• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    Legal Advice - [Update] Mail lady is refusing to deliver packages; Shit just got real! (TN)

    Legal Advice - [Update] Mail lady is refusing to deliver packages; Shit just got real! (TN)

    [Update] Mail lady is refusing to deliver packages; Shit just got real! (TN)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Update to this

    This is WAR!

    Monday, QBK gets off her ass and walks 2 small packages from the truck to the door. My dad is in a wheelchair and has been for most of his life. He was sitting on the porch enjoying his day when this happened. QBK brings the packages to the base of the porch, looks at the stairs, looks at my dad in the wheelchair, and sets the packages on the ground 3 steps down from him.

    When he asks if she could please hand him the packages because he can't reach them, she turns around and walks away!

    The packages sat there for the rest of the day until I got home.

    This has officially gone from incompetent to malicious.

    submitted by /u/00_Joe_Snow
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    Bank accounts wiped out due to garnishment but we have never had a legal case against us

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    Update (9:30am MST): The bank looked into this and stated this was an "administrative error". The person I was speaking with said that they could not find any reference to my SSN or DOB on the court documents. This was related to the case that occurred on the other side of the state where one of the defendants had the same first and last name. They said that everything will be returned today. I am so angry I can't see straight...


    We came home last night and I was going to transfer some money from my account to my son's account. When I logged on I found that my checking, savings, and my 3 kids accounts had all been wiped out due to a garnishment.

    We have never been a part of any legal proceeding. We have no outstanding/delinquent debt and no court ordered child support.

    The bank said the order is from a court on the other side of our state where we have never lived or conducted any activity in.

    We own a small business but those funds we not touched (with a different bank) but I am afraid they could be.

    Truly, I have no idea how or why this happened and wanted to see what my potential paths are to fix this.

    We are located in the Boise Idaho area.

    Help please!

    (Edited for typos and poor grammar... so much for my college education teaching me how to communicate properly)

    submitted by /u/IdahoGuy95
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    HOA foreclosed condo my condo without contacting me

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    I live in Ohio

    I bought a condo for my mother when my brother passed away. I paid for the whole thing cash with the money from life insurance. My mother wanted me to put it in my name because she doesn't have the best health.

    I don't really talk to her because we don't get along. She is crazy and a drug addict. But after my brother passed I felt bad and she was couch surfing so I decided to help.

    She informed me a couple of days ago that the condo was going up for a sheriffs sale because she hasn't paid her HOA fees since September and has had multiple police calls for various reasons.

    The lawyer told me they sent any info about what was going on to the condo even though they know I don't live there. On the last citation from the sheriff it listed that me and my spouse were in a domestic dispute. I don't live there and I'm not married so I don't see how they even have terms to do this.

    The sale is on the 13th and I tried to stop it but it is to late for a hearing.

    I don't care about losing the condo at this point I'm done helping her with anything but I don't want to have a foreclosure on my credit

    submitted by /u/rsqweezy
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    Parents voted for me against my will.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    First post on this sub so I apologize if it isn't formatted correctly. Also, this is on behalf of my girlfriend who I live with, who does not have a Reddit account.

    Anyways, my girlfriends parents live in Florida while her and I are going to college in New York. As she's a resident of Florida, the only way for her to vote would have been for her parents to mail her voting ballet up to her in New York, she votes, and mails it back. However, they decided to vote for her against her will and submit it, failing to tell her any of that until after they had already submitted her "vote".

    So this doesn't seem right to us. I really want to know from a legal perspective if it is illegal, if there's anything we can do about it, and if there is any way for her to get her vote back.

    submitted by /u/cademore7
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    My uncle died and I was thrown out mere hours after.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I have been living with my uncle for over 8 years leading up to the exact moment of his death. He was shot and killed in my presence, mysteriously, he however had several court matters and were expecting payments soon. It is assumed he was killed by one of these defendants. I was also shot in the process. That exact evening, mere hours after his unforeseen and untimely murder/death, other relatives who played little to no part in his life showed up and started taking things. Which I questioned them about seeing as it was very evident that my uncle was leaving behind everything to me and my brother. My uncle had no kids or wives or anything of the sort. It was only me as my brother was hardly around. I have since been homeless and begging a lodging all over the place. I am uncomfortable as I am no longer in my home. Now their is greed amongst the siblings and they are fighting amongst themselves for everything. They are even stealing and selling stuff. My clothes has been given away and I left with nothing but a small bag of clothing.

    I'd like to return home and carry on my uncle wishes. What legal matters can be taken?

    I'm from the Caribbean. Trinidad and Tobago.

    submitted by /u/windmachinex
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    How do you a report a job for mandatory unpaid "volunteer" shifts? [alabama]

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Title says it all. I'm job hunting and I found an ad that says to be hired, you need to work an 8 hour volunteer shift unpaid before they'll consider you. Obviously that sounds extremely illegal and I'm pissed they would try to con people like that. Who can I report this to?

    submitted by /u/Verifiedverity
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    “friend” stole $500 on Venmo- venmo’d me $500 so I would get him cash from ATM for his rent, then reported it as fraud

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    I am a freshman in college. I am poor and have little money as I spent it on school fees. 4 nights ago a male friend of mine who lives off campus asked me for help paying his rent. He venmo'd me $500 and I then got him cash from an ATM through my bank account. 4 days later I get an email saying it was reported as fraud and that I now have to pay it all back, my Venmo account froze and I'm in debt because I don't have the money to pay. I called the man, he said he will pay me back in 3-4 days when he has the money, he claims it was a mistake with his bank. I don't know what to believe, should I report him to the police or drive to his house and demand my money back? I need money badly just to live right now. He claims he'll pay me back, but I know how that goes. To him $500 is no big deal, but to me that is all my money and more. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/aThrowAccountAway
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    Received a refund for a mattress bought online, but company hasn't picked it up after repeated calls to do so. How long do I need to wait until I can sell it or donate it to a charity? [Alexandria, Virginia]

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Reposting with my location.

    So, I have no idea if this is appropriate for this sub, but I have no idea where else to pose this question. I bought a mattress online from a company offering a 100 night in home trial. After about three weeks on the mattress, I decided it wasn't right for me and initiated a return. Within about a week, they issued a full refund (minus a $99 delivery/restocking fee) and told me that I would be contacted within two weeks to arrange a time for them to pick up the mattress. Almost a month went by with no calls for a pick up arrangement. I contacted the company and was assured I'd be contacted with three days. That was over two weeks ago.

    My question is, at what point does the mattress simply become my legal property? I don't have a lot of extra space in my home and I need to get rid of this thing; at what point am I legally allowed to sell it or donate it?

    submitted by /u/dualplains
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    [NY] “This will ALL be yours one day”... Ran Family Business for 13 years, 100% became 30%, Became...

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    ...Me fighting to even get the 30% formalized. Things have never been more hostile between my family and I.

    I quit my career to come work at the failing business. I worked for free for over six months to help cut expenses.

    I invented a damn product to help build sales.

    I called friends in to help wire the place/do IT work for me to keep the place running.

    I never took vacations because I knew the business couldn't really handle my being away.

    Every time I groaned to my father about how hard it was, he would reply.. "ProcrastinaSean, this will ALL be yours one day..."

    Then, my fathers Parkinson's kicked it into ugh gear, a few back surgeries too... and my mother stepped in.

    She's been pissing away money on consultants since she assumed control from my father.

    That 100%, suddenly became "well your sisters will share in the business, too!" Despite the fact they have never been involved, let alone even scoffed when I asked for some PR help from one.

    My question is this... do I have ANY leg to stand on in terms of the "all will be yours one day" verbal contract?

    I honestly would have NEVER got involved if I wasn't working towards 100% ownership.

    Second question... how about the 30%?

    Here is a photo of what I received, which is basically the equivalent of an oversized dummy check from the lottery or something, at this point. Imgur

    Any help is greatly appreciated. My brother in law is a lawyer and of course my mother has been confiding in him on this, even though it's an obvious huge conflict of interest, as his wife (my sister) is set to gain.

    EDIT: I want to say thank you to you all for your great responses, definitely the preliminary guidance I need. I'll respond individually shortly. Thanks again! And yeah, I figured I was fairly well screwed, but the units is a whole different kind of screwed. I'm willing to bet my Brother In Law, in Law has something to do with it.

    submitted by /u/Procrastinasean
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    I am a narcoleptic teacher. Is my public school district treating me illegally?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    I am writing because I believe my district may be breaking the law by refusing to accommodate my disability and I am hoping to gain the insights of anyone who may be familiar with the ADA. Technically, I am a speech-language pathologist, not a teacher, but I am in the teacher's union and on the same contract and salary schedule as teachers. I am diagnosed with the sleep disorder narcolepsy, which causes me to have uncontrollable sleep attacks and excessive daytime sleepiness that occur without adequate rest. After reviewing my contract and finding language stating that significant disciplinary action will occur if an employee is found asleep during the workday, I wanted to disclose my disability needs in part to prevent future penalization in case I should ever be seen sleeping in my office or car during a lunch break. Additionally, I know that falling asleep can be seen as unprofessional or rude to those who are not aware that I have narcolepsy, or who misunderstand the condition, and for this reason, it was my goal to meet with administrators to prevent misunderstandings, convey my doctor's recommendations and figure out mutually agreeable solutions.

    Prior to this meeting, I met with my medical provider, and she wrote me a letter recommending a few (in my opinion) reasonable accommodations to help me at work, including permission to nap (only) during my lunch break, permission to store a pillow and air mattress in my classroom, and the option to work remotely from home when participating in work assignments that can be completed virtually.

    I took this note from my medical provider to my school district's HR director and after a formal meeting together during which I explained what my disability is and how it affects me, I received a letter saying that the district will not grant any of my accommodations. More disturbingly, the letter denying my accommodations suggests that someone who experiences the symptoms of narcolepsy is unfit for my job. (This is especially baffling because my doctor's note says that my disability, when properly accommodated, should have no effect on my ability to perform the essential duties of a school SLP.)The HR director invited me to take leave if I was unable to go to work without the requested accommodations.

    I am confused as to why each of the accommodations was uniformly rejected, particularly because none of the specific measures that I requested would have any negative effect on the quantity or quality of work I complete. On the contrary, based on the expertise of my medical doctor (and in accordance with my personal experience) these accommodations would serve only to improve my productivity. I was clear that my accommodations would not ever interfere with a scheduled meeting with a student/parent/staff/etc, and that my sleep attacks do not occur when in situations where I am actively participating (i.e., student therapy, IEP meetings, etc.). I am concerned that the administration's response reads as retaliatory, implicitly threatening my fitness as an employee because I requested disability accommodations. HR's response suggests that someone who has narcolepsy is inherently unable to act as a school speech therapist. Such assumptions are based on discriminatory beliefs about narcolepsy rather than medical expertise, as, again, my doctor's letter assures the district that this disability does not disqualify me as a school speech therapist (and my record of service in this district also speaks to my abilities and reliability).

    I've spoken with my doctor about this outcome, and she was completely flabbergasted. She said I was her first patient EVER to have my disability accommodations denied by an employer.

    I've already contacted my union representatives and they told me they will forward my concern to a labor relations consultant. I haven't heard from the consultant yet but it has only been 2 days. I am just writing this to confirm whether or not my employer is being completely illegal and if there are any further steps I should take besides notifying my union of the decision. My doctors have advised me to lawyer-up but I realistically can't afford to hire a lawyer on my salary. Thanks in advance for any insights you may have!

    tl;dr: employer uniformly denied all my reasonable, doctor-recommended accommodations for my disability and heavily implied that my disability makes me unfit for the job regardless of if I have accommodations or not (yet weirdly did not threaten to fire me...)

    submitted by /u/ilove2sleep
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    Is forging a signature illegal on a non-legal document?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    My gf's mom is trying to get her son confirmed (a Catholic ceremony) but the kid's father isn't on board with it. She forged his signature and is getting him confirmed anyway without telling the dad. Obviously she does not have permission to use his signature, but as far as I know the document really has no real legal bearing, so is this technically not a crime? If it's illegal I feel obligated to tell her because knowing her dad he would 100% sue her and she definitely can't afford it.

    EDIT: Oops, this is my first time on this subreddit. The state is Nebraska in case that changes anything. These are my gf's parents, not mine btw.

    submitted by /u/PlutoDidntPlanItWell
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    Handyman left a bag of tools and parts at our home (CA, USA)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    About 3 weeks ago we hired a handyman to do a plumbing job at our home. Unfortunately the work the handyman did was shoddy which resulted in leaking pipes and puddling water. We called him back that same night and he came to seal the leak as best as he could, but said he could not do a permanent fix until the next morning. He left a bag of tools and parts in our house to avoid carrying it back and forth. There was also a small argument between him and my father due to the work-quality. But he never came back. We called him and he ignored our calls. We eventually called a professional plumbing company to finish the work.

    The issue now is that we still have his bag of tools and parts. For the past 2-weeks we have tried to contact him by phone and text to come pick up his stuff, but so far he has not responded back.

    My question is: are we allowed to get rid of his belongings? How long are we suppose to wait for him to retrieve his bag, or can we just toss them out/give them away?

    Side Note: my father met this handyman at a Home Depot so we have no other contact information besides his phone number.

    Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/93163789317
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    Have to pay for a breathalyzer even though my BAC was 0?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Sigh this is a long one. Im in texas for starters.

    About 3 weeks ago I was driving home with my two-year-old from the children's hospital because she was sick. I was down the street from my house.. my daughter was crying so I turned around to console her. When I turn back around and looked in my rearview I noticed a white van coming into my lane. I freaked out and turned really hard and crashed into a tree.

    When I realized what was happening the neighbors that lived at that house were helping me and I told them I had my daughter in the back. They got her out and called the police. I was bleeding from my head, my eye, and my tongue. I was definitely disoriented. I didn't know if what I had seen was what actually happened until the neighbors confirmed it. When the police got to the scene the neighbors immediately told them about the white van that had swiped into me and kept going

    Not one of the police officers bothered to look for the white van and instead the cops come to me and asked me if I would do a breathalyzer to which I responded of course. I did that and it was at zero because I hadnt drank and I rarely drink anyways.

    Now here's where it gets weird. I didn't think that I was mumbling or stumbling or anything like that now that I look back on it I definitely have a hard time remembering things after the accident up until the hospital I mean I had just gotten into a car accident right? They asked me if I had taken anything. I told them no. But that I was prescribed methadone, which I am. They asked me to walk the line and I'll admit I did have a hard time. It wasn't terrible but it also wasn't perfect. At that point they arrested me and I was extremely confused because in my head I didn't know what I was getting arrested for especially if I have a prescription for Methadone. They told me I was being arrested for DUI. They asked me if I would do a blood test at the hospital and I said yes. They took me to the county jail after where I stayed for 4 days & got out on a 4k bond

    So when I got out they told me that there was going to be terms and conditions one of the conditions is that I have to have a breathalyzer I immediately asked what for if I tested zero for alcohol and to be honest nobody really gave me an answer. I would go along with it but the fact that I have to pay for it is a problem. I don't have money for that at all. I barely have money to pay my bills so this is going to be an extra $100 a month and I honestly don't know what Im going to do.

    I can fight this but not until my court date I absolutely will have to have the breathalyzer until then and who knows how long that's going to be. Is there anyway someone can explain to me why they did this?

    This whole thing was a horrible experience. And to be honest as a recovering addict I don't feel like anybody is going to take my side at all I'm almost hopeless with this. I don't care about what I have to do but they also got me on the child endangerment charge and I'm not okay with that at all. I don't understand especially if the people at the house, about four witnesses, were telling them how and why I crashed. If someone can explain this to me I would be really really grateful. Unfortunately I don't have any extra money to an attorney

    submitted by /u/netflixnchillibeans
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    Fired Because Customer Complaints About Wearing Masks

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    My job is at a retail store. Manager asked me to tell customers who were not wearing masks or not wearing them properly (not over the nose, etc) to wear masks properly. I am a supervisor and associates come to me to tell customers to wear their mask properly if they don't listen to the associate.

    I had a customer complain to the district manager that I was rude to him. I was put on a final (skipped warning, and written). A couple of days ago another customer became combative when I asked him to put his mask over his nose. I walked away and left him with a manager (above me). I walked into work the day after and they said I was fired.

    Is there any legal aspect I could use to sue the company? I believe this is wrongful termination.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/thrwaylegalqu3st10n
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    Murder at FL apartment complex. Enough to get out of lease?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm helping my 22yo nephew (more like my own kid) and his longtime girlfriend navigate a tricky situation.

    They rent an apartment in a complex in SW Florida. (FWIW, due to covid impacts I'm currently living with family in Arkansas).

    There was a shooting the other night in the complex's parking lot and someone was killed (nephew's gf was home at the time - still shaken up).

    They are currently staying with the girlfriends parents because since that time there have been other fights at the complex, mostly in the middle of the night.

    They do not feel safe, I do not believe they are safe, and I'm trying to do what I can to help them which as a first step involves appealing to the kind people of Reddit for advice.

    After reading through the FL legal landlord/tenant website I'm still not sure if this murder at the apt complex constitutes enough for them to break their lease, and if so if there would be any penalty.

    I've asked them to send me a copy of their lease which they hope to do by tomorrow.

    Thank you for any advice, it is truly appreciated.


    submitted by /u/Tweeedles
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    What legal rights do I have over my ancestors' graves?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    I am a descendant of men who fought on both sides of the Civil War, and basically every American War before and after that. Someday, I hope to be buried in our family plot, located in a Southern state. My grandparents are there, under a big oak tree. Two of the graves in our plot always have a Stars and Bars flag, presumably placed/maintained by the Daughters or Sons of the Confederacy or a similar group. The patriotic veterans get American flags only on Memorial Day. It bothers me that the rebels are honored more than the patriots. I have some Southern pride (for hospitality, charming towns, music), but it does not extend to the Confederacy. I'm opposed to slavery and Jim Crow and racism. Do I have a right to remove the flags and to keep the Neo-Confederates out of my family plot or are the dead rebels entitled to their flags?

    submitted by /u/ScurvyDervish
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    Help/// My Ex gave me a fake court document

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Hey guys..

    My ex gave me a fake parentage document, stating that she would have custody over the kids until our hearing. It says that it is enforceable by law. I took it to the courts already and know it's fake, because they said so.

    Is this a criminal offense? Should I look to press charges? We are in the state of NM

    submitted by /u/Jakehatty
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    Landlord Wants to Show My Apartment Even Though I May Have COVID

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    I live in New Mexico and recently have decided to move. I ended my lease as per all the guidelines I signed.

    I got a text from my landlord stating that they want to show my apartment while I am still living in it. I have until the end of the month to move.

    The issue is, last week I came into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID. I am getting tested ASAP but have begun a quarantine in the meantime. I told my landlord this and they told me that I needed to "cooperate" with them. They still plan on showing my apartment while I am in it during my quarantine. I will not know the test results for another week, possibly after the potential renters come and visit.

    Is this legal? It seems really wrong.

    submitted by /u/CatSkrratch
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    My crazy ex won't stop

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    I'm on a throwaway account because I'm afraid she'll see this and know. I'm located in Florida

    I (24f) dated a girl (23f) for maybe 7 months??? Over a year ago. She was a very angry person the entire relationship, she had more rage in her than I've ever seen and I'm a very laid back person so obviously it wasn't a good fit. I tried breaking up with her multiple times over the course of our relationship but she'd either threaten to harm herself, literally prevent me from leaving, or threaten me. I obviously did eventually get away but I had to do so by literally ghosting her. I straight up made it like I never existed, I deleted all of my social media, changed jobs, moved, got a different car, changed my phone number, all of it. This entire time she has found someway to contact me. She showed up at my house, before I changed my number she would download texting apps and text me non stop, every girl I even try to get to know gets scared away because she somehow finds out and starts harassing them. She posts pictures of me on her social media from time to time saying how she wants to hit me in the head with a bowling ball, beat my ass, etc. But she has never actually touched me and I'm an idiot and only have maybe one screen shot of her threats towards me. She's currently facing a misdemeanor battery charge for jumping some girl. What are my options to get her to leave me alone? I can't mentally take the constant fear of her finding my house or my work, I miss going out in public and not constantly looking over my shoulder. This is truly exhausting.

    submitted by /u/throwaway-mr1
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    Do I have a malpractice case? Positive tests results from 2009 were never discussed with me.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Positive test results for Sjrogens were never disclosed to me in 2009. I also had evidence of Hashimotos in 2009 that was never followed up on or discussed with me.

    I am now diagnosed with both Sjögrens and Hashimotos as of this year. Please advise if the doctor who ordered the test is at all responsible. How do I go about seeing if they missed anything else?

    submitted by /u/369damngrlfine
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    [Ohio] Do I have to tell my bosses about my anti depression medication?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    I'm on anti depressants (Pristiq) and just began working at a medical lab at the same hospital I see my family doctor in.

    I initially took my drug test before I started taking the pristiq, however for some reason I didn't seem to put two and two together until now that some anti depressants can cause false positives on urine drug screens.

    I really don't want to tell them personal information like that but at the same time I'd like to keep my job.

    submitted by /u/neon-sage
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    Neighborhood Wants to Install Cameras - TX

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    I live in a neighborhood with no HOA in Texas. The neighborhood does have a voluntary annual membership (suggested $35/yr) that helps finance events and other projects.

    After a car was stolen a discussion was started about installing license plate scanning cameras at the entrances and exits to the neighborhood. The association doesn't own any of the roads or land so this would be monitoring the public streets. Example system that was proposed: https://www.flocksafety.com/. I find the idea of a system like this to be absolutely chilling even if there is an option to opt-out or access is tightly controlled.

    It's likely that the solution won't be affordable but if it does manage to pass a vote is it possible to prevent installation via a legal challenge?

    submitted by /u/throwaway20201007
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    Patent Pending Question

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:37 PM PDT


    I recently came across a product from China that I would like to sell online. After doing some research I noticed someone on Kickstarter launched this product and they say the design is patent-pending.

    I am from Canada and they are from the US, although most of my customers would probably be from the US. I'm not sure if this changed anything.

    Does this mean I cannot sell this product? Is there any way around this? If I alter the design I can still sell it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/viralitystudio
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