• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 30, 2020

    Legal Advice - Landlord warned me about "Unacceptable behavior from your guest yesterday", but I didn't have a guest...

    Legal Advice - Landlord warned me about "Unacceptable behavior from your guest yesterday", but I didn't have a guest...

    Landlord warned me about "Unacceptable behavior from your guest yesterday", but I didn't have a guest...

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Last month I moved into an apartment building in Los Angeles. It's been fine until last night at 6 PM I got this email from landlord:

    "[my name], the office just sent you a legal document regarding your guest behavior yesterday at 5 am.
    This behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
    Your guest will not be allowed in our premises.
    It is your responsibility that this does not happen again.
    Your are also responsible for the ripped screen, cut wire and cleaning of the front of the buildings from two spilled drinks and left over food.
    You will receive an invoice next week.

    I also received a document entitled " 3 Day Notice to Perform or Quit" that includes a full description of what supposedly transpired:

    "On Friday August 28th Tenant

    guest ripped the right screen by the front door. Tenants guest called the manager at 5 am for a total of 7 times

    and demanded to be let it. Tenant guest used curse words towards the manager. Tenant guest trespassed the

    parking lot in an effort to get in. Tenant guest cut wire in order to get inside the building. Tenants guest

    disturbed the peace and quiet of other fellow tenants. Tenant is responsible for damages caused by their guest."

    I am 100% certain that I had nothing to do with this. I completely slept through all this commotion and invited over no guests in the past few says.

    I immediately replied with this, the truth:

    "Hi [name],

    I think there has been some confusion.

    -I did not have any guests over in the past few days
    -I'm unaware of and had nothing to do with any ripped screens, cut wires or spilled food / drinks.
    Not sure why you believe I am associated with any of these things, but this is the first I'm hearing about it and would appreciate a quick correction of this mistake."

    And the Landlord replied:

    "The girl who broke in said she was visiting you.
    [my name] in apartment #[x]. "

    The landlord is claiming this person mentioned me by name? There's just simply no way. The list of people who could do this in my life is pretty much 0, plus I have no calls or texts from anyone trying to get into my building or anything like that. Is this some kind of a scam? How can I demonstrate I'm innocent and put this behind me?

    submitted by /u/shastafey1
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    My roommate has an ESA, but it’s behavior is awful and the dog is not taken care of

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    A little background: I'm a student in college, and two friends and I moved into a 4 bedroom apartment by our campus in Texas. We didn't have a fourth roommate and we were assigned a random roommate. So, this girl moves in with her dog. None of us were ever notified of that happening, but whatever. Anyways, we've been here about two weeks and living with her/the dog has been awful but I don't know if we can do anything since it's an ESA. First off, this girl works 8 hours a day for most of the week. She said this dog went from being an outside dog, to staying inside for 8 hours a day. It also has separation anxiety, so when she leaves it starts howling as loud as she can. And (obviously) it's really hard to do online classes when you have a dog howling. Besides this, so far the dog has knocked over the trash and eaten/moved everything inside, used the bathroom inside multiple times, it's attacked other dogs in the complex, and she just doesn't seem to care. Right now, it's 6AM. Yesterday she decided to go home and leave her dog here, and she texts us late at night "hey I'm not coming home will someone feed my dog." ??? I just think that's a little irresponsible. Anyways, since she hasn't been home the dog has been howling since 8PM last night, and I've woken up to howling every hour tonight.

    Is there anything we can do??? It's just hard being a student and living with a dog that needs so much attention that she obviously isn't giving it. I can't take over the responsibility of making sure it's okay when I'm in class or doing homework.

    TLDR: it just doesn't seem livable with my roommates ESA, and she doesn't take care of it very well. Is there anything we can do??

    submitted by /u/hehethrowaway22
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    Upon reviewing my time card, and every other employees, we've learned our manager has been modifying our time stamps, shortening our hours worked, while adding to her own.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    What is the correct way of getting this taken care of? It's a large corporation, and I'm sure our boss is doing it because our labor is always high, as she always has people cover her shifts (that she goes in and manually says she was there for).

    All the proof I have currently is a print out of over 30 manual changes in the past two weeks* that no employee witnessed or believes is accurate.

    Edit: Colorado. About 20 employees compromised. Regional manager is being talked to currently.

    Edit2: regional manager is requesting we let him have a week to look into the issue.

    submitted by /u/ZerioBoy
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    My ex-wife just got a DUI a block away from picking up our daughter

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    Don't know what to do next, my mind is racing at 100 miles per hour. My ex-wife and I share split custody of my daughter and she picks her up on Sunday night. Tonight she texted me saying she was in an accident just around the corner from my house. I walk over there and her car is totaled and there were cops talking to her. Apparently she hit a tree really hard and thought that it was a minor accident.

    The cops performed a field sobriety test, which she failed, and then made her blow. They made me stand back, so I don't know what she actually blew, but they handcuffed her and took her into the station and told me that they couldn't tell me anything and she would have to tell me once she was released. She has another DUI from a little over 2.5 years ago and is still dealing with that.

    The fucked up thing, and what is wracking my brain, is that she was going to pick up our daughter in that state (which I wouldn't have let her). I'm pissed off beyond belief. Ready to take full custody of my daughter, but I know there will be a fight. What ground do I have here? What can I do?

    EDIT: Thanks for the replies. Still trying to figure out what's even going on. Cops won't really tell me anything, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Going to contact a lawyer and see what they say.

    EDIT: I live in Illinois

    submitted by /u/redeemr
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    Someone has been doing revenge porn on me for the past 2 years. I know his name, address, social media, and phone number. I contacted the police about a year and more ago but they never did anything.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Someone has been doing revenge porn on me for the past 2 years. I know his name, address, social media, and phone number. I contacted the police about a year and more ago but they never did anything. The guy I dated claimed his icloud got hacked. He's been posting pictures of me with my name, area code number, and my old instagram account. He posts the same pictures every 5 or so months on different websites. What should I do? EDIT: I live in California.

    submitted by /u/BadBadBadDay
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    How should I handle that my sons coach, a convicted rapist, is not on the sexual offender registry?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    Should I take action that my sons coach is not registered on the sex offender registry?

    About six months ago I made a post that I discovered my sons coach is a convicted rapist. I ended up calling the sports authority that runs the programs and it turns out that someone already turned him in. He is no longer allowed to coach.

    What I am concerned about is that this parent is still involved in the program. He is in the locker rooms with the kids, etc. Additionally I am aware that one part of his parole was going on the sex offender registry, something that he has not done (I've looked, he is not on there).

    What do I do? He is often at his daughters elementary school, and I know he is often alone with kids still. Should I do or say something?

    Edit: we live in Michigan.

    Edits: clarification, typos, etc.

    Final edit: u/caladsigilon Said it best here. I feel very comfortable with that answer.

    Case closed.

    submitted by /u/rtyghf
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    Landlord expects me to paint and clean house for new tenants because I wouldn’t end my lease early. (California)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    My current lease ends August 31, 2020 and I have paid the rent for the full month of August. My landlord asked if he could have the keys back on Friday (August 28) so that he could have the house professionally painted and cleaned before the new tenants move in on September 1.

    I explained to him that I would not be able to move into my new house until August 31 and he responded saying "I went ahead and cancelled my paint guys and my cleaning crew. I'm going to count on you to do the job that they we're going to do... I'm going to bring you all the paint samples I have for this house".

    I am a full-time medical school student and I cleaned and painted to the best of my ability (the house looks great just minor knicks in the trim which he didn't give me paint for) yet he said his new tenants are "very meticulous". I paid a fairly large deposit + an additional $800 for my pet. Before this whole ordeal, I was not expecting to get much of my deposit back. However, now that I've done a lot of the work how do I make sure I get most of my deposit even if the new "meticulous" tenants ask for a professional painter/cleaner after they move in? Also, was I obligated to do that work because I wasn't able to move out early?

    submitted by /u/kamibear23
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    Can I legally kick my pregnant (now ex) best friend out of my house?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    Members of another sub suggested I discuss my situation here in case there's legal hangups I'm not expecting. I'm not going to go into the entire story because I already typed it up for said other sub and the details aren't necessary for what I need to know from you guys, but basically the jist if my situation is this-

    My best friend has been living with my husband and I since May. We no longer want her here and are going to tell her to leave. I want to know if she has any legal rights to stay on our property.

    We live in Massachusetts. We own the house. There was never a lease. She never gave us any money for rent. She has packages sent here, but she never updated her address with the DMV because she didn't want to lose her health insurance she has through her previous state. She's 5 months pregnant (not sure if that changes anything legally).

    submitted by /u/Either_Difference_20
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    I was prescribed a drug that I'm allergic to and put me in the ER ,NYS

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    On August 20th, I went to an urgent care facility for a sinus infection. When they took me to the room the MA came in took my vitals, and asked if I had any allergies. The only thing I am allergic to is amoxicillin. The MA walked out, as the PA walked in. He felt my sinus, confirmed I had a sinus infection. He told me he was going to be prescribing me Augmentin. I pick it up from the pharmacy next door. I Take it for a week as prescribed. My allergy to amoxicillin is a delayed hypersensitivity response. So the allergic reaction doesn't being i finish the round of amoxicillin. So on August 28 the day after my last pill of Augmentin, I notice hives on my feet. Never really thought much of it, got dressed for work and left. About 12pm I notice the hives were my fore arms now too. So I look up Augmentin to see what chemicals they use in the antibiotic. What's the first ingredient? Freaking amoxicillin. So I left work to go back to the urgent care to get some prednisone going. After they got me an exam room an MA comes in take my vitals, asks what I was in for. As I start telling her about how they prescribed me a drug I was allergic to. She looks at my chart, and she said it was literally the only item I had listed as a known allergy. A PA comes in gives me a shot of prednisone, and wrote a script for oral prednisone and apologized for her colleagues screw up. So I go home with the prednisone. So yesterday I woke up with my eyes swelling shut, as well as my throat. My wife rushed me to the ER, and they treated me with some kind of mix of like 4 or 5 different vials they injected me with a banana bag. My esophagus is still swollen today. I'm just wondering if it would be worth the fight for malpractice?

    submitted by /u/TubeSamurai
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    Is my landlord trying to scam me like my father is saying?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    Recently there has been a leak in my bathroom, behind the toilet, which has apparently damaged the ceiling of the unit below us (no damage to our place). My landlord is claiming that since we didn't contact him about this leak it is our responsibility. He then asked us to speak to our parents to get them to cover our apartment with tenant's insurance through their home insurance.

    After asking my parents to do what he said, my dad called me to say our landlord is trying to play us. He claimed that tenant's insurance only covers our belongings and that the rest of the building is the responsibility of the landlord. Besides, you can't even claim something with insurance that happened before you were covered.

    We've had trouble with this landlord before; generally he's super slow to get anything done, and when we moved in it was filthy and there wasn't even a working smoke detector, despite him saying he was going to do renovations over the summer.

    I'm 19 in Ontario, Canada. Who's in the wrong here, my landlord or my father?

    EDIT: After reading some of the comments and checking out the LTB, I feel it should be mentioned that none of us did anything to cause the leak, and I think it falls under 'general wear and tear'. I think the only thing that we could be called negligent in is the fact we did not contact the landlord when we noticed there was water.

    submitted by /u/GoatBoi_
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    (USA) found my 17 year old daughter selling content on onlyfans and want advice

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    So I unfortunately caught my 17 year old daughter on onlyfans selling content, and I think I know what the right course of action is but want to make sure.

    I'm thinking just delete the profile and move on. One, I don't particularly want to get the subscribers in trouble. She can easily pass as several years older and she created a fake Instagram account to advertise. Two, I'd think she could possibly face legal issues for distribution and production.

    Am I right in thinking to delete the accounts, ground forever, and move on?

    submitted by /u/legalthrowawaytttt
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    [CA] Sold car, pandemic happened, transfer of liability never went through, car was sold again. Need Help Please!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    What are my options?

    I sold the car back in February, then the pandemic happened and all the DMVs closed

    I mailed in the transfer of liability to the DMV and thought the name was officially changed but this past week I received a street sweeper ticket, it came to me because the car never transferred over even though I mailed the liability transfer

    I went to the address of where the ticket(the person I sold it to) and they said they sold the car to someone else

    All I need is an ID of the new owner to make another transfer of liability

    As of now what are my options if the new owner DOESNT send me anything?

    Can I file a report with the police to get my car back because I'm still registered under the car?

    What do I need to do?

    Really need help on this one thank you

    Edit: In case the person I sold it to says "I sold the car, it's not my responsibility anymore" in this scenario what should be done? Contact the new owner?

    Edit 2: I gave the person I sold it to the title of the vehicle

    submitted by /u/rawrtherapy
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    Business charging 8% sales tax where local rate is 7% and keeping the difference?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    It's recently come to my attention that a small business is charging 8% sales tax and intentionally keeping the additional 1% after paying the local rate of 7%. This has been brought to attention by employees and owner justifies it as "covering some of the credit card charge expenses." How much trouble can they get in for this if any, and how would I go about reporting it? Could I do so anonymously? I know 1% isn't a lot, but they're pretty successful and it has to add up.

    Location: VT, USA

    submitted by /u/Danisue7
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    I'm being forcefully kicked out of the room I rent inside a suburban home without any sort of notice

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    I've been renting out a room inside the parents house of my former best friend. She got triggered at me over a Facebook post I made about overpopulation and is now ganging up on me with her mother, the actual landlord. Today is August 30th and last week Monday I walked up to the landlord and asked her if she would give me time to leave if things between me and her daughter came to a head and she answered yes, that she would work with me and give me proper time to leave. Fast forward to this evening, I came home from work and her mom barges into my room and starts yelling saying "I don't feel like living with this drama and you better have a plan by the end of the week" I said that she needed to give me a notice, cause I can't just up and leave without any notice, my budget won't let me move out and travel to my out of state new place for another 4 weeks. She said that she gave me a notice last week, MIND YOU last week, she simply agreed that she would give me time as i asked her about the hypothetical scenario. I'm always on time with rent, she never made a written agreement about the rent. It was a verbal agreement that I would give her rent on a weekly basis since I get paid weekly. Never gave me a written notice of eviction and tried to get me to leave the house tonight. Its too late at night so I can't call my lawyer until tomorrow morning. Im in Charlotte north Carolina. What are my legal options for this

    submitted by /u/DaJengo-Senpai
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    I have a stalker that I cannot get rid of. MS, USA.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    A guy (27 M) I used to be in contact with has been stalking me (20 F) online nonstop for months. he's followed me with aliases on all social media platforms. I've blocked and turned all my accounts private. he still finds a way. whether that's emailing me, messaging me through photo editing apps, or following other people I know. he once said he was going to come to my church one Sunday, but didn't. I moved four hours from my hometown recently and he knew I was moving here months ago and threatened to move here too. I don't even want to leave my apartment in the small chance that he may have gone through with it. I have anxiety and depression, and I am a student. I have enough on my plate. My boyfriend, family, and friends are concerned for my safety. This guy knows I have a boyfriend and still will not give up. Nothing he's said has been threatening technically, so there's not much I can do legally. He once created an Instagram page about me saying I was a sex addict and posted pictures of my face and followed everyone I knew (including minors such as my sisters). I've tried talking to the sheriffs office in my hometown earlier this year (I can't do anything with the police department due to my living out of city limits) and they basically said there wasn't much they could do. My parents wanted me to press charges at first but after long contemplation, we decided it wasn't a good idea in case somehow these aliases couldn't be traced back to him and he could turn around and press charges on me for slander. We also just don't want to go through the trouble for it only to be a slap on the wrist and make him more angry and persistent. They said I couldn't really get a restraining order. Even if I did, I don't think that would stop him from stalking me online. I'm at a loss. I've had panic attacks, anxiety attacks, intrusive thoughts, nightmares, etc. I don't know what to do.


    This gained some attention so I'm going to include some more information that hopefully will help even more. When we were in contact with one another before I cut him off and we were still friends, we did kiss. It was consensual. However, he also touched me inappropriately and I told him to stop. He also slapped my ass and I told him to stop. Before this, he would speak to me sexually over the phone and would continue even when I told him to stop. This guy needs psychiatric help. I can provide screenshots of every single time he's tried contacting me through social media. I have about 60-70 screenshots.

    submitted by /u/Miserable-Piglet-684
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    In an abusive home and I'm scared

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    I hate the smell of mold and rotting food in the fridge. I hate his yelling. I hate the lingering smell of cigarette smoke in the air. I hate the trash all around me. I hate the dirt and grime everywhere. I hate that I am 13 and I STILL have to sleep in the same bed as my dad. I hate that I have two back teeth rotting out of my head because he still hasn't taken me to the dentist even though he doesn't even have to pay for it! I hate that everything I eat comes out of a freaking box or a bag from dollar general!

    Something I wrote last night soon after itt happened. I need advice on how to get away from here. I don't want to be here anymore. I hate having to be afraid for my safety. This isnt the first time it's happened. One time I even got a candle thrown at my head. It was one of those candles in a glass jar. That blead quite a bit, but there was no concussion or anything as far as I know.

    "I'm scared. I don't feel safe here. I'm 13 my mom passed when I was young and my big sister is moved out. It's just me and my dad. I live in a trailer. There's only one bed. My dad tends to hog the bed. I was on the edge of the bed. He was in the middle. I asked him to move and he doesn't. I ask again. Then I calmly said "You're in the middle of the bed. Move back to your side" but he didn't he started yelling. I got into my defensive position. Which is my arms out in front on me to try and block any hits, and my eyes clenched closed. He grabbed my arm, pushed it out of the way, and punched my chest. There's a slight bit of bruising, but it's just to where I can feel bruises, not to where I can see them. I feel a knot in my chest and it's a bit hard to breath, but I think that's just cuz I'm panicking. I'm in the truck now. I think I'm going to stay out here all night. I don't feel safe inside the trailer. This isnt a whole lot better, but at least I'm away from him"

    Please help me! I just want to be away from him! I wish I could get I forgot the word but it's when a kid becomes a legal adult in all ways except consent to anything sexual. I don't know how though and I don't think I qualify for that. I'm in Grady county, Oklahoma.

    submitted by /u/Sherbet_Suspicious
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    Pep Boys cracked my wheel, said that I did it and refused responsibility. I’m out 500$ to replace it, what are my options?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    United States, GA.

    About 3weeks ago my tire sensor came on. Nothing major maybe 3 psi leak. I went to pep boys and they patched my tired the mechanic said he found a wooden nail in my tire. (I believe it to possibly be a golf tee, but not sure because that seems like a 1/10,000 chance.)

    On to the next day I wake up and my tire pressure went from 41 to 29 psi over night. I take it to them again and they re do the patch for me. Tell me if it doesn't work I will need to buy a tire.

    Next day same results except I got home early in the morning and 24 hours later my tire is at 13 psi. I go to pep boy purchase the tire go home.

    Same result the next day, I go to pep boys and they call me into the shop to show me a crack in my wheel. ( I haven't hit anything or curbs what so ever, I'm a very careful driver.) I take it to get inspected by a welder and he was shocked there no damage to my wheel or car, other than the cracked wheel. He told me he believed they messed up taking the time on and off. I also find it funny that when they showed me the crack and sprayed it with water it was so easy to see! They looked at this wheel 3 times and somehow didn't see this.

    I really don't know my options but I'm debating disputing the charge with my bank and claiming fraud. My tire that I had could of easily been patched but I bought a 200$ tire from them for no reason. It was such a small hole in the tire from the wooden nail puncture. I know it could of been patched.

    Any help would be great sorry for the long post, I'm a pretty poor college student and this cost me about 600$ so far.

    submitted by /u/KyleMac03
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    My moms friend stole my inheritance.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Hello! This is my first reddit post, so i apologize in advance if i do this wrong(?)

    My mother passed away from terminal cancer 5 months ago. She adopted my brother(20M) and I(21F) when we were around 12 years old, but raised us our entire lives. We were her whole world, she worked very hard to give my brother and I the best lives she possibly could. She was a telecommunications engineer, a college professor, a ccd teacher, and a stock market expert. Growing up, she tried her best to hide the fact she had cancer, but we always had to be prepared. She told us and many other people in the family not to worry about money, that we would be left plenty to continue supporting us growing up, to eventually get a college education when we got older, pay bills, cover anything she may owe after she passes, etc. At the time, my brother and I were very young, so she left her friend of 50+ years in charge of managing and advising the money that would be left to us. She wrote out an instruction manual type of thing for her, stating that she was supposed to give my brother and i a certain amount of money every month, and once we reached a certain age, it would be up to us to manage it ourselves. she wrote and signed every page, but never got it legalized. I assume she didn't feel she needed to do that because she trusted her friend to honor her wishes. They spoke many times about what her friend was supposed to do once she passed. In the instruction manual she wrote, she referred to her friend as "her sister in christ", she literally trusted her with her life. Since she was to manage our money for us, my mom left her as primary beneficiary to the money she left for my brother and I because she always assumed she would pass before we reached 18. My moms friend ended up claiming the money without letting us know. We found this out when we tried claiming it ourselves to pay off what my mother still owes. We tried speaking to my mothers friend about this, and to sum it up, she told us the money is hers to do as she pleases, and she wouldn't be giving us any of the money because she was left as the primary beneficiary. My brother and I have been told there isn't much we can do, and it'd be a waste of time trying to take legal action. I know that a few months before my mom passed, she was actually in the process of removing her friend from all her accounts and all other paper work. She named one of my aunts as executor of the estate, left her in charge of advising us, and pretty much everything her friend was originally supposed to do. Since she was extremely sick and couldn't even walk anymore, people wouldn't answer her calls, she was always in pain or asleep, she wasn't able to finish taking her friend off of everything. she didn't have the energy and her mind was going due to her medication and cancer spreading to her brain. I was wondering if there's anything we can do to get the money back? as of now, neither me nor my brother have the money to pay off anything or pay taxes on any of the properties we were left. we are both extremely stressed out, hurt, and don't know what else to do. I am begging for help, if we can even be helped in the state of Texas.

    submitted by /u/balletusa
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    Landlord issues

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:12 PM PDT


    Back story - my grandmothers house is on someone else's land with permission of the land owner no contract, or leases only rule was we weren't allowed to cut down trees.

    My grandmother recently passed away, and my mother took over the house the landlord also pass away a few years back, his daughter took over the land and was immediately on us to pay her rent less than a week after my grandmother passed away. Fast forward about a year and a dead tree outside the house fell on the house directly on the master bedroom (no one was injured) the landlord told us it was our responsibility to have the tree removed from our house and fix all damages, so no one has lived in the house for the past year.

    She texted my mom last week to tell her she had till September 4th, to get her things out of the house because she was listing it as abandoned.

    Does she have the right to do this was the damage caused by her dead rotting tree our responsibility?

    submitted by /u/Madanamesor
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    My dog bit a neighbor kid resulting in stitches

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    My dog who is a great and amazing dog besides this awful event, he's just very territorial and afraid of other people besides us. He was like this since we rescued him at 2 years old, he's been with us a year so far and we recognized his aggressive behavior and accommodated to it.

    It all happened so quickly. My younger brothers where in the garage playing with the 12ish year old neighbor girl with our garage door closed. I wasn't there but I guess the door wasn't fully closed and the wind blew it open a little and he ran towards her and within seconds but her. We never expected him to go past barking aggressively to biting. Me dad stopped him quickly and we where really helpful to the victim and did all we could and offered to pay the bill for medical and will do that once we get a bill.

    It seems that the problem is not with the neighbors it seems like that's all squared away. The problem is with what to do next with the dog, we obviously want to keep him but we Want what's best for everyone and don't want him euthanized if possible.

    I live in Pennsylvania btw

    submitted by /u/Balenciagagucci
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    Can I still work my day job and start a company if I did not sign a non compete?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I'm located in Massachusetts. I am not sure if I need to hire a lawyer or not to navigate this. I don't have the money to spend on a lawyer right now and I will have to wait until I do. I want to start a company and I am wondering if there is any law I should know about that would prohibit me from doing so. I still have my day job, so this would be something I do in the evenings and weekends. I plan to start a company that does work in the same field as my current employer. I did not sign a non compete. All I have is a moonlighting agreement where my employer says that they discourage moonlighting and they want to know if I do any work on the side. Is it possible if I am an employee at will at my company to become am owner or a corporation? I am obviously going to keep both jobs separate and never use any of my work resources to work on my business.

    I am just worried if my company becomes successful, my current employer might try to take legal action because it is something I did while still working for them. My understanding is that the corporation functions as its own entity, therefore the work is performed by the firm, not me as a person. Would I be required by the moonlighting agreement to tell my employer that I started a company?

    Thank you so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/linzeims
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    Help, need advice.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    Currently separated from "wife" . Seeking divorce. "Wife" took our child on vacation out of state without my prior knowledge of when. Concerned greatly but I have to tread carefully. "Wife" has been chaotic and erratic past 2-3 weeks. Help, need advice on how to proceed.

    submitted by /u/Fatigued_Father
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    Harassment over disability.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    Indiana. (F 20) if that matters. I work in a shipping facility . When I was hired on I informed the HR department that I suffer from IBS. due to this i asked for accommodation over bathroom breaks and it was told it was no problem I would just have to report it and my quota would be adjusted. I asked if they needed proof from a doctor and they said no they'd just inform my managers. ( I dont report it every day I work and when I do I usually under report. Usually just a few minutes and never over an hour even in extreme cases.) A few months go by and I get called into the office and they tell me to stop putting that I'm going to the bathroom in my reports I inform my manager what hr told me he says ok and I go about my day. Today a year and a half later I found out in no uncertain terms that this time has NEVER been applied to my quota.

    Friday twords the end of my shift I am waiting on the final shipment to be ok'd so I can start working on it. i start having bad abdominal cramping and decide to go sit down while I wait. (Bad move I know but with 20 minutes left of the shift I didnt think it would be a big deal.) Ten minutes later my manager comes running up to me and starts yelling at me in front of other employees ( who I dont want knowing about my disability) for sitting down tells me "you already waste time shitting on the toilet all day, and I see you out here like your shitting on the dock" I'm already embarrassed at this point and start apologising not even thinking because i dont want to get fired and then he starts telling me that im stealing company time and that I'm going to be disciplined.

    I'm terrified that I will be fired in the next couple of days. if I do, is there anything I can do? Or because I'm in a right to work state am I shit out of luck?

    submitted by /u/SpecialistWhereas9
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