• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 25, 2020

    Legal Advice - UPDATE: A club posted pictures of me online and I want them gone

    Legal Advice - UPDATE: A club posted pictures of me online and I want them gone

    UPDATE: A club posted pictures of me online and I want them gone

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    The original post didn't get any attention, but updates on this sub are like crack to me, so I'm posting it if anyone is interested.

    TL;DR on the original post: I went to a club with friends, I didn't know ahead of time they had a photographer. Some pictures of me were posted of me on their website and Facebook. I asked them to take the photos down, they refused because they were "great promo pictures."

    Sooo despite some of you guys commenting or PM'ing me things like slut shaming and wanting to see the pictures, I actually received the correct advice!

    Facebook was very helpful with getting the photos taken down there. I reached out to their support and reported the photos and they were taken down within a week.

    Someone pointed out this statute

    Section 3A. Any person whose name, portrait or picture is used within the commonwealth for advertising purposes or for the purposes of trade without his written consent may bring a civil action in the superior court against the person so using his name, portrait or picture, to prevent and restrain the use thereof; and may recover damages for any injuries sustained by reason of such use. If the defendant shall have knowingly used such person's name, portrait or picture in such manner as is prohibited or unlawful, the court, in its discretion, may award the plaintiff treble the amount of the damages sustained by him.

    That pointed me in the right direction of getting a cease and desist letters written. I have a friend who called in a favor with an IP lawyer who handled my case for very cheap. She was also pretty angry about it too when I told her about it, so I guess that was also motivation to help out a broke college kid.

    It took two cease and desist letters, but the pictures were finally taken down within two months. I have a sinking suspicion it cost me a job offer in the meantime, but I'm not sure enough to actually do anything about it even if I could.

    Anyway, thanks guys!

    I'm not sure if location bot still yells on update posts, so Massachusetts

    submitted by /u/Psychaotic73
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    NYC - neighbor is demanding i take down my privacy fence which i built on my own property, following all applicalble fence guidelines...because it blocks their lot-line window. I absolutely did this out of spite, because they've been crappy neighbors, but i believe i am still within my rights.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Just want to be sure i'm within my rights, and trying to figure out if there's any specific code I can cite to that effect.

    I put up a privacy fence in my yard across a lot-line window that was put in to satisfy an egress requirement for them which happened to go directly into my yard. I did this after finding multiple trespasses by the tenant. (she liked to use my yard as their smoking spot. Used to lift their kid out the fucking window into my yard to play with my dogs! Luckily my dogs aren't vicious, but that's never okay.)

    Additionally the owners have on several occasions accessed my property through that window without permission, and even dug up my yard to inspect for a leak in their below-grade wall (without permission) leaving a mess and a ruined garden. They've given contractors access to my property without permission through that same window.

    Lastly - and this is the sticking point. My elderly aunt lives in this house before it was passed to me.. They bullied her to no end in an attempt to get her to sell, and routinely did things that purposely damaged the property - there were several legal disputes which she (my aunt) won and had to have stop-work orders enforced against the crappy neighbors.

    Frankly, i don't give a damn about their desire to fudge the bedroom count by adding a sketchy egress - i am not ok with having an egress onto my property. It is my understanding that there are very few circumstances in NYC where i would be required to accommodate their lot line window.

    No easement exists & They do not have air rights over my property. It's an old neighborhood, and the building has been in my family since the 1920's - i literally have pictures of the backyard showing they used to have a backyard also - so there's no grandfathered exception here.

    Just making sure i understand all my rights to tell them to go pound sand (and also maybe talk to the DOB about their sketchy apartment). Do not want to pony up for representation if it's clear-cut.

    Advice welcome.

    submitted by /u/VulgarDisplayofDerp
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    Just realized .27 acres of our land is on an established public park (TX)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:29 AM PDT

    We bought our wooded two acre lot two years ago. The lot is adjacent to this adorable frisbee golf park. We finally finished clearing out the bush (our pandemic project, lol) and are ready to start building a fence. We're planning to fence in the whole property. I contacted the building and planning department for the city a couple months ago and was verbally given permission to build a fence on the property line- no permit needed according to the city ordinances.

    When I was establishing the boundaries this weekend, I realized that over a quarter acre of our property is on the manicured grounds of this park. If we fenced as is, it would take out a long line of small concrete bollards (those were parading as our property line), a golf goal, and one and a half concrete pads.

    I reached out to a local real estate lawyer and am waiting to hear back, but I wanted to see if anyone had ideas on what to expect or approaches that may help my case. This is a small Texas town (fewer than 6k people) and any time I've spoken with neighbors about building things on one's property, they go on and on about how difficult it is to get permits and whatnot. There's a strong "good ol' boy" vibe, I guess. They might just be blowing smoke but this is my first time ever needing legal representation or advice so it's all new to me.

    Thanks, y'all! I'd like to keep the land if I can but at the very least I don't want it included on my property taxes if I can't use it privately.

    submitted by /u/hiluhry
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    Trash company keeps charging us an overweight fee

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    We have a commercial trash bin. It is serviced by a 3rd party company that has a contract with a city to service commercial bins in our area.

    The company keeps charging us an overweight fee. I called the company and nobody can tell me what overweight is. There is no determined weight range. There is nothing in the contract that defines "overweight" - only that it will incur a pre-determined fee ($100 and it increases per year by a certain percentage). Today, I was present during pickup. I asked the driver how much the full trash bin weighed and he could not give me an answer, as he said it was determined by the truck through an alarm system. The weight of the bin would trigger an alarm and the weight would show up on the scale. The driver could not give me any sort of weight range that would trigger the alarm of the truck. The driver also could not tell me the weight of the empty bin because he said it would not trigger the alarm. Further, the truck is designed to pick up bins that are far bigger than our bin (our bin is a small 2 yard bin, the company services bins at least up to 4 yards because I inquired about pricing recently).

    This whole system seems pretty flimsy and arbitrary and I would like to pursue a refund of all overweight fees that has been charged. This whole overweight fee system is not transparent at all and seems pretty easy to manipulate and abuse and I believe is illegal as it stands. There is no determined range that defines overweight, nobody at the company can tell me what defines overweight, nobody can tell me what triggers an overweight notice (besides the truck), nobody can tell me if the weight of the bin factors into the scales or the weight. This whole system seems pretty arbitrary and unfair. The manager at the city does not even know what defines "overweight" and said their contract with them did not define "overweight" either - no weight range, no numbers, nothing.

    Is there any recourse?

    submitted by /u/w0nderbrad
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    [NC USA] how illegal is it to move property line posts?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    Hello reddit! I posted a little while ago about my neighbors trying to steal my property and my decision to build a fence. I don't know how to link the post but here's the short version.

    Neighbors cursed out my child and threatened my husband after being asked not to mow our lawn. They claimed it was their lawn. I was able to get a surveyor to mark the lines last week so that I could put in a fence so that this nonsense would stop. The next day, the neighbor "apologized" but lied saying he knew it was ours and he was just "trying to help out our son."

    Today, the person measuring the line for a fence estimate informed us that it appeared that the posts were moved farther into our property. There are holes where the posts originally were placed.

    How illegal is moving property posts. I plan on dealing with this tomorrow by calling the police but I would like to know how bad they messed up first. A friend of mine said it was a felony. I know by calling the police our little neighbor tiff will turn into an outright war, but at this point I don't care. I just need to know how big the bang is going to be. Thanks 🙂

    submitted by /u/thepeanutgallary
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    Tried Selling Taxidermy Deer on Craigslist — had NO idea was illegal in CA. Undercover cop busted me with Misdemeanor!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    My old roommate left a deer head that's been with me for 4-5 years just lying in the living room. I'm moving out and selling a bunch of stuff on Craigslist. I had NO idea selling a taxidermy animal was illegal in CA. I got an email on Craigslist from a person who wanted to buy it for $200, exchanged some emails and gave him my number. Yesterday he asked to meet outside bc of COVID, I agreed, and met a plain clothes man outside. I gave him the deer and he goes so we're good at 200? I say yes and when I think he is about to pull out the cash he pulls out a State Fish & Wildlife badge and 3 other cops come out of the woodwork. He slaps me with a misdemeanor for illegally selling an animal. I swear I thought I was getting Punk'd, waiting for the film crew to pop out. I literally would have thrown the thing away if I knew. The worst part is I'm moving to LA friday and my court date is in SF in a couple weeks. Any advice people have on how to get out of this? I'm still kind of in shock but got a hell of a story out of it I guess.

    submitted by /u/sumo57
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    Dodged After Winning Giveaway

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    I'm in California. The business/person I won from is from Virginia.

    Back in June I won a giveaway with basically a bunch a baby stuff valued at 500$. I was super excited because I just had a baby. It was diapers, wipes, a baby bag, a baby portable lounger, and some custom shirts/onesies/cups form the business. So the business asked for my address I gave it to them and then I didn't hear back for awhile.

    A month later I sent her a message. She apologized and said the cups were taking awhile and that she'll send it out ASAP. A month later I send her a text and she has blocked me. She blocked my number she blocked my Instagram (where I won).

    Since the giveaway stated the value was over 350$ (but when I added it up its more than 500$) can I take her to small claims court?

    Do I have an legal recourse?

    submitted by /u/Sufficient_Spring188
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    Can a landlord stay in a spare bedroom of the place she rents out without the tenant's consent? (With the tenant protesting her staying even ...) (South Carolina).

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    We live in SOUTH CAROLINA.

    TLDR: You can answer based solely on the title alone I think, but here's the story for context and all you drama lovers. If you like TLC's show "Smothered" you'll have a good time reading.

    _ _ _

    My boyfriend rents his condo from his father. He has three bedrooms, but no housemates.

    His father has been locked into a nasty divorce with bf's mother for over three years. So she is still technically on the title of ownership for the condo bf is renting.

    His father pays for everything to do with the condo, so bf's rent payments go right to him, however bf's mom did sign the lease saying it was okay for him to rent the place, so I'm pretty sure she is also technically his landlord even though she pays nothing for the condo, and receives nothing for the condo.

    She constantly invades his space by showing up at his door (often when he has friends or me over). It's all very awkward. She has consistently said she has the right to do so since her name is on the title of the place. He says that she needs to give him notice then, but she will not listen.

    Now she is saying that she is going to stay in one of his spare bedrooms for a week or so because she needs a "mental health break from her life." For context, she lives in a huge house about an hour away. The house is bf's childhood home which is also paid for in full by bf's dad; her name is just on the title as well, and bf's dad allows her to live there; he purchased a new home and moved out, but told her she can stay rent free there. She is saying that since it's a home she used to live in with bf's father, staying there all the time is a painful reminder of the past, so she is just gonna come stay with my bf for a while.

    He has told her NO many times, but she will not respect him, and says he's being rude because it's HER condo (again, she is the part owner on the title only. She pays nothing for it. Whereas bf pays rent).

    This is such a weird situation, and my bf's mom could probably be on TLC's show "Smothered" right now...

    Does he have the legal right to prevent her from staying with him? Should he like... change the locks or something? He is going to stay with me if she does come down, but I know she will keep pulling stunts like this to annoy him.

    submitted by /u/Rogersgirl75
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    Starbucks Cancelled my insurance during surgery

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Seattle, WA.

    A few years ago I had blown my ACL out on my day off of work. I have been working for Starbucks for five years at this time. I had the highest tier insurance package they offered and paid into it for the whole time I was employed. I went to the hospital to get my knee checked out and they advised me to get surgery to replace the ACL. I then went into work to speak with my manager about my situation. He helped me through the process of filing for medical leave. I had my medical leave approved by insurance company and Starbucks backed me with documented emails. I went into surgery on the day I was appointed and my insurance went through. I had two surgeries in total for the knee surgery. I paid my portion after insurance was applied. During this whole process, I had a Starbucks claim specialist checking in on me Weekly. It wasn't until I was in the third week of PT until I noticed a problem. PT said they couldn't accept me for my appointment because my insurance was not going through. Shocked, I called my insurance and they said I was taken off the insurance auto pay by my store location. Knowing this was a mistake, I called my Insurance specialist and they explained that there wasn't anything wrong. I then called several third party companies associated with my insurance company and found that after the surgery was finished, they cut my insurance off. I then owed over 20,000 dollars in surgery costs. I sent an appeal to Starbucks and they have not replied. What am I suppose to do?

    submitted by /u/Operationthrasher
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    Question about the Marital Exemption for Statutory Rape

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Location: Idaho

    I was married at 16 to a man who was 22 and had gotten me pregnant. I got pregnant when I was still 15 (November 2015) he was 22, and had my child in the summer of 2016. We were married in the spring when I was 15 weeks pregnant. He forced my mom to sign the consent form through intimidation. We are no longer married and I have a restraining order against him. But I am wanting to file charges against him for the rape that led to my child and the grooming he put me through. But I live in a state that has a martial exemption that states a husband cannot be charged with statutory rape of his underage wife. Does anyone know if that still stands even though I was too young to even be legally married at the time of conception? So my child is living proof that he raped me before we were married?

    submitted by /u/rockwell725-
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    Landlord making me pay $1600 for something previous tenents did

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Last week, I flushed my toilet in my basement room and it began to overflow. Both the bathroom and laundry room (which is right next to my room) became partially flooded. My landlord sent a plumber out and he found a collection of condoms in the ejector pump motor.

    My landlord is trying to charge me $1600 for the cleanup, repair, and carpet replacement (its growing mold because he waited 24 hours to have it only partially dried. but I didn't do it (I'm both sterilized and in a committed long-term relationship, this was not me.) I just moved into the house a few weeks ago and i've spoken to multiple plumbers. Turns out, condoms float on the top of the sewage basin sometimes for YEARS before they can make their way to the pump to cause this issue. This was not caused by me or anyone else in the home.

    Can I force my landlord to replace the moldy carpet and clean the rooms that had sewage in them? (I'm concerned about illness)

    What are my rights here? Can the landlord just pin it on me even though it likely happened long ago? There is a clause in my lease saying tenets are responsible for stoppages caused by non toilet paper items. But certainly, this can not mean I'm responsible for something done before my tenancy/not by me or a guest.

    submitted by /u/memeorcry
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    Wife laid off, due to give birth any second.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    My wife has been on furlough since April but has filed paperwork for FMLA/disability for when our baby is born. Due date was yesterday, she got a call saying she no longer has a job today. It's effective immediately. I was under the impression, as are many of my friends and family, that this is illegal and she's protected. We live in Oregon and she has been employed full time on salary with the company for more than a decade. Is it possible that we have a case and should reach out for a consult with an employment attorney? Or does her being on furlough negate that protection?

    Thanks in advance. We're stressed as I was about to quit my job to attend school full time. Plus, you know, first baby.

    Edit: thanks for the replies everyone. It sounds like we don't have a case and that this was a lawful termination. Basically, she was on furlough and had disability and fmla paperwork filed for when the baby was born, but wasn't on leave yet. Just on furlough. The termination came because her position was eliminated and the company is struggling. I just wanted to make sure before she signs the severance agreement.

    submitted by /u/MilesOfSaturn
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    [Indiana] Landlord hired a contractor, contractor wants to bring the police.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Hi legaladvice,

    I received a letter from my apartment complex which says that a contractor will be entering on the 27th to upgrade some communications wiring in our apartment. Everything about the notice seems standard, except that it mentions that the contractor will be accompanied by a police officer.

    My partner and I are firmly in the nothing to hide camp, but I'm opposed to the idea of the police entering for what I feel basically amounts to a warrantless search.

    I spoke to a member of the front office staff who 1) acknowledged this is an unusual situation 2) mentioned that its not just us, every apartment on the property is getting the "upgrade" 3) the installer is a third party contractor who is requiring the police to be present.


    Is it legal for my landlord to allow the police to enter my apartment without my consent? Does it make a difference that the police are there for a reason other than conducting a search? (eg. at the insistence of a third party) Is it within my rights to refuse entry to the officer when the contractor arrives? Am I making a bigger deal out of this than it is?



    Transcribed Letter:


    Dear Valued Resident(s),

    [Apartment Complex] is working with [Contractor] to update the communities wiring. These improvements will provide higher speed for internet, as well as additional options for television.

    For these improvements, [Contractor] will need to access your apartment home on Thursday August 27th, 2020 to install new wiring and a new wall plate from approximately 9:00am-4:00pm. This new update will provide additional options for quality entertainment. The installers will need to access the attic to drop the new wires. We ask that if you have a lot of items in the closet with the hatch access that you temporarily remove them.

    It is extremely important that you have pets secured in areas that will not interfere with the attic access. We also ask that you have your alarm disengaged as they may need to access the home multiple times on this day. A police officer will be accompanying them for the project as well.

    A floorplan has been attached to this letter reflecting highlighted areas. The highlighted area(s) need to be cleared for them to perform the work. Please be advised that they will not be moving any furniture, or items. If you should have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We truly appreciate your cooperation during this project and hope you will enjoy the new features.


    [Apartment Complex]

    submitted by /u/10266432Throwaway
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    City of Minneapolis keeps giving me parking tickets on private property

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    I live in a fraternity house in Minneapolis. Parking space is hard to come by in the city, but the house has ~10 parking spots as well as a private driveway that can fit 3 cars along the side, although the driveway also goes to another fraternity house.

    Hennepin county GIS shows this driveway as part of the property of the house that I live in, but the city put no overnight parking signs on the driveway and occasionally tickets the cars that are left there overnight.

    Adding to the confusion is the fact that there is a set of stoplights at the intersection between the street our house is on and this driveway, so it appears to be a small street, but again, it is within out property line.

    People usually just pay the tickets since they aren't very expensive, and it's not worth their time to go to court for a $20 ticket. People have gone to court in the oast and won, using the county GIS as evidence, but that doesn't stop the city from ticketing the cars again.

    What can I do here?

    submitted by /u/SomewhatLargeChuck
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    Am I required to take a break, even when there is no one to cover for me?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    I live in Oregon and work for a 24/7 call center. Recently, I have been working graveyard shifts, which is 8 hours of me being alone and occasional taking calls. During this time, I have not been able to take any breaks, as I am the only person on the phones. Do I have any options? Or is this a legal way to get around break laws?

    submitted by /u/DoctorWithTARDIS
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    [IN] Neighbor had a survey done and used it as basis to remove part of a 30+ year old fence to build their new fence without any notice provided.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    My family has a large field behind a house we do not live in regularly. We rarely see the back of the wooded field but there is a wire fence along the back that is poorly kept and leaning over in a few places. It has been there for at least 30 years.

    I was there this weekend and happened to see the fence and it appears the neighbors have removed part of it to make room for their new fence. There is a new survey marker posted about a foot in front of the neighbor's fence and a rolled up section of our wire fence on the ground on our side that was cut. They did not contact us about this before taking action. They have also been dumping grass clippings over the fence onto our wooded side and spraying weed killer, likely in an attempt to keep the overgrown vegetation away from the new fence. We generally only use the field for rabbit hunting so we intentionally do not cut the overgrown weeds. The new fence the neighbors built extends about 3 to 6 feet beyond the original fence line.

    obligatory mspaint diagram - https://imgur.com/a/0abPj6j

    Questions -

    Is adverse possession automatic or do we have to take action before the area in question is reclaimed by the original/new owner?

    Does the poor condition of the fence affect an adverse possession claim?

    Is the neighbor liable for replacing the cut section of fence if it was on their side of the original property line and in poor condition?

    submitted by /u/SnooDingos9990
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    Ex girlfriend is threatening to use/ leak my debit card info

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    So I broke up with a girl a few days ago. She sends me a message saying that my debit card is saved on her phone from when she ordered food. She's threatening to use it and leak the numbers. I'm getting a new card today from the bank, if she uses it before that what do I do? Do I call the police? I have saved all the messages of her threatening to do it.

    Thank you friends

    submitted by /u/PorkswordGumball
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    Landlord (on lease) forcing us to deal with her boyfriend (not on lease)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Hi and thanks in advance for reading. I am very distressed about the situation, any advice is welcomed.

    My boyfriend and I have a two year lease on single family home in Connecticut. We will be one year through our lease at the end of September.

    We initially wanted a one year lease and the landlord talked us into two year. We asked and have in writing (text) that they would not be selling the home. Here we are one year into the lease and they put the house on the market.

    They told us they were putting the house for sale on a Monday, and we responded with two requests. One, we would like to remain in the home for showings and two, we would prefer 48 hour notice but can be flexible with 24. They agreed these were reasonable terms. But that would soon change.

    We have been nothing but cooperative. We have allowed access for showings and have kept the house exceptionally clean. It has only been a week.

    The landlord has been amicable, but her boyfriend (not on the lease) is a little aggressive and is generally unpleasant to talk to. He is giving us grief saying we are "denying reasonable consent" for showings by not agreeing to sit in our cars during the showings, and that we "abandoned" the property because there were weeds in the yard (only snow removal and mowing are explicitly listed in the lease). He is also accusing us of "sabotaging showings" by giving off "bad vibes". Says we are basically obligated to leave the house during a showing but there is nothing of the sort of the lease. He's making it sound like they are threatening legal action which makes me concerned.

    I let the landlord know I would like to communicate with her only going forward, because the boyfriend is making the process painful and I would consider some of his commentary borderline harassment with the accusations. She refused and said the boyfriend is handling all issues, period.

    There is a line on the lease that asks the landlord to list any authorized "agents" on her behalf and their address. He is not listed. Only the landlord is listed.

    Do we have to legally deal with this guy? He is also not on the deed, I checked the town's GIS system.

    Thanks for the advice. We will continue to be as amicable as possible because we do not want to give them cause to sue (if they even can).

    Appreciate you, reader.

    submitted by /u/sloshedonmargs
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    [MA] Showed up to move in to new apartment, old tenant’s lease isn’t up

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    I just drove from the Midwest to Boston to move in to a unit in a duplex. My lease started on August 24. I emailed the landlord about getting the key a few days ago and she didn't respond, so I called her yesterday morning (first day of lease). She told me that "most leases start on Sept. 1" and to call her closer to that day. I insisted that my lease starts on the 24th, but she said the same thing again and hung up. I called several times after and she didn't answer.

    I showed up at the place and someone lives there. The current tenant was very nice and showed me a copy of his lease, which goes until the 31st. He also tried to call the landlord but she didn't answer him.

    My problem is that now I have nowhere to go until Sept. 1. I have very little money until my next paycheck comes in (since I just paid first and last month's rent and a security deposit and broker's fee), so I am worried about getting a hotel. I slept in my car in a grocery store parking lot but would like to not do that again. Do I have any immediate recourse to get housing or make the landlord give me a hotel until the current tenant's move out? I assume I will eventually be able to file a small claims case or something, but I need somewhere to go short term. The landlord still won't pick up her phone.

    submitted by /u/incoherentsheaves
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    Broken teeth Dental Dilemma

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    In an unexpected and horrible situation. Over the past few months I've had a large amount of dental work done.

    A wisdom teeth extraction went wrong. The dentist abruptly ended the procedure with 2 lower wisdom teeth shattered at the gum line. They charged me, ushered me out and recommended I see an oral surgeon. I could not talk, and they refused to help me or give guidance.

    I was able to see an oral surgeon 5 days later and have the situation remedied.

    After my mouth healed more I decided to see a new dentist. They've told me that a lot of the previous work done is sub par.

    With margins in inlay and overlays. As well as 2 additional broken molars.

    2 of the restoration were done as inlays. My dentist tells me that they could have been done as fillings and that the choice of procedure is questionable.

    I'm currently facing a possible $4,800 in charges to have all the damage fixed out of pocket, and I've already paid $3,000 out of pocket for the previous work done.

    It seems like it may be too small of a sum for a dental malpractice case and I'm not sure how to proceed.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/PancakeCoula
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    (MN & SD) recently moved states, looking into grandparents rights and setting up a living will

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    My husband and I recently moved to South Dakota from Minnesota with our 6 mo son. Without going into too much detail, we are now looking to cut all contact with my mother, who still lives in Minnesota. How do we get set up with a living will to guarantee our son would go to his Godparents if anything happened to us? And would we be able to combat my mother if she tried to take us to court for visitation?

    submitted by /u/Over-Fault-9083
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    Landlord says we have to get rid of our cat

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am posting this on behalf of a friend of mine who is having issues with their landlord. About a year ago my friend adopted a cat and it has been living with her and her roommate in their apartment. The cat was approved by their landlord and they have now renewed their lease as of last month. Her cat is listed in her lease renewal as being included in the lease.

    Today the landlord told her that they needed to get rid of the cat because another tenant in the building is dealing with cat allergies. The landlord has given no other options aside from getting rid of the cat. The question we have is can the landlord tell them they have to get rid of the cat even though they have it in writing that they were approved to have one?

    This is in Illinois

    submitted by /u/Drasalis
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    Father wants me (16f) to move out.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Hi, so I'm sixteen and had intentions to move with my older sister (28f) to California in around six months to a year from now, but skip to the past few months, me and my dad have been fighting a lot we had a major argument today, basically leading to him saying get out of my house, and I have enough savings to live in California without a job for roughly three months, enough to find employment, I was just coming here to ask about how I should go about emancipation? And will it be harder due to COVID-19?

    submitted by /u/mis-meliss
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