• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 1, 2020

    Legal Advice - I found a hidden camera in my apartment bathroom facing the toilet, wtf.

    Legal Advice - I found a hidden camera in my apartment bathroom facing the toilet, wtf.

    I found a hidden camera in my apartment bathroom facing the toilet, wtf.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Per the title, it was located facing the toilet. It's built into a USB Wall plug phone charger thing so I don't think it was placed by building management. I'm thinking maybe a friend or my boyfriend put it there? I'm pretty confused as to what steps to take to protect myself. BC, Canada btw.

    Edit: Okay so with a strong consensus for going to the police (and one creep asking for footage go fuck yourself), I'm currently in a car with an officer heading to my apartment to gather the evidence. BF is at work, I'm nervous. This is beyond scary for me.

    Edit 2: So big relief for me, we pulled the SD card from the back and viewed the footage. It was a maintenance tech guy who is supposed to install windows in a few days and was in the apartment last week to get the dimensions. Thank you people for the advice. Police say it's pretty solid case because they have his face in the footage (also saw some... Interesting footage of myself, family and friends😐 burned into my brain forever........)

    Edit 3: After some talking with a family lawyer and police, my friends and family that were captured in the footage can also sue for privacy invasion or something or also pile on charges I think? I'm not completely sure of the terminology but this dude is proper fucked according to my parents' lawyer lol. The BF and I are also going to install some real security cams in the apartment so that we can have the place monitored in the future. Thank you everyone and stay safe out there 💗

    submitted by /u/FallingUpsideUp
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    Biological Father (40 M) is threatening to sue my mom (41 F) and I (14 F) for my kidney

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    I am a fourteen year old female who lives in Tennessee with my step father, younger half sister, step sister, and bio mom. while my bio dad lives in Virginia with my Stepmom and baby half brother who is about three years old. I haven't seen my dad in almost a year due to me and him getting in an argument and I refused to watch my baby brother while him and my stepmom left for hours, sometimes overnight. However, recently my baby brother is sick (needs a kidney) and I could be a match. Of course I would help him, so I did get tested and I'm a match. I was ready to do it, but I was talking with my grandmother and started to think about it and apparently, my family has always had kidney issues and it would be dangerous for me. So I decided to not go through with it, mainly because of the possible health issues.

    Now my dad is very angry and he called me, saying that I would be killing my brother. When that didn't work because he was on a list and it was possible that he could match up with someone on there. So he went to saying that he will be suing my mom and I for the kidney plus medical expenses if I didn't agree. I hung up and now I'm scared. My mom is extremely ill and he's taken her to court, which has made her even more sick and anxious after I didn't do things that he wanted me to do. (Locked me in a room and forced me to quit all of my extracurricular activities so I could see him more) I now am really scared and I wonder, can he do this? Also my mom has primary custody.

    submitted by /u/KidneyGirl123
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    Landlord asking for rent for my mothers restaurant(inside of a mall) for the two months he had the entire building closed because of COVID

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    We are in Michigan. As the title says, he is asking for rent for 2 months that he had the entire building closed because of COVID. We are located inside of a small shopping mall. Some people ended up closing their businesses inside of the mall due to not having enough funds for the rent he's asking for. Is he allowed to do this?? We're not sure what to do.

    submitted by /u/dammitgale
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    US-MN Someone dumped an entire household worth of items in my front yard - what now?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    I am currently in the process of selling my house and am supposed to close this Thursday 9/3. Late last night, a woman brought 5 pickup truck loads of household stuff to my house. This includes garbage bags of clothes and other crap, a washing machine, a bed, two dressers and various other furniture and belongings.

    My neighbors saw them and initially assumed it was new owners of my house so they went to introduce themselves. A guy told them they didn't buy the house, but rather this is his sister's soon-to-be-ex-husband's stuff and they are dropping it off because my house belongs to the woman that the ex is sleeping with. (I'm a man and don't know those people).

    My neighbors called me but they had left by the time I got there and haven't shown up again. But the camera caught them bringing 5 pickup loads worth so we are talking about a LOT of stuff.

    I have some very crappy video of them and their vehicle in the dark, but unfortunately the vehicle has no plates.

    I have reported this to the police but they said it's a civil issue and they can't give me any advice.

    Since we are set to close Thursday, I absolutely must get this crap out of my yard tomorrow by noon because that is when we have the final walk-through. The purchase of my new house is contingent on my current house selling, can't delay.

    My problem is: what can I, legally, do with it? Can I haul it to the dump? Do I have some obligation to pay for a storage unit to put all this stuff in?

    submitted by /u/householdcrapsos
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    My (M34) wife’s (F37) father (M57) passed away and we suspect foul play. Can we talk to a detective or lawyer to start an investigation? Would it be worth our time or money?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Posting on behalf of my wife:

    "My father has been sick for a long time, he married a lady he met on the internet from the Philippines. They met up in Australia for their first interaction and the wedding. Only staying there just a week and they both went back to their homes in there own countries. They've been married for 1 1/2 years but she just got to America 4 months ago and his health declined rapidly and he died on Sunday. He wasn't eating or drinking and vomiting for 5-6 days, she never called the hospital to ask advice or to seek help.

    My brother went over there to check in on him and seen him laying in bed very frail, and had bed sores. My brother took him to the ER on last Tuesday and he died on Sunday. She refuses to get an autopsy which the entire family wants. She is acting really suspicious now only concerned about the insurance money she's getting. She doesn't want to pay for his funeral, and says my dad would want her to have it all to live on the rest of her life.

    Is there anyway we can go about having a autopsy or a toxicology screening if we suspect foul play? The hospital is telling us we can't order it, only she can. Can we talk to a lawyer or detective to find out if there has been any foul play? Everything about this is suspicious to us. I know we are in pain and may just be looking for someone to blame, but is there anything we can do?"

    submitted by /u/nongamergamer
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    How do I get proof/documentation of a custodial account in my name?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    My mom moved $12,000 from a custodial account in my name into her personal savings account before I ever had access to it. The bank is telling me that she is the only one who has access to the account and they cannot give me any information on it. Everything I've read about the laws for custodial accounts (state of Illinois) says that starting at age 14 (I'm now 22) I can have a court order her to produce documents about the account or transfer it to me. I can't figure out how to do this though, through what court do I need to go & what do I need to do?

    submitted by /u/bamboo0448
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    A company broke my trailer when they moved it without my permission (Ohio)

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    My neighbors are having work done on their home, and I have a two car driveway, one car garage. The driveway buts up to our property line, but my trailer never sits on their property, I always make sure it is on my property. The trailer itself is old, and has had issues with the tongue jack in the past. As long as it is just sitting, it is okay, but if you try and move it, it can collapse without warning. I don't move it without it being hitched on my car, and no one should be moving it other than me, so I never worried about this. My neighbors had previously mentioned this work being done, and asked if I would be willing to move my trailer if needed, and I said of course, just let me know when it needs moved and I will move it. It's important to note too, that I cannot move my trailer myself, it takes 2+ people if you're not using a car, it has a trailer hitch lock on it, and a circular wheel chock that makes it pretty much impossible to move alone as there is no moving this chock unless you connect the trailer to a hitch, and bring up the tongue jack. But, I can see two able bodied men being able to move it no problem, despite all this.

    My neighbors were not home when this happened, but I had been outside previously in the day, as I was doing yard work, and working in the garage, and then called it a day. I decided to go to the store, opened my garage, and my trailer is sitting in front of my garage with this companies work truck backed up over the part of my driveway it usually sits on, between my neighbors house and mine. So I couldn't leave, and this company knew I was home, as they had seen me all day. I went around back and asked them why my trailer had been moved without my permission. They told me my neighbors said it was okay to move it, which I rebutted that my neighbors probably meant it was okay for them to ask me if it could be moved, and that it's not okay to move someones property without permission. I mentioned that they knew I was home, and they had no clue if I had children I needed to pick up, an emergency I might have to go to, or a job. They apologized, and offered to move it, to which I said no, it's fine, I don't absolutely need to leave now, but it needs moved back after they were finished, since I cannot without my car, which I can't get out of the garage now.

    My neighbors have not come home yet, but we get along and I cannot see them okaying a company to move my property without my permission, especially since I told them if I was asked I would move the trailer for them, I would've gladly moved it and parked my car in the road so I could still leave if needed. I'm 100% sure the company took them saying it can be moved as the company can move it, instead of my neighbors meaning to go knock on my door and ask me.

    Well, they put it back and left last night. I went outside to bring out my trash, and my tongue jack is broken. It is slumped forward and will no longer go up, which is probably due to being dragged across concrete. I do not have insurance on this trailer, but it was also moved without my permission by a company that wasn't doing work on my property. I'd like it fixed, but when I called the company they denied any responsibility and claimed it was like that when they moved it, when I know for a fact, it was not slumped forward, it was sitting normally. What type of recourse do I have here?

    submitted by /u/Aromatic_Basil3270
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    My school is making students download an app that allows them to track students' locations, and if they don't download it they will not be allowed to come into school.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    The app in question is called "Trace Innovations", and my private school (in Massachusetts) wants us to install it on our personal devices so they can "limit the spread of COVID". If students do not download the app, they will not be allowed to come to school and are forced to attend online learning instead. This app tracks your location at all times and gives this location to the school administrators.

    Here are a few excerpts from the Privacy Policy:

    1. "When you use the App, we receive your precise location information. We may also collect the precise location of your device when the App is running in the foreground or background, or when the App is closed. We use your location information to provide our campus safety proximity tracking Services, for your safety."
    2. "We receive information about the device and software you use to access our Services, including IP address, web browser type, operating system version, phone carrier and manufacturer, application installations, device identifiers, and push notification tokens."
    3. "We do not rent, sell, or share information about you with nonaffiliated companies for their direct marketing purposes, unless we have your permission."
    4. "We share information about your location and proximity to other users with certain designated administrators of the school or entity to which you belong. This allows the school or entity to alert other users of the App whom you have been in close proximity with that they should take appropriate safety measures. Please note that we will not share your name or other identifying details in these alerts."
    5. "We may access, preserve, and disclose your information if we believe doing so is required or appropriate to: (a) comply with law enforcement requests and legal process, such as a court order or subpoena; (b) respond to your requests; or (c) protect your, our, or others' rights, property, or safety. For the avoidance of doubt, the disclosure of your information may occur if you post any objectionable content on or through the Services."

    Is the school allowed to make students download this app on their personal devices for in-person learning, and is there anything I, or others, can do to allow in-person learning without downloading this app?

    submitted by /u/TheoreticalChicken
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    Neighbour Kidnapped & Dumped My Cat

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Sydney, Australia I had two cats. Both lived outdoors. One of them (Doug) was quite naughty and would invite himself into my next door neighbours house and fights with their cat/generally wreaks havoc I imagine.

    Doug has been missing since 12 August without a trace. He doesn't go on adventures.

    I received an anonymous tip-off via text from someone who confirmed that they heard the suspect say that he caught Doug, travelled quite far away and dumped him. All the information this person provided links to the suspect.

    The suspect has long hated my cats and my dad. There is no way it was not this neighbour.

    I know that without evidence I can't do anything - the police and the RSPCA can only offer to approach him and question him, but if he denies the allegations, they have nothing else to go off and they have no power.

    I don't know what to do. Legally and personally. I'm scared to confront him as I'm not confident and I'm also scared of any retaliation. Also I'm a fairly small woman and he's a man in his 60's.

    I want to expose him or something, he can't get away with this.

    submitted by /u/bgsuri
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    My parked car was hit, (42k$)damage + ($40k) LOU, at fault party has 5k policy limit.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:31 AM PDT


    Last November, my parked car on a residential street was hit by a speeding (and possibly drunk) driver. Police didn't come to the scene as nobody was injured. He obviously admitted fault and his insurance (Progressive) as well admitted 100% fault for the incident.

    My car was a 2019 BMW M4 with a new value of around 87k before tax, and I would estimate it was worth around 60-65k at the time of the accident. The initial damage was appraised to be ~15k, but as the repairs progressed the bill went up significantly to around 42k$ in damage. The other party's car was a 2014 Mercedes that i believe was a total loss.

    My comprehensive insurance (Geico) has already covered the full extent of the damages and my car has completed repairs. The repairs for my car took almost 5 months due to the extent of damage. I believe Geico is now pursuing subrogation against the at fault party's insurance.

    I contacted a professional appraiser, who has estimated a total LOU claim of 40k for this time period. While this does seem excessive, he pointed me to several cases where such large LOUs were upheld in court, and pointed me to a california statute that states that the LOU determination should be based on renting a car "of like kind and quality, made by the same manufacturer, of the same or newer model year, of the same model type, of a similar body type, with options and mileage similar to the insured vehicle". The cheapest rental i can find in my state for this car from a rental company is approx 300$ a day (before fees), which multiplied by the 134 days it took my car to be repaired, yields me a similar figure.

    Upon providing this evidence to Progressive, they have informed me that the at fault party's property damage maximum is the CA minimum (5k), and that is the maximum amount they can offer me. They were also dismissive of the number in my request, but could not provide any evidence to contradict the estimate i sent.

    What happens if i take this settlement? Am i then blocked from pursuing the at-fault party in court for the rest? Am i actually owed 40k in loss of use damages? Should i deny the settlement and pursue the party directly in small claims court for the small claims max (10k)? Should i look into getting a lawyer for a civil case? Should i just take the 5k as its unlikely for me to collect more? I just want to understand the full amount i am actually owed, how much i can expect to reasonably collect.

    One thing to note is that I have seen that the general rule of thumb on this forum is that if someone is underinsured they likely cant afford to pay any direct claims against them either. (Can't get blood from a stone). However, i have strong reasons to believe that this party can in fact afford to pay such an amount. (Multiple other 2018+ luxury cars on his policy, address pointing to $2m home, owns own business).

    EDIT: Thanks to everyone who responded. I will likely accept the offer from insurance.

    submitted by /u/LOUThrowaway12345
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    Boss is making remarks and implying very heavily that I (M) am a creep/child watcher/pedo.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    So I live in AZ and I work for a fairly decent sized franchise that to my understanding doesn't have an HR department. My boss has started making remarks that I like to watch children and has even said something to a woman I work with about me watching her children. I'm close enough to this woman that she knows it's not true and has reassured me not to worry about it and that she doesn't believe my boss because shes seen me around her kids and I dont do anything of such nature. Now I was going to wait to talk to the owner since they are supposed to be by sometime this month (out of state owner) but she made a remark today about changekmg her kid in another room because she doesn't want SOMEONE to see her daughter's little butt. Shes never changed her kid in front of anyone and has made it a point to say this. What do I do? Should I file some sort of charge or idk something? Idk what to do but I cant let her keep doing this because the only one that's going to get screwed over is me. It doesn't matter that what shes saying isnt true, all it takes is one person who believes her to ruin my life. Please help.

    Apologies for any confusion. Writing this on my phone in bathroom as quick as I can because I dont want to get into trouble here at work.

    Edit to add location.

    submitted by /u/jstanotherthrwwy
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    A funeral home is saying stuff wasn't paid for, but we have receipts and proof of purchase from a year ago. Where do we go from here

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Florida. My girlfriend's family lost someone recently and the entirety of the family has pre bought plots, scrolls, services, etc. Last year they lost another close family member whose plot, etc was also pre purchased. The funeral home they deal with is a cemetery as well and upon the last death they made excuses like ' oh you bought the wrong one/ oh we don't sell that anymore / you'll need a new one as the old one isn't as nice anymore'. Complete horse shit answers to be honest and in their immense grief her family just paid out again and pushed through. This time however is a bit less extreme as it was a much older family member and the funeral home is claiming the same stuff. My girlfriend's family has a printed and virtual copy of the contract and receipt of pre purchased plot, scroll, casket etc and the funeral home is saying none of that counts and they will have to buy it all over again. I'm beyond enraged as looking over the contracts everything seems above board and like it's everything they say we need to purchase again.

    Should we laywer up immediately? Should I contact the BBB? Do I ask the police to look into fraud charges?

    Just point me in the best direction to get this started. I'm beyond livid and want these mortuary fucks to honor their previous sales.

    submitted by /u/brew_n_flow
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    Can the person I filed a police report against access it to find my address?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    I live in Kansas if that matters. I am genuinely scared for my safety and for my family's.

    I am a sales manager for a well-known retail company. On August 22nd, 9 days ago, I witnessed a customer stealing something. She was a well-known shoplifter that we'd been trying to catch for years but never had success. This time I was on the ball and I called security as soon as she was out of earshot. They arrested her on the spot.

    A few minutes later, my store manager told me they arrested her and that I had to go give a written statement about what I witnessed. He assured me that the shoplifter would not see me under any circumstances. So I began walking towards the security office to give my written statement when one of our security guys met me outside the door. He said, "There's a lot of people in here, so I need you to stay calm," and then he lead me into the room. I was walking through the crowd of people and I saw two local police officers, two of our security guards, one fellow manager, and the shoplifter was sitting in the middle of the room. They made me stand immediately in front of her and then they asked for a verbal statement.

    I was in shock, but I gave my statement and I did not sugar-coat what happened. She was hollering that I was a lying bitch the whole time. After giving my statement and while still standing in front of her, the main officer asked me to say and spell my first and last name so I did. He asked me for my phone number and I said it out loud. Then he asked for my address; I looked at him like he was crazy and he said he'd come get it later. They dismissed me from the room.

    The same officer came by shortly after and had me fill out a written statement, which I did write my home address on. I expressed how uncomfortable I felt with the questions he asked me in her presence and he said I had no reason to worry because "she has been banned from the mall". I asked him what her name is at the very least and he wouldn't tell me.

    Like I said, that was nine days ago. Everyone told me I was overreacting and scared for no reason, so I repressed it the best I could. Fast forward to yesterday:

    The phone rang at work and I happened to answer it by saying, "This is insert name, what can I do for you?" It was her. She said, "Oh insert name, I'm so glad you're there." I got goosebumps as I instantly recognized her voice. She said she wanted to buy pajamas and wanted to make sure someone would be there to check her out when she came. I acted like I didn't know who she was and said we would be there. She said she would be there soon.

    I ran to check the call logs to confirm that it was her. The call log said "anonymous". I was in a panic. I told my store manager that I knew without a doubt she had just called anonymously and that she was trying to figure out if I was there. He called a security guard who said nothing could be done because I could not prove it was her but that I needed to have an escape route planned in case she shows up. Fast forward an hour:

    I walked to cover customer service so another employee could take a bathroom break. One of my associates I manage came running to customer service to tell me that the woman was in my area hiding behind fixtures and scoping things out. And despite being "banned from the mall", she was not disguised at all. She was in plain sight. I called security and they told me to lock myself in a closet. I did, and I called my husband crying because I could not believe the situation I was in. A few minutes later I was told I could come out of the closet and that she had gotten away before security could actually I.D. or stop her.

    My husband drove to my work in a panic to wait for me in the parking lot. There was a suspicious vehicle behind my car that was running for a good half hour after the woman was seen running through the store. The windows were completely blacked out so I can't confirm it was her vehicle, but when I came outside and opened my car door, the other vehicle peeled out and was going upwards of 60 mph to get out of the parking lot.

    I called in today because I was so afraid to go to work. Then it occurred to me that my address in on the written statement. Can she have access to that? Please, please guide me, I am so scared. I'm a 24 year old woman who is not physically strong, I don't have a gun, and I have a four year old. I know she will be back.

    submitted by /u/violeteyelet
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    Neighbor’s dog keeps coming into our yard

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Virginia, USA

    I own a 6 year old lab/pit mix who does not like other dogs, particularly small dogs. We live on 6.5 acres of rural land surrounded on 3 sides by trees. Our neighbor's daughter recently moved in with her, bringing along her small dog. The dog has come over onto our property and even right up to our house several times. Every time it comes up, it barks at my family, our cat, and our chicken. After the fourth time, I went over to the neighbor's house and let her know that her dog has continuously come over to our property and that I have a dog that is not friendly. I let her know that I was concerned for the dog's safety, because even though I stay out with my dog every time he's out, I can't control every situation. She seemed unconcerned for the dog's safety.

    That brings us to this evening. I peeped out of the window to check for the small dog, didn't see anything, and brought my dog out into our yard. The small dog ran out from behind our cars barking aggressively at my dog. My dog chased the small dog to the edge of our property, where he stopped. The small dog ran maybe 10 ft away, then stopped and continued to bark at my dog until my dad came and chased it away with a stick. I heard his owner calling, but the small dog did not return home until my dad chased him away. The small dog is much faster and more dexterous than my dog, so he wasn't hurt, but kept turning around to continue barking aggressively at him. If my dog had the chance, I'm not sure what kind of damage he may have done.

    My question is, if this continues to happen, what are we within our rights to do? Can we trap the dog (humanely) and turn it over to animal control if it's on our property? Are we protected if my dog ends up injuring this other dog? I don't want the dog to get hurt, which is why I went to talk to her in the first place, but I also don't want it to be stressful just to take my dog out into my own yard. I'm also afraid that if something happens with the small dog, my dog will be held accountable because of his size and breed, even though the other dog came onto our land. Help please!


    submitted by /u/maggie_anne
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    Odometer Exceeds Mechanical Limits

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    Can you help me with Mechanical Exceeded Limits?

    First mistake I bought a car next to a military base.

    Received a letter from DPS Title saying "Mechanical Exceeded Limits". Called the dealership and was told there's nothing they can do, so waiting to hear back from the Sales Manger now. On carfax the car was clean from what they showed me but now I have this on the title. Only had the car for about 6 months! Looking for advice on how to handle this or is it too late because I left the dealership? It's a 2015.

    submitted by /u/3castillof
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    I was bitten by a pitbull in New York State

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    So about a month ago I was in my backyard with my pet beagle who was on leash. I wasn't even near the sidewalk or front of the house.

    This unleashed huge pitbull enters my backyard and immediately jumps on my dog. I couldn't get it off. I was also bit and was bleeding all over. My dog was bleeding and had to be rushed to ER. My wound was covered and cleaned at an urgent care. My dog had to be sutured and stitched up. It's a miracle she survived. I called 911 when this happened. Have the police report and took pictures of the injuries, the blood all over my house etc. I also have vet bills.

    I contacted a lawyer. The people who own the pitbull are renters. They don't have insurance. It was in their lease that the renters must get renters insurance but they never did and the landlord never checked to confirm.

    My lawyer says I can get the landlords insurance to pay only if I could prove she knew the dog was dangerous. Which is hard to do.

    I just can't understand how my dog and me can be mauled in the backyard and I am stuck with the bill.

    Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Fallingknife12
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    Is my dad allowed to kick me out when I'm still a minor?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    Throwaway account

    This happened just now.

    My (m17) parents are very strict and forbids me from playing video games. They just found out I have been playing games for the past few years and they are extremely angry.

    My dad came close to hitting me and verbally threatened me. He also told me to get out of the house, I'm currently sitting at a McDonald's I'm not sure where I'm gonna sleep for tonight. I don't think this is legal since I'm still 17, although if he doesn't come down I will be disowned and kicked out when I turn 18 next year in February.

    I just need some advice legally speaking or advice in general.

    I live in MA, I have Chinese citizenship and is here in the US on an H4 visa along with my sister and mom, my dad is on H1.

    submitted by /u/throwaway2637390227
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    Mom's boyfriend filed a fake business on his tax return and now the IRS wants the income tax for it

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    Pretty much the title. His dad convinced him that the government was fake and he filed a false business on his tax return. IRS sent a letter in July asking for the income tax return on the business and there's zero income to be filed. Is there any way he can get out of this with minimal repercussions? He's located in northeast Tennessee.

    Edit: So after a little more questioning, he said the business was originally filed 3 years ago, nothing has ever been done to it, and it's location is in South America.

    submitted by /u/hurleytwirly
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    [California] How to prepare for wage claim conference call?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    I received my last paycheck on March 20, but was still working until May 20. Eventually I refused to continue working without pay (no contract).

    I filed a wage claim months ago and just got the letter that I will be having a conference call with my former employer and whoever is handling my case in mid September. I contacted the deputy to give them the phone number that they need to reach me, as per their request, but was only able to leave a voicemail, so I also contacted them by email. Other than giving my case number, name, role, and phone number, they didn't ask for anything. Is there anything else I need to do to prepare for this conference call?

    The job was for a private college and we were conducting online classes and having meetings, during the time I should have been paid for. I have texts between myself and the owner, discussing how they have not paid, including a text for the amount of time that I was working and an estimate of how much she owed (which she never disputed). Also, I could get in contact with some of my students and have them support my claim that we were indeed having class at that time (although I don't know if that is necessary since that has never been in dispute). The excuse for why I wasn't paid was because some vague loan had not come in, and that students had not paid tuition yet (this was a lie though). Anyways, any suggestions for what I need? Thank you for any help.

    submitted by /u/SenseiKramer
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    Lawyer is not doing anything since being hired. What can I do? He’s already paid and I can’t afford a new lawyer.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    I've been separated (not legally) for two years and we have a minor child. I live in Florida. We were splitting 50/50, not court ordered just something we worked out together. In the recent months, my estranged husband was arrested for an awful crime and is currently in jail awaiting trial/sentencing. His criminal lawyer said best case scenario, he will get 15-20 years in prison. I obviously want to get divorced, official full custody, change my last name, and my child's last name...possibly terminate parental rights if I can?

    I contacted a divorce lawyer that his criminal lawyer recommended. My estranged husband agrees to everything that I want, so this should be an easy case I thought. I hired the lawyer in the beginning of July. He told me it should only take 6-8 weeks to be divorced. I've sent everything he requested (bank statements, financial affidavit, parenting class certificate etc.). He still hasn't sent me official divorce papers to sign and has not filed ANYTHING. I've called/texted/e-mailed. For THREE weeks he has been brushing me off and telling me he will send the divorce papers and never does. I'm so frustrated. What can I do to get him moving? He has been paid in full and I cannot afford another lawyer at the moment.

    submitted by /u/christinaccar90
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    What are the laws regarding unlawful contact with a minor in Pennsylvania/USA in general?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    I'm an admin on a minecraft server and whilst looking through server logs noticed that a player who we know is 24/25 years old, talking in an inappropriate way with a girl who we know is 14. It was just a one off, not too bad remark, but I decided to look more in to his logs and BOY did I find some inappropriate stuff. He talks to multiple underage girls on the server inappropriately, and I have no found out he sent a blurred picture of his dick to a 14 year old on the server. He apparently scribbled over his dick in editing so you couldn't see it, but still.

    What are the laws against this behaviour? Ideally I could do with specific things so that when I talk to him I can give him specific laws regarding what he's doing.

    He lives near Pittsburgh and is 24/25, and these girls live in Belgium, Netherlands, or Austria and are all 16 or under.

    submitted by /u/-cHoOsE-a_UsErNaMe-
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    Friend must go to a meeting for section 8 but has abusive husband illegally living there with her.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    I posted this in r/abusiverelationships and I was advised to try here.

    She doesn't know what to do. She has to go to this meeting to renew her contract but she's afraid to turn in the paperwork because they may see that her husband illegally lives there, as his name is on her food sharing benefits and has her address and where he lives. He doesn't want her to go or to renew it, he wants to move out in the country, where there will be no neighbors. He says she will go to jail for fraud.

    She's trying to secretly divorce him. I have her papers hidden. She is very poor and has little children. She needs section 8 to survive. He won't leave her. He's very controlling and abusive. She tried contacting a advocate but there's no one that can take her case in her county right now.

    What can she do? Should she just tell the truth at her meeting and say she's trapped with her abuser? Will she get into trouble for having him live there illegally?

    Any advice would be helpful. Thank you. This is in the State of Wisconsin

    submitted by /u/afriend6211
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    Black mold, asbestos, and a collapsing roof: What are a landlords responsibilities to a tenant they are displacing for major remodels?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    Hi there, as the title says my (24M) girlfriend (22F) and I recently moved to a new area in northeast Pennsylvania at the beginning of July and almost immediately we noticed the ceiling was leaking right above our stove, most likely coming from the unit above. The leak was major enough to completely cover our stove top and spill into a puddle on the floor. We contacted our landlords and they sent their repairman. He didn't do much but said he fixed it. Less than a week later we noticed it leaking again, contacted our landlords, and at which point they send they would be sending him over again.

    Fast forward to present day. We had continued reaching out multiple times regarding the leak (we have documented proof) and nothing was done. The leak has gotten so bad that large chunks of the ceiling have started to fall, as well as dust like materials. After threatening a third party house inspector and legal consultation, our landlords sent us a new repairman. The new repairman was a heaven-sent: he immediately identified the problems and let us know we were unsafe from possible collapse, as well as there being significant amounts of black mold and asbestos.

    Our landlords have now offered for us to stay at a nice apartment closer to center city, however we would have to move all of our belongings as the remodeling will take a couple weeks. I guess my question is what are we owed as tenants? Do they have to provide us with movers and we have a car and cannot transport a mattress? Can we request they pay for movers or a hotel so movers are not needed? How about our possibly damaged furniture?

    TL;DR: our landlord has asked us to move into a new apartment while they remodel major damages, what are there responsibilities to us?

    Thanks in advance!!

    submitted by /u/spicyplumbus
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