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    Wednesday, October 14, 2020

    Legal Advice - Hospital sent my deceased baby home with me

    Legal Advice - Hospital sent my deceased baby home with me

    Hospital sent my deceased baby home with me

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    Located in California

    This happened nearly a year ago and I'm very seriously considering suing but I'm not sure I have a case. Here's the backstory.

    I was 16.5 weeks pregnant and went into what was very clearly early labor. Strong and steady contractions lasting about 30 seconds every few minutes. I went to my hospital's emergency room and was admitted immediately. They spent hours checking on my vital functions and giving me ultrasounds for my organs before they finally checked on my baby. I continually asked to be transferred to the antepartum unit for proper care for me and the baby but was denied. By the time the doctor confirmed I was indeed an early labor hours later and she was ready to physically examine me it was too late and my baby was still born.

    After her birth it was clear that I was going to need a D&C to remove the placenta, at which point the question arose about what to do with my daughter's body. After several back and forth discussions the hospital staff informed me that they would refuse to keep her body in the morgue on premises and that we would need to take her with me for the D&C and they would not arrange for the local mortuary to pick her up from the hospital. We directly called the mortuary ourselves and they said they would come pick her up if the hospital would hold her at the morgue, which again the hospital refused to do. The hospital staff told us at that point are only option was for us to take our baby to the mortuary ourselves. My husband had to sit in the waiting room outside the operating room with our baby in the plastic bucket. After my procedure I was discharged and sent home with our baby's body in the plastic bucket.

    The mortuary was completely baffled as to why the hospital would not hold my baby's body. A few weeks after all of this settled down we met with the hospital risk manager and the ER director who both admitted that they did the wrong thing.

    submitted by /u/kaaayceee
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    Help! My driveway is now a drive-through!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    I live in MA in recently bought a home in November. The house is located behind a restaurant and our deed has a right-of-way over a shared U-shaped driveway also used by the restaurant. The driveway loops around the back of the restaurant. It's unclear to me who actually owns the driveway. The restaurant owner had said they own it. However, according to public records, it is an unaccepted "paper street". When I look up their property with the city, it shows their plot as not covering the driveway but I believe they have been maintaining it. This was all fine before the pandemic as the restaurant had it's own parking lot behind their building. However, after the pandemic, the parking lot was converted to outdoor dining and the driveway which loops around the restaurant building has been converted into a drive-through. The restaurant has people pull in and wait for their order. This leads to me having to wait in a line of cars to get in and out of my own driveway since there is no other way in or out. Is there anything I can do legally to prevent this from happening? I honestly don't want to get into a big fight with them and I actually enjoy eating at the restaurant. I have not approached them yet as it has been a crazy time and they are just trying to stay in business. But I also don't want to spend tons of money on a lawyer if it doesn't get me anywhere, for example if they win in court then I've lost hundred if not thousands of dollars for nothing. I imagine a judge might say it isn't reasonable for them to keep the driveway clear at all times if I only use it a couple times a day. To confuse matters more, my deed refers to the driveway as its old street name which no longer exists. At some point, the name was removed and the address of my house was changed so that it is the same name as the public street you get to after crossing the "private" driveway. I guess I'm just wondering if I should even bother taking this to a lawyer. My other concern is that if this continues into the future I will have a lot of trouble selling my home as no one would want to deal with this. Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/chewsworthy
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    Ex Wife swatted me, Police are refusing to go after her

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    This happened in Connecticut, where we have a law regarding SWATTING.

    Haven't spoken to my ex wife in close to 10 years and I have sole custody of the only son we have together. She just started trying to come back in the picture after not being in his life for the past decade. Back in May she called the police and told them i had a gun and was going to shoot someone.

    Police showed up to my house with 5-6 officers, blocked off my street. Three officers were on my porch, 2 stood in my yard with AR-15's (ironic username right) and I am not sure if officers were in the car blocking my street or if they were cars from the officers in my yard. However the police report both simultaneously claims only the 3 officers on my porch responded, while also listing the 2 officers.

    The police department is claiming this seems like a "misunderstanding" and that it doesn't fit the definition of swatting because only 3 officers are listed as having responded.

    My ex knows I am a disabled veteran, I have PTSD (controlled) and I own guns. She is trying to use this incident to paint me as unfit to be a parent. The police spoke to me and found her allegations completely unfounded.

    I have the police report, waiting on body cams and I have a witness that saw 2 officers on my lawn with AR-15's. However the report and the responding officers are denying any officers had rifles.

    submitted by /u/BluestateAR15
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    My sisters probation officer has her blocked. What can dhe do

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Good morning. First time poster long time lurker.

    As the title says my sister has a p.o that she is suppose to call once a week and thay tthey are suppose to show up to her house to visit once a week.

    Not only has the p.o not shown up to the house, everytime my suster calls it does go straight to voicemail.

    My sister has been freaking out and crying about this because she thinks hrp.o is trying to set her up to go to jail.

    Is there anything we can do from a legal aspect. All advice and help is welcomed. Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/SailorGothicFairy
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    This is a mess, funeral home released ashes to my ex.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    So.. my daughter passed in July. My exhusband and I do not have a great relationship. Through the funeral home, they were splitting the ashes into 2 separate urns (one for me, one for her dad) and they were supposed to send mine out as I live in another state. Instead they released the ashes and urn to my exhusband.

    Now, I specifically made sure that the funeral home would be sending it out to avoid this. Now that he has it, he wont give it up. All I want is some damn closure to this tragic part of my life. I'm super upset and really angry at this point.. I made the plans I did for a reason.

    Now, I know nothing about the legalities of this. Can anyone explain what I might be able to do in this situation? Or am I S.O.L?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/LiteUpThaSkye
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    Violated my lease by reporting bed bugs

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    I live in a "luxury" apartment (Nebraska) that is owned by a company that has a lot of properties. About 3 weeks ago I started a medication that has to be monitored for a rash that can be fatal. Two days after I started to get hives, so I discontinued the medication. The hives continued to appear and get worse. I assumed I was having an allergic reaction to other things and started the process of elimination. 🤷‍♀️ I would have never assumed bugs.

    Last week my neighbor, who is loud and likes to scream, woke me up yelling about bugs. I knocked on the wall and asked her if she's been waking up with bites. The answer is yes, and also she found live ones on her bed, which explains the screaming.

    So I called management and they sent someone out to inspect. They only found a few casings but that's enough to confirm an infestation. They say I have to pay $150 for their in house pest control guy to spray, and I might have to pay even more for repeated treatments.

    I said no. Absolutely not. They said I signed a pest control addendum that makes me liable for all costs, even though I didn't cause the infestation. My ex husband spent the entire day researching laws and found that there's a municipal code that makes property owners liable. The health department also requires property owners to pay unless they can prove the tenant caused the infestation. The addendum may also not be 100% legal because of those laws. I told them nah, but if they choose to charge me they'll have to take it out of my security deposit and that would give me the green light to sue. I then asked if they were going to inform the other tenants and they said no. Are you going to treat all the units? No.

    That evening I knocked on three of my neighbors doors and let them know. We agreed that we may need to retain legal counsel together, as a tenant union or coalition. Everyone contacted the office to have their units inspected and told other tenants of the issue.

    Anyway, I got a letter today stating that I don't have to pay for treatment and when they'll be sending pest control. Not entirely what I wanted, but that's fine. I'll just have my unit inspected by an Independant service in a month to be sure they are gone.

    In addition to telling me I'm off the hook, they gave me a warning. Which I think is super sketch and might be in retaliation. I will post it in a separate comment. I told the property manager that I need a letter with specifics because that's way to vague.

    I talked to my neighbors. I didn't blast them on social media, I didn't report them to the health department, I didn't do anything other than ask them to go look at their beds and inform them of their rights so they didn't think they had to pay for it. 🤷‍♀️ I don't like being bullied and I don't like having my money wasted or being told I have to pay for something I clearly do not have to, and I think they're mad that I didn't back down.

    I'm not being fined or evicted, but if I were I want to know if I have any legal protections. They also threatened to evict my dog.

    The violations were "Injuring our reputation by making bad faith allegations to others" and "disrupting our business operations" they did not show specific parts of the lease I violated. It's fragments of sentences that don't have any context.

    Eta: my downstairs neighbor did report them to the health department. She is pissed. Like, I think she's going to rip everyone's faces off, that's how angry she is.

    submitted by /u/GengisKhanye
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    Old acquaintance messaged me out of the blue, 25 minutes later police called me saying he's applying as a police officer and wants to talk about when this guy and I would smoke weed in college

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    I'll say it outright, I'm obviously not going to respond to either of them.

    This guy and I were in the marching band together, and outside of practice maybe hung out at most a half dozen times at some parties. He wasn't a bad guy imo but we never really hung out. We didn't talk at all once we left school. Never really thought of him.

    Now today he hits me up! Asking if it's me and he's saying it's him texting me. I found it weird at first, because we were never really close and didn't have much I common, so I waited to respond. A little later I get a Restricted call, and it's a backgrounds investigator with the police department saying my "friend" is applying to join the police department, and he talked about using marijuana in school with "friends," and that he would like to talk to me about it.

    15 minute after that he says "call me if you can" with a laughing crying emoji.

    So I have two degrees of questions.

    First, should I be worried about this at all? I live in Arizona, I had a medical card while in college but don't anymore. I still smoke but only before bed.

    Second, is this legitimately something they do when applying, or did he get caught with weed and this is a lie to get him to rat out others in possession? I know a friend of mine had that offered to him once.

    Thanks ahead for any insight or help

    submitted by /u/SexyMcBeast
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    My Surgeon Did A Whole Other Surgery Without Consent

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Today I went to a gum doctor to get a frenectomy beneath my tongue. I was nervous but I was confused when she started numbing me above my two front teeth (teeth 8 & 9) but said nothing. I thought maybe that was what I was here for and I was confused about where the surgery was supposed to take place when I went for a consultation. Well, as it turns out she shortened the papillae between the two teeth which was not what I was there for, at all, and did it without informing my mom or I. When confronted she stated it was a necessary procedure I would have to get at some point and I don't know if she said that because it was or to avoid legal issues. We did get the frenectomy done, however I still feel violated knowing she did something to me without asking when I don't know if this will affect me in any way beyond what she stated. Do I have grounds to take legal action of any sort? I live in North Carolina.

    submitted by /u/Lanterniality5
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    Legally blind and new employer is raising issues over it.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Okay so, I applied at a temp agency, and they assigned me to a factory job working on hydraulic presses.

    I'm legally blind. The nature of my vision disorder is very complicated. I can't drive a car and reading text is difficult, but I have worked on heavy machinery for 5 years without much issue or even need for very much accommodation and no loss of production value. Basically, I can and have run the exact machines that I'm currently running at my new job.

    My job discovered that I'm legally blind on my third shift. Yes, it took them three shifts to notice, that's how little it impacts my ability to perform industrial work (including quality inspections). I am very adaptable.

    My boss seemed a little annoyed when my eyes struggled to focus on a cursor on a computer at one point during my shift. It took me maybe an entire two minutes just to find the cursor and click. I hate when this happens because it makes me look like an idiot, so of course I'm stuttering trying to explain why I'm swinging the mouse back and forth in the wrong direction. I asked him to change the cursor color to black because sometimes I can't find the white cursor. He did, it sped me right back up. I figured that was the end of it, and it wouldn't even have been totally necessary as eventually my eyes do build a "muscle memory" to the screen I'm using and focus faster. I told him at one point though, "sorry, I'm legally blind.", and tried explaining more thoroughly... but he didn't seem interested.

    So my temp agency calls me about an hour after I get home from work to tell me "Our client tells us you're legally blind?" and then I said yes. They said "Well, due to the nature of that job..." and I cut them off before they fired me to say "I have done industrial work for five years and have never had my vision be an issue." Cue put on hold followed by a "We'll call you back."

    They called me back and are requesting that I send them documentation from a physician that I'm legally blind by the end of today. I'm not sure if they can do this?? I've never had to do it before in my life.

    I'm extremely nervous this is going to get really discriminatory really fast. I've had jobs be weird about me working on machines when they watch me stare closely at computer screens but usually they trust me when I say, "I will not have an issue." and then my performance record speaks for itself from there.

    Should I just send them documentation, and then when I go in for work tonight record my conversations? Should I refuse to send documentation and call an attorney? I'm only three days in and it's a temp job, but I really need this job and don't want to get put on some made up position while they "accommodate" me.

    For the record I'm 24 and live in Ohio.

    Update: I had my ophthalmologist fax over some sort of "proof" I'm blind. I'm not sure what they sent, they didn't seem too sure what to send either so it was apparently a pretty strange request.

    My friend says that the document should basically help with their liability and also help with money incentives and that's why they asked for it. Which, if it's true that means I shouldn't have any issues with my employer now, but if it's not true then I'm incredibly suspicious of why they'd want my medical records.

    submitted by /u/came_here_to_argue
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    Can my parents legally make me stay at the age of 18

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    To keep it simple i live in kentucky my mother is saying i legally have to stay until i am out of high school, even if i am 18. Is this true?

    submitted by /u/throwaway6768026362
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    Got rear ended by a girl in her 20's, Later her 50 year old mom said she was the driver

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    I got rear ended on the highway near St Louis for my 1st car accident ever. No injuries, just a dent in the bumper. Her Jeep kinda ran through my Honda and her Jeep was pretty much spotless. We exchanged insurance info, took pictures of the accident, but we didn't get a police report. She was under her mom's insurance. She was a girl in her 20's from out of town. She admitted fault but she wanted to not go through insurance. I didn't really feel that comfortable so she gave me 40 dollars as collateral and I agreed. I went to a body shop and got an estimate and texted her the price (>$1000) aaand got ghosted. I went through insurance that evening.

    I got a call later that week asking for my side of the story. When I got to the point of talking about the driver, they questioned me since it was different from the story they got. They said it was a middle aged woman who reported themselves as the driver-the policy holder AKA the mom who was not even in the car initially. I found out there were other discrepancies of the story-the other party said I swerved into the lane, brake checked, etc.

    A week later, the insurance company said they weren't able to track the phone number to the daughter. After I asked, they said if the daughter canceled her phone number and changed providers they would not be able to track this information. In addition, they said the daughter has not given a statement thus-far on the case because they are unable to get ahold of her. I asked insurance what the consequence of the other party not participating in the investigation would have. Basically, they said it was outside of their control.

    My question now is what can I do from a legal perspective at this point? I have a picture of the daughter's hands holding their insurance information at the scene of the accident, pictures of the accident itself, and a 1-sided text message conversation with time stamps where I refer to the daughter by her name. I have no pictures of the daughter's face at the scene of the accident or her driver's license. I have maybe her old phone number but I cannot confirm this.

    In terms of motive, I believe the other party lied about the mom being the driver to save money on insurance increases, since the daughter may cause the rate to increase more since she is a younger driver. However, I cannot imagine what would be my hypothetical motive if I were "lying" about the daughter being the driver. When the insurance company asked the mother how I knew her daughter's name, she said I must have "seen it in her car."

    Obviously to me, the story is very ludicrous and I can't believe that I've been put in this situation. However, I feel like the insurance company has been very slow to act and does not have my best interests in mind. It has been a couple weeks since the accident and they are yet to contact the daughter for the accident. Anyways, this was a very interesting situation, and I've learned a lot about what not to do for the future. I was wondering if I could just get any advice of if any of the little bits of evidence and "potential motives" I have would hold up in court or any other general advice of what I should do at this point. Thank you in advance for any advice.

    submitted by /u/AmeriKevin
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    3.5k laptop ruined and had ram stolen by repair man

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    This all started a month and a half ago. I called a computer repair store in my area and they sent me to a different one as "hes the only one who can fix acer predators in town." when I arrived there it was a little hole in the wall shop with a literal maze of electronics all over the place. My AC adapter port was a little loose and that was all that was wrong with it at the time. It was an old asian man who barely spoke english and he said he'd have it fixed by tuesday. Come tuesday I find he had replace my charger port with a very janky looking metal piece and cut the end of my charger cord off and replaced it with a different terrible quality one. I figured what the hell and took it home as I just really wanted it to work and it did for about 2 hours before sparks shot out of the side of it. I bring it back to him and he says he just made a mistake and will fix it right away for free. Then it stopped charging again. I was very pissed and brought it back and told him to undo the changes he made, bought a new adapter and a port for him to put in. The next time I came there, he told me that it was a battery problem and that I should contact Acer as he can't fix it. So I did, Acer support sucks and didnt get back to me at all. I bring it into a different repair shop and they say they'll take a look at it. They tell me that my laptop has no ram in it, there's missing screws every where and everything is a botched job. At this point I was just laughing, I told him to write everything he just said down so I can have it as evidence and am currently stuck with no idea on what to do. The laptop is an Acer predator Gx792 with a 1080 in it. I can't afford an equivalent replacement nor lawyer fees as im moving to a new place soon and need to save. The guy absolutely scammed me, I had to pay cash for the repair when i was there too. My current plan is to just threaten legal action and tell him if he doesnt replace my computer i will press charges and go to the police.

    submitted by /u/_FURTIVE_PYGMY_
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    Timeshare new owners taking away rv sites

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    My parents gave us a timeshare in Sedona, Arizona approximately 25 years ago. The land it was built on was an old rv park. 12 of the rv full hook up sites were kept in the development and as owners you could reserve those sites for two weeks out of every month. This was a wonderful benefit to have if you had an rv. Approximately a year ago the development was sold to a vacation club. A few months ago the new owners sent out a letter saying there would be no more rv reservations taken for the time being. Now they are saying it is undeveloped land as such they have the right to do what they want with it and that does not include any of the owners using it. Our argument is that the spaces are developed as they have power, water, cable and a small bbq/picnic table. There is a statement in the paperwork we received with the undeveloped land statement though it does not state the rv area as being as such.

    Many owners are discussing a class action law suit. There are people who bought two timeshares so that they could live there year around. I imagine this is what sparked the new management to move In this direction. Do we have any legal recourse?

    submitted by /u/boozyboochy
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    My father has hidden my passport from me, due to this I am stranded in Iraq, what should I do?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    I want to come back to America but my father is worried so he hid my passport. This is not his right, I am a 20 year old man. Talking to him is no use anymore I need to know what I can do legally to get my passport back...

    submitted by /u/Zestyclose_Ad_9827
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    Social Security Disability Status Revoked

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 with psychotic features at 18. I'm 31 now. I have been hospitalized about 10 times since then, along with partial hospitalizations and outpatient treatments. When I was younger the manic and depressive episodes happened when I stopped taking my medications. Since age 25 I have taken them religiously and still had episodes due to stress from full time work while fully medicated.

    My most recent episode lasted from October of 2018 through the end of the year at the onset of beginning full time work. I did outpatient treatment 6 hours a day three days a week for at least a month. I currently take 600 mg of seroquel each day. I weigh 130 pounds soaking wet and that is pretty much the maximum dose for a woman of my size.

    In 2014 I got a lawyer who only got paid if I won my case for back pay for the ages of 18-22 based on my father having the same illness and receiving disability for it. He received disability for a few years but the courts have since revoked that even though he recently got diagnosed with a nerve disease and can no longer work in any capacity. He has tried to get back on it and been repeatedly denied.

    In early 2019 I was notified that my disability status was under review and I knew they would want to take it away. This time, I could not get a lawyer because nobody would take the case pro bono and since there is no back pay being settled the fees would come out of my own pocket.

    I make $14,400 a year before taxes. I don't have a high paying job because I need something low stress. I only work 20 hours a week because that is all I can manage. I have documentation stating this. When I work more than this number of hours I inevitably have an episode requiring hospitalization or outpatient treatment which is quite expensive. In all cases where I try to work full time I become manic and am let go. This is documented.

    I had my last hearing in July and finally got my ruling. It was denied and on top of that they are saying that I was last disabled in August 2018, which is before my last episode and outpatient treatment. I am worried they are going to demand I pay them back any benefits I received in the last two years. I get about $370 every month and my medication is covered. Without insurance my prescription costs $200 a month.

    I did everything I could for my case besides lawyer up. I had three different doctors write letters confirming my status as disabled and detailing my disability and how it prevents me from full time employment. I sent documentation they asked for after my hearing in July of 2020 on two separate occasions and my decision letter stated the documentation was never received, another point against me.

    The letter I received denying my disability status was one of the rudest "professional" documents I have ever read. They discounted every single doctors' note, going so far as to call the most detailed and serious one "virtually worthless."

    In regards to that doctor's note: "Contrary to that assessment, the claimant has been living independently in Texas since 2019, she has a boyfriend and other friends with whom she regularly, and apparently successfully, socializes with, and she has been successfully employed, such inconsistencies render the comments of the doctor virtually worthless."

    Throughout the letter, the Judge discounts my hospitalizations, diagnosis, treatment, and multiple doctors' accounts for one arbitrary reason or another, going so far as to state that my history contradicts itself since sometimes I am doing better than others.

    I have an MBA as well that they believe indicates that I must be super high functioning. It was received completely online while I worked 12 hours a week as an in-home health aide.

    In addition, they ruled that my income in a past year was substantial. They called the $10,179.95 I made in 2018 "significant earnings." In what universe can someone survive on 10k a year before taxes?! In other years I was "just below the regulatory threshold for substantial gainful activity." That is apparently bad in their opinion too or they would not have phrased it that way.

    They mention I show up to hearings with my hair brushed and in unrumpled clothes so I must be fine. At the rate I am going, by the time I am 60 I will have been hospitalized 20-30 more times.

    I do have the option to appeal but this is my second or third appeal and I know in my heart I can't win. Are there any other options for me? Can social security demand I pay back the SSI I received after August 2018 when they ruled I stopped being disabled?

    submitted by /u/diveonfire
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    Want to get married but not screw over my wife.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    So long short, I have stage 4 cancer. Colon cancer that has hit my lungs, and now my brain (but recently finished radiation for the brain cancer so I may be ok there). Whatever, I didn't think I'd make it to retirement anyways.

    Girlfriend and I have been together 11 years, after a medical scare (again brain cancer) we decided maybe we should be married. No religious thing, it's more we want to make sure she can close/finish things when my goofy ass dies.

    But... theres always a but, my medical bills. I'm not trying to fuck her over. I'm, at best, white trash and always have been. I have a car to my name (recently paid off hooray!) and way too many plastic models (think 40k). Her dad is giving her the house we live, gave a her a brand new car like 3 years ago and she will gain substantial property and money when her parents pass.

    I love this chick, for real. As much as I would love to make it official I ain't trying to make my last act fucking her over with my medical bills and student loans. The only things we share bill wise (as far as both our names being on something) is car insurance, my policy but she's on it and my checking account which she has permission to access. Like not a "yes woman you may receive money" but she's on the account allowed to to do whatever.

    I'd rather not marry her to make sure she doesn't get fucked over if thats the only option, I don't know if a prenup would work? We're in West Virginia if it matters, and no common law marriage is not a thing in this state.

    submitted by /u/Triplej7007
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    Leasing Company broke lease and withheld funds from Security Deposit

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    I'm leasing an apartment from a large company. IAW the leasing agreement I signed, I was able to move out of the apartment within the first thirty days for any reason. I did this to move into another apartment in the same building.

    I reviewed the leasing agreement and there is a section about "Move-out" procedures, written exactly as follows:

    After a request by us to you that you vacate, or after receipt of notice to us by your intent to vacate, we will provide you with written notice (pursuant to Section 31 of the Lease) of the time and date of our inspection of the Premises. You will have the right to be present at our inspection of the Premises for the purpose of determining the amount of Security Deposit to be returned. We will provide you with notice of the time and date of the inspection at least ten (10) days before the date of the inspection. The inspection will be made within three (3) days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) before or after termination of occupancy and removal of all your personal effects. Within 30 days after termination of your tenancy, we will give you an itemized list of damages to the Premises known to exist at the time of the inspection. We suggest that you do, if possible, accompany us during the inspection to help resolve any problems that may arise. Failure to do so will constitute a concurrence by you in our assessment of charges for damages or cleaning.

    The problem is I expected them (and had no previous reason to expect otherwise) that they would abide by this section. They never sent me notification, written or otherwise, of the inspection, let alone 10 days in advance. I just received the check and "itemized" deductions and they charged me roughly $900, none of which I am able to directly dispute because I expected them to invite me to the inspection as was written in this section of the lease.

    I reached out to the leasing agency who has now officially confirmed in writing that they never sent me an invitation because "they're not doing that right now for COVID." They also said they saw nothing in the lease that required them to do this. I replied with this exact page and section. Their response was: "Upon further review, we have reviewed the documents and there is nothing in the lease that states the resident is entitled to a final inspection. Due to covid-19, we are not doing a pre-move out inspection, but the final inspection is something that can be done if the resident requests it. That being said, if you want to dispute a charge, we can definitely look into it more and see if we can waive it. Which charge are you referring to."

    I am considering filing a lawsuit with the small claims court and/or hiring a lawyer but I wanted a cross examination from this subreddit first. Am I missing something here or do I have a case?

    submitted by /u/SmartBeast
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    Customer Refused Refund and Now Wants One. Do I have to Refund her?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    long story short: client came in for hair extensions. my mom refused at first, stating that her hair was very short and blending would be hard; additionally, it was extremely damaged. the lady was desperate and kept asking so my mom hesitantly did her hair. after the service was performed, the client flipped out and threatened to call the police and sue my mom for malpractice because she did not like how her hair turned out. my mom offered a refund multiple times but the lady refused and told her to fix it. my mom refused to fix the hair as she did not want to further anger the client; the client claimed that my mom was discriminating her and ended up leaving while calling her sister who is an "attorney".

    today, my mom got a letter from a law firm basically telling her to refund the client within 15 days. is my mom obligated to refund at this point? she offered multiple times that afternoon and at this point, she doesn't want to anymore because she feels like she's being jerked around. i looked up the attorney and he does have active standing with the california bar. i also searched the address on the letterhead because the law firm was not coming up with any websites. the address leads to a different law firm website to which the "attorney" sister is a actually a paralegal. the attorney's licensee profile does have c/o to this law firm...i don't know what to trust.

    submitted by /u/vanillaladiee
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    Accident that I was not in filed under my name and drivers license.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    So I was trying to shop around for car insurance and my broker told me I am paying more because of the accident I was in last year. I told him I was not in an accident last year and he told me that there is a report saying I was in an accident in a car registered to my old bosses wife. At the listed of date of the accident I had not worked for them for months.

    I did not know what to do and did not want to call the police straight away so I called my former boss. He acted surprised and said he would look into it. His wife almost immediately messaged me saying that their son had gotten into an accident and that their insurance company accidnetly put my information instead of his. We have the same first name. I also used to drive a company vehicle so they would have my info on file I suppose. They said they would take care of it and I asked for any information they receive from their insurance company and asked if they could let me know the location of the accident so that I can make sure that there is not a police report filed in my name.

    A week goes by and no information. I text reminding them that I need some sort of information so we can take care of this and I get a screen shot of an email from their insurance agent basically saying he's working on it. I reminded them that I just wanted to know where the accident took place so I can confirm there is not a police report with my name on it. At the point my bosses wife got extremely defensive and asked me if I was accusing her son of filing a false police report. Insane I know, how am I being made out to be the bad guy in this one?

    They are regularly being sued by former employees, subcontractors and customers. They have tried to pull some super shady shit with me involving workers comp in the past, another long story. They secretly stayed open during COVID lockdowns after covering up numerous employees literally dying of COVID. These are not honest people we are dealing with.

    I am concerned that I should have just gone to the police immediately and that there is more to this situation than I know about. I want to make sure my name is cleared and I want them to be held responsible if there is any wrong doing. What can/should I do next?

    Sorry for the long post and thanks for any advice.

    Edit: New York State

    submitted by /u/bouselt1978
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    Wife filing for divorce In middle of lease

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    My wife is filing for divorce in the middle of our lease. She kind of just left me everything and all of the animals and moved out. Both of us are on the lease. In no world could I afford this house on my own and I'm not sure how to proceed. The landlord has made it very clear that he will not let me out of the lease or lower the rent, but I seriously cannot afford to live here on my own. My wife said she will not help with the rent or any bills that pertain to this house. My legal question is: isn't she legally obligated to pay half of the rent since she's also on the lease?

    Edit: Washington state

    submitted by /u/S4ltKing
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    Landlord Wants Us To Pay a $2000 Water Bill But There Is No Indication WHY It's This High

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:14 PM PDT


    I live in a house owned by someone who doesn't live there. He sends the water, gas, and trash bill sporadically, usually just forwarding us the energy and gas bill.

    The water bill is usually about $350, for a whole year it has been about $350, but for some reason during March and April of last year instead of $350 the water bill was $2000 (per month). We asked why obviously and landlord checked for leaks or broken pipes, and monitored the water gauge. All looked normal, and in May it went back to the normal price. We showed the water bill to someone who works at the city and she said that that kind of water usage isn't even used by houses with pools and stuff, and our landlord even confirmed this - there is no way we could have used that water.

    So, because he can't figure it out he wants us to pay it. He only wants us to pay April because he "got the upstairs tenants to pay for March" (????? can't ask them because they moved out). He said we should see if we qualify for help from the state.

    Can he make us pay this? In the lease (which is literally just printed from the first google result for "renters lease" it doesn't even have our names or anything filled in and doesn't address utilities aside from paying the monthly price (which is not stated)). It really seems like he is just hoping we'll pay this and not question it, but we're three broke young professionals and 2k even split among us is a lot.


    1. Can he make us pay this?
    2. If no, what do we say to him about it? Just "no"? Is there a precedent I can show him?

    Thank you for your help

    submitted by /u/My_Pet_Robot
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    A Tale of Tricare, Divorce, & Deceit

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Background: My wife was married to an active duty marine for about 5 years previously. When her divorce was finalized and California sent her the paperwork she contacted Tricare to inform them of the divorce and was told she was still covered and it was like a form of alimony. She was also given a date for when her coverage would expire. She has since used Tricare as her insurance for about 2 or 3 years. When her coverage was to expire I added her to my anthem bcbs insurance policy.

    Now: My wife noticed Tricare was still covering her prescriptions and asked the pharmacist and her doctor who said that her Tricare was active inspire of it supposedly expiring a few months ago. She calls Tricare and they tell her she was fraudulently using her ex husband's insurance and that it ended the day the divorce was finalized. Insult to injury, they claim they have no record of her calling and informing them of this phone call even though everything gets recorded.

    So who exactly is at fault here? What options are there so we don't get slapped with some outrageous bill and insurance fraud charge?

    submitted by /u/ArchDukeOakGrave
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    Restaurant Owners are declaring my tips for me. The sum is higher than I'm actually making, because some of my tips go to the busser, host, etc. Is this illegal? I live/work in Tennessee.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Gym is trying to force me to pay

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    So for new years I got a gym membership at a local gym where you could pay for the year or monthly, I decided it was easier for me to pay monthly and I paid cash at sign up (which was just my name and phone number). After the first month I asked if I could pay by card which they said yes and asked if I wanted to do auto pay, which I agreed too. Well after covid hit and my state (Mi) shut down I couldn't go to the gym anymore and noticed I was still charged, so I changed my card info and that took care of that. The gym was closed for about three months and is now open again, but I have not gone back. They just called telling me I need to pay for the months im behind or pay for cancelation which is 50 on top of some other months. I told them I did not agree to any of that and now they sent me a waiver (which says they do not charge for cancelation) and they are trying to force me to pay at least one month or that they will send that to a collections agency. Do I need to pay anything, should I just pay and leave it alone?

    submitted by /u/mostlicky
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