• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 1, 2020

    Legal Advice - Had to call CVS corporate office to complain about a pharmacist. She found out and is now withholding my medications out of spite. Need advice.

    Legal Advice - Had to call CVS corporate office to complain about a pharmacist. She found out and is now withholding my medications out of spite. Need advice.

    Had to call CVS corporate office to complain about a pharmacist. She found out and is now withholding my medications out of spite. Need advice.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Two days ago, I went to my local CVS to pick up a prescription. For the last year, I have been able to pick up my refills 24-48 hours in advance with no problem at all. This is so I don't run out of my meds and can take my first dose of my new script on the day that I would have been out. Simple enough right? well, this is where my story begins. This time, the pharmacist refused to refill my script and was forcing me to wait until I was completely out. I asked why the sudden change because I have always got my refill 24-48 hours early this whole time. She said that I never would have been able to which is a complete lie. I said check my records and look because it's always the way it has been. she didnt even bother and repeated that I would have never been able to do that.

    Well, I went home without my new meds. Once I got home, I looked up the policy and indeed, it's company policy that I can indeed pick up my meds 48 hours early. So, I call them back and say, look, this is indeed company policy,and then she started to get pissed and told me to just go somewhere else then if I didn't like it. I called the CVS customer support group and told the support rep about this. The rep contacted the store and when the rep came back on the line, she said that the pharmacist has deleted all my scripts from their records at my request. Thing is, I never once asked them to do that. She was the once that said I can go somewhere else but i never even hinted that I agreed to that. They are now retaliating and refusing to refill any of my scripts because I had made a complaint. I called them this morning and the lady straight up hung up on me. I don't understand why this is happening and Ive never had an issue like this with a pharmacy ever in my life.

    So, here I am all out of my very much needed meds and they are still refusing to refill my scripts because I inconvenienced them and now they are holding my health and scripts hostage. I don't know what to do or where to turn. Is there any laws that would prohibit them from behaving like this? it seems like their behavior is illegal. Is there any legal avenue I could take against them? Any advice on this topic would be much appriciated.

    submitted by /u/ThrowRAbadpharma
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    Giant dog, giant bite, giant mess

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Trying to keep it vague as we may be going to court.

    I live in Ohio and I took my dog to a dog park last weekend. I have a giant breed and it was bitten by another dog. [Edited because my opinion, although unwaivering, is not fact]

    I've called the dog warden and asked the owner to pay for the vet bills.

    The owner states that it's only partially their responsibility as my dog went up to their dog in the dog park initially. The owner was throwing a ball for their dog to chase and my dog loves balls.

    The dangerous dog, according to the owner, is very territorial and protective over it's balls and bit my dog. My dog yelped and tried to run away and the other dog kept biting at my dog. The other owner states that they won't pay the full bill.

    My question is - am I partially liable? Are they correct?

    The dog park clearly states that owners are responsible for their dogs actions. The owner went back to the same park and now has a second case against the same dog. I have picture proof of the dog bite. There were other fields in the dog park the owner could have taken the dog to throw a ball for.

    Please and thank you in advance for any legal advice you can offer.

    submitted by /u/acpaul19
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    [NY] Building charging me $10,000 to move out

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Location NYC

    I rent a co-op apartment in NYC directly from the owner of the unit. The co-op rules say that the owner of a unit cannot rent out their apartment for more than 2 years in any rolling 3 year period. At the end of the month it will be 2 years, so the building is not allowing me to renew my lease with the owner. That is fine, and I'm happy to move out and continue my life.

    However, the building sent out a memo back in April that said until further notice, the fee to to move in or out is changed from $200 to $10,000 due to the covid-19 protections they would have to take.

    $10,000 i basically all my savings, I don't want to pay that insane amount of money. Is there anything I can do here?

    submitted by /u/nycfeethrowaway444
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    Wife pulled loaded gun on me.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    I live in Ohio.

    As the title suggests, my wife pulled a (loaded) gun on me in front of our child and threatened to shoot me if I called CPS about her smashing her phone in a fit of rage with a hammer in front of our daughter. (we had a prior incident a few months ago where I declined to press charges involving a hammer).

    Basically, she ran into the bedroom as I was trying to call, pulled the gun out and loaded it and came after me pointing it and telling me I won't call CPS. I called 911 instead, while I tried running away and her putting a gun to my head and trying to take my phone. She's in jail, needless to say.

    I called the county jail to see what charges she had on her and they told me this.

    Domestic Violence; Improper handling of a weapon while intoxicated; Disorderly conduct

    Now to the question, she has a lot of mental illnesses that obviously all snapped due to Covid, the news coverage etc, however, I've been dealing with this for a long time and next time I'm a disabled vet myself (need an assistive device to walk) and I'm seriously worried I may get killed or a stray bullet will hit my daughter.

    I feel like these charges are relatively light (relative to felonious assault etc.) and will not retain her in custody to get the help she needs (in a mental hospital). Is there anything I can do, provide evidence etc. that will not only keep us safe but also get her mandatory in-patient care?

    Typing on my phone, obviously frazzled still (been a couple days) etc. sorry for any typos or formatting issues in advance.

    submitted by /u/miffed_analyst
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    [USA] Can I rewrite old software from scratch when I start working at a new company?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    Edit: Location is California, USA.

    I wrote several thousand lines of code for company X, and I'm sure I can recreate most of it from memory without referencing any original copy.

    If I quit company X and start work for company Y, can I recreate the code from scratch and use it at company Y? Are there any legal "gotchas" or concerns that I (or company Y) should have?

    Would this be considered a "clean room" implementation? As far as I know, none of the software has any patents or copyrights, and it only uses algorithms from the public domain.

    Thank you in advance for your advice!

    submitted by /u/SampleInterview7
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    [Pennsylvania] My new landlord has just given me an addendum to my lease that I don't agree with, we haven't moved in or received keys but we have paid her all deposits and have signed the original lease. Can she withhold keys until I sign this new document?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    A few details: We signed the lease about a month and a half ago, it made no mention of this addendum, there is even an entry in our lease that states that it is the entire agreement and that no addendum is a part of it.

    However, lo and behold we receive an addendum to our lease yesterday. Most of it is pretty routine, but it does say that she will be coming for a monthly inspection and that if it is dirty then she will hire people to clean it and I have to pay for it. I am not very dirty at all, but I don't feel comfortable with my landlord walking around my house for no reason and then if something looks messy to her then she or anyone else is allowed to just start "cleaning" and going through my stuff, and then they can turn around and charge me for it.

    Our move in date is tomorrow. If this were in the original lease I would not have signed and would have just found another place. It seems like she still owes us the keys even if we refuse to sign, but if she tries to withhold them, can I call the cops or a locksmith to get us into our place?

    submitted by /u/DISP0ST
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    Noise cannons near my house fire every few seconds every day

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    I live in Ohio and my property is very near two corn fields (one about 1000 ft away, the other about 2000 ft) that belong to a farm nearby. From roughly mid-July through mid-September, they set off cannons to scare the birds away. They start every day at 7am and go until 7 or 8pm, firing in random intervals anywhere between every 2 to 60 seconds. It is non-stop explosions for two months straight, and it sounds like the Civil War is my next door neighbor. It's very loud in my house and ruins my otherwise beautiful and peaceful home. It's impossible to sleep past 7am. I can't open the windows when the weather is nice because it becomes that much louder. I can't have people over and hang out on the patio because it's so disruptive. And now that I've been working from home due to COVID-19, it's extremely distracting having constant explosions in the background while I'm trying to concentrate on my job and conduct meetings.

    I've called the owners multiple times and they've either pushed me off the phone, not called me back, or have said "we'll move them," which doesn't help at all (if they even did move anything). I went to their farm market and talked to one of the owners in person, and while mostly pleasant, they said that they will not stop because that's the only way to keep the birds away. I find that hard to believe after talking with other people who grew up in rural areas around corn fields and never heard cannons like this. I've talked to my local councilman, who just said "I'll talk to the owners," but I've never heard back. I've looked up my city's noise ordinance, and from what I've found, excessive noise is not allowed between 9pm and 8am, so that doesn't really help me.

    Multiple people who have come to my house and hear it have asked me "how is that possibly legal?" They have a great point, and I would like to find out if there's any sort of legal right that allows them to do this in an otherwise residential and recreational area, and if there's anything I can do to change it. I'm not sure what direction to go down to try to figure this out. What type of lawyer should I look for to help me figure out if there's anything that can be done to stop this?

    submitted by /u/logitech984
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    In my efforts to initiate a plan to ultimately win custody of my child from her neglectful aunt, I've just discovered that my 12 year old daughter is not biologically mine, through way of a private DNA test. I'm NOT on her birth certificate, and only I know the results. What are my rights in NY?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Okay, so first of all, this situation has more layers than an onion. Let's start here: I already know that the DNA test results from the private laboratory are inadmissible in court. But my goal is not to utilize them for custody purposes. But part of me wants to confront the mother because of the HELL she put me through. It's been too long. The child is 12, not 2. So I cannot just walk away from this girl. I'm the only man she knows as dad, but I'm also not on her birth certificate because I had doubts when she was born. I'm wondering if a paternity test is required to add my name to her birth certificate, and if I should reveal the results to her mother's side of the family?

    I have so many questions, but my biggest question is what do I do, and what CAN I do?


    This is where it gets even more complicated. The child was the victim of a high-profile assault case in another state. In order to be present in the court proceedings against her assailant, I had to sign an acknowledgement of paternity, OR take a paternity test. I didn't want to wait for results, so I signed it, albeit in another state. Although this wasn't when she was born, it was when she was still a baby. Not sure how that changes things.

    Also, some things to note:

    -I have never been married. Not to the mother or otherwise.

    -The DNA test was PRIVATE. I used an out-of-state address to get it done silently, for my own curiosity before I started down this path. I got these results two days ago. That's why nobody knows about the results in NY State, where I know you can't OFFICIALLY get DNA test results without alerting the court.

    -I live 300 miles away from the child. The main reason why I don't have custody was purely financial, up until this point. The reason the MOTHER doesn't have custody is beyond me. What I do know is that the aunt gets a significant amount of money each month because the child is disabled and she is acting as the foster parent.

    -There was a CPS investigation. But it's irrelevant to the case because the child was subsequently the victim of an assault. In any event, placing the child with the aunt was meant to be a temporary measure until the mother got on her feet when she and the child moved back to their hometown (300 miles from me). This occurred just before the child's 3rd birthday. Currently, the mother lives in the same city and has not since put in any effort into regaining custody. She lives in the same city and drives a brand new car. According to the aunt, I visit the child more often, which makes no sense whatsoever.

    submitted by /u/throwaway878708
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    Landlord letting random people open access to our backyard garage without warning, notice or notification

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    We are in our first month of a year long lease for a home where me, my husband and kids live. It has a fully fenced, gated backyard. In the backyard there is a large garage. Before I go on, let me say that there is not a single thing in the lease about this garage. It's not mentioned in the written lease. When we signed the lease, we were told that this is a garage where the landlord stores equipment and materials for his construction business. He said he would need occasional access to the garage for this purpose, to get things in and out for his business. We were told we would not have access to this garage and it would stay locked. Ok, fine. He seemed like a nice, ok guy and his references checked out so I didn't mind letting him in every now and then when he needed.

    So we move in and first week we are here my kids are playing in the backyard and suddenly come tell me some man had come in the backyard through the gate where they were playing, opened the garage and dropped off some kayaks. It was not the landlord. By the time I went out there the stranger was gone. I bring this up to the landlord in conversation when he stops by. (He frequently just stood by, probably at least once a week.) He said it was just a friend of his who is a really nice guy and he lets him use the garage too. I said, ok I need these people to knock on my door and tell me before they go in the backyard. We have this big German Shepherd and she's going to perceive strangers coming in as intruders. He said ok, he'll let the guy know to knock next time.

    Fast forward to this morning. I'm up drinking my coffee, kids are up and in and out of the house playing. All of a sudden, there's more random ass people I don't know in my backyard. They waltzed right through the gate, past our cars which were parked in the driveway, into the backyard, opened the garage and started working on a car parked in there. I went out there and basically asked who they were and what they were doing. They said, oh, they rent this garage from the landlord to store their vintage car. And they are going to be working on the car today and so will be hanging out in my backyard for several hours. Oh.

    Needless to say I am very angry. There is nothing about this in our lease. Not a thing. The only thing it says about access to the property is that the landlord and his agents have right of access for the purposes of repair and inspection either with 24 hours notice or in the event of an emergency. It's a standard clause. We are new to this region and maybe this is normal here where we moved but where we come from if you show up randomly on someone's gated and fenced property who doesn't know you, don't introduce yourself and just start meddling around on their property, you're liable to get greeted with a gun. You just don't do that. It's disrespectful and just not done. I don't understand this mindset at all and I'm pissed. This is a huge safety risk for my kids. I don't know who these people are. I don't know how many people he's allowed to store shit in his garage. I don't know how many people have the garage code. I don't even know what's all in the garage, come to think of it. I don't know any of this.

    I don't know where to go from here. I texted him and said hey, these people need to identify themselves. This isn't ok. This is a safety risk for my children to have strangers just show up in the backyard where my children play without even letting me know they are there or who they are. The lease says I have to ask him to put a lock on the gate so I did. He hasn't texted back. But if he does let me, honestly I don't want him to have a key or the code bc I feel like he would just give it to his friends who would keep accessing our property. We have 11 more months in this lease. I would like to play nice and not cause trouble. But also this is just unacceptable to me. Where would you go from here?

    submitted by /u/Boomboomgel
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    Ford service tech caught on dash cam running personal errand in my car, going through my personal belongings and coughing all over inside my car without a mask.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    I dropped off my car at the largest Ford dealership in the area to have my water pump replaced. After spending $2,000 including rental, I decided to check out my dash cam.

    The dealership had social distancing and mask signs all over the place. All (visible) employees were adhering to these guidelines. The guy that took my keys and drove my car back to the shop area....he has mask and gloves on. The same guy was there with mask and gloves when I picked my car back up. I felt confident that my safety was their top concern. Boy was I wrong.

    Two service techs were caught taking my car to a gas station and drive through liquor store to buy cigarettes. They were caught going through my glovebox and other storage areas looking for a mask to wear. They both had no mask or gloves on. The driver was coughing very heavily throughout the car ride. Also heard calling me a mother fucker for not having an ink pen or a mask in my car for him to use.

    Called the service center and spoke to the Service Center Manager. We went round and round over the phone and email. He said he'll look into the matter. He also said that they never promised customers that they disinfect each interior after service is done. I said, yes, my service advisor told me that. This manager then says they record all calls and will go back to listen to see if that's true. Not once does the automated phone system or a live person ask if they can record your call nor do they mention that the call is recorded.

    I am outraged! The owner of the dealership said he will reprimand the employee who drove my car and offered me a coupon for an oil change.

    What, if any, legal action could I persue? (I'm in Kentucky)

    I have a link to dash cam footage if anyone is interested.



    submitted by /u/chrisbigg
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    About to buy a house and found a huge issue. Wondering what happens now.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    So my wife and I have recently been looking at a property out in the country. We liked the house. It was built in 1986. Needs a lot of work, but in this market figured that was okay. Well when I asked about the property lines she said she didn't know exactly (another person handles this property usually) but she knew the property was in a triangle. Well I got home and was very curious. I had to know where it goes and such so I went to digging online. I found the tax records and gis records. I have now found out the land isn't on an acre as they are claiming. It is on .49 acres. So I thought that was weird. There is pretty much no way that there is any other land attached to the owners names or anything from searching the county records so I know .51 acres isn't coming out of the blue. So I figured red flag? Are they just telling them it is an acre? Also I have now discovered the house isn't sitting on the .49 acres that is on the tax records and gis. It is exactly off the property lines. I know the records are correct because the house was bought last in 2018 and the records say that was well. What are the ramifications of this? I obviously see red flags. The realtor is saying 1 acre while records I've pulled says .49 and now the house isn't on the property if what I have found out. What happens to the house in this case? The house has been standing since 1986 on a neighbors large plot of land they have owned since it has been built. The state is in Alabama. I'm just curious legally what would happen here to the people trying to sell this house if that is true.

    Edit: sorry for the long story: just trying to explain the whole situation.

    submitted by /u/calebagann
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    Random guy grabbed my butt while waiting for crosswalk

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    I'm asking because I don't understand the legality of what happened.

    Basically I was waiting at a crosswalk in a median island type thing on a four lane street with a divider. This guy who I had seen following me for a couple blocks in a residential area came rushing by me, grabbed my butt (like reaching, he definitely was trying to grab my vaginal area) and crossed the road to the divider as on coming traffic was coming so he wouldn't be standing next to me and then he ducked down a side street—which happened to be my street so I saw where he went when I crossed. He also was not wearing a mask and we were in a mandatory mask area in Los Angeles so he was in my six feet bubble.

    I was very upset and called the non-emergency police number to report it and gave a description, and the woman on the line said "Well what do you want us to do about it?"

    I was so confused—is that not a crime?

    I ended up saying they should give him a ticket for not wearing a mask and coming within six feet but I'm sure from her tone she didn't pass it on. I had no idea what to say.

    So my legal question—is it legal to grab at someone else's body? Was I wrong to report it?

    submitted by /u/throwaway-question44
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    Sister’s soon to be ex-husband is emptying the house

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm pretty new here but felt I should come forward with a situation in my family and ask for some advice. My sister is going through a pretty messy divorce right now. They've been through court to decide custody over their disabled son but still need to go back to divide up everything else. Over the course of the divorce proceedings, they've been told that whoever's turn it was to have their turn for custody would get to stay in the house and the other would have to live elsewhere to try to make a more stable environment for the son. As this has been going on, items have been disappearing (ATVs, lawnmower, rocking chair, etc) but when she brings it up to the lawyer he keeps saying she has taken it.

    At their most recent court appointment, it was decided that my sister would get to stay in the house but that her ex would have this weekend to get his personal belongings out (he was told to get his essentials only). However throughout this weekend, her neighbors have been texting her and sending her pictures of him taking literally everything out of the house. Beds, toys, even the refrigerator have all been taken out. She had a suspicion this might happen but it is still bothering her. She took a walk through video of the house 15 minutes before she left this weekend and went through every drawer to show what is in the house before she left. She is planning on taking a similar video of him walking out of the house and her walking in when she gets there Monday morning.

    Is there anything else she can do to help her situation? She tried asking her lawyer but he's been on vacation for two weeks and nobody has gotten back to her. She contacted the police and asked if they could do anything or be there as a witness for the exchange on Monday morning but they explained they could not because she only has an audio record of their court proceeding and no written transcript saying he couldn't take things that weren't his personal belongings. She does have picture and video evidence given to her by her neighbors showing him and his brother taking things from the house.

    Thank you for any help and if you need more information I'll try to give more details.

    Edit: this is in Utah

    submitted by /u/arcothunder
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    FedEx Truck crashed into my Garage door

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    FedEx truck crashed into my garage and damaged my BMW and knocked down my Harley Davidson motorcycle.

    Significant damages to Garage/BMW and Harley. I cannot ride the motorcycle to Harley dealer to get a quote. Harley charge for estimation, the FedEx insurance won't pay that.

    It has been a week, after 50+ phone calls estimates are happening for FedEx outsourced a company called ARC and they are in favor of FedEx and adjuster quoted very lower than dealer.

    Significant evidences are available (Police, Fire, Building Inspector) and witness from the scene and photos.

    I feel, it is very hard to deal with these folks to get something fixed, i was told it a month to two month process.

    Need some advise.

    submitted by /u/fedex_accident
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    [UPDATE] Should I pay my grandmother $6,000?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    Ok here's my old post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/hrbtql/should_i_pay_my_grandmother_6000_in_cash/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    But to sum it up, my grandmother is trying to get $6,000 from me because of a promise I don't remember making on behalf of my moms debt.

    So I went over some of the documentation I received from the lawyer. It's a mess. There's random withdrawals, money missing in places that suddenly appears somewhere else, bills taken specifically from the estate of my aunt and not my great grandmother (which they should have been). There's vague wordings, money handed out beforehand, and a whole bunch of other things. It smells fishy for sure. Anyway, now I'm debating to hire a lawyer, but I don't know which kind would deal with this. Is it a family matter? An accounting matter? Where should I go to get help with this matter?

    And apparently it wasn't $40,000 like I had thought. It's near $60,000.

    EDIT: I'm in California but all of this was filed in Massachusetts.

    submitted by /u/Skydancer572
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    Mother might not let me pick up my daughters

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    So, kind of a long story but I'll try and just keep it to the highlights.

    I have 2 daughters, and their mother has had zero involvement in over 5 years. The first 3 years of their lives (they're 8 and 9 now) they were living with my parents while I got my life together. About 4 years ago, they moved back in with me. Because I was a working single father, during the summers, they used to go back to my parents in Oregon for 3 or so months every year. Well, this year with COVID happening and schools shutting down (as well as the fact that I had another daughter with my new wife at the end of Feb) they ended up going back to my parents in early April instead of waiting for summer to start. I just talked to my mom earlier today about the date I'm planning to come get them to bring them back. She's now saying that she will not allow them to come back, because she believes her homeschooling them is safer than them coming back to CT and going to school here. Can she really prevent me from taking them if she takes a hard stance on this?

    The one thing that worries me is back in around 2015 or so I signed a letter granting her guardianship so that she could enroll them into school initially. This was not a court document, rather just a letter that I wrote and had notarized. However, since then, they've lived with me, went to school in the states I lived (PA and CT - whereas they live in OR).

    What's the best way to do this if she is adamant that they will not be allowed to come back, or she decides to get a lawyer to try and fight it?

    submitted by /u/taw665544
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    [PA] Contractor May Have Severely Damaged The Structure of My Home

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    So we had a pest control contractor come out for a mice problem we had in the the ceiling of our family room. It's a small local contractor we found online. The mice were mostly in an inaccessible space above our bay window. This contractor suggested he cut a hole in the wall above the bay window so he could access this space and place traps. I'm a structural engineer, but I don't know much about residential construction, so I told him to go for it. After cutting into the wall he discovered that the wall had a very thick piece of wood behind it. He INSISTED that the window must have been a terrible DIY construction job, and that this wood shouldn't be here. I asked him several time "isn't that a major structural member? are you sure this is safe?" but he insisted it was just lazy construction. He continued to cut/dig and ultimately made a 8" tall by 4" hole through 2, 2x12 pieces of wood (so he cut through 4 inches of solid wood). He set his traps, covered the hole with a panel, and left (with a follow up visit to come).

    So I've done some research into home design, and I'm 90% sure this guy cut through a major structural member of the home, call a "Header." The header holds the load of the roof over the window, and now has the middle cut out of it (so maybe 70% compromised).

    Where do I go from here? Should I contact a lawyer immediately? Should I contact another residential contractor to get a second opinion on the damage? I'm worried and don't know where to start.

    submitted by /u/CivilPotato
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    WI-My neighbors paid someone to cut down trees on their property and the company trespassed on my property, blocked me from using my driveway, left huge tree limbs in front of my house and smashed down my fence. I think they're coming back tomorrow. What do I do?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    Wisconsin, USA-I got home from work today and their were all kinds of people on my property and the entire front of my house, between my sidewalk and the road, is stacked 5 ft tall with tree limbs. Other than lilac bushes, I don't have a single tree on my property.

    My neighbors apparently hired someone to cut trees down but didn't ask my permission to enter my property. The company looked nervous to see me as if they expected to have free range to trespass on my property all day while I was gone. I've seen them working next door so they easily could have asked to enter my property but they didn't and they blocked me from using my own driveway for hours.

    When I pulled into my driveway they asked if they could use my driveway to drop one of the trees and I was so shocked and confused I said yes as long as they didn't destroy anything and cleaned up after they left. I just got home a little while ago and not only are the tree limbs still stacked up in front of my house, but there is a tree laying on top of the fence dividing the property line, and the top of the fence is completely smashed.

    I have taped off the property line separating my neighbor's property from mine. I believe this company is coming back tomorrow. What do I do in this situation? I have to work all day tomorrow but I'm trying to set up a security camera right now. Do I file a police report? If so, when do I call? Thank you for your advice. I'm honestly shocked that people are so irresponsible.

    submitted by /u/notcontenttocrawl
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    Arizona. I was fired July 8th. I still haven't gotten my final check

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Topic title. I was fired july 8th. I still havent gotten my final check. They said they mailed it to the wrong address.

    When i was fired i signed paperwork where i gave them the address to mail my final check.

    Im extremely annoyed right now especially with how covid is going around, playing with my money is destroying me.

    What can I do? I'm late on bills, if I got my check on time, I wouldn't of been late on bills. Please help.

    submitted by /u/ArizonaJobThrowaway
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    NY Someone opened or got into my rental car, spit all over it, and dropped their debit card.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    I got a rental car recently in NY, but it has PA plates. I know this next part is just speculation or whatever, but ever since, I have been getting heckled by other drivers nonstop at gas stations and on the road. Being told to, "go back to the fucking city," being called a hick, being tailgated, being purposefully blinded behind me, and its relentless. I cant make this up.

    This next part could maybe be chalked up to an accident of someone mistakenly getting into my car while it partly being my fault for not locking it. I parked in a parking lot for a local park, and I was having a pretty rough day so I was absent minded and forgot to lock the car, which I rarely do. When I got back, I noticed there was what looked like spit all over the passenger door panel and a black smudge on the upholstery above my door (cigarette stain maybe). I cleaned the spit and left the stain alone for fear of making it worse. It's been a day or so, because I didn't know what to make of the situation, but today I found a debit card in my driver side door. No one else has driven my car and I've had it know for nearly 3 weeks. So I know it wasn't there before.

    The bank is local to that area I was in. Do I turn this card in on Monday when they open? What do I do? And how do I mention this to the rental place? I'm so sick of this little bullshit harassment I'm having one of the worst months of my life and am do depressed.

    Edit: this is now also turning into an r/relationshipadvice thing because my boyfriend thinks I'm cheating and making up an excuse for this card being there even though he's been with me and staying at my house this entire past week aside from when I left to go to the park. I am just sick and exhausted and need help in so many ways

    submitted by /u/AvrieyinKyrgrimm
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    I have a coworker who stole all of our company's SSN and I have him on video admitting to it not once but twice.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    I don't trust him at all (druggie) because he did this to me before I even came to the company. Saying the pattern of getting fucked over justify his actions (it doesn't).

    I was wondering how I would go about to make the case. Needless to remind you I can't afford an expensive lawyer. Any good legal advice before I take this to a lawyer. Also, how do you pick a lawyer that doesn't fuck you over?

    Just so you know, he was able to do all this because management never locks the file cabinets where everyone's sensitive documents are.

    submitted by /u/ItsShowTime21
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    New landlord demands I sign new lease after purchasing the property yesterday. Is threatening eviction if I don’t sign within 48 hours.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    For context, I signed a 12 month lease back in March 2020. I live in Idaho.

    The title pretty much sums this one up. This is a follow up to my post a few days ago . On 7/31/2020 the house I rent was officially sold to a new owner. The new owner proceeded to leave a note on my door stating they would be coming by today, 8/1/2020 to renew my lease with a few minor changes. Frankly the changes are not significant. However, he demands that I sign this new lease within 48 hours or he will evict me. He did not give me written 30 day notice for anything at all. I am not familiar with tenant/landlord law in Idaho and was wondering if this is even legal. If not, what should be my course of action? Thank you in advance for your time and guidance.

    submitted by /u/itshima
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    Can my landlord turn a single family, home into a multi-unit home after we signed a lease?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Wyoming. Interesting situation here friends. 5 months ago we toured a single family home. During our tour we were informed that we would be the only tenants on the property but part of the property has always been used for storage by the owner (basement and garage). Fine by us, we signed a lease to move in August 7th

    Yesterday we were informed over the phone that renovations were occurring to the home to turn the previously uninhabitable basement into a second unit on the property. It is the owners intent to move another tenant onto the property during the time of our lease.

    We had no intent of signing a lease for a single unit of a multi-unit home. The space was advertised as a single unit home when we signed the lease. No second unit existed at the time we signed the lease - it was never communicated at any point during our leasing process we would be sharing the property and/or common spaces, or that it would become a possibility.

    There's nothing in our lease that would indicate we rented a single unit of a multi-unit home.

    We are pretty frustrated - we were looking forward to having private use of the yard for ourselves and our dog. We leased 5 months in advance due to how competitive the market is. Now, it's too late to find a new place.

    I'd love some legal advice - are we within our rights to take legal action if they add this undisclosed unit to the property & move someone in during our current lease period? I would assume their actions would be breaking our current lease as they have significantly changed the nature of the property we had leased.

    I'm also hoping to understand the legal value of this situation so that if they accept a re-negotiation of lease terms, we have an idea of how much leverage we have at the table.

    submitted by /u/sunnysideneutral
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