• Breaking News

    Friday, October 9, 2020

    Legal Advice - (UPDATE) (MA) My elderly father was lais off in a position elimination three weeks ago. 24 hours ago they posted that they are hiring for the same position.

    Legal Advice - (UPDATE) (MA) My elderly father was lais off in a position elimination three weeks ago. 24 hours ago they posted that they are hiring for the same position.

    (UPDATE) (MA) My elderly father was lais off in a position elimination three weeks ago. 24 hours ago they posted that they are hiring for the same position.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Previous post here: https://reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/i0x2pd/ma_my_elderly_father_was_laid_off_in_a_position/

    Unfortunately this is not going to be the update everyone was looking for. We did work with a lawyer who felt similarly to everyone here that he was taken advantage of. My dad waived the severance agreement and the lawyer sent a demand letter for what he felt was an appropriate amount. They came back and said no and to pound sand. My dad was already stressed enough and did not want to bother with litigation.

    The only silver lining is that the company agreed to honor my dad's original severance agreement, so minus the lawyer's fee (which was very reasonable) we didn't lose much by taking the risk.

    Thanks again for everyone that provided advice and sent well wishes to my dad, they made him feel a lot better.

    submitted by /u/sootyowl
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    Decommissioning old well, learned it also serves neighbor's property and he is threatening to sue. MN.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Two years ago I purchased a rural property. The home had burned down and I bought the acreage to build a new home. The property had an old existing drilled well that served the original home. I had it checked out. They determined that the well was still functioning and the pump was operable, but the well was not in great shape and would need some repairs. We ended up deciding to redrill a new well in another area of the property.

    The company drilling the new well also began the process of decommissioning the old one, which involves removing the pump and everything and then they cut off the well below the surface, cap it and cover it.

    Yesterday afternoon they were working on this process when the company said the neighbor came over and asked how long they would be working because he wondered when his water would come back. There was a lot of confusion but what we have determined is that his house uses (or used...) the well on my property.

    I went over and spoke with them last night and again this morning. He says that when a prior homeowner had the well drilled, they agreed to share the well "off the books" and he paid for half the well drilling cost. I have consulted every document I had from the house sale and everything I can find on the county website, and there is no record of this. When I talked to him again this morning he said of course there isn't a record because the government doesn't need to know his business. Apparently they had a friend hook it up for cash under the table and it has never been documented. He is super anti government and seemed offended at the mere thought that there would be documentation of this someplace.

    He is extremely angry as he has children and grandchildren who are now without water, and also because he paid for half the well (or so he says - again there is nothing to confirm anything until we look for buried piping..). This morning he ran me off his property saying get the well running again or I will be sued by tomorrow morning for the cost of getting his own new well drilled. Getting the well up and running again.. that isn't much of an option at this point.

    I have reached out to several lawyers but no one can see me until late next week and in the mean time I'm freaking out.

    At this point I don't even have specific questions... just looking for any and all advice until I can get a consultation with a lawyer so I can start putting my mind at ease. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/minneneighwell
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    I returned home today to find a notice on my door that my property may be expropriated.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    So I or rather my wife came home before I did to find a notice on our front door and back door that our home may be expropriated. I hadn't a clue as to hell what that meant had to research it online apparently where in the way of a new planned subway extension and they want to buy our home at fair market value problem is we don't want to sell. My wife is going nuts so are my kids they don't want to move leave there schools and friends. I want to know if there is any legal way to stop this. Toronto Canada

    Update: Thank you all for the advise I talked to my wife and kids on the possibility we may have to move regardless of weather they want to or not. It was hard but once I told the kids we would end up being rich after the sale the kids are now keener on moving. Meeting with a lawyer on Monday and also having my property appraised going to make the province pay for legal fees and moving expenses and no way I'm accepting fair market value when I hear every house is selling for a million and a half . Cheers to everyone . Have a good long week end. Going to move to a condo and keep the bulk of the sale in the bank I'm rich now so can't really complain.

    submitted by /u/ApexGunner
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    [MO] Abortion clinics say my husband has to agree.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    I'm in the Kansas City, MO metro area, and I need an abortion. All the places I've called say because I'm married my husband has to agree to the procedure. Is that legal? Is there any way I can get around this?

    submitted by /u/KCMO_AbortionConsent
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    My mother is forcing me to move out before I turn 18. Will I be able to keep my things?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    Just like the title says. I have 30 days to get my living situation in order before I have to move out. The thing is I won't really be moving anything out. My mother told me I can't bring anything from the house. Not any of the furniture in my room. None of the clothes I wear. None of the gifts I've gotten from her, family members, or friends. Only things I've bought with my money (which would be nothing more than a few shirts, my computer, some books, and some other small things) can I bring with me. My question is . . . can she take legal action against me if I move my stuff out w/out her knowing. Truthfully all I want to take with me is my guitars that I've collected over the years (gifts from family members and my mother) and my clothes (all of my clothes).

    Thank you for any advice you may have.

    Edit: I live in NJ, USA

    submitted by /u/Avacyn3301
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    I live in Washington State. My landlord nailed my back slider door shut tonight without any notice. She told me if saw me on my balcony again, she’d call the police and have me arrested.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    My landlord showed up, without notice, in a fit of rage on my front doorstep this evening. She told me I was prohibited from accessing my balcony, effective immediately. She stated she would have me arrested if she saw me on my balcony again. As she screamed at me at my front door, she had workers fix several large beams across my back door - screwing them into the wall, slider door frame, and the slider door handle. She did not notify me that she was permanently sealing the door. I discovered the door no longer opened after she left. I have several hundred dollars worth of plants and other personal property on my balcony I can no longer access. I was not given the opportunity to recover my property from the balcony before she sealed my door. Additionally, that slider served as one of my only two fire exits. Can she do this to me legally - deny me one of my fire exits as well as access to person property? I've walked around the complex. I am the only person she's done this to. I am up to date on rent and have never been late. I have no prior history of confrontation with the landlord. I keep to myself, and follow lease and state rules.

    submitted by /u/krakensmama222
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    [TX] Do I have to pay 19 months of rent after my mom died?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    My mom passed away unexpectedly last week and I'm trying to figure out all the legal things she left behind. One thing I'm worried about is that she had just signed a two year lease on her apartment in May. Her rent is $1075 a month. It says in the lease that there can't be any early termination even for death. Is this right? Am I (or the estate, I'm an only child) seriously on the hook for over $20k?

    I'm in Texas. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/deadclearwater
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    The bar I used to work at owes me nearly $16,000. It might be closing soon. Do I still have claim to anything?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    I bartended and eventually managed a bar in Indiana for the last few years. It (supposedly) was struggling financially. There were a few instances over 3 or so years when payroll would bounce. Because I was young, very dumb, and (at the time) in a financially privileged position, I would stop cashing my checks to ensure my friends/coworkers could keep their jobs and get paid and the bar could stay open. The owner and I were in talks for me to eventually take over/buy him out of the bar. I had just started slowly paying myself back because business was finally improving. Then Covid hit and we shut down. During that time I found out the owner had been misappropriating funds for several years and the bar was never that short on money. However, it has remained closed since the shutdown and I believe the owner might be closing it soon. I still have physical copies of all the uncashed checks. Do I have any legal claim to that money? If so, would it be more advantageous to pursue this through legal action instead of just trying to work it out amicably?

    submitted by /u/savagetunabear
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    Being sued day after closing on my house by the buyer. Do they have a case?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    My buyer closed on the house they sold before our close date. I allowed them to live there while we waited on our closing. The fay after closing they asked for help due to sewage back up. I gave them my best advice that it could be a tree root down the street that the city cleaned out three years ago previously. I had no trouble with my sewage over those 3 years. I had no knowledge of issues. To my knowledge, those roots aren't even on the property. They are getting an attorney. Do they have a case?

    submitted by /u/chloroformmailbox
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    Underage Kid Under the Influence Hit My Mailbox

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    [in Tennessee] A few weeks ago a 16 year old kid hit my $800 mailbox (live in Neighborhood with HOA) and took off but was stopped further down the street by a delivery guy and my husband. Had a lot of damage to his vehicle. Cops were called and he was charged with DUI, DWOL, possession x2 and hit and run.

    Had to wait on police report to get his insurance info. Called his insurance to file a claim and find out his dad already did stating he (the dad) was driving and failed to inform the insurer that there was other damage made. Insurer had no idea of a police report, the kid driving, or the arrest made. I provided them with pictures, police report, and even a social media video of the kid saying he was driving.

    Insurer is now claiming they are still reviewing coverage since son wasn't even on the policy and they lied about who was driving to their own insurer. Afraid they won't pay for our mailbox. Contacted DA to ensure restitution to be added just in case insurance falls apart.

    What are our options? Have I covered all ground?

    submitted by /u/amovercast
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    [CA] Neighbor leaving trash on our cars. Now they’re just throwing trash in front of our garage etc.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    Live in California. The neighbor always fills up the trash can next door. Every single day. Finally we got fed up enough that we took the trash van into the yard.

    Now they're leaving it on our cars. We have videos of it. They're throwing it in our driveway. In front of one garage and more.

    This is getting frustrating and annoying. We're having to clean up after them almost every day. My boyfriend is exhausted from this. :(

    Any advice on how to deal with it? We have video and photo evidence. Video shows the neighbors coming into the driveway and leaving trash on the cars etc. and we just had another one ten minutes ago where they just threw a ton of trash in front of our garage. So they walked up to the garage and up the driveway.

    submitted by /u/Ashkir
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    Stalked by pharmacist. What can I do?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Long story short, my ex had an affair with a woman who works as a pharmacist at a major retail pharmacy chain, at which I've been picking up prescriptions and getting flu shots for years.

    The woman has been relentlessly cyber stalking me for more than 6 months. She has called me on my personal cellphone and has made several social media accounts (upon blocking, a new one pops up) to keep tabs on/harass me and my friends. I do have proof of every incidence.

    From what I understand I probably do not have grounds of ordering a peace bond against her because she hasn't made any direct threats toward me, and I can't prove that she got my number from looking up my info, she may as well have gotten it from my ex.

    Due to a recent incident, I'm scared that she will, if she hasn't already, look up my personal information in their system to use against me. I looked her up in our provincial directory of pharmacists to make sure I don't go to any of the locations she works at, but I'm scared that she may one day transfer to my regular location and tamper with my prescriptions, or purposely administer improper vaccinations to family members (with whom I share the same uncommon last name).

    I know that by doing so, she would be completely jeopardizing her career, but due to the recent incident I'm not sure I can put it past her.

    Is there anything else I can do in terms of prevention or protection?

    Edit: Located in Ontario, Canada.

    submitted by /u/throwaway-n-throwup
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    Mom owes 135k in SSA

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    My mom got a letter in the mail that she owes over 135k due to overpayment. My dad died awhile ago and she started collecting his Social Security in 2015. She was has a retirement through her work however and that is the reason for the overpayment. What can be done besides a waiver? She lives in California

    submitted by /u/CATdestroyer68plus1
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    Can someone sue me for giving them an STD?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    Well. This sucks. A casual partner of mine called me this evening and told me they tested positive for Trichomoniasis. I'm going to get tested myself this weekend. I have had sex with 2 other women in the past month. I plan on telling both of them if I test positive myself. My question is, can they sue me if they test positive?

    submitted by /u/swm43
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    My parents house is being audctioned on the 23rd of the month and I'm trying to get a stay order before then...

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    New York State. I just found out my parents haven't paid taxes since 2017 on their house. These taxes accumulated to $90k and I found thisnout because an interested buyer whos going to be at the auction stopped by to get some info. I started freaking out and doing everything I can, my parents are both disabled and have mental health issues and it's very difficuly to figure out what they did here.

    Is it possible to get a stay order in such short time?? I've been calling attorney after attorney and most don't want to take the case and keep passing me off to another attorney but I'm worried I don't have time.

    Theres nothing here anyone can do for me, but any advice or experience that can help me sort out what's going on here would he great.

    submitted by /u/_thefunk
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    Squatter threatening to kick me out of my own apartment

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    Missouri. An old neighbor came knocking on my door a little over a month ago asking if he can stay. He said he'd pay half the rent. We had done tiny favors for each other a handful of times, but I felt bad and said okay. Never again. Long story short, he kept using my stuff, inviting people over without asking, eating all of my food, leaving trash, having random girls stay over, etc. I had enough and told him (last Saturday) that he needs to leave. Got a phone call from the cops saying that I cant kick him out bc he had been there for over 30 days. He can even break in, and I cant throw his stuff out or he can sue me. He set me up.

    I got in an argument with him because he wouldn't leave my stuff alone once again, I took my towels and stuff away, and so he used my shirt to dry himself. I locked him out and started puting his things together and he broke my sliding glass door trying to get in. I left town and went back home since I'm in college, now he told my neighbor who is watching my cats that he is going to kick me out and get my name off the lease and his on it. She told him he can't do that, and he said he's smart and theres a loophole and he'd call my landlord tomorrow. Can he really kick my name off the lease when im the only one on it?? I am also formally filing to evict on monday even though I had verbally told him.

    submitted by /u/Lifeoftheparty14
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    Husband threatens to take my car if I divorce him. Can he?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    I live in Arkansas, and before me and my husband ever got married, his dad gave us the money to buy a car. At the time of purchase, the dealership wouldn't sell to my then boyfriend because he did not have a driver's license, so I had to give them my driver's license and sign all the paperwork and put the car title in my name. Now that I've told my husband that I want a divorce, he threatens me with the car. Saying if I take it he'll get me arrested because he filed for another title with his name on it saying the original title was either lost or stolen, and he told me he forged my signature and that the new title will be here in about 45 days. I still have the original title, with my signature on it, locked away. Can he actually do anything? And if he did file for another title and forge my name, what can I do?

    submitted by /u/sammiesmilez
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    My job is forcing servers to register a debit card with US Bank to recieve our credit card tips

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    Is it legal for my job to force us to open a bank account just to recieve our tips? Do i have any rights or recourse in defense of this?

    Edit: Sorry, location is Colorado

    submitted by /u/ArtMustBeFree
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    What can I do if big retailer claims they didn't receive a +$1000 coat?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    I returned a bunch of clothing for a refund to a big name clothing retailer that we have all heard of via mail.

    I returned about 6 items including a coat. The other 5 items were things like sweaters, pants, shirts, etc. The total shipping weight was close to 20lbs. Everything was shipped in the same package.

    I received a refund notification for 5/6 of the things I returned...except for the coat.

    I sent in an inquiry as to why I haven't received a refund for the coat yet. This is a pretty big company so their returns/shipping department is probably very separated from customer support, it is not like some independent clothing store where the guy answering your questions over e-mail could also be the one packing and shipping things out.

    I received a response the next day and it seemed like they were at least identify the order of my coat, but they then asked me to confirm "that you returned the last coat you bought at [location x] via mail to us and have not yet received a refund?"...which I confirmed.

    It has now been a few days, no response. I'm starting to get worried.

    Would I have any grounds to sue them if they claimed to have not received it?

    The shipping weight was literally 20lbs. There's just no way in hell that a few shirts, pants, etc. can add up anywhere near 20lbs, and I still have the shipping receipt that shows the shipping weight.

    They clearly received my package because I got a refund on some of the things...

    submitted by /u/MyDogLovesCorn
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    Can I move back into the house I own with my ex gf?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    I bought this house with my ex-girlfriend 6 years ago. I represented us as the agent and we equitably shared payments, upkeep and maintenance as well as cared for our 2 joint children.

    Until 2020. Because 2020.

    I moved out at the end of March when he hit another rough patch and on the surface it seemed like a lot of our rough patches and I anticipated after some time alone there would be some sort of reconciliation. Well she moved on and filed for support. I don't have an inherent problem providing child support but the amount is egregious ($3000/mo) and I won't even be able to afford to stay in my current apartment. On top of it all she has made co-parenting impossible and made things awkward by bringing her boyfriend around during child pickups/dropoffs etc. This all began when I refused to sign a quit claim deed. I understand the implications of doing that and tried to explain what a bad deal that was for me. I offered to let her buy me out at a discount and she refused. She thinks she's entitled to the home because she has the kids more and currently lives in it. I don't think it's mine or hers any more than the other. I just refuse to walk away from it. Freeing up that capital that I worked so hard to create is essential to me starting over and being the father I want to be.

    She hasn't been paying the mortgage, our joint debt in the relationship is now all mine and now beginning Nov. 1. I have an obligation of $3000/mo (including back support of nearly 9k). It will take me a long time to recover and I don't think it's fair that I unnecessarily suffer just because the relationship didn't work out after 9 years.

    There was never any abuse or reason why I shouldn't be able to be around her or co-parent at least for a while. There is an extra room in the basement which could be a private space separate from her but comfortable for the kids. I work overnights and she works days so we would rarely even intersect. Ideally, I'd like to get her to agree to sell or buy me out so we could both start over. The house has roughly 100k in equity before fees.

    What obstacles are in my way before I can just move back in? What am I missing? Am I nuts?

    What type of action would I file to get back in? Is it simple enough to represent myself? What could her answer to my petition look like?

    612lurker Minnesota

    submitted by /u/612lurker
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    not sure what to title this but my dad left me alone...wondering if it’s illegal

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    I'm 15 years old and i went to New York to visit my dad because he lives there. while I was there he went on a vacation for 5 days. it wasn't a necessary vacation. it was just a vacation to see something different. so he left me alone in a city i'm not used to with no other family members or friends there. I was just wondering if this is illegal or if he can get arrested, fined, or anything of the sort for doing this. He didn't leave me an emergency contact. you know like someone I can call if I needed help. Also, I was not able to contact him at all times because for a period of time he did not have service. So is this illegal? Can he get in trouble for it?

    Also sorry I didn't know what community to put this in.

    submitted by /u/Equivalent-Use-866
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    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    I was in a small fender bender on Monday. It was my fault and being my first accident I was quite flustered. The guy I hit was nice and offered to let me pay for the damages instead of involving. Insurance. I agreed because my step-dad has me under his plan so I didn't want his rate to go up and I didn't want him to be angry. I paid him in 3 parts. It totaled to be $340 to fix his bumper. I got a text from my step-dad this morning asking about the accident and telling me to call the insurance company. The guy filed a claim the day it happened and didn't say anything. I paid him back over 3 days and each time was in a Publix parking lot close to the ATM that I took the money out from. There are cameras out in front of the store that probably recorded the payments. I also work there so I don't think it will be a horrible hassle to request the footage. I know I'll at least be able to watch it myself. Did he do this to take my money and get insurance money as well. I must sound so dumb but it's been a tough month and I've been in a really low place lately so when he offered to let it be a civil matter I didn't think twice. I just want to know if there's anything I can do about the matter and how to go about it. Should I text him and say that he needs to give me my money back or should I not contact him and tell my insurance. Please help. I'm desperate.

    submitted by /u/Juniexs
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    My boss's boss wants me to resign. Not sure what my options are.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:51 PM PDT


    I've been with this company for 2.5 years- with the first year being through a temp agency. Before even getting hired, I told my boss that I was in school and looking to get my nursing degree. I was told that they'd work with me and my schedule and I was hired. For the first 2 years, everything was fine and I went to my classes after work or online. If a lab (I work in a lab) was running late on a school day, my coworker and boss would stay the rest of the day and finish up (no more than a couple hours longer usually.)

    Fast forward to a couple weeks ago. Since March, we have been "working from home." I put the quotes because we're a lab and if there are no labs, there is no work. We just recently started accepting labs again like last month. Because of covid, only me or my coworker is allowed to work with my boss instead of both of us. My department had scheduled some virtual webinar thing and at first, my boss's boss wanted me to present, even though it wasn't his event or his call. So, he set up a meeting with me for me to talk to someone and him about me possibly presenting. I had mistaken the meeting time for 10:30 when it was instead 10- so around 10:25, as I'm about to login to the meeting, I get an email from him asking why I didn't join the email. I let him know that I had mistaken the time and asked if we could reschedule for another time that day- or at all. He told me he'd be busy and there's no option to reschedule. My boss ended up talking to the person behind the event and they said that his boss had no say-so about who was to present in the first place so the meeting he wanted to have with me was irrelevant anyway.

    Fast forward to a few days ago. They had this said webinar over the course of a few days- doing pilates, and online karaoke event and some presentations. I was not sure if attendance was mandatory, since these seemed like company recreational events that may have been optional. I get a million webex invites a day to optional virtual events like these and I didn't know my attendance was mandatory. [Plus all the recordings from the meetings were uploaded online so people could review them.] Strike 2. My boss's boss emailed me asking why I didn't attend the webinars and I told him I didn't know they were mandatory but that I have been reviewing the recordings. Usually my boss, coworker and I are on the same page when it comes to meetings and we'll talk about them before attending or remind each other but I heard nothing about these. So I really thought it was optional. I messaged my coworker and boss before the presentation day of the webinar and asked what it was and if it was mandatory. No response. My coworker writes me back after the meeting is over and my boss didn't attend any of the webinars either.

    So now, my boss's boss is pissed. He told my boss that it's best if I resign. I have been with this company for 2.5 years and have otherwise done no wrong and had no disciplinary action taken against me. I just haven't caught the hang of this "working from home" thing. When we were actually in the lab, there were no issues. He also said that he doesn't feel like my boss will be able to accommodate my school schedule anymore, as I have clinicals Wed-Thurs and would have to leave an hour early those days. Our schedule is sporadic and often we don't have labs for weeks. He said his boss is concerned that in the event that we have to do a late lab, and I'm the tech that's on, I can't stay those days because of clinical. We don't often have late labs. I told them to compromise, I would open my Mon and Tue completely (I have class after work) and just miss class and catch up on the powerpoints afterward. They also have my Friday completely open. No. Not good enough.

    So now they want me to resign. And I don't know what to do. They want me to find another job by the beginning of next year and resign. Please let me know what my options are! I'm only in my early 20's and I live alone. I really need this job right now.

    I live in the US in CT.

    submitted by /u/yzmathegoat
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