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    Monday, August 3, 2020

    Legal Advice - Neighbor is exposing himself to my daughter (14) on his own property?

    Legal Advice - Neighbor is exposing himself to my daughter (14) on his own property?

    Neighbor is exposing himself to my daughter (14) on his own property?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    Hi guys. I'm using a throwaway because I have some personal stuff on my own account and my daughter is so traumatized by this I don't want her to find out I've been asking the public for advice about it. But please, any help would be so appreciated. For reference, we live in CA in the US.

    I'm a single dad to 5 kids, my youngest is 14f. She is an active kid and since we live in a quiet area I have no problem letting her bike/run/rollerblade around the neighborhood. Most of our neighbors are families with youngish kids, the only exception is the newish guy directly across the street (maybe mid 50's, moved in in January, but due to covid he feels much newer). Now, this is not a "luxury" neighborhood: the houses are really close together and mostly 50's ranches or split-levels. So everything you do quickly becomes your neighbors' business. But hey, all my neighbors are nice, responsible people, so I've never had problems.

    Until 3 months ago. My daughter hasn't been able to be as active as she normally would during the summer due to the lockdown, so she eagerly takes on all outside chores. She really loves (or maybe "loved" past tense is more appropriate) to water the planters out near the sidewalk. Very shortly after she went out to do that one morning in may she came back in completely white and breathing fast. She said that our neighbor was standing right in front the first-floor picture window, completely naked and looking right at her. She was horrified and obviously I was both curious and mad. So I took a shy look out our front door and sure enough he's still standing there, genitals completely and easily visible, staring at our house. I called the cops (via the non-emergency number, of course).

    I know, looking back that was probably an over-reaction. But if this happened to your kid you'd be mad as hell too. I expected the police to give him a warning or something after they spoke to my daughter but no. Apparently they can't do anything to him unless he calls my daughter's attention to his genitals or makes it clear in some other way that he wants her to look at him for his own sexual gratification? The cops were nice to my daughter about it, so I had a talk with her about how men can be gross sometimes but that's not her fault and I was content to leave it there.

    But here is where I'm starting to go real crazy. I've never seen this dude naked apart from that one peak through my screen door. But my poor daughter has seen him multiple times, like 8 times in the last 3 months. Mind, I don't frequently look at his house (cause why would I?) but neither does (did?) my daughter. It just really seems to me like he only strips off when he sees her outside. One time last week she came back in crying after she went out to grab the newspaper because this damn man came out onto his front porch, naked as the day he was born, the minute she got to the curb. This means that he had his naked body right in her line of sight.

    This morning when I was chatting with my neighbor (at the appropriate social distance) who lives on the right hand side of this weirdo's house, he tentatively asked me about how my daughter was getting on with the new neighbor. I took that as an opportunity to let loose and I'm glad I did. He says that his wife and his 12-year-old girl have had basically the same experiences. Every time the women of his house go out into the backyard this weirdo comes out to sunbathe nude. When he goes out himself, the naked neighbor is mysteriously absent. Again, these houses are close together and there are no fences, so if he walks out into his yard naked these girls are basically forced to see him.

    The end result of this, for both our families, is that our daughters and his wife now almost refuse to go outside. My daughter won't even walk from our front door to the car. She will only get into the car in the garage and then cover her eyes until we're to the end of the block. For a kid who used to be all about outdoor sports, this is a huge change. And dammit I'm mad.

    I'm sorry if this is a repeat post, but I searched the sub and I couldn't find a similar post that really got at my main question here: does the repetitive nature of all this, plus the fact he only ever chooses to be naked in front of women, constitute sexual intent for the cops? Like I get why exposing yourself once or twice isn't illegal (might be accidental, etc.) but do these circumstances mean I can report this as a sex crime?

    TL;DR: Newish neighbor frequently walks around naked on his own property, but only when women are outside. Does this constitute a sex crime?

    Edit: Thanks to everybody who took the time to comment! I reached out to the PD again and the guy working the phones agreed I need to talk to detectives. He said he would send over some people from some special unit to talk to me and my neighbor in the next 8 hours or so. Again, I really appreciate your help here. I'm also looking up some therapy options for my daughter (covid might make this hard, but I promise I'm working on getting her support). Thanks again.

    submitted by /u/ThrowRAneighbordad
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    [OH] Closed on our house Thursday. Basement flooded ankle-deep Saturday. At a loss for what to do.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, and thank you. I'm really just looking for advice on what steps to take next, and what type of lawyer to turn to.

    My wife and I closed on our first house last Thursday. We were moving stuff in all weekend, and Saturday we got a pretty good rain and the basement flooded up to our ankles on the one side of the basement. Short video here.

    The sellers' property disclosure form did not list basement flooding. The only defect they listed was "leaky chimney", which should have been resolved by the new roof (sheathing and shingles) they had put on back in June.

    My real estate agent did some digging, and the sellers had this house listed twice, under two different agencies/agents. They let real estate agent #1 know that there was a water issue in the basement, but did NOT let their final agency (who we bought it through) know of the issue.

    Real Estate Agent #1 told our agent that she was willing to testify in court to this, and it seems like a slam dunk case.

    What do you guys think? Slam dunk or no?

    Also, what type of lawyer would be best to turn to in this case? We're pretty young and never even thought we would be suing someone, but here we are.

    submitted by /u/specter376
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    Landlady accuses me of getting blood on roommates towel causing him to leave. She gave me a 3 days notice to vacate without refunding me my deposit/august rent or any compensation for breaking the contract. I told her there's no proof it was me, and that I'm not leaving without my money.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    I'm in Colorado reading my contract now and while it does state cleanliness and safety must be followed, like I said there's no proof I did anything, and not giving me my money back is beyond unreasonable. Is there anything else I can do?

    submitted by /u/thezeroinGod
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    Are open face postcards private?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    An employee mailed a postcard (letter with all writing on the exterior) through our company mail system. I happened to see it and written in the employees hand was information that can result in termination. Am I allowed to act on this information that I learned by accident? question from USA.

    submitted by /u/tosser1500
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    I moved out more than 6 weeks ago. Landlord has not returned security deposit, list of deductions, or responded to demand for return of deposit letter. Should I take this to small claims? What amount should I sue for? Rental is in Albuquerque, NM and landlord lives in California

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    This is a shared house but the rooms are independently rented. Lease became month-to-month in February.


    Sent 30 day notice of my leaving May 20th. Moved out June 20th.

    Sent text asking about deposit July 5th. Landlord responded July 6th telling me he's on vacation but that I left it "really bad" so there would be a cleaning fee. -> (He lives in California and I've never met him, so either he asked current tenants, sent the maintenance guy to check, or was just giving a rote response)

    I responded saying I swept, vacuumed, and scrubbed my spaces, and that I have before pictures from when I moved in. No response.

    Sent email with demand for return of rent pdf document attached July 25th.

    As of August 3rd no response. In this letter I cited § 47-8-18, stating that he has waived his right to withhold funds from the deposit as no return of security deposit or list of itemized deductions was sent within the 30 days required by the state of NM.

    Questions: 1. Should I email him to ask him to respond by August 5th or I'll take further action, or should I just take this directly to small claims court?

    1. If I take this to small claims court, what amount do I sue for?

    Edit 1: fixed typo and error in dates listed

    submitted by /u/abquins
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    Airbnb host scammed us and won’t give a refund

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    My boyfriend and I booked an Airbnb in a city 4 hours away from home to stay at while doing apartment shopping.

    Friday, we arrive in the city where the Airbnb is located, the host sends us a message of the rules (linked below) of the Airbnb which we thought were odd due to the threatening $300 fine for coming into contact with the apartment employees.

    We arrive at the apartment building and immediately see signs that say Airbnb's are not permitted on the property. We park in the visitor parking spaces (as the host said to) and see another sign that says we need visitor parking decals or else our car will be towed. We contact the host about this and they say that they do not have a decal for us to use. At this point, we didn't want to stay there because of the fear of our car being gone in the morning and having to go through the trouble of finding it, and paying fines for something we shouldn't have to worry about. We had apartment tours set up for the whole day. We book a hotel instead.

    My boyfriend was upset and went to the leasing office to talk to the leasing manager about what's going on and pretty much how we were scammed out of our money because we are not supposed to be there and our car would be towed if we were. The manager confirmed that we would be booted or towed and that the Airbnb host rents the apartment, they do not own it. The apartment management nor Airbnb allow subletting.

    We contact Airbnb who say that a specialist will be in contact but receive no call back. Today, we spoke with the host and he refuses to give us a refund. He insists that he doesn't see the issue and that he will be charging us the $300 fine for contacting the leasing office.

    Advice on this situation would be appreciated, sorry for the long post!


    submitted by /u/throwawayacct9099
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    [OH/UK] Sexual assaulter is suing me for libel - how should I respond?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    I just want to state from the beginning - I'm not lying. It happened to me. I came out publicly two years ago, and then again last year, and he has now sent me pre-proceeding papers for a libel defamation suit. I'm a US citizen, he's a UK citizen.

    So I have legal counsel currently, but I'm doing a hefty amount of research on my end as well, and I'm curious if I should bother responding to him at all. UK libel law, to my limited understanding, claims must begin within one year after the first date of publication, meaning he's now technically over a year late, but for now that's an aside. I'm aware judgments from foreign countries can be enforced in the US through an additional process, but from extensive reading about the SPEECH Act and other international libel cases, it seems not only difficult and costly just to attempt, but very unlikely to result in a success for the claimant.

    I certainly have the capacity to go forward with the counterletter, and potentially even a full trial if he decides to go that route...but is it a crazy option to simply ignore it and just let him sue me and save me the anxiety and time and money, assuming I never return to the UK, and just fight that battle if he ever decides to try and get an enforcement in the US?

    submitted by /u/chickenscratched
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    (MA) I had my land surveyed by a licensed surveyor with pins put at each corner. My neighbor put a property stake on my property is that trespassing?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:50 AM PDT


    Went on a weeks vacation and there is a wooden stake next to the iron pin the surveyor put down but the stake is on our property. I'm done with this bs I want action, the stake was installed by them and not a contractor, per my video footage (front yard), is this trespassing or encroachment? Do I get a court ordered cease and desist ( already had a lawyer cease and desist ) or a 258E ( restraining order) or both?

    The story:

    Neighbor and I have not got along and they like to play games with the property line. I'm not the only one the neighbor behind them are moving after 2years because of them, have the text.

    They put up a fence 6 to 7 foot tall fence 4 feet on their property at the widest and 6 inches at the narrowest, no survey, no town record. They used that 4 feet to put up signs, ropes, spray paint, walk the area up and down while swearing at us during a family party (mid day), and other times. I tried talking to them but ended with cops because he threatened to "pound me in the ground" and admitted it to the cops and was noted in the police report.

    Had a lawyer ( young guy ) write a letter of cease and desist which worked for about 6 months. Asked the lawyer about a restraining order and he said we still did not have enough evidence but contacted us 6 months later cause the owner of the firm reviewed it ( been doing business for 12+ years with them ) and wanted to move forward. We declined cause obliviously the original lawyer did not have our best interests. We also new we would be putting up the fence so hopefully that would work.

    In the mean time, we spent $1200 on a licensed surveyor to have it done properly. Then had our own fence installed and because the neighbors fence being 4feet from the property line the installer advised not putting it on the line (allowed in our town) but 6 inches on our property. Now we have what I call no mans land, over grown weeds and such. Went on a weeks vacation and there is a wooden stake next to the iron pin the surveyor put down but the stake is on our property. I'm done with this bs I want action, the stake was installed by them and not a contractor, per my video footage (front yard), is this trespassing or encroachment? Do I get a court ordered cease and desist or a 258E ( restraining order) or both? There is more to this as he works for the town in a voluntary status and has befriended some politicians and police. One politician i called the state ethics commission and filed a report he did not run again in 2019. One cop i filed a report but it went no where, supposedly taken care of internally, have emails from the chief.

    submitted by /u/jasperbluethunder
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    Wife (nusre) exposed to TB due to negligent procedural lapse. Looking for advice on how to proceed.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Thanks in advance for anyone who is willing to give this a skim and provide advice on next steps!

    So the backstory is this... my wife was working as a nurse at a small rural hospital while I was in school, and had a patient come in for tuberculosis (TB) tests. The doctor did not provide the nurses or staff the appropriate heads up through documentation, etc. that a patient with a potential case of TB was coming in for tests. To provide context, active TB is contagious enough that a patient suspected of having it would not be allowed amongst the general waiting room, would be placed in a positive pressure room with strict air turnover requirements, and medical professionals would wear N95 masks and other protective gear to prevent the spread. Instead of documenting this patient as a potential carrier of TB, and giving the nurses and staff appropriate warning, the doctor "forgot" to tell anyone. The patient waited in the general waiting room, was admitted and treated by my wife and other nurses, and only once the patient was supposed to go in for the procedure did the doctor communicate to everyone that they needed to gear up with proper PPE. My wife had been tested annually for TB (among other things) as part of her necessary ongoing procedures for her job, and had never tested positive before. This rural hospital was very "lax" in their procedures and record keeping, and while my wife knows the news of this incident reached her supervisor and the hospital admin, she questions if the proper documentation was recorded in an incident report.

    Fast forward to now. We have moved into a larger city, and my wife has been searching for a new job. She had found one, and has been hung up in medical clearance because, surprise, she tested positive for latent TB in her blood. Now we think with 6-9 months of medication she should be able to get rid of the disease/infection. We don't know what this is going to cost us out of pocket (we have insurance coverage), and heaven forbid something happens and the TB progresses to being active, this could turn into something that is potentially life altering to my wife's health, along with potential pro-longed and intensive medical treatment. She is also hung up in her job search, waiting for confirmation on her TB being "latent". If it is "latent" she could potentially take a job in a hospital still, but runs the risk of exposure to another TB carrying patient jumpstarting the latent TB in her system which could then result in it becoming active.

    I think we need to talk to a lawyer while my wife isn't so sure. She hasn't told anyone at the hospital about this yet, but there's a good chance other people on the staff were exposed. We also don't have any surefire proof this was the exact time/place she contracted TB, although all signs would point to it. We haven't traveled or done anything in the past year that would have put her at risk for TB exposure. If the incident wasn't documented/documented properly, there may not be records of this at the hospital. What is our best course of action?

    submitted by /u/crowntown785
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    (Arkansas) I've inherited land from my recently passed grandfather. Former family friends have been staying on it for 11 months rent-free. They may need to go. What's the proper way to handle this?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    I tried keeping this short but that didn't work out, so I apologize. Honestly the tl;dr is the title itself + the last paragraph.

    We live in Arkansas and the property in question is also in Arkansas. Basically, my grandfather got very sick early 2019 and has been living with us since then so we can help take care of him. While his former home property was unused we allowed very close family friends to move their trailer onto the property (it's a big piece of land and can fit many homes). We let them stay rent-free so they could save up money to buy their own piece of land for their trailer, as a way of being good to them.

    Over the past 6ish months though, they've become very aggressive towards us. Originally they were supposed to be out by September last year. When the time came there was some minor drama and we told them March of this current year. That came and they still needed more time, so we told them September this year. But when we began bringing it up to remind them they would become aggressive again. They made rude comments about my dying grandfather and for me this was crossing the line, and my family no longer considered them our friends at this point. My grandfather wanted them to leave his property at this point, but we weren't needing it at the time and were focused on other life things. We would press the issue again closer to September.

    My grandfather, bless his heart, passed away just recently and I now own the property. The truth is I'm rather upset at them for being so rude after our help. But I try to be an understanding and kind person -- they have a 7-year old son and helped us a lot in the past when we needed it. So I'm on the fence about trying to get them to leave. I plan to talk to them soon and hopefully work things out. But in case things go sour I simply want to know, legally, what's the best way to handle this? They stayed in their own trailer home, on my (grandpa's) property rent-free and have been having their mail delivered there for the last 11 months.

    Does this count as squatting? Are they renters? Do they require some formal eviction notice? What do I do if they refuse to leave or can't afford to have their trailer moved of the property?

    submitted by /u/NEREVAR117
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    Dads not doing well

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    Location: Ohio

    Quick question...i flew home to see my dad who has tested positive for corona virus and has bilateral pneumonia and is in the hospital now for 3 nights. They won't let me in to be with him and he's all alone...here's the cavat: He doesnt speak a link of English outside of 2 or 3 words. He's 78 and he's scared and alone in there. Ive talked to them many times and they escalated it to the VP of nursing at the hospital and still won't let me in. I tested positive a month ago and have antibodies and explained that to them. I understand trying to stop the spread but considering this man has no idea whats going on or what he's agreeing to this has to be illegal for them to not allow me in. He has a romanian doctor who comes in and out to try to explain things but he comes from former Yugoslavia and when i talked to him on the phone he said he only understands a little of what she's saying/asking. Im not looking to sue just looking to be with my dad during this time. Im willing to sign any waivers I have to...im willing to stay in his room until he leaves so I don't walk around exposing hospital personnel...im willing and they know all this. Lastly, one of my brothers is his POA and they are calling him every now and then to discuss things (we are all close) and he is giving them advice as he's in the medical field as well. But its not enough, daily, hourly this man is confused as to what they are doing. It would be much better if I could help both sides and translate and just be there. I flew back for that purpose since I was positve and have antibodies.

    Any advice or help is appreciated. Thank you

    submitted by /u/cheeeezze
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    Landlord unlocked and opened door without giving any type of notice

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    This just happened 20 minutes ago. I was getting into the shower when I heard my doorbell ring. I quickly put some clothes on and as I was walking to my front door, I heard someone unlocking it and the door started to open. I said "whoa, I didn't know you'd be coming over. You didn't give me any notice." All he said was "sorry, I probably should have called first. Technically I didn't enter the apartment. Just looking at your door frame" then he closed the door and locked it again. I was speechless and didn't know what to do. I've been looking over his one page lease which is pretty vague. It mainly asks that you keep the apartment clean and not to do any illegal activities. Is there anything I can do? I live in Minnesota. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/tincanconfetti
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    Mother-in-law came back from the dead?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    I recently learned that my dead ex-mother-in-law faked her death.

    Am I legally obligated to turn her in? I'm in Central Texas.

    I don't have a ton of info so I'll list what i know.

    She "Died" almost 2 years ago from compilations due to her weight. My ex quit her job to drive 4 hours away to see her mom before she died, however, she was too late and was told she had died a few hours before she arrived and was already at the funeral home. My ex was upset and cried for days. I do not think she was in on the plan. A few months later my ex's kids 3 and 5? said grandma didn't die. They are young so we didn't give it much thought.

    A few days ago I got a butt dial from an unknown number and when I called it back a woman who had the same name, voice, and called my ex by her nickname as my dead ex-mother-in-law was on the line. She knew my house, animals, and called my ex by her nickname that only her family calls her. I'm 90% sure that was my dead mother in law. Sounded the same and everything.

    So i called my ex and it turns out she found out her mother was alive a while back. She had given almost $10K to her sisters for funeral cost and was pissed to find out her mother was alive. My ex decided to disown her whole family besides her brother.

    I do not think there was any life insurance money involved, but several members of the family pitched in funeral money.

    Question is Am I legally obligated to turn in my ex-mother-in-law? And If I do what will happen to my ex and her kids?

    submitted by /u/detractedredacted
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    Wrote a 1-star review on vrbo for a property with roaches and more, property owner hit me with an extortion lawsuit. [TN]

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Hi - this happened in Tennessee. In Dec 2019 I rented a 26 person cabin for two nights via vrbo for $2k. For a little background, the cabin is in a tourist area that suffered extensive wildfire damage in 2016. Practically everything around the cabin had burned down but somehow the cabin itself was fine. Over the course of the weekend, there were many issues, but none that put anyone in any immediate danger or could even be handled immediately.

    Issues we encountered include:

    • Hot tub never got to temp and was run down (one guest suffered from a rash for 2 months).

    • The doors wouldn't stay closed (probably due to the doors swelling during the fire and then returning to normal, but never replaced - also, bear prints right outside the door!)

    • The microwave door was literally duct taped together... poorly.

    • VERY little water pressure, difficult to shower or wash dishes.

    • Terrible allergens that made it difficult for me to stay inside the cabin due to dry/watery eyes, would clear up when we left to go to town. (probably dirty ducts from the fires)

    • Small bloodstain on one set of sheets.

    • Broken pool table leg which caused the table to fall onto one of our guests.

    • Generally unkempt. Discarded water bottles, beer cans, and trash inside and out. Biggest cobwebs that I have ever seen. Missing air vent covers.

    • ROACHES. We killed four of them over the weekend.

    The following Monday, I messaged the property owner and listed the issues we experienced. He was very defensive and dismissive. I was shocked. He asked me if I would be willing to write a better review if he gave me a partial refund. I hesitantly agreed saying yes because it shows his commitment to customer service. He asked me how much of a refund I wanted and I told him that was for him to decide. He continued to ask me THREE times. I finally threw out some numbers that I thought seemed fair and he threatened to file a lawsuit against me for extortion to the tune of $18,500.

    I called vrbo hysterical. The rep read all of our direct messages to each other and told me to proceed with my review as I saw fit because I never asked him for money, he offered, and I had the right to write whatever I wanted.

    So I wrote my one star review with all of the problems and included the fact that he threatened me with a lawsuit. My review was posted on a Friday and the following Monday he filed the suit (directly, not via a lawyer).

    I immediately contacted an attorney who, at first, wanted to file a counter claim. And then the pandemic started. The court date got delayed twice. I told my attorney that I would be willing to walk away from it all if he was because I understood that with the pandemic, there are bigger things to worry about, specifically his own livelihood given that he rents vacation properties. The property owner said that he would drop the case if I removed my review, meaning he would be successful in bullying me to remove my honest review for renting a cabin with ROACHES. I offered to remove my review if he could provide pest control receipts, proof of servicing the hot tub, and pictures of the repaired/replaced microwave. He refused and said he is hiring a lawyer tomorrow (our court date is Monday, August 10th).

    My lawyer has been incredibly passive about everything. I have only received updates when I have asked her about them. Last week, I emailed her for an update because I had heard NOTHING and court is next week. I get the impression that she just wants me to remove my review so that he will dismiss the case. I don't understand why. I'm not sure if she doesn't want the case, thinks it is a loser, is overwhelmed in other areas, or is just plain lazy. She makes me feel like it's not worth pursuing and I don't care about getting any money, I just want to stand up to this bully so that he doesn't keep this ammo in his arsenal to use on future renters. I mean... I have 20 witnesses for crying out loud.

    Any insight or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/vrbogonewrong
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    Fired for unrequited love?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    I've been working for a franchise Southern Florida sub shop for less than a year. I know the owners and their son, who is my age,, the general manager. I've know them for about 12 years and the son had texted me a couple weeks ago that we couldn't be friends anymore because he had feelings for me and he knew they wouldn't go away.

    I kept working and the son kept putting himself on shifts with me. They weren't my favorite but they also weren't bad. He kept texting me and I finally snapped and reminded him that he didn't want to be friends and that he should only text me if it was work related.

    He then sent me a text telling me not to bother to come into my shifts. I've never been reprimanded or even talked to. Can he just fire me for asking him to only text me if it's work related?

    submitted by /u/Saphira_Brightscales
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    [NY] [USA] Family friend who works at my doctor’s office shared my next appointment date with family member that is not authorized to receive information regarding my health - is it a violation?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Everyone involved lives in NYS. Basically the title. I also have proof that she shared this information, but wasn't sure if it would fall under a HIPAA violation to report it.

    submitted by /u/adsdrew37
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    Roommate is refusing to pay is part of the electricity bill, messed with my internet connection (I work from home), lied to me, is taking my parking, is harassing me, among other things. I want to move out but signed a lease for one year. What can I do?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    During the pandemic, my roommate went to live with his parents for 3 months, but I stayed in our apartment (Canada, Quebec). Our deal was to always pay 50/50 of the electricity and internet bill, even when we're not in our apartment. We've been roommates for 2 years and I always paid half of the bills, even though I go to my girlfriend's house from 2 to 3 days a week. But now, my roommate is refusing to pay half of the bills because he wasn't there (both bills are in my name). But during the pandemic, he told me he will pay half the electricity bill even if he's not there (I have proof with text messages) but now he changed his mind I don't know why. He harassed me with text messages trying to intimidate me, telling me what and what not to do at the apartment and giving me orders, even threatened me.

    When he came back to the apartment after the pandemic, he chose to have his own internet connection, which I'm okay with. But since we have only one coaxial outlet, he cut the coaxial cable which was going from my modem to the outlet, and put a splitter at the end of it to be able to plug 2 modems (his and mine). He did this without telling me and while I was not there. Since he did that, my internet connection is buggy and always crashing, and I need it to work because I work from home. He's refusing to do something about it, telling me it's not his problem, that is internet is fine and if mine is not, it's my problem.

    We also have one parking included in our lease, and since we have 2 cars, our deal was to switch every year, to determine who will park in our private parking. But he's taking the parking since we moved in 2 years ago and refused to let me have it. He's also refusing to let me go to the living room, claiming that the room is his. He said the living room and the parking should be his because he has the smaller bedroom (we never agreed to this and he never told me he wanted the bigger room 2 years ago; he is just telling me that now). I even offered him to switch bedrooms, and that if we do that, the parking would be mine. He refused and told me he preferred having the parking. He also said he will be charging me 5$/month to use his table in the kitchen. The kitchen is too small and there is not enough space for me to put another table if I wanted. I refuse to pay 5$/month so now I can't eat in the kitchen anymore. We also had a deal in which I buy the dish soap and the soap for the bathroom, and he buys the toilet paper. We did this for 2 years, but now he wants me to buy him a roll of toilet paper because my girlfriend comes sometimes to sleep with me and she's using his toilet paper.

    Our parents were involved and they talked to my roommate's parents and they agreed to pay the electricity bill, but the others things hadn't changed (including the internet connection). I'm tired to always argue with him and to live with him, and every night I don't sleep well because of this. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/throwaway89782734
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    Should I report this doctor?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Hey guys, this is my first time posting here so I apologize if I get anything wrong.

    I suffer from Bipolar Disorder, anxiety, depression and insomnia. I had an appointment with a new psych this past Thursday (my regular one was on vacation). He was nice and knowledgeable enough, but during my appointment he brought up God and mentioned that if you have enough faith you can be healthy. As an atheist, I found that a bit off-putting but whatever.

    The real problem was after the appointment. He forgot to send in my Ambien prescription, so I called twice to request that he send it in. Nothing. 3 calls on Friday, nothing. I of course barely slept in all this time. This is very serious when you are bipolar and can trigger a manic episode that can land you in the psych ward. Today (Monday) I was assured the medication will be sent in, so fingers crossed.

    I think this is very negligent on his end. Do you guys think I should report this doctor?

    submitted by /u/darkprincessmidnight
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    My landlord is trying to evict me and I am freaking out.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    I am a 21 year old female who is on disability in Ontario (not like i want to be.) and my landlord is trying to evict me. My roommate dropped a huge bombshell on me this morning that she's moving out, and, because she's very toxic, she won't tell me when she's moving out. When I went to go tell my landlord, he told me tomorrow he was serving me a 14 day notice. I didn't get a warning, he just told me that he's bringing the papers tomorrow. The landlord says it's for unpaid rent, but my roommate and I have only missed a month each (we each pay 375$). She's moving out so she is automatically exempt from paying her rent and it all falls on me as the soul person on the lease now, according to my landlord. I looked up the Landlord-Tenant Board and it says they have to give me a warning first. My roommate also knew about the eviction notice before I did. when i went downstairs again to confront him about this, he said i was "bullshitting" (his words) and that hes "going to seize my bank account and take all my money" (also his words). the place looks like shit, has mice we weren't told about, mould, holes in the walls, ceiling is falling. He was literally looking up apartments on kijiji for me. i was crying and he was just looking for places for me. I feel like i'm stuck. someone help.

    submitted by /u/diariesofasadgirl
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    Help! I was just served this morning over taxes to a property apparently owned by my grandmother

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    I got served this morning for back taxes on a property in TX. It appears that it is in the name of my paternal grandmother, who I met once and who has been dead for 30 years. I am unaware that she ever owned the property, which is a million dollar home on 70 acres. She never had a dime and I don't believe she owned land - but who knows.

    The suit is for payment from tax years 2017, 18 and 19. She died in 1990.

    My brothers are also defendants.

    In reviewing the defendant list, it seems they are going after everyone. Some names I don't know, and then my father, who has been dead for 10 years, his estate, and then my brothers and myself.

    I have no legal interest in this property, I've never heard of this property. And if indeed the suit stems from my Grandmother's interest, she's dead - 30 years.

    I've never been through anything like this before. I'm not hiring a lawyer for this nonsense, unless I absolutely have to. Anyone have any ideas on how best to proceed?

    submitted by /u/onetimepost555
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    Godson paid 20k for a car that he bought from his Aunt. The aunt is with holding the money and car after kicking him out.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    My godson (18) moved out of a bad living situation in NC to get away from his mother in June. He did this with the help of his aunt and my wife and I. He moved in temporarily to his aunts basement and it has been very rocky for them.

    Two days ago my godson paid his aunt 20k for a Mustang (he has a trust). As soon as the check cleared she kicked him out (without even time to gather clothes or his things) and dropped him off at a hotel. Aunt has told godson he can't have mustang and has not returned the money either.

    Steps we've taken: We have called the bank to cancel the check and are waiting back from the fraud department. We have sent one final text to his aunt in an attempt to get either the money or the car.

    Where do we go from Is there anything else we should or can do? Wrongful eviction? Theft? Police report?

    Thanks for any and all input

    submitted by /u/lowendshredder
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    My Daughter (6) was sexually assaulted by her father (30). What can I do?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    Lethbridge, Alberta

    Just for context, her father and I are currently embroiled in a really bitter divorce/custody battle andĺ its been a nightmare and a half. We have shared parenting, however, my daughter has been living with me since this incident.

    So, this happened about a month ago where my daughter came home and broke down because her father had grabbed her by the throat while he was angry and her neck hurt. I sensed there was more to it but i really didn't want to pry. I brought her to the hospital as well as the police and have been keeping her since. Her father completely denies everything of vourse. Now, it was only after a forensic interview was done that instances of sexual abuse came out too. From my understanding, it was a really difficult interview both for her and the interviewer and I was completely blindsided.

    Currently, her interview is being analyzed by a specialist and her father is being scheduled in for a polygraph. I am completely at a loss as to whether this is even normal or not or how they are hoping to charge him if there is no evidence per se. There has been a long history of sexual abuse to me but I never thought it would come to this. Im just wondering if there is anything at all I can do to help or if I should just leave it as is. Further to this, is it normal for interviews to be picked apart by a specialist? Is this a good thing?

    At the moment, im working hard on counselling for my daughter, but her father is fighting me tooth and nail to consent.

    Thabk you for all your insight.

    submitted by /u/_chinook_82
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    A leasing company had me sign a lease before approval in order to process the application, and now I've been stuck paying the cost to break the lease (OH)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    An employee at a leasing company essentially misled me throughout the entire leasing process and told me that my initial application and administrative fees for renting an apartment were refundable if I chose not to go ahead with the lease. However, this was not the case and I was sent multiple documents to sign in order to get the "application rolling," which included a lease agreement. This was before I had even been approved for the apartment, so I assumed that this was just part of the application process and that I held no obligations. The office was closed over the weekend and when I called this morning, I was told I could pull the application and so I signed a lease with a different company. Later I get a call saying that I am now responsible for a lease at the original company after being told otherwise, and am responsible to pay two months worth of rent to break the lease within 48 hours. Nothing was made transparent throughout any of my conversations with their employees and it seems that they intentionally deceived me and now I am left with the repercussions. Is their anything I can do to argue my case? Can I dispute the charge I put on my card to break the lease? I understand now that I signed a legally binding document but the employees lied to me and told me different things from the beginning.

    submitted by /u/Intelligent-Ad-3478
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    Can you kill or hurt a bird for fun?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Washington. I have a friend (probably not friend at this point) who's bragging about how he shoots hummingbirds (as well as other small birds that you can't eat) with airsoft guns, paintball guns, and a shotgun. He's torturing and killing small animals for target practice. It's fully intentional, and he doesn't have any sort of hunting license. Is this illegal?

    submitted by /u/adog312
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