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    Saturday, December 12, 2020

    Legal Advice - Could I Really Lose My Job for This?

    Legal Advice - Could I Really Lose My Job for This?

    Could I Really Lose My Job for This?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:12 PM PST

    I work at a retail store in Georgia. One day, I was working on something and a 5 lb bin fell on me. Cameras caught it happening, but when it happened, I said it landed on my head while the cameras supposedly caught it landing on my shoulder. I reported a headache but went back to work. I didn't see a doctor, take time off, or bring it up to management again.

    Well, since seeing the footage, they're claiming I intentionally filed a false report, and I'll face disciplinary action because of it. They say I will likely not lose my job, but I'm not sure. They said it would be a security issue for me to watch the footage, as well as tell me which camera angle she saw it from (some may obstruct vision).

    I really believed it hit me on the head at the time, and the headache was real, but it didn't keep me from continuing to do my job. I just don't understand what the big fuss is all about, especially since I didn't cost them anything or lie about being hit altogether. What should I do? Is it right to be accused of falsifying a report in this case? Are they being sketch by not letting me see the footage of my own accident?

    submitted by /u/pieapplekitten
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    Can my landlord increase my rent if they now have to pay for water/garbage charges?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:28 PM PST

    Recently it was passed that homeowners have to pay for the water/garbage bill of their rental homes and it is effective starting 2021. My landlord sent a letter to me last month telling me to give him the log in for my utilities account so he can see what I've been spending (of course I said no and just provided the bills instead). Now he's saying effective Jan 2021, my rent will increase by whatever the average is of this years water bill. My lease is over in March so is he able to do this? Shouldn't it be raised in March and not January? I signed a lease agreeing to the amount I'm currently paying for the time that we agreed on.

    EDIT: forgot to add my location. I am in California

    submitted by /u/MisunderstoodNymph
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    Getting a security deposit back, but not from the landlord.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:25 PM PST

    So this is kind of a crappy situation, but I moved into a place about 6 months ago. I had signed a lease that my roommate got from the landlord and I moved in. My roommate had lived in the place for a year before me so I was being added to the lease.

    My roommate ended up passing away a few months ago, and it turns out I was never officially added to the lease, and my roommate pocketed my security deposit.

    They did write out a "will" before they passed saying I get back the money and my roommates girlfriend also claims I get the money. I also have text and bank statements showing everything.

    The problem is my roommates mom got the security deposit and now she refuses to even text me back. I would take the loss, but it's 3000 dollars and with covid I need that money.

    I don't want to sue her, but it I have to do I even have a chance of winning that? What other options do I have?

    I lived in LA when this happened, his mom lives in Texas.

    submitted by /u/jen235
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    33 (M) Fired from Walmart for an accident involving my prosthetic leg.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:26 PM PST

    33 (M) Fired from Walmart for an accident involving my prosthetic leg.

    Last Monday I was fired from Walmart NM after 7 years for a forklift accident. I have worked at a Walmart distribution center for 12 years. I was most recently in a position of running a reracking project where we were tearing all the old racking out and replacing it. This meant I was in front of a computer all day everyday. I used to work at a job function where I drove a forklift for more than 10 years.

    The racking project was shut down due to covid. I was instructed to return to my old job function. My old job function involved me taking pallets down to check them and other forklift required tasks.

    11/28/2020 I was told to go due a job which required me to get on a forklift. A little back story, I'm a Syme's amputee. I'm missing my right foot and I wear a prosthetic. I have been licensed in all the equipment with my "old prosthetic". I recently got a new leg that looks like a Paralympic running leg. I have never worn it on equipment and I don't even like wearing it to work as the floors are always slippery. I was wearing this leg because my old leg was broken. Again up until this day I have never used this leg on a lift. I mostly sat at a desk and used excel.

    To understand why you have to know what a stand up forklift is. All the equipment in the building is stand up so nobody can sit down. You stand in a little open space in the lift and kind of lean your

    butt back. Using this new leg it pushed my foot forward since it has a large curve in the back. The brake is under the right foot on the lift. You can see where this is going.

    I was driving the lift and I drove to move a pallet. It was weird but not impossible. When I returned to park the lift I was driving through a roll up door. The door blocked the view of anything behind it. I went through the door and there was water on the floor. I tried to lift my leg to stop the lift but with my prosthetic I wasn't able to and I slid into a pole denting a bench. No injuries, no damage to the equipment. It was my fault I drove in the water obviously, however there were no wet floor signs. The accident led to me getting terminated and Walmart knows about my leg. It was written in the incident report and I even tried to get my job back. They said no.

    Is this discrimanation or just a dumb accident that I got fired for. I do need to point out that Walmart has an incident tracking log called a matrix. I had other things on my matrix and once it is full they fire you. Everything was 18 days from falling off leaving me with a clear matrix. However they gave me careless driving and I'm not sure if that is going to bar me from unemployment as well.

    submitted by /u/footxless
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    Legal graffiti? Could you buy a fraction of a street/square foot of sidewalk for non-controversial art? Permits?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 12:19 AM PST

    I'm an artist in Los Angeles wanting to spray paint a stencil that simply says "it was here" legally without it being graffiti. Is it possible to buy a fraction of land/street for me to do whatever with. Any permits required?

    submitted by /u/msml_
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    Can my (17) mother prevent me from working and have me removed mid-shift in Oklahoma?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 12:23 AM PST

    My mom threatened to go up to my job tomorrow and "cause a scene" and/or call police to have me removed. I'm 17 in Oklahoma. I'm looking for a way to prevent this or protect myself from being removed should this actually occur tomorrow or in the future.

    submitted by /u/nin-Tyler
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    My neighbor is a menace, and according to the office manager for our rental, they can't legally kick him out

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:55 PM PST

    I suppose because we're in a state of emergency. I have heard they're protecting individuals from being kicked out of their homes if they can't pay rent. But this goes beyond not paying rent. He carries illegally (he has a criminal record, I checked, and in NJ it's almost impossible to get a license unless you're a cop). He sells alcohol after hours from his house. He has a dog, which is against the lease rules (we both rent from the same place). And I've called the cops on his disturbances more times than I count in just one night. Because of him, one of my roommates got assaulted by a dude with a gun who was robbing our neighbor (because he made it incredibly easy to), and his customers knock on our door every other night. I am diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and I suffer from suicidal ideations, eating disorder and anxiety/panic attacks. My roommate is coping with alcohol because his nerves are shot every time he hears a noise, he can't help the anxiety. Please, someone with any legal know-how, tell me there's a way to get our lease and get the f*ck out of here.

    TLDR; our neighbor is driving us insane, I'm afraid I might kill myself one of these days, and our landlord is doing f*ck all to help

    submitted by /u/aslindehecate
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    Police kept my driver's license after citing me for speeding, case is being delayed with 2nd arraignment

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:13 PM PST

    TL;DR Driver's license was kept by officer after being cited for speeding. Case is delayed as it is being moved from county's state court to DA's office. Can I apply for a GA photo ID? When can I get my license back? Is it legal for me to drive with just the ticket in my possession?

    Incident happened in Rockdale county, GA, USA. I received a citation for speeding 99 in a 70 zone over a month ago. State law 40-6-181. The officer conducted a field sobriety test (HGN) on me, but did not cite me for DUI. He told me I was free to go, but never returned my license. I did not notice I was missing my license until I was several miles down the road. My driver's license number is wrong on the citation - it is missing a digit. There are no citations or withdrawals listed on my DDS account.

    I have a dashcam video which I believe shows I was not speeding. After the initial arraignment, my lawyer was told by the county that the DA's office will now be handling traffic cases and there will be a 2nd arraignment. No date is set yet. There is a line on the citation - 'license held in lieu of bail: yes/no.' No indications or markings were made there.

    I have already been greatly inconvenienced by not having an alternative state ID (buying medicine, credit freeze ID verification, hotel bookings, accessing my bank accounts, etc). I have tried to apply on the DDS website for a GA photo ID, but am denied after answering yes to the question 'Is your Driver's License currently being held by a police officer, law enforcement agency, or court?"

    Do I have any options for getting my driver's license back sooner? Can I still get a GA photo ID? Is it legal for me to drive if I carry the ticket?

    submitted by /u/subsuperspeed
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