• Breaking News

    Friday, October 16, 2020

    Legal Advice - Neighbor cut down 50 trees on my parents property in the middle of the night (Colorado)

    Legal Advice - Neighbor cut down 50 trees on my parents property in the middle of the night (Colorado)

    Neighbor cut down 50 trees on my parents property in the middle of the night (Colorado)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    My parents woke up this morning and discovered that approx 50 trees on their property had been cut down.

    Some of the smaller trees (6-8ft tall) had only the top half cut off, but the larger trees (60+ years old) had been completely cut down. The person who cut them down did their best to hide the damage by placing branches and rocks over the stumps and leaned some of the chopped down trees against other trees so it looked like they were still standing.

    It's quite obvious which neighbor had done it because the only trees cut down form an alley directly in front of one specific neighbors home, in which they now have a very clear view of the mountains and lake. Their only view from their house previously was of the trees.

    The trees that were cut down block a semi-major road and bike path. The trees were a large noise and privacy barrier to both neighbors and road traffic.

    My parents had no idea what to do when they saw the trees so I advised them to take photos to document, call the sheriff to report the damage, and contact an arborist to get a price in replacing the trees.

    Though it seems obvious, we have no proof of who did the damage. The neighbors who we believe did it, live in a shared outdoor space maintained by the HOA ( if that makes any difference). The sheriff told my parents there wasn't anything that he could do and it was only a misdemeanor property crime. They've also made an appointment with an arborist later this week.

    I am wondering what the next step would be for them, if any, in order to recoup their losses of the damage done.

    submitted by /u/travelmelon
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    VERMONT How old do I have to be to say no to a doctor if my parents want me to be an egg donor and I'm underage whose word is law then

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    I have a question about age and if I can say no to doctors even if it is something my parents want. My parents say I will donate eggs to my sister. (My sister is trans and my parents think this way kids she has with a guy will be related to her. My sister is on their side completely). I know once I'm 18 they can't force me but that's almost 3 years from now. Can they make me do it before then or would the doctors need my permission too. I just want to know. thx

    submitted by /u/throw-away-account10
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    [OR] Neighbors say I violated Portland city noise ordinance by knocking on their door to tell them Halloween candle was burning out of control. Apartment.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    This is the second night the people across the hall had a candle burning. Our fifty-some unit building is about a century old, and my new neighbors have been burning some candles as a Halloween decoration in front of their door. Last night I just put it out. But tonight was a little different.

    I grabbed a couple beers, put out the candle, and knocked on the door. Our walls our paper thin here, I heard someone inside say
    "Is someone fucking knocking right now, I'll kick their fucking ass."
    I said through the door
    "Hey its just your neighbor, just wanted to talk about your candle. Uhhh, don't kick my ass?"

    After a few minutes the door opened and a guy shouted at me (literally 2 foot away across the hall neighbor) that I should
    "Just put the fucking candle out and shut the fuck up. We're calling (the landlord) and telling him you're harassing us. Portland noise ordinance is at 10pm and you're waking us up at 11:30."

    He then slammed the door in my face. I could hear him call my landlord through the door and say
    "(Landlord) our neighbor just woke us up after 11 to tell us we had a candle burning in the hallway. This is totally unacceptable and harassment."

    Legal advice, should I acually worry about this, or should I continue laughing? The whole reason I knocked on the neighbors door was to avoid bringing the landlord into the matter, which they seem to have no problem with. I've lived in the building for 3+ years. They've been here since March.

    submitted by /u/phatsakis
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    Neighbors across the street are trying to have us evicted (Philadelphia)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    I and 3 other roommates just moved into a house in Philadelphia. As we were moving in a neighbor came out from across the street and asked how many of us were moving in. My roommate, who thought the neighbor was coming out to make small talk and wanted to introduce himself stated 4. She apparently flipped and said since its a family zone only 3 non related people can live together and that she's already reported us to the zoning committee. This was a month ago. Today we came home to find a hanger on the door saying we missed a member of the zoning committee and that we should call the zoning committee and inquire why. Do we have an obligation to call them back or if they do show up to our property are we required to let them in? I've already instructed my roommate to never speak to her again. I have a feeling the tenants before us were college kids and probably partied a lot hence why we were approached so suddenly. The kicker to all of this is apparently we can't have 4 unrelated people living on the property but two of the roommates are brother and sister. Any input at all would be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/OnceATimAlwaysATim
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    My own father molested me when I was 11-12, my mom wants me to speak up.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    This isn't as bad as what others have it I know. I'm sorry for those who have it worse and I hope they get help. But it's something that's causes me problems today. I need advice or an idea to know what will and could happen so I can prepare myself for it.

    I have awful spelling and grammar. This is on mobile and my first language wasn't English so my apologies

    I am a Female (14yrs) I don't remember some details bc my memory is awful and I tried to push it away. I have been touched by two people. My own cousin whom my family now know of. I never said anything because it was family and they loved spending time together. Once they found out what happened it became less and less but we still go and he doesn't do anything anymore l.

    Now on to the main event. I don't remember if he was drunk or not. What year exactly. I'm giving an estimation between 5-6th because I told a friend in 6th. Here is where I get into the details so.. ❌ W A R N I N G ❌ I was in bed supposed to be asleep but I was on my phone which now looking at it I'm glad. I shared a room with him, and my brother who was a year younger than me. I slept on a top bunk and they share a large bed. He climbed into bed and I pretended to be asleep. Started to touch me and I froze. Who wouldn't in that situation. It's unexpected. Its terrifying. He tried to unbutton my bottoms. I pushed his hand, got off the bed and ran downstairs with a blanket to the living room. I didn't understand what happened I thought it was a nightmare. I laid on the couch, my uncle slept on another couch in the living room. He came downstairs and kissed me goodnight on the forehead. When I awoke on the couch I knew it wasn't a nightmare. No one asked why I slept there and I didn't tell anyone. Not till I told a friend and she told the school counselors, I was mad but relieved I could talk to someone and they'd help me. But she only told one story, the one of my cousin.. Now I live here with a man who was supposed to protect me but instead hurt me. I told my mom soon after I told my friend. I continue to live with him and today we spoke on what to do and she said I should speak when I'm ready.

    My mom has 30% custody and him 70%.

    He still drinks almost daily, he drank even more during the virus and I have trouble sleeping and when I do it is because I cried myself to sleep.

    This is all in California

    ⓉⓁ;ⒹⓇ When I was 11-12 I was touched by my own father. My mom wants me to prepare for it because it will happens once I tell her I'm ready. I have question that I hope will be answered

    I have Questions I hope can be answered, if any other questions come to mind I will edit it in.

    I need Advice, my mom right now has a case open with my baby brothers. From what I heard from a man who doesn't like her she did drugs around them. I don't know if it's true but from when I've seen her she looks alright. No signs of anything in her system.

    Could her other case affect the one that will be open?

    My brother(the one I live with) hates her and if she were to gain custody where would he go? He doesn't want to be near her and would let people know of it.

    What would happen once I speak? What would the legal proceedings be?

    This should be least of my concerns but I have a pet cat whom I love dearly. He knows when I can't sleep at night and he's there for me. He isn't legally adopted because we got him from outside a store. People were giving out kittens. We haven't gotten the chance to chip or vaccinate him so what would happen? I want to take him with me how could I?

    How can i mentally prepare myself for this? I know so much will change but I don't know what. I don't know if my grandmother who's been like a second mother would choose to side with him or I. I know my brother will side with him. How can I prepare to become an outcast?

    If I don't end up with my mom, they don't believe me and they see him as innocent what would happen to me? Would they take into account that even if I did lie of it I said it for a reason?

    Can I get an idea on what will be asked so I can prepare because i know it will be as an interrogation to weed out the fake cases but mine isn't.

    I know I will leave his custody and not go into my mothers so where would I go? To other family members or foster?

    Will they allow me to keep my phone (if I do go to foster and such) I don't know why this comes to mind as a question. But I do need it answered. I have friend who have helped me through so much I don't want to lose them.

    How can I prepare emotionally and mentally for this? I understand it is like a Pandora's box. It can't be closed once it's open and I don't want it too close. But it's still terrifying.

    I'm sorry this is long I just have so many questions, if you do read this. Thank you.

    This is all In California

    submitted by /u/wut5iswi7hmylifeEggs
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    My business closed due to Covid. 10% owner went on personal shipping spree with company funds. Embezzlement?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    I'm Texas, my husband and I own 90% of a catering company that shuttered die to Covid. A minority owner (provided no financial backing if that matters, I don't believe it does) has become hostile and is extremely upset that we closed. I stupidly did not cancel her card when we closed (a couple of weeks ago).

    She has been treating herself to amazon shopping sprees, a $650 meal, and even making purchases from a vendor that provides rentals for catering events. This one is most concerning because I'm wondering if she is still acting under our business name. She has racked up a total of $1651.85 in the last few days.

    I have cancelled here card and removed access to any accounting or banking info. I confronted her about the charges and she ignored my questions and went on the defensive and said don't ever contact me again.

    What aren't options here? I know embezzlement in Texas over $1500 is a felony but does this apply? Breach of fiduciary duty? She is not named on the bank account but did have a debit card.

    submitted by /u/mortalmirrors
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    Filed a small claim against my potential landlord for the $1000 security deposit. She had me sign a sec deposit waiver but she failed to get the apartment ready on the date she promised which is also specified on the waiver I signed

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    I am hoping to get some serious advice as this is my first time filing a small claim.

    On February 25th, I checked an apartment and I liked it initially even though there are some work to be done. On the same day, the potential landlord asked for my security deposit worth $1000 even though the apartment wasn't ready for move in. She convinced me that the apartment would be ready on March 6th which is what was written on the waiver I signed.

    We had exchanged emails during the move in week and she never mentioned that it won't be ready on the date she promised. We went to the apartment on March 6th under the impression that I would sign the lease and get the keys but that's not what happened. Instead, she immediately took us to the upper unit which was just move in ready at that time and asked us to take it instead of the lower unit. I didn't take it because I just had a baby and the lower unit is better for our situation. On that same day, the lower unit's bathroom wasn't ready and she also took us to the basement for the first time to see where the washer and dry are and the basement was flooded. That raised an alarm because I felt that it would not be healthy for the baby.

    She tried to convince me again to give them until March 11th and it would definitely be ready she said. I, being overwhelmed, said yes verbally.

    After realizing how dishonest she was from the very beginning and how she pressured me and rushed things, I sent her an email the next day kindly asking for the deposit back and of course, she does not want to give it back.

    Due to the pandemic, I wasn't able to file a small claim until last month and I finally got a letter with a court date a few days ago, but today, I got a letter that she counterclaimed and asked for more money, $3100 to be exact and her reason is "Lost rent due to failure to move in".

    Now I am a bit nervous on my situation because I could end up giving her more money. Is what her claiming even valid? And what are the chances of me winning this case? I know I signed the security deposit waiver, but that waiver also has the date that she failed to meet.

    I printed all our email exchange detailing everything but I don't know if it's enough to give me a winning case.

    Just serious advice please. And I do apologize if I am not explaining all this properly as I am not a native speaker. Please and thank you.

    submitted by /u/ycanillo
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    My company is impersonating me to get me into contract jobs I am underqualified for

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    So this is long overdue. I work for a very shitty consulting firm in the Georgia, USA which hands its consultants fake resumes, strongarms them into lying about themselves to interviewers and sends them to work on contracts they are underqualified for. They have crossed my line so many times but I have more or less grown numb to it.

    Until now. They have created a fake LinkedIn account with my name on it. And this has seriously crossed my line. There is a record of me publicly on the internet where things are said that are untrue. Granted, they are good things but it very obviously jeopardizes my integrity.

    I am aware I have the option of reporting it on LinkedIn, but if there is legal recourse I can take against them for these actions, I would do it so all this nonsense comes to an end. I am concerned that they will make another account with my name on it and make it more private or less accessible or something along the lines of that.

    There are other clauses in my contract that effectively don't allow me to quit from this "at-will" employment. Keep in mind, nowhere in the contract does it say that they are allowed to say things or do things on my behalf in any capacity.

    Is any of this actually legal?

    submitted by /u/r3cycle_me
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    University Requiring Student Employees to Work "Off the Clock"

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    A university in Virginia capped the hours that student employees are allowed to work at 5 per week. The stated reason for this is COVID budget cuts. However, student employees are required to work up to 15 hours a week, with the hours over the 5-hour cap being "off the clock" without any remuneration. Is this allowed? What kind of recourse would the student employees have that would avoid any retaliation by their supervisors or university administration?

    submitted by /u/Orangeguy25
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    NM - Landlord demanding entry, no notice. Accusing me of selling drugs.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    So apparently a neighbor has a problem with me, because they have called the landlord about every person that's been at my place, even down to me smoking cigarettes on the back porch. I pay my rent on time.

    The "landlord" showed up unannounced tonight, demanding I let her in the house. I told her no, that there is a 24 written notice required. She then accused me of selling drugs, because I have friends come over and stay for a few hours every day, we aren't loud at all and usually just play PS4 or DnD together. I have a perfect rental and criminal history.

    She then said I'm not allowed to smoke weed in the house.. which I don't even smoke weed so I'm not sure what that was about. I just moved in two months ago, and have been questioned by this landlord twice a month about my comings and goings and personal business.

    Then she left the place and waited out in the shared parking and harassed the Uber eats delivery driver, questioning her about what she was doing at my place.

    My question is, does anyone know what statutes I would need to include to break the lease? This is harassment, and it's extremely uncomfortable anticipating this creepy landlord coming over and banging down my door.

    submitted by /u/JemKisK
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    Vet did tests on my dog while I was in bathroom without my consent, resulting in $900 bill (CA)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    So my dog was scheduled to have cataract surgery with an ophthalmologist that is 2 hours away from me. As a pre-requisite for the surgery, he needed to have blood tests done. I asked the Ophthalmologist (we will refer to him as Dr.Dude) if I could do those tests at my local vet to save money and time commuting. I get a 25% discount at my local vet because they take PetAssure, the Opthalmologist does not take it. Dr. Dude said that's fine and emailed me a list of tests to get done so I scheduled those tests with my local vet. Then, due to COVID, they had to cancel my dogs eye surgery for a couple months. When they finally could reschedule it, Dr.Dude needed to look at my dogs eyes again to make sure the cataracts hadn't gotten worse. So we did the appointment, he looked at my dog's eyes for about 10 minutes and we discussed the likelihood of success for the surgery. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and when I came back he said that my dog was all done and sent me to the front desk to pay. I was expecting a $75 re-exam fee (that's what they told me over the phone) but they handed me a $900 bill. For some dumb reason, idk, shock or panic, I paid it. When I asked about the unexpected cost, they told me that I could expect a total cost of $6000 for cataract surgery. They initially quoted me $4000 TOTAL cost. So I was shocked, upset, and confused so I left without arguing.

    I didn't look at the receipt until I got home and that's when I realized... they did the blood tests that we had agreed would be done at my vet. In the 5 mins I was in the bathroom, they took my dogs blood without asking, and decided to charge me for all of those tests without informing me. Now I am certain that it was a mistake and they simply forgot about our agreement. I brought it up to Dr.Dude over the phone and he expressed his apologies but made no offer to make it right.

    I feel like they should offer me a discount on the cataract surgery or a partial refund. I would have saved hundreds of dollars if I had gotten those tests done at my local vet.

    My question is - is it illegal for a vet to do tests /take blood from your dog /charge you for things without your knowledge that they are happening??

    If I can present to them my concern that they broke a law, it may help me to negotiate a discount on cataract surgery or take them to small claims court to recover the cost.

    submitted by /u/bajesska
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    People keep flying drones over my fathers property

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    I live in Southern Maine next to a beautiful river, and these fall leaves bring many kayaking, and visiting our small town. This is normal around this season, but this week on multiple occasions a drone (the same one I believe) has been flying around my fathers property, never focusing on the river or the trees. My bathroom which is is on the second floor has a glass sun-roof, and I'd feel a lot more comfortable without it flying around. My father has gone to the neighbors on the street and asked them, but they don't know who it is either. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Shadow3114
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    There is a severely abused animal in my neighborhood and animal control is useless. Please tell me how can I help.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    My partner and I moved into a new town in Southern VT about a month ago and every day since we moved in a very friendly neighborhood cat has spent at least a few hours sunning itself on our porch. We learned that the cat belonged to a little girl living in a household across the street. This household contains many small children and often some very loud noises so we understood why that cat avoided its own house and did our best to look out for it. There was a kink in the cat's tail that we thought was an old, badly healed break, but we were wrong.

    About a week ago the cat stopped showing up. After six days of not seeing the cat we finally spotted it sitting on its owners porch. When it approached we saw that there was a wound in its tail where the break is. Bone was visible, fur was hanging off, and there was rotting skin. I could smell it. The break must be recent, in multiple places along the middle of the tail (as if from being stepped on or lifted by the tail), and HIGHLY conspicuous.

    We called animal control immediately and were told they'd "look into it." After a little digging we discovered there is only one animal control officer and she works as a general dispatcher overnight, then deals with animal control issues in person for a few hours in the morning at end of shift. We waited three days for an update on our report then called back at 2 am last night to be sure to catch her. She said that she had gone down to the house but was told the animal wasn't home, and that was that, I guess. She doesn't seem to have any plans to follow up, and quite frankly mostly seems interested in doing as little work in her job as possible.

    I've been calling animal shelters and rescues this morning and every single one says the same thing; they won't do a thing unless it's my animal AND I'm willing to pay for it. Any money and resources designated for this kind of thing have been suspended due to Covid. One woman was sympathetic but told me that if the cat belongs to someone else, legally their hands are tied unless I have something in writing giving me provisional ownership and permission to get it medical care; and even then it's dicey apparently.

    I am at my wits end. If I see the cat again I'm probably just going to grab it, consequences be damned. But even if I do get him away from that house, I don't know where I can bring him, if he's just going to be turned away without proof of ownership.

    Please help me help this cat.

    Edit: the owners are not willing to assist me in this, they are possessive of their cat, actively hostile to my interference, and have sent the ACO away twice now.

    Edit 2: I do not have the money to pay for this cat's medical care myself. I barely have enough money for rent this month.

    Edit 3: stop telling me to steal the cat and lie to the vet. I'm here asking for LEGAL advice to see if I have any LEGAL options here to deal with my local law enforcement's ineptitude.

    submitted by /u/GuanYin91
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    A female friend reported a male stalker/harasser to the police, now the person's public defender wants to talk to her?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    My friend has says she hasn't pressed charges, she just reported his actions to the police, showing evidence of a ton of abusive, stalkerish language and actions. The police have written him up for harrassment and stalking. He now has a public defender who asked to talk with my friend.

    My friend refused to talk to stalker's Public Defender. Is there any downside to her refusing, in either the sentencing this guy might get, or some other unseen way?

    submitted by /u/ghastlieboo
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    Does this actually mean anything legally? I own a steam group named dednet, got this message

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    I am 17, and live in New York. i got this message on steam, asking me to release the group I said I would, providing that they gave me legal proof of holding copyright. do their threats mean anything, and should i have done something different?

    (links to chat)


    submitted by /u/Ark1s
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    Landlord ask me to switch units, threw out my stuff

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:34 PM PDT


    I'm in Florida. I'm leasing an apt. The landlord asked me to move units. They agreed in writing that I could have 24 hours with both units to move my stuff since I was moving for their convenience.

    They scheduled someone to cleanup in that 24 agreed upon window without telling me. While I was gone they threw out a ton of my stuff. The landlord admit ms they were wrong. Do I have any rights? It's thousands of dollars of stuff. I don't have receipts (I threw them out) or photos for everything. What do I do?

    I've been paying on time, no complaints. I'm so upset about my stuff though.

    submitted by /u/abcccc123
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    [CA] Old Apartment Saying I Owe Money Randomly Over Two Years After Moving Out

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Today I got an email from an apartment complex that I haven't lived in for over two years. They are claiming I owe them almost $1k. I left in good standing when I moved out and have not heard anything from them since moving out. Now they send an email threatening collections if I don't send them this mysterious money I supposedly owe them.

    The text from the email is as follows:

    "Dear [me],

    Our records indicate that you owe a balance when you vacated the above mentioned apartment on 06/04/2018. Our office has made several unsuccessful attempts to contact you over the past several months to discuss your long overdue balance. Please contact me immediately to discuss payment. If we don't hear from you, we will have no other option but to report this debt to the credit bureaus.

    Total Unpaid Charges $953.82

    ******* YOUR FILE IS BEING HELD BY ME "IN-HOUSE" in the corporate office of the management company. As it stands today, your debt has not been reported to a credit report agency.

    If you contact me within the next 5 days to discuss your account, I am able to offer you a settlement to resolve your indebtedness. Your file is scheduled to be turned over to a professional debt collecting company next week where your debt will be reported to a credit reporting agency. Please allow me to assist."

    -I have never been contacted by them up to this point. -I did not owe money when I left. -It has been over two years since I moved out. -No reason for this "outstanding balance" has been listed.

    Is this legal? What do I do here?

    I replied to the email letting them know that this was the first time I've heard of this at all. I asked for an itemized list of the charges and any proof or records that they have tried to get in contact with me.

    This is crazy. I have the same email and phone number as what they have on file. I have had ZERO attempts to contact me about this.

    Thanks for any help in advance!

    EDIT: I don't know how I flagged this as a spoiler. I'm on mobile. My apologies!

    submitted by /u/boredomHI
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    Got served today, "quiet title"

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Two sheriff's deputies arrived at my door with a summons to appear for a civil suit. The stack of papers seems as though this revolves around a "quiet title". I have no idea what this means. My parents both died and their house went to tax sale, it sold last year. I have no ties to that property why am I being summoned before the court? Do I have to appear? I live in Pennsylvania. Thanks in advance for any help.

    submitted by /u/IJustWantToBePure
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    Machanic won’t give me back my car

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    This was all a gift

    So my ex girlfriend took my car into the shop to get certain things done like a new windshield, tint and an alignment. She ended up getting more work done to the car as in new from bushings and a bunch of stuff breakers all in all she put about 3,000 of work and told them to use the credit up. The day the car was to be released me and her ended our relationship and she called the mechanic and said she didn't want to charge it to her card.

    I called the mechanic to tell them I was the legal owner of that car and to not let anyone but me drive off out of that lot.

    They advise me that she canceled her payment and I was going to have to get in contact with her. They won't release my car.

    I didn't approve any of those replacements I never signed anything everything was done through her credit check and her name I told them to charge her.

    How do I get my car back?

    submitted by /u/partieplayallday
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    [NC] Can I Post Sign "No Guns on Property"?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    NC is a state where you can get a concealed carry permit. I just bought a piece of property and twice in this past week one of my contractors has been approached by people carrying guns (semi concealed in their waistbands). One was threatening and one was not. I don't want ANY guns on my property. If I post a sign saying "No Guns on Property" will that have any legal effect if someone does enter the property with a gun? No know it all BF says they can still bring their gun anywhere they want. I say they can't if it's private property and I have posted notice.

    submitted by /u/AsheboroWoman
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    Ex Spouse surrendering house(collateral) in Chapter 13

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    The last remaining vestigial of a the divorce was to sell the house and split equity. She managed to mess up one sale because of not cleaning the dwellings and then went silent. She then stopped paying the mortgage in April which made her contempt in the settlement agreement and now this letter lands on my door as my attorney has been filing contempt of court proceedings,

    My question IS...does surrendering the collateral mean she is giving up her right to get equity or have say in the house? Will this make my contempt of court easier to get her to sign a quitclaim?

    Any lawyer or paralegal ever see this circumstance?

    submitted by /u/imapotato99
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    Spousal spying laws

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Located in Alberta, Canada. Asking for friend. Friend's spouse has installed hidden video surveillance in her home without her prior knowledge or consent. It was installed with the purpose of watching her while spouse is out of town. She has found and uninstalled the cameras (all that were found so far at least) but we were wondering what the legality of the situation is. Was posted in Legal Canada forum as well. Hoping someone can shed some light on this issue. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/trixceratops
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    Can I legally leave my house at 14?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    I [14 F] stay with my Aunt and Uncle 2 weeks out of each month and the other two with my mom. My mom and dad got divorced when I was 10, I am now 14 years old. I have no privacy when I stay with my Aunt and Uncle. They both will randomly walk into the bathroom whenever I'm taking a shower or changing in my room. They will not allow me to shut my door at all because they don't trust me. About two months ago I started getting sick on and off and I'm beginning to suspect they are some how keeping me ill. I have other reasons to suspect this. My mother doesn't really care about me so she turns a blind eye to how I'm treated. I am always depressed and feel estranged. Who can I talk to about this? I don't ever want to go back to that house. I don't feel safe ever..

    State: Utah

    submitted by /u/One-Possibility-8436
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