• Breaking News

    Monday, August 31, 2020

    Legal Advice - Girlfriend's parents damaged a drone that's been harassing them, now owner is threatening federal charges

    Legal Advice - Girlfriend's parents damaged a drone that's been harassing them, now owner is threatening federal charges

    Girlfriend's parents damaged a drone that's been harassing them, now owner is threatening federal charges

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    EDIT: Thank you all for your helpful contributions. My mind is a little more at ease, and I know my girlfriend's family feels a little better knowing they aren't getting toted off to prison for 20 years. They were very concerned. Thanks again, and I may post an update if anything worth noting happens.

    Hello /r/legaladvice, I'll try to keep this short. This happened in the state of Illinois [not Chicago].

    For the past few weeks, someone has been harassing my girlfriend's parents and their neighbors with a drone. This has been especially disturbing since it's usually when the women of the neighborhood are in their pools in the back yard, which has been specifically noted and corroborated multiple times, it's very creepy. The thing will fly over people's yards and pools, drop down to get a better view, and then hover there, recording for at least 10-15 minutes each time.

    So after a few weeks of this, and the neighbors calling the police, but the police not being able to do anything, refusing to do anything, or find the operator, my girlfriend's parents took action on what they perceived as trespassing and invasion of privacy. So the next day when it came back, they took a BB gun and popped it in the chassis.

    The drone was still in working condition enough to fly off just fine. I assume it returned home without issue because about two days later, my girlfriend's parents received a letter taped to their front door with a still image from their 4K footage, and threatening to press federal charges with penalties "up to 20 years in prison" unless they pay him $1500 immediately for "destroying an aircraft with a weapon".

    According to some cursory Googling (I am no lawyer, obviously), the owner of the drone was already breaking several FAA regulations including:

    >5. Keep your drone within your visual line of sight, or within the visual line-of-sight of a visual observer who is co-located (physically next to) and in direct communication with you.

    This is not possible with the heavy woods in the area, and depth at which this person was flying into properties.

    >6. Do not fly at night unless your drone has lighting that allows you to know its location and orientation at all times.

    These flights would sometimes occur around or after dusk.

    >8. Never fly over any person or moving vehicle.

    This drone would regularly hover directly above people to specifically record them.

    >11. Do not operate your drone in a careless or reckless manner.

    I mean come on, this is clearly gross and harassment.

    Okay, now that I've got my complaining out of the way, does this guy have any real leg to stand on? If he attempts to press charges, is it likely he would be successful?

    I just can't imagine any respectable court of law siding with this guy for what has obviously been some form of trespassing, sexual harassment, invasion of privacy, and recording without consent.

    Any advice?

    EDIT: Thank you all for your helpful contributions. My mind is a little more at ease, and I know my girlfriend's family feels a little better knowing they aren't getting toted off to prison for 20 years. They were very concerned. Thanks again, and I may post an update if anything worth noting happens.

    submitted by /u/drone-throwaway-124
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    Sister’s rapist’s family still harassing her & the other victims TWELVE YEARS LATER

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    Northeast Ohio

    As a teen, the father of some of my sister's friends used to let a bunch of teens come over and get drunk/high at his house. He would get the young girls drunk and rape/sexually assault them. All told, about 9 girls were victimized, but only 4 were comfortable coming forward — my sister was one of them.

    It's been over a decade since all of this happened and in that time I've woken to the sound of my sister's blood-curdling screams in her sleep as she had nightmares about this man.

    His family maintains that he's innocent and refuse to believe the many women who have accused him. For years now, every so often, one of his family members will contact my sister asking her to recant her statement, telling her they "forgive her for lying," lying to her that their father is dying from cancer to try to garner sympathy — this has happened many times through many different communication channels. They are still trying to get him out of prison, and their latest attempt includes a person who is "advocating" for his release posting videos online calling out my sister and his other victims BY NAME and slandering their characters to try to discredit them.

    I'm sick of feeling like there's nothing we can do to put this whole terrible thing to rest, and to protect my sister from the harassment of his family. I am desperate to know if there is anything we can do to make them stop.

    submitted by /u/AHuntedSnark
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    I own a house with my gf. Long story short, I found her cheating and she doesn’t know I know. Do I need to contact a lawyer?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Throw away cause we're both on Reddit.

    We own the house 50/50. The down payment was hers but I've been paying most of the mortgage payments. We don't have anything in writing other than joint ownership of the house.

    The house needed a lot of work and we're expecting to make a pretty good amount of money on it. But I'm not finished with the majority of the work. I'm doing the work myself, I'd like to stay in the house and finish what I've started.

    What should my next move be? I'm overwhelmed and still in shock. Found out last night.

    I'm in MO, USA.

    submitted by /u/ThrowAway16458923578
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    [UPDATE] Terminal patient needs round the clock care, person with power of attorney is refusing

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    Thanks to those who commented and steered me in the right direction regarding my father in law.

    Luckily we didn't need to get the law involved. He had a period of clarity and was able to articulate that he wanted to move to hospice care. The daughter with POA is not happy about it, but he is now finally comfortable and being cared for properly.

    submitted by /u/Wildcatb
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    Can my landlord make me pay for September rent after asking us to move out by August 31st? Denver, CO

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    My roommate and I are renting a house in Denver, CO. Our lease is from July 1, 2019-September 30, 2020. At the beginning of August we asked our landlord if we could terminate our lease a month early — my roommate is moving into her new apartment September 1st and I'm moving to Utah for a new job after losing mine due to COVID. In response to our request, our landlord said he would be flexible around the end date. On August 27, he asked us if we could be moved out by August 31 (we have this in a text message conversation), to which we agreed and scrambled to be moved out by this weekend. Today, August 31, we texted him that we would be completely moved out by the end of today and asked how to proceed regarding security deposits and whatnot. He then tells us he hasn't found anyone to move in yet, so we still have to pay for September rent.

    This is where I'm looking for advice, since he asked us to be out by August 31 and we have the text conversation, can he go back on that and still make us pay for September?

    Edit: I was hoping for some small loophole because of his text message asking "You guys think you could get moved out by this 31st?" I worry we weren't specific enough in our request. I also suspect his efforts to find new tenants were minimal.

    Many of you also suggested that I ask if he can keep my security deposit (which is actually more than my part of the rent) in lieu of September's rent. I think I will go ahead with this idea and the excess money can be used for the cleaning, though I don't anticipate that being very much.

    I'm mostly just disappointed and maybe acting rather emotionally about this situation because I was looking forward to saving $1000+. I won't start my new job for a couple more months, so the money situation is just a bit scary for me at the moment. It shall all turn out ok, though. I thank you all for your help and advice!

    submitted by /u/impicklerickbtch
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    [California] Landlord gave me a 24 hour notice of apartment entry that lasts a month long

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    I live in an apartment and the landlord gave me and everyone else a 24 hour entry notice that spans from August 26th to September 25th (Mon-Sat 9am - 6pm). The notice is for staff to do some inspection and cleaning. So my question is that is it legal to have a month long notice?

    submitted by /u/idksomething0123
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    Water company making up over 6000 gallons?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    So i recently recieved a letter from my wayer company saying my property has had excess usage from its normal 1400 gallons to 7300 gallons and i will be getting billed accordingly.

    This set off red flags for me as my tenant calls me if the wind blows funny. So i called her, shes been helping her daughter for the last few weeks and hasnt been home and nobody else lives there. So i called a plumber and meter guy i know and we set off to check the house.

    Its a single story rancher with 1 bathroom. The house has been inspected top to bottom by 2 professionals and myself. Nothing is abnormal and my tenant says she hasnt done anything out of the oridany. When i called the utility company they immediately started rambling off possible problems saying it had to be me (had already gotten everything checked). The weird thing is a bunch of people in the county are having the same issue, sudden ridiculously high usage that they know they dont do. Water company is saying its all us and we better pay up.......this is in west virginia if it matters and any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/throwawaynova29
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    Cambridge Mass. - House with half power for 3.5 weeks now. Trying to legally break lease.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    I currently live in a 3 family house in Cambridge Mass. on August 11th, my friend was home while I was out and the power went out in half the apartment and she said she smelled burning. I immediately called my landlord and explained the situation. The following day he sent out his general handyman who came by and flipped the circuit breaker (which I don't have access to) and confirmed that the power was not working.

    The following day (2 days after outage-Friday) I contacted the landlord to see what he proposed for a solution. He said he reached out to his electrician who would only be available Monday. Since I was leaving for the weekend I opted to call my own electrician with the landlord's approval for the same day. Upon inspection, the electrician said that turning the power on in the current state would be a fire hazard as even with the circuit breaker "off" there were live wires in my unit. Because of this, I opted to leave the power off until I returned. At this point, I had the City of Cambridge housing authority come in to inspect the property and they agreed that the unit was unsafe and gave my landlord 1 week to make the repairs. (normal time is 14 days, but due to the severity of the risk they shortened the timeframe.)

    The inspector submitted the report to my landlord on the 18th of August and as of yet, I have received no communication from my landlord about fixing the issue. At this point, I am looking to break my lease legally without losing my security deposit.

    I understand that from Mass housing law, that if I qualify under "repair and deduct" (no repairs completed by the required date) that I can consider my lease to be void. As I am not a lawyer, I wanted to see if anyone with more experience can weigh in on my ability to leave.

    Additionally, I understand that I am technically able to sue under warranty of habitability for a portion or all of the rent that I have paid while the unit was deemed uninhabitable. I haven't had smoke or CO detectors in my unit since I moved in last October. Would I theoretically be able to use this as a cause to sue should my landlord try to withhold my security deposit?

    Below are some excerpts which may be important information:

    Repair and Deduct (General Laws Chapter 111 Section 127L). This law sometimes allows you to use your rent money to make the repairs yourself. If your local code enforcement agency certifies that there are code violations which endanger or materially impair your health, safety or well-being and your landlord has received written notice of the violations, you may be able to use this remedy. If the owner fails to begin necessary repairs (or enter into a written contract to have them made) within five days after notice or to complete repairs within 14 days after notice you can use up to four months' rent in any year to make the repairs.

    Search of Warranty of Habitability. You may be entitled to sue your landlord to have all or some of your rent returned if your dwelling unit does net meet minimum standards of habitability.

    Unfair and Deceptive Practices (General Laws Chapter 93A) Renting an apartment with code violations is a violation of the consumer protection act and regulations for which you may sue an owner.

    410.750 conditions deemed to endanger or impair health and safety

    C) failure to restore electricity, gas, or water

    D) Failure to provide electrical facilities required by 105 CMR 410.250(B) (electricity in habitable rooms other than kitchen)

    he is also in violation of 410.830 correction orders.

    The following are images supplied to my landlord of the outlets and fixtures that were burnt/damaged




    Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    submitted by /u/Enivel19
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    Roommates want us out, but not off the lease

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    Hi there! I'm going to try my best to make this concise and to the point so that what I'm asking doesn't get lost in the details of my situation, but I can absolutely provide more context upon request in the comments. I live in Tarrant County, Texas for reference purposes.

    My boyfriend (25 M) and I (25 NB) had planned to move out of our current apartment that we share with three other adults in November, because things have become toxic and unsafe for our mental health. They found out via an overheard conversation with my therapist, and one of them (25M, we'll call him X) sent me a message saying he will not release us from the lease.

    Fast forward a few hours later, a different roommate (25 M, we'll call him J) messages the group chat that we share and more or less demands that we leave for 48 hours because "they feel unsafe." J also says that when we come back, we need to talk about how we're going to move forward. J and a third roommate (27 NB, we'll call them B) then ask about where I keep my cat's medication. I respond that I do not feel comfortable with them administering my cat his medication, and say that I do not trust people forcing us to leave for 2 days. They call me an animal abuser, so I pick up my cat and take him to a friend's house.

    Fast forward again, 48 hours later. Boyfriend and I show up to have the chat that they want to have, and when we go inside, they have packed and moved all of our things, all without our knowledge or consent. They told us they want us to move out in 2 weeks, but they won't let us off the lease until November. We say no, because if they don't let us off the lease, we won't have a place to stay, and we would have no way to store our things.

    My question to you, dear redditors, is do I have grounds to get a protective order, and if so, how do I go about obtaining one? I have plans to try to obtain legal aid tomorrow, but I don't know what I should ask or say when I do.

    TL;DR: My boyfriend and I live in Tarrant County, Texas, and have been suffering emotional abuse for roughly 9 months at the hands of our roommates. Things have continually escalated to the point where they have violated our privacy, threatened our property and my animal, and have made it so that we feel unsafe in our own home. We don't know the first thing about applying for an order of protection, or if we even qualify for one, or if we should be seeking something else.

    Please help!

    • K
    submitted by /u/Candid_Dot_4620
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    Sued for wrongful death that I had very minimal involvement in [California]

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    I'm going to be vague because I don't know what I should be not writing online.

    I was working as a security guard for a small company (I did have a guard card at the time) and there was an incident involving an individual who was on heavy drugs in a public/family setting, and ended up in hospital and dying many days later after the incident with my coworkers and boss. I was present at the incident and witnessed it all, but never once touched the individual. I don't work for the company anymore. There were many witnesses.

    A family member of the deceased is suing my former company, many former employees, the property management company, other businesses on the property, basically everybody they possibly could, including me because my name was on the police report after I gave the story to the detective.

    I'm posting because I don't know what to do; the summons I got says i have "30 calendar days... to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff". What is even supposed to be in this letter? Should I even write a letter, will it make things worse? I am the least involved out of the 20ish defendants. I can't afford to consult with a lawyer, and when I tried to contact my former boss about this in the past asking if he had a lawyer I can talk to, he never replied to me (small company, not well managed).

    I am worried to take a wrong action I can't undo like say something bad in the letter, and I'm also worried (probably stupidly) if I don't do something, I'll get in trouble for something I had extremely minimal involvement in.

    What do I do? What should I be expecting or prepared for? Thank you very much in advance.

    submitted by /u/rlessard12
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    Someone is using my home address as theirs to buy a house in a different state.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Ohio- So, last week I have received mail w my address on it , for someone else from MY mortgage company regarding thier loan application. I literally saw my mortgage company name on it , didnt think anything of it ans opened it. Then realized it was in a different name . Today I receive a Hud loan application packet with that same 1st name they used in the other letter this time w a different last name, to refinance a quarter million dollar home in another state. The loan numbers on both pieces match. Her application states she lives at my address for the exact amount of time we have lived here since we purchased our home 3 years ago. My husband thinks there is nothing wrong with this. But this seem super skeptical to me and I have not a clue on what to do about it. I cant wrap my head around why someone else is using my address as theirs. Any advice anyone has would be very helpful. This is really stressing me out. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/IAlreadyKnewIt
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    [California] I sold my car to a used car dealership. They never changed the registration, and since then the car has been ticketed multiple times, involved in an accident, and towed - all with my name still on the registration. Now creditors are coming after me for the amounts due.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    I sold my car in May 2019 when I learned I was moving out of California (I'm in TX now). I sold it to one of those kinda seedy "Cash for Cars" companies (We'll call them "CD" for the sake of this explanation). I have the receipt and bill of sale.

    In November 2019, I received a parking ticket in the mail from the city of Los Angeles. That same month, I also received mail informing me the car was involved in an accident, and another car was totaled.

    I responded to the parking tickets via mail (per the instructions on the ticket) explaining I was no longer the owner, and attached the bill of sale.

    I responded to the insurance company via email with an explanation, the bill of sale, etc... I received a response from the insurance company saying I was off the hook.

    I also contacted "CD" and told them to remove my name and info from the car. They told me they would take care of it.

    I hadn't heard anything since December, so I assumed it was all taken care of.

    Fast forward to today

    This morning I received in my mailbox:

    • 4 more parking tickets, dated May - June 2020
    • Notice of stored vehicle (towing receipt)
    • Notice of pending lien sale
    • A notice that I have been placed on collections

    I suppose my main questions are:

    • How serious is this?
    • Is my credit and/or driving record going to be damaged?
    • What are my options to get this resolved once and for all?
    • Can I take legal action against "CD?"

    Thanks in advance!

    edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/Shtevetm
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    Sued by former employer for relocation a year after termination

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    I worked for a large company that game me a sign on bonus and relocation. When covid struck they began sending people home and started laying others off. They asked if I wanted to leave or be furloughed so I left and moved states to work for another company. This occurred just under a year of being at the company but because they offered to let me go I was told I would not have to payback the sign on and relocation bonus.

    Now, a few months shy of a year after termination I get called by a third party law firm saying I owe a massive amount of money and fees/attorney costs and they will be taking me to court if it is not payed today.

    I worked in VA, now in CO, and the law firm is in TX. If that matters.

    Any advice on how to proceed would be appreciated. I'm needing to decide if I pay a 10 percent down payment to defer the court proceedings for 14 days while I figure this out, should I lawyer up, or bend over and pay this large sum of money I do not believe I owe.

    Thank you,


    submitted by /u/alphabravoccharlie
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    Is a school appointed psychiatrist violating HIPAA by disclosing patient details and false diagnosis (of minors) to parents, teachers and the principal?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    My (private and mostly unbiased) school appointed a psychiatrist to help students. I was one among the many who confided in her.

    As our talks continued, i came to realise that she was extremely conservative. At first, it was basic things like changing the topic when i spoke about sexual orientation.

    It got really bad when she set up a meeting with the principal and my parents to talk about how she 'diagnosed' me to be homosexual (I'm not) and should be sent to a 'camp' if i want to continue studying in that school.

    She somehow also got the principal to take her side. My parents were furious and i was expelled when they refused to meet with the school's demands.

    We were all set to move to a different city in a few months, so my education wasn't really affected.

    What I'm furious about, is that this woman is an MD ans i don't want her mis diagnosing emotionally fragile patients in the future as it could potentially lead to self harm.

    submitted by /u/DrMajorOld
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    My car was damaged in a fire caused by neighbors

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    My car was damaged in a fire caused by neighbors who left BBQ coals in a garbage receptacle. My car's front fender and headlamp melted due to the heat. These neighbors live in a different building and have a different landlord. My car was parked in its assigned carport space.

    My auto insurance won't cover the damage since I don't have comprehensive coverage. My renter's insurance doesn't cover car damage. And the building owner's insurance denied my claim since the building owner was not found to be negligent. I found out that fire was caused by my neighbors' BBQ activity as a result of the investigation done by the building owner's insurance.

    The people responsible for the BBQ do not have renter's insurance. According to the building owner (neighbors' landlord), "the fire has been listed as accidental." I requested a copy of the police report a while ago and am still waiting for it.

    I have the neighbors' names, address, and phone numbers. I am going to ask them to cover the cost of fixing my car since they were responsible for the fire (even though it was an accident). If they refuse, would I have a case if I took them to small claims court? How should I proceed?

    Location: California

    submitted by /u/fastbreak024
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    My dog got mauled by two dogs. Owner gave false information. Camera footage exists but business won't release. (USA-MD)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    Location: USA Maryland My dog was mauled by two dogs that ran loose and bit him on his leg and neck/chest. He required surgery, stitches and stents, a bill of $1300 so far. I realized that I also got injured on my wrist during the attack while trying to break them up.

    The owner gave a name and number but in the rush I did not confirm it and it seems this was fake. I have no way of contacting him. There is security footage of the event, but the building says they cannot share it with me unless I have a warrant.

    The county police have been unhelpful and not taking a report. I didn't realize I was injured at the time however, so I'm guessing they are considering it only an animal attack. The officer basically said that it's not worth the resources to investigate with a detective.

    What can I do to get the video so I can identify this person? Am I out of luck if the police do not want to cooperate?

    This happened in a public courtyard of the building complex that has the footage. Is there any liability on their part?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/attacked_dog_owner
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    New townhome doesn’t have mail, internet, or trash service [Iowa]

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    TL;DR: This brand new complex has no internet, no trash service, and no mail service. There is no time table for these beyond "we are working on it" (but they still expect the full rent amount of course)

    I moved into a brand new townhome this past week, I never was able to see the property prior to signing the lease due to it being new construction. Since it was only a year lease I didn't think it was that big of a deal, all the renders online looked really nice, I was good with it.

    Due to Covid, construction was delayed by over 2 months, which I understand. However I think they cut corners to get back on track. They also pushed people into these units before they were reasonably ready for occupation.

    Right now we have no mailboxes so I have to go to the post office to pick up my mail, this wouldn't be a huge problem but my work hours are longer than most and the post office is not open other than when I'm working. I will have to take time off work to run to get mail for the foreseeable future.

    We also have no trash or recycling service, their solution for this is that we should walk around the construction area of the other buildings that aren't finished and find a trash bin somewhere and use that.

    We also have no internet. I didn't know that I wouldn't have internet right away until after they had me sign the lease. As I'm currently working from home this would've been a huge dealbreaker. They've offered to cover the cost of adding a hotspot to my mobile plan for 1 month ($10) so that's what I'm doing for now but that's less than ideal. There's also no timetable for when internet will be installed, so it could be more than a month.

    Overall I feel like they cut too many corners and allowed tenants to move in way too early. Luckily for me I moved in when I did, my neighbors moved in a day before I did and said they didn't even have water for the first day.

    Is it reasonable of me to request a large rent concession as my standard of living is nowhere near where I believed it would be when I signed the lease? Are there any other options I might not be thinking of? How large of a concession should I request? How should I go about asking for one? Should I request one now, or after everything is resolved so I know how long everything was an issue?

    submitted by /u/SparkyWolf69
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    Land buyer has survey done: Neighbor’s fence is 30 feet into my land. Buyer offers to buy the land “as is” at a discount. How should I proceed?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    [WA, USA] The fence in question crosses forest land for the most part. Apparently the neighbor who put it there is a cantankerous old man with a history of blowing off requests to move his fence. So, it would likely become a court case.

    The buyer's idea is to just wait out the old man, then make the change after he's passed. In this scenario, he would buy my property as is at a discount, since access to a portion of the property will be impeded by the neighbor's fence.

    I'm unsure how to proceed and would appreciate some advice. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/blockhose
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    Apt lost rent, now wants me to pay again- pls help

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    First time posting here, so I apologize in advance for any formatting mistakes or missing information.

    I live in a decent-sized apartment complex in Houston, Texas that's run by a pretty large management company, based out of Austin, Texas. Back in November of 2019, I had to pay my rent through a Western Union money order (I didn't have checks at the time… millennial here) due to a glitch in the online payment system. My account was cleared, and all was well until July of 2020. I get a call from Regional manager of the company telling me that the money order, that I paid my rent with, was lost by one of their employees and that it is now up to me to either pony up the owed amount or get the money orders reissued. (For those unfamiliar with money orders or cashier's checks, you pay upfront for them, so it's not like the money has been sitting in my account untouched all this time.)

    I chose to have the orders reissued, because I'm not paying for rent twice and I don't want to empty my savings account in these uncertain financial times. The process has been long and arduous, with Western Union constantly wanting more documentation, and likely covid related delays in processes. So, I haven't been able to get them reissued.

    I have requested a written admission of culpability in this situation, but they have dodged the request each time, saying that they will be sending out a formal letter outlining the situation. They have only mentioned that this situation arose from an employee physically losing the money orders verbally. Today 8/31, I finally received the letter, dated 8/6, where they blamed the loss of payment on a "system error". Completely leaving out any blame on them. This gave me a very uneasy feeling, as they are now lying about where the issue arose.

    In the aforementioned letter, they are formally requesting the balance to be paid by 9/15 to avoid further actions. They claim that they have given me adequate time to handle the situation, but it's not up to me. I have done my best to rectify this situation, but the resolution is in the hands of western union, not me, as they are the ones who can authorize the reissuance of the money orders. I have CC'd the property manager in all of my correspondence with Western Union so that they see that I have been actively trying to get this handled.

    For a company to lose a payment and then request a new one, almost a year later, at the expense of me, seems unethical at best and likely illegal. I'm not afraid to fight them, but I want to know what legal recourse I may have before I take a more aggressive action with them.

    Any advice will help. Thank you all!

    submitted by /u/Cdaviz23
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    Mother is being abusive. I'm under 18 and feel like I have no control. What do I do?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Started writing this post about 2 hours ago. Arrived at my moms and was instantly berated to the point of me having a mental breakdown by myself. Apologies for taking so long.

    Some info : i [15/M] have always had issues with my mother. She lies, is abusive, and manipulative. She gets worse every week and makes me feel so horrible to the point of crying and having breakdowns. I told my Dad, but he laughs it off. It happened again about 2 hours ago when she was "helping" me get on online school. She screamed at me and grabbed me by the throat, and then slapped me in the face for being "disrespectful." I then proceeded to cry and have a mental breakdown because of the constant abuse and stress she puts on me. After she does this (which has gotten to once a month at this point) she apologizes profusely and then blames me for sparking her "mental health issues". I do not want to live with her anymore. She makes my life miserable in so many ways, and I'm starting to contemplate things I've never before. I have depression and severe anxiety because of this woman, and I want to get out before the bad becomes worse, but I don't know my options. I live in Pennsylvania if that helps. I hope one of you can help get me out. I really do. Edit : Forgot to mention : My mother and father were never married. The court ordered 50/50, but it has slowly turned into 6 days with my mother and 1 with my father.

    submitted by /u/Kavaxiz
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    I’m underage and need advice

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    I'm underage and I would like to seek mental health care. My parents aren't of much help but I feel it would be beneficial to me. I'm not near legal age yet, still a few years. Even so, if I wait till then, what's the best thing I could do? I would honestly love to go seek help once I turn 18, probably the day after if I'm honest but if I do wait, what's some advice? I do not believe I am in danger to myself, but it's become so hard to do things and I feel worse, thinking of the day when I finally move out.

    Btw: I am from the U.S. in Texas

    submitted by /u/whydoyoutakemyname
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    My grandfather caught Covid-19 from another patient that he shared a room with.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    So my grandfather was in the hospital for a heart attack and was required to stay for a week. On the last two days of his stay, the hospital put another patient in the room with potential Covid-19 symptoms (hospital confirmed they knew he had symptoms before assigning patient to my grandfather's room). The patient later tested positive for Covid-19.

    My grandfather ended up catching Covid-19 from the other patient and sadly ends up dying from Covid-19. I believe it was negligence to put another patient that they thought displayed Covid-19 symptoms, because I've seen other hospitals isolate people. Do I have any legal actions and/or should they be reported?

    Location: DC

    submitted by /u/JosephC007
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    My mother has surrendered care of my 16yo sister to me and my husband but refuses to give me guardianship

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    My mother has never been able to take care of herself or her children. She's been on the welfare system as long as I can remember. My father had majority custody of me and my siblings growing up except for weekends and a few years where she put in more of an effort to keep us.

    Long story short she is once again without a job and without a home. My husband and I have worked hard and own our home. We said we'd like my sister to stay with us as we have a second bedroom. My mother intends to move into a house with three of her friends 40 min from the rest of the family and far from my sisters friends. My sister said she'd much rather stay with us.

    My sister has been 'home schooled' by my mom, as in she's lied on all the paperwork she files with the state and my sister is now 16 with almost no education. I want to start her in some GED prep courses and I've been looking into alternative diploma classes because my sister has expressed interest in college.

    My mother essentially has no plan for school for my sister, has medicaid that most doctors wont take. I spoke with my mom about giving me guardianship so I can take over my sisters schooling and get her on a decent health insurance plan. She said no.

    I believe she wont give guardianship because as of right now my mother not only gets to claim my sister as a dependent on her taxes, but she also has the SS checks that my sister receives because of her father. My mother wants to parse out amounts of it to me a month instead of the money meant for my sisters care going to the person caring for her.

    I've been looking around for an attorney because I'm obviously going to need help with this situation, but I wanted to know what mine and my husbands rights are and if you think we will be able to gain custody/guardianship.

    This is in Maryland.

    Any advice about things I haven't thought of that I need to do for mine and my sisters well being would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ToeGirth
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