• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 15, 2020

    Legal Advice - My fiance's parents are wanting to come move all of his stuff out of our apartment.

    Legal Advice - My fiance's parents are wanting to come move all of his stuff out of our apartment.

    My fiance's parents are wanting to come move all of his stuff out of our apartment.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    Ok I need help & fast. My fiance 3 weeks ago had a golf ball sized tumor removed from his brain. It is an aggressive form of cancer. We still don't know what kind yet. His mother called me yesterday and told me, he's not coming back to our apartment ever. They are planning on hiring a moving company to come in & pack up all of his stuff & move it all to Mississippi where they live. She also told me they are taking my cat which is a cat I adopted from the local shelter. He is adopted under my name. Plus taking a dog I have that was given to me. Which I have proof she was given to me. They are also trying to get medical power of attorney over him. His medical team says he is capable of making his own choices at this point. The medical team at this point says all he needs is rehab to learn to stand & walk again. His memory is great but not perfect. He gets tired quickly but he is otherwise ok. He's told me he doesn't want his stuff moved nor does he want to leave me. Is there anything we can do to stop them? We live in Arizona.

    Wow thanks for the advice & rewards. I'll update with what his caseworker says as soon as I know something.

    submitted by /u/DedraMarchetti
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    Neighbor is deliberately sabotaging potential sale of my home because they want to buy it at a much lower price. What is my recourse?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    California, USA

    I am trying to sell a small 1BR condo unit, but my next door neighbor is deliberately sabotaging any potential sales by talking down all potential buyers who stop by to see the unit. This was told to us by a buyer's agent. I am currently moved out and can't keep an eye on the property 24/7. I suspect they might also have physically damaged some of the surrounding and accessible interior (through the windows), but have no proof. I believe they are doing this because they want to own both units. They just asked me to show them the unit. I don't believe they will make a legitimate offer.

    What is my best course of action to ensure that I can sell my home at least at market price?

    Edit: Thanks everyone. After reading all of your comments, I believe the right course of action is to first ask my agent to start appearing at every showing. I will also escalate to the HOA board if they continue to cause physical or reputational damage while I'm not there. Lastly, I will ask my agent about engaging an attorney if it really gets to that point.

    submitted by /u/lifeisokay
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    Dealer said I need a new engine, bought my car for peanuts, then sold it without replacing engine.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    I brought my car in to the dealer for service because I heard an engine noise. The service center said my engine was shot, and the only option was to replace it. I could choose a used engine with more miles for $8,500 or a brand new one for $12k. Fixing it was NOT an option - they said it had to be replaced. So I asked them to make me an offer - I still owed money on the loan and didn't want to invest nearly $10,000 on top of that.

    They offered me a few thousand bucks, citing that they would have to replace the engine to sell it. So I took the offer and came up out of pocket to settle the rest of my loan.

    A few days later, the new owner reaches out to me (dealership left my insurance card in the glove box) asking how I enjoyed the car and if I knew of any problems. I told him my story. Well that was news to him - they never said anything about a replaced engine, and he paid the full used price on the car. Odometer reading? Exactly what it had when I brought it in for service.

    So the new owner pulled a Carfax and it doesn't show any replacement engine - just some tire balancing, a replaced engine computer module, and some brakes.

    Now we're both pissed. What are my options seeing as they stole the car from me under false pretenses and never actually replaced the engine? The difference between what they gave me and what he paid is over $13,000.

    Edit: This is in the Midwest (US)

    submitted by /u/never-enuff
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    Man from Texas with an amputee fetish impersonated a Dr and had me in a cast for almost a year. I believe his intent was to permanently disable me.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    This really is so complex and I don't know where to start or how to explain. But let me try.

    I have a pretty solid following on Instagram that follow me because of my injuries. I'm a type one diabetic with Osteopenia and I'm often in a cast because of it. The cast fetish community has really taken a liking to me. I broke my ankle originally 3 years ago. My original Dr had me start walking on it a month or two into treatment When I came back in, he x-rayed me and told me that he made a mistake and that I needed to see a different Dr. That my ankle was worse. Because of my medical history the Drs did not feel comfortable with me having surgery and instead kept me in a cast for 9 months. I had to go in every few weeks and each time was several hundred dollars.

    In December of 2018 my x-rays were still abnormal and they wanted to do a MRI but when it came down to it they wanted $2,500 and I simply could not afford it. At the time I was in a walking cast and the Dr allowed me to switch over to a boot.

    So I went into a boot for several months after that and just stopped going to the Dr.

    At the end of 2019 I fell and rebroke it. I posted online upset about my situation and worried I would not be able to afford treatment.

    A girl reached out to me. And explained that she knew this Dr in El Paso who helped her when no one else would. He worked on both sides of the border both in Juarez and in El Paso. She gave me his number. When I called he mentioned his name and that he was with a medical group in his voicemail.

    I left him a message and sent him a text. He was very straight and to the point a way a Dr would be. Asked me my medical situation and my history. And he explained to me that surgery was our of the question and that I would need to be in a cast for some time. He offered to take me over the border for imaging to save money on both the MRIs and the X-rays.

    This seemed like a great solution as it was cheaper to travel to El Paso then to even stay in Vegas and see a Dr here locally.

    So I made a trip down there. I travel for work so it wasn't a big deal to do so. He offered to meet me at my hotel in-between surgeries at the hospital. He told me at first that he was an orthopedic surgeon. I thought this was so very kind of him. We met and he reviewed the last x-rays that I took in Vegas and explained to me that it was going to be another long breaking process like I had before. He told me the best thing we could do was to put me in a long leg cast for 6 months. He said that we needed to completely immobilize my knee so that my ankle would not move at all and disturb any healing process. This also with the way he explained it, made sense.

    He showed up to the room in scrubs with a Dr bag. Nothing seemed weird or out of place at the time.

    He had to get back to work and told me he would come back the next day with the materials to apply the cast. Told me he would be willing to help me probon because of my situation. He explained to me that I was a high risk for needing an amputation. Again, something drs have told me in the past.

    He came back the next day, again " in between surgeries" to apply the cast. The first interaction was very Dr/patient like. But this time seemed a bit more intimate. But I admit, it felt good to have a Dr seen into me. And a surgeon none the less who was so kind to offer to help me for free. This should have been my first red flag but it seemed innocent enough.

    He told me that I needed to be non-weight bearing for 6 months in the long leg cast. I asked him if we would have imaging done in between and be told me he would take me to his clinic in juarez during our next visit. But that with my history of slow healing that it would be best to avoid the radiation. That he knew from so many past patients that it was going to take time.

    After he applied the cast, he mentioned how tired he was and he wasn't looking forward to going back to surgery. I decided to shoot my shot a bit and asked him if he wanted to just lie with me for a bit.

    We didn't do anything sexual. Just laid there, but there was a major spark. And at some point, he accidently said I live you. He made up some excuse for it... But that thought stuck with me.

    I trusted him.

    Before our next visit we started messaging more. But as friends with very flirty vibes. He asked me if I felt the same spark he did. And I must admit I did. It felt naughty talking to my Dr like that, but I liked it. And he said that because he was seeing me for free and that I was technically not a patient on record that he wasn't violating any rules.

    Not only did I have a Dr willing to help save my leg for free, but he was into me. He gave off very nerdy virgin vibes and so I was a bit more forward with the flirting from that point forward.

    My next trip out he had very little time. The plan was to take me to Juarez for an x-ray that visit but it didn't work out with his schedule. He was always talking about how many hours he had to work and how crazy the hospital got.

    Again, I was thankful for his time and help and didn't complain.

    We had plans to meet up again before I left but then this is where things get really weird. He told me that he had an abuse case come up. There was a one year old baby who came in, with several broken bones. He himself had a baby and so this was very upsetting for him. The father of the baby was there, and the abuse was clearly from him. My Dr was giving him a lot of attitude and the father shoulder checked him. At that point, the Dr saw red and started beating the shit out of him.

    According to the Dr, no changes were going to be pressed against him. He explained El Paso is pretty flexible on rules compared to most places and that the hospital team and the military police wouldnt cause trouble for him as the father was clearly the bad guy.

    He was so disappointment in himself and hated himself for what he did. But I saw him as a hero and told him the guy deserved it. It was then that he really started to manipulate me and my feelings toward him.

    But because of this we didn't meet up again that trip.

    Then Corona happened.

    He didn't want me traveling as I was a higher risk with my diabetes. So I came up with a solution to have him just ship me the materials for the cast changes. He told me that I should avoid as much radiation as possible anyways and that it was going to be a slow process. And the thing is... I knew how to cast. I had been in so many medical and recreational casts before.

    So I was confident in myself. But he didn't trust the idea at first. Then I applied one with material that I had already and showed him. From then on out he let me do the cast changes as it was better then me risking COVID.

    In this time, he lost his job. And it turned out he wasn't actually a Dr. He was a resident. He told me that he was a big shot surgeon in the UK but came back to the US to be with his family. In the UK he said you only needed a bachelor to become a Dr. So he had to do his residency again. But it was worth it to him.

    So many times I questioned things, but he always had answers ready and his stories just made sense to me in a very odd way.

    So at this point it turned out he wasn't actually a Dr but a medical professional who would perform surgeries in Juarez still at his clinic.

    Not sure if this changes anything. Add at first he claimed to be a Dr. And I have text messages of him doing so. But as things continued he was just a medical professional.

    But I still trusted him and at this point was falling for him.

    Once Corona died down he had me go for local x-rays and then meet him in Beaumont. He told me he was working there evaluating patients who had been injured during a blast of sorts at a factory.

    At this point he was my boyfriend first, Dr second.

    Fast forward we had two more trips together. He was sending me cast supplies and other medical supplies at I started having other medical problems.

    Turns out he legit owned some sort of medical supply company and had access to these things. But I think that they were things only a Dr should be able to get. Like IV Zofran, and the kinda of pill bottles they have at the pharmacy. He sent me wellbutrin, zofran, gabapentin and other medications and became my Dr for not only my leg but other medical issues aa well.

    During this time I was hospitalized several times for cyclic vomiting syndrome. But the medication he sent me actually helped me.

    The amount of stuff he sent me, I thought only a Dr could have access to. I never really questioned that he was lying to me because every time I did for a moment, he did something that would click in my head to be real.

    Fast forward, it's been 8 months so far that he had me in a cast, not walking at all. My leg has completely shriveled up and is extremely weak at this point.

    During our last trip I found out that nor only is he married but he was not and never has been a Dr. That he has an amputee/stump fetish and according to his wife he has tricked 8 other girls into thinking he was a Dr. He has been hospitalized several times in the pysch ward. Which I knew, but he told me it was just for depression. But I'm not sure if he actually thought he was a Dr and was trying to help me while getting off with his sick fetish. Or if he intended to hurt me in the end.

    During our time he often told me that if I was amputated that he would love me the same. He told me he would take me to juarez to do the surgery himself so that it was done right and that he would take care of me.

    He even had me do an arm cast for fun to pretend I was amputated for a night. Something I knew my online fans would love so I agreed.

    Because of this, I now feel like his entire intention for casting me for so long was to either permanently disable me or cause me to need an amputation. I've known a few guys with amp fetishes/ devotees and some have some very twisted fantasied. I believe if things continued and if Corona never happened and the border wasnt shut down that he would have taken me for a MRI and would have convinced me to have the surgery. As this was mentioned several times.

    The proof that I have is screenshots of him claiming to be a Dr over text. Pictures of him in his scrubs. The message his wife sent me saying that he's done this 8 other girls. And a video of us with another Dr doing a live virtual training as he claimed to be a Dr with a clinic.

    I am going in to see a real Dr to see if I have any damage done to my ankle other than it being stick skinny and weak.

    I live in Vegas, most of our interactions happened in Texas but one time he came to Vegas.

    Can I sue him for damages? Would it be a criminal case as he was impersonating a Dr at first, and then later on a medical professional. Do I have to go after him in Texas?

    Tl;Dr I fell in love with a man who claimed to be a Dr helping me probono. He turned out to be a pysch patient with a Stump fetish. He kept me in a cast for 9 months. I believe he had intentions of permanently disabling me or causing me to need an amputation. Can I sue him?

    submitted by /u/Broken_Ann
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    Ford Can't Fix Truck and Has No Suggestions, What Do We Do Now? California

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    My husband and I are at the end of our rope. I'll try to makes this cohesive. In 2017, we bought a 2016 Ford F-150 that had 16k miles on it. We put $12k down and we have ~2 years of payments left. We bought it from a Ford dealership with a 100,000 mile warranty.

    Last year random engine lights kept going off in the truck (hill start assist unavailable, service advance track and more). We took it in, they said they fixed it, we got it back 10 days later. The lights (plus more) start going off again. But this time the 4X4 becomes unavailable and the truck kicks into a grinding sound while doing 65 on the freeway. We take it back in. This time it is at the dealership for 7 weeks. They redo the electrical and generally have no idea what they're doing, but eventually they say they fixed it. They covered the cost, got us a rental for the entire time, we're calm people and just want our truck fixed. We got the truck back in June.

    2 weeks ago, the same shit started happening again, this time, the truck was undrivable. We towed it to the Ford dealership. It's been 2 weeks. They just replaced the steering column. That's not it. Now the service manager is saying that after they fix this, they aren't going to pay for anymore repairs. Obviously, that's not how the warranty works, but we feel absolutely trapped. We are in the process of moving our family 400 miles away for my husband's new job. Our main vehicle is out (again) for a number of weeks. This seems to violate lemon laws, it is not being fixed, they have no idea what is wrong, we don't feel safe driving it and they have no idea what is wrong with it or how to fix it. We are at a loss of where to go from here. Any advice would be welcome.

    submitted by /u/wildmaja
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    Falsely Accused of Rape

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    My friend was falsely accused of rape, a little over 2 years ago. It was his ex-wife that accused him. He was arrested based on her statement. Immediately, the next day, he volunteered for, took, and passed a lie detector test. Her rape kit had zero evidence, and her statement was not supported by his phone records, people that were with him (alibi), etc. He was arrested Wednesday, and released on Friday.

    The local paper published his name and the rape charges in an article. The article was dedicated to his arrest, not a blotter. The article states that no charges were brought, but continues to haunt him in the community. Its the first search result for his name. The paper refuses to remove it.

    It's affecting his employment. And he's been asked to leave multiple businesses after someone said a 'rapist' is there.

    Is there anything he can do to get the article taken down and reclaim his life?

    submitted by /u/thuglifepuglife
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    [MD] Step-mother wants a divorce from my father but she does not a Green Card and they have a 9 month old baby.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    Sorry for bad title could not think of a more elegant way to describe things.

    So to begin my father and step-mom got married around 2 years ago. They met outside the United States and he brought her over when they got married and started the process of applying for a Green Card. Everything was going well until my step-mother started having strange bouts of paranoia where she would accuse my father of increasingly heinous plotting against her. Every little social interaction or stressors became a trigger for antagonizing my father to the point where my father, a man who does not talk about his emotions, began asking for emotional support because of the verbal abuse he was facing.

    This was a big shocker to me because my step-mom had been great up until then, no problem, and I was excited to have a new baby sister. The episodes have started to become much more common now. 3/4 weeks of every month they barely speak to each other. She has demanded divorce multiple times and my father has been pleading because he believes she will get deported since her green card interview was postponed due to COVID. She seems to believe she will get to take the baby and leave and never have to see us again, or even better receive money from my father.

    My father is in a strange spot where he does not know what to do. If they go to court he will have to pay for her lawyer too which he cannot afford, and he is afraid the judge will allow her to take the baby back to their home country even though she was born here because of prioritization of the mother. If she got her Green Card he would be financially responsible for her here in the US which he also cannot afford while paying to raise the baby. I told my father to talk to some sort of lawyer, but a divorce lawyer told him to go see an immigration lawyer and the immigration lawyer pointed him back to the divorce lawyer. We are not sure what to do at this point.

    A couple of extra notes. My father is a US Citizen. My step-mom does not speak fluent English. The paranoid episodes result in her storming out of the house without word on where she's going, sometimes with the baby in hand. She also refused to go to a doctor/psychiatrist/therapist for months and when she was convinced ( as she came out of one episodes) my father found a psychiatrist and CBT practitioner who spoke french, but when push came to shove she refused to go.

    I really want to prioritize the future of the baby (my sister), even though I have no ill-will towards my step-mom. She is obviously suffering as well. However, the babies diet, her immune system, her language development all started here. Going to a country where all of that will change, on top of having little access to emergency medical care means there is a large risk involved in my opinion. I am very worried for her and my baby sister.

    submitted by /u/ficklepicklepopsicle
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    My aunt has been using my phone number to sign up for text spam.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    As the title says, my aunt has signed my phone number up for text alerts. It's mostly for voting and political things. I have unlimited texting so I'm not paying extra for it, but I'm just curious as to the repercussions are for doing this and if I have any legal action that I can take. Maybe harassment or identity theft?

    She has been upset at me for a few months now and I need something to get her to stop or I feel like it'll get worse. I've tried talking and that hasn't worked.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Soundguy1993
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    [CA] Apartment management company has become completely unresponsive, and I am currently experiencing a maintenance emergency. What should I do?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    I've been unable to contact anyone with my apartment management company for over a week now. I've submitted 2 work orders (closet door broken) but no response to those. I've their office number many times, left voicemails, no response. My A/C just broke, and it is over 90 degrees outside currently. That is an emergency according to our lease agreement so I called their emergency line. No pick up, and it will not let me leave a voice mail.

    They are not physically located in their office anymore due to covid. I've emailed the community director and no response from them. Does anyone know what my next steps should be? I really just want my A/C fixed but don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/pooka123
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    My deceased mother had outstanding medical bills, and the company is threatening to sue me(Texas)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    My mother had non small cell carcinoma, and existed with it for 8 years. It metastasized in the brain and she had to have surgery, the result being she could no longer work. She got on Disability, and ultimately Medicare, but never had a secondary because the premiums were so expensive due to a preexisting condition(The cheapest plan we could ever find was $967/mo). I moved her into my apartment, so I could take care of her.

    She did have savings at one time, but bills wiped that out over the years. She finally passed in May, with outstanding medical bills reaching 7 grand(After Medicare's part).

    She specifically never had me sign anything, anywhere, so that I would not be held liable for any costs, she told me "Let the debt die with me."

    Since she has passed, I have gotten sporadic bills in the mail from the medical companies involved, as well as phone calls. Two turned the debt over to collection agencies. When I talk, they don't even know my name, since I never signed anything anywhere, but they know I am next of kin. I have been told very rudely that family debt exists and it is my legal requirement to pay said debt off, even if my mom is dead. They have threatened lawsuits against me, and said they will use public records to find out who I am so they can bring legal action against me.

    Am I liable for the leftover medical debt? What should I do here.

    submitted by /u/Zombiedrd
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    Tenants in a neighboring apartment complex are throwing trash in my yard (MS)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    I rent a house from a large realtor in our area. Directly behind our rental house is a larger apartment complex. Recently we've been finding a lot of bottles, cans, and dirty diapers thrown over the adjoining fence into our yard. We called the management of the apartment complex and notified them We then had a weight bench and other large trash hoisted and dumped over our fence. We contacted the management again and they stated it must have been residents who were angry about our other complaints. The weight bench is still there and trash is still being thrown into our yard. I have contacted our land lord to see if they can help. Beyond that what else should I be doing?

    submitted by /u/ldw205
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    Professor falsely accused me of cheating on an exam. What do I do?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Location: New York City, USA

    Hi everyone. I'm currently an undergraduate student studying in college in NYC. A few weeks ago I took my online midterm exam for a class, professor gave back the grades and I got a 50%. I took it because I know I didn't study too well, and I knew I had to study harder for the next test, but that's it.

    A few days ago my professor emails me and tells me he wants to meet with me, didn't give me a reason why he wanted to meet, then canceled the meeting out of nowhere. Again today all of the sudden he emailed me and asked me to meet with him, so I said okay sure. I met with him and he accused me of cheating on my exam, simply because I answered a question with an answer that he never taught in class before.

    I was so nervous and confused, I had no idea he would accuse me of something like this because I didn't cheat. English is also my second language and I dont think I could communicate to him that I didn't cheat. I made the mistake of telling him that I studied questions like this using outside sources, and once the exam started I jotted everything I memorized so I wouldn't forget, and when I got to the question I just used what I wrote down. He said he still counts this as cheating since I used an outside source, but really all of this information was from my brain, it was all I memorized from a separate study guide BEFORE the exam started AND I DIDNT EVEN GET THE QUESTION CORRECT.

    He told me he will now report this to my university and I will fail the course and this will be on my record forever. He already wrote up a report and everything and my next step is to meet with the dean.

    I was just wondering if there is anything I can do to appeal this and win because this small thing will really leave a huge mark on my records and will really hurt my chance of getting into Med school. Please help me out.

    submitted by /u/anonbutterflyrocks
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    The buyer has a lawyer sent me a letter saying I owe her a huge amount while she actually owes me

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    First, I would like to thanks anyone who is willing to help or at least read my story.

    I started a business selling face mask this year. This buyer and I had an oral agreement for 30 cartons, she agreed to deposit 30% and the rest on the delivery day. I sent her an invoice estimated the deposit and the final amount she needs to pay.
    Because the shipment is by sea, which takes about more than a month, I sent one carton as a sample by air to her. She happily received and didn't tell me a word for a month. I believed her and also a sample carton is not much so I didn't ask her for a deposit (I did not receive her deposit or anything).
    Fast forward to the date the shipment by sea was coming, she refused to take the shipment saying the face mask is not as describe and it made people allergic. I was angry because she orders a considerably big amount of goods and we argued. I think she could not sell the face mask so she tried to come up with reasons not to pay.

    After a week, I did not bother asking for my sample carton payment and was ready to move on. However, I received a letter from her lawyer saying I misrepresenting my products, and that I took her deposit (It made me check my bank account 10 times to make sure that I don't have her deposit), and because my products affect her mental health and her customer heath. They want to settle me almost the amount of her entire shipment, or they will sue me.

    What should I do? I thought about emailing her lawyer and told him that I did not receive her deposit (he can make sure on her bank statement), and because of that there are no contracts or obligations that I sell her anything, and she even owes me $500 for the sample. Or should I have an attorney to help me?

    I'm sorry for the long story. Because of my lacking experiences and the new business, I am very worried. Thanks to everyone helping this sub and also reading my story.

    submitted by /u/sorrow205
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    Today I opened a package that contained a death threat. I am certain the package was tampered with and I know who inserted the note. What should my next steps be?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    I am in the US and I ordered an item online recently and the shipping address wasn't updated so it was shipped to an old workplace from a couple years ago. My significant other still works there and was in the area so she swung over to pick it up. When she brought it back home, I immediately opened it and found a sticky note inside with the words "Die Soon".

    It's definitely not from the seller of the item and I recognize the handwriting because I used to work at the place. It also matches the handwriting on the outside of the package where the employee wrote Return To Sender.

    The background is that the guy who works in the mailroom there is obsessed with my significant other. We were all friends until her and I started a relationship and then the guy turned into a total psycho. I ended up leaving that job and she still works there but avoids all interaction with him.

    She said that when she went there and asked if something was delivered for me, he looked startled and panicked and scrambled around to find it. It was in the outgoing mail bin to be returned and would have been picked back up if she hadn't gone there to pick it up.

    This guy opened my mail, inserted a written threat, and then attempted to send it back through the mail system. How can I make sure her and I are safe and that he is held accountable for his behavior?

    submitted by /u/PMme-your-SSN
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    Furnished apartment

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:30 PM PDT


    Hoping this is the right place to post.

    I moved into an apartment complex two years ago. It was brand new and came furnished. At the time, I asked if the furnishing cost extra and was told it didn't and just to call maintenance if I'd like stuff out. Fast forward to current year, new people running stuff and I'm moving into a new unit. That's a whole different issue.

    During my move, the new management asked if I wanted to also furnish the place. I said yes, but because maintenance had recently quit there was no one to move the stuff so the leasing office people had to bring it themselves.

    While they were moving the stuff into my unit I asked again what to do if I buy my own furniture. I remember the conversation clearly.

    Me: If I happen to get a new couch what should I do?

    Them: If you're telling me we brought this stuff up only for you to have us bring it down!

    Me: Just wondering. I don't know when but I've been looking.

    Them: Just call maintenance.

    I didn't expect that the very next week my coworker would be selling a nice couch for reasonable price and I had enough money for an actual good, comfortable mattress. So I put in a request to have the couch and mattress removed.

    I received a call saying they were going to charge me $100 per item removed, so $200. Their claim is they told me about the fee when I asked. My mother was there as a witness and this fee was never discussed. I looked through my lease, no fee mentioned.

    I also find it strange that this fee wasn't mentioned when I was asked if I wanted furniture, but only after it was already brought to my unit. If they had told me the fee while moving stuff in and I had said oh never mind, would they just drop the shit and charge me right there? The fee should have been discussed when furnishing was offered. I have the email and it was not. Had I known, I would have just said keep your crappy shit and I'll sleep on an air mattress for the time being.

    Also, their fee is because they have to hire "movers". Meaning they have to find time themselves to come and move it since maintenance is on contract and never around. I said I can move the furniture to their storage unit on the first floor. Their response was I can't move it because it's a liability but I can move it to my own storage unit…. I don't understand that?

    I feel like I'm going to have to pay the $200 regardless, but is this something they can do? Should I reach out to the properly management who owns a bunch of these complexes and see if I can get my $200 back? They have been constantly messing up and I have been more than understanding but I feel like I'm being played now.

    submitted by /u/kahlgin
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    Seller won't give me my money back or ship my item

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    Ok, I know I made a HUGE mistake and let my trust get to me but here's the story:

    I was on the Facebook marketplace and saw someone selling an item. They're from Wisconson, and I'm over here from California. I reached out and they were willing to ship. I gave them the benefit of a doubt since he seemed legit from his Facebook account. I paid them through CashApp and he swore he would ship it. 2 days later, they block me from Facebook.

    I immediately reported CashApp and told me they can't do anything. So I requested a refund from the seller and THEY DECLINED IT.

    I was able to find their Instagram and contact them. I told them to give me back my refund or I'll press charges. They made a stupid excuse saying "I deactivated my account for personal reasons. I will ship today". "I don't have the money, I need to be the bills, I'm sorry. I have the camera right here and ship it to you."

    Just plain BS. They haven't responded to my messages. He hasn't read it either. I have proof of conversations and transactions from this guy.

    What should I do? I know I've made a mistake, but this burns. I'm a college student and can't really afford a lawyer. I just need legal advice.

    \*please spare the rude comments. I already fucked up*\**

    submitted by /u/vsubtle
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    Dog escaped yard and attacked another dog while owner was out of town. Is the owner or the dog watcher liable?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    Indiana: a friend's dog was recently attacked by a pup that has escaped its fenced yard. The owner of the (attacking) dog was out of town and she had someone at her home watching her dog. There was a hole in the fence that the dog escaped from. This is the second time in a month this dog has Houdinied and attacked other dogs in the neighborhood. In fact, the responding AC officer knew the dog by name. Animal Control is intending to cite the person who was watching the dog and not the owner. The vet bills for my friend's dog are over 1k and mounting. The owner of the dog seems completely uninterested in taking any responsibility for the vet bills and it looks like this will likely have to be handled in court. My question is this: who would be responsible for reimbursement, the owner or the dog watcher? Who should she name on the civil suit?

    submitted by /u/T_Henson
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    Wife researching divorce, how do I prepare?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    I just discovered that my wife purchased a book about how to divorce or separate in a way that puts the kids first. We have certainly been having issues during the pandemic like many, but our issues go back many years. We have been married for 21 years, have a 9 year old boy (diagnosed with ADHD) and a 14 year old boy (diagnosed with Aspersers). I have fantasied about divorce over the years but never took the thoughts seriously. My issues with my wife is that she has been a functioning alcoholic for at least 20 years. She is drunk every single night (starts at 5:00) and is pass-out drunk 4-5 nights a week. This has caused incredibly stressful lifestyle, especially with kids. My oldest child has been aware of this for several years and is increasing getting annoyed by her evening personality and behavior. My 9 year old isn't aware that she is drunk but is getting very angry at her erratic behaviors at night. On top of this she is diagnosed with Dysthymia (mood depressive disorder), ADHD, Ulcerative colitis, IBS, and confirmed HSP (Highly Sensitive Person). All of this has created a very difficult relationship where she is only focused on her health issues, and becomes a difficult stranger every night of the year.

    She is looking at divorce because I am finding it harder and harder to be neutral around her when she is drunk. I love my daytime wife with all my heart, I have a hard time liking my nighttime wife and my irritation is showing in the evenings. I hate my children being exposed to this version of my wife which causes me the most pain. I got us to go to couple's therapy a few years ago. After about two months the therapist turned the conversation to her drinking and how to work on it. At that point she decided to quit the sessions because she felt that we were teaming up on her. So here are my questions?

    Q. How do I prepare for what might be coming?

    Q. I don't believe that with her mental illness and drinking she is safe to have full custody, how do I prove that?

    Additional details:

    I live in Virginia.

    She only works per diem in the medical field because working part time was too stressful for her and her mental health issues.

    I make a good 6 figure income and work from home.

    We have no family anywhere near us, we live far away from both families.

    She was unfaithful in our marriage two years into the marriage.

    Her father was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, and her mother and brother with depressive disorders.

    She was prescribed different Antidepressants over the years.

    submitted by /u/ChimpDaddy2015
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    If I'm under 18, is a doctor and/or psychiatrist legally obligated to tell my parents about my problems? I'm in the US

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    All the apartments in my building have the same key, supers not answering emails [NYC]

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    I moved into a new place this month, it's pretty nice and there were no red flags at all, we signed a year lease and moved in the 1st.

    First strange thing- as we were moving in on the 1st, the previous tenant was moving out at the same time. It wasn't a big deal in terms of convenience, she was cool and there was enough space for our stuff, but we expected it to have been empty and checked by the super. That definitely hadn't happened, the place was scuffed up and the toilet seat cover was broken, a few other minor things, not enough to be too upset about. The previous tenants also left behind 3 extra keys with us, which seemed a little concerning that they don't keep track of them.

    The other night another tenant, also newer, knocked on our door because they got the wrong (labelled) keys to their apt and it still worked, they wanted to see if it was the wrong label or the same key.

    We tried each other's keys and they all worked, pretty much confirming we all have master keys. At least 3 tenants that I know of have tried to contact the super or landlord about this, including us, but there hasn't been any response.

    Everyone seems pretty cool here so far, and someone is usually home, but it's still pretty concerning that the keys are not only all the same but also not kept accounted for. What can we do?

    submitted by /u/Throwawayforextras
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    Need help getting off a joint car loan

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    Hello, so about a year ago my at the time girlfriend was trying to finance a car but her credit and income were not the best by any means and could not get it all by herself so I decided to help her out and put my name on the loan/title as a joint loan. Skip ahead to today and we are now broken up and separated but she has the car as it's her only transportation. The break up was pretty nasty so she refuses to agree to anything that takes the car away, and I have a fear she is not going to make the payments plus I don't want to have that debt on my own credit for the following years. She does not have anyone else that would be willing to put their name on it with her and her income/credit is still not good so refinancing under just herself would not work either. What are my options as to either getting my name off or even getting the car in my possession?


    submitted by /u/Chace178
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    Thanking your lawyer

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    For those of you who are active lawyers, do you appreciate receiving thank you letters from clients? I was involved in a vehicle accident w/a motorcyclist and my case just now settled almost 4 1/2 years later. The firm was hired and paid for by my insurance company. I'm very grateful they were able to resolve the case without it going to a jury trial & also keeping me safe financially. There were 2 lawyers that I met with & dealt with directly.

    Just wondering if sending them each a personalized thank you note would be an appreciated gesture, or if most attorneys would find it tacky.

    submitted by /u/TheUndertow462
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    Amazon hit my car and won’t pay for it.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    So this happened about 2-3 months ago and it's still going on. An amazon driver backed into my car and put a hole and dent into the fender. We have a ring doorbell that got most of the incident, but not the actual part where he hit it. We called amazon and explained the situation and they put my mom on the phone with someone who was supposed to resolve it but they aren't answering and amazon is making the whole situation difficult and pretty much not paying for it. My mom is going to call again this Monday, but I have a feeling the same thing will happen. I asked if we could take them to court with a lawyer but I was told you can't have a lawyer in a petty case like this. What should we do? (Colorado) If anyone needs more information let me know. Please help.

    submitted by /u/YourFriendlyGalaxy
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    Wanting to change jobs just have a signed non compete

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    So my current employer is located in Nevada but I'm a California resident. The company consists of him (the owner), me, and someone else. His idea is to bring on another employee and move everyone to part time. I of course am not fond of this idea because I'll be losing pay and some benefits (reduced PTO, no holiday pay.) The issue I have is that when I started with this company I signed a non-compete that says it is effective for one year from my last working day. Another local company is offering better pay, health benefits, PTO, sick time, and a 401k. Do these non-compete agreement actually hold up? Would love some outside input before i decide to apply.

    submitted by /u/sergioclimbs420
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