly have to clean my bathroom and bedroom . My house is decreasing in value and I'm afraid the foundation will collapse.

    Thank you!

    I attached a photo of the wall wall

    submitted by /u/tinysmallalien
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    (Michigan) Help! Landlord turned off my electricity since Thanksgiving and now my water, but won't give me an eviction notice!

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 11:24 AM PST

    I dont know what to do at this point. I pay rent weekly in a house that has been converted into 3 units, since September 29th of this year. We never signed a lease. My workplace was shut down recently due to covid.

    On Thanksgiving I was 2 days late on rent and he told me to pack my stuff and leave. When I told him the CDC has stopped evictions and I need an actual eviction notice, he turned off all the power in my unit except the living room lights. No outlets work.

    The breaker box for the building is in the basement, and he is just flipping off the electricty to my unit. He previously called the cops on me (I'm assuming to kick me out), and of course they told him to evict me properly.

    He keeps turning off the electricity intermittently and when I message him he claims he wasnt aware and he will have an electrician out. Then he ignores me. I noticed the basement unit was open yesterday so I went and flipped the breakers back on to get my electricity back. He retaliated by turning off the water in my unit.

    He refuses to give me an eviction notice, and it seems like I am stuck until he does. I have offered to pay the back due rent but not any time when the electricity wasnt working, and he ignores me. I'm working with legal aid but I need water again NOW, not a week from now.

    He keeps lying and saying he is in the process of fixing these things to my unit but isn't, and it's getting worse. Someone please help! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/not_that_hillary
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    Sued my NYC landlord for withholding safety deposit. All I have to do to get my safety deposit ($2000 ) back is sign the General Release, and a Stipulation of Settlement I received from the landlord's lawyer. Do these documents look correct, and are they trying to fuck me?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 06:44 PM PST

    We argued we deserved our Safety Deposit because we left it so clean when we left. We went back and forth, showed proof to lawyer and he agreed.

    He said to sign and notarize the General Release and Stipulation of Settlement, scan the signed versions back to him, and post the physical copies to his office. After he receives them, we will me sent a check.

    I have linked both the (personal info redacted) General Release and the SoS. Is this all normal? Are they trying to trick us?

    Please help, we cannot afford legal counsel at this time.

    General Release

    Stipulation of Settlement

    submitted by /u/Conaldihno
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    4 days without access to a working toilet or shower and never ending problems. [Tx]

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 01:38 PM PST

    Title basically says it all .

    6 months ago, my boyfriend and I moved into a unit that we believed was not ready for move-in. It looks to have not been cleaned or properly inspected. The locks were broken, the rubber gasket on the fridge was completely ripped off, there are holes in the walls on the inside and outside of the unit and a non-functional toilet. We noted these damages among many others on our move in form and worked with maintenance to safely make the essential repairs.

    Unfortunately, this became a regular occurrence when our toilet broke 4 more times. After the 3rd, we held off on contacting maintenance and inspected the tank on our own. We found gravel/sediments in the fill valve. We made note of this and maintenance commented on the fill valve looking like it needs to be replaced as well. This fill valve has now been replaced 3 times. I shit you not, my toilet has broken every single month since living here.

    Among this, for 2 months - I received a flood of automated emails from my complex stating that I needed to purchase renter's insurance. Both my boyfriend and I already have renter's insurance and when calling management, we received verbal confirmation that we were in the clear. After the 4th email I forwarded the automatic emails and sent in proof of our renter's insurance. We received a reply from the main manager that this was a system error and that the emails should now stop. But the emails didn't stop for another month. I forwarded the 5th email to management asking to confirm if this is still a system error and was never replied to.

    A couple weeks later, I was paying rent and noticed that I had a fee placed on my account. I screenshotted it and emailed to ask what this fine was for and was ignored - again.

    A month later we had a water leak that came from our upstairs neighbor's broken toilet. I called emergency maintenance 4 times over the course of 2 hours. I left 2 voicemail messages. My boyfriend also called 3 times but left no messages. All calls were not picked up. When someone finally called us back, they accused me of using my AC too often because I had a previous water "leak" that was actually coming from my AC. After a stern "You need to get here ASAP" kinda language, they agreed to come out. During this time, I had used trash bins to hold water and had dumped between 7-9 trash bins worth of water. By the time maintenance agreed to show up, I was approaching 12. They offered to paint the walls and nothing else.

    I sent a follow-up email detailing every call, every voicemail and timestamps of when the calls were made in between time stamps when the water started falling and how much was noted at specific times. Only then did they agree to have someone inspect the damage the water caused and fix the ceilings, but they left alone the walls where water pooled around outlets and door frames. There are still visible cracks and discolored paint in my wall from the damage. I also found that the fee applied to my account was because their systems still didn't register that we have renter's insurance. I forwarded the documents again in addition to the email where the main manager stated that the documents were correct and that this was an automated system error. The fee was then removed.

    Now here we are today. A pipe burst in our building on the 15th. Going on our 4th day of having no access to a shower or toilet. Other sinks in the apartment are working, but only intermittently. Water quality is a toss up between being brown or scalding hot with random pieces of gunk floating in it. No in between. No cold water at all. We haven't been able to cook dinners in 3 days because of the water outages and the quality being questionable to wash dishes and vegetables in.

    What do I even do now? What are my options? I've already sent an email asking about the status of this water break and have been ignored again. I'm not trying to go full Karen here but what can I do to just have a baseline of communication between my complex and I?

    submitted by /u/Throwaway3uq30934
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    Am I Legally Obligated to Return Misdelivered UPS/FedEx Packages

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 06:58 AM PST

    Location in Massachusetts

    My wife and I bought a house 3 years ago from a woman who bought it from the original owners. She only lived there for 2 years before selling it to us. She bought a house somewhere in our neighborhood but I don't have the exact address or even street.

    Here lies the issue. We receive, several times a week, multiple UPS and FedEx Packages addressed to her at our address. It seems she has never changed her address through several retailers so whenever she orders something online, it arrives here. At first I started bringing them to UPS and FedEx to be sent back to the shipper (I worked for FedEx at the time), but it's become a hassle of having to commute 30 or so minutes to drop them off and very rarely do they pickup when I call.

    About a year ago she got married and many of her guests shipped packages to our house. We arrived home one night from a week long vacation to around 20 or so packages sitting on our front porch - all addressed to her. Several of the packages are also perishables (Hello Fresh and stuff like that) as well and I feel bad having those go to waste. It seems ridiculous that after 3 years this is an ongoing issue. I do try to greet the driver when they deliver to refuse the delivery of it's hers, but I can't always do that due to my wife and mines work schedules.

    We do have this issue with usps as well but always send it back to the post office, but my question is whether we still have to return misdelivered packages from UPS or FedEx? I feel particularly bad about perishable foods that go to waste.

    submitted by /u/mattcasey28
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    RPI Forcing Students on Campus

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 07:31 PM PST

    Basically, RPI sent out emails approving remote learning requests (meaning students don't have to be on campus due to Covid-19). However, 2-3 weeks later, they sent emails claiming that the approval emails were sent in error (claiming it was just an automated email sent by error), and that 2-3 weeks later they'd give students their actual denial/approval emails. Yesterday was the day they were supposed to let students know, and they didn't until today (a day later) at 7:30pm.

    My issue is that I signed a lease based off of their initial approval email, but I've now been denied remote learning. I am being expected to not only pay $10000 for a dorm room/meal plan, but to also absorb my lease costs (which I committed to due to the email they sent in error & didn't fix for 2-3 weeks).

    I believe that I handled things responsibly on my end and made decisions off of what seemed to me like official RPI correspondence. Now, however, I am being forced to shoulder additional financial burden due to their error in communication (that, again, they didn't fix for 2-3 weeks).

    Some people were calling this a "breach of contract" causing explicit "monetary damage". I wanted to know if that's valid & if there's any way for me to legally fight the school on this (especially as it was their error and they aren't taking any responsibility for it).


    submitted by /u/swagxranger
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    19, 17, and 16 getting kicked out

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 08:11 AM PST

    My younger siblings and I are getting kicked out by my mom. She changed the locks, told our schools and employers we moved out, and is not looking to negotiate. I know our rights as tenants, but she is saying they do not apply because our father (an alcoholic who lives an hour away) can take us in. Currently staying at a vacant house my grandpa owns, but he is pushing us out asap in an attempt to get us back home. Not sure what to do. If i go back home, she will file a restraining order so I have to leave the house (which is what she did with my dad.)

    Chicago, IL

    submitted by /u/snortingcaffeine
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    I work in a county jail, is what they're doing legal?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 09:42 AM PST

    Hi if im in the wrong place, please point me in the right direction, as I really need an answer. In Texas

    So I've been working in the kitchen of a county jail the last few months. We work with inmates, they basically prepare the meals, serve it, wash dishes, and clean the kitchen. We just supervise and make sure everything is running smoothly, although most of us will help out to make it go by quicker. We all wear masks as well.

    So two days ago, my supervisor messaged us all and said we had to come in the next day, whether it was our day off or not, to work. In inmate that we have been working along side of had trouble breathing, and immediately got rapid tested. He tested positive, therefore that entire pod (our entire kitchen crew) and several others were quarantined.

    What is really bothering me is the fact that, after someone tested positive, the kitchen was not sanitized, WE did not get tested, (the jail has rapid tests on hand, the captain just declined) and I believe it could be possible he got it from one of us, and not only that but they expect 4 women to do the work of 15+ men, yet be angry when we leave 3 hours later than were supposed to just to get the shit done.(They expect us to do this for 2 weeks possibly.) Yesterday my coworker got scared because suddenly it was hurting for her to take a breath in.

    I messaged my supervisor this morning and told her I wouldn't be coming in until I get my test results back. (Also quite frankly, my entire body is sore and the thought of coming in today made me have existential dread.)

    This may very well be the wrong place to go, but this just feels wrong on so many levels.

    submitted by /u/ramennumerals
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    T Mobile not honoring NJ Governor's Executive order for shutoff

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 07:24 PM PST

    My wife and I's voice and internet service through TMobile was shut off 4 times since November 11, 2020 to present due to nonpayment of the most recent bill. We have been with T Mobile for 15 years. We are both residents of New Jersey where Governor Murphy signed an executive order prohibiting telecommunication service providers from shutting off residents for nonpayment or incurring additional fees during COVID.


    We contacted T Mobile customer service several times to resolve this issue to setup a payment arrangement for January 8, 2021. We were assured it can be done by T Mobile customer service representatives. Customer service instructed us to setup a temporary payment arrangement for December 16 and told us to expect a call from their supervisor with 24 - 48 hours to change the payment date from December 16 to January 8, 2021.

    My wife and I never received a call back from a supervisor, nor was a change made to the date of January 8, 2021 on their end. The dates of our past customer service calls in attempts to resolve this were 11/23/2020 10:07am 11 minutes (after a shut off), 11/27/2020 4:03pm 1h 33minutes (after a shut off), 12/2/2020 9:34pm 30 minutes (after a shutoff), 12/14/2020 8:25pm 22 minutes (after no change from management of on payment date we were told was to be changed).

    On 12/14/2020 after not receiving a return call from a supervisor, which we were told would happen, I called back. We were told again that we would be contacted by a supervisor within 24-48 hours and the representative would remove our bank payment option if the 12/16/2020 was not rectified by a supervisor in time. On 12/19/2020 5:59pm I had a 24 minute call with customer representative Jan who transferred me to T Mobile customer care Manager Jamie. Ms. Jamie told me that TMobile follows the FCC rules (and does not follow NJ State Government mandates). Representatives misled me into believing a payment arrangement for January 8, 2021 could be setup since late November, which pushed the account past 30 days of nonpayment and informed by Ms. Jamie that could not be turned back on without an immediate payment since it was past 30 days. Further checking the account billing it includes past and recent late fee and reactivation fees were not waived according to the the Governor's executive order no. 126. So our regular $132.24 monthly payment has increased to $434.92.

    I find it disgraceful to lead customer's on that a payment arrangement could be knowing full well it couldn't, racking up constant reactivation fees for constant shutoffs in the process and then defy the good faith of Governor's executive order to residents. It is disgusting to do to families of long term customers just before the holidays and during a pandemic.

    What should I do as a next step?Also I'm not sure if I should request my account frozen, closed, etc or if that is even possible with this $434.92 bill.

    EDIT: Our phones are paid and this is month to month service ie not locked in a contract.

    submitted by /u/maskandmoon
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    Am I able to fight a fine I received by not wearing a mask in my car despite being the only passenger?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 11:21 AM PST

    So for context of the title, I was driving to the store earlier and I did have a mask on hand. All the windows were rolled up, and I was the only passenger in my car. I was pulled over as I was about to pull into the store so before the cop came, I put on my mask and rolled the window down to talk to him. He immediately asked "Why weren't you wearing a mask before coming to you?" I simply explained I was the only one here and all my windows were rolled up. I always put the mask on before getting out my car as well, I got people at home who're immunocompromised so I need to do my best to keep them safe. He fined me $2500 and told me I have until the end of the month to pay for it. I'm very confused and not sure whether I can fight this or not, or whether I'm in the wrong here. If I am in the wrong, I'll make sure to correct it in the future, but some help for now would be appreciated. I live in Arizona.

    submitted by /u/trurisky
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    [California] Buying a car during a divorce

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 05:51 PM PST

    My soon to be ex husband and I bought a car for me to drive in 2018. It was in his name only (his vehicle, which we own outright, is in both of our names). When we decided to separate a few months ago, I took over the loan - he transferred it into my name. The title, of course, is owned by the credit union but the loan is in my name as is the car insurance. I am wanting to trade the car in and get something completely different just to be rid of all things him. There is zero equity in the car and more is owed than it's worth.

    Will there be legal implications to buying a new car at this time? We have a good 4 months before the divorce is finalized, if not longer if we can't reach a settlement. Do I need to wait until the divorce is finalized?

    I really don't want this car anymore, but I don't want him to be able to stake any claim to it if I get a new one.

    submitted by /u/Gullible_Victory7656
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    Can I add my niece [3F] as a beneficiary without my sister getting hold of the money?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 03:41 PM PST

    Hello Redditors,

    I was recently exposed to COVID-19 and now am really worried what happens if I suddenly pass away as the sole support of my family.

    Long story short: my sister (single mother) of my niece is a very terrible mother. I want to be able to leave any money I have to my niece (ex. bank account, 401k, etc). The problem is she is only 3 years old right now and clearly no where close to being 18. I do not want my sister to have legal access of the money as she has a terrible spending problem and credit card debt. I do not have any children and am single.

    Does anyone have advice on how I can approach this? Can I simply add my niece as the benefactor on all my accounts or do I need a separate will or some type of statement. I have looked into cases where you would assign an adult to be responsible for the money, but there is no other responsible adult in this family.

    Thank you. Stay safe everyone.

    submitted by /u/redditor999031
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    Insurance company allowed wife to change ownership of life insurance policy before divorce.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:42 PM PST

    My insurance company (State farm) allowed my ex-wife to change the ownership of the insurance policies from my name to her name one year before our divorce was finalized. They said she was the only person they dealt with in the 25 plus years we had insurance so they assumed it was okay... Which is a lie, I have tons of emails, letters, and should be able to get call logs of me talking to the agent with and without my ex-wife. I also won the policies in The divorce by default and let my agent know, and 5 years later they still haven't turned over any of the policies. I do have an attorney, not a good one might I add... I'm wondering just how many people are dealing with this type of issue.

    submitted by /u/theduke414
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    Caught a neighbor throwing trash in my yard, is sharing the video on social media illegal or cyber bulling.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 09:40 PM PST

    I have been noticing small bags of trash with random stuff in there at one side of the lot. The first few times I did not think of it too much so disposed, then it was a pattern.

    So I setup a camera to catch the person and caught the person in the act. he lives few houses down the line and I don't know why he does that. So i took the trash about 6 small size bags and dumped in his front yard.

    If I share the video of him dropping the trash bag on social media like next door, would it be considered cyberbullying of any sort?


    submitted by /u/memclean
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    Management refuses to do anything about incredibly loud neighbor

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:58 PM PST

    My downstairs neighbor is a DJ and plays his music so loudly that we can feel the floor shake. We have asked him to turn it down but he only does so for a day, and then goes right back to blasting it. My roommates and I have been dealing with this for months. If you so wish, I wrote a post asking for advice here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DJs/comments/kelf3e/am_i_being_unreasonable_with_a_dj_downstairs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

    I decided to make a call to our management to make a noise complaint the next time he was playing his music loudly. They logged the complaint and made a call to the neighbor, but they reported back that he denied being the culprit (even though we know for a fact it was him - he told us he was a DJ when we first moved in, and he would apologize whenever we asked him to turn it down). Last night around midnight he started playing his music very loudly, so I made a noise complaint the following morning when the leasing office opened up. They said that although his playing the music at midnight was a lease violation, they couldn't do anything about the music being played in the daytime - except for asking that he would turn it down and then hoping that he would comply. I pointed out that we are all working from home due to the pandemic and it was unfair to all of us that he was being allowed to blast his music without consequence. However, they only reiterated that there was nothing they could do beyond making a call and asking that he turn the music down. It's true that there is nothing in the lease regarding being courteous about noise during the daytime, but I feel like there is something that the management could do and that they were copping out of any responsibility by stating that. Do you have any advice on what my roommates and I can do to talk to management and see if we can get them to do something? Or maybe any advice on twisting our neighbor's arm into being courteous about the noise?

    Thank you!

    Edit: just some spelling

    Edit 2: I live in CA.

    submitted by /u/throw-RA-ur-help-pls
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    Doctor overcharged me. Anything I can do about it?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 07:57 PM PST

    So a few months ago I developed Covid 19 symptoms and was not able to get tested right away. My work asked me to get a doctors note to excuse me from the days I missed. So I went to a local urgent care where I had 5 minute zoom session with a "doctor", he printed out a generic Covid 19 article and got me a note to excuse me from work. So about a month later I get the receipt from my insurance and they charged me $900 for this 5 minute zoom call. I view this excessive, as I've had a visit the emergency room and it was nearly the same amount for a small surgery in my leg. Anything I can do or am I just SOL. My insurance covered $300, so I'm still on the hook for $600.

    Location: California

    submitted by /u/YoungTheGiant_
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    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 08:54 PM PST

    Homeowner ins Wisconsin Daughter and her children live with me. One child was injured while we were all home but under her immediate care and supervision. Homeowner ins denied claim stating they are family residents so ineligible for claims. But they are only here every other Friday-Sunday for visitation. I'm unable to find anything under Wisconsin law that whether part time or full time makes a difference. Any ideas.

    submitted by /u/Bubbly-Educator-3000
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    I work for 9 hours everyday, but only get paid for 8

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 06:07 PM PST

    This is an issue I've struggled with for a while. I work as a photographer for a news station. I'm scheduled for 9 hours a day, 45 hours total a week, but I'm only paid for 8 and 40 respectively. The reason my employer can technically get away with this is because I have an hour long "lunch break" scheduled every day. However, I wish I could accurately describe to you how ridiculous the idea of taking an hour for lunch is in my profession. I am running around from start to finish of the day with a reporter, working on a story and running from crime scene to crime scene. There is quite literally never a second to spare. There isn't any possible way for me to "take a break" on any busy day, and I would ruin a show if I did. My meals, on the rare occasion I get one, consist of scarfing down a protein bar from a gas station while I drive to the next location. Now here's the thing, I don't mind not having the break. I understand that it's simply not feasible. But I'm getting really bitter about the 5 hours of overtime I'm not paid every week. It would've added up to thousands by now. I've brought this up to coworkers, and the unanimous sentiment is "it really sucks, it's a total scam, but there's nothing we can do about it." This is a job a lot of people are eager to have, and I feel like if I were to bring up this situation I would simply be fired and they would find someone else who wouldn't bring it up. It is true that there's occasionally) but very rarely) downtime in between scenes, but in the sense that you're sitting there waiting for the next task, and have to be ready to jump at any moment. I don't consider this to be any sort of break, since you still are 100% alert and on the clock, and the vast majority of this time we're rushing to get some or other task done anyway. We're always over burdened work load wise and it's always a mad rush to get it all done on time and make slot. Anyway, I'm not sure what the proper way to approach this is. I'm very poor, and absolutely struggling to get by. I could use every cent I could get, and feel I'm underpaid as is. However it truly does feel like the sort of issue that I'd get fired for raising, and no one else seems to be doing anything about it. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

    submitted by /u/CoolCousinCocaine
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    Fired for my voice

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 08:30 AM PST

    Two days after my employer found out that I was pregnant I was fired from a customer service call center because my voice was too low-pitched and monotoned. I'm positive that a man would never be fired for having too low of a voice. I'm also fairly certain that my pregnancy is the actual reason for the termination. Is there anything I can do? The business is located in Oregon. I live in Pennsylvania. I'm not sure who's laws apply

    submitted by /u/tommyduhkid
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    a currently running Kickstarter campaign has stolen most of my past successful campaign word for word and plagiarised my packaging blurb and even my personal profile bio.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:33 AM PST

    Our projects are both card games. Their project has about 13 days to go and has already reached its target.

    • more than half of their page is stolen word for word from our campaign.

    • Zooming into a picture of their packaging reveals that they even took the words straight from the back of my box packaging and printed it on theirs.

    • Following their Instagram page they've copied an exact advertising video which I created too, also using the exact style and content as mine.

    • checking the guys's profile also shows he's stolen and changed a few words from my profile to make it his own, including details which are personal to me.

    I don't want to disclose any further details until I know I can and should and it doesn't weaken my case in anyway.

    I sent emails to kickstarters copyright team Kickstarter says to do in this situation but I am worried as they have not responded in 3 days.

    I would like to know if there is anything else I can do and whether I know you can't advise media exposure but I would like to know if it would harm me to spread the word about it on my channels.

    I'm guessing that seeing they have already met their goal, they may not care about changing it and will just secretly do so themselves if I warn them.

    I was thinking about warning them I was filing a DMCA but after finding the guy stole word for word a majority of my profile bio as well as copied the blurb on my packaging I am too annoyed and worried about what else they may have stolen inside the game itself.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated, even if it's "just wait"

    Ps this is all happening in Europe but it's on the Kickstarter platform.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/zushini
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