• Breaking News

    Monday, October 5, 2020

    Legal Advice - Parents recorded my Zoom class and is threatening to sue me and go after my credential because they disagree with my teaching style.

    Legal Advice - Parents recorded my Zoom class and is threatening to sue me and go after my credential because they disagree with my teaching style.

    Parents recorded my Zoom class and is threatening to sue me and go after my credential because they disagree with my teaching style.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    I am a teacher in California and a student's parents recorded my Zoom class (minors too) without consent.

    They are threatening me and my school with litigation and said they will go after my credential.

    I do not do a lot of lecture over zoom (I record myself and upload it for the students to work on asynchronously) and instead spend class time for students to work together in break out rooms so they can help one another and learn from each other. In my view this also gives students a bit of the social aspect that they are missing being all at home.

    The parents of a student cursed me out and berated me for not knowing what I am doing, and other insults/disparaging statements. They also told me that my class should be 90% lecture. Everything I do based upon state standards/concepts--it just seems they are basing a legal case, or a threat of a legal case, off an opinion.

    Do they have a case? Should I worry? It cannot be legal for them to record my class, and other people's children, without consent.

    submitted by /u/ZoomTeacher12345
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    Job wants me back at work when someone in my household currently has COVID

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    A member of my household tested positive for covid last Monday. I got tested and as well and got my negative result Wednesday. My job had me out until I got my results. After that they said I could come back the next day. I told them I could contract it any day living in the same household and I shouldn't come back till everyone gets negative tests. HR said they have not been following CDC guidelines since the quarantine started in April. HR said "I don't know how many people you have told but it might be best to keep it to yourself" my supervisor multiple times has said "don't go telling people". I told them I have vacation time I can use up until it's over. Now I'm back at work today. Everyone feels uncomfortable. Supervisor and HR are changing their stories and saying they are following guidelines (even tho me being there breaks them) and supervisor was telling people my grandma was negative and that I didn't even receive my results yet. The not receiving my results was what someone heard so I can't be for sure on that. I just feel like this is a little fishy.

    UPDATE: Job sent me home for the rest of the week with pay and doesn't want me back until we all test negative. I informed everyone at work on the situation and they caused a lot of disruption forcing the company to make the decision to send me home. I think they knew they messed up.

    UPDATE #2: Didn't expect to get this many upvotes and comments. Thank you all for the help. A few more specifics. They paid me for 2 and a half days last week while I was waiting for my results. They said I wasn't covered under act or amendment put in place since April after I got my results. I asked to at least get the rest of the week off with vacation time. Supervisor approved but wanted me back today. So I used 16 hours of my vacation time last week. All this week will be paid by the company. They said because it was a disturbance in the workplace for others. Not for safety reasons.

    submitted by /u/young-gay-god
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    Is it illegal to be on the grass between the sidewalk and the road in front of someone’s house? Home owner pointed a gun at me (MN)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    UPDATE: Thank you for the responses. I've contacted the local police and filed a report.

    I am really shook up over this. I was just walking my dog since I live in an apartment/townhome and don't have a yard. I walk through a neighborhood in town that has sidewalks on one side of the street. I walk on the sidewalk and try to keep my dog on the side closer to the road so if he does his business it won't be on someone's yard even though I always pick up after him. I thought that the city or state owned the sidewalk and grass between the sidewalk/road (road verge?).

    Recently there have been kids freaking out when I walk my dog in this one area. Yelling at me and stuff but I just ignore it. I only have problems along that one street but unfortunately there is no way to avoid it on my route. Today this kid was riding a bike around and yelled at me that it wasn't my property when my dog was pooping near a fire hydrant on the patch of grass between the road and sidewalk. I just kind of ignored it and went to pick up the poop with a plastic bag. The kid turns towards his house and starts screaming for his parents. I then hear a few adults yelling and I look up and a man on the porch had a shotgun raised and pointed at me. I quickly finished picking up the poop and went in the street and ran away. I looked back and the guy continued to follow the direction I was going with the gun. I ran around the corner and didn't look back.

    Is it illegal to go on the strip of grass between the road and sidewalk? I looked it up and online says that it is public property. What about when it is right in front of someone's house? And what about when it is in front of a business or road? I am just really worried because I don't really have anywhere to walk my dog if he can't go to the bathroom anywhere.

    submitted by /u/kodaa43
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    A family friend passed away and we inherited his dog. There is no will, how do I prove to the vet that this is our dog?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    The person in question was staying with my FIL at the time of his passing, and my FIL couldn't keep him because his dogs don't get along. None of his family members wanted him and we did not want to see him go to the shelter (he's such a good boy)! He's overweight and needs to go to the vet, but we are afraid they will seize the dog or refuse to see him because the records don't match up. What do we do? The remaining family are either not directly related or did not have a good relationship with our friend so would likely be unhelpful.

    Edit: Thanks everyone for the wonderful replies! We definitely feel more confident getting set up with the vet! Also, here he is http://imgur.com/a/8aCz0GW

    submitted by /u/thereisnoglob
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    (Georgia) Employer charging for paystubs (originals, not copies)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    We do not receive paystubs at my job (which is not required in Georgia). I overheard a fellow employee asking to receive paystubs with her checks and the boss told her they would charge her $5/paystub.

    Is this legal since Georgia doesn't require employers to provide paystubs in the first place?

    submitted by /u/Suspicious-Wombat
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    Accidentally accepted a counterfeit bill at work, boss is now making me pay him the difference.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    I work at a small ice cream shop in North Carolina. Yesterday, somebody paid with a counterfeit $100 bill. It wasn't an obvious fake, and I scratched it with the counterfeit detector pen like I have been instructed to do. The pen came back yellow meaning it was a real note. I accepted the bill as payment and gave the customer $89 in change.

    After the customer left, I inspected the bill closer and found some inconsistencies. Small things like the color of the blue strip was off, etc. Not anything you would obviously be able to tell within the 10 seconds you handle the bill before it gets put in the register.

    I told my boss this and he said he would come in later and check it out. This morning, he told me the bill was fake and is now telling me to pay him back the $89 in the form of cash which I do not have.

    Not really sure what to do now. I feel like this breaks some kind of law but I'm not exactly a legal expert. Am I obligated to pay him back? Once again, the bill definitely wasn't an obvious counterfeit and the counterfeit pen came back good so I don't feel like I'm as at fault as my boss is making me out to be.

    I have also taken photos of the bill which clearly shows the counterfeit detector pen marks as being a pass.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/yungsailboat
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    My lawyer’s law firm is hiring the opposition’s lawyer.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    And now they are withdrawing from me because it is a conflict of interest. They have been my lawyer since the beginning of this year. I have spent thousands of dollar on said lawyer and have literally nothing to show for it. And now they want to drop me because their firm has hired the lawyer on the other side.

    Is this even legal? How can they hire someone that is in conflict of one of their cases?


    submitted by /u/PBnLimeJelly
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    My public defender was ENGAGED to the DA, so if that's not a "conflict of interest" then WHAT IS?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    Location: Klamath Falls, OR

    I didn't know this until AFTER I just ACCEPTED the DA's plea bargain, which my public defender pretty much INSISTED that I do... but I later found out the two were ENGAGED, and now they are MARRIED. It seems like if a PROSECUTING attorney is ENGAGED/MARRIED TO a DEFENSE attorney, that the two should NOT be arguing the SAME CASES, am I WAY OFF here, or is this a CONFLICT OF INTEREST? Thank you for any information on this matter.

    submitted by /u/Dustin_Bowles
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    Found out ex-wife is going to try to take me to court for full custody so she can move out of state. Do I need to worry if I am doing my part in being a good father? Will any sensible judge grant her full custody?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    We split up about a year ago and, though it was mutual at first, we had a rough patch finally splitting up. Now that we are split up, we filed for divorce but am not sure yet if it has been finalized. We have been on relatively good terms ever since splitting. We can actually get together and have good conversations.

    I recently found out that she wants to move out of state with her new boyfriend and is going to try to take me to court for full custody. This was completely out of the blue and unexpected. She doesn't know I know but do I have to do anything to prepare?

    For informative purposes, I am doing very well off on my own. I just recently bought a house and my son has his own room and play area. He always has family available to take care of him when I work. He is well fed, clothed. I spend a lot of time with him and take him on playdates. I put him in sports before this whole covid thing happened and am waiting to put him back in. I am financially stable. My vehicles are paid off and my car is reliable. I have no debts except for my house. I have my son on my works health insurance.

    So is there any reason I should be concerned at all? Should I do anything now to start preparing for her potentially taking me to court?

    Edit: Currently living in California

    submitted by /u/themightygazelle
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    Washington state - no toilet in apartment!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Following an inspection in my apartment I noticed a hole in the bathroom wall and mentioned it to the management. They came to check it out and discovered that pretty much the entire wall is wet/rotten due to a leak in the pipes.

    They are requiring me and my upstairs neighbors to forfeit use of our bathrooms while repairs are ongoing.

    They actually gave the upstairs neighbors a new unit to move into but say they can't do the same for me because no availability, but they can give me access to another bathroom... the other bathrooms are in their model units. One is in another building a block away and the other is 10 floors up and requires riding an old slow elevator that is prone to break downs. Neither of these is good but I picked the latter of the two bad choices.

    Last week the maintenance crew sealed off my bathroom with some special stuff and said they'd have repairs done in a week. But they haven't done anything and they're "awaiting a time when the asbestos testing can be done". The timeline has been moved up to "we might have it done in a month."

    I just can't go on like this though. I can manage the shower inconvenience. But I can't make it to the bathroom in time.

    I have some sort of bladder problem (overactive bladder? small bladder?) but I don't know what other than "likely not diabetes" because my mom hauled me to the doctor 2-3 times a year between 5-18 since my urgent need to frequently pee caused trouble every time my family wanted to drive somewhere for vacation and she was convinced it must be diabetes.

    In the first week since my bathroom was seale off I peed myself four times while attempting to make it to the other bathroom 10 floors up. Mostly I have trouble in the mornings. I've had to resort to peeing in a bowl in my kitchen. As a woman this is messy, difficult, and I feel completely humiliated and degraded. It also is very difficult for me to completely empty my bladder this way and it is physically painful in the mornings. I've made an appointment with a doctor but they don't have an opening for another few weeks and I have to see a GP before a urologist...

    I sent an email outlining that the arrangements they've provided aren't acceptable and the outrageous measures and pain I've been in since they barred access to my bathroom and have requested they provide something with immediate bathroom access or to let me leave the lease immediately. They responded that they've done all that is legally required and they won't let me out of the lease. They also said that if I ruin the seal on my bathroom they'll be charging me $$$ for the additional labor and materials.

    I need help because this is painful and messy and I think it may be causing physical harm.

    submitted by /u/OutlandishnessGold78
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    If an unknown vehicle is parked on my driveway, can I legally call a tow truck to impound it?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    I live in AL. It has never happened to me, but lately in my neighborhood there have been large parties (basically a super spreader event) which leads to cars being parked on the curb. There was not enough room nearby so some people ended up parking on peoples driveways, basically blocking access. My neighbors were pissed, but did not end up calling a tow truck. I understand, it sucks when you can't park nearby, but don't park on s strangers drive way.

    submitted by /u/micro_door
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    My mail carrier refuses to deliver my mail; post office will not give me my mail?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Wisconsin - I'm at my wits end. In late August I went to get my mail after being gone a week, and the mailbox was empty. I assumed the carrier stopped delivery because the mailbox was "full," so I drove to the post office to pick up my mail. They had one ad pack wrapped around like five standard envelopes. I have a full size mailbox, and they stopped my delivery because it was like 1/3 full? Whatever, I picked it up and went about my business. Then I stopped receiving any mail for like a week, and then I got one piece of junk mail, and then nothing for at least another week. No insurance or electric bill invoice, or coupons, nothing. Then one more piece of junk mail came. And that's it. Literally over a month and my carrier probably delivered my mail twice, on accident, if they are still withholding my mail. So last Monday I go back to the post office to find out what in the hell is going on with my mail. They check for withheld mail, and tell me that my carrier has all of my mail in their truck (this would be violation of policy, if true). Then they lie to me again and tell me my mailbox is obstructed by a parked car, and the carrier cannot deliver my mail. Then they tell me to "come back at five" and pick up my mail when the carrier is done for the day. I come back and find the post office is closed, at five oclock. I wait two more days, receive zero mail, and on both days record the carrier driving past my unobstructed mailbox and delivering my neighbor's mail. I then call the usps and file a complaint. They tell me to expect a phone call from the post office to resolve the issue. I have not received any phone call.

    What do I do now? Is it not theft, at this point? This has to be the most ridiculous experience I have ever had with any business entity. Is there a union that protects deplorable employees from termination?

    submitted by /u/ibonek_naw_ibo
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    I am on a birth certificate for my son, but he's not biologically mine, and he's become too much to handle.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    This hurts me so much. This has been a rough year for all of us, but I've been struggling with this for the last year. I am not biologically the father of my son, but I am on his birth certificate as his father, but I added that after he was born. Three and a half years ago my ex-wife messed up so badly that Department for Children and Families took him and my actual daughter out of my ex's custody and placed them with me. They never officially changed the custody in the courts, and I've been fighting that since. I'm still paying child support for children I have all the time.

    My (non-biological) son is 12, almost 13, and my (biological) daughter just turned 11 in July. He has ADHD. I don't know what his mother was doing (chemically) before we got together. She was on something that she said prevented her periods from happening, so when she found out she was five months pregnant after we'd been together for a month I was surprised, but foolish enough to stay with her. I didn't immediately sign his birth certificate, but it was within a month or two of his birth.

    In the court hearings regarding custody, the court is fully aware that I am not his father biologically, but I have taken responsibility for him. We have done our very best to raise him, but it has come to a point where my wife (who has been more of a mother to him than his own mother ever has) and I are at a complete loss. He is a fucking asshole all the time to everyone around him. He's been to see doctors, been on medication after medication, and even with the gaps in between, nothing seems to stick for very long. He has every thing he wants. At first we just tried to make sure that he had all the things that he wanted so that he wouldn't bother everyone else all the time.

    It turns out that all he wants to do is bother everyone else in our household. If he gets the thing that he wants, he just wants to talk to everyone about it. My other kids want nothing to do with him. They lose patience with him because he will not stop talking. I've tried taking away his privileges, but he has more of a temper tantrum then than he had before. When he's told "It's time to get ready for bed" he always has a reason that he shouldn't go to bed, so we give him a little extra time, but when that time has passed, he blames us for being the ones that make him go to bed.

    At this point, my wife and I are stuck. She has been doing her best to be part of raising him, but he's never accepted her as his mother, even though she's been his maternal figure for more of his life than his own mother was. He is disobedient, neverendingly disruptive, and constantly lying. We can't deal with it anymore.

    We gave him so many chances. We are always fair. When we tell him to do something, it's because it's something he needs to do, like make sure all of his laundry is in the bin. If I ask him to make sure that he doesn't have any laundry under his bed, suddenly I'm accusing him of lying, and then he blows up at everyone around. It can be as simple as "leave the cats alone while they eat" or "brush your teeth without talking" and he simply can't obey. The cat looked at him like she wanted him to pet her, or he remembered this thing about a game that he needed to tell me about. He can never just do what any simple thing.

    He fights us every night at bed time, and he'll sometimes feign sleep so that when we go to sleep he gets up and grabs all the snacks he can and plays video games until I catch him in the middle of the night. At that point, in his mind it's my fault for not letting him have enough for dinner, even though I always make sure everyone is full at dinner time. This sounds like something a kid his age would do, but normally they will at least admit they've done something wrong when you find a quarter ton of snack wrappers under their bed. It's always someone else's fault. He blames everyone but himself.

    Nothing is ever his fault, and we're always unfair, even though we have bent over backwards to make sure that he is happy. At this point, we are done with him. I've tried to raise him as well as I can, but he has turned out to be too much for my wife and I to handle. It will be hard for his sister to lose him, but they fight so much that I think she'd be happy to be rid of him.

    Honestly, though, I'm trying to figure out how to disentangle myself legally from him. It would not be good for him if he ever has to live with his mother again, but I feel that I've more than done my due diligence with a child who is not mine biologically, likely has a cocaine dependence, and has called me "Dad" for the last twelve years.

    I can't describe how hard this is. I've been his dad for his whole life, but I've done my best, and I can't do any more. I get calls from the schools because he's constantly fighting, because he walks out of his classes, because he calls people names (developmentally, not ethnically) that I make sure he knows are not ok to call people.

    We're at the end of our rope, and I'm ready to explore my options regarding not being legally obligated to him anymore.

    Edit: this is in Kansas, United States of America.

    submitted by /u/bottlebowling
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    Mom threatening time sue me over ownership of my business website and social media.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    *to. typo in the title. of course.

    (Texas) Okay this may be dumb to ask, I'm sorry in advance, but she keeps calling me really stupid and saying "you don't know the law", so I really don't know anymore.

    Since I was 15 I've done freelance music as my only job. Playing for weddings, public/private events, restaurants, etc. Because I started out when I was 15, and because my mom has always been a major helicopter mom, she did a lot of my website and social media building. I also took part of course, but she wanted to do large parts because I was "too young and irresponsible" to do the rest properly. Over the past 5 years she has micromanaged my business (telling me what I can or can't post, replying to DMs and emails as if she were me, etc). I did not ask for this, it was more of a "this is just how it works" thing because with her, most parts of my life have always been like this.

    For unrelated reasons, she's mad at me and wants to never see me again. (Side note: she does this every couple of months and nothing ever happens. But I want to be safe since this is the first time she's threatened this.) She is now saying she wants my website and social media taken down and deleted, and if I don't she'll sue me because she did so much of it that it's hers. The website was built using weebly, and the social media is Instagram, if that matters. If I don't take it down (this is my only source of income and I've built up quite the clientele base over five years so I really, really do not want to), will she really be able to sue me for it? Part of the reason she's saying she can do this is because I didn't pay her for her work... but isn't that moot, since she's my mom and I never asked her to do it, there are no contracts, and she never expected to be paid until now?

    I don't know a whole lot about this area of law but it doesn't sound right to me, yet she's insisting she'll do it and it'll ruin my life. I'm a bit scared and just want to make sure. If I need to clear any details up please feel free to ask. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/discther
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    Can my parents take me into another country?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    I'm a F14 year old student from the UK and my mom wants to take me on holiday to Pakistan for 2 week DURING the school term. Quarentine has really fucked up the school system so i've been doing alot of extra homework and even missing one day will give you two days of catch-up work. The point is, I really dont wanna miss school. Is my mom alowed to take me without my permission? She said that she's already booked to tickets so there's no way of getting out of it and everytime I beg her to just let me stay with someone she tells me to shut the fuck up.

    Also it would be great if you help me give this a flair, i'm not really sure what to put it as. Thanks alot.

    submitted by /u/xXAngelsXx
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    Roommate used my car while out of town ..

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    I was out of town for 2 months, caught my roommate using my car without permission because a parking ticket came in the mail to my parent's house about it. So i come back to my apartment, he moved out without telling anybody and our lease isnt up for 2 more months (thats another story), and i find my car with a missing catalytic converter. ($800-$2K to replace)

    I doubt he stole it but rather it got stolen while he parked on the street, i always keep my car in our closed assigned garage space.

    Can i take him to small claims court because while he used my car without permission a part was stolen from my car ?? (whether he did it or someone else)

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Bad_732
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    I found my dog dead bleeding from her nose suddenly today after visiting the dog park yesterday.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    I live in Oceanside CA and often take my mini dachshund to the city dog parks at least 3 times a week. On this occasion I took her to a dog park in San Marcos, about a 20 minute drive from where I live. she was only 7 months old so always had a very spunky very active personality. After playing for an hour she began to get tired and tried to drink some water from the provided dog fountain. She is a very short stubby thing so she was never able to reach it. The water from the fountain puddled in the dirt right under the fountain so she drank that.( trust me, I tried getting her to stop but she kept going back to that puddle) Additionally, her little instincts came out and she was digging in a few holes really getting her snout in the dirt. This all took place within the dog park fenced area. I never noticed any signs or disclaimers mentioning anything about pesticide usage.

    This morning she was acting her usual self, had a normal appetite and normal energy. Absolutely nothing was off about her. My husband works from home and I leave for work. He noticed that she was not acting right curled up in her kennel. Unsure of what to do he called me before checking on her. Upon inspection he noticed a droplet of blood on the ground. he went to pick her up and she was completely limp and TONS of blood came pouring out of her nose. There was nothing that could've prepared anyone for that. No sounds or unusual behavior. She died in his arms.

    This all happened only a few hours ago and we are brainstorming anything that could have caused this. She was young, healthy and didn't deserve this. We thought it could have been poison but we live in an apartment and she is always supervised indoors and outdoors and we never noticed her get into anything out of the ordinary.

    My question basically is If the city is at fault here is there anything I can do about it? If so, what do I need and where do I start?

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/benditlikebecca
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    Asked to testify by attorney on a matter from 6-7 years ago in the next couple of days. Hadn't even thought of the issue in years (US)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Virtually no notice (couple of days?) I've Probably forgotten more than I know about the matter, an estimated value I wrote literally 6-7 years ago. No subpoena or anything, just the attorney asking that I speak to it. I'd literally have to dig to try and see what I actually said back then. Would rather just stay away, can't say more than I'd have to agree with what I wrote. Thoughts?

    Located in the US, Midwestern State

    submitted by /u/transuranic807
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    Hello my company introduced something out of nowhere and told us to just sign

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    I been working for my company for almost 5 years and today out of nowhere a new policy came about called mutual arbitration policy or MAP, my supervisor just told me to sign it or else I maybe reprimanded from the plant manager,I skim abit of it since I'm still working,I read some parts regarding disputes and termination and also something about not going to court,I have pics of the new policy,I don't really understand nor my coworkers,I live in Southern California,sorry im new to this

    submitted by /u/AlexxGuyy
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    HR fired me because of false report

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Hi, I've been working with a company for 16 years and someone came out of the blue and tagged me in a post. They then reported me to HR, HR fired me, the person deleted the post, now HR wont help me unless I have the post from Facebook, I've gone to facebook, they wont help because it's deleted, Lawyers wont fight a case that might lose, and, no one will help me. How can any of this be legal?

    submitted by /u/Single-Mine-3979
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    What can i do if my father's girlfriend tries to sell his house? (MO)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    My father passed away recently. It's a fairly cut and dry matter, everything goes to me including the house. (I am consulting with an attorney just to be safe)

    He lived a very wild lifestyle and had a very tumultuous on and off relationship with a girlfriend. Girlfriend refuses to leave house, and I have every intention of following proper eviction procedure with the help of an attorney.

    My fear is she has a violent criminal history, substance abuse issues, and needs cash. I'm just at a loss of what to do if she trashes the house out of spite or if she tries to sell it (she does not have the deed) to get quick cash.

    I guess my question is what do I do? What questions should I ask the attorney, because I have never been in this situation before.

    submitted by /u/notsoevilredhead
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    My neighbors are driving me crazy and threatening my family’s livelihood

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    So my neighbors were nice at first when I just moved in. Got to know them a little bit and they were a little kooky, kinda loud couple in their 40-50s who like to drink and do karaoke. I would hang out with them occasionally and things were pretty cool. Then I started to see the bad side of them sloppy drunk yelling at each other until all hours of the night. They have said racist and homophobic things. My daughters dad is queer so obviously not a fan of having that next door. Backstory for my family, I'm 28 I live with my daughters dad who's 29, we are not together but we are good friends and live together with our 8 year old. We co parent and he has a partner who lives out of state but visits and I am dating someone as well. My neighbors know our situation and they think it's weird. My neighbor told me that my situation was "dangerous" and if CPS caught wind of it that my daughter would be taken away. She out of the blue accused my daughters dad and his partner and my ex of sexually abusing my daughter. For no reason, like I guess our living situation is pretty unorthodox but there is nothing bad going on in our home. So I was pretty upset about that and I kind of thought that was the end of my neighbors trying to be friendly toward us but the next day they were trying to come over and talk to us like everything was normal. I avoided them for about a month and then finally I confronted her about what she said and she said she didn't mean she was going to call cps but just that if someone found out about our situation that she would be taken away. Now ever since then I've been really nervous to be like stay the fuck away from us because they're totally unhinged and I feel if I were to do that they would try to wreck our lives and call child services. She's even talked about killing people just casually like poisoning them and there was one instance where she was talking about killing her dog because it bit her. The other day I had the person I was dating over and we were in the backyard having a little bonfire and my neighbor poked his head over the fence and was like oh y'all are having a bonfire cool! And then before I knew it both of them (uninvited) came through my back gate (it doesn't have a lock, I live in a small town. Now I'm thinking I need a lock for them at least) I told her hey I'm kind of on a date right now... and she looked at me like I was crazy and she said "oh you're fine we'll only be like 20 minutes" so I'm pissed but not trying to cause a scene and my date was like oh it's ok. They didn't know about all the shit they have done and said and then I told him after the fact and he was like you need to get out of your house that's crazy you shouldn't have to live like this. Which I agree but this is my fucking house I don't want to have to pack up because of these assholes next door!!!!
    Then tonight they rang my doorbell, I ignored it. Later on my daughter ran out to get something off the front porch they were on their porch and saw her and asked about me and she knows to always say oh she's busy or she's napping or cooking dinner or just whatever and she told the I was laying down and my neighbor said "tell her there's no laying down" and when my daughter came in to tell me I was like wtf really. Not 10 minutes later they rang the doorbell again and so I just hid in the kitchen for a bit so they didn't see me walk past the front door. Then they rang again. And now they're outside yelling at each other and screaming at people in the street. I can't even enjoy a damn moment with my family or friends without them trying to harass me. They are SO demanding of my time.

    I've made a great home for my family here, my daughter goes to an awesome school it's a nice little town, everything is great aside from them. I basically can't say anything to them for fear of them calling CPS and ruining my life I've worked so hard to build for me and my daughter please, any advice. I need it bad.

    submitted by /u/dannymilkwood
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    Neighbor added rows to shared brick wall without our permission

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Located in Arizona. Next door neighbor added two rows to our shared brick wall/fence between our backyards without permission. When confronted they basically said we are already doing it so too bad. They also lied and said they had approval from HOA (which made no sense as we never agreed). Upon contacting HOA we found out that they did in fact try to get permission and it was DENIED. A violation was sent to home owner and wall has yet to come down. HOA explained they will continue to send violations and fines every 14 days until wall comes down, if not corrected after 90 days then owner will face legal action.

    To make matters worse, the bricks were added DIY and extremely poorly. They are crooked and mortar is all over the surface and they were painted to match the stained bricks constructed by home builder (these are new build homes, about 1 year old). In the process of this, the neighbor used some kind of air compressor/spray mechanism to paint bricks (by leaning over I assume) and now there is overspray all over the side of our home, on our window and on our concrete patio. We have also reported to the city (waiting to hear back).

    My main concerns are- do we have a right to make sure added bricks are taken down professionally? So wall is restored to original appearance? AND what do we do about paint overspray on our home? Someone suggested filing a police report. Other suggested getting 3 estimates and averaging out cost to repaint the side of our home and giving to neighbors. Problem is, they absolutely will not cooperate and are not willing to settle this issue man to man. Any suggestions here?

    Thanks so much, sorry for the long post!

    TL;DR- neighbors altered shared brick wall without our permission and damaged our property in process (paint overspray on side of house). How can we get wall down and house repainted?

    submitted by /u/filipellers
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    Landlord hasn't returned security deposit. What's the next step?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    My Landlord hasn't returned my security deposit back to me within 30 days(Ohio) and still refuses to give me any information. I moved out in the middle of August & my 2 year lease agreement ended at the end of August. I still paid the full amount in rent every month & was only late once which I promptly paid the day after(the first was a holiday).

    The landlord has been a pain in the ass and a dick the entire agreement. Ignored calls, ignored messages about things that needed to be fixed, & he has a reputation with trying to rip people off.

    I tried having him review the damages while I was there mid-august. Then I tried calling & texting to see if he would return any of the money at all & he never returned my messages or calls. Gave him 30 days from the end of the lease and here we are a month later. I called from a different phone number and he answered, then said he still doesn't know what needs to be fixed and isn't gonna give it all back. He couldn't give me a time frame at all. I mailed him Security Deposit Demand Letter and sent it via Certified USPS.

    Does he have a case if this goes to court?

    submitted by /u/ChrispyBacon-
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