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    Friday, September 11, 2020

    Legal Advice - Estranged husband leased out house while wife still living in it

    Legal Advice - Estranged husband leased out house while wife still living in it

    Estranged husband leased out house while wife still living in it

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Posting on behalf of family.

    Husband left for another woman and moved out months ago. Wife and adult child still living at the jointly owned house together. Eventually child moves to another state with other family. The wife decides to go visit the family for an extended period to be with family (and not be alone, understandably) (extended period being about 2 months so far). She has left almost all her possessions at their jointly owned home.

    Husband decides to rent out the house and not tell her while she is out of town. She now has no home to go back to, because tenants are in place, the rental management company will not talk to her. He did not put any of her things into storage, they are out in the open for the renters to do whatever with. This seems EXTREMELY illegal to me, but I know nothing about real estate laws, joint-ownership, etc. They live in Florida, if that makes a difference.

    Can he do this even though they own the house jointly? Can she sue for anything? If this is NOT legal and the management company did not do their due diligence in following up on joint owner permissions, what legal recourse can be taken there?


    submitted by /u/cephalophile32
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    I am working in California on a long term project and keep being told to stand down.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    So, I am from Georgia and my company has me out here in California working. They got me out here by promising me 60hrs a week, I've been out here 3 weeks now and have yet to even approach that. I've worked maybe a total of 30 hours in 3 weeks. They keep having me "stand down" from work mostly because they aren't ready for me and some because of the air quality being such that they don't want us outside of working.

    They send me emails almost daily to remind me not to bill any hours to the project because I've been told to stand down. I don't know what to do because if I was home I would be working my 40hrs a week no problem, but here they are consistently causing me barely get any hours. I'm not going to be able to pay my bills this month because of this.

    Are they allowed to bring me out here with the promise of work and instead stand me down making me stay in the accommodations they gave me and not pay me? I can't return to my personal life, I'm just sitting in this room not being paid almost anything, almost 3,000 miles from home. It's tearing me up with stress. Any one able to help? Thanks

    submitted by /u/TheCollectorOne
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    [TX] Just received a call from a debt collector stating that we owe our previous apartment over $2,000 and that we now have a broken lease on our rental history.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    At the beginning of July this year, we received a rent statement on our door that indicated that our lease ended on July 12 (even though our lease ended on Sept 15). We tried calling them and contacting them multiple times but they ignored our calls and emails and were constantly out of the office. My brother was able to finally get in touch with them and explain that our lease was not supposed to be over but they told him that they were a new company that had taken over and that the end date they had was all they saw on their end.

    So to avoid the month to month charges and just find living elsewhere, we wrote them a note stating that we would be moving out near the end of July. We were able to successfully deliver it to them in person but they did not sign it or speak very much to us. They just said "We'll put it in your file." We received no other information from them and they did not contact us further after that day.

    So, we moved our stuff out and left. Now, we are all living in new places and living our lives normally, assuming that our $800 nonrefundable move-in deposit must have covered any potential damages and that we were all fine. Well today, I received a call from a collections company that is not BBB-accredited and has several complaints against them. They told me that we broke the lease and that they were calling to collect the debt of over $2k, nearly $3k (the early termination lease fee). The woman on the phone basically threatened and harassed me, going as far as to tell me that if I kept interrupting her she'd end the call and I could come call back when I see them on my credit history. She basically threatened to report it to my credit history if I didn't stop talking over her. Every person that I spoke to was extremely rude and condescending and the way I was being treated combined with the stress of the situation gave me the first panic attack I have had in years.

    I am very confused, exhausted, and very overwhelmed and don't know what to do. This apartment has been trouble from the get go, failing to complete repairs, leaving damage every time they repaired things, running water reallocation formulas on us without notifying us in the lease resulting in up to $300/mo water bills, the list goes on and on. I just want this all to end but I don't understand why they are charging us this way. I feel entrapped and stuck and I just don't know what I should do.

    submitted by /u/ForeverAloneRowan
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    Indentured worker, working as a housekeeper away from my home state in the US and am starving

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    *United States, Michigan *

    Due to covid I was not able to find a job where I live, and desperate, took a job as a house keeper out of state. Everything they promised has been a lie, from the pay turning from 12 an hr to being minimum wage, an apartment that looks more like a women's shelter, no breaks and you have to beg for a lunch even tho I work 8 to 11 hours a day, and my biggest issue right now: food.

    We were promised rides tot he grocery store and they are every week, but never scheduled ahead of time and always by word of mouth. Whenever we aren't busy is when we get to go after work. Just now I came back to the office to do laundry and was ask if I needed to go to the store by the Department Manager. I told her yes but I was doing laundry and no one told me ahead of time -but was cut off at the end and told I needed to ask the driver if he can do another trip later. She then left to go home. (No kids, no partner, spends all her time working.) I've been living the last few weeks off of rice, instant ramen, and trail mix. I've missed the last two already, 1st) because the diver was so late the store closed in 30min, 2nd) I was physically too tired to go after work -remember 9hrs of manual labor with no breaks, didn't take a lunch that day, no cooked meals other than pizza sometimes. I'm dropping weight concerningly fast.

    The general manager is directly in charge of store trips, appointing someone to take us, or she goes herself. My...complaints about how wrongly we are being treated have now labeled me a nuisance. She barely cared at first, and even less now. I've also complained to HR but they don't care either and only agitate my boss more.

    Closest public airport is a week away by foot, through forests and hills. No public transport here due to covid, and the cabs refuse to go this way. Not to mention it would be a couple of grand to fly back home.

    But I'm getting really pissed off about my situation and am tired of being treated like a dog. As if my demands are unreasonable.

    Anyone have any ideas what I can do here?

    submitted by /u/Oceanboar
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    Neighbors shed currently in construction encroaches on on my property. Best way to handle this?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Florida, Pinellas County, St. Petersburg

    Neighbor is currently constructing a shed and framing is almost completely done. The eave overhangs my property 1-2 feet. Last week I told him this needed to be moved off my property and received a "ok" back. He continued with framing throughout the week after that conversation without resolving the issue to this date.

    I had a sealed survey completed 2 weeks prior to the shed showing up because I was concerned about some other construction he was doing and my fence is 2-3' clear of my property line; I wanted it to be clear where my property is so when I replace the fence and push it back to the line there will be no questions.

    My property is with the frame shed. The blue is their shed with red eaves. https://i.imgur.com/1nNs7UW.png

    I'm trying to figure out my options here without shooting myself in the foot.

    There's a good chance he did not pull a permit to build the shed. Even if they did or one wasn't required (less than 100 sq ft) they are not respecting the setbacks or easement. However nor is my shed. If I were to call codes I assume I could bet getting myself into a pickle as well. But this is the free option. Is it possible to call codes even after the shed is completed in the event they never correct the issue?

    Otherwise I assume I'd have to get another survey done showing the encroachment and contact an attorney to draft a letter? The survey cost $300. About how much much would an attorney charge?

    Are there any other ways to handle this better?

    submitted by /u/chupa0
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    Landlord entered my apartment without notice and left my air conditioning on. My utility bill has skyrocketed since July even though I haven't stepped foot in my apartment since early May. I'm thinking of threatening a lawsuit.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Hi all. I'm a 3L (pray for me) who knows nothing about most practice areas, especially landlord-tenant law.

    My law school shut down in March because of the pandemic and I returned home to my parent's house out-of-state. My only roommate returned home to Korea and hasn't been back in the US since. I went back to my apartment for five days in early May to check on things. When I left, all of my lights and the air conditioner were off.

    Since March, my utility bill has been declining steadily (reaching a low of $20/month). Suddenly, in July, the bill starting going up rapidly. My bill for August is now $80....quadruple the usual amount. This happened to me last summer as well...I left to intern out-of-state and my bill shot up over the summer. When I complained then, the staff admitted that maintenance had probably gone into my apartment and left the a/c on. They reimbursed my money. The staff has since changed. The new staff doesn't see how anything could be wrong and refuses to reimburse my money. I've called the utility company and they assured me that the meter readings are correct. Someone has been using the electricity....just not the actual residents of our apartment. I'm certain the same thing happened here as last summer...the staff went to fix something and left the air on. The landlord has refused to provide me with records of all the occasions where maintenance/other staff have entered my apartment (I'm beginning to suspect that they don't even keep these records). If they did enter my apartment sometime in July, I never received notice and my state does require 24-hour notice for routine maintenance.

    In the meantime, while I've been trying to resolve this problem, I keep getting hit with late fees for the utility bill I refuse to pay. I'm thinking of threatening a lawsuit....do I have a claim?

    Edit: adding a graph of my electricity usage from the utility provider. Usage starts declining in March and then shoots up in July.

    submitted by /u/littlesonnybear
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    My car was stolen from an Exxon while it was there for service. Thief walked in and took the keys right from behind the unattended counter.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    A police report was filed and the owner of the service station filed a claim with insurance. I also contacted my insurance. Am I within my rights to sue for negligence for not taking measures to protect my car? It holds sentimental value (8 years, 140k miles, 3 states of residence, and a lot of fond memories) What can I do outside of letting the insurance argue about how little to pay me out?

    submitted by /u/Hazy-Bolognese
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    Took my car to the garage, now garage is closed, voice mail is full and I can't get my car. Is my only option to get a court order?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    So last Tuesday I took my car into our local mechanic. I talked to him on Wednesday about a part that needed to be ordered and told him no problem. Now, it's been over a week and I haven't heard anything from him. The garage has been closed everytime I've gone by, and the voice mail is full so I can't leave a message. I left a note on the door yesterday (politely asking him to call me) and it was still there this morning, but had obviously been read by someone. I also checked their mailbox and it was empty yesterday, but had mail this morning. So I'm guessing that someone has been collecting the mail over the past week.

    On Wednesday (a week after I last talked to the owner) I called out local police to ask them about what to do. They said they could do a welfare check on him. Today I called back and they said that because I wasn't a relative they couldn't tell me anything. Fair enough. They said I could go the courthouse and ask to get a court order. Any advice on that?

    FYI, It's a small town garage, owner operated with one other employee. I've been taking our cars their for several years. I have a good relationship with the owner and I hope he's doing ok. But, this is a business relationship, that is still my car in there, and I would like it back.


    Update: Thanks for the advice on trying to deal with this outside of the court system. I'm still working on that. Found another person asking about the shop on our local Facebook page, and I found the owners profile. Sent him a nice message and waiting to see if I hear anything back.

    submitted by /u/micfost
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    Can a landlord legally ask me not to put my garbage in the dumpster?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Sorry if this isn't the right place for this question.

    Currently living in Salem, Oregon, and the trash company hasn't been coming to take the trash from our community dumpster due to the fires. It's overflowing pretty badly and residents have been piling garbage way over the top and also around the dumpster. Because of this, our landlord has requested that we stop putting our garbage in the dumpster.

    In our contracts we are not allowed to put garbage on our balconies or outside of our doors, and also we are required to keep the insides of our apartments clean, sanitary, and free of bad odor. We are not able to open our windows or doors to mitigate the smell because the air quality outside right now is in the 500s for small particulate matter (rated as hazardous).

    I'm having a hard time believing that they can ask us to keep our garbage inside our very closed up apartments. If anyone can provide links or whatnot to help I would be so grateful.

    EDIT 1: they said explicitly in writing (via mass text) "don't continue to overload it."

    submitted by /u/baroqueen1755
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    Apartment complex allowed employee to trashout apartment before lease ended - any recourse?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    USA - Florida - We are in the process of moving out of very expensive luxury apartment complex to a house. We were probably 80% moved out of the apartment but still had stuff tucked away in drawers, closets, cabinets, etc. that needed to be gone through, packed, and moved.

    Tuesday night we went to the apartment to finish going through everything. The door was locked. As soon as we walk in, everything was completely ransacked. Every cabinet, drawer, closet all flung open and everything rummaged through. We found our personal banking information, paystubs, and a blank prescrption pad (gf is dr) strewn about the floor. 1 blank perscription pad is currently unaccounted for. Clothes were thrown about in the bedroom, toiletries all over the bathrroom. It was a complete mess.

    The panic starts to set in as we realize the implications of our personal financial info being rummaged through. We cannot reach the apartment complex so we call the police to get a cop to document everything. After a half hour with the cop, we finally get the maintenance manager to come in with a supposed explanation:

    The put our apartment up on a trash out board w/ the right date listed but the guy went in on his own accord and started trashing the place. They found out because they saw him walking around with a roomba & a football and asked him where he got them. They made him return the items and re-lock the door. They NEVER thought to notify us so we had the extremely unpleasant experience of thinking we had just been burglarized, dealing with asshole suspicious cop, general traumatic feeling of violation. Then he told me that they were going to fire the employee anyway and planned to fire him the next day. They just threw the dumbass maintenance guy under the bus basically.

    But regardless, we feel extremely violated over this whole thing. We have lost our peace of mind. Now there is a potentially desperate unemployed man (during a pandemic) who knows our name, how much we make, and can now find out where we live - and he might think we are the reason why he got fired! The apartment complex refuses to do anything other than just say they made an honest mistake & basically say "tough luck, we did nothing wrong"

    Is there any potential legal recourse we might have? Some key facts here: We have about $1,300 in unpaid prorated rent for September. Any chance we can get that waived? There is a clause in the lease that states they must give notice before entering unless an emergency, which this clearly was not. They initially said they didn't know why the guy went in there, but now are claiming he went there because he was told to. They are refusing to give us this man's personal information so that we can do our own research on him.

    The main thing we want is just to get his personal information & have the apartment pay for 3 years of identity theft protection. Any rent we don't have to pay them would be a bonus. Do we have any chance at leveraging something out of them?

    EDIT: I should add, we just don't where the 2nd prescription pad is. Moving is hectic and its possible we have it packed up or we just didnt see it. I don't want to accuse a man of something without proof, but it is an extremely concerning aspect of this since the scrips are not numbered.

    submitted by /u/Additional-Apple4884
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    Encroachment notice upon nearby land owned by church

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    This is my first post here so please do bear with me. I would like to start off by introducing myself. I am 16 years old and I just purchased my first car. This is relevant to the topic. I am currently living with my family in the state of Minnesota.

    To start off, I would like to describe our specific plot of land on which we live. It is a plot of land that backs up to a Catholic Church on the rear, and is landlocked by other residential homes. The Church has an unpaved dirt access road that runs the length of the residential properties from the back. This is also relevant to the topic at hand.

    We have a storage shed on the back of our property, with a previously constructed access path from the Church's dirt trail to our read shed. This was constructed well over a decade ago, prior to us moving in to this house.

    As I mentioned earlier, I recently bought my first car, and although it is nothing pretty, I would like to take the best care possible of it. So, I decided that I should figure out a way to garage it. Since we only have a two car garage on the front of our property, I decided the best thing to do would be to clear the now overgrown vegetation from the rear access path leading up to our garage. This path is half on the Church's property, and half on our property. I cleared shrubbery and stumps from our side of the property line for multiple hours one evening, and finally got it clear enough to drive through.

    The next relevant piece of context for this topic: a few months ago, we encountered an issue regarding some trees that were on the Church property that were in danger of falling onto our property line, therefore causing damage to our storage shed. We requested permission, and were granted, to pay for removal services of said tree, so that our property would no longer be threatened by the collapse.

    Which brings me to today's incident. This morning we received a letter from a legal firm in our area representing the Church. They informed us that they have come to the conclusion that we were intending to use the dirt trail on the church property to access our storage shed, located on our property. They also included in the letter a brief summary that declares this has happened in the past: allegedly the previous owner of our home had used this access trail to enter and exit the garage as well. However, in 2009, the Church in question wrote to them and informed them that "The Church has not granted, and does not intend to grant, any easement, license or right to enter upon or cross the Church grounds for ingress or egress purposes regarding your outbuilding".

    They ended the letter by informing us that at this time they are still operating under the same state of mind, that we are not to be allowed access to this property. They cited "liability and precedent reasons" as the primary reasoning to deny access to this trail in their letter to the previous property owner.

    As a teenager who recently purchased my first car, this frustrates me beyond explanation. I want more than anything to be able to use this storage shed to maintain and care for my vehicle, and I would like to reach some form of compromise regarding property access.

    Please let me know if there is any course of action I can take, or how I should proceed in this matter. I am willing to answer any questions that you may have regarding either property to the best of my ability. Thank you all in advance -- I really look forward to reaching a solution one way or another!

    submitted by /u/gts250gamer101
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    I won a trip in an auction, but the business is closing before I can travel. What options do I have?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    This is tough. I purchased an auction item from a non-profit in 2019. I paid the night of auction. Was later told the dates were mistaken and that I would have to wait to take the trip until June 2020-June 2021. And then the big C happened. I just received word from the bed and breakfast owner that the business is closing. They did not offer compensation. I'm not sure what options I have. Should I contact non-profit? Although they are also dealing with financial issues. I paid multiple thousand if that helps and am in the US in Wisconsin.

    submitted by /u/Tryingtokeepup3
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    My apartment in KC knew there was asbestos and drilled into the ceilings anyway

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    There are hundreds, maybe a thousand, new holes drilled into my ceiling. Most have screws and some are open due to ceiling issues. There is ceiling plaster all over my desk, the floors, and probably in the dogs' water bowl now. I have severe asthma. Our lease has a required ammendum that there may be asbestos and to NOT DRILL INTO THE CEILINGS.

    The health department came this morning for hours. They were not pleased. The apartment complex worked with them in July to get rid of asbestos in the ceilings in some units. Then since the ceilings are falling down somewhat, they decide to drill into them. Knowing this. They played dumb with the health department people but that's really not a defense at this point.

    There are many items I have that are not going to be able to be cleaned and will have to be thrown away. I don't have receipts for all of it, but I took pictures of literally everything yesterday. My apartment complex has not yet contacted me. I know we'll need to be put up in a hotel somewhere for a few days or so. I want to send them an email and make sure I only say the right things.

    I live on the Missouri side of Kansas City.

    submitted by /u/NoninflammatoryFun
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    My house is getting egged almost daily.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Location: Virginia

    I know this whole subject feels like I'm maybe blowing things out of proportion but for the last two weeks, my apartment door and stoop has been egged almost daily, sometimes twice a day. For some context: I'm a trans woman and the teens I think who are doing this have often times yelled transphobic things at me from their balcony which you can see my front door from. I'm also pretty sure it's them based on how the eggs are splattering, but I'm no forensic scientist so I'm sure that won't hold up as proof, although we have ordered nightvision camera's in hope of catching someone in the act.

    At first I was ready to dismiss this as kids being kids but it kept happening day after day, and my breaking point was one night when we came out around 8PM to find the stoop had two more eggs on it, so naturally we swept and washed it off with water, no big deal. Only to come home around 9:30PM to see four more eggs cracked in their place; they're clearly regularly watching our front door and house. And that's really what has started making me and my boyfriend uncomfortable, that we're essentially being watched at all hours of the days, we've started getting our packages sent to our friends and families houses in the area in fear of their next move being to steal or damage our packages and our blinds stay closed 24/7 because of it.

    I should also say, I had an incident in the past at a previous living space with a belligerent (adult) neighbor, who would make passing comments about me being trans and ignored it until one day he left a very angry and threatening missive on our door and me and my roommate both decided it would be a good idea if he let me off the lease to find another place to stay, so I'm a little paranoid about small things snowballing into possibly more serious issues.

    We talked to building management who just sort of shrugged their shoulders, and when told who we thought it was, dismissed us with a hand wave saying the tenets who lives there kid's would never do something like this. My neighbor says otherwise, and has told me about the things these kids (one of them is 15 and he wasn't sure about the other one, but I'd wager he's the same age if not a year older) have gotten away with, only being held accountable for the time they dumped paint that had been stored in the laundry room and covering the floor with it.

    My question is, if I was able to get video or photographic proof of who is doing it, do I have a good basis to make harassment charges? Even if they're a teenager? I would obviously like to avoid this, I don't want to cause an escalation on anything or get some teens record dirty, but I feel trapped in my own house to a certain degree and targeted for being trans.

    submitted by /u/girlcaulk
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    (Chicago) Did my mom change my identity unlawfully when I was a baby? What should I do about it?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    My mom has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and has a recurring drinking problem that brings on her episodes. She doesn't have good judgment and often confuses reality with her fantasies.

    I'm 18. My real name, birth date, and father are all different from what is written on my birth certificate. I was born from an affair she had while she was in college. Instead of being honest and noting that fact in government documents like a normal person would, she hid me with her parents for over a year and did not inform the father he had a kid. In that time, she got pregnant from my dad. When my brother was born, she changed my identity to be my brother's twin against the advice of everyone who knew about it. She just really wanted twins and didn't have any better explanation than that.

    We're obviously not twins. I look Asian in a family of all white people. I'm always afraid someone is going to catch on. Even if I was adopted like everyone believes, that's no reason to change my birth date to match my brother's. And the name on my birth certificate is literally a joke name that I've never gone by outside of official documents. It matches my brother's name as a gag. But I've always gone by my real name that you can't get from the name on my birth certificate at all.

    My dad wasn't with her when I was born. She's the only one who knows the information I could use to find a paper trail of my real identity (county & birth date), but she still insists my birth certificate is real. She says stuff like, "that was another reality" when her lies are pointed out by people in the know. My grandparents have a lot of pictures of me as a newborn but nothing showing my birth date or location of birth. My grandmother is dead, and my grandfather has dementia to the point where he thinks I'm like 10 years old when I visit him.

    My mom has this idea that I'm a part of her that she can use however she wants. When I turned 18, she applied for a Kohl's card and utilities with my name without my consent, and she is often late enough to pay that collections get involved.

    I want to stop having to worry about this deception and go back to using the identity I had at birth. Is there a way I can dig up real documents (birth certificate and social security) and cancel the fake identity? (My dad says she may have declared me dead to avoid a paper trail, which could make it even harder to find.)

    Did my mom do anything illegal that the statute of limitations has not passed on after 18 years? If so, what are the chances of her going to prison if I expose her deception to get my identity changed back to what it was? Will police go easy on her because she has schizophrenia? Her criminal record is for perjury and fraud (both misdemeanors she did not do jail time for). She claimed herself dead to avoid paying a debt, and she asserted she was another person in court during a criminal trial where her friend was a defendant.

    My dad has no criminal record. Would he be on the hook for this too since he knew?

    submitted by /u/Duncli
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    Comcast has underground pipe in my property with no recorded easement

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    I live in MD.

    Bare with me because this is a long story.

    I bought this house in June of 2018. I have known there was an underground pipe that belongs to Comcast for quite some time, but I didn't know where it was. The lady who lived in the house before us passed away, the house was flipped, and we bought it. From stories my neighbors told me, their nosy, Comcast illegally dug in the previous owners yard to install a main line that connects the development beside me into Comcast's telecommunication network. The previous owner did not sign any easements, but apparently came to an agreement with Comcast that she would get free services until her death.

    Now fast forward to a few days ago my wife and I got a notice in the mail that Comcast would be digging in the area to service their network. I called just to inquire about where they would be digging. The contractor said there are white lines outside of your house and they should be in the first 5-10 feet of access to your house that the government owns. So I go outside and I don't see anything by the road. So I turn around to go inside and see a white line across the side of my property. So I had a conversation with the guy about what next steps were since in my deed and land survey there are no easements shown to exist. He assured me that he would have his best crew come out to do the service and they would put the yard exactly back to how it was before they entered or better. I said no because if somebody got hurt on my property then they could come after my homeowner's insurance company, and more than likely me as well. He said at this point it is above his pay grade and he had to put in a ticket to Comcast.

    He texted me yesterday with an update saying that what my neighbors had told me is true. Apparently there was an agreement made between the previous owner and Comcast where she would get free services for life. I texted him back that if such documentation exists then I would have to see it and have an attorney read over it. I also said that if an agreement was made with the previous owner, but is not on record with the county then they can't go on my property because the previous owner does not have controlling interest. He said he's just giving an update and no one will set foot on my property until Comcast and myself with my wife resolve this.

    My questions here is if there was nothing on a survey, nothing on the deed, and nothing reported to the county, even if an easement was agreed upon, but not submitted to the county can they still use the previous owners document to enter my property? Or is it null and void since they no longer own the home?

    submitted by /u/kingwilliam0001
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    [TN] New lease includes clause for lien against all personal property and household furnishings? Normal? Enforceable?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    I've never before encountered a rental lease with this clause in it for the tenant to sign:

    The tenant hereby give Landlord a lien upon all his property situated upon the said premises, including all furniture and household furnishings, for the rent agreed to be paid here-under, for any damage cause by Tenant, and for Court costs and attorney fees incurred under the terms hereof.

    Now I understand, sure, just don't break the contract, but worse case scenarios do happen. This seems to imply that the landlord just owns all of our stuff, even our cars, in order to satisfy breaking the lease. Is this correct?

    The only other information I could find was this:

    The only lien that is permitted is a "contracted lien", that is, a lien that is agreed upon in a contract. This contract would usually be the rental agreement, but it could be a separate agreement. Importantly, this lien is not enforceable unless it is "perfected" by the filing of a financing statement with the Secretary of State in Nashville. Most landlords do not go to the trouble of creating and enforcing such a lien. The Act expressly prohibits all other liens, including any common law landlord's lien.

    submitted by /u/FjordTV
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    I’m being threatened and harassed online by kids at my school, Texas

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Hi r/legaladvice I'm a 17 year old high school student. Any Zoomers currently in high school reading this will know what I'm talking about. Recently on sites like Instagram accounts have been popping up where their main purpose is to "expose racism" at a certain school these types of accounts have been gaining massive followings due to recent events but sadly these accounts are almost purely based on blind accusations and little to no evidence and that's what is happening to me and my friend. I myself don't do Instagram but my buddy posted a picture of he and I at a gun range with guns (our dads took us a little while back). I guess one of these accounts at our school picked up the picture and another of my and my friend holding up a gadsen flag and have edited them wayyyy out of context.

    These accounts have added captions to the pictures making it seem like things we said, like that we were "training to shoot POC" and saying we "wanted a race war to happen" anyway my friend and I have been getting flooded with death threats and threats to "beat the racism out of us" when we go back to school in October and at first I ignored it but since they are persistent I'm actually starting to get scared and I don't know what I should do. I don't know if I should report it to the police or if I tell my school admins or my parents or what, I don't even know if what their doing is actually even illegal so I would appreciate any advice.

    submitted by /u/pogchamp1993
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    [FL] Do I have to let a medical marijuana patient roll joints in my tea shop?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    I can't believe this is a question I have to ask, but... I own a tea bar in Broward county, FL that functions as a social center/hangout. This morning, a customer was rolling a joint at one of our tables. When my employee asked them not to, they cited some statute and said we cannot forbid them. When we insisted he roll his joint elsewhere, he went to our bathroom, took up space for 20 minutes, and emerged with a rolled joint and a bathroom smelling curiously like someone smoked weed in it. We then had to air it out for 15 minutes to the dismay of our customers who were not here to smell someone's schwag in the first place.

    I guess my question is... What is my recourse here? I want to shove my proverbial foot up this guy's ass for being inconsiderate, but I don't want to create a potential discrimination suit or get in hot water with the ADA. If it makes any difference, I lease the space and I am also a MMJ patient.

    submitted by /u/thegreatinsulto
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    I was just assaulted and the cops did nothing

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    My moms boyfriend just came home in a drunken rage. After some screaming and I came down to address it, he got in my face and pushed my face with two hands. He then put me in a headlock and drug me outside which probably took like a minute or two bc I was fighting back. He was not very strong, and he was drunk. He then punched me probably 20-30 times while my mom was screaming to stop. The cops said we will both get a citation. I want to press charges 100%. He literally came in and attacked me for little to no reason. I didn't hit him once. They also didn't let me take any of my stuff out of the house even tho I've been living there since I was like 18. I'm 22. What can I do about this?

    submitted by /u/Psychonaut-Number369
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    I ordered food from a delivery service that knew they were having ordering issues but didn't let the users know, they took my money never delivered the food. What are my options?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    50 bucks worth of food I ordered, put me on hold for hours and said I'd receive a refund even though the money is posted as withdrawn from my account and no effort has been made to fix my issue other than the company "cancelling my order." They spoke of a refund and a confirmation email but no email has been sent and no effort to remedy the problem has really been made on their end.

    submitted by /u/downwithjoy
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    Can an employer deny a promotion for a failed drug test then promote other employees without testing them?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    This is in New York.

    I was offered a promotion in November 2019, then told it required a background check and drug test. These were not requirements for hiring me when I started, nor were they required of anyone getting promoted to that position until 2019. I failed the test because of THC, and was told to wait a few months for another shot. My HR rep and I had a verbal agreement that I would stop smoking to be clean for another test.

    Fast forward to today, after many others have been promoted in my district ahead of me, and I just learned direct from one of them that she was not required to take a drug test, just a background check.

    Is this legal (assuming the company still considers it a job requirement) and do I have any legal recourse?

    submitted by /u/Throwaway9472848374
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    I (23m) have a bank account that my mom has access to, she transferred $310 from my account to her account today without my permission. Is there anything I can do? (AR)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    Sorry this is scrambled, most of this happened today and my brain is scrambled.

    Background: I moved out of my parents house after months of verbal tirades and abuse after COVID19 started this past Wednesday. I have recordings of one session of my mom yelling at me and my past failures from 2 weeks ago, but I experience similar sessions every other day when I lived with them. I got a job at a retail store 2 weeks ago to get money up for the move. I'm living with a friend now and need to pay rent, but he's okay with me paying anytime this month. My first paycheck was around $540 given to me last week, which I deposited into my account this Wednesday after I had moved. And then I spent ~$160 on groceries and other things I needed for the move like sanitizing wipes, bath curtains, and laundry stuff yesterday.

    Today: I was at work when my mom showed up and blocked my register lane with a cart preventing other customers from coming to me. This caused a bit of a scene, but it was slow in the morning. I excused myself with a supervisor and lead her elsewhere. She wanted to talk but I managed to convince her to leave me alone until I got off work at 2pm at which point I would call her. As I got off at 2, she pulled up next to my car and got out and told me to go home cause she needed to talk to me. I asked "how long?"; she said "1 hr". I drove to her house with her tailing me. We went in, sat at the dinner table. I'll spare y'all the details of the conversation cause it requires more context. After an hour, I got up to leave when she asked if I was willing to repair our relationship, at which point I told her "No." She told me she wanted $5k upfront for the car, even though she gave me the car for college 3 years ago. At first it was my sister's car, but she switched cars when she moved to California and left me with her old car. I don't know if I have the title, but my sister and I tried to transfer the title over the summer when she was visiting, but there was some complications at the DMV, and my sister said she'd do it later. So I don't know if the transfer went through. As I was leaving, she tackled me and started clawing at my arms to prevent me from leaving. I have wounds and bruises and pictures of said injuries to support this. I managed to get inside my car but then she stood in the way of the door closing and gripped the steering wheel and attempted to climb in too. I pried her fingers off and pushed her away before getting back into the car at which point she sat down on the ground behind the car and told me if I wanted to leave with it, I'd have to run her over and that "her death would be on my hands". I got out with my backpack with some work stuff, and started walking away, but I ended up leaving a jacket I got from work (company logo on it) and some other knick knacks. She closed the garage door and locked it. My roommate ended up picking me up, and he needed to get groceries, so we went to my workplace where I kind of explained to my boss about my mom taking my car away and warning him of potential future incidents thst my mom might cause. When we got home, I found out that she had transferred $310 out of my account and into hers (without my permission). I know that might seem like a small amount of money to most people, but I'm a 23 year old, fresh out of college, with a near minimum wage job and no money for rent, utilities, groceries, phone line, etc. I didn't work in high school cause my parents wouldn't let me (threatened to kick me out if I got a job at the time). I have ~$67.83 to my name. I'm afraid of getting fired cause my boss might not want "potential future incidents" or all the drama in my life affecting his store, which would mean that I'd have no source of income and be homeless, carless, phoneless for a while. I'm even scared that I might already be fired, but they can't call me cause my phone plan got canceled. I'll have to find out tomorrow morning when I go in for work at 6am. My roommate offered to drive me, but I don't want to be a burden on people despite my current circumstances. Is there any legal action I can take to reclaim the $310?

    submitted by /u/wontonysoup
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    Car sold to buyer who sabotaged engine

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    I'm seeking advice on this for my neighbors.

    My neighbor put his car up for sale after the transmission began to slip, and seems to be shot. A buyer came to his house to look at the car while my neighbor wasn't home, so his elderly mother dealt with the buyer instead. The buyer took advantage of the old lady's inattention and pulled a cable from a spark plug to get a lower price on a car that wouldn't start. The old mom agrees to the lowered price and signed over the title to the buyer, which was previously already signed by my neighbor. My neighbor then comes home to hear the car was sold for lower than asking price because it wouldn't start. So he pops the hood, sees the disconnected cable, plugs it back in, and starts the car right up as it always has. He has no proof the buyer pulled a fast one on his elderly mom, but he's 99.9% sure that's what happened.

    The car is still in neighbor's fenced-in yard behind a locked gate, and he still has the keys, but the buyer says he'll be back tomorrow to pick it up.

    Does my neighbor have any legal recourse to cancel the sale and get his title back?

    (Denver September 11th, 2020)

    submitted by /u/throwaway73836382
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    Daycare booted my son in the middle of a CPS investigation

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    My son attends a military daycare facility in NC. My son randomly came home one day saying that if the class was bad, the teachers would pinch them, yell at them, and "wipe my mouth really hard".

    My wife complained to the head of the daycare and they reported it to CPS immediately and an investigation began.

    They removed the teachers and put them in the office doing admin work.

    Well fast forward 3 weeks, we still hadn't heard any conclusion on the investigation.

    My son and another kid are being pretty bad at daycare (hes 3, about to be 4).

    They are not listening, both running around and won't stop, they are throwing toys and knocking over tubs of toys and chairs.

    The teachers can't really do anything about it so they wait it out until my wife shows up. We grab the kid, we help the teachers clean the room and we apologize profusely.

    We don't raise our kid that way and he only acts like that around certain kids at daycare that we suspect to be bad influences on him.

    The next morning (today), we get a call from daycare "We are sorry, the footage from yesterday has been reviewed, and we are no longer offering our services to your child"

    So they boot my son from daycare.

    My wife proceeds to ask about the other child that was doing the exact same thing with my kid, and the manager tells her they didn't kick him out, but wouldn't provide any further details.

    My wife then proceeds to ask about the video from the investigation being reviewed, and how they reviewed a child's behavior tapes in less than 12 hours, but it had been 3 weeks and the abuse allegation tapes still hadn't been viewed.

    The lady made tons of excuses before the phone call ended.

    It makes me feel like my son was targeted for having an open case versus a couple of his old teachers, and that they found the perfect opportunity to use one incident against him as a way to cover up the crimes that they have been committing in order to not let it make them look bad.

    Am I overthinking this?

    Is there anything I can do, legally of course?

    I don't really necessarily want to force them to watch my kid if they've done things to him in the past, surely it won't stop them from doing it again.

    I feel like forcing them to watch him will put a target on his back.

    submitted by /u/HereForGunTalk
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