• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 23, 2020

    Legal Advice - Neighbor has left her 6yo daughter with me for 4 days. How to proceed?

    Legal Advice - Neighbor has left her 6yo daughter with me for 4 days. How to proceed?

    Neighbor has left her 6yo daughter with me for 4 days. How to proceed?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Let me break it down in bullet points.

    - I live in a building that has a mixture of regular and subsidized housing. About a year ago, a young mother moved in next door with her daughter. I am a 40yo man, working from home through Covid. She has confided in me that she struggles with heroin addiction, but was getting clean. I lent a kind ear and gave her a few bucks here and there. I have no interest in exploiting her. Dad is completely out of the picture. Grandparents too.

    - It started with her just 'running to the store' and leaving her child with me. That was fine. We set up a little play area and she is happy/quiet cute little girl with a good imagination.

    - There were times when she would go out and wouldn't come back for several hours. This escalated to a few times leaving her overnight. I've converted my office into a bedroom and got a bed from Craigslist. I always make sure she has breakfast, lunch, dinner and take her to the park or to the beach. Mom never compensated me, and the way she talks, it sometimes makes it sound like she's doing me a favor.

    - The thing is, I've always kind of wanted a kid but never got around to it. We have bonded. I think that this is most love and structure this girl has gotten her entire life. I've enrolled her in school this fall, which is online learning. I was able to get her social security and health information. I'm university educated and we have structured learning time. She is incredibly bright. I've also looked into getting her enrolled in dance, since she has shown an interest.

    - Mom hasn't been back in 4 days. I contacted the LL and apparently she hasn't paid rent in 3 months. Her phone has been disconnected as well.

    - I know I should contact child services, but she has grown so attached I know it would break her heart. We would both be heartbroken to have her taken away and put into the system.

    submitted by /u/Chemixrx
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    [TX] I’ve cut out everyone in my old life, changed my name, and moved several times to hide from family after 17 years of all four categories of abuse. How can I ensure they aren’t contacted/have any medical power over me if I’m incapacitated?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    I have clinical PTSD like a motherfucker, and after another restless night of nightmares, I need to put this fear away for some peace.

    Title explains it pretty well, but some facts:

    • There is an old CPS investigation closed "without basis" in Pennsylvania from when I was 11 and was coached into lying
    • A month after moving to Texas I cut off contact all at once overnight in 2015, changed my phone number, etc
    • I quit my university job where my info was public records in 2016
    • In 2017 they kept emailing my old account (my old first.last@gmail) finally saying they were driving through my city on some pretend trip. No family law firm in Texas would help get me a protective order as I'm an adult and there wasn't an immediate threat
    • I did get some quick verbige from a clerk to reply with an email to both folks "Do not contact me again. Do not contact me through anyone else. Do not attempt to meet or visit me". I was told that any other contact from them would constitute harassment and help get a PO. They so far haven't contacted me since
    • I changed my name/gender in 2018
    • I have moved 3 times to shake off a paper trail since

    I have a chosen sister who's a willing Medical PoA, but I'm still worried about them being contacted as NoK or something if I'm pulled limp out of a wreck. Any information they get about me would be terrifying. My father is basically a gun hoarding sovereign citizen who has indicated many times in my childhood that it's his right to put me down (something something I'm his property). His old emails alternate between sadness and fury.

    I'm immunosuppressed and the state of the world isn't helping my nightmares -- I'm terrified of them having say over what happens to me if I'm incapacitated, or even knowing anything about me.

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Signalboosted
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    Someone i don't know sent me a message on Facebook claiming my fiance sexually assaulted her at a work Christmas party roughly 6 months ago, and they are going to both the police/HR. However we know the claim is completely false. What do we need to do?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    I hope this is the right place for this kind of question.

    Last Tuesday someone sent me a message on Facebook, i don't know this person and my husband says he doesn't either. She claimed that in December of 2019 at the Christmas work party that my husband forced himself upon her.

    I was very very confused by this message, as the date when it apparently occurred both me and my husband were across the country dealing with the fallout of the death of his father (we skipped this years christmas parties). I ended up responding back pointing out that it is completely impossible and neither of us know her. Her last message consisted of her calling me a liar and a bunch of other things.

    Nobody in my husband department has this name. We did however find someone with the same name who does work for the company through linked in. However they work for a completely different department in a completely different office in a state on the other side of the country.

    Since then we have been waiting for ether the police to show up, or my husband to be dragged into a HR meeting. Neither has happened, and it is really starting to hang over both of us.

    We are in NY, and the person claiming this lives in CA according to linkedin. I have saved copies of all relevant information. Can anyone give me some advice for what to do here? Do we just ignore it? Do we need to talk to a lawyer?

    Also to clarify something because my brain is exhausted we are married so just replace fiance with husband, but i don't think matters.

    submitted by /u/ThrowRA_Fiance812
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    Landlord gave the keys to my apartment to maintenance men who come in frequently and without warning, one of them harassed me.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Hi reddit. I (24F) live alone in a very modest apartment in the US. My apartment is on the ground level and contains the water main for the rest of the building. Recently (and I'm not sure of all the details on this, but it's what I understand) the state has asked my landlord to give them the number on the water meter to let them know how much water they're using a month. Thing is, despite owning this building for years she doesn't know where the water meter is. Queue the series of unfortunate events.

    She knocked on my door to let me know that they had to come in and try to find the water meter. She didn't give me warning and also didn't ask permission before bringing in two men who dug through my closet, throwing everything in there out, and cutting a hole in my wall to expose another part of the water main valve.

    Two days later I was making dinner when another man unlocked the door and let himself in. He told me I had a nice smile while getting way, way to close to me. He spent five minutes working on the water main valve and then asked me to come over to look at it. He asked me to bend over to see and then hovered directly behind me with his pelvis nearly against me, laughing. I stood up and told him to leave and he walked toward me until he cornered me, arguing that he needed to finish the job "before the end of the day" (it was nearly 7) I have a Joker painting on my wall and he then turned to it and said, "heath Ledger was such a great actor, it's too bad so many talented people have to go and blow their brains out." Frankly I was pissed and told him (though I own no weapons) that he needed to leave, and that I was armed.

    I emailed my landlord to tell her what happened and that I didn't feel safe in my own home. I told her that this was where I lived and it's disrespectful to violate my privacy like this. She replied that she understood and she would give me a warning, and that the water problem would be solved within the week.

    It's been a month and men have entered my apartment four more times. Twice they were here when I wasn't (no warning) and all of my things were haphazardly thrown out of my closet when I got home. The third time they came in to "utilize my outlet" which they used to plug in an extension cord to a shot vack. The extension cord reached across the street to our second building where more, and accessible outlets were located.

    Yesterday was my breaking point though. My landlord said it was over after I made another complaint and that people wouldn't come in here anymore. So I took a shower and went into my living room naked, because I'd left my robe on the couch. Three men unlocked the door and waltzed right in to my apartment, seeing me naked. Two left and one laughed before slamming the door.

    Reddit, I'm furious. This can't possibly be okay can it? I live here. Don't people have certain rights when it comes to their own home? What can I do?

    submitted by /u/garden-goddess
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    [South Carolina] Estate Law - Is it legal for aunt (mom's sister) to cut me and my brother out of any inheritance from grandmother's estate if my mom predeceased grandmother by three months?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    As title says, my mother predeceased my grandmother by 3 months and Aunt did not include us on anything inheritance-wise. I am not aware of any land type property that my grandmother owned, but there were other physical assets. No will of note, but I am contacting local probate office for any documents. I fairly certain there were IRAs, multiple investment accounts, and life insurance policies <-- from my understanding these are all non-probate items? It seems as though any money and assets were split between the living children (my mom's siblings). Have seen cousins buying new houses without a problem when they previously had no funds as well as my cousin wearing my grandmother's 4 carat wedding ring. Just wondering if we should have been included, are at the good will of aunt or we aren't included since mom died first?

    submitted by /u/karmasangria
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    Was rear ended by an uninsured driver while working

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Bay Area, California

    I was rear ended by an uninsured driver yesterday while working. I went to the ER because as I departed the scene my back and shoulder began to hurt.

    I fully plan on going after this guy in small claims court. What are my rights and obligations following this accident? What county do I file the claim? County it happened in or the county I live in?

    I have already filed a claim with my insurance, told my boss (who told me to go to the hospital if need be), and have a police report (filed remotely after the fact, not during).

    Because it happened during work, what is my company's liability? I regularly drive for work, and was driving for work when this happened, do they need to help with my car damage? My boss said my company will file their own insurance claim, though I do not know what exactly it will cover.

    Thank you for reading

    submitted by /u/DutchHarBro
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    My patient beats my mom unless I'm there. We've been told we can't call the police or discharge him. How do I protect my mom?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    I work in an adult family home my family runs. Our patients live with us and we provide 24 hour care. We are located in Washington.

    I'll preface this by saying not every person with a mental illness is violent and are often the victims of violence themselves.

    I provide one-on-one care for one of our patients who leans more on the violent side. When he gets very angry, he usually takes it out on something like the window, his chair, or the wall. My mom usually tries to calm him down but that means she becomes his next target.

    I work for my family 6 days a week and when I spend time with him, it calms him down and tires him out so he doesn't get angry and break something or hit my mom.

    I've been wanting to quit for about 2 months, but I can't leave my mom alone to be a human punching bag.

    In the past, we had another violent client who hit my mom. We called the police on him and afterwards, we were given a written citation and penalty for calling the police on him. According the the bureaucrat who told us this, we didn't have a good basis to call the police because my mom hadn't been hit hard enough and she was a caregiver and we could only call the police if he hit another patient or a random civilian.

    We can't discharge this patient and my mom can't leave because she is the only caregiver on staff for the evenings. We're a small family business that can't afford to hire more caregivers. I'm currently working on finding a replacement, but it is going slowly.

    Was the bureaucrat correct in saying we aren't allowed to call the police on our patients if they hit us? And what can we do to protect my mom from this patient?

    submitted by /u/ThrowRaMombeat
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    I (32F) trying to adopt my niece (6F) from Foster Care in another State. Was not notified until a year after she was removed from her father.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    This is a pretty long story so I'll try to break it down.

    I currently live in AL, my niece (sisters daughter) is in TX, and my sister is incarcerated in AZ where it all began.

    My niece was orginally removed from my sisters care when she was 14mos and placed with me by CPS. My sister is an addict, and never completed anything she was supposed to do to regain custody.

    After having her in my care for 15 months, the state of AZ gave custody of her to her father, who had never wanted anything to do with her until CPS contacted him. I know for a fact, as I have copies of the texts and FB messages between him and my sister from when she found out she was pregnant, to after the paternity tests, etc, where he insisted "that thing" would never be part of his and new wife's life. I did share those messages with the lawers and case workers but it led nowhere.

    After he was given custody, he refused to let me see her. He took her to Texas. His wife allowed me a handful of skype visits for a couple months before they split up and he cut contact. I had not seen her in three years until last December. He continued to hit me up for money for her, and tried dangling visits with her in exchange. He never gave the visits, though I did send clothing and other items to him that he claimed he needed the money for ( I did this knowing he probably wouldn't let me see her).

    I was contacted the first time by TX CPS in November 2017, where I was told that she had been removed from the home but that the father was nearly completed with reunification process (They wanted to know about my sister). She returned to him early in 2018 and I never heard anything after.

    Then, last November, my sister was moved from Jail to prison (Had been in jail since September) and asked me to log into her FB and get some pictures for her and message some friends about where she was. I found a message from TXCPS that was only a week old (my sister couldn't have seen it as she was already locked up) informing her that her daughter was in foster care. I called the case worker, explaind who I was and where my sister was. I was told that my niece had been in FC for over a year, and had been severely abused by the father. I told her right away I wanted to adopt her.

    CPS claims that the father told them my niece didn't have any other family and that he didn't know where the mother was, which not only was total BS, but he'd been in contact with both of us just the month before, pretending that he still had her and was trying to get money out of me while trying to convince my sister to come back to him WHILE denying her legal visitation rights. Not only that, but CPS HAD my contact info from when they contacted me a year prior, but they never reached out and now my niece has been with the same foster family for over a year and they've hired an attorney to try and keep her.

    I've had the ICPC home study done. I was approved by my AL caseworker, but it's been sitting at the home office or over a month. I've really stressed out, and cannot afford an attorney. I applied for legal aid with both AL and TX and been denied. All my savings went into getting a larger apartment so she could have a room, furnishing it, and buying a new car so I could continue working, then COVID hit and my hours at work have been halved. I have no extra cash to hire my own, and trying to get info out of anyone is like pulling teeth.

    I've been in contact with the caseworker, the CASA team, the guardian ad litem, and the foster parents. My niece and I have been having weekly skype visits since December. I've done the ICPC but don't know if it's approved yet. CPS says they will argue for the child to be adopted by me, but the CASA team are pressing for the foster family to be allowed to adopt. I've been told TX strongly advocates for blood family, but also that my chances are slim since she's already been with the foster family so long.

    My sister has told them she wants me to adopt her, but we can't even get her attorney to talk to her, and we've already had to have one replaced because he ignored her for a year and that was a nightmare trying to fix.

    TL;DR: My niece is in foster care, CPS never notified me, and I want to adopt her.

    Is there anything I can do to increase my chances of being allowed to adopt? The fathers rights are being terminated, and my sister has stated that she will fight the termination of her rights unless they place her with me.

    submitted by /u/TheRealKNR
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    My grandmother has illegal things in her home I don’t know how to handle them when she dies

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    My grandfather was a diplomat of Greece in the Congo for a couple years. During that time, my grandfather was gifted three full ivory tusks, one of which is completely hand carved, a dagger with a case which is also all ivory, a coat made of leopard, and full tiger skin, all sorts of things from other diplomats. My grandmother is 90 and has cancer. She lives in Greece which makes this very difficult because I live in the USA. The tusks are heavy as well, probably 30-40 lbs each. I would love to have a way to move them to the states safely. I know I can't sell them and I know how illegal they are, but these were gifts from the 60s. I don't think we have any documents for them.

    submitted by /u/Kouskous231
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    [Virginia] Can my property manager kick me out of the house, even with warning, to show a house to a buyer/inspector?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    My landlord is trying to sell the house I am currently living in, so they have been showing the house to buyers and inspectors.

    Recently, prospective buyers sent a inspector to look at the house. In order to do this, the inspector demanded my family and I vacate the house. I have four kids and three pets and could not leave the animals to be alone. I tried to reason with the inspector and my landlord to stay in one room or outside on the deck, but was not allowed. I had no warning of this part. I was told the inspection would take about an hour, but it ended up taking over four hours (I was however let into a room in the basement after two hours.) I was forced to take my four kids and three pets in one car. Not only that, the buyers came over and looked at the house, I did not have warning of this.

    I am perfectly ok with my landlord having people over to look/inspect at the house, so long as I can stay, even if I am confined to one room.

    In short, is my landlord allowed to kick me out of the house during a showing/inspection?

    submitted by /u/u-not-nice
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    [CA] Office manager gave themself a raise without my permission. Planning to let them go next week. How should we proceed?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    My husband owned a small dental practice for over 40 years and recently passed away a few months ago. He had been sick since April and the process of selling a dental practice usually takes several months so we brought in a temporary dentist and have been trying to keep up production in the meantime. My husbands staff had been with him for the past 20 years except for the office manager who joined last year after our previous one retired.

    Ever since covid started however, our office manager has been working from home. Despite having his own back office with its own entrance, he refused to come in stating that his health issues prevent him from coming into the office when people are there. We figured that it's fine as long as his job still gets done and the practice stays afloat. For reference, the office manager prints the paychecks and handles the finances so we really didn't want to upset him.

    A day after my husband passed away, the office manager had the audacity to ask me for a raise - thinking that I would comply since I was overwhelmed and don't know much about dentistry. I said we could talk about the details later because I'm going through a lot right now and he never followed up. After that I didn't give it much thought and everything has been a blur. When payroll came in for the next few months, I would just sign the checks he printed without looking very closely.

    Just yesterday I noticed however, that not only did our office manager give himself a 10% raise without my consent , but he has also been logging over 10 more hours per week than usual (compared to when he was coming into the office). The practice is on track to be sold in a month but after this we want to let him go next week.

    My question is: should I do anything about these wages? I suppose I could simply not sign the next check since the hours and wages are false but I don't want him to go back and sabotage any of our financial accounts before leaving. The last thing I want right now is a lengthy legal battle. Additionally I wouldn't know how to dispute the past wages when it was my own fault due to lack of oversight. Would it be in my best interest to simply let this employee go and ignore the time card theft?

    submitted by /u/lowkeyscaredofforest
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    I was assaulted at work. Can I sue to recover lost wages and pain/suffering? Do I need a lawyer to do it? [Connecticut}

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    Thanks for taking the time to read, I could use some legal direction.

    I was assaulted at work by an angry customer. He threw me to the ground and beat me for several minutes without any provocation by me. He was arrested and charged with felony assault. I sustained head injury/concussion, broken finger, lost wages, I have anxiety and PTSD from the event. I have needed to take anxiety medication. The person that did this to me likely does not have much money. I don't care so much about a a "big payday". I just want him to pay something. I spoke to lawyer but he didn't seem too interested in my case. Maybe because the party doesn't have much money, Is this something worth pursuing? Do I need a lawyer to take him to court? I just want him to pay something for hurting me. I would appreciate any insights you may lend. Thank you again for reading. this occurred in Connecticut USA

    Edit: I am looking to sue the attacker, not my workplace.

    submitted by /u/Phreakie
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    Landlords have stolen my security deposit and are ghosting me

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Hi all.

    As the title indicates, my landlords (a husband and wife team) have taken my security deposit and have been MIA since. When I was a resident they were very responsive to my texts and calls and since I have moved out they have made every effort to ghost me. The apartment was left in good condition and there is no reason for them to withhold my deposit (I have photos to prove this). I have called every single day for weeks, left voicemails, emailed them and sent letters in the post. I know that they are around because they recently put up a new sign on the door of my previous apartment and the husband accidentally answered my call and I could hear him talking in the background. I plan on taking them to court but honestly, this is frustrating beyond measure. I'm curious to see if they would be responsive if someone gave them a call pretending to be interested in the apartment. Anyways, I'm wondering if you have any other suggestions as to what I could do before I file the paperwork for the small claims court. For context this is in a pretty rural part of upstate NY.

    submitted by /u/alfredgirl
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    Property company wants me and roommates to may $3,200 in repairs

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    We recently moved out of the house and it had some damage however it's an old house, and we sublet from fraternity brothers that caused a lot of damage. Now they put charges for $3,204 on the pay portal and some of them seem like there's no way the repairs could cost that much. $1,050 for repainting and repairing damaged walls, almost $600 for replacing broken fridge components.

    Since this cost was just put on the pay portal I don't know about the security deposit and if it can be deducted from these costs. I was also told that the property company cannot charge us more money past the cost of the security deposit however I don't want to rely on this.

    Do we have any way out?

    Edit- I live in Virginia

    submitted by /u/Astral-foundations
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    Neighbors from hell.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    Thanks for taking the time to read. I have been in my home for three years, and before us, my brother in law lived here for 5. I am now continuing the battle with the Garbage Humans directly next door to us.

    The police are here multiple times a month to deal with them. As an example, in the past week we have had the fire and police here for two incidents. In the first, they were burning furniture in the backyard. We are located in the city, and the houses are ten feet apart at best. The yards are about .4 acre.

    Last night around 8pm, as I was sitting in my living room and was suddenly blinded by a flash and resounding thunderous boom (my husband guesses no less than a quarter stick of dynamite) and immediately stepped outside to see GN (garbage neighbors) on the front porch, and the front lawn was smoking. GN scampered back into their house like cockroaches. The neighborhood poured out of their houses to see what had happened. We all called 911. The police and fire responded. Once again nothing was done on their end.

    I am at my wit's end. I am constantly verbally assaulted on my own property. I'm afraid to let my children play in the yard for fear of them stepping on broken glass or finding a stray fentanyl baggie.

    They are renters, but I believe my favorite neighbors have traced the house to a relative. I own my home and it is paid for. I have the name, phone number, and address of almost everyone on the street for 7 houses in either direction and will be collecting signatures calling for GN to be removed. We will be attending the next town meeting with this information.

    What other information do I have the right to? Finding the landlord? Contacting that person? Can I request the 911 log of how many calls and when were made about the residence? I've started a notebook to keep track of anything I can record on my own.

    What legal course do I have here? We are in NY. Is there anything to be done or am I chasing a foolish dream? Do we sell and move? The police have suggested to call them for anything and everything, but continue to do nothing. No citations, no nothing. Please help.

    TL:DR How to handle the neighborhood scourge.

    submitted by /u/Jmlips
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    I have just found out that I’m a US citizen and have never filed US income taxes

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    I am 27 years old, born in Canada and have lived and worked in Canada my whole life. I have just now learned that my mother was actually born in the United States, making me a US citizen at birth. I know a few other dual Canadian-American citizens and I know they have to file US income tax.

    I've never filed US income tax. What do I do about that? Also, will I get in trouble for having entered the US with a Canadian passport in the past?

    submitted by /u/legalthrowaway988
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    A friend was hit by a deer and now he has to go to court (NC)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    A friend of mine was driving back home late at night the other day and his car was struck by a deer and he ended up in the ditch. He and the passengers were fine, and they were close to their house so they walked back. The next day they called the NCHP to report the accident. The officer decided since they left the scene of the accident it counts as a hit and run, and gave him a court date. Any advice on what he should do about this? I told him he shouldn't have called the NCHP and should've just filed an insurance claim and get it covered if possible.

    submitted by /u/PizzaSteve3902
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    Iowa. Neighbor tried to enter our house after yelling profanity.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    I arrived home with my girlfriend and her daughter. Our neighbor, 40ish male, was outside. We don't see him often. He is on the sex offender registry for Iowa and has multiple drug related felonies. His son asked if he could play with my girlfriend's daughter, I told him no because her dad was coming to pick her up soon. His dad, who was sitting on a blue lawn chair, asked us to come over to which my girlfriend replied with "why?" "Because we're neighbors" We told him we had stuff to do. He called me a pussy. We went inside and he went to our main door. He was mumbling some stuff, came off as very incoherent. We cracked the door open a little to ask what he wanted and he said just to talk to me and called me a pussy again. We closed the door and locked it. He tried to open it immediately. He then went around to the front door, it doesn't open thankfully from the outside, but he tried messing with the doorknob to open it. We put my girlfriend's daughter in the bedroom as she was scared. I watched him go back and forth between the main door and the front door multiple times trying to open both. I decided to call the police and when the officer arrived our neighbor was trying to open our main door. I noticed at this time that he had destroyed the chair he was sitting on at some point. The officer talked to him and they shook hands. My girlfriend went to talk to the cop and he brushed off everything she said. According to our neighbor we've had issues before. We have never spoke to this man. The only issue we've had was his child was throwing sticks at our house and vehicles once before, which we went outside and told him to stop and that was it. The cop told him to go back to his house. He went and sat on his lawnmower after the cop left and stared at our house for an hour. I just don't know what to do about this as even if we had issues, that's no excuse to try and get into our house. If he was mad that our kid didn't want to play with his, that's nothing he should've yelled at us about. He didn't ask if we wanted to charge for harassment or trespassing. I don't know if I should get a gun in case he tries again or cameras. I was wondering for advice on how to go about this situation.

    submitted by /u/AakreCalzone
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    My mother is threatening to file kidnapping charges.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Hello, I am under 18 and living with my grandmother. I have been living with her for around a year under my own will. But my grandmother doesn't have custody of me. I am from Maryland and currently live here. My mother lives in New Mexico and is in a relationship with an emotionally and physically abusive boyfriend.(He was arrested a few months ago for pushing my mother into a counter and gave her whiplash. He has also been constantly making her cry. (She has sent text messages complaining about him. And has cried to me in person before you moved) And my mom's texts have become increasingly more volatile towards my grandmother. So she is going to start a custody battle with my mom. My big question is can my mother claim it was kidnapping? And how likely is it that my grandmother will win this case?

    submitted by /u/EpicGamerBoi26
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    Being forced out of lease because of an ESA

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    Little back story. I was diagnosed with severe anxiety, depression, and suffer from extreme chronic panic/anxiety attacks. I was prescribed an emotional support animal or (ESA) because I've been on several medications that just never worked for me. So having that we went to my landlords and let them know that I would be getting a dog to try and help combat my symptoms.

    We had a meeting with our landlords and I signed some paperwork for the HOA letting them know we were bringing an animal into our home. They also asked if we would bring him to meet the other animals before bringing him home to make sure they were comparable. We decided to say yes to keep face with our landlord and when we did the neighbors dog was aggressive towards ours and bit at some stitches he has from his previous home and he got defensive. So we broke the two dogs up and walked them around next to each other for about an hour and they finally relaxed and were neutral around each other.

    Thinking we were in the clear we brought him home over the weekend. He was amazing. Very quiet, and respectful. We always had him on a leash even when in the shared fenced back yard to make sure If the other dog was out that there wouldn't be any problems.

    Tonight our landlords came over and informed us that we were incredibly disrespectful for bringing him home and "going behind their back". Then told us we would be released from our lease so we can find somewhere else for us to live.

    Did we overstep here or did our landlord? We were certain after looking into the fair housing act, that we were completely fine to bring the dog home but we are getting kicked out for it. Other than this we have been perfect tenants. We have paid in advance, and passed our inspection with flying colors.

    Sorry if this didn't completely make sense, I'm writing this in my car after I took a drive to clear my head a little bit. Is there anything I can do? Or was I the one in the wrong?

    Also we live in a small town in Montana If that makes any difference!

    submitted by /u/BallisticFairy
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    Paying for my mother’s final expenses (Ohio)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    My mother passed away last week. I am her only son and she was not married. She had been in a long term care facility on medicaid for the last two years. She only had ~400 in her personal account at the nursing home and has no other accounts or debts.

    Obviously 400 is not enough to pay for the funeral so I have two potential streams to do so

    1. $1200 stimulus check- she received the check which I have but the banker at my bank told me I'd need to set up an account for the estate to deposit the check and pay for expenses, including reimbursing myself for the cremation(which I had to pay for right away- I would keep meticulous records just in case)

    2. ~40k from the sale of her house which was foreclosed a year ago. She had some debts on it but they were paid when the house sold. The remainder is essentially unclaimed funds and I've had a decent number of lawyers come knocking hoping to reconnect me with that money.

    My main concerns are

    A. Taking either of those streams will be reported to medicaid and I suspect they will want to take them to cover their expenses over the last two years.

    B. If I attempt to use one of the lawyers to obtain the funds from the house, the lawyer will take 1/3. My concern is that medicaid will come to me looking for the entire amount but the lawyer will have a third that they may not be obligated to pay back but I stead I might be on the hook for the full amount.

    C. Anything else that I can't think of because I have no idea what I'm doing.

    Thanks in advance. My wife and I are about to have a child and I'd like to use any funds left over to set up a college account for that child so that grandma helped with school. Any advice would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/AyZiggyZoomba
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    My police officer ex-husband tried to smash my window today.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    My ex-husband and I have been divorced for about two years. He is a police officer that works in a small town in a different county than I reside. We have a custody agreement in place to meet at a Wal-Mart parking lot on designated days. Today when we met I was heated. He hasn't paid child support in months and today for ou meet up he was an hour late. I was picking up our children from him. I put them all in my car and got back in myself. I rolled down my window so we could continue talking. I told him he needs to pay child support and he needs to be more responsible. We both got angry. He started yelling and cussing so tried to roll my window up. He grabbed the top of my window with his two hands and forcefully stopped it and threatened to rip it out. He also threatened to rip off my driver side mirror when I asked him not to touch it. It frightened me that I thought I could roll up my window and get away, but he was willing to smash it so I wouldn't. He also threatened to have me arrested several times because of things I said to him. None of the things I said were illegal. Only insulting. I feel like I should take some kind of action but I'm unsure of what. This is in Texas.

    submitted by /u/RedPhoenixxxx
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    Can I be held liable if someone totals their car/ is injured from running into my mailbox?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Preface: I live on a curve in a subdivision. My neighborhood connects two busy highways, so people who dont live in my neighborhood use my road as a through-way to avoid the hwy traffic. People speed through my neighborhood, and ive had to replace 2 mailboxes in the last 9 months bc people speed down my road, arent prepared for the curve, and hit the curve wide and take out my mailbox. Ive even had my trash cans hit while at the road for trash day. Pretty much hit and runs on the reg, but who's counting?

    I'm considering building a robust mailbox with either a thick gauge steel pipe, or big 6x6 post held in by concrete, dug 24" deep, to hopefully withstand the abuse or at least make people think twice before using my mailbox as a crash pad. I plan on following the USPS guidelines with the mailbox being at least 41" from the ground and minimum 6-8 from the curb.

    If I did this and someones vehicle was badly damaged, or someone was injured from the collision with my mailbox, would I be held liable?

    My thinking is if people can have solid brick/stone mailboxes, then I should be able to throw 6x6 post in the ground too, right?

    submitted by /u/jupiterlouis
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    I’m pretty sure my lawyers are incompetent, I’ve been out of work b/c of an accident caused by a commercial vehicle which hit me and resulted in a coma and permanent spine injury. I’m an RN and they say I may never work again. The company keeps changing LLC’s- Please help. What are my options??

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    Middle of January, I was traveling westbound on a 4 lane highway and a commercial tow truck not carrying a vehicle at the time slammed into my car which then a chain reaction and 10 other cars were damaged from being hit from behind or purposely trying to get out the way of what they saw happening in their rear view. It had been raining all day, but by 7pm EST the roads weren't terribly wet. The driver was simply on his phone and not paying attention. Later he tested positive for THC and alcohol and was said to be under the influence. No one else was found at fault.

    Some family friends, a son and father team, have a law firm and took the case pro bono as I mentioned and filed suit against the person operating the commercial vehicle, the company he is still driving for and employed by, and against the insurance company who insured the trucks.

    The issue is that the driver is indigent and the owner of the company (who has assets) has already dissolved one LLC (this one I'm speaking about) to avoid liability in another pending civil suit and this current LLC is "non-compliant" it's my belief that the company has already changed ownership and names, possibly now a foreign entity registered in another state. This company did something and had new DOT numbers given to them in the past because they were basically uninsurable. My lawyers dismiss this totally even when I show them proof of the owner of this company hiding assets in 2018 to avoid liability in another civil case (there's currently two pending and one closed against this company).

    What, if any are my options? The attorneys demanded a jury trial. The depositions have been taken with the exception on one (the owner). We had to hire process servers to even serve this company because they hid and kept the doors locked. If I'm able to work again the doctors say I will not be able to travel as an RN or make rounds on a 12 hour shift. Basically, it will be a desk job and I'm only 35 y/o. I was in the hospital for 2 + months which was dead in the middle of the Covid when we all thought it would kill everyone, so the anxiety of that was awesome.

    Call it intuition, but I'm afraid that we will end up with nothing or the bare minimum based on my research on this company. My lawyers say it will "be fine." I was the one that did the leg work and told my attorneys they were suing the wrong entity. They filed to amend it to add the real LLC to the suit and the judge signed it, but as I keep watching I'm afraid the company has changed names or ownership again, but I haven't been able to find it- YET. In one instance in the past this company traded it back and forth between family members until litigation was resolved.

    If it matters the other 10 cars involved settled out of court. While some left the scene in ambulance none sustained permanent injuries as I have.

    Any thoughts, questions, concerns would be helpful and I'd appreciate it. I'm not trying to financially ruin this company, I just want medical bills covered and such and those bills will be over what his insurance can cover given the other payouts and the fact this company has jumped from insurance provider to insurance provider because they keep getting dropped.

    submitted by /u/BlueJeanBabyBlues
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