• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - [UPDATE] Local businessowner attacks women with power drill to groin. How is this not a crime?

    Legal Advice - [UPDATE] Local businessowner attacks women with power drill to groin. How is this not a crime?

    [UPDATE] Local businessowner attacks women with power drill to groin. How is this not a crime?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Idk if anyone would care about this, but I wanted to post an update anyways because it's good news. Original post was here. This happened in Wisconsin.

    Basically, almost 2 years ago, my family member was attacked with a power drill by a bar owner. He was trying to flirt with her (she was not interested) and then "jokingly" thrust a running power drill into her genital area. She pushed his hand away, and so he drilled through her jeans into her inner thigh instead. Instead of immediately stopping, he continued drilling and the drill bit penetrated her jeans, penetrated her skin, and also burned her badly enough to require treatment from the burn clinic, and caused nerve damage. She got an infection from the wound as well. (Pics are on the old post) The nurses at the hopsital had encouraged her to report the incident to police, and she did the next day, especially because there were numerous witnesses present for this entire incident who were horrified and wanted to make a statement.

    The police officer who responded seemed indifferent and even hostile towards her reporting this right off the bat, and he refused to see the wound or even a picture of it. He wasn't willing to speak to any witnesses. He did go and speak with the bar owner, who admitted to doing all of this, and claimed it was "an accident", and that he would pay her medical bills. (Spoiler alert: He did not.) The officer deemed this answer satisfactory, and went back to tell my cousin that "because alcohol was involved" (owner was sober, she had 1 drink, no one was intoxicated?), that nothing could be done and that she was banned from the bar for life. That was the end of that, or so we thought....

    Now for the update: Out of the blue in early 2020, my cousin gets a phone call from an FBI agent. I don't know how this works, but apparently our local PD has an FBI agent who comes in a couple days a week and works on or reviews stuff? Anyways, the bar owner was being investigated for separate, unrelated sex crimes, and the FBI agent came across the report my cousin had made against him. She asked my cousin what had happened, and she told her. The agent was shocked and appalled, she said because NONE OF THAT was in the officers police report. Nothing whatsoever about this guy taking a power drill to her groin. She told the FBI lady that she had very thorough documentation, pictures, and medical records from this incident, as well as a dozen witnesses, and the agent had her send it all to her and set up a meeting the following week to discuss.

    When they sat down the following week, she told her that what had happened to her was most definitely a crime, possibly even a sex crime. The witnesses confirmed her account, and were willing to testify in court. The officer who had blown her off was reprimanded and disciplined for his inaction, and tried to defend himself by claiming, "I didn't know her wound was that bad", to which the FBI agent asked him, "Why did you refuse to look at her wound or pictures of it?" Anyways, the FBI lady took this case to the district attorney, who agreed to file charges.

    The bar owner has since been arrested and charged with the following:

    2nd Degree Reckless Injury - Felony.

    4th Degree Sexual Assault - Misdemeanor.

    Disorderly Conduct- Misdemeanor.

    4th Degree Sexual Assault - Misdemeanor.

    4th Degree Sexual Assault - Misdemeanor.

    4th Degree Sexual Assault - Misdemeanor.

    4th Degree Sexual Assault - Misdemeanor.

    Stalking - Felony.

    His tavern license was revoked, his bar was shut down, and has since been sold. The case is delayed due to COVID, but they did arrest and charge him finally. This guy also sexually assaulted other women, both before and after this incident (he has prior disorderly conduct convictions and many restraining orders from women against him). These other charges include "allegedly" cornering a female bartender and demanding she give him oral sex--at which point she just ran screaming out of the place. He also violently cornered and groped another female bartender, and then stalked her mercilessly, smashed out her windows, slashed her tires, etc., until he was finally caught on video stalking her.

    It never sat well with me that the police blew this off, especially knowing his prior history, and hearing stories about him abusing other women. Obviously, this guy was escalating, probably because he never faced consequences for his actions before. I'm glad to say he will finally face justice for his crimes, thanks to the actions of this FBI agent.

    submitted by /u/FTThrowAway123
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    [CA] Husband (CNA) called into work and they are threatening abandonment

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    We are in California. My husband has been working at a long term care facility for over 2 years as a CNA. They have had no covid patients at his facility and have them all at a secondary facility.

    A CNA tested positive for Covid on 7/29. They don't have any plans in place when this happens, except to tell everyone to get tested, but then still come to work as you wait 7-10 days for the Covid results. There was an outbreak at his work on Friday, with 5 residents now testing positive for Covid and a dozen others with symptoms. The residents showing symptoms were not isolated until after 24 hrs of symptoms.

    My husband was scheduled to work 8/1-8/3. And his friend working on 7/31 told him to call in as it was mass chaos. The most PPE they had on was a flimsy face mask, not even N-95s. They have 1 face shield for the whole facility and barely any gowns.

    I'm 28 weeks pregnant and overweight. Along with other issues I'm very immunocompromised. I haven't really left my house since lockdown began in March, except for Drs appointments. Not even to the grocery stores.

    My husband has plenty of PTO saved. So, we thought it was best he called off for these 3 days this week and hopefully by next week his facility would have isolation/proper PPE to deal with Covid. And if anything we ordered our own N-95s, surgical mask, and face shield for him to bring and wear at work for next week. But these items won't get here for a few days.

    However, his work sent him a text message saying that they might have to move forward to writing a complaint to the board of nursing for abandonment. But, he called in a day early, never clocked in on 8/1 and never accepted any patients. So, how could they file abandonment charges when he never accepted patients?

    (He can not isolate from me. As we live in a studio apartment and we live paycheck to paycheck, so we can't get a motel. If he caught it, I'd definitely get it.)

    submitted by /u/helpwithketo323
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    Buying property with neighbors fence already on it (NY)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    I'm interested in buying a small empty lot between my house and my neighbors house. This lot is owned by the county and apparently has been available to purchase for many years. It would come with a "quit-claim deed" and has many warnings that it's sold "as is" and the buyer must "do all research." I haven't had a survey done yet, but I am 99% sure that about 10 years ago my neighbors built their fence 10-20ft into this vacant lot, extending their own backyard. If pony up the dough for a survey, and it shows that their fence is indeed on the lot, will I run into legal trouble if I buy the land and tell them to move their fence? Adverse possession and all that? Second question, if I'm OK with them keeping their fence there (I plan to use the lot for parking and don't need the piece they've "claimed") do I need some kind of agreement to prevent adverse possession? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/reliablereliable
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    My landlady eavesdropped on and possibly recorded my telehealth therapy session

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    I'm in Maryland. I'm sorry for any formatting errors, I'm extremely upset and on mobile.

    I live in a house with three floors that has different rooms rented out to different tenants. My landlady lives in the studio apartment on the third floor and I live on the second floor. Due to extreme anxiety partially caused by my landlady, I recently scheduled a telehealth appointment for therapy. My intake appointment was yesterday. My therapist and I clicked and I began to tell him about some of issues, including specific incidents involving my landlady that were causing me a lot of distress.

    I was sitting at the dining room table on my laptop, which is about seven feet from the door to the apartment, earbuds in. Near the end of the appointment, I happened to glance over at the door and noticed the shadows of her shoes through the crack between the door and the floor. My heart sunk and I quickly yanked out my headphones while saying goodbye to the doctor and heard the sound a smartphone video camera makes when it stops recording from the other side of the door. Then I saw and heard her quickly walk away from my door.

    Earlier this afternoon, my mother in law called to let me know that my landlady called her and launched into a huge tirade about how disrespectful I was and how I was lying about her to other people. She didn't mention recording it but I'm 85% sure she did. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/curious--owl
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    Neighbor hit my car and is trying to get out of it.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    Hello all, posting this for friend of mine. About a week ago my friend's neighbor backed into her car with her SUV. The wheel of my friend's car is pushed in and possibly not drivable. My friend's father witnessed it through the window of their house. The neighbor then came over to apologize after it happened and admitted hitting the car. While apologizing she stated that she knows of a mechanic that can fix the car and did not want to go through insurance. My friend's father stated that they would like to go the insurance route. The neighbor wouldn't provide the insurance information and stated that they had somewhere to be and came back later that day in the evening. My friend waited for them to come by to provide the insurance information but since they didn't my friend and her sister went to the neighbor's house about 45 mins later to get it. At this point the neighbor became very defensive and had a nasty attitude. She provided my friend with their insurance information and pointed to the part of her vehicle that hit my friend's car stating the make and model of the vehicle after my friend asked for details. My friend and the neighbor have Geico. My friend called Geico shortly but since no agents answered after waiting for several minutes of ringing she hung up and called again the next day and was able to report the incident providing the make, model and tag of the vehicle that struck her car. Apparently, the neighbor contacted Geico beforehand, and told them they didn't hit my friend's car, and that they were intimidated by my friend and that is why they provided the insurance information. My friend called police but the officer unfortunately said they should've called right when it happened. Also, the neighbor cleaned the spot on their vehicle where their bumper struck my friend's car, and when the neighbor submitted a picture to Geico, they submitted a picture of a completely different SUV and not the one that struck my friend's car! The Geico agent didn't even check if the pictures and tag of the vehicle sent by the neighbor is from the same vehicle my friend had reported to Geico. They also didn't even send out an appraiser to check both vehicles. Friends have asked other neighbors to see if they have cameras, no dice. The person who hit my friend's car is clearly committing some form of fraud, but it's a their word against the neighbor's word type of situation. How should my friend proceed with this?

    submitted by /u/Omaha419
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    My stalker is ruining my life and reputation. She is threatening to kill me (22/f) and the police refuse to help. Advice needed!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    This has been going on since December 2019. We are located in Colorado. This all started when I woke up one morning to find 2 messages from a random #, asking if I was "bugmamas". I responded with "who is this?" and they went on to talk about how they had "important things to tell me", that they "f*cked my man and he liked it", that I was fat and needed to "get lost" before I got hurt.

    The first thing I did was show my bf. He claimed he had no idea who it could be, but that I should block them and that it was probably a prank. I blocked them. The next day I get messages from a new number, listing off my apartment address (the apt # was wrong) and saying "I know where you live. This is your last warning. Stay away." Before I can even tell my bf, he calls me to tell me that one of his close friends was hit up by a random number, saying that they are the ex wife of my bf and that they wanted to warn all of his friends and family about him; they claimed he was a bad person, an abuser, a cheater, and wife beater.

    This continued on for a week, with various friends and family members reaching out to him to tell him they were being reached out to by someone claiming to be his ex, basically slandering him. I also continued to get messages, calling me racial slurs, fat, threatening to hurt me and my cat, and contact my work and claim I'm on hard drugs if I don't break up with my bf.

    Finally we go to the police to report this, providing them with all of the text messages and all of the #s used (there were about 30 phone numbers). The police say that they will try their best to trace the #s but no guarantee.

    About a week later, I get a package at my door with no return address. I open it, and inside are 10 peed on pregnancy tests and developed pictures of screenshotted convos between my boyfriend and this person. My bf comes over and looks at the convos and immediately recognizes who it is.

    The girl (I'll call her V) was a friend of his from when he was in the navy and deployed overseas. They met in person once when he returned home after 4 years and never again since he moved across the country. He noted that he saw on fb recently that the girl had moved out here and had hit him up a few times wanting to meet up. So he calls V on her real number and yells at her to leave us alone before he "kills her" (i know, shouldn't have said that). She swears she doesn't know what he's talking about and calls the police. The police call us and tell us to leave her alone or "things will get very messy and probably won't go well for us" because he threatened to kill her.

    We go down to the station, absolutely pissed off at the fact that we've been getting death threats for months and they haven't done anything to help us but come so quickly to V's defense. The detective doesn't even remember us or our case and we have to go through our entire situation with him, showing him the texts, the numbers, the packages, the letters, etc. He then tells us he can't do anything because he was unable to trace the phone numbers harassing us and therefore there is no way to tie V to them. We even gave him the package of pregnancy tests and ask if he can check my apt building's camera footage/neighbors Ring footage and he says "there's no point". My apt also refuses to let me look at the footage myself.

    The texts continued for weeks. My bf lost friends because of V reaching out to everyone he knows. We deleted our social media accounts and changed our numbers but she continued reaching out to family and friends. Three weeks after changing my number, she somehow got it and started calling me from a blocked # incessantly to the point where I couldn't even use my phone. My bf and I figure that she got my # through a mutual friend and so I changed my # a second time and gave it to a select few.

    It has now been almost 8 months since this started and nothing has changed. She has my new number AGAIN and texts me from fake numbers non stop. She sends me nude pictures of herself and threatens to come to my house and kill me at least once a day. She does not text my bf anymore, either because she can't get his new number or because she is too afraid of him.

    This girl is ruining my life. I can't sleep in my own apartment that I still pay for because I feel so unsafe. I stay with my bf most nights of the week. I've had to request that my work deny any calls made to me unless it's immediate family or an emergency. I sold my Subaru and bought a different car because V was leaving printed notes on my windshield. I bought a ring camera for my door and my bf's, as well as pepper spray and a taser for my own defense. I'm constantly getting contacted by friends and family asking why someone is telling them my boyfriend beats women or had an affair or has secret children. Not only is it embarrassing to explain the situation but it's honestly starting to wear me down and hurting my trust in my own bf.

    This woman is seriously sick and no one is helping us. We are at the end of our rope and don't know what to do next. My boyfriend thinks I should confront her outside her place of work or her house. Personally, I'm worried that confronting her will only cause her to lash out even harder but I feel like there's nothing else we can do. We have exhausted all other avenues. Any advice on how to deal with our stalker would be GREATLY appreciated!!

    tl;dr: an old friend of my bf's is stalking us, slandering us, and threatening to kill me. She takes pictures of my house, leaves notes on my car, and sends me mail. The police refuse to help.

    submitted by /u/bugmamas
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    Houston, TX. Can I get fired if I own 25% of an S-corp? Also is legal for one share holder to pull out money without asking because they didn't receive pay for 4 years from 2010-2014?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Can I actually be fired?

    My Uncle, sister and I own a bar together. Uncle owns 50%, sister owns 25%, and I own 25%. Originally was a 50/50 ownership between my Uncle and my mother but she passed 2 years ago. My sister is a silent partner. My Uncle does all the finances, I handle the day-to-day manager stuff. Back at the end of February my Uncle had a massive stroke and has been unable to work. I stepped up and started taking on my Uncle's role and had my stepsister (non-owner) step up and take the day-to-day manager role. Last month I decided it would be wise for us to stop paying ourselves salary since bars have been shut down in Harris County since March and to get on unemployment. My Uncle disagreed but has been making poor decisions since his stroke and has not done any business related things since his stroke 6 months ago, so I told him that were going on unemployment. His very upset and wants to fire me because I took on his role without asking. "Not Remaining loyal to him" his words. He is now coming back to normal mentally. I streamlined many things that improved the productivity of the business, new registers, got quick books (he used excel) tuned and ready for the bar and filled in all the data for 2020 and started working backwards in 2019 because my Uncle hasn't paid 2019 taxes yet, reached out to the landlords about the building being so hot (our biggest complaint), and most important the performance and overall spirits of the employees improved. He has had many heart attacks and has a being using hard drugs all of his life and yet somehow made it in the heart transplant list. He is also pushing me to sell my shares and spoke about diluting them as well. I don't understand why he's not proud I stepped up and wants to fire me instead. Can he do this? I don't have the articles of incorporation or the bylaws. I've looked around and I cannot find them. Going to the bank tomorrow and the lawyer to see if they have them. Also do I lose my unemployment if I'm fired?

    Uncle's taking money.

    After his stroke he decided that he wanted to buy a boat but only had $9000 in his a savings account so he borrowed $9500 from the bar without asking me or my sister. I confronted him about it hours afterwards and he said it was a loan and intends on paying it back after he gets his tax return. I Explained that he has to ask all the shareholders first and then everyone has to pull out an equal amount according to their percentage. He then told me that he didn't take pay from 2010 to 2014 because we are getting audited and the bar needed the money to survive so that gives him the right any of the money and doesn't entend to pay it back. I explained that was not fair do that especially when it was so long ago before I was part of the bar and with nothing in writing. Since then he's pulled out another $4000. We are an S Corp so since he is pulling money out for personal expenses we are now open to being sued personally and the bar from my understanding. His actions are now putting my financial security at stake. There is no trying to make him understand because he always thinks that hes right. He usually is right because hes very intelligent but impossible to convince otherwise. He can never be wrong and hates when he is. He is a very vengeful person and loves to make people's lives hard if he hates them. Its his hobby, no joke.. He seems very close to the end of his life unless he gets a heart transplant and hes very upset about me taking over and hes making the family's life very hard. I would love for him to no longer have control.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE any input/advice would be very appreciated!

    This is my mother's legacy, I don't want to lose her again.

    submitted by /u/modestmouse89
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    (CA) My car was hit and the other party's Insurance won't work with me unless I drive drive 20 miles to a cheaper area despite my living in a densely populated area with numerous body shops.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Insurance company refuses to send out an adjuster and they wouldn't provide a body shop in Fremont, CA or the surrounding cities for me to go to for an estimate/ adjuster service and they wouldn't take any action unless I drive 20 miles to their approved body shop in San Jose, CA, then they let me know that I had by law three years to finalize my claim and they left it at that. End of discussion unless I drive to San Jose.

    In Fremont, CA there numerous auto body shops in this city of 230k people, in addition to the surrounding cities with numerous body shops.

    I'm been thinking about taking the cash rather than having the vehicle repaired but any cash payout is now based on that substantially lower amount (30% because CA rates are governed by ZIP code) and that amount only, they won't even look at the estimates I've obtained locally.

    Do I really have to spend my time and money driving a total of 40 miles to a cheaper area to save the other party's insurance while reducing my pay out?

    submitted by /u/Silentpopcorn
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    Wedding Venue forcing postponement and requiring a new, more strict contract. (This goes a bit deeper than the FAQ in this subreddit about weddings)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    Context: my fiancé and I signed a contract with a wedding venue in California. Due to Covid-19, we have been forced to move our wedding to family property with ~30 guests. The event at the venue is tentatively postponed to our would-be 1 year anniversary.

    So, I know a refund is pretty much unattainable at this point. My wedding was scheduled for October of this year, but our venue is unable to provide the service on this date. The original contract mentions that we can't postpone the event or receive any refunds for any reason. They've since said we CAN postpone at no charge. Despite the virus forcing the closure of the venue, they told me on the phone that the company sees that the fault of any cancellation due to Covid-19 falls on us, because they have now loosened up a bit and allowed postponement. We signed an addendum that stated we can transfer any paid amounts ($4300 at this point) towards the new date.

    We picked the new date and received an updated contract to sign...but it is significantly larger than the first one. There are approximately 6 more pages on this contract than on the first and it's full of new restrictions and rules. Most of these new rules list several events, including pandemics, that are ineligible for any sort of refund. I'm active duty military, and they even go so far as to say that any military orders for deployment, temporary duty assignments, or permanent changes of station do not qualify for a refund. There are several other changes, including raising the minimum price of the event from $5,000 to $7,000, because $7,000 was their planned rate for 2021.

    My question is: why are they able to impose so many new restrictions, rules, and even fees because, in their words, "they went above and beyond to allow postponements at no charge" even though this situation is not our (the customers) fault? I understand Covid-19 is not their fault either, but since when does the financial burden lie on the customer in such a crazy situation? Isn't such a risk incurred on business owners when they open in the first place? They are not even able to hold services on our original date, so they wouldn't be making money for that date anyway if we never signed with them. Because of that, it feels like they're passing over the financial hit to us. What steps should we take before signing this contract? Do we have any legal footing here to try and renegotiate this contract? Their implication is that if we don't accept their terms regarding postponement, we elect to cancel the event, breaching the contract, and then still owe full payment.

    Before I end this post, I wanted to add a couple of the new rules:

    The new contract also says that "Force Majeure" is NOT grounds for refunds. This includes "acts of god." Which, as written, means that even if a meteor falls and destroys the venue we STILL wouldn't get a refund.

    The contract imposes a "mediation-first process" meaning that we must attempt mediation before seeking an attorney. We would split mediation costs with the venue 50/50, and if it doesn't work we can then lawyer up. Contract also says the party that loses the case has to pay the "reasonable attorney fees" of the other party. To me this translates almost as a threat or a challenge.

    Obviously, this is a big company and thus has the resources to destroy us in a legal battle, so I don't want it to come to that. I honestly just want some more input here, are we SOL? Should we just count several thousand dollars as a loss? I know that so many other couples are going through this, and unfortunately it seems like a lot of these venues legally have the upper hand. But just because you're legally in the right, doesn't mean you are morally in the right. They can still be a dick even if they're a legal dick.

    Apologies if this got rambley/ranty, this is stressing me out. Thanks in advance for any and all replies, comments, or insights. Even if it's to tell me to suck it up.

    submitted by /u/JGriz13
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    Cop left a post it on my door saying to contact him to avoid a warrant for my arrest

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    This was 12am last night, a cop left a post it note on my door saying to contact him to avoid a warrant for my arrest. I called the officer back but he was off duty.

    What are my options? Is there a way to look into their investigation? On his post it he left a report #

    EDIT: My location is OH

    submitted by /u/Throwingaway1717
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    Texas: I just received an unconditional notice to vacate after being late on my rent 1 day. I want to move but am I responsible for the remaining 11 months rent on my lease?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    My rent was due yesterday, the 1st of August. I should've paid it then but I was occupied with other things and had every intention to pay it today on the 2nd. I sometimes get paid on the 2nd of the month instead of the 1st of the month so I had previously called my leasing office and asked if it was okay to pay on the 2nd and was told that there was a 3 day grace period. I am now asked to leave by September 1st. I absolutely do intend on moving by the end of that period due to better living opportunities in the area and places with better management than what I've dealt with here. I already paid the rent sum today. If I call them I have the feeling that they will rescind the notice, but since they initiated the vacate notice I'm thinking its an opportunity to get out of having to live here for 11 more months. Will I be responsible for paying rent until they find another tenant though? Any advice is appreciated!! I don't want to live here anymore especially after receiving a notice for being 1 day late! I just don't think its justified even though its legal here.

    submitted by /u/labuamar
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    Landlord sold property without providing prior notice/ new homeowner has given 5-day eviction notice if we don’t comply with new lease. (CO)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Hi ya'll apologies for any inconsistencies or errors with my formatting. I'm still relatively new to this sub so i'm unfamiliar with how this works. The entire story is a bit longer and more complicated than the title so I'll try to provide some background for context.

    Basically, my family and I have been living at this property for about 13 years now and as per our landlord's consent we were given the ok to make any changes to the place (the original understanding was that we'd be able to purchase the property in the future, unfortunately there is no written evidence to corroborate this.) We've completely overhauled the place and installed our own appliances, water heater, air conditioning etc. There isn't a single wall, ceiling, or floor that's remained unchanged, there even two additional rooms. For 13 years our landlord has never spent a single cent in the upkeep of the house.

    Come to this March where our landlord approaches us with a new lease agreement wherein the terms state that all appliances and such are included with the property. We didn't like the terms so we attempted to renegotiate for the next few months with no success.

    Now this past Friday a gentleman knocked on the door and introduced himself as the new homeowner and handed us a new lease to sign in order to continue living here. He stated the sale had been completed the day prior. We were given absolutely no notice of intent to sell or anything of that matter. The new lease provided was exactly the same as the one we were attempting to renegotiate and even incorrectly stated the house was 2 bed 1 bath (It's actually 5 bed 2 bath.) The new homeowner called us today and told us that if we didn't sign in the next 5 days then we would have to leave the property.

    What would be the best course of legal action here? Would we even be able to make a case for anything stated above? Again I apologize if anything was unclear, I am only 18 and my parents are both immigrants so American law isn't exactly our forte. I'd be happy to provide more details to the best of ability. Any and all help would be much appreciated, much love. 💕

    submitted by /u/largestbaguette
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    My infant and I currently live in a one bedroom. Can my child be removed for lack of proper bedroom?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Portland, OR.

    My pregnancy was a surprise because I was on BC. The father and I were in a few months long relationship when we found out. He was severely unsupportive and did not want a child. I severed ties after him and his parents harassed me to abort. I saved all that in case I ever needed it. I eventually had to move because of his harassment. She was a surprise, but I am 28 years old. I wasn't terribly scared and I wanted to keep my baby.

    All I could comfortably afford while still being able to provide a stable life for my child was a one bedroom apartment in a good area. She sleeps in a bassinet in the bedroom next to my bed. She has a crib because I sold my dining room table so I could convert the dining room to a nursery area, but she doesn't care for the crib. She's only five months old. I'm currently on track in my career and in repairing my credit to be able to afford/qualify for a home mortgage in 2 years time. I figured we should be in at least a 2 bedroom home by the time she's two and a half.

    My daughter goes to the doctor once a month for check ups and is currently hitting all her milestones. My close friend for years now is a registered nurse who is out of work currently because she's a new mother as well. So when I need childcare, she babysits my daughter. I don't have family nearby. But mostly I work for home, so I don't need childcare on any regular basis.

    I have regularly meet up with her father in public places so he can spend time with her with me present. He does not know where I live. Apparently he found out from someone I was in a one bedroom apartment but he doesn't know where. He sent me a text yesterday:
    "It's illegal not to give a child their own bedroom. Give full custody to ******* (his mother) or CPS will take her from you and she will get her anyways. You're a terrible mom".

    Earlier that day I declined for my daughter to be able to visit my ex's mom because she has a hard drug problem and her house is disgusting. I told him she could join us all at the next meet up but that was all. I informed him that I'm willing to go to a mediator or even family court so we work out an official custody arrangement, but every time I bring it up he doesn't respond. I don't want child support. He's never brought it up and neither have I.

    submitted by /u/throwawayoregonmama
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    Is it legal to pass out free joints (CO)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    I just want to spread some love and pass out free joints in Colorado in childproof containers to people over 21 with id? Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/sharkdealer
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    F14 was raped and the videos are all over PornHub and other sites.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    I'm writing this for my younger sister.

    This happened in Pennsylvania though we live in Canada.

    When my now 19y/o sister was at a party with our cousin, she was drugged and raped at 14 while being recorded. The man then posted the video onto PornHub, which none of us knew about, and was reposted there and several other porn sites.

    Her boyfriend found it a week ago after his brother mentioned it looked a lot like her when she was that age. It also shows he face of the rapist, and two of his friends in the background.

    Our cousins lives in Pennsylvania and we were visiting when this happened, we currently live in Toronto.

    Is there anyway to get the videos removed? I know they're probably out there forever because it's the internet, but one of the videos has over 40k views and is very obviously her.

    Also, can we use the video to find her rapist and get him arrested/in legal trouble?

    Sorry for any errors, it's been a hard week and I'm still shaking while writing this.

    submitted by /u/riptde
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    Man who raped me 6 years ago just asked about my son. [MS]

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    6 years ago almost exactly I was raped at 15 by a man who was around 18+ years old. It originally was going to be consensual but I backed out and said no but he did it anyway.

    I have a baby. My baby. My whole world. I provided for him alone for 2 years, met my husband and got married 3 years ago. My son considers my husband to be his father, my son feels the same way.

    Today, I got a message request from the man who raped me saying we needed to talk about "the baby". What do I do? What can I do? What can he do?

    He is not on the birth certificate and I've never told him if he was or was not the father because I just cut him out of my life completely and hardly spoke to him after what happened. He has never asked about my son before today. Please help.

    submitted by /u/redcreamesoda
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    Fiance has to pay his mother’s debt?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    This year my fiancé's taxes were garnished for a mysterious reason. When we call to find out, we're told that he's literally paying for a LARGE debt his MOM owes the government for money she got when he was a child to took take care of him I guess, and they said they're going to keep garnishing it unless someone sets up a payment plan. Is this legal? How can they take money from us for money his mother got when he was just a child? What can we do?

    His mother is alive btw

    edit: we're in CA and wages were garnished by SS. i'm just confused and angry and wondering wtf i'm marrying into

    submitted by /u/lyssette
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    Wrong wedding dress

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    Hi all!

    So basically around a year ago I went shopping for my wedding dress and found the one I wanted and on the day paid in full. Later in the year my relationship broke down and the wedding ended up being cancelled. At the time I contacted the dress shop and asked if I could be refunded as it had not yet been made anyway and I no longer needed it. They claimed they had a no refund policy and I would still have to take the dress from them at a later date nearer to the time. So fast forward to last week when I finally go to pick up my dress from them and upon getting it home and trying it on to take pictures for selling it, I've realised it's not the same dress I originally ordered. I'm now wondering where I stand legally in terms of being refunded due to them giving me a different dress? It has similarities to the one I had chosen but is definitely not identical. Thanks in advance for any advice! And I'm a bit lost with Reddit but I can try to attach a side by side of both dresses to show the differences if need be.

    submitted by /u/electrickites-
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    How to report a serial abuser in the BDSM community, and what to expect? [Quebec] and elsewhere

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    Good evening, /r/legaladvice.

    TL;DR of the situation: A group of victims, numbering close to three dozen, are working together to gather evidence against a man who--under the guise of BDSM--abused many women, several under age. We are working together to write up a timeline, and reporting individually to the police in his town. However, a lot of the evidence has been lost--he has deleted most of his accounts, and a lot has just also been lost to time.

    When I was 18, and he was 43, I became victim to this man. He was abusive to me emotionally, mentally, and physically. I was left with PTSD, a ruined first semester of university, and even worse depression (gee, thanks).

    I got off lightly. I don't want to be make this too long, but--a woman was coerced into escorting for him; he molested a 15 yr old girl while she was sleeping; kicked a submissive out in the middle of winter when she ran out of money....

    The list goes on and on.

    And, I'm scared. I'm scared because, even though I'm 100% willing to testify, this is a terrifying situation. I'm not sure what will come from this, but he needs to go down.

    He's currently living with a woman and her children, and she is refusing to listen to us. She's hiding him.

    What advice can you give me? This situation is a nightmare.

    Side note--I am not a Quebec resident, nor are some of the victims. That is just the province in which he lives, so that's what I put. I WAS living in Quebec during the time period we were together, though.

    Other side note: How do we go about demanding (subpeonaing?) deleted social media accounts and data, particularly from Fetlife?

    submitted by /u/AwkwardWorldliness7
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    Landlord broke the lease

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    On the day before our new lease was supposed to start, we received an email with the following text. "Hello All, Unfortunately the type of paint we use for your unit was ordered incorrectly so we still want to provide you with an enhanced and fresh living space so the painting of your apt. will need to be completed in the next few days. Of course we will be in touch to discuss which apt.'s will be done and when so we can ensure your belongings are protected and safe during the process. We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding!"

    I can not afford a hotel for tonight/last night and will be sleeping in my car, I will need to rent my storage unit for an additional month, and I had assignments for work delayed due to not being able to move in to my apartment on the date the lease was supposed to start. I sent an email with this information, to which they didn't respond. They are only responding to one of my roommates, who is staying at home with her parents for the time being. We are from Iowa. How can I ensure I get enough financial compensation as a result of them breaking the lease?

    submitted by /u/papermeetspen
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    reverse adoption?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    So i'm f(16) going to turn 17 in january, and i live with my grandparents. i've lived with them for a year but only have been adopted by them for 9 months. i want to live with my mom and i read this online "An adopted child may wish to reverse an adoption if they are seeking emancipation from their adopted parents, or if they wish to contact their birth parents but the terms of their adoption stipulate that they may not. ... This would remove the old adoption of all legal power."

    Can someone tell me what that means exactly? It doesn't explain it well enough. does that mean if i file for emancipation my mom can re adopt me? please help

    submitted by /u/dejaaa19
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    Can an employer legally prevent you from riding a bike/skateboard to work?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    TLDR: My employer had everyone sign an agreement which disallows the use of "personal transportation devices" such as electric skateboards and scooters for business use or commuting to and from work. Is that legally enforceable?

    So my company is based in NYC. Most of my department operates in the field and commute to and from various work sites in the city. One of us started riding an electric skateboard, and I as well as one other decided to jump on the bandwagon. It was awesome while it lasted, I would take a regional rail into the city and then ride to wherever my jobsite was for the day, sometimes going to multiple sites in a day before heading back to the rail and going home. My mood, productivity and efficiency was never better, being able to avoid traffic and the subway. Obviously, when weather didn't cooperate I wouldn't ride.

    One of us who rode a board got hurt whilst riding to the rail from a job site, and when the company got wind of it they rolled out a policy which we all had to sign which bans the use of "personal transportation devices", and names electronic skateboards by name. Is this actually enforceable? My feeling, as well as some other workmates, is that this was done for fear of lawsuit, since if we cause an injury to someone while riding these things the company could be liable for injury and damages. It seems unfair to me. Appreciate any and all input here.

    submitted by /u/chromo_trigger
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    If my name is on the birth certificate but not the biological father, do we need to contact the biological father before putting up for adoption? Or will my signature be enough?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    Basically the title.

    Edit: In California.

    Just wanted to see if my wife and I ever needed to give the baby up for adoption (to her parents because we are young), we would NOT need to contact the biological father if my name is on the birth certificate right?

    submitted by /u/Huriikane
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