• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 6, 2020

    Legal Advice - New hire makes more than me, now I'm being punished for asking for a raise.

    Legal Advice - New hire makes more than me, now I'm being punished for asking for a raise.

    New hire makes more than me, now I'm being punished for asking for a raise.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Preface: I am in my early 20s, female, and working for tractor supply in Idaho.

    We recently got a new hire at our job and we hit it off really well. While we were talking we realized she makes .50 cents an hour more than me even though I have more responsibility. It's not a problem I'll just ask for a raise.

    I asked my manager for a raise and he told me it was company policy that we shouldn't have been discussing our pay, refused to give me the raise, and is now punishing me by taking me off of cleaning and putting me back on registers by changing four other peoples schedules. I could handle not getting the raise but now I'm being punished just for asking. What is my recourse?

    submitted by /u/Hayden_odinson
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    Roommates mother is convinced we're in a cult

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    UPDATE:. The situation is out of our hands now. J's mom showed up at my job making the same claims about me and J being in a cult/in danger. She told my coworkers she needed to speak with me and it was an emergency and when I saw it was her I told my manager and he called the police. The police found her in her car raving about organ harvesting cults and called paramedics to evaluate her. The last I heard (still at work now) was that J's mom is being evaluated for psychiatric treatment.

    Obligatory I'm on mobile/throwaway.

    I (28m) live with my fiance P (27m) and our roommate J (28f) in a 2 bedroom apartment in Illinois that we rent. We just renewed our lease. J's mother has a long history of paranoid behavior and yesterday when J was out with her family (mother father and brother) her mother isolated her and accused her (and myself and fiance) of being in an organ harvesting cult organized by the government and run through covid-19 testing sites. She demanded access to J's phone and her messages. J did her best to remove herself from the situation and told her mother a blanket no to any sort of access to her phone and told her mom to seek treatment and went back to our apartment.

    That would have been the end of it except J's mother has also convinced J's brother M (25m) of this conspiracy and they drove to our apartment complex. There they convinced our downstairs neighbors to let them into the building. Once in the building M opened a hallway window, climbed out to the outside of the building, opened up our balcony door and broke in to our apartment and let their mom inside where they then proceeded to block J in her bedroom and record her while demanding to know what groups she recently joined and tell her they were concerned for her. J was able to get them to leave and has blocked their numbers and gone no contact but it was a pretty terrible scene altogether. Fiance and I have had to contact our immediate families as we have known each other for a while.

    What are our options here? J would like to involve the police as little as possible. Are police necessary? Can our landlord end our lease over this? How can J ensure that her family doesn't repeat this episode? Any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/throwaway098142069
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    NY Can I use audio recording of my ex being physically and verbally abusive in a child custody hearing

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    I recently split from my ex after she was being physically and verbally abusive in front of our 1 year old. We were never married and she was actually the one who asked me to leave or she was going to take our child and 2 dogs to her parents over an hour away. I have been staying at my mother's so I can stay close to my son and dogs. I'm retaining a lawyer this week which is going to cost $3,000. I still pay the rent at our townhouse and I have been the sole provider of income for 90% of our Childs life. She came to my mothers house (which my mother owns) last week and we sat down in the kitchen to talk. I turned on the voice recorder on my phone and set it on the table, I don't believe she knew the voice recorder was on. She admitted to swearing and being physical, along with not allowing me to see my son. On part of the recording she is swearing at me in person and another part she admits to the physical and verbal abuse in front of our child. The audio is crystal clear but I'm getting mixed results from the internet as to whether or not I would be able to use it in a child custody hearing. I know the laws vary from state to state, I live in northern New York. Thanks in advance for any help

    submitted by /u/ca55in
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    Roommate won’t let me move in

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    So after paying a deposit,rent, and a parking fee I was told I'd be moving into my apartment FIVE days ago. To make a long story short after day five of her taking hours to respond to me asking if I can move in I texted her

    "Hey what's going on here? It's been four days since you said I could move in. You took all of last night getting my key and you take forever to respond to my texts and you never update me until I text you. Being that I've paid you more then enough I obviously want to live with you but if you don't want me to that's completely fine, you can say that. But if that's the case you have to give me back every single cent, my bank account went from 1800 to 495, I've saved that money since the beginning of the summer. "

    "Is this a scam? Am I just throwing money at you and you just haven't blocked me yet because you want to see how much you can get out of me? I'm sorry if I'm being rude by my patience is nonexistent at this point."

    She apologized and said she left her phone at work. Being that today is her day I'd assumed that I'd FINALLY get my key today and forgave her. I texted her today about the plans and it took her six hours to reply after me saying

    "Here's this, I'll give u a dollar if u say that ur actually going to give me my house key today if u get back to me in the next ten minutes."

    She still hasn't told me if I'm getting my key. What should I do? What are my rights as a renter?


    submitted by /u/CFlores1101
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    Is it illegal to keep my daughter?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    I'm a father from Texas, daughter's mother is nomadic, takes our daughter from place to place. Our daughter (11 years old) has reached out to me asking to live with my wife and I. We do not have any legal agreement for custody. Her mother will be taking her back to California tomorrow. What are the legal repercussions if I say I'm keeping her here in Texas? Mother has no legal residence or job.

    submitted by /u/biochicksam
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    Neighbours keep stealing cherries from my sick tree and today, one snapped a branch off to graft

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    I have a cherry tree in my front yard, and it's about a meter away from the sidewalk. People in the community have come by to literally pick BAGS of cherries from our tree without asking us, and today, a guy came by and just outright snapped a branch off of my tree, presumably to try to graft it. I went out and confronted him, and all he did was say sorry and ran off with the broken off branch.

    My tree is also sick and dying, and the side that is getting all this unwanted attention is the healthy side. I'm worried that if other people start breaking the branches off my tree that it will soon die, and I don't want that to happen.

    Is there anything I can do in legal terms? Would this constitute as trespassing?

    I also just want to say chopping down the tree is not an option yet, as I'm trying very hard to not have to resort to that.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

    Edit: In Alberta, thanks LocationBot.

    submitted by /u/conflictedmonkey
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    Within my legal right to make niece and her fiance move?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    We live in Tennessee. My niece has lived with us since 2018 and her fiance moved in temporarily in June of this year. The agreement was never written out, but they agreed to pay rent the first week of every month and the internet bill. I cover the mortgage, utilities, and food. We're splitting the car insurance and my niece has taken over the payments for our second car that she's agreed to buy.

    They are supposed to live with us until next spring.

    They have free reign of the whole house, but they rent a bedroom and there are some simple house rules that all are expected to follow. But things have become strained between all of us. They are not following any of the rules, paying late on their rent (up to 2 weeks) and car payment/insurance. They start to become confrontational when reminded of being late.

    Now my niece is pregnant and expecting to stay until spring 2022. Am I within my legal right to give them written notice (30 or 60 days) to move out?

    submitted by /u/narcsrus1987
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    My girlfriend's mom is constantly threatening to take away her legal status

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    I'm 17 and my girlfriend of 2 years is 16 and not a naturalized citizen. Her mom holds their visa and has recently been using that to threaten her legal status. My girlfriend was born in Mexico however has lived in America since she was 4( basically all her memorable life). My parents have always been more than supportive of our relationship and have even offered her a place to stay at the house when things get kinda rough at home for her. Her mom hasn't been so "supportive" of us and never wanted me dating her since the beginning, largely because I am African American. This is something she has made verbally explicit with me. Her mom can be very controlling, manipulative, and selfish at times doing things like constantly emotional and verbally abusing her and taking her money so she can get cosmetics for herself(butt injections); she also uses her daughter to pay a large number of her bills while opting not to work herself so she has good reason not to let her leave, but she does care about her daughter "In her own way". We want to get her emancipated as soon as possible or at least out of the house, but the fact the mother threatens her legal status is a really big barrier for us. We thought we might be able to get her at 17 but I'm not sure how far the power over her legal status really goes in terms of this. Any advice you can give us would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/Affectionate-Lab7294
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    Advice needed about landlord keeping a 5k deposit

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    A relative of mine just got evicted in Nevada right after paying rent because the landlord found out she had misrepresented herself on the application. They are now saying they won't return he five thousand dollar deposit because sh misrepresented herself. That can't be legal. What agencies can I refer her to to fix?

    submitted by /u/belowaverageforprez
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    Mom's bad business decision leads to potential for lawsuit. Can it effect my brother or I if she becomes our dependant?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    I apologize for the long post due to backstory/info:

    Back story: My parents immigrated here in thier late 20s and have spent thier entire lives working low paying jobs (food service/mechanic/ driving instructor) to raise/ put my brother and I through college. We have both since graduated and make a steady income (He just finished residency as a doctor and I make ~130k a year).

    About 2 years ago my mom decided to open a resturaunt with two other coworkers (against my brother and my warnings). Due to her credit score (over 800) it was started with business loans taken under her name and a 9 year lease also under her name. She put her entire savings into the business... Well it didn't last, soon after, the two others left the restraunt and my mom was left running it. The stress of it all got to my mom (63 YO) and she ended up fainting at work...

    At this point my brother and I decided no amount of income is worth ones health and told her to cut her losses and sell it. She ended up selling the business but did not notify the land lord. She is worried that because the new owner has bad credit, the land lord would not allow the transfer and thus it is still technically under her name (and thus she would be open to a lawsuit if the landlord finds out /if the resturaunt fails) she did draft a contract between the new owner and her in regards to her transfering the buisness to him however this obviously does not nullify her contract with the landlord (which states she has to notify him if there's a change of ownership).

    Now, here's the issue, health insurance is $1000 a month through Obama care(cheapest option) per person for my parents, there is no way for them to afford this and my brother and I have been paying it...We have also been supporting my parents financially since (not an issue as it's normal in our culture).

    My brother, has the ability to put them under his health insurance through the hospital (significantly better coverage AND cheaper) but ONLY if they become his dependants.

    Our worry is if something happens and she gets sued could the financial responsibilty of the lawsuit fall onto my brother if they are his dependants? Would they be able to go after our personal assets (house, cars etc)?

    EDIT: we are located in CA Thank you for any suggestions or help!

    submitted by /u/F1rebirdTA
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    Neighbor is removing huge tree on his property but says most of the work and equipment must take place in my yard. How do I protect my house and property?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Location is Minnesota

    Some background - The neighbor said he plans to have the tree cut down (a tall old cottonwood) because twice this summer it dropped huge seemingly healthy limbs. Neither limb fell during or after a major storm. But of course storm damage could have contributed to them falling. Anyway, one fell in my yard and then another in a neighbor's yard. No one was injured either time. But the limb that fell into my yard took out the power line for the entire block, took down part of my fence and damaged some branches on a maple tree in my yard.

    My neighbor said he had an arborist examine said cottonwood and it is not a candidate for trimming. It has to be completely removed. He tells me they will have to turn off my power during removal and most of the removal workers and equipment will have to work in my yard.

    This is a dangerous operation made worse due to its location. The tree is about 30 feet or less from the power line for the block as well as power line to directly my house, it overhangs my house, yard, and power lines, they are working in a tight space (surburbia with 1/4 acre yards with lots of mature trees) and they say they have to turn off my power and take down part of my fence.

    My questions:

    1. Should I require a letter from tree company stating what and when they are doing it and how they will safeguard my property as well as clean everything up afterward and reinstall my fence?
    2. Is their estimated time to remove the tree (half a day) a reasonable estimate for doing the job?
    3. Anything else I need to consider?
    submitted by /u/Box145
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    My company is stealing from patients!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    Help, I don't know what to do!

    I work for a small medical clinic. The clinic excepts people with insurance and those without insurance may self pay and carry only up to $250 dollars.

    The written internal policy is patients without insurance cannot continue receiving services if the bill exceeds that $250 limit. Due to a billing software error at our clinic in at the beginning of the year, dozens of clients without insurance have been forced to pay erroneous bills 10 times over our written internal company policy which has always been $250.

    My aunt is a patient at this clinic and during our weekly phone calls she asked me for help paying her large bill that is due at my clinic. I thought she was going to ask me for $250 dollars, the max amount our clinic allows. She asked me for $2200 dollars! I told her that it was impossible her bill was so high and I would ask our billing staff to review her account.

    Just a few hours later after asking billing to check, I overheard the billing manager discussing with the practice owner that dozens of clients have been greatly over charged due to the system glitch from the beginning of the year. Both agreed to not inform those clients and said, "we'll just see what we can get out of this." The practice owner knows I made the request for a concerened client, but they do not know the patient is my family member.

    The billing manager came to me later in the day and let me know the error was fixed for that client and the billing department would let them know that had been accidentally overcharged and would apologize. I was also reminded that our company billing policy is not to be shared with anyone outside the company due to legal reasons and not to say anything to clients about this because I would lose my job. I didn't think much of it at the moment and was happy my Aunt was only going to have to pay $250 max again as our company policy states.

    After leaving work, I called my aunt to let her know the good news. When I told her that the billing department would be reaching out to her with the corrected amount.

    My aunt said that had been called that day and was told to pay the entire $2200, immediately, today or else she will be sent to collections and will have her income checks garnished, she 67 years old! She was told her medications would not be filled until she paid the entire amount. I told her that is not what happened and not to pay anything. My aunt needs her medications and has mobility issues as well.

    I don't know what to do, Reddit, please help. How can I help my Aunt get the internal policy without letting my employer know it was me? I am a struggling student and cannot lose my job. I don't know what to tell my aunt and I know dozens of other patients are now havig this same issue.

    How can my aunt get that internal written policy from the clinic on her own?

    Thank you so much internet in advance!

    Aunt Man

    submitted by /u/SpaceXcosmonaut
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    Social Services involved in domestic dispute (Va)

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    I am a resident of Virginia

    My wife and I had an argument yesterday morning and when i tried to leave for work she jumped in front of my truck and wouldn't let me leave. I went in the house to get our 17 year old daughter to try and help calm her down, but she was slow to get up so I tried to go outside to leave again. My wife jumped on the running board of the truck and said she was going to just ride on the side. I opened the door and told her if she doesn't let me go I will call the police. She snatched the phone out of my hand (broke my front tooth in the process) and ran out into the street in front of our house I guess to try and get hit by a car (we live on a dangerous blind curve that people drive way to fast around and she has been talking suicidal lately) I ran over and pulled her out of the road and carried her to the house because I was scared she was going to be hit. She was screaming help help the whole time i was carrying her and my phone called 911. My step-daughter had woken up and was at the porch and saw the whole part where she ran out in the road and I pulled her back to safety. I was able to get the phone out of her hand because a part of it was exposed and I was able to pull it out without grabbing her hand. I spoke with 911 and told them to go ahead and come because we were having an argument. They came and my wife spoke to them first and told them i tried to hurt her and showed them a bruise on her upper arm and said I had a gun (which I didn't) and that I have life insurance on her and want to kill her. I sat calmly until she was finished and then the police officer asked me my side which I told her. I told her about my tooth but that it was an accident and not on purpose and I didn't want any trouble for my wife. I also said I'm sorry I grabbed her but I was afraid for her life out in the street. the officer said she could arrest us both but was going to leave us alone, but if we want to file restraining orders we could. I told her no right away but my wife said yes and went to the police department. The police office went first and told them my side of the story, so they only granted an order that says I can't be violent, but I can still be around my wife and kids. I don't think she was happy with that so she went to the hospital and I have no idea what she told them. I know a social worker is involved now. My wife's brother and his girlfriend picked up the kids when the police were still there and my wife and I are both ok with that, but they called me later crying and said the social worker told them they have to bring the kids with my wife wherever she is. I have no idea what to do now, it looks like my wife really wants me to get in trouble. I have spoken with the police officer again and she said she will try to get the social worker to talk to her, but they rarely do. No one from the hospital or social services has tried to contact me at all. I don't understand how they can just make the decision to take the kids away from a safe place. I am hopeful that someone is watching them, because my wife is really unstable right now. I feel so helpless.

    a little backstory: My wife is chronically ill with Lupus and hasn't been taking her medicine, causing really high blood pressure lately. She was in the hospital twice last week for really high BP. She is a really nice person but has a long troubled past with abuse and trust issues. She is convinced I am having an affair (I'm not) and she hasn't been eating or sleeping for days. She works nights which makes it even worse. She has tried to commit suicide in the past although she doesn't have anything on her record of that or any violence/mental illness. We have been married for almost a decade and she has had a lot of episodes where she loses control and gets super angry, her family is very aware of it. I have a super clean record, I never get in trouble or lose my temper and I have a concealed carry permit, but I haven't carried a weapon on me at all for a little while. Usually when she goes too far when she is angry she gets remorseful and apologetic when she calms down, but I don't know if shes buried herself too deep this time.

    Question: I really don't want to make this a legal/custody battle. What options do I have to make sure my kids are safe and my wife receives the help she needs? Thank you for any advice, I know absolutely nothing about this stuff.

    submitted by /u/hscbandit
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    Got served with a restraining order from my ex gf.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Hello. Concerned redditor here. Out of revere Massachusetts (USA)

    I've been served with a restraining order last Thursday in revere Massachusetts, after my ex girlfriend got in a fight with me. It started at home in the morning time where she read a text message from someone she didn't like. She punched me when I was asleep.

    I held her and asked her to stop in which when I let her go she started beating me again. I ran out of my bedroom and she grabbed a knife and tried to attack me. The knife grazed my forearm. Police was called By the building manager and a neighbor. They did not see the knife attacks or her fighting me and me defending myself. I told the cops nothing really happened and that she stole my phone keys and wallet . I was trying to protect her.

    She threw my wallet in the ocean , went to my belongs and held them hostage all day. I called the police in the areas she went to because I could ping my phone. She ended up being at my mothers house. I had a friend that she's friends with too ( that she beat up prior and she filed a 258E against my ex) help me get to my parents house(Malden MA) to try and retrieve my stuff.

    She became violent and broke my phone. She then went by me and started banging on my friends passenger window. My friend rolled it down a little, she reached in and hit her in which I told her to stop. She kept engaging and I pushed her off because the girl was fearing for her life. (Police report says this)

    There's a prior domestic case with her in which she has been arrested against me in Malden MA. I did drop the charges but it was in July 2020.

    All in all I want this to be vacated because I'm not allowed to go in my own home anymore. I'm pretty much homeless right now. She's contacted me during this restraining order as well and I filed a report on it and the police officer also observed it which helps me but I don't know what to do. I don't have her side of the story and i feel like she's lied to the police because I got served in the city where I live not where my mother lives in which I pushed her to get her off my friend who stated she was in fear of her life.

    The hearing is September 14th. she & I did not get arrested sept 1st when it occurred She got summonsed for a&b on my friend and malicious destruction of property on me according to our police report. I assume (IDK) domestic will be summonsed to me.

    All help is appreciated.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/s2000_dutch
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    Niece taken to other country, possibly in danger from family there, what can I do?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    I don't know exactly where to begin. Last year, my sister passed away suddenly, leaving my niece with only her father. He is from Kenya, and always assured us that we would always be able to see her. Later that year at the beginning of November, he sent her to live with his parents in Kenya, breaking that promise. We weren't even informed he sent her there until Thanksgiving. For months we were unable to communicate with her, and a few months ago we were finally able to speak to her, albeit only once a month. After not having our monthly video call last month, we got to speak to her again and she gave us distressing news. It turns out that her father's family has been physically abusive. I don't know what, if any, options me and my family may have here. She is only 11 years old, and we miss her, and just want her safe.

    Please. Any advice on the matter is appreciated.

    EDIT: I am in the United States, Michigan

    submitted by /u/GroggyGamer
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    My friend “unknowingly” committed unemployment fraud for three months while working as a 1099. She came to me crying asking what she should do. Obviously she needs to pay the money back but what is the smartest way for her to go about doing that so she doesn’t get in trouble?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    United States, Florida.

    She thought that because she was only working part time that she didn't need to report her earnings.

    submitted by /u/Ryanjl1985
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    A business owner is threatening to sue me and report me for harassment and trespassing because of incorrect Apple Maps directions

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:19 PM PDT


    Sorry for the weird title, but it's as ridiculous as it sounds. I run a business from a building in a warehouse district. Part of my business has customers meeting me at all times of the day 7 days a week. Something I found out a few months ago is when you put our address into the maps app on your iPhone, it gives directions to pass our building and turn onto a different street, and then tells you you have arrived. When I realized this I started telling customers about it before hand so they wouldn't get lost, but the owner at the business that Maps/customers think is mine has become quite irritated at all the extra traffic. They mostly turn around in front of his business but some people have gotten out of their cars and rang his doorbell or talked to his employees. He knows that all the traffic is people who are coming to see me. So he came to my door today and said he will be contacting the police due to harassment, trespassing (I have never been near his building) and that because he has to wake up at night or early in the morning to check his security system, he's going to sue me for hours worked "on call." He kind of seemed unhinged and nothing he was threatening made much sense to me. I tell all customers I know that are coming by about this issue with Maps but frankly some don't listen and others will still turn the wrong direction. I just don't know whether to take his threats seriously or not.

    submitted by /u/qualitylamps
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    Boss Paying Me Per Student

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Throwaway account just in case. I'm(23F) essentially a tutor at a private center in WA state. Schools in the area are online only right now. Our center is establishing a program where school-aged children can be dropped off 7:30-3:00 and we'll help make sure they get their work done. I have been told by my boss (and haven't found any contridictions) that we don't need a license to run this kind of care.

    They told me they would like me to move from my regular hourly (16.50/hr) position to run the program, including teaching, generating leads, etc. Typically I would work roughly 30 hours a week, right now I'm down to six because of COVID.

    They offered a 40% revenue share of the program in lieu of my hourly rate since they don't have benefits systems in place to treat me as a full-time employee.

    We currently only have three students enrolled, so today they said they would pay me 1600 a month until we had enough to students to surpass that amount.

    Teaching in-person alone is roughly 35 hours a week. This number does not include late pick-ups or additional time advertising the program, following up with leads, discussing work with parents, etc. At 400/wk for 35 hours, that's about 11.40/hr. Aside from being less than my hourly rate, it's also less than the minimum wage in my area (13.50.)

    I enjoy my job and don't want to quit. I also would enjoy getting more than my current six hours a week. Are there any suggestions here? What should I do? Is this even legal?

    submitted by /u/1600lathrowaway
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    Protecting Our Children, Marriage, Family

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    Story below....here are my questions;

    When it comes to 'Grandparenting laws' in MI:

    ****Do we have to continue to meet at the park/if we stop, will the court order grand-parenting time? (Not that we hope it's forever- we just need some respect and boundaries)

    -What does court ordered Grand parenting time look like?

    ****Is there anything we should or shouldn't say, We are walking on egg shells here!! 😞

    Quick back story: my husband had our first son in his first marriage. His wife passed away. Our sons grand parents bought a house to rent to us(for their grand son because they thought an apartment is not sustainable).

    Recently they called CPS on us as some sort of last effort attempt to somehow gain custody. In response, we restricted time our son could see his grand parents alone; sadly,because the CPS reports were so incredibly false we simply no longer trust them. So next thing we know we are kicked out of our home we have been renting from them for years and in a bad spot.

    submitted by /u/Hannah_love6
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    (MO) I moved to a house and down the road they have really neglected horses.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    So I just moved to Missouri and there are these horse that are so horribly neglected. They are skinny. The house that they live in is covered in trash and the ground has no grass. I really want to help them because they look like the are there all day. The hay is completely covered in dirt and they are kept in a little fence. There are three horse in total and they just have the tiniest fence. Is there anything I can do and what are the laws for Missouri on horse care? Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Wolfandhusky12
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    Doctor refuses to release my medical records

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    My dad is a diabetic and like 5 years ago he switched doctors Bc his last doctor was really shitty. Whenever he was making the switch he wanted to release his medical records he refused to send them and my dad didn't make a big deal out of it.

    While he was a patient with him my dad underwent several unnecessary surgeries and despite his blood sugar being extremely high, the doctor still encouraged him saying it was fine and good.

    Now, a family friend who's also diabetic has lost his vision and control of his left arm thus he has to transition to a specialist for more intensive care. His new doctors were curious about what led to this and asked for his records but that same doctor refused.

    What right does he have to get his medical records? Also, what step should we take to consider it malpractice (is it even malpractice or is it the patient's fault)?

    submitted by /u/greenmaplemonkey
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    CA: Boyfriend passed suddenly, his mother is trying to take our dog citing "next of kin", is there any way around this?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    I'm making this post for a friend who is going through this.

    A buddy of mine passed away nearly a month ago now. He was cohabiting with his girlfriend for 2+ years, who still has possession of their dog. His was the only name on the dog's county license, but she is listed as the dog's most recent owner on the vet paperwork from check ups, emergency visits, etc. His mother, understandably distraught, has decided that she will take the dog, citing next of kin. I know the law is the law, but it seems crazy that some lady who barely moved to this state a year ago can take this dog from it's home of 5 years, from someone who has taken care of it for the last 2. Does the girlfriend have any recourse? The county registration renewal came in the mail, can she put her own name on it and legally claim ownership of the dog?

    Edit: I can include the county in a PM if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/throwawaykeph
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