• Breaking News

    Friday, August 28, 2020

    Legal Advice - [UPDATE] Just found out that a warehouse is being built on land that I own. I was never told about it and didn't sell my land to anyone.

    Legal Advice - [UPDATE] Just found out that a warehouse is being built on land that I own. I was never told about it and didn't sell my land to anyone.

    [UPDATE] Just found out that a warehouse is being built on land that I own. I was never told about it and didn't sell my land to anyone.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    So many people were asking for an update, here it is. I retained a lawyer and they started investigating. As some of you had said there was problem with the taxes followed by a series of screw-ups by various people and services. My lawyer advises me to not go into further detail, so I won't. The whole situation looks like "a clusterf... of massive proportions" in their opinion, and they've not gotten to the bottom of it in any way. Looks like getting compensated is going to be a long and frustrating process. Now I'm heading back to Michigan and letting my lawyer do their job here. Anyway thanks for everyone's advice, I was a bit shocked and not seeing things clearly and so it helped.

    submitted by /u/stop_construction
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    Is it legal to not hire women for having small boobs? (Texas)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    For context, I worked at a waterpark over the summer. This is a place that gets a lot of families/kids, not an adult venue at all. It was mostly 18-24 year olds working there for temporary summer jobs.

    I helped with the hiring for the non-aquatic staff, i.e., anyone who is not a lifeguard. These people basically act as cashiers, collect tickets, answer questions, etc. They are required to be in a bathing suit even though they aren't getting wet.

    For females, one of the hiring criteria was breast size. This was explicitly stated on the point rubric. Our manager (also a female) said that having attractive girls at the front gate helps make customers happy.

    I know this is superficial and shallow, but is it illegal in any way? I feel that at least one or two otherwise qualified candidates may have been rejected because of this.

    submitted by /u/OkPassion1878
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    2 dentists in building, upstairs dentist is landlord and refuses to run the A/C during summer when he's not in office.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    My wife works at a dental office, her dentist is downstairs, the other is upstairs. They typically get along fine, the upstairs dentist owns the building and is the landlord. He is notoriously cheap. During the summer months and especially during the pandemic, he hasn't been working much. My wife's boss has done all the safety implementations needed and is working now. Anytime the upstairs dentist isn't working (which is a lot) he turns the A/C completely off. The downstairs swelters during the summer and with all the new requirements, its even worse. My wife needs to wear a bunch more PPE and the office usually gets to at least 80 inside. Even the customers complain about how hot it is. I don't think my wife's boss knows what to do about this. Any thoughts? This is in Oregon if it matters.

    submitted by /u/wraithevolution
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    Getting charged $2500 because of a Google review

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    I got a message from my former rental management company (the place I was renting from) saying that there was a negative review posted and it was clearly us. I looked up the review. This is legal portion of our lease that was sent in the message.

    "Both parties agree that all disputes and complaints shall be resolved privately and confidentially between Tenant and Landlord, or individually through the courts or collections and further agrees to refrain from making defamatory statements orally or in writing about any other party and the representatives, partners, or agents of the parties. Both parties agree that it would be impractical and extremely difficult to ascertain the amount of actual damages caused by a failure to comply with this provision and liquidated damages of $2,500 shall be payable upon demand."

    So they charged us $2500. They said if we took down the review they would take the charge off. The review is not posted under any of our names and has no factors that indicate it's from us.

    Is this legal?

    Our lease ended last month with this company.

    submitted by /u/lebecky11
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    Drugged By Manager at Work

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    Okay, let's start off with some background info: I was in a car accident 1 year ago and suffered damage to my spine causing me chronic back pain. I am still waiting on surgery to get my discs replaced and until then I sometimes wake up in massive amounts of pain. As a recovering addict I try to not take any pain killers and focus solely on Advil, stretches, and light strength training.

    Anyways. Today 08.28.2020 I go to work at around 9:50 am PST. When I walk in I immediately head for our First Aid kit to grab a light over the counter painkiller. This is when my manager looks at me and says "ah your back is acting up again are you okay?" It seemed like a light conversation so I was honest and said no my whole back was full of pain and I just needed some light painkillers. She said "oh I have some that are a little better here let me help you." So I took a small strip from here and she told me to place it on my tongue making a light joke that it "tastes like shit". Before moving forward with placing the drug on my tongue I asked her very clearly and said "will this drug put me under the influence? I really do not want to be high I just want some light pain management." She said no. Then after I took the drug she said "don't worry about your pain that was pretty much methadone just under a different name you'll be fine" (10:15 am) Immediately I started to get a little worried because I know methadone is to help heroin addicts during withdrawal. It is NOT for pain management. Of course, she's twice my age and in a position of power so I decide I'll just tough it out and do my job, hopefully the pain subsides. About an hour later my first client appointment of the day walks in, when I get up to greet him I feel extremely light headed (this is about 11:15 am). That's when I start to notice maybe something isn't right. I continue to help my client with a watch, once we have decided on a piece and finish the sale I have to size his watch. As I try to unscrew the small screws to the watch bracelet my head starts spinning and my hands are shaking, I cannot do a thing. I ended up giving the watch to my manager to do for me while I fought the urge to throw up / pass out in the back of house. I ate some carrots while I waited hoping it would calm my stomach. Finally the client leaves with his watch and my manager goes to the bathroom. She comes back at 12:50 and I say "I need to go to lunch and take a nap in my car I don't feel well" She responds with "well I have some adderal that usually helps 'even me out' after your nap you're going to need to take one so you can finish your shift." For lunch I walk (if you can call it walking kinda shuffling along) to my car and immediately fall asleep in the backseat. I wake up about 15 minutes later feeling nauseous. I run to the bathroom where I start projectile vomiting all over. This is when I know I need to go home. I go up to my manager and tell her I'm throwing up. She says "yeah something not right, my husband throws up due to pain so that's probably why you can't stop" I then leave and go home (it's 1:36 pm) the second I get home I start to feel SICK and can barely hold a conversation as I FaceTime my girlfriend explaining to her something is very wrong (2 pm) The second I get in my room I pass out. Only to wake up about 2 hours later (4 ish pm). At this point I am still in bed (it's currently 5:13 at the time of writing this) and I feel not only violated but confused as to what my next steps are. I'm scared to return to work and scared to speak to upper management on the situation. Any advice?

    Edit: am in USA, California

    submitted by /u/DrMeatCack
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    Landlord is withholding security deposit until I give him imaginary key back [NJ]

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Due to COVID, my roommate wanted to cancel our apartment lease. Landlord found a new tenant, and expected us to move out within 4 days notice.

    On move out day, we hand in both sets of pairs of keys (apartment building main key FOB, and apartment key), and do the final inspection. 2 days later, I entered the main door (to pick up a package that got delivered to my name), as the main door never locks. The landlord claims that he has "security footage" of me entering the common area premises and suspecting me of having a third key FOB. Due to this, he is taking $75 from my deposit as a "lock change fee", and not returning my deposit until this imaginary third key fob is returned.

    What should I do? US, New Jersey

    submitted by /u/darkfighter101
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    My high school guidance councilor lied to me.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    I am a 20 year old in georgia who has an IEP. A few months ago, before covid happened, i was forced out of school. The guidance counselor told me that, due to me turning 21 as of this november, i wont be able to graduate. They took me out of school and told me to register with an online school, but would refuse to transfer my records over. Covid shut the online school down. On my research i saw that, because of my IEP, i was legally allowed to stay in school for a bit longer than normal, what can i do from here? And i apologize is what i put was a bit confusing, im not great with putting what i think into words. I will answer an questions if you ask.

    submitted by /u/Dtny987
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    Discharging septic onto my property! Can I cap it?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I bought a 30 acre nature conservancy in NC and plan to build a home out there over the course of the next few years. I have been working in a central part of the property, but recently needed to walk the entire perimeter. There is an old, very run down, neighborhood that flanks a portion of the property and several houses have been throwing trash in the woods, but one of them has a pipe running out under the their fence about 5ft and is discharging into the woods (the fence is on the property line). Based on the smell and the dead vegetation, I believe it may be a septic discharge pipe. The pipe is 2 inch PVC and runs straight from the center rear of the house. Additionally, there looks to be an abandoned vent pipe for a septic system in the path between the home and the discharge. My guess is that the septic system needed repair or replacement and they decided it was cheaper to bypass the whole thing. What makes this worse, for them, not me, is the discharge is about 500ft from a public utility well that supplies the neighborhood.

    1. Yes, I have informed Environmental Health.
    2. Yes, I have contacted the police, for the dumping and the discharge (Making friends fast with the neighbors).
    3. I have marked the entire property with No Trespassing and put up cameras.
    4. I am not likely to actually cap the pipe, but am curious as to if it would be legal to do so.

    Can I cap the pipe?

    Update: Police have made contact with most of the dumpers and the discharger. The dumpers "didn't know" where the property line was, but will clean it up. Good to me, I just want it cleaned up.

    The discharging home was unaware of any discharge, but does have a septic system. She will check with her husband and get back to the officer.

    submitted by /u/atmsmshr719
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    Boss paid me a bonus using PPP to use up the loan and is now deducting it from my paycheck.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Boss paid me a fat unexpected bonus using PPP to use up the loan and is now saying I received the bonus in error and must pay it back.

    He wants me to pay back the cash portion ($ after taxes) I received in my check. He is currently deducting it from my disposable income. SO it will still look as if I got the bonus to the IRS but I will have paid my employer back. Is this legal?

    More: I was a full time employee and offered to go part-time to save them on payroll during Covid and during my maternity leave, in a non-essential not for profit sector that relies on weekly donations to stay alive.... Instead of going to part-time hours on the job I was employed for, they issued me a new contract (part-time salaried?) with a new job description tried to pressure me to sign it and is now deducting this bonus from my part-time salary and will be deducting from my coming maternity benefits offered by my disability insurance. State VA Am I just screwed?

    submitted by /u/pennypoobear
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    Iowa Derecho Help - insurance agent told me something in writing, now they're telling me he was wrong and is no longer with the company

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    I bought a house last fall and at the time I talked with my insurance agent about all the details of my homeowner's policy - got flood insurance, all that stuff. At the time the home inspector had shown me my sump pumps and told me to check them occasionally to make sure they're working correctly and recommended I get a battery backup for each one in case of power outages, but he warned that battery backups would only last so long, so if I ever had a long power outage I should keep an eye on the basement.

    While talking to the insurance guy I asked if flood insurance would cover if my (finished) basement flooded due to sump pump failure or if I had an extended power outage, or if I needed to buy separate insurance for it (like I had added on insurance for septic system backup). He said that wouldn't be covered by my flood insurance, per se, but that it is already covered by my base homeowner's policy and I didn't need a rider for it.

    In an unrelated fashion, in January I received an email from my insurance agent that he was moving out of state and most of his policies would begin to be handled by this new guy who was moving TO the area. Great.

    Well, this ended up happening a couple weeks ago when we had an "inland hurricane" called a derecho hit my area and my sump did not have power. The battery backups eventually failed. Unfortunately we were not thinking about the basement at the time because a tree went through our roof and both our cars were totaled.

    I have already paid out of pocket to have a company come out and remove water, put in a bunch of equipment and rip out a bunch of carpet/wall/etc. but now the basement needs to be restored again.

    I am being told by my insurance that this is not covered. However, I still have the email in which my insurance agent told me at the time of writing the policy that it was. They gave me a canned response that they apologize for any "misunderstanding" but that it is not included in the policy I signed, and the agent is no longer with the company.

    I get that it is my responsibility to know what I am signing - but that is also why I tried to pick a good agent, to HELP me understand what I was writing because there were over 300 pages of documentation involved. If he had told me that I needed to buy another policy I would have done it.

    What now? Am I just SOL? I would have hoped since they were employing him to act on their behalf that they would have responsibility for what he does on their behalf, but they are saying that is not the case.

    submitted by /u/housemose
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    I need help navigating the legal procedure in a divorce.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    I (74M) is seeking a legal advice if it is appropriate here in USA to divorce my first wife whom I married in the Philippines in the early 80s. She is now a US citizen. And me is still undocumented and presently living with another woman. Thank you and hoping to hear from you very soon.

    submitted by /u/emcolins25
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    Landlord of commercial property may tear down the building I rent [CO]

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I rent a building for my business (Drive thru coffee), operating with a current 10 year lease. I have ~6 years left on the lease, expiring May 2026. We have been in this location since February of 1996, so we are a consistent, reliable business and bring a lot of traffic to his business neighboring mine. We are located in Colorado.

    While meeting with my landlord (he also owns and operates a gas station right next to me.) a few days ago, he informed me that he is planning on demolishing his gas station and rebuilding from the ground up, and in order to do so, he will likely have to demolish my building as well.

    He mentioned he would consider when rebuilding his gas station that he would include an area for me to "have a drive thru," but in the same building as the gas station.

    When I asked when he was planning on doing this, he said within the next year. Is this something he can do while I'm in a lease with him?

    I do not want to share a building with his business, I'm not comfortable with this, but I also do not want to lose my business either. As I stated before, we've been here 24 years this year. I've never missed my rent, I've never even been late on my rent. I have never broken the terms of our lease, and have kept the building in pristine condition, and have done many heavy duty improvements (terms of our lease require me to pay for improvements and repairs) such as a new roof, replacement of light fixtures, drop ceilings, we repaint the interior and exterior every 4/5 years as needed, and do all of the landscape maintenance and repaint traffic lines on our parking lot.

    I just want to know if what he is planning is legal, if I can fight it, or if I need to come up with an exit strategy ASAP.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ilikethisplanet
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    Apartment Demanding $2,700 For Cancellation of Apartment That Was Applied For Last Year

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    (Oregon) My boyfriend applied for an apartment last year in September with his ex. They signed the lease paperwork but they were denied because they had no cosigner with credit. Apparently they were approved in October of last year, but he wasn't notified because they had the wrong email. A week ago he started receiving emails from them saying that move in day was coming up. He called and asked them what was going on. The manager just called him back today (08/28/2020) and told them to cancel the lease he has to pay 1.5x the rent ($2,700) by the end of this month or find someone else to take his lease. Is there anything we can do to fight this? TIA!

    submitted by /u/Fudgetheweebs
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    Neighbor Illegally Stripped Lead Paint from Garage

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    I am located in Denver, CO. Our neighbor improperly stripped the paint off of 4 garages from a quad-plex that share an alley with us. The four units are rentals managed (owned?) by a single property manager. No effort was made to contain the debris and there are now paint chips littering the alley. They've made it up our driveway and into our garage. I tested a few of the chips today and they contain lead.

    We have a newborn and several of the surrounding houses have very small children. In addition to the concern for the health of our children, we're concerned about the environmental impact that all of the lead paint debris has. Our first priority is to get the paint properly cleaned up as quickly as possible. So far, I've attempted to call the property manager (I can't find an email) and they are unresponsive.

    What action should I take? Is it reasonable to hire a properly certified cleanup company to take care of the matter and try to recoup the costs later in small claims court? Is there a better strategy?

    Thanks for your help!

    Update: located in Denver, CO.

    submitted by /u/sierpinski99
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    Immoral or illegal?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    So a week ago, I had a table come in and they cash out. The gentleman signed the credit card slip and wrote the gratuity in himself. 3 days after the transaction, he had called the restaurant saying he made a mistake and over tipped. He had tipped me $60. I have received big and generous tips before so I thought it was a rather kind gesture because he signed the receipt. The restaurant refunded him the money and did not notify me of this till 4 days after the customer called about it. When they told me about it, they said I would have to pay into the restaurant $53 dollars. I have done some research and from what I have found, it is NOT the server's responsibility. This is in the state of Michigan. I would appreciate any advice and help on this and if someone could drop some documentation on whether this is legal or not, it would be GREATLY appreciated.

    submitted by /u/trenfroe54
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    What to do if someone is trying to hide a relatives trust from you?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    My friend's grandmother unfortunately passed away a short while ago. He was tipped off by a friend of his mom's (him and his mother are not on good terms) that his grandma had a trust with his name in it, and his mom and aunt aren't telling him. How can he go about finding out if he is indeed in the trust, and what, if any, action can be taken from here? Thank you in advance.

    Edit: He just let me know that there was no will, so I think that makes it a revocable living trust...? Can he view this at all? Would he have been notified directly if he was named?

    submitted by /u/whydoanything69
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    Hit and run accident

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    My fiancée was rear ended by a driver who was behind her and he fled the scene. We filed a report with police and called insurance. She talked to his insurance and they said that he is saying that we were behind him and hit him. The damage clearly indicates that he was behind. His insurance also said that since both stories are not the same, then they won't have to pay for her damages. It was a hit and run on his behalf and we called the police to file the accident immediately. Should we think about taking his insurance to a small claims court if they don't deem it in her favor? This is in San Jose, Ca. Thank you

    submitted by /u/NorCalBear510
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    Our (31F, 38M) downstairs neighbour will not stop submitting noise complaints to property management

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    More general/background info: We are in Ontario, Canada. We do not own this condo, we rent it from our landlord. We have been living here since 2016.

    The issue: I will try to keep this as short as I possibly can. As stated in the title, my husband and I's downstairs neighbour has been submitting an increasing amount of noise complaints (3-4) to property management since March, 2020. Please note that we are both professionals and a very sedate (even boring) couple. We truly generate very little noise and have always been very mindful/respectful of the fact that we live in a condo complex. No other tenants have ever complained about us/the noise we generate.

    Our downstairs neighbour (mid 20's male) complains about "everyday" noises we make at normal hours. For instance, he once complained when we dropped something on the floor at 6:30 pm on a Sunday. No amount of noise appears to be reasonable to him. We feel that his complaints are very frivolous. To be honest, I truly believe the noise we make would be tolerated by most "normal" tenants. This man has a history of odd behaviours/complaints dating back to when we initially moved in (e.g., once accused all tenants on the second floor of "spitting off of their balcony" and left an all caps printed note at everyone's door). My husband spoke to management after this incident but was simply told that this man was "harmless" and to ignore the note. Thinking that everyone on the second floor is conspiring to spit off of their respective balconies feels like a delusion to me.

    Every time management receives a complaint, they send us an email outlining our "offence" and asking us to be mindful of our downstairs neighbour. They also always cc our landlord which frustrates us as they keep painting us in a negative light. Every single time, we receive an email, we respond immediately and respectfully present our perspective. About two weeks ago (3rd complaint), we actually went to property management in person in order to settle this matter. It has been creating a lot of stress for my husband and I as we are not the owners of the property but just the tenants. The property manager was not available to speak to us, so we spoke to the admin assistant. She was empathetic and asked if we would be comfortable with the property manager sharing our contact info with our neighbour so that we could settle the matter amongst ourselves. We agreed and she explained that the property manager would be communicating with us. This was about two weeks ago and she never reached out to us. This afternoon, once more, we receive another email from the property manager outlining another complaint from our downstairs neighbour. She then asks if she can now share our info with him so we can resolve this with him. At this point, my husband and I are livid. We have been trying to settle this for a very long time (this didn't start this year, it has just escalated) and once again, our landlord is cc'd in another email painting us in a negative light. We told her that we were disappointed in their mishandling of this situation and explained that we no longer wish to meet with/communicate with this man without legal counsel.

    So here we are. We have no idea what to do/where to go from here. Property management has been completely unhelpful and appear to be on the complainants side (although they deny this). Do any of you have advice re: next steps? What should we do from here?

    Tldr; Downstairs neighbour keeps making frivolous noise complaints against us. Property management has been useless in helping us and keep painting us in a negative light to our landlord (cc-ing her in all complaint emails). Where to go from here?

    submitted by /u/happsy1818
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    I work for a federal facility, and have epilepsy. My doctor has sent a note saying how I cannot work third shift as it can be a trigger for my seizures, but they are still making me work third shift. Do I have a case?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    The title says it all. I've had epilepsy since 2017 and I've worked there since the beginning of 2019, and I've asked nicely and told them I can't work third shift, and when they did make me work third shift I kept getting lightheaded and just fuzzy like a seizure was about to come on, so I would take an extra dose of my medication. I think me saying I can't work thirds but can work any other shift isn't too much, you know? I think it's a reasonable accommodation. I also was hired for 2nd shift, been in that shift for the entirety of my time there (minus a few overtime days) any help is appreciated. (Western, KY)

    submitted by /u/logowazlike
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    [oh] Wasn’t told of a Court date regarding a traffic accident now warrant Help

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Sorry ahead of time on mobile

    I was in an accident earlier in the month (my fault) The officer who took the accident report said he was gonna call me back later in the day I never received said call. Never told me what my court date was nothing so I got curious about this tonight and looked up the accident report. So I then find my citation number and look at the citation. It said I had court 4 days ago I was never notified of it by the officer. What can I do about this.

    submitted by /u/WillWantsToLearn
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    Post-op care provider shut down local office and they stated the new location I can receive care at is almost 200 miles away. Is this reasonable?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    I received laser eye surgery from a LASIK provider recently and had been receiving post-operative care with the provider as part of our agreement.

    Due to coronavirus, the provider has shut down the location where I was receiving services. They informed me a few days ago that they have now contracted with a optometrist almost 200 miles away to provide post-operative care.

    I called headquarters and was told that there are no closer providers. I looked through the documentation I signed just in case, but there's nothing in there beyond just saying they will provide me with 4 post-operative care appointments.

    I wanted to ask this sub whether this is reasonable. 200 miles is at least something I can do, but I'm curious at what point this would be considered a breach of contract? This is a huge inconvenience and will definitely result in additional cost to me.

    It does seem like they are making a good faith effort, but would it be reasonable to ask for portion of my costs back? That way I could at least try to find an optometrist close by that might be willing to accept payment for my remaining post-op care.

    Thanks for reading.

    Location: San Francisco, CA

    submitted by /u/magnificence
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    Repost: so she wants all the money. Edmonton Alberta Canada

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    My mom died last year and didn't leave much in this world for myself and my sister but she did have a car that my sister wants ALL the money from. She wasn't in mom's life much and yet she has the audacity to claim the car that could easily be sold and have the money divided between us but, 'no' she wants it all for herself. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/notyouraverageC666
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    Charged for scraping a car in a parking lot

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    I was pulling into a parking space and misjudged how much room I had, scraping someone's car. Left a note but when leaving saw the owner and waited with them to file the police report. Officer said he had probable cause to believe I was unsafely driving, he said the charge translated to basically I hit someone's car. Official wording is "officer has probable cause to believe you did unlawfully and willfully operate a motor vehicle on a street or highway by failing to see before turning from a direct line that such movement could be made in safety." I'm 100% at fault for scraping the car, but do I have a legal land to stand on to argue against paying the fine in court? Does a parking lot still fall under street/highway? I was driving slowly, but they do have the obvious evidence that I hit the car. The fine itself is $25 but "costs" are $188, I don't know what that means either. Is it unusual to be charged with a misdemeanor for a small scrape? I was wearing a BLM shirt at the time, obviously that's a sore spot with law enforcement but I was respectful to the officer. If this is totally normal and not worth fighting against please let me know, I'm not going to mention what I was wearing if I attend the court date but wonder if I'm being penalized for my shirt. I've heard most of the time things like this get thrown out anyway, but I have very little experience in legal matters and don't know what's considered typical. I've had people scrape my car before where it was parked on the street in front of my house but don't remember them being charged, although I could have not been there for that part of the conversation, and I've asked around and a few people have said they had similar experiences without getting charged, although in a different state. I live in NC if that affects anything.

    submitted by /u/Samderella
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    Weird animal neglect case Part 2

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    In the state of maine, I have a friend who owns a horse that is currently at a caretakers home for boarding for the past year and a half. She has been planning to move it close to her home for more face to face time as she never sees it much. The owner at the news of this was very upset and had a huge falling out over a week and was trying to stop her from moving the horse. Now she is filing animal neglect charges because of some recent dental issues that popped up over the past few days and saying she cannot move the horse or she will file a animal neglect charge. This feels super illegal and wrong hopefully someone can tell me if my hunch is right or not. She just recently had the horses hoofs and teeth a week or so ago done ,also previously a while ago. Its been a little more than a year or so since she first got the horse which had all that taken care of prior as well including a vet visit. She had planned a vet visit very soon along with the hoofs and teeth she recently had done and she understands she is even a bit late but due to college starting back up and all other factors like corona stopped her from a regular visit with her horse. She understands the vet visit isnt super up to date but it was out of her hands to visit the horse more often. She worries this is what will truly get her in some trouble. **** updated part starts here**** The lady is now after hearing we are not going to back down so easily has now sent a Animal control officer to my friend while she was at work embarrassing her infront of her whole crew and threatened to bring my friend to court saying"she will never own animals again" unless she surrenders the horse. Can she really pull this crap????

    submitted by /u/SnikkleFryx
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