• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 10, 2020

    Legal Advice - My (15f) ex boyfriend (17m) has threatened to expose my nudes and a NON CONSENSUAL video of us having sex.

    Legal Advice - My (15f) ex boyfriend (17m) has threatened to expose my nudes and a NON CONSENSUAL video of us having sex.

    My (15f) ex boyfriend (17m) has threatened to expose my nudes and a NON CONSENSUAL video of us having sex.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    Michigan, USA

    We have been broken up for a few months now. I woke up this morning to see he had texted me, threatening to post my nudes that I was dumb enough to send at the time. But he also had a video of him having sex with me that I did NOT consent to. I had a feeling he had recorded me after, and I asked him directly if he had and he lied to me. I found out about the video a while back, and I asked him to delete it, which he didn't. I have no idea what to do. Please give me advice. I do not care about the shame. He was the most toxic person I've ever been involved with, he cheated on me, would explode at me, and constantly accuse me of things I never did. That guy broke my heart over and over, and I can't believe he has taken it to this level.

    submitted by /u/awaythrow282883
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    Is my landlord required to let me out of my lease if our maintenance man keeps making unwanted advances? (Colorado)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    I am a 22 year old female who lives alone. This 55 year old maintenance man has 24/7 access to my apartment and is constantly telling me he has a crush on me, calling me sexy, trying to hug me. Once he came in unannounced while I was sleeping (5AM). I told the leasing agency and they did nothing. I'm scared to report him because he lives in my building and the last thing I want to do is piss off someone who is infatuated with me and has access to my apartment. Is this grounds to be let out of my lease? I'm terrified that he's putting cameras/ going through my stuff when I'm not at home. I need OUT and the leasing company is refusing to let me.

    submitted by /u/subaw0067
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    Landlord says too expensive to fix washing machine I have to deal with it.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    I live in Connecticut I moved into my apartment right before Covid hit big around January February.

    Approximately one month ago my washing machine stopped working. My landlord came in looked at it and said he'd order the parts.

    I called him today asking if the parts came in and he said he forgot and that he'll do it today but he's not responsible for repairs because it's too expensive. He said he explained that to the other tenants in the apartment those other tenants are not me and I don't interact with them whatsoever.

    When I moved in he said the washing machine had a 10 year warranty and the previous tenants who lived here in our apartment only lived here for 7 years.

    Can he refuse to do landlord duties because they're too expensive?

    I've already had to hire an exterminator because after cleaning up what his previous tenants left behind there was a huge bug and mouse infestation because he said that's not his responsibility as well.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway-Military
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    The Cottonelle Flushable Wipes I purchased in June have just been recalled because they "could contain the bacterium, Pluralibacter gergovaie". For the last several months, I have been experiencing extremely severe anal itching, and I am now certain this is the cause. Is this actionable in any way?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    [located in California]
    Sorry this story is a bit gross, but I won't go into any detail more than is necessary. In June I purchased a box of Cottonelle Flushable Wipes from Amazon, due to the local shortages at the time on bathroom tissue of any kind. After a few weeks of using the product, I began to experience tremendous anal itching. I assumed that I had developed a sensitivity to the chemicals in the wipes, and stoped using them once the itching got too severe.

    Around this time, I was laid off due to COVID. While I still have healthcare provided to me by my former employer for a few more months, at the time of my layoff I was unclear about the status of my healthcare. I also was in no rush to go to a hospital for a somewhat embarrassing and, in my mind, minor issue during an ongoing pandemic. I now plan to seek medical attention as soon as possible, but I have yet to see a doctor at this time.

    Yesterday evening, I received an email from Amazon informing me that the product in question had been recalled due to a potential safety issue—contamination from the bacterium, Pluralibacter gergoviae, which was detected during product testing.

    Obviously, Cottonelle's website says that if you have a contaminated product to cease using it immediately and to contact their customer support team. Having virtually no experience with recalls from a legal standpoint, I am hoping someone here can give me advice on how to proceed. I am not sure if I even need a lawyer, but if I do, should I contact them before contacting Cottonelle? Or should I inform Cottonelle straight away and see what their next steps are? I'm not sure if I have anything to lose from a legal standpoint by contacting Cottonelle first. Any advice at all is greatly appreciated!

    TL/DR: I bought contaminated Cottonelle Flushable Wipes and I am definitely experiencing symptoms from the contamination, not sure if it's worth it to contact a lawyer or if I should just talk to Cottonelle directly.

    submitted by /u/itchy_asshole_
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    [NJ] My Apartment just got declared illegal, need to be clear on my rights

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.

    We just had a visit and received a report from the town's Building Code Inspectors who declared the basement apartment we have been renting for around 14 months to be illegal. We are on a month-to-month lease, which may make our situation different than from a standard tenant.

    Right now, we don't have the money for a security deposit and month's rent in advance for a new place. We would need to either wait on an expected tax refund, or save up for around 5 weeks without paying any rent if that doesn't arrive.

    The most crucial things I can see online are that I am no longer legally required to pay rent, I cannot be evicted without going through the court system - AND that my landlord is required to pay me 6 months rent in relocation costs. That would obviously be a huge help in getting together the money for the deposit and rent we need for a new place.

    Can anyone advise what kind of action we can take from here to best protect ourselves and ensure we exercise our rights fully? Other than hiring a lawyer, obviously - Which we can't currently afford.

    My landlord has basically threatened to hire a team of lawyers in the past when I've tried to exercise my rights from the Governor's Executive Order to use the security deposit to pay a month's rent due to covid-19. He also says that being on a month-to-month lease means if we stop paying rent, he can kick us out easily. Not sure if that now applies with the illegal apartment.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    submitted by /u/YawningSquirtle
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    Bought a used car that was said to have 100,000 miles from a dealer on FB marketplace. Odometer read 100,000 and the salesman confirmed this number was accurate. Got home and ran the VIN to find that it actually has 270,000 miles, plus an undisclosed accident on record. Can I do anything?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    TLDR: I bought my first ever car today and found out that I had been royally scammed about an hour after I got home. I suspect odometer fraud, but am not sure if I have any legal standing. Any options or advice is much appreciated.

    Note that this is in Washington State.

    Earlier today, my mom sent me a Facebook Marketplace ad for a used car, selling for $5,000 and advertised as having '100,000 miles', 'clean title', and 'low miles'. The car had great reviews for that year/model so I thought it was a good deal, and messaged the seller with my interest. He told me to call him, and so I did. We talked about the car and I told him that I could come in later in the day to take a look.

    I brought my dad along with me to look as well. When we arrived, we were greeted with the cousin of the guy who I talked on the phone with (red flag, I guess). He gave me the keys for the car and we went to take a look at it. I checked the odometer, which read 100,000 miles. I was able to take the car out for a test drive, and it ran smooth and handled well.

    When I got back to the lot, the man who I had talked on the phone originally was there. We chatted a bit more, and I asked him some more questions. He said that it was a clean title car, no accidents on record, and that it was verified as having 100,000 miles. I told him that I was interested in buying, and that I could pay with credit card. We haggled a bit and I got him to agree to a final price of $5,100 (including taxes, fees, etc).

    We went into his office to go through the paperwork. Before signing anything, he swiped my card to charge the $5,100. Then, he presented me with a number of forms (which I regret to inform I did not read in depth). The forms were not filled out, and he indicated the places where he needed me to sign. I signed the forms and he proceeded to fill in additional details after the fact (I did not realize he was doing this). Looking back he definitely used every trick in the book to distract me from the details he was filling in and draw my attention elsewhere -- a master scam artist.

    Anyway, he finished the forms, put my copies in an envelope, and handed them to me. We then walked out to the car, he handed me the keys, and we parted ways. I drove home and everything seemed fine.

    After I got home, I wanted to get my insurance properly setup and needed to input the VIN online to get a quote. I pulled out the forms that the dealer had given me earlier, and noticed that in one section of one form under 'miles listed on odometer' he had written 270,000. I did a double take, and then looked through all the other forms he had given me. On one other form he had also written 270,000 as the listed number of miles on the odometer. There was also language stating that I was buying the car 'as-is'.

    At this point, I was panicking, and I ran the VIN number of the car online. Lo and behold, the report comes up and I see that the car is listed as having 270,000 miles, and has been in an accident quite recently. All information that I was lied to about, both in person and on the Facebook ad.

    I have no idea what my options are at this point. The credit card charge for the car is still pending, and I am tempted to just cancel it, but that would likely cause way more trouble than is worth. I know that I should have read the contracts and made sure that they weren't blank when I filled them out. I also know that I should have run the VIN beforehand.

    I have read up on odometer fraud and am not sure if this case fits, since there is no written evidence from my end (the Facebook marketplace ad was taken down before I could take screenshots of it). All I have is the word of my dad and I against the dealer, since we were both witness to the entire transaction. I also have confirmation from my mom and dad about the misleading/false details of the original Facebook ad.

    My question is, is there any way for me to return the car and get my money back? Failing that, do I have any legal recourse in this case? Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/ohnomymoneygone
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    A random woman trespassed the property and screamed at my mother accusing her of spying on her.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Sorry for my bad english, It's not my first language.

    I live in Delta, Canada. My family ( parents and brother) are renting out this place. A random lady just now trespassed on the property, she ran inside and started screaming on top of her lungs at my mother accusing her of staring at her 'all the time for a few months' (their backyard is and ours share a fence, they live on the other side of road). We've never had any interaction with her or her family, ever. According to her, she has cctv footage of my mother staring at her and her property all the time. She just came in and started screaming and wasn't ready to listen to anything we had to say. She said 'you are in trouble now because I'm going to police'. Fun thing, my parents leave for work at 5 am and come back around 5-6pm. It's impossible that the person who's been staring (or if there is one) belongs to our household. I told her that it's not us and she asked me 'then who is it? Tell me?' We also have no physical proof that she trespassed onto our property. We only saw her doing so.

    I've already let our landlord know about the situation and he was equally shocked. He said if she comes again or if the cops show up to call him straight away.

    Is there anything we can do? Or is there anything she's actually going to do?

    It's the first time something like this has happened to us and my mother is extremely stressed .

    EDIT: I wrote '.......screaming on top of her lungs AND my mother accused......' I corrected it to '....lungs AT my mother...'

    submitted by /u/Harsh2622
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    I work for the Census and a person has threatened to throw water on the next person who attempts his address. I’m the next person. Is his threat or potential action illegal in Nevada?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I'm allowed to use his neighbors for information on how many people live in his household but if none of them know (which is common), it's my job to go to his house and try again.

    The app we use has a note left from the last person who spoke to him, he shouted from a balcony and threatened to throw water on the next census worker who shows up.

    I obviously don't want to get wet in the middle of a work day. I don't have a towel with me, I'll have to pause my work to go home and change, potentially lose an hour or so of pay, and I'm most concerned about having to drive soaking wet and getting some wet dog smell emanating from my car seat.

    So if he threatens this action again, I'd like to be prepared to tell him the legal consequences and avoid misspeaking. And if he does get me with the water I'd like to know what my legal options are. And I don't know if being a temporary federal employee affects this at all either.

    Edit: also I didn't know if this was criminal law or personal injury so I guessed.

    Edit 2: Update boogaloo - I tried to find neighbors that could help me instead. Nobody could.

    I was going to avoid knocking on his door but he was chilling on his balcony like 10 feet from me so I just asked him if he felt like doing it. He said no, I said it's fine. I let him know my notes said he'd threatened other Census workers and let him know in this state it seems like a threat is a crime, and if water makes contact it's a worse crime. I told him if anyone else bugs him it's probably safer to just ask them to leave and they will. He seemed like a chill guy so maybe I luckily caught him on a good day.

    submitted by /u/TheHumanRavioli
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    I was a babysitter and mom did not pay me

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    I was a babysitter for a single mom of two kids for about a month. Everything was great and I adored her kids and her puppy. I would stay overnight at her house and stay all day for a few days at least 3-4. I'd usually get paid between 600-900. If I did overtime.

    We ended on bad terms because I wasn't able to stay longer than she needed me to stay and plus I had started a job at a PI law firm so I knew soon I wasn't going to be reliable weekdays for her only weekends. Anyways she got pissed because I told her I wasn't able to the next day anymore to take care of them. Saying I wasn't reliable anymore. I told her how truly sorry I was and that I did enjoy and adored her kids.

    Anyways the week before that all happened she cut a check for me for $ 800.00 for babysitting. She usually paid me cash but this last time she paid me via check. So I went to go get it deposit last Saturday and turns out I find out through my bank that this check I deposited to my account was returned and I need to contact the inssuer of the check for details. So now I've been trying to call her and text her but she blocked me! I went to her apartment but it looks like nobody was home.

    What can I do? Ive never been in a situation like this. I would clean and pick up her kids from school and feed them and her puppy taking a shit everywhere in the house. I deserve payment in which we agreed on. Please I need some advice on what to do? I'm just so angry and she has mentioned once before a babysitter had called the cops on her because she claimed the babysitter said she wasn't paid enough. Now that was a red flag to begin with and her true colors came out. Her children were lovely and wonderful. So I always wanted the best for them. Their mother seems really off. I'm in Texas, Dallas County.

    submitted by /u/Periwinkle90
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    Three Dogs on Retractable Leashes Attacked Me and My Dog, Owner Ran

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    While I was walking my dog, three large dogs on retractable leashes ran up to us barking extremely aggressively trying to get to my dog. Their owner (looked to be a 40 year old woman) could not pull her dogs back because they were all on retractable leashes. With all the adrenaline, I have no idea how, but I somehow escaped (even after the ordeal caused me to fall face first onto the ground and one of the dogs pulled off my sandal) with me and my dog relatively fine, just a few scuffs. The owner cussed out her dogs for a couple seconds, then booked it.

    I'm not looking to file a claim; I'm trying to see my options for reporting to make sure everyone is alert to these three dogs. I'm nervous to report to the police or animal control because I feel like they'll blow me off since I didn't get bit and I couldn't get a picture of the owner. Some of my friends suggested posting on Nextdoor and seeing if anyone has posted on there. Is there anything else I should try? I'm so shaken and upset by this whole situation, but also feel like my options are limited.

    Location: Southern California

    submitted by /u/adrinkofmilo
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    My father was stabbed by my ex wife’s new boyfriend now I have to drop my son off to her because I don’t have custody. (Boyfriend is in hiding)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Last night my ex wife's boyfriend stabbed my dad outside my home on my property and he ran immediately, he hasn't been caught yet. My dad was taken to the hospital for a wound on his arm. Today I have to drop my son off to her because I don't have custody. I filed a police report yesterday but I'm afraid I won't be able to see him any time soon. What should I do? (I live in the United States)

    submitted by /u/astronautlighter024
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    Someone put a mailbox on our property without permission

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    We live in Washington state. Thank you in advance but we have no idea where to start. Long story short someone put a mailbox up in front of our house while we were gone for a few hours. When we came back home and found a mailbox for a neighbor down the street. Now they did this without talking to us and they didn'tt even leave a note saying they did. I do not know because of the weird mail laws if we can just remove it even though they put it up on our property without our permission. Can we legally remove the mailbox?

    submitted by /u/Ljsail-181
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    Husband (31) has been harassing/stalking me (30) and is now threatening to take my children away. If i don't reconcile with him.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I left a 15 year long toxic/emotionally and verbally abusive relationship, 6mo ago. I've been harassed and stalked since. We have two children, 14yo (girl) and 10yo (boy). The children have been in both homes equally. Ive reported two incidents of harassment already, filed for a protective order, and filed for 50/50 custody/child support. He countered and is asking for full custody and child support. He was able to afford a lawyer thanks to his siblings and parents. I cannot afford one and I tried to apply through Texas Legal Aid and was told they were not accepting many applicants. Im so lost on how to respond to the counter.

    submitted by /u/Gordita_taco0108
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    Brother w/mult. disabilities arrested for sexual assault despite victim not wanting to press charges; being urged to take plea deal (AZ)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Ugh, this is going to be long. I'm sorry in advance, but my parents and I have ZERO experience with the legal system and we've all been just going along with what we're told. TW: Sex assault

    Edited bc I deleted a whole bunch of stuff when I posted, I guess?

    Tl;dr 31 yo brother with mental function of 12-yo was present when another man raped his blacked-out neighbor and he touched the victim while she was naked at the urging of the other man. She is not pressing charges, but AZ police are. Lawyer isn't seeming to take his disability into account and is saying that he was evaluated as "knowing the difference between right and wrong" and that's all that matters.

    My brother was arrested in his own apartment just after New Year's in Tucson, AZ on a charge of felony sexual assault. He was assigned a public defender and was in jail until early release for COVID in April. He is currently living with my parents.

    My brother (31yo) was adopted at 9 after being in a series of extremely abusive situations (both birth family and abusive foster care). He speaks articulately but functions at about a 11-12yo level. He has been diagnosed with Aspergers, PTSD, OCD, schizophrenia, and "non-specific neurological impairment" and has received SSI his whole life. Relevant: He thinks anyone who talks to him is a friend, is very trusting, and super susceptible to peer pressure. He also has mild echolalia (repeats the last thing he hears) and a strong admiration for military and law enforcement.

    For ten years he lived quietly in a backyard cottage with a nice landlady and never had one single run-in with law enforcement. He had a girlfriend (also cognitively disabled) for about a year and treated her well. Last November, his landlady moved and he was given notice. He moved into his new apartment two weeks before the arrest.

    When he was arrested, he didn't get a phone call because he couldn't remember anyone's number and didn't think to ask if he could get a number off his phone. My parents didn't find out until four days later when they went to his new apartment and were told by his neighbors that he had been arrested. They looked him up in the system and saw "sexual assault." They were not able to call or contact him for almost a week after that due to a complicated system at the jail.

    All my folks were able to find out was that he was arrested with another man for sexually assaulting a neighbor woman and that he gave the police a full "confession." Neighbors at the apartment building told them that the other guy "is a real sicko" and also that "she gets drunk and does this all the time." During this entire time, his public defender has refused to give any specific information to my parents about the case and instructed him to keep quiet about it also, which he has done, even while living with my parents. The lawyer said that they could be called to testify if he told them anything.

    My folks, completely stunned, have repeatedly referenced his disabilities with the lawyer and asked to know what happened and if the confession is even valid. The lawyer said that he was "evaluated for knowing the difference between right and wrong" and "that's all that matters."

    Felony sexual assault carries a minimum of 7 years in prison in AZ.

    A week ago, he was offered a plea deal as follows: up to 7 years of probation (lawyer thinks it will be closer to three) with a felony on his record, after which it's commuted to a misdemeanor. The lawyer told my parents "I would advise my mother to take this deal." The lawyer has said that "he has a 50/50 chance" of prevailing in court. My brother is terrified of prison and decided to take the deal (he hasn't entered the plea officially yet).

    After he decided to take the deal, he told my parents the whole story. The woman and the other man were very drunk, she invited them both to her place, took her clothes off, and invited them to have sex with her (obviously completely impaired). The other guy urged him to have sex with her and my brother refused, but the guy was like "at least touch her" and my brother did. The other man proceeded to rape her while my brother was there. My brother left before it was over.

    The next day she came over and asked if anything had happened with the other guy. Apparently he had assaulted her before (!) and she had him arrested but then dropped the charges. My brother, trying to help, I guess, told her everything, including his role in it. She said, "Oh, well, I'm attracted to YOU, you can leave that part out, just help me get the other guy!" And he's basically twelve so he believed her.

    She called the cops and, despite being told a million times by my folks to NEVER say anything to the police, he told them everything. Both he and the other man were arrested on the same charge. The victim is pressing charges against the other man; the cops are pressing charges against my brother.

    Anyway, what my brother did was terrible, and I don't know this woman and I don't want her choices to be dragged through the mud; she did not deserve to be assaulted by him or anyone else. But I'm surprised that his competency to make an admissible statement was so readily accepted. If a person with a documented disability insists that that disability didn't affect their confession (my brother believes he DOES know right from wrong), do they have the right to have someone else stand up for them? If an actual 12 yo did something like this the consequences would be different; why isn't his mental age a factor?

    submitted by /u/legadthrwaway
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    My[29F] husband [31M] forged my signature on a guardianship petition regarding my son so that my fsther in law can get custody and then kicked me out. I now owe 16 grand in child supoort.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    This all happened 5 years ago. He has now( as in literally today) admitted to forging my signature. He has admitted that he has written a confession to forging my signature( today). The guardianship was signed by him and my father inlaw in Placer County, CA.

    Backstory: Cheater husband and I married in Santa Clara County, then moved to Placer County. I had a child (coerced). He continues cheating on me and gaslighting me and eventually my father in law brings a piece of paper to me and asks me to sign it. Father in law says and this is verbatim "this will just make it easier for me to help you guys out in case sons name needs to go to the doctor".

    Husband signs, I call b.s. there's no Lawyer present and something doesn't smell right to me so I refused to sign. About a month afterwards my ex husband comes home after cheating on me yet again and tells me and this is verbatim again "pack your shit and get out or ill pack it for you and drop you off at the nearest homeless shelter".

    So I become homeless and start Couch surfing. In those 5 years, my ex father-in-law never once tried to reach out to me. About 2 years ago I receive a letter in the mail from Placer County, California, Telling me that they audited my taxes and that my wages will be garnished to the tune of $1200 a month for child support. I make $2500 a month and work OT to barely pay bills while living in my car (so still homeless). At that time, I did not know that he forged my signature. I was very scared when the letter came because I don't remember signing anything that would put me on the hook for child support.

    Anyways, lots of calls later, all goes silent. Then the other day, I get a letter saying that I owe $15,556 in back child support and that I have 3 weeks to pay it before they report me to the credit bureaus.

    My husband left me for someone else (when he kicked me out) and proceeded to have 2 kids with this other woman before they split up and he now lives in Washington State.

    I finally have enough money saved up to file for divorce in California but what else can I do to protect myself? I want to sign away my parentsl rights because I had this child under threat of homeless.

    submitted by /u/LNittany91
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    Alcohol sting during covid

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    So I'm a waiter, and today I got caught in an alcohol sting. Basically this guy came up to the counter and asked for a beer, and I thought he looked old because he had wrinkles around his eyes and the rest of his face was covered in a mask. A lot of single older men come in the restaurant for a beer, so I thought he was one of them and I didn't check his ID. It was stupid of me, I was also in a rush. There was a girl waiting for him at a table who I didn't see before I sold him the beer. So then a cop comes in and tells me I just sold alcohol to minors.

    I am really worried I'll get jail time for this. I also don't have much money saved up so I'm worried about the fines. I don't even know what the next step is — do I hire a lawyer ? I'm worried about the cost but I also don't want anything permanent on my record, so I would be willing to spend more if I could get the charges dropped.

    Thanks for any advice.

    Located in Minnesota.

    submitted by /u/violetvanny
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    Is it legal to keep fawn in AZ?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    A family friend found a fawn in a canal, and the fawn was inside for several hours. Needless to say they took it out and didn't report seeing the mother around. We have a small farm in which my dad thought it would be a good idea to keep it here. Now my parents have the fawn at home and refuse to let me contact Arizona game and fish or a wildlife rehabilitation center because they want to keep it. Is it even legal to keep it? What can I do and who should I contact in this matter.

    submitted by /u/flionaske
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    The Romeo and Juliet law

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    I'm a 16 year old boy dating an 18 year old girl in Florida. And we've talked about having a sexual relationship for a while but we're hesitant due to legal issues. I wanted to know if we could get in trouble if we do anything and what are the exceptions.

    submitted by /u/Unit-523
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    Employer is taking tips and has lowered my wage (Ontario)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    The owners at the restaurant I work at are changing the way everyone is compensated. Through this process it was revealed that the owners took a significant amount of money out of the tip pool in 2019 (and other years I suspect). They do not work in the restaurant besides hosting a couple meetings a year so as far as I understand this is illegal and tbh I'm livid... I know there is an option to report this on some official government site but is this enough? Should I talk to a lawyer too? Talk to other employees and get them to report as well?

    Additionally, my wage has been lowered so that others can be given raises... again as far as I've gathered this too is illegal and amounts to "constructive dismissal" I'm very frustrated by all this but I've never dealt with legal issues before. What are my options? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/SpookyDeschain19
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    GrandParents rights?!?!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    My wife and I have had a falling out with her mother, we think that she is preparing to try to sue us for partial custody/ mandatory visitation of our 3 kids. From my understanding in NC where I live you can only do this in the event of a divorce or separation. Im not sure how this works with her being in VA. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as she has the financial ability to buy the best legal services. On the other hand my wife and I would go broke fighting this.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/FoxBoi4067
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    We pay rent. Neighbors are treating our place like theirs.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    We pay rent. Last we did, we got a written receipt for cash. The contract just went back over with them with some changes (neither of us knew it said no pets etc). The neighbors have a key to the garage because they were best friends with the landlord who used to live here. But since they have the key to the garage, that means they have a key to the house. They've already threatened to hurt my SO. Do we have any leg to stand on if we call the police for trespassing or violence, since the contract is not finalized but we have been paying rent?

    Edit: Indiana

    Edit 2: it has been taken care of (:

    submitted by /u/mogglebop
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    Can Dry Cleaners refuse service to someone?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    My family and I have a dry cleaning business in NY. We have this customer(F) who have consistently in the past caused many problems at our store. The customer always complained about the prices being too high and demands for a lower one, even though it is fairly priced and other customers do not complain about it. If we do cut her a deal, she doesn't complain. Yet, if we charge her the initial price, she would use any reason to have us give a refund or store credit. Yet, she continues to come back. So, we have exhausted a lot of work/time, while the customer gets to pay as little as she can. I feel as though she has cheated us.

    We want to stop doing business with her, yet are unsure how to go about it. I want to know how we can lawfully discriminate (not race, religion, etc) by refusing service. If so, what reason would we have to give, if it escalates to court?

    submitted by /u/ladiesman134
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    Contractor wants to release himself from liability

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:32 AM PDT


    I recently hired a licensed contractor to complete some landscaping and hardscaping on my property. As part of the work, he built a custom outdoor kitchen area with a built in barbecue. Unfortunately, during the first use of the BBQ, wood supporting the countertop began to smolder and smoke. I learned that combustibles should be a certain distance from the BBQ, and the contractors sub contractor had not cut it back at all; it was touching the BBQ. The contractor returned to cut it (where he could) and also provided a check as a refund for the countertop work. In the note portion of the check, he wrote, "Release of liability for countertop".

    I have not yet cashed the check because I do not intend to release him from liability. Is the note on the check sufficient for the contractor to release himself? If I deposit the check, am I releasing him?

    We are in California.

    Any advice would be very appreciated.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/BigDaddyWarrBux
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