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    Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    Legal Advice - Upcoming AMA with Jordan Rubin Bloomberg Law | Thursday 10/8 at 2:00 Eastern

    Legal Advice - Upcoming AMA with Jordan Rubin Bloomberg Law | Thursday 10/8 at 2:00 Eastern

    Upcoming AMA with Jordan Rubin Bloomberg Law | Thursday 10/8 at 2:00 Eastern

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    We will be hosting an AMA with Jordan Rubin of Bloomberg Law this Thursday, 10/8, at 2:00 Eastern.

    Jordan Rubin covers mostly criminal justice cases at the Supreme Court. AMA!

    He reports for Bloomberg Law on cases at the Supreme Court, from briefing through argument and decision. He's been keeping a close eye on criminal justice cases in particular since joining Bloomberg Law in 2017. Before that, he was a prosecutor for five years at the Manhattan DA's office.

    With the Supreme Court and the justice system both in the national spotlight these days, what do you want to know? What cases are coming up for argument? Questions about specific cases? What's happening with qualified immunity? What's the significance of the Court's latest changes in composition for these issues??

    This AMA will be posted on Thursday, so please think of your questions!

    submitted by /u/Ramady
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    my psychiatrist charged me a $100 no show fee even though she is the one who didn’t show [USA]

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    due to covid i've been seeing my psychiatrist who is located in Texas online and normally she'll text me or email me the link for the video chat. the first 3 appointments were fine but today i had an appointment for 9AM. i never received anything so i called the office at 9:07AM and the receptionist told me that my psychiatrist is backed up and would get to me soon. i even verified my email and phone number with them just in cause there was a mix up. well i'd check my phone and refresh my email and there's nothing!! i know the problem wasn't on my end because i've been using my email, text and getting calls from other people all day without issue. i called them back twice at 10:30AM to ask what happened but nobody answered. now at 3PM they call me saying they want me to pay the $100 fee even tho i explained to them that i was ready but she never sent me anything. it's so annoying bc my co payments are $35 which i can afford. but now i'm left without any medication & they expect me to pay $100 for nothing which i much rather use for retail therapy 🙄

    Edit: i forget to add that when they called to charge me the $100 the receptionists told me that my psychiatrist said she emailed and texted me. but i checked my phone records with my service carrier and there's no text from my psychiatrist at all.

    submitted by /u/HeartShapedSlut
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    I’m part of a HOA and management is refusing to review security footage to see who destroyed my Halloween decor

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Basically the title. I live in Chicago, IL and moved into a condo with an HOA back in June. Nothing egregious has happened so far until now. I pay my dues and keep my head down and I say hi to neighbors when I pass them in the halls but I rarely see other people in this building.

    A couple of weeks ago I put up Halloween decor on my door. It's just 3 things that stick only to my door: a pair of monster eyes, cobwebs, and a string of battery-operated copper LEDs. None of it sticks out into the hallway or anything like that. I put them up in early September and there were no issues for the longest time.

    Yesterday, October 5, I came home around noon after spending the previous night at my bf's. Door decorations were all still intact. My bf then comes to my place at 7pm the same day and showed me that my lights are missing.

    Here's what my door looked like before and after (the after photo is first tho): https://imgur.com/a/e1RSZ78

    Everything else on my door was intact. My monster eyes and cobwebs were still on my door, only the lights were missing. My setup was that the batteries with the on and off switch were taped to the inside of my door, and the lights extended to the outside of the door from within. Meaning, a small portion of the lights is between the door and the doorframe.

    My thinking was that someone cut the lights purposely with wire cutters because these were copper LED lights, and rather difficult to snap by hand. However my boyfriend did show me that it's also possible that the copper strings snapped after repeated assault by bending it back and forth, and that it was possible that the portion that sticks out of the doorframe was repeatedly assaulted by my door-doorframe, causing it to snap. However, I argued that even if it did snap on its own, the lights still hung on the cobwebs, so theoretically the rest of the lights should be still on my door, just unblinking because the wire connection was broken. But the lights are just all gone.

    My condo unit has a security camera directly in front of it, so I reached out to my building manager to ask him to review the tapes during the time frame it might have happened (October 5, 12 noon to 7pm) and I was told that they only review tapes if it "affected the association as a whole" so basically I'm boned because I'm only part of the association. It's so upsetting because I never got any complaints about my Halloween decor. I want to know what happened, and if it was purposeful destruction, I want to know what options I have against the perpetrator. But that's not possible without security footage review.

    I'm going to take down the rest of my decor so that it doesn't get further damaged. Sorry for the long post. The lights aren't very expensive so the loss itself isn't the problem, it's the fact that I have to live in the same building with someone who might have purposely done this that really bothers me. It's just so pointlessly hostile. I'd appreciate any help I can get!

    submitted by /u/aonele
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    I work at a high volume bar in Virginia and the owner wants to start charging us(the bartenders) for anything they deem to be loss for the night. Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this question

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    We have struggled with liquor cost, but we have gotten it under control they gave us a goal of 20% cost and now it's at 18%, which is pretty amazing for a bar that does happy hour for 9 hours of the day. For example, the owners see that over a week, while pouring thousands of ounces of vodka we are missing 4 bottles of vodka for the week. This is less than 3% of the overall vodka poured and since we are high volume and use free pouring, in any other restaurant I have worked or helped, it would be considered cost of doing business. If you do the math, it equates to us pouring about 1.57 ounces instead of 1.5 ounces as we are allotted for each pour. Since we use imprecise pouring tools and we are far to high volume to use jiggers (a liquor measuring tool) it doesn't seem right that they would be allowed to charge us for these overages. They intend on holding back our tips and charging us anything that they decide is missing every night. Is that even legal? Is there anything we can do to combat this?

    Edit: To answer a few of your questions.

    the bar does pretty well, and most of the bartenders that work there are veterans, but as it's a slow season, finding more work is harder than possibly looking for a way out of this situation. The bar generally is set up to profit around 25k a month, but wastes all its money on a ridiculous menu and while constantly attacking ya for liquor cost, has a 42% food cost and insane labor amount as well. The owners are veteran business owners, but not of bars, they just see the total loss under a microscope and cannot fathom how it's accidental and not theft. I explained to them that even with measuring tools this number is amazing. I am one of their managers and have a pretty solid relationship with the owners,(they are paying for my Somm education and travel expenses around the exams and learning) They generally listen to me, but I wasn't sure about this one. Also I didn't want to bring it up and ruin my relationship and possibly lose my continued education if it was within their reasonable power to take tips.

    Edit: wording

    submitted by /u/rafwaf123
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    Found pure bred Doberman running in the street and owner didn't want it. What do I need to do to make sure he can't come back in 6 months and say I stole her?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    On Monday of last week I was sitting on my couch working and had my front door open. My street has a lot of pedestrian traffic so usually I'm not phased by it, but I happened to look up and see this gorgeous Doberman bounding down the sidewalk. I stop to admire her when I realize....she doesn't have any people. I try to grab her and see another lady trying to catch her. I yell at the lady to ask if it's her dog, but she said no, it was her neighbor's and pointed to an open gate. The neighbor lady tells me her owner leaves her outside by herself all day with no toys or a doghouse, or anything, and the fence is broken, so she just jumped out and ran away. I successfully trap her in her own yard and get a collar and leash on the dog.

    I tell the neighbor that I don't want the dog to get hit by a car so ill keep her in my yard with a privacy fence until her owner can fix his and leave her my name, address and phone number.

    At around 8pm that night, I drive by the owner's house. There are two cars in his drive. At like...830 we go down to his house and I'm like "is this your dog" the guy tells me he just opened a Mexican restaurant and doesn't have any time for her, and was just about to call someone else to see if they wanted to adopt her.

    I said I would, and he told me he would get me her papers when he found them. This was on Monday of last week. On Thursday I left a note on his door asking about her health history, age, and if she was chipped with my number again and he still hasn't responded.

    This dog has no manners and didn't even know her name or what being petted was. She is super sweet, and is already glued to my side I'm guessing her to be less than a year old and I'm fully prepared to train her but what can I do to make sure the old owner doesn't try to sue me or take her back? I'm in KY

    submitted by /u/baker2015
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    (MD) I own a rowhome with a concrete divider between my porch and my neighbor's. Neighbor claims the whole divider is his. My title doc is unclear. Who can I call for help?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    Long story: My neighbor and his family have been a problem since I bought my home a year and a half ago. This centers around the most annoying issue: His adult daughter frequently sits on the barrier between our homes smoking and throwing cigarette butts/blunt roaches on my porch. I've spoken with her many times. She refuses to quit. This came to a head when I caught her dealing drugs on my steps last week.

    Yesterday I installed a screen over what I believe is my half (I measured, it's an inch on my side). He came out screaming that it was his property. I disagreed. He took it down while I was away. The police have been called.

    In the meantime I dug out my title/survey document but it isn't clear. Who can I call to get a definite answer? I don't want to be tresspassing or using his property but I also believe it's mine.


    TLDR I own a rowhome with a concrete divider between my porch and my neighbor's. Neighbor claims the whole divider is his. My title doc is unclear. Who can I call for help?

    submitted by /u/csjo
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    My wife's been told to give up her home day care license or face charges from DCF

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    My wife has run an ada approved licensed home day care for the past 8 years. After reopening from Covid she had an open slot for a 2-3 year old. She accepted a little girl with special needs who has come 4 times. Yesterday my wife gets a call from a DCF case worker saying the parents have accused her of endangering their child and DCF is opening an investigation. The case work strongly implied that if my wife gives up her license they would close the case.

    My wife is upset and scared and isn't sure what to do. The accusations are false. She is contacting the union and has no intentions of giving up her license.

    There are cameras (no audio) in the common areas restricted to parent access but they do not record (that is changing). We are checking if any parent have recordings of the day in question. The new girl's parent did not have access to the video feed.

    I've told my wife to document as much as she can remember and to collect characters references from the other parents. What else should we do and do we have a potential libel defamation case against the parents?

    Location: Massachusetts

    Edit: We will be speaking to a lawyer as soon as possible.

    submitted by /u/CynicalDick
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    My neighbor claims to own the retaining wall holding my house on the hill and it needs repaired.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    She's mad at me because she got reported to the city for not having siding on her house for the last 3 years. They did their job and sent her a notice to remedy it. So now she's got the city marking the property lines to "prove" the wall is on her property. The city even claims they do not have official measurements, and official property lines must be drawn by a surveyor. The ordinances regarding walls, fences, and other "non-permanent" structures states a wall can be built ON the property line. Judging by the city's marker, 3/4 of the 12 inch wall is on her side.

    I've already lined out a construction crew to fix the wall, as it has moved quite a bit in the last couple years. So much so that my foundation has settled and I now have cracks in my drywall. Last summer when I discussed it with her, she had no problem allowing easement for the crew to remove the old wall, and build the new wall from the low ground on her side of the wall. I feel she has since changed her mind.

    If the wall is hers, does she have any kind of responsibility to maintain it, if it is structurally necessary for my house? (I don't think so, but if I can get her to pay for it, I'm going to!)

    If the wall is mine or neutral, what rights to I have to an easement to maintain and repair it?

    If it matters, I'm in Kansas.

    submitted by /u/tashamalay
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    California - My (homeowner) roommate told me he found out he doesnt have to pay rent, so he isnt. I then served him with a 60 day notice document and he laughed. With Codivd, the laws are murky. Any advice?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    He is still working full time, he just read that he doesnt have to pay because of Covid and isnt. I served him with a 60 day notice and he laughed. Am I stuck?


    I found out about the term "lodger" which is what my roommate is my situation.

    This civil code explains the law for lodgers


    This civil code explains the law when the lodger does not leave after notice expires.


    submitted by /u/Bleezy79
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    Caught my neighbor stealing my electricity

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    I got home to see an extention cord running from my outside garage outlet over to my neighbors property. He was using it to charge batteries overnight. I called the police and submitted a report. Should I press charges? I really just don't feel like paying the extra on my utilities that he siphoned. (USA)

    submitted by /u/Illegitly
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    Preschool Not Allowing Males to Change Diapers

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    My GF works at a Preschool, and the males there are not allowed to change diapers on kids, or change their clothes if soiled or what not.

    My GF had it explained to her, they said they dont allow males to do those things because it could lead to parents being uncomfortable that a Male is seeing a semi or full naked child.

    Is this legal practice? Just curious. I understand the reasons, but they havent had any cases of abuse from male workers there ever, so it confuses me. Is it normal practice maybe?

    Location: minnesota , twin cities

    Addition detail: they usually wont hire male teachers or assistants for this reason

    submitted by /u/DarthDank12
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    Indiana - My wife and I got married in July and now her job is threatening to fire her at the end of October

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    Good Evening All,

    My wife and I are located in Indiana, USA and we are running into what I hope is an odd situation and we really need some legal advice. We got married in July of 2020, since then my wife has been trying to get her information with the Social Security Office updated but because of the pandemic the local offices are closed and information has to be mailed in and is taking longer than normal.

    Now onto the part I have a question about, while at work my wife's manager told her that if she doesn't have the legal name change taken care of ie new social security card and driver's license by the end of October that the company would terminate her employment. She is a model employee and has no other disciplinary action against her, not having her name changed would be the cause that they use to terminate. I advised her to explain to the management that the process was in the works and is taking longer than normal, and really if such a huge issue advise them that she plans on keeping her maiden name and not changing it.

    Needless to say this is causing us a great deal of stress and thinking about one of us not working again is not something that could financially happen. Does the company have a leg to stand on for termination? What steps should we be taking to address the issue other than having the paperwork sent in? Should we consult an employment attorney? I'm really out of my depth here and just want to be sure we have everything in a row in case we need to take action.

    submitted by /u/Prototype2o
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    Child adoption

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Hey all, me and my girlfriend are getting engaged soon and eventually married. She has a 2 year old son and when we get married I want to be able to adopt him. I know in most cases you would need the bio fathers consent but she don't know who the father is. My question is can I still go ahead with the adoption with out it? I'm in Canada BTW.

    submitted by /u/darkshadow574
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    Went through refinance process and signed documents to close with notary. Lender then calls to say they can't close because they made a mistake, and provides me with new closing terms that cost me $6,000+ more.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    In the new closing disclosure they want me to sign, the lender credit we had agreed to is gone and they've added close to $3,000 in points (1.059%) that were never discussed, agreed upon, or put on paper throughout the 3 month process. (I am located in Southern California)

    Is this legal? What recourse might I have?

    (More details on my original post on r/personalfinance)

    Thanks for any responses. I can't imagine this is normal but not sure about legality.

    submitted by /u/cdf888
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    Mother needs landlord/tenant advice- Alameda county CA

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    My mother has allowed her friend to live in a spare bedroom for the last 10 years, the friendship has soured and although the tenant has been asked to leave- they are refusing and due to the moratorium on evictions, an eviction can not happen either. I have advised my mother to speak to a lawyer about what rights she has as a landlord. I have a few questions and of this takes off I'm sure I'll have more...

    My mom has been trying to clean up the property for about a year now, but there are a few hang ups directly related to the tenant-

    The tenant has 4 vehicles, 3 of which don't, and haven't run, for years- what can be done to remove these from the property?

    The tenant has packed their belongings into both storage areas on the property, which was understood to be only temporary, as in, until the tenant could go through them... it's been 2+ years.

    The tenants items taking up the storage areas (500sq ft) is impacting my mom heavily as she is not able to utilize the area as she had wanted to. To be clear- the area isnt a storage area, it's just become storage due to the tennats "stuff"- my moms intentions were always for the room to become a craft area.

    Tenants room can not be walked into due to belongings packed wall to wall- it's in complete disarray and for all my mom knows it could be unhealthy living conditions.

    The moratorium is slated to end 12/31, but considering covid- who knows how long this will go on.

    At this point she's almost desperate so any suggestions/advise could be appreciated.

    Sorry for the rant.

    submitted by /u/gogetter510
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    Dad died with no will, had a secret wife with a restraining order against her. Probate help.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    CA- My dad died in august 2020 and left no will or trust. While dealing with his multi million dollar estate, we (my sister and i) were surprised to learn he was actually married (since dec 2015) to a woman we thought was his live in girlfriend. The marriage was filed as confidential in a Southern California county court. In may of 2019, there was a domestic dispute in which she was arrested and my dad was granted a TRO against her. She was not to be within 100 ft of him or his properties. June of 2020 he was able to get that restraining order extended until July 2024. As far as I am aware, he never filed for divorce. What's odd is that his taxes during the duration of their marriage was filed as single.

    Some more info... We found the 2015 marriage license and it said her last marriage ended in 1995 by divorce, when in reality, her last marriage ended in 2009 by death (her late husband of 4 years was 94 when he died). She lied on the marriage license about her past marriages.

    Basically this woman is trying to fight my sister and I for my dads entire estate. They were married 4.5 years and only together 3.5 of those because of that RO. Is there any way to help my case so that she gets nothing, or less money than she is fighting for?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/littleppdp
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    Received a new roof after a house fire only to find that it’s out of code and my bathroom exhaust pipe has been capped for a year. Contractors refusing to fix their work and claim there is nothing wrong with roof.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    We had a house fire in 2018 that left the exterior walls untouched but gutted the inside. It took about 9 months to rebuild, and we've been living in it for about a year.

    We had a contractor come out to give us a quote on new soffit/fascia, and he told us that our roof had multiple problems and should never have passed city inspection. We brought a second person out and he confirmed the first's claims.

    In the process of checking the roof quality, we mentioned our bathroom had been smelling like sulfur every so often, and we found that the bathroom exhaust pipe was cut, capped, and never put through the roof to vent. So for the last year our methane has had nowhere to go but back into our house.

    Our fire contractor claims everything is due to code and refuses to come fix it. In addition they signed a contract to do our house fire rebuild but ended up going $17K over budget and paid for it out of pocket, so they especially don't want to put more into our house.

    Can we have the soffit team build us a new roof and then take our fire contractor to court for the fees?

    submitted by /u/Mill2095
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    Water damage to my house a second time due to neighbours!!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    I moved into my new house (UK) in 2017 and decorated the whole house to the way my wife and I have always wanted. After 6 months, we noticed that one side of the wall in the hallway had considerable water damage out of nowhere. we called a heating engineer in case of pipe damage and they said that all was fine. we then called a general builder that mentioned that there were no cracks or any noticeable elements contributing to water damage. he then said that he would guarantee that the water damage was coming from our neighbours and to ask them if they had recently had any leaks. we then proceeded to ask the neighbours, who confirmed that they had a lead in the adjoining room! they are with housing, so we got in touch with them regarding repairs. I also contacted my home insurance but was reluctant to use this route as it would then be classed as a claim and consequently, raise my premiums or the following years. I was advised that these sorts of issues were a grey area in law and there was a lot of back and forth with the housing company and with a new baby, we left it to sort on our own as they assured us that the water issue had been repaired and would no longer be an issue to us. Once we saved the money (2020) took a while as with the baby and job issues due to COVID, we waited to make sure we were financially stable before committing to the repair and we looked as this as an opportunity to repaint the hallway a different colour. We paid to have the water damage repaired this summer (once COVID restrictions were lifted!) the wall was repaired, and we had a beautiful grey repainted which looked as good as new and a better colour than before :) As of today, I just noticed that there is water damaged again!!!!! I called the housing company again and they confirmed that there was an issue with the bathtub and needed to be replaced......if the water damage to my wall is because of my neighbours, will I be able to get the housing company to pay for the repairs? I think it would be very unfair for me to have to pay to repair the same wall twice within a few months due to an issue no fault of my own!!!! surely this cannot be right!! I would be very grateful for any help...

    submitted by /u/Harbinger28
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    Do you have to show up with your parents to court?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    Let me start with my age. I am a 25 year old adult, who lives at his parents house.

    I got into a car crash and received a citation for which I have to go to court. Essentially the letter reads,

    "Pursuant to an investigation of the above, a complaint has been filed against you alleging violations of the following California Vehicle Code ____________."

    It then goes on to say:

    "You are hereby requested to appear with a parent at the Superior Court County of ______, in order to file an answer to the charge(s)."

    My question is, why the heck did they request me to appear with a parent? Do I have to? Is there any legal reason for me not to show up alone?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/DoctorsAdvocate
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    I ordered a shed from a local guy that was supposed to be finish and delivered September 10th. Almost everyday he’s told us that “it’ll 100% be delivered tomorrow” and we still haven’t received it. What are our options legally?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    We didn't sign a contract or pay anything upfront. We needed this weeks ago and apparently he says it still isn't even done, though almost everyday this last week or two he said it'll be delivered in the "next 24 hours.

    On Friday he said it would be here. Never reached out to tell us it wouldn't be delivered that day (not the first time.) he told us it would 100% be here on Monday. Never arrived. Today he said it would 100% be here by sundown and it never happened.

    This has cost us a lot of money in delays and coordinating with electricians and other building professionals. We were promised it would be here today because electrical coming out tomorrow but now that's going to set us back in time and money.

    Am I legally allowed to just tell him I'm not going to take delivery at this point? No contract was signed and all text and emails were specifically talking about delivery by September 10th. It's almost been a full month past the original date.

    submitted by /u/bzsteele
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    False advertising?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    (Kentucky) So I'm 19 and just started working at UPS around 2 weeks ago. When I applied online their application stated that the starting wage was $14.50 plus a $200 weekly bonus for showing up and on time for every shift. When I had my interview I was told the bonus was actually $150, then on my first day of work I was told it was actually $75. Fast forward two weeks later I still haven't received any kind of weekly bonus despite showing up to every shift on time. When I asked my supervisor about it she said that "they're working on it" I'll give it some time but if I don't end up receiving any weekly bonuses is there anything I could/should do? They definitely reeled a lot of employees in advertising a $200 weekly bonus and now I'm not sure if I'll even get anything at all.

    submitted by /u/jclines12
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    Roommate Forged Energy Bill

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I have confirmed with my energy provider that our bills for the past year are much lower than what the roommate has claimed them to be. Said roommate has provided us a document claiming it is a billing and payment statement which doesn't align with anything the Supervisor from our provider has said to us. Is this something we can take to court and win? We have been swindled for money essentially.

    submitted by /u/mehji6
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    Landlord demands additional money after cashing a post dated rent check

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    As the title suggests, I gave my landlord a check post dated for October 1st, on the 28th of September. I had to stop by his house to pick up parking permits, and being a second year college student I do not have a car. Figuring I would save myself the trip, I brought the rent check with me.

    Allow me to clarify. I spoke with my landlord over the phone on the 28th, when he informed me he had our new parking permits. I had said that I would prefer to meet him on October 1st, to drop off the rent check, and pick up the permits. He requires a check, and will not accept any other form of payment. Originally he told me the permits expire on October 15th, so I figured this would work well. Though during this phone call, he told me they expire on September 15th, 12 days ago. So, he recommended that I pick them up today, and to bring the rent check and that they would wait to cash it. Not his exact words, but something very much along those lines was said, allowing me to believe all would be well.

    So again, I post dated the check for October 1st, the day rent is due.

    On September 29th I received a notice from my bank claiming insufficient funds on a check, and was charged 34$. Today, on October 5th, I received a call from my landlord saying the check had bounced, and that I now owe him an additional 232$, which he derived from the checks of his that bounced after my check bounced. Plus 100$ which i believe is the charge written in our lease agreement. My rent is 5k a month, split among 5 people.

    I had the 5 grand in my account on the 30th of September. If that matters.

    Upon confronting my landlord initially, over the phone, saying how the check was cashed on the 29th, he claimed that it was between me and my bank. That I never explicitly told him to hold it. Later, he left me a voice mail saying "there are no post dated checks allowed in the state of california and that you must declare a check to be held to the person you give it to." He did not tell me this over the phone, he only told me to post date it. Which i did.

    I am still a child in my own eyes, only 19, and my landlord is now trying to bully me into an additional fee after all but confirming everything would be okay. This is not out of character, as he owns multiple properties and is known to nickel and dime college students every which way possible.

    Is there anything I can do?

    Thank you very much everyone who reads this.

    submitted by /u/Quinncja
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    My Room Mate Microchipped My Cat Without My Consent To Prove Ownership

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    My room mate is wanting to take one of my 3 cats once he moves out, I have not given him permission to take her, but he just left to get her microchipped without my consent as a means of proving ownership. I have raised this cat from birth(she was a part of a foster litter). I have done the vast majority of care for her and paid for her to get spayed and for her shots. I have the vet records proving this. I told him that he could have her if he helped take care of her. He has not done that. About a year and a half ago, I told him that if he continued his neglect, he would not be allowed to take her after he moved out. He has continued to neglect the cat, so my spouse and I have decided to take her with us once we move. It's getting close to the end of the lease, and my room mate just left to get my cat microchipped without my consent, and I was unable to stop him before driving off. How should I move forward with letting him know that we will still be taking her with us once we move out, and how should i handle things if he runs off with her anyway? I have vet records from over a year ago, as well as photos of her from when she was a kitten to prove that we have had her since she was born, and people to vouch for me and my ownership, as well as his neglect. He will only have the microchip as proof.

    I am concerned about the prospect of possibly having to take him to court, as I and my spouse aren't very financially stable, and my room mate comes from a wealthy family who already has a set family lawyer. That being said his parent's are miserable people who hate him so I can't say for certain they'd be willing to pay for a court case over a cat. How likely would it be that it will have to end up in court, given these circumstances? Thanks

    We live in Dallas, Texas currently, I am unsure if my room mate will be moving back in with his mother, who lives in Allen, Texas, or if he wil be staying in Dallas once the lease is up and he wouldnt tell me anyway if I asked.

    submitted by /u/MantidButch
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    A non-profit organization is giving their own money to members and asking the members to invest this money and then give it back to the organization. It this legal ?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    The non-profit is a church. They have given $5,000 to their congregation and have a goal of a $20,000 return in 7 weeks.

    Location is Tennessee

    submitted by /u/repost_inception
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