• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    Legal Advice - Dog went into kennel for 2 days and came out with large burns. Store owner denying responsibility. Advice on what to do next?

    Legal Advice - Dog went into kennel for 2 days and came out with large burns. Store owner denying responsibility. Advice on what to do next?

    Dog went into kennel for 2 days and came out with large burns. Store owner denying responsibility. Advice on what to do next?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Hello all -

    Quick backstory. In United States.

    We left our chocolate lab at a very well known large pet chain for kenneling from Friday to Sunday night. When we got back and picked him up, we noticed he had some matted fur but assumed it was sap as he rolls around in the trees a lot.

    As we were washing him we realized it was blood. We took him to the vet (Monday) and the vet told us they were heat burns and they can take a while to show up on dogs as their skin is so thick so this almost certainly happened over the weekend.

    Called the store manager of the kennel location and he gave a story that says their heaters don't get hot enough to burn human skin (let alone dog skin). Says he must have received it else where.

    I honestly don't believe the store owners story and assume it's a CYA move. Wondering what legal moves I can take next?

    Thanks for reading this!

    EDIT: Thank you all so much for the great advice, kind words, and awards. Me and my doggo appreciate all the love and support of this sub!

    submitted by /u/Trunkschan31
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    Grown ass man texting my daughter

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    My daughter (17) and her friends went to a coffee shop on Saturday and a worker approached them and told her she won free coffee for Sunday. He asked for her name, number, and email and wrote it down on a clip board. The next morning around six he text her "hey good morning " she responded asking who it was. He responded and told her and then asked if she slept well. She blocked him and told me about it. I called the coffee shop and told them. The manager said she would look at the cameras but I'm not sure if there will be any consequences or anything. Is there anything else I can do ? I am worried about him looking her up or starting to email her now that she blocked him.

    submitted by /u/Cindy_Lou_Hoo
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    Parents set up a camera in my room.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    As the title says, my parents put a camera in my room. I'm 14 years old, and the camera is literally driving me insane. I don't even know why they put the camera up. I have all As and they constantly monitor my grades, so I don't know why they've randomly decided to do this. Anyway, I can't do anything in my room without feeling like I am doing something wrong. To make matters worse, I can't even concentrate on my homework because I always feel like someone is watching me. I have trouble sleeping at times because of the camera. I know there's probably nothing illegal with what they are doing since they own the house after all, but is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/AccountantExcellent8
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    Renters told me to keep the deposit, they trashed the house

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Edit: forgot to add property is in NJ. I apologize, I'm super emotional and frazzled, and heartbroken. I never raised their rent, never charged them late fees, and never hounded them for anything. I feel very taken advantage of. The house is ridiculously disgusting and I'm ashamed they left it in such a state. To add, I tried to sell before taking tenants. The house was completely remodeled and prepped for sale. I inherited when my mom died, and she owed a lot. The market was pretty bad then, and my realtor talked me into renting until the market flips back.

    I had tenants at my property for 8 years. They recently moved out and when returning the keys they told me to keep the deposit. Turns out there's a ton of damage.

    I knew I'd have to replace the carpet regardless,- and even though there was crystallized dog piss under I'm letting it go.

    However, the fridge, oven and toilet are trashed and not usable even after deep, deep cleanings. There's mold in the bathroom, where AC units were in windows,- and honestly,- I don't think they cleaned once since they lived there. Literally scraping off dirt off of every surface. The yard was kept up until months before they moved where they seemed to just stop taking care of it.

    Since they told me to keep the deposit, and I screwed at this point? Any damage that exceeds the deposit amount is all on me now?

    submitted by /u/ThrowRA03102020
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    [FL] Property management company wants me to waive my right to quiet enjoyment?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    Hi r/legaladvice

    I did some research and can't find much to determine if this is legal, so was hoping you could help. I am reading through a lease I am preparing to sign in Florida, and it has this clause:

    "Resident waives any and all rights as to any express or implied covenant of quiet enjoyment, as said claims may relate to any matters or conditions that are not directly caused by landlord's gross negligence or intentional misconduct"

    Should I be concerned about this? I read in one place that this right can be waived in commercial leases in FL but not in residential leases.

    submitted by /u/thaatpoppunkguy
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    I (f22) work with some very violent special needs kids and have basically no rights

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    I love my job & work in a school setting. The other day a student gave someone a concussion and ripped part of another student's scalp out. All we did for this student was think of ways to prevent it or how to stay away from them. I'm scared every time I work with this student in particular but don't usually show it. The person who got a concussion isn't fully covered under worker's compensation even though there were multiple witnesses and they threw up twice after. They went to the hospital immediately following this student's outburst and filled out workers comp forms. I'm concerned for my safety and that of the other students and my coworkers. On top of all of this I work at one agency through the school that pays much less than people who also work at the school, have the same title, do arguably less, and they get paid about 30% more than I do but work through a different agency. I asked to switch agencies so I could make a more reasonable living wage and they said it isn't possible. Is any of this legal or even ethical? I feel like I'm being cheated

    submitted by /u/alwaysconfused336
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    Is it illegal to walk your dog in a neighborhood at night?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    I live in Houston tx. Tonight at around 9:30-10 I was walking my dog (I work till late, only time I could). I was walking in the nearby neighborhood by next to my apartments and had headphones in. As I was walking him I saw a man outside his garage and I waved to show I saw him. After a minute I realized he was trying to talk to me. I pulled out my headphones, apologized, and asked what he was saying. He asked if I live in the neighborhood and I told him no but in the nearby apartments. He told me not to come here again, I just said ok and goodnight and started leaving the area I was in. A few seconds later I hear something, pull out my headphones and he's still saying I need to leave, tells some other neighbors that I don't live their and if they see me again to call the cops. My question is can I actually get in trouble for doing this? I was on the sidewalk the whole time, but can he actually call the police on me for this? TL;DR Can I be arrested for walking my dog at night in a nearby neighborhood in Houston tx?

    submitted by /u/thabirdisdawerd
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    Property manager loses key wants to charge $300 for replacement

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    (San Diego, CA)

    My girlfriend and I moved out of our apartment three days prior to the end of our lease. 15 days later, the property manager emails me saying that I need to return a complex key (1 of 2 that we were given) and that I would be charged $300 if the key is not returned. Because of Covid, we were asked to return the keys by dropping them off in the mail slot of the main office. I don't have proof that I returned all of the keys, so it is the property manager's word against mine.

    Is there anything I can do to prevent the landlord from charging me $300?

    submitted by /u/OWAILAH
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    Company reset my passwords, laid off, and won’t give access

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    I know this was stupid of me. I signed up for LinkedIn and Twitter through my company email. I was having trouble with my laptop and had to give it to the IT department. I was told by IT while they had it, ceo had stopped by and started looking through my work email. Fine, his company his email his right. Twitter or LinkedIn was not logged in. Ceo reset my password and started looking through my accounts and messages on there. Coworkers had sent messages on there, complaints about work and managers.

    I was laid off three weeks ago. Reason given staffing cuts are needed. I believed them because it's a tough time for many. Four others were laid off, all people who had sent messages on there.

    I was able to keep going because of my side business and decided I need some time to process and heal from this. Today, I went to LinkedIn and can no longer access my Twitter or LinkedIn because ceo has access as administrator. Is this legal because it was on a work laptop and work email?

    submitted by /u/doublejj2
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    Tenant refused to allow access to house while for sale, then refused to move out.....

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    In the last 15 days of the annual lease the tenant was notified his lease would only be available on a month to month basis, as the house was for sale. He said he had given multiple roommates subleases (without permission). Even when given 24-48 hour notice he refused to allow myself or the realtors in the house. When the lease expired he was given a Holdover rent notice, and followed up with additional lease violation notices. Meanwhile he was collecting money from the trespassers and not paying rent or utilities. Mid month he pulled a midnight move out, but told the squatters they could stay, The house was damaged, bills racked up, house owned property stolen etc. After the police came to clarify that these squatters had no right to stay, they slowly moved out. The last car was gone on the 25th. The house was severely damaged, holes, urine, utilities, stolen property, broken fixtures, filthy etc. I have send multiple certified letters, posted on doors, and regular mail notice to impose claim against the security deposit, plus itemized costs of additional repairs, to go to collection. The letters come back marked vacant, but the posted envelopes are gone. He owes much more than small claims court limits. I was wondering about just giving the whole case to a collection agency, to show on his credit and get something back; just to make an end. How do I do that ? In Osceola County, Florida. HELP PLEASE !

    submitted by /u/Landlord610
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    Previous Employer from Feb didn't give me instructions how to return equipment, docked $1000+ off my last paycheck, and an Attorney reaches out today demanding me to return equipment. What do I do? Can I get my money back? Ohio

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I worked a remote role for sometime and left the role at Feb this year. I had a company laptop and iPad. I was given no instructions by management to return equipment despite me asking multiple times. I had the worst time returning my company car alone! Anyway, they docked my last paycheck for $1000+ which I had assumed was because the equipment had not been returned. My ex-manager was not willing to help me either.

    I was reached out of the blue today by an attorney who represented the company demanding me to return the equipment. What happens in this case? Can I ask them to pay me back my missing pay first? I am located in OH if that helps.

    submitted by /u/Salesthrowaway1032
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    I am not making enough money to pay the child support my ex is demanding.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Between COVID impacted wages and the normal life expenses, rent, utilities, phone, groceries, transportation, etc. I cannot pay what she is asking for and pay my bills. She denied my petition to modify child support. She is threatening to have my wages garnished. I'm not trying to get out of paying child support, I just don't have the financial means to do what she is demanding. What can I do? What do I do? Any help to get me through this, please. I live in PA and she lives in MD. This is court ordered. It used to be informal, but she wasn't happy with the amount I was giving her, so she got a lawyer and went to the courts. It's St. Mary Courts in MD.

    submitted by /u/npjpkac
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    Taking son to court over moving out

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    Hi! My friend wants to move in with me (He's in Kentucky and I in Ohio) he has a ADHD and Autism but he's able to make coherent sentences and has Graduated with great grades on his own and he wants to get away from his emotionally abusive mom my friend is a legal adult 18 years of age. his mother yelled at him saying she'll take him to court if he leaves and use his medical records to get court ruling to make every decision in his life is this legal? What can my friend do to break ties of his mother. Am I able to help him?

    submitted by /u/SiVM
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    Just learned about PA’s strict filial responsibility law and I’m panicking.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Mine and my husband's parents are all abusive and terrible with money. I just learned about this stupid law and now I'm terrified for our future. We have worked for 10 years to escape our families, but as they age I'm sick with the thought that we could have to fund their medical bills. We make money and have assets (and nothing from them—we're completely self-made). I can't emphasize enough what horrible people they all are. Is it possible to "divorce" them? Should we move states? We will do anything. I'm feeling literally sick from this. All parties live in PA. Please, any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Kintsukuroi85
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    Great grans will can’t be claimed by family as I’m the last one.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I have a difficult situation and reddit is always the best answer for these matters.

    My great Gran has left her estate and money to my Grandma and mum. However the start of this year my grandma has passed away, then followed by my great Gran very closely, and recently my mum has had an accident that has left her with brain damage so she's in critical condition and she was the next to kin of my Great Grandma.

    How do I chase the will down and make sure it doesn't just disappear into oblivion since I don't have any relatives capable of claiming their shares, my mum has agreed in the past that she was going to pass her shares to me so I am doing this in good faith (there are no dads, grandads who could assist, my mum is my last living relative)

    submitted by /u/Memeaphobics
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    Software author claims since no license exists, it can be changed at her leisure. Is this true? Most questions in description.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    She temporarily revoked access to the software for those of us who paid for it and claimed this was allowed and that we should have looked up software terms before we purchased it. Two times someone has leaked the software, and both times she has revoked access. The whole thing seems super sketchy to me, and I'm not confident at all with my purchase.

    Conversation here

    I am located in Florida in the US, but the author is located in the UK.

    submitted by /u/w0lfn0ise
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    Contractor used money on another project

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Live in Oklahoma: Our contractor assumed about an 8,000 refund from some materials (due to not being picked up in time) for our project was a payment from another project. They then used that money on that project and now do not have to funds to acquire the materials to finish the work here. They are try to find ways to "borrow" from other projects since we flat out refused to give them more money. We are already 30,000 in besides that 8,000 and it's literally the last thing to be done. Is it illegal that they misused our funds? Or is it illegal that they are scouring other projects for loose change to get it fixed? It took weeks to get an answer on what the delay was and we receive zero updates unless we ask directly and even those are around the bush answers. I don't trust they can get the funds together and I want my house finished. This is an insurance related repair. Should I contact the mortgage company that has disbursed the funds. The confession of misappropriation was in an email so it is recorded.


    submitted by /u/choleraisjustlost
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    Backed into my an 18 wheeler and his insurance is denying my claim.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    I live in North Carolina and I was leaving the parking lot of a chic fil a when I stopped fully behind a UPS 18 wheeler that had just stopped in front of me. The other driver then randomly out of nowhere honks his horn once and starts backing up instantly while I am behind him (This is a one way exit from the parking structure). He crushes the hood and frame of my car and I call the police to get a report.

    After the accident report I report the claim to my insurance ( they denied it because I didn't have collision insurance on my 1999 GMC Jimmy) so they told me that I would have to contact the other party's insurance directly.

    I did so and they denied the claim due to me having a phone mounted on my window so they assumed that I was distracted by it which is why I got hit. (The other driver lied and told them I was talking on the phone with it in my hand)

    They told me they would send a formal denial letter and that the claim wouldn't go further.

    I got signed witness statements from the auto parts shop that was next to the accident that stated that the truck driver actually scraped their roof while he was driving but they didn't see the actual collision that happened about 10 minutes later.

    Unfortunately the autoshop nor chic fil a had cameras pointing in the angle of where the accident occurred so all I have are 2 witness statements with more proof of an incompetent driver and then my word.

    What are my options here? I contacted a few lawyers for a free consultation but I am unsure of if their is a case here to sue him for?

    submitted by /u/oVoiding
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    Post-derecho issues in IA, mom having issues with neighbor over his fence panels that blew into her yard

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    For those who are not familiar, Iowa had a major wind storm called a derecho that caused major damage to my mom's city.

    At mom's house, her neighbor's fence panels all blew into her yard - all of them except 2. A volunteer group helped mom clean up and they assumed the neighbor would want the panels back to reassemble his fence, so they stacked them on his side of the property line.

    The neighbor angrily banged on mom's door, yelled at her and handed her a printed out copy of a website talking about how in an act of god situation like a storm, what lands on mom's property is her responsibility to clean up and it's not his problem to dispose of "her" storm debris. He then spent an hour moving all the fence panels back to mom's side of the property line.

    Mom tried talking with her insurance to see if they could help with the cost. They said they don't cover it but confirmed that legally it's her responsibility to deal with what lands in her yard unfortunately.

    Mom was initially crushed as she cannot afford to pay a company to deal with it. She posted on a Facebook group asking for help. She had a stroke of luck: there is a shortage of fencing materials since the storm destroyed just about every fence and people are trying to get them back up before winter, and a total stranger on Facebook offered her $500 for the lot and hauled them away. Win/win - fence panels gone and gave mom enough money to have a company finish her cleanup.

    Well, the neighbor apparently found this Facebook post and has now shown up at Mom's door again demanding $500 saying those were his fence panels she sold. She pointed out that she tried to give them back and he literally put them back on her property and he said that was before he knew they were worth something. He is threatening to sue in small claims.

    Mom is now terrified that she's going to get sued and owe this guy money. Just wondering how likely that is. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/hopelessinhopetown
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    Appendicitis day after paid holiday at work. Called out sick and employer said if I don't come in I have to use vacation time for..(USA)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    Hi I'm trying to see if this is legal.

    I had appendicitis the day after a paid holiday. I had to go to the hospital to get it removed so I called out sick but my employer said if I don't come into work I have to use my own vacation day for the paid holiday and for any additional day because I can't combine sick with the vacation. But the holiday wasn't a vacation, it was a paid holiday, she just said it's now vacation so I can't mark the day I had my appendix removed as a sick day now so I have to use two vacation days and counting. Today is the second day. I'm in the hospital still because my blood pressure is extremely low and I keep throwing up and have a low body temperature. So I texted my boss, gave her a doctor's note and she said that's okay but it'll be three vacation days instead of sick.

    The problem also is that I don't have any to use. At my work we're not allowed to take any unpaid days off and I only have 10 days off for the year. I already used 6 for doctors appointments. I have only 4 left and I scheduled 3 of the days off for my sister's (social distanced don't worry)wedding next month. Now that I lost two from being in the hospital and one for columbus day that's my sister's wedding gone. I don't know what rights I have. I asked my boss if I can take unpaid for my sister's wedding and she said no I should have used my 10 days off more wisely but I did use them wisely I used them as doctors appointments.

    What rights do I have here? I can't miss my sister's wedding and I can't lose my job.

    Thanks in advance for any help

    submitted by /u/sunrisesunset101
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    Doing my own In Forma Pauperis divorce, Judge left a not stating "the facts of [my] deposition are weak".

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    First off I live in Arkansas, and recently got all the paperwork in to get my divorce going. Last week however, I got an email from the judge's assistant saying that "the facts of your deposition are weak". I was just wondering how to right a deposition with strong facts. We are divorcing because we both decided that the marriage was making each of us miserable and I'd rather not put anything in the deposition that disparages her. It's a mutual divorce but Arkansas is a state that requires a stated reason for divorce which I chose "General Indignities that made marriage irreconcilable" or something along those lines.

    Thanks for any help you can give!

    submitted by /u/dappel2007
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    [US] Got a credit card with a (now ex) boyfriend, now he's charging the card and I can't close it. What can I do?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    I stupidly got a credit card with a long term boyfriend, we are co-owners and the card is with a large company, a few years ago. We have since broken up, he blocked my number, reissued the cards so I don't have access to them. We previously agreed to not use the cards at all once we got the balance down to zero. I have previously asked him to close the accounts but he refused saying it would negatively effect his credit. He's now charging the card and not paying the bill, which is effecting my credit. I've called the company with the card and they said unless both owners of the card agree to close the account, there is nothing they can do. I currently reside in Virginia and the last I heard he lives in Las Vegas, NV, we got the cards while (somewhat) residing in CA. What can I do to close this account?

    submitted by /u/GottaNaruto
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