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    Thursday, October 8, 2020

    Legal Advice - Hi, I’m Jordan Rubin and I cover most criminal justice cases at the Supreme Court. AMA!

    Legal Advice - Hi, I’m Jordan Rubin and I cover most criminal justice cases at the Supreme Court. AMA!

    Hi, I’m Jordan Rubin and I cover most criminal justice cases at the Supreme Court. AMA!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I report for Bloomberg Law on cases at the Supreme Court, from briefing through argument and decision. I've been keeping a close eye on criminal justice cases in particular since joining Bloomberg Law in 2017. Before that, I was a prosecutor for five years at the Manhattan DA's office. With the Supreme Court and the justice system both in the national spotlight these days. What do you want to know? What cases are coming up for argument? Questions about specific cases? What's happening with qualified immunity? What's the significance of the Court's latest changes in composition for these issues?? Proof of life: https://aboutblaw.com/Tyh

    submitted by /u/bloomberglaw
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    My wife is pregnant. We are both female, legally married. Will I need to adopt my son?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    I'm in Utah.

    Both of our names will be on the birth certificate. We used an anonymous, non-ID donor from a sperm bank for conception. So I will not be biologically related to him. Friends of ours have different thoughts on what is required here, I don't see what adopting him would do that being on his birth certificate doesn't, but I can't seem to find any information about it. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ramen-noodle-hoe
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    My cousin put bees into my car, and I ended up in an accident because of it. Is there any legal action I can take against him?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    I (24f) have never been on good terms with my little (18m) cousin. He has been to juvie, done hard drugs, knocked up a 16 year old girl with questionable consent (she was too high and doesn't really remember it happening) and has a rap sheet that's quite long. He has always tried to pull shit with people with the intent to hurt/upset, and honestly he's questionably sadistic and has been on a series of meds since elementary school because of empathy issues.

    Yesterday, me and my mom went over to give some of her old clothes to my aunt and say hi, and while we were inside, my cousin put about a dozen bees in the backseat in a partially cut open tupperware. When we got back into the car, we didn't notice, but when we turned on the radio pretty loud it must have pissed them off or something. We were not out of the subdivision yet thank god, but I was stung twice and ended up swerving into a mailbox trying to swat one off my face. The damage to the car is a cracked windshield and some front bumper damage, along with the mailbox that I hit. It's going to be hundreds to say the least, and it will fuck up my insurance because I have never been in an accident. I texted the little shit a picture of the bee stings on me and my mom alone simply because I wanted to see if he would fess up and said "thanks for the heart attack you little shit" and he said back "you like my present?" followed by some emojis. After, I sent a pic of the accident with no comment, he didn't reply. Though my aunt called apologizing saying she would pay for it. Issue is, I don't want money, I don't want to be considered at fault by my insurance if possible (probably won't happen) but he needs to be held accountable. Would the text be enough evidence? We didn't touch the tupperware, so that may be evidence too. Also, that kid is just a danger to everyone around him, he legit tried to drown his little sister when she was a baby and my aunt never took it to authorities.

    My mom is looking into a lawyer, but would this even be a criminal offense? We're in the U.S, Michigan to be exact. We're looking into filing a police report with the pictures as well. Car had been sprayed to all shit with bug repellents and is airing out in the driveway with dead bees in it.

    submitted by /u/ahhhahhhahhah
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    Someone keeps parking in my parking spot at my apartment complex and the management won’t do anything about it. (CA)

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Title explains it all.

    I'm never parked there, as I don't drive, but I do have friends over who should be able to park there but never can as the space is almost always occupied. I feel like I'm being robbed as I pay rent which includes use and access to a designated parking spot.

    I don't know what to. I'm starting to leave letters on the windshield threatening to tow them, but I honestly don't want to do that. I'm considering getting traffic cones to put up but I also think they'll just get taken or moved.

    submitted by /u/Ntkoessel
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    My dad is terminally ill, and my mother isn’t on the mortgage paperwork. What now?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    I'll try to make this short, we live in Colorado and my dad is terminally ill with what is now stage 4, metastatic cancer. He will likely pass either right before the holiday season or, if we're lucky enough to spend one more season with him, shortly afterwards. The point is, my mother isn't on the home mortgage paperwork and only he and his job was able to sustain the mortgage payment, my mother won't be able to do it alone after he passes (she's not even paying it now, we're on a forbearance that ends in January. ). So my question is, what even happens anyway after he passes? My mother isn't on the paperwork, so it's just HIS house. When he's gone, we'll just get evicted, right? Or is it partially hers by marriage? (He's not going to sign it over to her because he's not mentally accepting of his prognosis). Beyond that, even if we can stay here, we can't afford it. What options would we even have to try to keep paying the mortgage? We're quite poor, so I'm not sure.

    I'm not of much help as I'm currently technically a minor and in school, so we're sort of here with our hands tied it feels like.

    submitted by /u/randomCherries12345
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    Returned my lease in CA, then got a speeding ticket from someone speeding in the car in NYC.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    I had returned my matured car lease in August, then got a ticket mailed home for a speeding incident in New York which took place a month later. I reside in California, and have not been to NYC. Someone else was driving my car but my plates were still on it.

    I disputed the case, but the judge states that since the DMV shows me as the registrant, I need to provide a letter or other evidence from DMV to show histroy of plate or disposition of plate is suggestied.

    What does this mean, and what should I do?


    submitted by /u/thehayk
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    [Louisiana] My wife works for the parish as a 911 operator, they are forcing her to stay 24/7 at the operations center but are only paying her for hours on the clock, is this legal? I thought if they required her to stay they have to pay the full time she is there?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Hurricane Delta is hitting us and a mandatory evacuation was announced, and the rest is title.

    submitted by /u/GodofAeons
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    My cats are in my lease, but they are bothering the downstairs neighbor when they run for brief moments during the day. My landlord wants to buy me out of my lease.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    California - Basically what the title says. I moved into an apartment a week ago, and the lady downstairs started complaining that she was hearing cats. Apparently the building used to have a no pet policy, but it was changed before we moved in. We have four cats, and my landlord regrets letting us have cats in our lease and wants to buy us out. We have nowhere to go as rentals in our area dry up after summer finishes. Does anyone know if we can be evicted because the downstairs neighbor can't stand hearing any cat noise whatsoever? If cats are in the lease and making normal cat noises for short spurts doing the day, I think it'd be difficult to say that the noise is unreasonable. Has anyone ever experienced something like this?

    submitted by /u/909808606
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    Mechanic took my boat for a joy ride. Crashed it into a 40 ft. yacht and totaled it. [Texas]

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    So I have (had) a small 17.5 foot ski boat. About a month ago I took my boat in to a local mechanic, as it needed a new starter. The mechanic is a small local shop just owner and I think like 2 employees. After about a week in the shop I get a call from the mechanic that he had crashed the boat because there was an issue with the lights in during the seal trail to make sure everything works. Over the past month I have been getting more info slowly from my insurance company and the Texas game warder who does the investigation on this.

    Basically what I know happened. And to clarify I never signed anything from the shop that says they were allowed to take my boat out. The owner of the shop took the boat out around 6:30 PM on Friday the night of 9/11. On my boat was an employee of his and his cousin. They apparently took it around for a while and then stopped at a local pub for "pizza". They then went to the neighbor wine bar where they had "1 glass of wine each". They left the bars and then went out onto the water. At this point they apparently had trouble operating the lights on the boat. They then proceeded to his a 40 ft yatch at about 18mph head on. The employee was ejected from the boat. The owner then jumped into the water after him to help the employee. They got the employee to the shore and had to rush him to the hospital. He suffered major injuries (two broken ribs and a collapsed lung). The cousin of the owner was able to get the boat as it was taking on water to a lift. The lift was owned by a local lady who had heard the incident and helped them get the boat out of the water. Apparently the yacht originally just sped off, but came back yelling at everyone and got insurance info. I don't have info of anyone on the yacht yet but I hear that there was about 10 people and that they were taking cell phone pics at this time.

    I am just now hearing that the shop does not have any insurance (not sure how that happens). What are my legal options? Do I need to hire a lawyer to go after the shop? I would assumer they need to buy me a new boat as the current one is totaled. Apparently the police report on the incident should be released next week I think.

    submitted by /u/jas07
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    Can HOA enforce no street parking on a public street? WA, USA

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    We live in a townhouse/single family home community in WA state. The streets running through the neighborhood are public streets owned and maintained by the city.

    We received a notice today from our HOA noting that parking along the street in front of homes is against the CC&R's and anyone parked there will be subject to fines and eventual towing. Apparently, certain people have been complaining about cars parked on the street for a long time but the HOA board only recently had people join to actually try and enforce anything. I know through our neighborhood Facebook group that those complaining were previously told that the city has said it's perfectly legal to park on the street.

    I'm just wondering if this rule is actually enforceable from a legal standpoint. I know HOA's will basically do whatever they want and I'm not really looking to personally argue with them, but I am curious. If they have someone towed - would it be a legal tow? Can a private HOA even have a car towed from a public street or would the city need to enforce that?


    submitted by /u/katylovescoach
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    My Employer (Tiny Healthcare Practice) Wants to Forbid Employees from Discussing Wages, My Boss Claims It's Legal

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Can my employer, a private healthcare practice of less than 15 people (including the owners, managers, and all employees) explicitly forbid employees from discussing their wages or bonuses with each other, under threat of termination? My boss wants to announce at the Annual Meeting that it is forbidden, and she told me that because we're such a small business they CAN legally forbid employees from discussing wages/bonuses under threat of termination. I didn't think this was the case, due to NLRA? But she seemed so confident in the legality of it. Are there exceptions for businesses this small, or healthcare practices, or possibly something else about our company that I don't know about? We're not agriculture, the employees are not considered contractors... I just don't see how it's legal.

    Edit: Location is Eastern USA

    submitted by /u/zachariah22791
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    Questions re: joint ownership of a condo in CA

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    First post, throwaway account.

    I'm an adult -- old enough to have kids in high school, though I am single and not a parent. Because I graduated during the recession, I have struggled to find full-time, well-paid jobs throughout my adult life, and have had hefty student loans on top of that. At some point along the way, my parents decided to buy a condo for me in California.

    Throughout the decade we've owned it, I've made mostly partial payments on the loan -- they've helped me out with it, understanding my financial situation. Recently, I made the decision to go back to graduate school to retrain in a career that has more job security and makes at least 2x what I've made. In that, my parents decided to support me by paying my full mortgage, which has been going on for a couple years now. I'm very lucky -- kind of. My mom has always been pretty controlling and manipulative, and she's always used their monetary support as a way to control me and try to bully me into passively accepting everything she wants me to do -- from getting married and having kids to espousing all her political views.

    In the last few months we've become estranged. My mother is not speaking to me except via email. They have decided that, if I don't accede to some pretty ridiculous demands, that I will need to begin paying my full mortgage at the end of the year, which I have agreed to. This is all in writing.

    My fears are surrounding any legal retaliation options my parents have. I worry that my mom will try to escalate things, because she is not getting the responses she wants.

    I am on the deed with them. The specific language is this: "Borrower" is [Me], a single [person] and [Dad] and [Mom], husband and wife as community property with right of survivorship, all as joint tenants.

    I've been reassured by a couple people that my parents can't kick me out or just have me removed from the title without buying me out. But are there any other ways they might be able to screw me? Anything I should do (other than finding a good lawyer) to prepare?

    Additionally, would I be entitled to 33% of the value of the home or 50%?

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Bank417
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    School Hiding Covid cases

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Hello! So at my school there have been at least one confirmed case while at school, and no one was notified. As far as I know the rest were outside of school, but there are still some rumors. Is the school allowed to just not tell anybody about them? Like even teachers know about it and as far as I understand confirmed it. I even talked to the person who had it and they confirmed what I heard. Now I'm starting to show some symptoms, and I'm staying at home right now. Although I don't know if I have it because tests are kind of high demand right now so as far as I know my local hospital told me that they would text me when one was available Thank you for all your help (SC Magnet High School)

    submitted by /u/ExpertNo7742
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    Former employer did something weird with my 401k

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Will attempt to separate what I know from what I suspect. What I know first;

    Got hired with a small medical supply manufacture in Washington state in 2017. Upon hiring, I agreed to the terms of their 401k program and contribution match as follows; I would begin payroll deductions immediately for a period of 6 months. During that 6 months, they would hold that money in escrow. Upon 6 months of contributions, the lump sum would be added into my account with their match - which I believe was 3%. After the 6 month period, I began getting statements from Fidelity with my account balance. I noticed the amount in my 401k was significantly less ($1000?) than the amount that was deducted from my payroll. I have all these statements to prove that the deduction was greater than amount in my account by about 3 months worth of contributions. Attempted to get resolution internally and through Fidelity. Internally they kept pushing me to Fidelity, but when I called fidelity something very strange happened. Once I gave them my account number, after calling the number on my statement, They wouldn't answer any questions and just would transfer me from dept to dept. One person would direct me to the general 401k program line that dealt with employee match programs, and then I would be transferred to the "personal 401k account manager" (or something). Anyway, I saved all my statements and ended my 401k contribution. I had a minimal amount of money still in the 401k, but didn't withdraw it or anything like that. I get a better job, I give them the paperwork to transfer my remaining account balance to my new fidelity account, and forget it ever happened. Well apparently they never transferred the money over "after multiple attempts" and are now just calling me to ask for updated account information - it's been over 2 years at this point.

    To recap, what I have are payroll stubs showing an amount that has been deducted showing say, $2000, however at the same time, my fidelity account had say - $1000. Will have to dig for this stuff but I saw it recently and held onto it because well, you never know.

    What I think was going on (and what I told my co workers I thought was going on) is that they would deduct the pay, put it into a personal or company fidelity account, accrue interest, then move it over to our personal 401k months after deducting. The payments seemed to lag about 3-6 months, but it was consistent. Once I started asking questions they got real fucking nervous, and at every Christmas party the owner of the company would pimp the 401k program big time. Just... my gut told me this is what was going on based off the discrepancy in payroll/fidelity.

    Anyway, these assholes want my updated account information so they can transfer over the $. I legit was going to let it go (including the money) - now I'm reconsidering. If that money was not accruing interest from 2017-2020, that's a material loss for me. Additional they're predatory assholes. My other concern is that other people are probably still getting screwed. That's not cool. Sorry for the word vomit.

    submitted by /u/Pray4mojo111
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    A club of people are spamming my network with lies about me and haven't stopped for over a year

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Location: Ohio

    I stopped dating a girl who was a teacher at a very large university, and about a year later got engaged and married to a different person. After I stopped seeing her, she had one of her students start contacting me and saying really depraved things. She admitted to me it was her student. I eventually blocked and deleted all of them (stupid I know, but they were really bad and I didn't know what to do) because they both kept sending me worse and worse messages (really disgusting stuff). Other random people started matching with me on Tinder (I know, horrible app, I stopped using it), but they all said the same horrific things and started accusing me of things that were not true.

    Early this year, my friends on facebook started getting very awful messages about me, including accusations that I committed multiple rapes with links to police report numbers accusing them of being me. About 5 people let me know,including my Fiance-now-wife. It was terribly stressful for her, and she attempted to reason with the girl who send the messages (she had proof of where I was on the dates of the police reports), however she she just kept saying worse and worse things insulting both of us. This profile appeared to be the same girl who was the student of the origional girl. But she has since changed all of her info and the profile is gone now.

    Anyway, a few months later and I get a surprise meeting with my employer informing me they have recieved thousands of emails across the large company accusing me of terrible things, sending police report numbers of crimes in our city saying I committed them (I didn't, I'd be in jail for life if I did), and sending photoshopped images of texting conversations where they try to say I was offering prostitution (not soliciting it, performing it) at my company, among other untrue things. Some of emails appear to have origionated at a club at the large university, so I called them and left a report and sent them all of the info my employer gave me AND that I had from facebook. They were appologetic over the phone, almost as if fthey understood exactly what was going on. Because the girl had access to my old snapchat messages, they crafted images that look like my profile posting things that I never posted, and any number of people on my social media could verify that. I filed a police report and requested my employer send all of their evidence to the police regarding that case.

    Anyway, about 4 months later, I get 2 officers at my house asking if I am ok. I assumed they were following up about the report I filed, but it turned out that someone had submitted more photoshopped images of my public social media account making terroristic threats against the police. I didn't do this obviously. Any number of people could vouch for that. I told the officers it was not me and that they should trace whoever submitted the photos to them because they are the ones who are doing it. But obviously they just keep trying to get me to confess, which I didn't. I got a lawyer and filed another police report. The police said they are waiting for data from snapchat, which I think is a lie because they only have .jpg files. I told them to please subpoena my employer for all of the info they have, since that had a lot more names and contact informationand email addresses. They tried to follow up with the person who sent them the images to the police, but obviosuly they never responded and left no contact info. I deleted all of my contact for the origional girl, and since she was foreign I didn't remember her entire name (just her assumed English name), but I know exactly where she lived, so if the university cooperated with the police we could have her identity and the identity of her student quickly.

    1 week after that, my company let me go. They didn't give any reason why, but I had never been warned about my work or recieved a negative review. It was contract work, but full time at a regular location. I am 99% sure they got tired of dealing with all of the spam emails about me and solved the problem by firing me.

    I am currently interviewing for many positions, but I am terrified that as soon as my name shows up on a new company's web site, the whole thing will start over again with hundreds of emails accusing me of every crime that has ever happened. I really think it is a club of people at the university who do this for enjoyment (title 9 club), or people who are so far removed from the actual truth, they assume everything they hear is true.

    My main concern is, do I immediately inform my new employer of this situation and risk the embarrasment/firing, or do I wait for it to start happening again? I have though of trying to sue the university, but lets be honest they have unlimited funds and I have limited funds and sanity. I currently have 2 police reports and nothing seemed to matter.

    What do I do? Thanks for any helpful advice. My lawyer is a criminal defense lawyer and he is not very helpful, I only got him because I panicked when the police showed up and I didn't fully shop around and get opinions.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway_Account911
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    Apartment complex refuses social security card with old name + court order name change, claims it's a state mandate.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    [Texas] I've gone through a long process of applying to a fixed-income apartment and I was set to move in tomorrow. At the last minute, the apartment complex has told me they cannot allow anyone to move in without a scan of a social security card, due to a new corporate policy enacted this week. Despite this being unreasonable as I applied months ago, I sent them my social security card with my old name (I'm trans), along with the court ordered name change documents I got two years ago. They are refusing to accept it, stating that the name on the card must match the applicant. I have never had any agency in any capacity ever refuse accepting identification like this when it is accompanied by the court order. When I asked, they said vaguely "it's a state mandate."

    Setting aside the immense cost this is going to have on me as I am going to be homeless tomorrow and need to figure out a storage solution, is this legit? Are they allowed to refuse that document? If there is such a state mandate, who would I contact to ask about specifics? I want to ask for details about it, to see if there is some clause specifically prohibiting this scenario. If they are being honest, I feel like they are mistaken in their interpretation of what they are allowed to accept. Hell the social security administration themselves use that very document to update the name on the card.

    And as to why I can't just get an updated card, my local social security office has been closed for covid and have informed mey only option is to mail in a form and I won't be able to get a new card for several weeks.

    submitted by /u/D1zz1
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    [U.S.][So Cal] My employer has told us on many occasions to not discuss pay between our coworkers. Is this worth taking legal action against?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I have worked for this company for 5 years and recently discovered that many employees, as well as myself, have been getting paid very unfairly. This caused everyone to become irate with the company and many took this issue to HR.

    The initial reaction from HR was telling us that "It is highly unethical for you to be discussing your wages between eachother". Our response was to flood HR with more complaints until they did something about it. Today the general manager called each of us in seperately and gave us a paper informing us that we are getting a pay raise and our new hourly rate effective today.

    I was taken back when after being provided this information, the GM said not to share my wage with anyone, and that "Employees should never discuss wages between eachother". I'm assuming we all have different pay rates but that's not what I'm concerned about.

    I know this is illegal for him to say since they are directly trying to discourage us to discuss pay, but I want to know if it is worth taking action against the company. Do I even have enough evidence?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/Chapafifi
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    Former workplace is threatening to report me to lose my unemployment insurance if I refuse to work for them under minimum wage.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    They asked me to do two overnight shifts, which they used to pay 60 dollars for and lasted eight hours each. I live in NYS and so it is my understanding they were supposed to pay minimum wage even for hours slept, but this was a rate that was tolerated by workers, regardless. Well now the hours for the overnight shifts have doubled. I would be staying and monitoring the workplace for 16 hours for 60 dollars when minimum wage is 15 dollars.

    I told them I wouldn't do that and they needed to pay me for minimum wage for at least the hours outside the regular eight hour window that we traditionally had a flat rate for. They got outraged and tried to coerce me to accept it, saying they would tell unemployment I refused work. I explained you can refuse work if it is "with good cause" and this was covered by that. They tried to argue that the 60 dollars wasn't a wage but a flat rate for a service. I am an hourly employee though, not an independent contractor or a freelance worker. It seems to me they could just make the hours of the overnight broader and broader and just continue to tell me I had to come in to the workplace. In the most extreme circumstance, I could be there all day for the same amount of money.

    Did I do the right thing? Do they have any ground to stand on? Is there anything I can do to protect myself and prevent them from messing with me?

    Edit: Also do you think them trying to pressure me off unemployment is a type of employer unemployment fraud?

    submitted by /u/elsaturation
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    Landlord asking to modify signed lease agreement after tenant already moved in

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Just moved in to a rental home today. Landlord's realtor reached out saying that their realtor 'forgot' to add a few clauses to the rental agreement. They're fairly minor, but one puts us responsible for repairs up to a certain amount.

    I thought that once a lease contract is signed, it's legal and binding. Is it a risk to refuse to sign a new/updated lease agreement?

    submitted by /u/pretty-penny
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    My girlfriend's ex is in possession of some of her things and will only give them back on his specific terms as well as physically assaulting her when he does.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    This ex in question is currently in possession of some of my girlfriend's rings and only gives them back one at a time at times he decides on. He met up with her last night to give one back and proceeded to slap her during the exchange. He's still in possession of 4 more rings and will only give them back one at a time, again at times of his choosing. For one, she should not have to jump through these hoops to get her property back, but there is also a very high chance he will physically assault her in these future exchanges. Is there a way to go about dealing with this legally to get her property back and avoid potential physical damage to her?

    Edit: I should also specify this is in Colorado if that changes anything and my girlfriend is 17, almost 18. The ex is either 17 or 18, so I'm not sure if that changes anything based off of if he's an adult/minor

    submitted by /u/AADarkWarrior15
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    Land that I am an heir to sold (with my permission) but others are keeping the price a secret until "it's all worked out"

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Hi, so I found out last year that I am an heir to a piece of property (my sister and I comprise a 1/3 of the ownership) in AL, we live in WA. My paternal aunt, who is 1/3 owner as well and lives in the same town as the land, is handling all of the selling of the land.

    Well, the good news is it sold- though she neglected to tell me, I had to ask- but the problem is she won't tell me what the sale price is. She most recently said, "waiting on probate judge to set an appointment and get tax forms done to send all together." When I outright asked what the sale price was she said "I don't know what the price will be yet, but we did get commercial instead of residential."

    My problem is, I feel like surely she must know something about the price if she's handling everything, right? I have no intentions of anything negative, I just want to know what the ballpark was before all the fees and if I'm being honest it doesn't sit completely right with me- all this secrecy.

    My point in asking this is, if I were to call the litigation (they called me to ask for my address and all of that awhile ago) would they be able to tell me anything since I'm an heir to it? My sister and I signed something saying basically we were okay with giving it up for sale (I don't have a copy of this- I'm an idiot.) Or maybe I call someone else that's not litigation? I'm not savvy on these terms at all.

    Ultimately...I don't think I'm going to get screwed over, I just don't really like secrets being kept from me about legal matters I'm involved in.

    Any advice anyone has is very much appreciated- I'm really flying blind here.

    submitted by /u/darlingdeer9
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    Order of protection question in Arizona

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    I got an order of protection against my abusive ex in Pima County so he would have to leave my apartment (he's not on the lease). He didn't take much of his stuff when they served him and he texted me asking about coming to get it. I'm fine with having him come one time with a police escort to retrieve his items, but how do I tell him that? It's a no contact order and I don't want to break it on my end. He shouldn't even have texted me. Also, do I need to file eviction paperwork? Or is the order of protection enough?

    submitted by /u/grudgekyokom0514
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    [California] A well-known warehouse store is demanding that I return the jewelry I bought a day after with no clear reason.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    They called me and claimed that they have sold me the wrong item. The manager I spoke to said that I have to bring the item back because it had the wrong serial number, despite, before leaving the store, the fact that we checked and double-checked that everything was in order. The serial number was correct and the same on the item, on its authenticity card, and on the receipt (which they themselves wrote). They keep calling me, borderline harassing, to convince me to return the item.

    The transaction was smooth. Nothing seemed wrong until they started to demand that I return the item. I do not know why they want me to return the item. How should I approach this?

    Edit: After some research, the item was far more expensive (retail price from the manufacturer's website), but the price tag next to it reflected a heavily discounted price -- maybe too heavily discounted? Though, they did not mention this as the reason they want the item back. They gave reasons such as serial numbers not matching (which they are), or there isn't a warranty on the item so I would have to take it back to fix it, for which I have the manufacturer's warranty card in the box with the item. They also offered an incentive of a gift card if I do return it.

    submitted by /u/mythofthesilenttower
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    Building Engineer (who is also president of HOA) harassing me and my contractor [Chicago]

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    My wife and I recently bought a condo. Our first contact with the building engineer (who also lives in the building and is president of the HOA) was before we moved in, we were painting and sanding walls and he walked into our condo to yell at us because dust from the sanding was getting into the hallway. Since then, almost every interaction with him has been hostile. He watches the cameras all over the building and will jump at you if he perceives you stepping out of line at all with the monsterous book of HOA rules. We got approved by the board to start remodeling our kitchen. We hired a contractor and they started, but then stopped because of COVID. So we went months with an unfinished kitchen. In July, we started work again, but had to stop because the engineer barged in and said we didn't have the right permit. We had to wait for a month to get the right permit and work continued. But EVERY time the workers came over, the engineer would yell at them for miniscule things. And then would yell at me for the same things. My contractor has been trying to follow all these rules that the engineer keeps on throwing at him, but today was the last straw when he entered into the parking lot through the wrong entrance and the engineer yelled at him and said he can't park here or else he'll have him towed. My contractor called me and said he just couldn't with the engineer anymore and I think permanently dropped me as a client. He has expressed his displeasure with the engineer multiple times before this and even said that he would never work in our building again because of this guy. Needless to say my wife and I are furious with the engineer. Our kitchen has been out of commission for almost a year because of delays spurred by the engineer. I can't complain to the board because he is the president and all the other board members are loyal to him. Is this enough of a case for a harassment lawsuit? We have lost money and sanity because of the delay.

    Edit: I tried to keep the post as short as possible, but if you need additional examples of his behavior, I can provide

    submitted by /u/strykerx
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