• Breaking News

    Monday, August 24, 2020

    Legal Advice - Can the doctor require that my mother stays in the room for my 15 year old sisters gyno exam?

    Legal Advice - Can the doctor require that my mother stays in the room for my 15 year old sisters gyno exam?

    Can the doctor require that my mother stays in the room for my 15 year old sisters gyno exam?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    I live in MI USA I know for me personally when I was twelve there came a day where the doctors asked my mom to leave the room, and from that day forward they would ask me if I wanted her in the room or not. My sister never had that day, and when she asks my mom herself she refuses to give her privacy. Well today she had her first Gyno exam, and we thought for sure they would ask my mom to leave the room, instead they required that she stay in the room. My sister was initially going to go back by herself, but then they asked my mom to come back with her, and then my sister asked if she could leave the room, and they told her no. Does this not violate some type of HIPAA law?? I know my sister is not sexually active but in the event that she was, and my mom found out against her will, that could put her at risk. I feel so outraged for my sister but there isn't much I can do.

    Edit: Many of you had said the doctor would have my mom in the room for liability purposes, I should say there was a medical assistant in the room as well, and the doctor is a female.

    submitted by /u/girl-anon
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    [Idaho] 2019 Dodge Charger @27% APR. Forged signature by husband.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    My soon to be ex husband financed a 2019 Dodge Charger at 27.69% APR at a Boise dealership listing me as the primary buyer and himself as a co signer. Thing is I never even stepped foot into the dealership. He forged my signature and listed himself for all contact information so I wouldn't be notified. Both husband and salesman denied that I had any ownership to the vehicle. Both claimed I was only listed as a reference. 2 weeks later finance company wants to talk to me so I proceed to look for vehicle paperwork. Sure enough my actual signature was forged onto one document and the rest are e-signatures. I filed a police report with Boise PD & finance company. mind you, husband has lengthy criminal record of all sorts

    How do I get my name off this vehicle?!?! Struggling to find someone to take this case.

    submitted by /u/Broad-Program-8356
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    Workplace is requiring we publicize social security numbers

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    My workplace is enacting a policy where they are requiring employees to permanently mark the last 4 digits of our social security number onto our personal tools. The reason the company wants to enact this policy is for tool accountability, if a tool gets lost it can end up in a dangerous spot and this policy would ensure the tools gets back to its rightful owner and that owner could be disciplined for letting their tool get there. I agree that accountability is important and I'm willing to permanently mark my tools, just not with my SSN.

    Our tools sit out in the open every day so the SSN would be exposed to many people walking through the facility, including temporary workers (contractors not directly employed through the company) and non-employees (visitors). It's very common practice between the employees to share tools as well. In addition to this there will be an employee conducting random checks on our tools to ensure our SSN is on them and that they're all accounted for, further increasing the number of people who see it.

    My question is this: Is it legal for a company to require their employees to expose their SSN like this? The company alleges that this is industry standard, however many employees deny this as this is the first place they've worked at that requires our SSN to be on the tools. There are other ways we can identify our tools such as our employee number and initials so it seems dangerous and reckless to expose the employees to such a high risk of identity theft.

    The workplace is located in Delaware, however the company's main headquarters is located in France.

    submitted by /u/henryhendrixx
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    Boss Made a Joke W/ My Food Allergies That Went Too Far

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    This happened just now at my work. Its a smaller business and I have worked here 3 years now. Everyone knows about my food allergies to dairy, eggs and tree nuts and how deadly they are. So my boss beckoned me over with what I thought was peanuts in his hand. Peanuts are perfectly fine for me to eat. He motioned for me to put out my hand and when I did I noticed the pack in his hand said cashews. I jerked my hand back and he started laughing. I told him it wasn't a joke and he kept laughing. I kept repeating that and walked away. He didn't apologize and went to the other side of the small workshop. No apology or anything. I had a really bad panic attack because tree nuts are my worst allergy. If I even touch a tree nut my hands swell up and break out. God forbid I touch my face after. So my question is, can I sue for discrimination or what should I do? I feel like it was a threat against me and want to do something about this. Thank you for reading. Tl;dr boss makes a joke out of my deadly food allergies and I want to sue for discrimination. Can I?

    submitted by /u/olgasmooshbaby
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    [IL] Dog badly burned by the vet

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    I took my dog into the vet to get his teeth cleaned. While they were cleaning one of his teeth had a crack so it needed to be removed. To keep him warm while he was asleep they used a hair dryer. Something went wrong and when they gave him back he had severe 3rd degree burn on his back leg, stomach, and nipples. I asked for my money back and they will only offer a "credit to my account" that can be used for future services and are allowing his follow up treatment resulting from the burns to be at no charge. I've lost confidence is this vet completely and refuse to take him there any further so a credit doesn't do me much good. What is the best way to get my money back so we can just go our separate ways? Do i need to contact a lawyer?

    submitted by /u/Fun_For_Awhile
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    [Wisconsin] Kids keep coming on my parents property and banging on doors and windows

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    Over the past 18 months a group of kids (ranging from a group of 2 to 5, likely 13-16 years old if we had to guess) have made a habit of coming to the front side of my parents house at night and banging on the door and occasionally windows. The first couple times they brushed it off, but after a few months it escalated to the point where they shake the house by hitting the door so hard and a window cracked last year from the kids hitting it. Things have only gotten worse since COVID19, since we guess that the kids have even less things to do or things to keep them occupied. With school starting that might help or solve this issue but we aren't sure.

    They installed a video camera at the front door to record the incidents so they could turn the footage over to the police. The kids saw the camera, and since then they always wear halloween masks when they come to the door and front windows. Step mom is a veteran with PTSD and has had multiple panic attacks over the past several months. The police have refused to do much since they can't identify the kids. They parked a patrol car on the street for two nights - once in December and once in March. My parents have also talked to other parents in the surrounding several blocks to see if anyone might have an idea as to who is doing it - no leads yet. But my parents are not the only folks this is happening to, but they do seem to be the "main target". They have even attended some city council meetings to try and get some sort of progress on the issue but that also didn't lead anywhere.

    Any advice on how to proceed would be excellent. My initial thoughts are to keep contacting police every time it happens, making a report, and escalating to a supervisor in the department as well.

    submitted by /u/DaramoeX
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    A live in caregiver I hired no longer works for us. I do not wish for him to live here anymore. What are my options?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    About 3 years ago My fiance and I had moved into his mother's house so we can care for her. She has dementia and can not live on her own. We hired a live in caregiver where room and board was included with him working here. Unfortunately as of late he has not been able to perform his duties to our standards and we had to let him go. He was very upset with the termination. I told him I would give him 30 days so he can find a new place but he has threatened me that he will "make my life a living hell" for the next 30 days. He has also said he will contact adult perspective services and accuse me of abuse which absolutely not true. He informed me he is going to sue the estate. I have never delt this situation before and I do not take likely to threats or slander. I will give him his 30 days if it can be peaceful. If it can't be peaceful, Is there a way I can have him removed sooner or do I legally have to give him 30 days? We live in California and I I have read some information but non of it has helped me too much.

    submitted by /u/NixisTM
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    [Texas] Neighbors did not want their dog and gave to other neighbor. Now that the dog is up to date on shots, neutered, and housebroken they want it back.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    My elderly neighbor "Elmer" adopted a husky mix from a family down the street about eight months ago, possibly longer but the vet bills date back eight months. The family bought him for $40 from a Walmart parking lot with no proof of ownership.

    They never took the dog to a vet and after complained he was "untrainable" and not fit for a home with children. They mentioned wanting to abandon the dog out by the nearby military base so Elmer offered to take the dog until he could "find a home". Elmer took the dog to the vet and got him a check up that included his rabies vaccination which he received a tag for via mail. He also paid to have the dog neutered. I think there's been 4 vet visits total and he has receipts for all.

    Recently the father of the family, upon learning the dog is up to date on its medical care and has since been successfully house and leash trained, thinks that since Elmer initially said he intended to find the dog another home he should give it back to them since they want him now. Elmer evaded the initial request and has since been avoiding them. But the family has been making this a topic of conversation in the neighborhood.

    I doubt they have any legal standing in the matter but Elmer has a distrustful history with police (no police record on his part afaik) and fears if he keeps ignoring them his dog will be taken from him on the word of a white family. He makes it a point to express these fears to me almost daily and has asked if he should take the dog to live with his sister but it is apparent he would be very unhappy to not have him around the house. He's also stopped taking the dog on walks around the neighborhood and is driving every day to walk the dog elsewhere.

    Are there any measures I can help him take to further establish ownership of the dog?

    submitted by /u/lumpybimpy
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    Can the HOA make me repaint my house after giving approval for a color then stating they dont like that color?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    This is in florida.

    I submitted an application to paint my house a certain color, i attached the color swatches to the application for a color and was approved. The HOA/Board is now stating that the color of the house came out different then the swatch they approved (and they dont like it), however the swatch and the color of the house are the same paint number with proof by way of receipts. The HOA/Board is now saying that the application did not include the license or insurance of the painters we "hired" making the application null and void. However the application never asked for it nor did the HOA ask for it and it was approved without attaching those documents. They are telling me now that i must repaint the house at my own expense, I have not received any timeframe or any fees as of yet, it seems as though they are trying to strong arm me.

    submitted by /u/Artistic_Listen_4184
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    Can my ex-stepdad take half of my money in the divorce settlement?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    I (21F) was told that I need to appear in court on Wednesday to dispute my ex-stepdad (39M) trying to take half of MY money as part of my mom (45F) and his divorce settlement. This is in Cincinnati, Ohio

    Basically, when I was a minor I opened a bank account and it was a joint account with my mother. At age 18, my mom married a guy and then filed for divorce by the time I was barely 20. By that time I opened my own bank account that was completely separate from my mom.

    My ex-stepdad is claiming that he is entitled to half of my money because my account was connected to my moms during their marriage.

    I am extremely confused and don't understand how this is legally possible because I have nothing to do with the divorce and I'm an adult.

    Here are my questions: Is this really possible, if so, how? Has this ever legally taken place "successfully"? Should I contact my mom's lawyer?

    Any other thoughts or answers you have would be appreciated!

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/spookytime345
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    [Indiana] My ex and I were jointly sued for a debt. After my response, the plaintiff removed my name and is now pursuing her alone. Do I have anything more to worry about?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    My ex and I were both named in a lawsuit for a debt from many years ago. After receiving their interrogatory letter and doing some research, I replied with answers as well as my own interrogatory letter.

    The two points I made in my response were:

    1. The debt was solely taken on by my ex, (notwithstanding that we were married at the time.)

    2. It has been slightly longer than ten years between the signing of the contract and the filing of the lawsuit, which places the debt outside the statute of limitations in Indiana.

    I recently check the court database and found that a Motion for Summary judgement had been filed exclusively against my ex.

    Is this done and resolved as far as I'm concerned? All the previous documents list us both as defendants, but this most recent motion lists only her. Do I have anything else to worry about?

    submitted by /u/indyguy46202
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    People I babysat for owe me $600.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    South Carolina I started babysitting a kid in December for $6 an hour. Which isn't much.. the mom and I had an agreement that I'd be paid that, and it was totally fine. She would use Uber (or Lyft) to drop him off at my house most days, then go to work. She didn't live too far away from my house though maybe a six minute drive? Ever since I started babysitting for her and it comes time to pay me she ALWAYS had some excuse to wait another day or two. This didn't help because I was still watching him WHILE waiting to be paid what I was already owed. They did eventually pay me, except it was never the full amount of what they owed so it just added up again. One time they owed me like $500 or something like that and the dad texted me that they had my money, and event sent GIFS to me of people rolling in money. I was so excited to finally get all of what they owed. They ended up only giving me $120. Anyways, this happened for MONTHS. And they even put me on their tax income for "paying a babysitter" even though I never get my full money.. Then they finally saved up and got their own car and said that once their tax came in they would get caught up on paying me.. and I believed them because THEY DONT EVEN HAVE TO PAY FOR UBER ANYMORE.. but that never happened. One time the mom texted me and said she'd pay me starting every Thursday or something and then that only lasted two weeks. (And still not the full amount) I finally told them I can't watch their kid anymore because it doesn't work out on my end seeing as how I never get paid, but they still fully owe me $600. If I took this to small claims court could I win? I'm only 19 and I don't even know how any of this works. I'd like to just get them to pay me without having to even go to court..

    submitted by /u/trashawaayyy
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    Employer Tries to Dispute Medical Diagnosis

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    Good morning!

    Jane, a fellow employee at my work, had to miss work for a few days due to a medical complication. Upon her arrival back at work, she was told she needed to physically bring all her medication in. One of the employees in the safety department took pictures of her prescriptions on their personal (not work) phone. The employee in the safety department and the employer then went over her diagnosis and tried to dispute it.

    She was told that her symptoms do not add up, and asked why she didn't call 911 or have a friend drive her to the ER in the time she had been absent if she was so sick. Both the employer and the safety personnel attempted to disprove her diagnosis as well as the side effects of her medication.

    On another occasion, an employee (Dan) was injured after falling down a flight of stairs. Dan was driven to an Urgent Care by a fellow employee (rather than medical professionals being called to the scene). A safety staff member requested that employees that know Dan personally send screen shots of Dan's injuries from his social media to the acting safety personnel personal phone for their record of the injury.

    I'm concerned about the way medical issues are being handled in the work place, though I'm not sure if these are illegal. I would appreciate any advice on the situation.

    Thank you for your time.

    Edit: this is in California.

    submitted by /u/nina_rosa
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    Received a text today of gore images with my name and address

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Okay this morning I randomly received pictures of really gore images of dead people. He then texted again of my address, name, and my relatives. I replied back who this was because the sender had the same area code as me. He called me multiple times which led me to pick up and it was this guy screaming saying he wants 2K dollars immediately or he's going to kill all my family members. Honestly knew this had to be scam and knew google websites has all this information but still "cooperated" with him. I then sent him a fake link so he click on it to accept the money but it was a link to grab his IP address. It showed he was from the Dominican Republic. I'm not too worried now but he has my home address and I don't like that one bit. What if he was using a VPN? Should I go to the police?? I need help because i'm still a little nervous. Location- Connecticut

    submitted by /u/black-poultry
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    My sister hired a lawyer "on my step-dads behalf" after my mom passed

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    This is so long but please, read. my mom passed unexpectedly 27th with no will in NY state, as far as I understand it and as has been explained, the house, property "estate" etc passes to my step dad. I have one sister and a step-brother (my step dads son, my mother and his father got together when we were 3 in 1985). My older sister contacted an attorney, presumably on my step-dads behalf, who recommends a trust to protect us against a "five year lookback rule" in the event my stepfather is incapacitated. (His father had dementia and he is maybe not as there as he should be at 71). My step father has expressed interest in creating a will to split the house 3 ways (me, my sister and step-brother) and has an estate lawyer he used for his father, but has been too distraught and confused to do so.

    My sister, my stepfather and I had a phone call with this lawyer my sister hired and everything she said sounded fine, as far as a trust and making my sister and I both powers of attorney to help Pop pay his bills and make necessary improvements on the home for him to remain there long term. The problem is that when my sisters husband forwarded me an email from this lawyer with questions, I was able to see their entire history which included in the lawyers very first response "your step brother is not entitled to inherit under the intestacy laws of new york state"

    After that. My brother in law outlined what they were looking for and included: "4. Making a will for his remaining assets in such a way as to reduce taxes and not allow Jess's sister to withdraw all the money in lump sum while still giving her distributions as directed by the trustee."

    IM "Jess's sister"

    So my main concern is WHY would they be trying to control how I would withdraw money? This is in the event of my stepfathers passing I assume, is this for tax reasons? To prevent me from accessing a lump sum to buy out the house? I just cant wrap my head around the reasoning and it seems so shady. Im loathe to proceed with this particular lawyer as this was part of their initial contact. Should I hire a lawyer of my own? It all seems silly we're talking about a $450k house and a few small accounts, minus $200k in debt. This is not a millionaires estate. I just want my Pop to keep living in his house as long as he is able, and to have care if he needs it afterwards. Im not particularly worried about "getting mine" in the future but I do want to make sure no one is being taken advantage of. My sister and her husband are both professionals with plenty of money (they both drive teslas) and I own my own business which supports me and my partner very well, theres no reason for greediness.

    some spelling errors edited

    submitted by /u/beckiblackout
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    Neighbor is making me and my puppy move (Virginia)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    I live in an apartment complex downtown in Virginia and for several months now have been getting noise complaints from my downstairs neighbor because of my puppy. She's only eight months old and has separation anxiety since I was working from home for months during COVID. My complex thought it would be good to do a sit down mediation with the neighbor but ever since then it has only gotten worse. I was instructed to give her my number so that we could remedy the situation easier. Since then she has texted me nonstop to complain about the noises of the puppy, which are not constant. My puppy is not excessively loud, but does have short spurts of energy throughout the day as any puppy does. I have changed around my work schedule, spent hundreds on doggy day care, and bought tons of items to help fix the situation. I come home from work everyday to take her out to the dog park to get her energy out and everything. She has decided that it is not enough and has told the office to file an official noise complaint. I can't afford to continue to spend all this money on day care, and I don't know what else to do. I have tried so hard to make things work but this neighbor works from home and is a little bit crazy. The majority of the complaints come either during the day while most people are at work or in the early evenings on the weekends (before 8pm). My leasing office has told me I should move apartments but they won't keep me at the same rent I currently pay, are making me sign on for 14 more months, and do it within the month. I would move out of the complex but they won't waive the lease breaking fee, which is several thousand dollars. I have tried everything and I either have to wait and see if I get evicted doing the status quo, pay a bunch of money to get out of the lease, or extend my stay at the complex and pay more money for longer than what I'm doing now. I feel like I have no options here because this is a complex owned by a large company who has covered their ass in the leases, stating because the reason for the move is not their fault I still need to pay them everything. I'm being forced into a corner and I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice on any options I can look into?

    submitted by /u/11namrruf
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    [Florida] My former employer stole a week of pay from the entire company. Nobody noticed because they also changed their payroll period at the same time, so the paychecks seemed normal. I just noticed cause I was fired and missing an entire weeks pay. Is this legal wtf?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    They were able to do this because back in December 2018, they delayed their pay period by a week. Pretty much we would get paid on Monday for the two weeks prior, meaning if they submitted payroll on Wednesday, and someone quit that Thursday, they'd still get paid for thur-fri since payroll was already submitted. It was stupid but they changed it, meaning we all took a weeks pay cut to compensate. (Yes, while others got bonuses, we got a reverse bonus.)

    So when I got fired and expected a weeks a pay and didn't get it, I started combing through my checks to see what happened.

    In mid April, I guess hoping nobody would notice cause of covid, they switched it back to the old method of payroll. This means we should have gotten an extra weeks pay in that paycheck of course, so to get around this, they literally just didn't pay anyone for that entire week. Like the week doesn't exist in payroll, despite us being fully open and working during that time.

    I contacted them requesting my week, so they technically haven't refused yet, but in the meantime while I wait, I'm wondering if there's anything further i can do? This seems suuuuper illegal, and I likely would never know about the missing week if I didn't do my due diligence. I know several others who have gotten fired since then, I'm worried they never got that weeks pay.

    submitted by /u/StellarCollapse
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    Can a college ive never attended and never registered for classes at charge me tuition?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    so i am a college freshman. I applied to this uni and put down a security deposit for a dorm. In February i realized theres no way I can pay tuition so I told them I will withdrew. Today was my first day of community college and I get this call from the university I initially applied to. They tell me I have to cancel my housing plan and meal plan or else. I quickly follow her instructions but tell her im confused as to how since I withdrew and never filled out a housing or meal application. Im sick to my stomach and in tears. She told me my tuition is around $3k. But my question iS HOW IVE NEVER SIGNED UP FLR A SINGLE CLASS IVE NEVER EVEN STEPPED FOOT KN THERE? DO I HAVE TO PAY THEY HAVENT CONTACTED ME UNTIL TODAY

    Edit: I'm in texas

    submitted by /u/stubbed-mitosis
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    Fired from my job shortly after being assaulted at work (CA)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    Today I came to work, had a customer assault me (documented by PD) around 11 AM, by 3 PM my boss terminated me. They said I was not reliable or dependable because they failed to reach me once in the last week, even though I was at the facility. I have never had a write up, have never been coached, none of this was brought to my attention prior to my termination. I believe they were trying to terminate me to avoid a workers compensation claim against the company (which I believe is also illegal). What options do I have, if any?

    submitted by /u/ToasterNodes
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    What is the legality of selling pulque in the US?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    I want to make my own pulque and sell it as a side business.

    issue is, the alcohol is VERY OBSCURE in the anglo-sphere. Only Mexican law really supports its brewing and sale because it was always a major industry in the nation and has a long history.

    worse yet, FDA standards don't seem to make any exception for pulque (its a living drink like yogurt is a living thing, think kombucha) and could possibly demand it be pasteurized like a diary product would, which would destroy the drink in its entirety and make its production entirely pointless.

    like asking a yogurt company to fry their yogurt in oil before sale which would destroy any health benefit the yogurt had.

    secondly, would pulque even be legally considered an alcohol under US law?

    third, if I were to pay for import of maguey sap would border customs confiscate it?

    I am at a loss because of the zero US legal coverage of this drink and I don't want to be doing illegal business. I don't think regular lawyers are for this kind of thing either.

    Where should I go or who should I ask on the legality of selling this stuff outside Mexico?

    submitted by /u/Chicano_Ducky
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    [California] Am I legally obligated to provide my Apartment Management a sample of my dogs DNA?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Basically as the title says, if my Apartment complex is now requiring me to provide them with a sample of my dogs DNA, is this legal?

    Recently received a notice from our Apartment manager that reads the following:

    "DNA of your dog is now REQUIRED. You will be contacted by management to get a sample of your dog's saliva. Should any poop be found on the grounds that matches, you will be fined $75.00. Plus if it happens twice you will be told to remove your dog from the property"

    I of course have never had any issues cleaning up after my pet and believe that all pet owners are responsible for cleaning up after their animals. I actually found this note to be somewhat comical, as management is now going out of their way to DNA test stool samples of pets to determine the culprit... BUT, is there any legality to this?

    submitted by /u/n_kittyyy
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    [OR] Police officer continues to contact us about her interpetation of a statute. Is there a right way to stop it?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    My small town has an ordinance where you can't keep wrecked vehicles "in public view". We have a car we're rebuilding in our car port. A couple of months ago, a police officer came by, gave us a warning about keeping an inoperable vehicle, and told us to fix it.

    I called the city to clarify what we can and cannot do, and they told me that this refers only to public roads, and that we're free to do whatever we want on our property as long as it isn't a business. They said they'll talk to the police.

    The officer called back and said that she disagrees with the city, and that letting us have an inoperable vehicle is prefential treatment and it must be resolved. The city and she both confirmed that no complaint had been filed; this is on her own volition. How she knew that we were working on the car, I don't know.

    She calls weekly to ask if she can come and check that the vehicle is operable. At this point, I want to sell the thing at a loss to get rid of her.

    But I also feel like this is some sort of targeted harassment. The city continues to tell us we're free to do it, and when I asked her if we just can't ever work on a car such that it's inoperable for any length of time, she said she'll ask her Sargeant to call us "within the next month or so because he's busy", and to get the car running and tell her when it's done.

    Is there something I'm supposed to do here? Do I just wait until we get a real citation instead of constant phone calls threatening a citation? Will it go to the city who made it clear in writing that we're within our rights? Not trying to make enemies with our 4-person police department, but it's rubbing me the wrong way.

    submitted by /u/recercar
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    I work in a CBD hemp distribution center where we are forced to trim molded flower while subjected to poor and unsafe working conditions. I need legal advice on how to contact the appropriate authorities (OSHA, etc.) and where to find a lawyer for this. I live in Nevada.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    Cross-posting this from r/weedbiz because someone recommended I'd find better help here.

    I need help with filing an OSHA complaint because I've never done it before. I don't want it tracing back to me either. I'm not even sure if OSHA would be the most appropriate place to report this to, so any suggestions and advice is highly welcomed.

    I recently started a job as a trimmer for a CBD hemp distribution center. I've been in the cannabis industry before, so I'm familiar with basic cannabis regulations on the dispensary/retail level. Hemp is unregulated, so anything goes. But I've started to notice some really unsettling things that makes me want to resign.

    1. We are forced to trim molded hemp to save them to be able to sell them. We have no gloves or alcohol. We don't trim with gloves. People eat chips while they are trimming barehanded. I am highly allergic to this stuff and have an allergic reaction every time I am exposed.

    2. The owners have a dog that runs around the warehouse, including our trimming room, and all the rooms where we store our flower. He urinates, defecates, and vomits in every room.

    3. Following up on the dog, we sweep the fallen hemp and shake off the floor and put it back in a pile to sort through to trim and bag for sale. The floors are rough and uneven so whenever the dog has an accident, there's no way for us to thoroughly clean and sanitize it so the flower is contaminated on top of the mold.

    4. We have segregated bathrooms. 80% of the staff are undocumented immigrants that are forced to use the dirty bathrooms while the owners use the nicer clean one.

    5. A coworker who is 59 years old recently tripped over a power cord and injured his knee very badly. I also tripped over the same cord but was not injured. Nothing was done and jokes were made. He has a disabled wife that is susceptible to COVID that he supports and has expressed his concern for coworkers not wearing masks.

    6. No one wears a mask properly when they decide to wear one. Everyone wears them as a chin guard and this makes me fear for my older coworker who is trying to support his disabled wife with a now injured knee.

    7. We have to weigh large bags of molded unusable biomass occasionally that weighs 200+ lbs. each. The room where these large bags are stored is poorly ventilated because the swamp coolers don't work. There's roughly 60-70ish bags to lift from room to room to weigh amongst 6 men who are not wearing any PPE. They breathe in the mold and the pollen and dirt spray into their eyes continuously.

    8. The place got raided previously because the police thought the hemp was marijuana (with THC). The owners now know someone in the government that gives them a heads up if cops are going to come.

    9. We have no clean water to drink while working in these poor conditions.

    There are a million other things going on that seems very unethical. I will probably resign soon because it feels morally wrong to trim molded hemp that someone might potentially consume and cause them great illness. A reason why I joined the cannabis industry is to help people through the goodness of cannabis. I do not feel right working here. Like I said, the owners have connections with the local police and I really don't want my throat slit for doing the right thing. Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/twinkle_piss
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    An ex-girlfriend isn't happy with me for breaking up with her and has told me that she'll call the police if I ever attend my favorite park again - is there anything that I should do in order to be proactive? [Ontario, Canada].

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Nothing happened, no charges have been filed, and we didn't argue about anything until we broke up, but, they could make up any story that they'd like to.

    They have BPD and snapped after the breakup - everything that we've ever done together is now being labeled as abuse by them - for example, inviting them to spend time with my friends and I, or volunteering to babysit their 3-year-old son that I don't have custody over is now considered "abuse", or at the very least a "red flag" - they're apparently afraid for their life, but, I have no idea why, since, we've never argued or anything.

    Basically, do I have anything to worry about, considering that they're the one who's been sending me long-winded e-mails out of the blue, encouraging me to "get help", and warning me that they'll "involve the police if necessary", when, the reason for "involving the police" is completely, and totally unknown to me?

    Should I just, wear a GoPro when I go to my favorite park for a few months?

    submitted by /u/AreNotSoBadYourself
    [link] [comments]

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