• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 15, 2020

    Legal Advice - can i, a minor, submit an anonymous tip without my parents’ knowledge, and what else would i have to do if i submitted an anonymous tip?

    Legal Advice - can i, a minor, submit an anonymous tip without my parents’ knowledge, and what else would i have to do if i submitted an anonymous tip?

    can i, a minor, submit an anonymous tip without my parents’ knowledge, and what else would i have to do if i submitted an anonymous tip?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:55 AM PST

    i am a sixteen year old from the chicagoland area. i was sexually assaulted a few months ago by a guy who is the same age as me. recently, one of my friends, also my age, was drugged and raped by him, and she has decided to press charges. to make her case stronger, she has asked me, and a couple other girls he's done this to, if i'd share my story with her detective. i'd be sharing my story through an anonymous tip. i really want to help my friend. this guy is a serial rapist. i know at least six other girls he's done similar stuff to. i want my friend to win this case and for him to be put away. the problem is, my mom really doesn't want me to get involved with this girl's story, and she feels very strongly about this. is it possible for me, a minor, to submit an anonymous tip to my friend's detective without my parents' knowledge? also, what would happen if i did submit an anonymous tip? would i have to appear in court? be questioned by the police? anything else? i really need help with this, please. thank you guys.

    submitted by /u/squashedwendysburger
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    [Cincinnati, Ohio] Found out I've been in a green card marriage unintentionally, what to do now?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:20 AM PST

    Throwaway account and details changed.

    I met a New Zealander in 2003 in LA who we'll call Tony, while he was here as a tourist, had a LDR with him, then married him in 2008, and he's still got his green card now. I'm a US citizen (obviously... was born in California but now live here) and I thought my relationship was genuine.

    I only found out because my husband had posted photos of us to a blackhat forum saying how he'd managed to get into the US through a green-card marriage and detailing a how-to, along with some Adobe keygen DMG files. (Also, he posted photos of himself on the john wearing my bikinis, and a post saying he'd post them to /r/gonewild on here). The photos on the hackforum how-to guide were clearly me; identifiable photo due to my unique tattoo. (I'd been sent the link by a cousin of mine who found it when browsing one day). Apparently my husband was on there trying to get a Trump supporter protest to run in our city.

    I didn't enter this marriage KNOWING it was a green-card marriage.

    I feel like reporting him to ICE but it probably won'tget anywhere.

    Feel like I'm screwed, where do I go now?

    I need to find an attorney but the coronavirus probably means in-person won't even happen.

    submitted by /u/katvernf03k3
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    I shot and killed an attacking dog, what next? (North Carolina)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:31 PM PST

    Yesterday evening I was leaving my house to walk my dog when I was attacked by 2 large pit bulls in my driveway. As they charged at me I yelled "someone come get your dogs!", but nobody came to help. I received a quick snap on my arm, but was wearing long sleeves and suffered no broken skin or real injury. My dog was bit up some, but nothing too serious.

    Although the attacking dogs seemed more interested in killing my dog than hurting me I was in fear of serious injury, especially because the ~160 pounds of dogfight at my feet was knocking me off balance into my car, and if I fell I would be very vulnerable to being bitten on the head or neck.

    I was able to draw my legally carried handgun and shoot the larger and more aggressive dog once. After the shot, both dogs stopped attacking and ran off. My dog and I went back inside, where I made sure neither of us were seriously injured, and called 911. I went back outside while on the phone with the dispatcher to search my yard and my neighbors' yards to try to render aid to the dog if possible. A neighbor ran around the corner asking "was that a gunshot?" and "where are my dogs?" I pointed the direction the dogs ran and told her where they went, but didn't say anything about the gunshot. My gun was still on my hip, and emotions were clearly high for everyone, so I didn't want to be in a conversation with an angry dog owner about why I shot her dog.

    An animal control deputy (in my county they are actually sworn LEOs who work for the Sheriff) responded to the call, asked for a written report, and took photos showing the saliva left on my sleeve from the bite. As I was in the driveway speaking to the deputy the woman drove up and yelled at me, asking why I shot her dog. The deputy took the woman's information and told her to get the dog to the vet. The deputy told me that the shooting was, as far as his criminal investigation goes, entirely justified and that he would be filing his report as a response to a "dangerous/potentially dangerous domestic animal."

    The deputy called me a few hours later to tell me that the dog had, unfortunately, died. He told me that that doesn't change anything in regards to his investigation, but to be aware that the owner could attempt to file for warrants herself or sue me.

    TLDR- Got attacked by 2 dogs in my driveway, felt that I was in danger of having my face eaten, shot and killed one of the dogs.

    Sorry for the long rambling post, but what do I need to do to protect myself here?


    submitted by /u/cheryldlovejoy
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    My Mom was exposed to COVID by a doctor who came in while sick. The doctor performed surgeries while positive with COVID, is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:14 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    This is a little long so I apologize, i'm also on a throwaway account. I got a call from my mom (60F, lives in PA) today and she told me that she was exposed to COVID-19 by one of the doctors that she works with. The doctor had come into work with a fever claiming that it was a sinus infection. Three days later he tested positive for COVID-19 and my mom was made aware of the possible exposure by her manager after the doctor tested positive. She is quarantining without pay, and the office that she works for told her she can use her PTO time but will otherwise be unpaid.

    She was exposed while eating lunch in their break room. She was not wearing a mask (because she was eating lunch) and the doctor was also in the room with her. Long story short, not only was he maskless, but he decided to eat off her directly off my mothers plate without her permission. My mother was tested but we're still waiting on results.

    On top of that, the doctor was seeing patients and performing surgeries on patients while sick. When my mom told me that I just couldn't believe it. After our conversation I couldn't stop thinking about all of the people who were potentially exposed and further unknowingly exposing their loved ones at home. I called her back and we filed a COVID complaint form in the state that she lives in anonymously because she is terrified of losing her job over this.

    The doctors office is not closed down, and the doctor plans on returning to the office this week which is a week earlier than is safe to go back after testing positive. The office did not close down, and did not properly sanitize after finding out that the doctor tested positive. Who knows how many people have been exposed in that office.

    My question is, is there anything else we can or should do? I'm worried that the office will continue BAU and the doctor will return potentially exposing more patients and other nurses. I don't know how timely the complaints are addressed, and I can't stop thinking about people potentially getting exposed. I'm angry that a doctor would go to work with a fever during a pandemic and put my mother, patients, nurses, others at risk. I'm not sure if we should wait it out and see if anything comes of the complaint, or if there is another place we can file a complaint against the doctor and the office.

    submitted by /u/Potential_Method_492
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    [Prince William County, Virginia] Dispute brewing with the neighbors over property use and access rights

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:13 AM PST

    I purchased a home approximately three months ago not knowing there was a path everyone in the neighborhood uses that cuts right through my property to a trail behind my house. This was not disclosed by the previous owner at the period of inspection. Since my family and I have been here, we have experienced people walking their dogs off-leash on our property (we have a small child, so this makes us nervous), allowing their dogs to defecate on our property and not cleaning it up, and taking the fruit off our tree in our front yard. In addition to this, we have had the trees inspected on our property by a professional, licensed arborist and they have informed us that there is at least one dead tree dangerously leaning over that path on our property. So, (1) we do not want to deal with people disrespecting our property nor, (2) the liability of someone possibly getting injured on our property.

    The path appears to have been there for a quite a while and it abuts HOA common ground. Since the property line is unclear and, (talking to one of the neighbors) it has never been done before, we hired a licensed surveyor to come out and stake the property. We then requested that the HOA establish the path OFF of our property and onto their common ground (about 10' away) and allow us to put up "no trespassing" signs to discourage people from using our property as a conduit to that trail. They agreed and we have done that. Now it seems some of the neighbors have been inflamed, as they have been using that path for many many years, and there is talk of them getting together and asking the county to declare that portion of our property an easement to which they are entitled to continue using.

    When speaking to one of our more sympathetic neighbors, he told us that the previous homeowner's father was not happy about people walking through the yard either and kept having to chase people off the property. The previous homeowner was Korean and lived here with her Korean parents. I don't think English was their first language, so some of her dad's efforts might have gotten lost in translation. We know less about the homeowner before them, but from what our next door neighbor describes, they didn't know where the property line was or had forgotten about it, and were a lot more comfortable with sharing their personal property with the neighbors anyway. We suspect they were older, better insured, and more financially secure than we are that they did not mind shouldering that kind of risk and burden.

    So my question is, do the neighbors have a legal leg to stand on? Can they have our property declared an easement (it currently isn't one, we've checked), and if so, do we need to legally pursue the previous homeowner for compensation for not disclosing this issue to us during our inspection period?

    ETA: So this is even more complicated than I first thought. My husband just informed me that the HOA has landscaping on either side of the path (all on our property) that they've been maintaining for many years. In other words, an encroachment. However, they would have had to apply for this and needed to ensure that whatever landscaping they established was not on anyone's property, but on common ground instead. Unfortunately, and we are trying to get the application records from our HOA to confirm, it doesn't appear that they did. Additionally, the previous homeowner that failed to disclose all of this to us is a licensed real estate agent.

    ETA 2: Since many people have suggested I just put up a fence and be done with it, that would be a goal, but as of now, the HOA covenants do not allow front yard fences. This is part of my frustration because I feel if the previous owners had been able to fence in their front yard, maybe I would never be in this position in the first place. I feel the HOA convenants prevented the previous homeowners reasonable protection from encroachments because they were never allowed to put up a fence, and the first homeowner lived here so long and was so old by the time he left, he forgot where the property line even was. Had he been allowed to put up a fence and define the property, we might have never gotten here in the first place.

    submitted by /u/popover
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    [Texas] Peeping Tom that won’t leave us alone.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:53 PM PST

    My roommate and I just moved into our dream (rental) house. We've been here about two months now, and our neighbor seemed friendly at first.

    He's older, maybe 60? And lives right next door. Our first encounter with him was when we were viewing the home - he looked through the fence and introduced himself, talking about how he was friends with the old owner and still has a key to the home.

    We haven't interacted much with him, but he is always around outside. The dog hates him and will bark incessantly when he's outside or along the fence, but truly doesn't bark at anything or anyone else. The dog barks a lot nowadays, but still, only at him.

    Our landlord did not rekey the home for us when we moved in, but recently has due to the events of last week.

    Tuesday night, 11/10, I was in Austin for work and my roommate called me at 9 pm freaking out saying that she's called the police. She fell asleep on the couch and woke up to the dog barking viciously at the window across from the couch. Our neighbor was standing at the window looking in, watching her sleep.

    The police came and talked to him. They also retrieved a step stool from below the window that the neighbor automatically claimed to be his.

    We filed a report and the police asked for the key to the house - he gave them a bunk key that doesn't fit any of our locks. Thankfully the landlord has since listened to our plea to change the locks and did the next day. The guy has creeped us out from day one. Really.

    However, now he won't leave us alone. He will knock on our door for 5-10 minutes at a time multiple times a day. He also wrote us a three page letter and taped it to our door. We have added that to the police report.

    Is there anything else we can do aside from a security system/cameras to keep him away from us and off our property?


    submitted by /u/brew_sip_conquer
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    Husband just blindsided me with his desire for divorce- we have two minor kids and he plans to retire in 9 months. Arizona

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:13 PM PST

    I'm in Arizona. My (44F) husband (49M) blindsided me yesterday by stating he wants to separate but stay in same home (separate bedrooms). We will have been married 22 years next month. There have been no major issues, although he has been stressed and easy to anger over the last couple of years. He has worked in a high-paying law enforcement job most of our marriage and I have tried to make his home life easy to accommodate for his shift changes, stressful work, etc. That's beside the point. He stated the reason for the separation is because we are on different paths due to opposite interests and he does not see that changing. He said he did not consider divorce because of the kids (16F and 13M) and finances. He literally said he doesn't want to lose half of what he has worked most of his life for - his retirement. The talk yesterday was mostly one-sided because I was stunned. The kids and I have walked on eggshells for years to keep him happy, and this is how I am rewarded. Oh, I also work full-time, but I bring in less than half each month what he does. After gathering myself over 24 hours, I asked what the goal of separation is if he does not see anything changing with our "different paths." He said he thought I understood the intention is to divorce. But he wants to wait until we pay off a consolidation loan in May. It sounds like his intention is to wait as long as possible to file for divorce.

    My concern and question is: if I let him wait, will he get a more favorable financial settlement regarding his retirement if he retires before the divorce is final? Also, he does not have to retire. He just wants to and is retiring as soon as he can. He plans to get another job, but the job he plans to get will be a contract position - no insurance, not a regular salary. I plan to find an attorney to have a consultation ASAP, but I am just hoping to see if I am being too suspicious. As a bonus, I did discover that he has been communicating daily with another woman. But that's for another sub.

    submitted by /u/questionsneedans
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    I came out to my parents as Lesbian and they kicked me out. I’m 17, don’t have a home, and they’re threatening to keep my savings and stuff, too. What can I do?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 07:42 PM PST

    Basically in the title. I'm 17, living in Utah, US. I'm living at a friend's right now but they don't really have room for me, I'm staying on their couch and it won't work long term. Is it even legal for my parents to kick me out as a minor? Like I just turned 17, I can't do anything for myself legally (i.e. get an apartment) for a year. Do I have any grounds on my savings or my stuff?

    submitted by /u/leehenrie
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    [IN] Just given a terminal diagnosis, how will debts affect my spouse?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:00 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I'm seeing a few conflicting things in my search, so I'd appreciate help from anybody familiar with Indiana estate law or pointing me to some resources.

    I was recently given a really serious diagnosis that will probably kill me in 5-10 years, depending on progression. Thankfully, I'll have a few years to get my affairs in order, but I have some major debts that likely will continue. I want to make to minimize the stress on my spouse after my death regarding finances (which is probably all I can help alleviate).

    I have federal and private student loans (prior to marriage) as well as a little credit card debt in my name alone (tbh, credit cards will probably be paid completely prior to my death-it's not a large amount at all). I read that federal student loans and credit cards in my name only will be cancelled, but can vary on state law. Is this true in Indiana? What about private student loans? Does it matter if I got the private loans prior to marriage?

    He is a cosigner on our mortgage, so I know he'll be left with that, but I do have life insurance that should pay off the rest of the mortgage for him, and set aside some money to help with counseling or something. Should I pursue life insurance to cover the other debts? Or would that be in bad faith at this point?

    Thank you in advance for your time.

    submitted by /u/dyinginIN
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    Update on friend attempting to traffic me!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:03 PM PST

    I called non emergency police and the woman literally hung up on me, and was zero help and when I attempted to call the fbi office in my state I got no answer-then on the website I got absolutely nothing and today they've texted me off a tenth number. I don't know what to do

    submitted by /u/Greenblueshoelace
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    My downstairs neighbors won't stop calling the police to report noise complaints

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Title basically covers the issue, but to make it more clear, my sweetheart and I own an apartment on the third floor of a condo building in New Jersey. He is almost always at work and I have been traveling back and forth between here and his parents house in Connecticut, as I am a student and work to find the quietest space possible while we're all in remote learning.

    Since I've been back for the past week / week and a half, the downstairs neighbors have called the police on us twice. The first time, the police came at 12:30 in the morning, they reported that the downstairs neighbors were saying we were making loud banging noises earlier in the afternoon, but the police did not report hearing any loud noise. That afternoon, my sweetheart was nailing in some moulding around a door frame, say about three nails were put in and the hammering lasted I'd say about 15 minutes at around 2:00 p.m. This morning, the police were called again at 7:30 in the morning. My sweetheart and I were sleeping when they came so there is no possible way that we were making any noise.

    At this point, the police have issued us a written warning and an official summons, and they say that the next time they come they'll have to issue us yet another ticket. As far as I can find online the first ticket is a $250 violation and the second ticket is a $500 violation. At this point I don't know what to do, we are quiet, respectful and we don't want bad blood, but the neighbors only method of trying to resolve the situation is to call the police, and at this point we're feeling harassed. What can we do?

    submitted by /u/smoretti713
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    Being blackmailed with nudes by anonymous person, need help fast

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 07:01 AM PST

    I'm a closeted homosexual and someone I met on grindr is blackmailing me with my nudes, they're asking for money through cashapp or paypal and they addressed me by my name (I didnt tell them on grindr what my real name was) I tried blocking their phone number but they just texted me from another number and are even more threatening, I have no idea what to do as if my parents or friends find out I'm gay I'll be kicked out/ostracized. What should I do/who should I contact?

    submitted by /u/Kawaii-sushi-chan
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    My last job gave me two paychecks that bounced

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 04:42 AM PST

    When I took them to the bank. I told my manager and she gave me two new checks. I took them to the check cashing place and put them on a prepaid debit card.

    This was last month.

    I just went to the check cashing place again and they are telling me the last two checks were fraudulent and I owe them 1000$. The lady at the counter spoke to my manager who lied on me saying I took them knowing they were not mine.

    I live in Florida

    submitted by /u/SnooDoughnuts3766
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    Student Living Off-Campus; paid 300 Dollars for a “Parking Spot” and every night it is full with random cars and whenever I call the impound they say our Lot is on “No Tow”

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:32 AM PST

    I paid for a parking spot at the beginning of the year for 300 dollars IN MY OWN APARTMENT (fucking ridiculous pricing)

    I currently work night shifts and every night I have to fight/hope I can get a spot because they're always being taken up by random people, no passes nothing. They don't even live here they just come to party or sleep over.

    I've called the impound multiple times and EVERYTIME (as well as tonight 11/15/2020, 3:28AM EST) they've said we are on a "No-Tow" List.

    I've texted the landlord multiple times about this issue and he's sent out an email AS WELL as a TEXT (TO ME) saying he's opened and will begin towing. This was on SEPTEMBER 11,2020 and an email was sent on the same date.

    This is getting straight up ridiculous and I do not think that I even should HAVE TO PAY 300 dollars for the spot.

    Is there any way for me to either 1.) Get the Money back in full or 2.) Sueinf the property for essentially scamming me 300 dollars for a "parking spot".

    EDIT: United States, Ohio

    EDIT 2: Sent out my 3rd text to the landlord (First text/complaint was September as noted above) and I think the situation has been fixed...The impound actually sent out a patrol for the lots tonight. Appreciate your guy's help!

    submitted by /u/iiSymbi0tic
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    Roommates trying to leave while still in our lease. Am I now required to pay the entire rent by myself?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 04:54 PM PST

    Hi all so I have an odd situation.

    I signed a one-year lease with a friend and my ex in May 2019. We live in the state of Ohio. My ex and friend decided to get into a relationship together, and now they want their own place and want to move. They are attempting to transfer to another unit that our landlord owns, and they claim that I will be stuck with the full lease amount. We all signed the same lease, there is not 3 separate leases. Under transfers on our current lease, it states that a new lease will be signed, and nowhere does it state that they are relinquished of our current lease agreement. The way I understand this is, is that there are 4 signatures on the lease agreeing to the terms (Me, 2 roommates, and landlord), so we need 4 signatures to end the same lease. My main question is, am I stuck with paying the full rent amount each month now? Or are they contractually obligated by the lease to pay their share of the rent on top of paying for rent in their new unit?

    EDIT: Subleasing is not allowed.

    submitted by /u/Kammack
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    Rear ended by road rager

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:44 PM PST

    Nov 12 my 7yo son and I were rear ended by a road rager. I witnessed this man driving recklessly for miles and got out of his way a couple of times in 4pm traffic. I avoided him hitting my driver side once while he was weaving in and out of traffic, then he got behind me right as I'm braking to turn off to get away from him and he nailed me. As we pull over and he begins to approach my vehicle I yell at him to get away from us until an officer arrives.

    We waited nearly 2 hr for Hwy Patrol. In the meantime his mother shows up and tries to convince me there's no damage to either of us. Etc.

    HwyPatrol shows up. He doesn't even write him a ticket AND cant state on my police report that the giant gash in my rear bumper was from the accident bc it doesn't match up.

    I can prove it wasn't there, so I'm sure insurance will be fine. I don't even want anything extra or to sue or anything. I want that reckless man who endangered the life of my child and myself as well as so many others to have a reprucussion.

    Is this an instance of 'it sucks to me be' legally or can I visit the hwy patrol office and have them request video from a local business to prove his recklessness?

    submitted by /u/TatorhasaTot
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    Can/should i have my dna removed from FDLE for an arrest that's been dismissed now?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 09:17 PM PST

    I had a criminal case in florida that was recently dismissed. Per florida statute on DNA removal


    A person may petition the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to remove a DNA sample obtained as a result of their arrest from the Florida DNA database if they can show that their case resulted in a:

    • Dismissal;
    • Acquittal (Found Not Guilty);
    • Reversal on Appeal."

    Which mine was dissmised. It states in the statute 943.325 " Unless the department determines that a person is otherwise required by law to submit a DNA sample for inclusion in the statewide DNA database, the department shall, upon receipt and completion of such verification of the information noted below as may be required, promptly remove from the statewide DNA database the DNA analysis and any DNA biological samples that may have been retained of a person included therein: "

    If i request FDLE to remove my DNA will they "run it" in codis to see if there are any hits before they remove it? The statute says promptly, so i'm assuming they're not supposed to do that because.. that wouldn't be a prompt removal if you're taking extra time to remove it. Does anyone have an idea if these "databases" like FDLE are actively searching dna files to find "matches" or if it's something where a detective has to ask for "dna to be ran" for a certain thing, like for example a rape kit?

    My question is, is removing DNA or requesting it a safe thing to request or could it potentially have them run my DNA or how does the DNA process work in regards to CODIS?

    submitted by /u/throwaway99921312
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    Neighbor wants us to sign an easement on our property

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:41 AM PST

    In Colorado: laws have changed and in order to sell a house, the septic must be inspected. My neighbors put a rental they owned up for sale and now have a buyer. Due to the change of law, they had to have the septic inspected and are trying to update the permit from 1978. The pipes where the leech field drains were broken and they ended up digging them up and repairing them.

    Turns out these pipes and leech field run on to our property lines by about 30 feet. I noticed them digging with some large equipment last week and ran out there to let them know they were on our property. Its a large flat area and I said I didn't mind so long as the put the dirt back and flattened it out nicely, and they did. My understanding is that they were trying to figure out where it was broken. Well, I guess when they found the broken piping, they just repaired it and covered it back up.

    I got a text yesterday from my neighbor asking me if I would meet him at the bank to sign and notarize an easement for use of the septic for the new buyer. I, in return, asked to see the documents first. Why wasn't I informed in the first place? There is no documentation in any of my paperwork when we bought our home about the neighbors leech field on our property. I believe this is because the permit is almost 50 years old. Either way, we should've discussed the repair and use of the easement before he made assumptions, fixed it, then covered it back up.

    Anyway, he had the land surveyed and our property lines done, and now would like an easement for septic maintenance. The documents included a map and verbiage regarding maintenance by the grantee. The terms seems pretty straight forward and not uncommon around here, but i don't want to affect the resale value of my home, and i believe this restricts the use of that area. Im a little peeved that he didn't discuss this with me in the first place as I would've asked them to just move the leech field off the property all together when they discovered the issue. Instead he just repaired it and now wants the easement.

    As of right now I haven't signed anything. I did ask him to add a claus to the document that states that in the event of failure or the need to repair the septic leech field in anyway, it must be moved completely at the cost of the neighbors.. As in, an easement is fine for now, but the second there are issues, it must be moved and the easement is void.

    Am I protecting myself? Should I even allow an easement?

    submitted by /u/colorado_sunrise86
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    Police forgot to delete revealing footage my stalker took of me before returning his phone

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:18 PM PST

    I was the primary victim in a serious stalking case that lasted a year. My stalker followed me, wrote me letters, looked in my windows, etc. Police eventually got warrants for his personal devices and found out he had recorded footage of me and my boyfriend having sex through a crack in a bedroom window on two occasions. This footage has become evidence for a case that is still awaiting trial on federal charges.

    I was extremely disturbed by this information. I began worrying the police may have forgotten to delete the video when they returned my stalker's devices to him. I asked, thinking I would have my irrational fears alleviated.

    The primary detective in the case called and apologized, saying that they forgot to remove the videos of me and my boyfriend having sex from the stalker's devices. He said that normally a "tech person" removes any illegal material before returning things, but that somehow they had forgotten to do this.

    They did not suspect that my stalker had distributed this footage anywhere, but he said that, if I found out he had, to contact him because that would be an additional charge. He did not want to get another search warrant to get my stalker's devices again because this could make the investigators appear incompetent and jeopardize the case. He encouraged me not to worry because, hypothetically, my stalker could have made copies of this footage in the Cloud that they wouldn't have been able to find, so it might not have been possible to get rid of the footage anyway.

    As mentioned, this case is awaiting trial and I will be the star witness as I caught him stalking me for most of the incidents. It is a solid case. Family are encouraging me to sue the police department but I'm not sure whether this is remotely worthwhile to pursue. I have been diagnosed with PTSD since the stalking ended.

    EDIT: Location is USA

    submitted by /u/stalkingthroway
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    [New Jersey] Hired a contractor to do work but they didn't do the work up to code and I failed inspection.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Hello, I bought a new home that had several pre-existing issues that were not up to code. I hired a contractor and told him what needed to be done. They did the job, but not up to code. Now he wants more money to complete the same job again up to code. His argument is that the items required to do the job up to code were not outlined in our original contract. Can I withhold paying him more money and demand that he do the job up to the minimum standards? We have a contract stating that the remaining balance is due upon completion. Can I fire him and legally withhold the remaining balance of the job?

    submitted by /u/ronster2018
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    [WA] Partner's security job says pay periods are "two weeks behind", seems to be their policy. Partner has been working for 3-4 weeks, 40hr weeks at $14ish. Just found out we will only see $200 on his first paycheck. Is this legal?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 04:48 PM PST

    Furthermore, former employees also review the company online as taking up to a full month before you see any payment at all. We were depending on this money to make rent in two weeks.

    submitted by /u/gaylittledeer
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    My vet is charging me for the cremation of my cat who's buried in my yard.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:13 PM PST

    I set an appointment to get my stepsons cat cremated, but he decided he wanted to bury the cat instead. I'm almost positive I cancelled the appointment but it may be possible I forgot. I don't have the phone I used to set the appointment, so I wouldn't be able to look at the records on my end. That being said, they did not cremate my cat. He is buried. In a trash bag. In my yard. They sent me to collections for not paying the bill. It's $200. I'm already in the middle of trying to leave a DV situation and now I've got this on my plate.

    They said they were going to call the cremation company to "confirm" the ashes weren't picked up but they weren't, because, again, MY CAT IS BURIED IN MY YARD. I'm still waiting for a call back but I highly doubt things are going to go my way. Is there any way to fight this and would it even be worth fighting? It's a $250 bill.

    submitted by /u/Philosophy-Standard
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