• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - [Update, California] Sister held against her will in a hotel room by her ex-boyfriend under threat of death. Hotel wanted her to pay for damages sustained during his arrest before they'd release her belongings. They also confiscated our mother's wallet and phone to use as leverage

    Legal Advice - [Update, California] Sister held against her will in a hotel room by her ex-boyfriend under threat of death. Hotel wanted her to pay for damages sustained during his arrest before they'd release her belongings. They also confiscated our mother's wallet and phone to use as leverage

    [Update, California] Sister held against her will in a hotel room by her ex-boyfriend under threat of death. Hotel wanted her to pay for damages sustained during his arrest before they'd release her belongings. They also confiscated our mother's wallet and phone to use as leverage

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Original post: https://old.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/il4roj/sister_was_held_against_her_will_in_a_hotel_room/

    Found out my sister contacted the police about this last night and whoever spoke with her brushed the entire ordeal off as a "small claims court" matter which disheartened her and my mother.

    Following the suggestions from the thread, today we spoke with the deputy who was the first contact with my sister about this entire situation and he escalated it to his superior. The deputies then went to the hotel to set the manager straight. They essentially told him that he can't keep the belongings as leverage and that he'd have to pursue damages properly in civil court.

    The hotel staff were very nice and understanding, but the manager's entire demeanor was extremely hostile and unprofessional. Apparently he was very rude to the officers. I did not like the way he spoke to his staff.

    But we got their stuff back without any major further hassles.

    Thank you everyone for your suggestions. We are also pursuing additional resources/assistance/counseling for her as a domestic violence victim going forward. She is in contact with a case manager from the local women's shelter.

    submitted by /u/HomelanderNeedsMilk
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    Sister was held against her will in a hotel room with her ex-boyfriend under threat of death for her and her baby daughter. Hotel wants her to pay for damages sustained during his arrest before they'll release her belongings. They also confiscated our mother's wallet and phone to use as leverage

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:08 AM PDT


    My sister's ex-boyfriend was a fugitive from justice with a warrant for his arrest. He kept my sister and their daughter in his grasp by threatening to kill her and the baby if she left him. He beat her regularly while they were in the hotel room.

    She eventually sent me cryptic messages asking for help, and I was able to get her out of there safely while he was sleeping off one of his drug-induced stupors. Given the situation, she only grabbed my niece and a few things in her rush to get out of there without waking him.

    Police were alerted and they arrested him, but he attempted to break the window and escape during the arrest.

    When we returned to the hotel to pick up my sister and niece's belongings, my elderly mother (70's) insisted on coming for support. My mother also needed to use the bathroom once we arrived to the hotel.

    Because of the COVID precautions, they only wanted to allow my sister in and begrudgingly allowed my mother in because she needed to use the bathroom. I remained in the car.

    My sister came back crying and said that they won't allow her to collect any of her stuff unless they are paid $700 out of pocket for the damage to the window sustained when he was attempting to flee from the police. This includes my sister and niece's clothing, ID and other personal documentation, birth certificate, medications, etc.

    And then even worse, my mother forgot her wallet and cellphone in the bathroom, and the staff quickly confiscated those as well to use as leverage to force somebody to pay for the window damage.

    submitted by /u/HomelanderNeedsMilk
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    Leasing office opened my apartment and allowed a rent-a-center place to take my own brand new washer and dryer units. The previous tenant never returned theirs so they assumed my units belonged to them.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Leasing office opened my apartment and allowed a rent-a-center place to take my own brand new washer and dryer units. I was not present and never informed before or after. The previous tenant never returned theirs.

    A lot of incompetence all around from both the rent-a-center agency and my leasing office. I have also yet to have the units returned to me, they were promised to be back here first thing in the morning.

    Not sure what steps to take next. I'm hoping my brand new units have not been damaged.

    I live in Texas, I'll post below what the leasing contract says about who may enter. The leasing office also left no notice that anybody had been there, I thought I had been robbed at first.

    My leasing contract states:

    "28. When We May Enter. If you or any guest or occupant is present, then repairers, servicers, contractors, government representatives, lenders, appraisers, prospective residents or buyers, insurance agents, persons authorized to enter under your rental application, or our representatives may peacefully enter the apartment at reasonable times for reasonable business purposes. If nobody is in the apartment, then any such person may enter peacefully and at reasonable times by duplicate or master key (or by breaking a window or other means when necessary) for reasonable business purposes if written notice of the entry is left in a conspicuous place in the apartment immediately after the entry. Law officers with a search or arrest warrant or those in hot pursuit may be allowed to enter. We are under no obligation to enter only when you are present, and we may, but are under no obligation to, give prior notice or make appointments."

    Update 1: So, after telling me that the appliance would be delivered this morning, they changed it to later today. Now they are saying it will most likely be delivered tomorrow. I sent out an email detailing exactly what happened, the cost of my appliances, and what accessories were also taken. I spent a while on google collecting emails of both my leasing office and of the Appliance warehouse. From customer service emails, to personal executive ones. Anything I could find. I figure the more people that hear about it the more likely I will be reimbursed for the negligence and potentially any damage that was caused to my new units. Thanks for all the responses so far, a lot of great advice. I'll update any further happenings.

    submitted by /u/kIose
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    I pepper sprayed a charging pit bull, owner not happy about it

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Area: Pennsylvania

    I was on a walk through the neighborhood and when I got near pit bull's owners house, I saw a pit bull running at me across the lawn. I then pulled out pepper spray and gave a good stream to it's face. The dog then ran back towards the house.

    The owner who saw everything then confronted me about it. He said the dog wasn't going to bite and that he was going to call the police. I then remarked he should have leashed his dog and train it better. After yelling obscenities at each other, I then walked away ending the story there.

    So can I get in serious trouble with the police for this?

    I am also a CCW holder and still perfecting my English.

    submitted by /u/asbestosfromhell
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    Advice: Neighbor Intentionally Decapitated Palm Tree in Southern California

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Neighbor has been increasingly demanding over the years about removing/trimming a 40 foot palm tree in our backyard that is about 10 feet away from the property line. Wants to improve his view by getting rid of the tree. We have trimmed it annually to keep it clean. Yesterday he or his gardener jumped over the fence and decapitated the palm tree. They posted a note to the front door indicating what they were about to do, hence premeditated. Another neighbor also took video of the entire incident. Not sure if the tree is dead but it certainly feels like trespass and damage of our property. Do I go after him for damages, which will likely involve filing a lawsuit, or let it go? 40 foot palm tree would cost about $15,000 to replace. Appreciate input from anyone, particularly those that have dealt with this type of situation before. Thanks

    submitted by /u/henrysun1313
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    Is My Teacher Allowed to Make Me Disclose Medical History?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Location: Baltimore MD

    I just started at community college and my first major assignment is for my Health 101 class. I have to make a family tree of my family's chronic physical and mental illnesses, including addictions. Is she allowed to do that? It sounds like she's been giving out the assignment for years, but it just seems off. When I was asking my mom for information on our family's medical history and I told her what it was for she seemed super weirded out and my step dad commented on how personal of an assignment it is. I'm pretty sure my high school wouldn't have been allowed to do that, but is college different?

    submitted by /u/Relatableteen
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    [FL] It is virtually impossible to renew a driver’s license in Florida once it’s expired right now. How can my boyfriend remedy this in order to register to vote by the November election?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    My boyfriend's driver's license expired early this past August. And, yes, he should've renewed it before it expired, but here we are now. According to the Florida DMV, the only way to renew his license would be to acquire an appointment in person and, due to health safeguards, only a certain number of approves appointments are permitted at a time at a DMV location. Everyone I have spoken to through the county, municipal, and state levels of the DMV have told me that there's nothing that can be done except to hope and pray that one of these slots becomes available.

    Is there some kind of remedy for this when it comes time to vote since he does required his driver's license to do so? This feels like voter suppression if he's unable to renew a driver's license simply because there is no opportunity for him to do so. Extra hurdle, if he were to get pulled over and found to be driving with an expired license and he's made numerous efforts to fix it, could he appeal a ticket for driving with an expired license?

    submitted by /u/Kerfluffle2x4
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    How to get a potentially dangerous tenant evicted quickly?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    In Michigan. My family owns a house that has been split into two apartments. I live downstairs and rent out the upstairs. Our tenant is on a month-to-month lease. Earlier today he discharged a (illegally possessed) firearm through his floor into my dining room. I don't know why he did it; I assume it has to do with him being high on heroin. So, the police have taken him to jail. I'm wondering what to do now. Can I get him evicted prior to the 30 days? What if he is in jail for a while and can't move his possessions? Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/stupidquestions_42
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    Son was sole survivor of car accident - I think insurance lady is lying

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    My son (25) was a passenger in a vehicle that ran off the road, rolled, and hit a pole. My nephew, and another boy were killed. The other boy was the driver and owner of the vehicle. My son was taken by ambulance and treated at the ER. He was released and now needs an $85,000 reconstructive surgery on his shoulder.

    I started a claim with the Driver's insurance (Progressive). I got a call from a super nice, compassionate Bodily Injury adjuster. She said that in Kansas the driver's PIP will cover up to $4500. Then our health insurance has to cover the rest, but they'll send a $25000 check to my son to help with costs, which is the Max amount for bodily injury on the driver's policy. Our health insurance only pays 80% after deductible so that leaves a lot of money that we're going to have to come up with out of pocket. So she said we should get that $25000 expedited as fast as possible and that will keep doctors from filing liens against the settlement for the amount we can't pay for.

    Then I got a call from a second lady, not so nice this time, and she said was the Personal Injury Protection adjuster for Progressive. She asked if my son had his own car and insurance, and I said he did (The General). She said that it was the General's responsibility to pay the medical bills up to $4500, not Progressive's. She said that Progressive would settle with the General, but that they wouldn't directly pay my son's medical bills at all. Then she said that I should NOT accept the "first offer" from the bodily injury adjuster. She said that my son could get the full amount of whatever the medical bills cost PLUS make up for lost wages ?

    I don't feel like either woman told me the truth. Is there really a $25,000 maximum cap from the insurance company? Is the driver's insurance REALLY not responsible to pay any of my son's medical bills? Do I need to get a lawyer? Do I need to sue the driver's estate?

    The driver was a good kid, and he has a family that's hurting too and I just can't imagine suing. But I don't have thousands of dollars, and my son needs his shoulder put back together. I'm in shock from losing my nephew and I have no idea what to do or who to believe.

    submitted by /u/ifpthenq2
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    Can my employer force our hourly team to be available 24/7 and use our personal devices for work related calls?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    Company is based in Nebraska, employees are remotely located in other various states. We used to volunteer for After Hours and signed a separate contract, now due to the volume and lack of volunteers our company is requiring participation in After Hours. Below is the details they provided our team about the changes in the policy.

    Hello Team,

    As you know you are all now on the Afterhours rotation. This evening I will setting the first rotation into place so there are a few things I need to make sure you are all aware of.

    1. These calls will be going to your cellphone number. Your number is not presented to the customer during the call.
    2. Please save ###-###-#### into your contacts as this is the number you will see when a call for Afterhours comes to you.
    3. The system is setup in a sort of Round Robin with least calls solution so the more calls you answer the less likely you will be to get the next one.
    4. If, for whatever reason you are not able to answer the call, don't hang up or force the call away. This will send the call to your voicemail. Just let the call ring and after 20 seconds it will pick it back up and continue to the next person on the list.
    5. Sometimes calls going to your voicemail will be unavoidable. For this reason we are asking that each of you either disable your voicemail, if you can, or setup a specific voicemail such as "You have reached (Your Name) with Afterhours Support. Unfortunately, I was unable to answer your call at this time. Please leave your name and telephone number and I will call you back when I become available. Thank you, goodbye".
    6. If a customer does leave you a voicemail, you will be responsible for calling them back.
    7. When calling a customer back make sure you use the *67 before the customer number to block your caller id, this will ensure they don't get your cell number.
    8. On your time cards you will add 1 hour of for each day you are on rotation.
    9. Also if you get a call and you realize that the request will take you longer than 15 minutes, you will need to clock in. This pay will be OT for any time over the 40 hours you worked that week.
    10. Please make sure you go over the Afterhours Procedures here:
    submitted by /u/ItsTylerBrenda
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    Coworker smashed my car's window

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    Quick backstory; I work with a very toxic coworker and he is known to be very odd amongst other coworkers too but I was stuck working with him. He made some inappropriate comments about me in the past which really crossed the line. I complained to HR ajd basically they didn't do anything because he made some false accusations about me and it was "your word against his" situation. Hr didn't do anything. The job itself is so easy even a kid can do it otherwise this guy wouldn't have lasted here. Sorry about venting.

    The problem was I am 95% sure he smashed my car window in the parking lot at work. I have parked there for 4 years, never had a scratch on it. Only after the week I complained about him to HR. So can I record my suspicion about him to the police. I am really stressed out, I even ended uo leaving that site of work which I liked just because of this psychopath.

    I live in Alberta.If I record my suspicion about him to police without any video proof. Can I get in to legal trouble like defamation? Is it worth going after him for this or can it backfire on me? I

    submitted by /u/Mining_Boy20
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    Trailer I ordered was delivered to me and my money was refunded, company stopped replying

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    I ordered a trailer online, and before it was shipped my money was refunded. 2 months later, it arrived in my driveway. I made a post previously asking what to do which of course it was recommended I contact the company, which I did.

    Upon contacting the company they first asked for payment, I told them I do not want the trailer anymore. They ask if it is still on the pallet it arrived on to which the answer was no because the pallet was damaged upon delivery and fell apart.

    The company stated they couldn't return it because it was now "used". I told them it was indeed not used and not even assembled and I'd like them to organize to have it removed from my property ASAP.

    Well, it's been 3 weeks and I've emailed them again asking what the decision was because it's taking up space on my land. They will not reply.

    The trailer came with a title in my name, at what point am I legally able to sell it or use it? And do I need to go through any channels or make any claims somewhere? Is it just simply mine now? I know theres abandonment laws where you can gain ownership of things on your property but since this is titled to me does this apply?

    I am in Maryland, USA

    submitted by /u/AzuriteFalc0n
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    AirBnb host is requesting $600 for damages we didn’t do

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    My location: Ohio Airbnb location: Colorado

    I stayed in an Airbnb from August 18th to the 22nd. Tonight the host messaged me requesting $600 in damages for cigarette smoke indoors, vomit, holes in walls and ceilings, unauthorized pet hair, blood and other personal hygiene related things like a used pad stuffed into a vent, etc. We did none of these damages. We should have taken a video when we checked out but we didn't. The home has security cameras on both entrances and along the side of the house. The photos they provided are not the state of the house that we left and aren't time stamped. One of the photos shows a bottle of liquor that we didn't purchase or consume. They also mentioned that the front door key has been missing for quite some time, long before we checked in. They don't know who has it. I don't have $600 and this isn't my mess. What do I do.

    submitted by /u/dogsbeforedishonor
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    Is my school allowed to have access to my own laptop?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    I am going back to school on September 8th in Pennsylvania and we have the choice to get a school chrome book or bring our own laptop. I am bringing my own laptop. My school is saying they need my password to my personal laptop. I use this laptop for gaming at home too and I am afraid if they have access to my laptop they will ban certain stuff and make my laptop basically like a school laptop. Are they legally allowed to change my password, privacy settings, and add parental controls without my consent?

    Edit: Sorry if i used the wrong flair, i am not good with laws.

    submitted by /u/JeremySalvage
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    Just diagnosed with late stage cancer. Who has to pay for my debt when I die?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    Hello. I'm 29 and have approximately 38k USD in debt, primarily from federal student loans and about 8k or so is from credit cards.

    I was just diagnosed with late stage cancer and the average life expectancy is 3 years. Will any of my debt be inherited by loved ones? I'm single, never married. My closest relatives are my older sister and my parents.

    Thank you!

    Edit: I live in Orange County, California USA.

    submitted by /u/analysisparalysis_
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    Landlord is trying to recoup 11 months of PayPal fees

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Hi Lawyers of Reddit!

    I moved into my Apartment in CT in August 2019 with a one-year lease, which I renewed in May 2020 through July 2021. The lease does not specify a method of payment for rent, which is $2000 per month.

    For the first two months (August-September 2019), I paid my rent by handing or mailing a check to my landlord, but then the landlord asked me verbally to use PayPal instead. I sent a test payment to his account and he confirmed that the method would work. For each of the last 11 months (October 2019 - September 2020), I have paid him the same way on PayPal.

    When I paid him rent yesterday (September 1), he asked me if I was deducting rent, and I said no. He then showed me his record, which shows that PayPal charged a 2.9% fee on all my payments. He has never mentioned this before. My record shows only that I paid $2000 each month, and this is what PayPal charged me. I immediately called the landlord, we discussed the situation, and we verbally agreed that he would accept payment by Venmo going forward. He agreed to send me his Venmo handle over email, but he has yet to do so.

    Later last night, after the phone conversation, he sent me an email with 8 numbered points, explaining why he thinks I should pay him. It seems that he is trying to recoup the PayPal fee from me, despite the fact that I had no way of knowing until he told me yesterday. The total amount that he's "lost" to PayPal is about $600. I don't think that I owe him a red cent. He has admitted in writing that he authorized me to pay him through PayPal, and the company clearly announces on its website that it charges a 2.9% transaction fee to sellers. Furthermore, it took him 11 months to notice, and I had no way of seeing it myself--how is his negligence my problem?

    Here are my questions:

    (1) Does my landlord's claim have any merit?

    (2) If he continues to harass me, what recourse do I have?

    (3) Is there anything else I should be aware of? (I'm especially wary of being put on a tenant blacklist)


    submitted by /u/legaladvthrowaway_99
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    [NY, NY] Somebody changed the locks on my apartment building . The police wont do anything.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Location: New York, NY

    I moved into a new building August 15. I very quickly found out it is the subject of an ongoing civil suit between two ownership parties, and the tenants are split in terms of who they pay rent to: Old Management (OM), or New Management (NM). I have a lease with NM. The man I work with is listed on the property registration form on file with the Dept. of Buildings as the building manager.

    Old Management has repeatedly harassed me about being an illegal squatter, signing a new lease with them, coming into my apartment when they thought I wasn't home, and this morning they changed the locks on the front door of the apartment building, prohibiting anybody who has a lease with NM from accessing it and our homes. I called the police, as did the person I work with from NM who met them when they arrived. They refused to allow NM to break the new lock, and told them this needed to be resolved in court.

    Right now, I'm kind of at a loss. I thought prohibiting access to my home would be a straight forward police call but I'm effectively unable to leave my apartment for fear of not being able to get back in. Is there another authority I can contact about this issue if the NYPD won't help? Is there a legal avenue quicker than housing court I can use to ensure I have access to my home? I don't really care who owns the building or who I pay my rent to, but not being able to freely come and go is a huge problem that I'd rather not wait for the courts to sort out.

    submitted by /u/Abu_Abdullah
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    Taking covid 19 test weekly on off day not paid for time .

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    I did not see this addressed in the Covid 19 frequently asked questions . I work in a nursing home ( cafeteria ) . I am required to go into work every Tuesday and take a Covid 19 test . It is work related in that if I refuse I will not be allowed to work . It is on my off day and I am not being paid for my time to do this . I live in Tennessee .

    submitted by /u/greentoothturtle
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    Step dad received more than 10 000$ from Amazon

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    (Quebec, Canada.)

    Hi everyone! As the title says, Amazon (Canada, I believe) sent around 10 000$ to my step dad in 3-4 installments since march. He does not sell anything on that website and strangely, all of this was dropped into his business bank account which is not related to his Amazon profile (he uses his personal bank account).

    He has contacted both Amazon and his bank (Desjardins), but none of them seemed to do anything. He refuses to spend that money because he thinks its not his, but says that in around 10 years he'll keep that money for himself.

    Can you guys give us any input on this situation? Is he right to wait a couple of years or should he try to reimburse that money as soon as possible?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/spyemil
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    GA - roommate threatened me that he would not pay the rent, what can I do?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    ok, here's the thing:

    My roommate and I are both university students (from the same school) and we live off-campus. We had a joint-responsibility lease with a landlord and we paid rent month-to-month, everything was normal. However, we had some arguments recently and he threatened me that he would not pay the rent and thus my credit will be affected. Well, we are apparently going to talk bout it later. But if this thing (roommate not paying rent) does happen, is there anything I can do?

    More specifically, can I use school resources to reduce my loss? e.g. legal services, legal department, department dean, etc.

    Also, I know that my roommate got a return offer from FB, is there anything I can do to utilize company resources to reduce my loss? In any sense

    submitted by /u/throwaway883921
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    Underpaid and threatened to be Fired. Boss forced me to return MY car back to dealership.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    I am a underpaid salesman in the company. My boss cut my paycheck, and I can't pay bills.

    I refused to deliver products while unpaid, so I told him I'm busy.

    Then he said, you can pack up your stuff and go, I'm listing out your option: Either take my name off the lease (so I called the bank and they said the contract has been signed, so we can't take him off unless I re-finance the car with higher interest rate or we voluntarily surrender the car which hits our credit hard) or I MUST return my car back to the dealership.

    My boss placed his name as the main guy and I am the 2nd person on the loan with Volkswagen Credit.

    The title of the car has my name as a lien holder.

    When I leave this company I may have to live in my car for a while

    Can he forcefully call some service to recollect the car and leave me homeless? Sue me?

    What are my options?

    submitted by /u/IndependenceOk223
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    Unknown person who is "obsessed" with my feet won't leave me alone for years.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Over 4 years ago an insta page messaged me and long story short they tell me they love feet, and they will pay me money for a couple feet pics. Being a broke high school student soon to start college, I questioned him a bit and asked a few friends what they would do before deciding it is just my feet and I could use the extra money. I send one pic but he asks for another... and another. I have maybe sent 3 when I get a weird feeling about the situation and realize I am never getting any money as he just keeps asking for more and asking for a video now which made me uncomfortable. So I block the insta page.

    He has not left me alone since. He began to constantly make fake instas and message me or comment on pics. I turned my insta private and deleted any strangers that followed me. He would constantly (and still does) request my insta, even after changing the name, and completely deleting my account for months at a time. A year or so later he got ahold of a girl (that I barely knew at all) from my hometown and asked her to ask my best friend (also lives in my hometown- I moved out of state) for my phone number. For some reason my friend gave my number to her, and ever since he has had my number and will text and call me randomly off of countless different numbers. Sometimes I wont hear from him for a month or so, other times it will be multiple times a week. I never respond, I don't even decline the calls because I know it will make him mad and he will text me more. He never does anything except threaten to text my sister (which he has messaged her, and got one of her friends phone numbers and asked her about me), along with threatening to show up to where I live and more. He got ahold of my best friends number yesterday and told her he would pay her to give him information about me and that he is obsessed with my feet. Today, he texted me saying he is coming over to my house and has my address. Honestly, I don't think he will ever actually show up where I live, I have a feeling he lives in my hometown because that is when he first contacted me and it is pretty far away. But the whole situation gives me a lot of anxiety, I just want the dude to leave me alone. I am unsure if there is anything I can do about it, because I can't think of any way I can figure out who he actually is. I also want to mention it does seem as if this guy has some sort of mental instability. The way he messages is not normal, nor is it normal to harass a girl for years about her damn feet when she has been ignoring you for so long.

    If anyone has any idea about how I can handle this, I have been considering posting on here for some time just to get some sort of guidance or advice on this. If it possible to get a restraining order, or talk to anyone who can help me in some way get this man to just leave me alone.

    submitted by /u/throwaw3a3y33
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    My parents never enrolled me in school, am I screwed for life?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    I have never been to school, I am 14 now and I know it's way to late to go now so I think I am screwed, is there anything I can do at all? I know my parents can be arrested for this but I don't want that. They never really gave me a reason why they never enrolled me in school other than that school is too dangerous? My parents are very poor and we live in a one bedroom apartment. They don't get along but me and my mother have no choice but to live here. Not sure what I am going to do when I turn 18 with no education. I live in New Jersey. Sorry if this is not really the right subreddit to post this on.

    submitted by /u/throwaway345999000
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    Can my therapist talk to my parents without my permission?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    I'm 19 years old, turning 20 this month, and have been with my current therapist for depression and borderline personality disorder since age 17. I was hospitalized early this year for suicidal ideations but have never made an attempt at suicide. I am not deemed a threat to myself or others by either my psychiatrist or therapist.

    I am interested in stopping work with my personal therapist for now because I'm doing group dialectical behavioral therapy and family therapy.

    My therapist told me that she's going to tell my parents this is against her recommendation. She repeatedly asks me my parents opinion on me leaving therapy. I tell her I don't feel that it matters and that I don't want my parents involved with my therapy. I directly told her I do not want her to talk about me to my family and I felt that it was breaking confidentiality. She says she doesn't share anything said in sessions but that she is allowed to share her "clinical opinion."

    I feel that this crosses boundaries and is extremely disrespectful. I told her I am a legal adult now and it is my decision to stop therapy. As an adult, I want my therapy and my decisions regarding it to be kept between me and my therapist.

    Is it legal for her to speak to my family members without my consent?

    edit: I live in Missouri

    submitted by /u/vawnie2
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