• Breaking News

    Friday, August 14, 2020

    Legal Advice - (TN) Is it arson if I burn down a building that I own?

    Legal Advice - (TN) Is it arson if I burn down a building that I own?

    (TN) Is it arson if I burn down a building that I own?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    I just inherited my father's farm. It has a barn where my father used to spend time away from us drinking and yelling. Also it's where he would bring me and my siblings to give us beatings and lock us up for the night when he was mad at us. My brother and I want to burn down the barn with some of my father's possessions inside to relieve ourselves of the memories. Can we pour gasoline and set the barn on fire or would it be arson? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/lgldvcthrw
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    Dad stole my phone, claims he's holding it as "evidence" (I'm well into my 20's)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    (In Minnesota) My father has a phone I purchased. We are involved in a legal dispute over the legal guardianship of my adult brother, who has developmental disabilities, and who has a non-parental legal guardian. I had let my brother use the phone. The phone was confiscated by my father. I told him to return my property to me, but he is now saying he won't because it is evidence in the guardianship case.

    So, how do I go about getting my phone back? My dad is a lawyer, and claims he can hold the phone as evidence. Even if this were true, I don't think he can officially serve as a lawyer on this case because he is directly involved as an "interested party" who is objecting to the replacement of my brother's legal guardian (who is a shill for my father, who is wildly ill-equipped to take care of my brother).

    Do I call the police?

    Evidence I have that the phone belongs to me and is in his possession:

    - receipt for the phone and records of bill payment

    - email from the legal guardian specifically referencing this phone as belonging to my brother's brother

    - recorded phone call in which my father refuses to return my cell phone


    I went to the police precinct to report the theft. The officer I spoke with basically said it wasn't a theft because the phone was not stolen from my possession. The fact that my brother had been borrowing it and that it was taken from him was apparently enough to protect our dad from criminal prosecution. The cop called my father and suggested that the phone be returned, but obviously my father declined. Cop said I could take this to small claims court, but that court costs might make it not worth it. I really thought this was going to be open and shut. I guess I'll get a new one... Thanks everyone for the advice and support!

    submitted by /u/IWantALittlePrivacy
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    My ex boyfriend has opened two (as I can tell) Twitter account under my name.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Sometimes he's pretending to be me. He's making accusations that I have been stealing money from him, spreading diseases and posting an arrest charge that was dismissed...never gone to court. This charge was from me defending my home and daughter from him. It's coming up first on Google search. He won't stop. He allegedly saw a truck parked behind my car and slashed the tire. That's when the emails and posts went up. We've been apart for over a year. He's not come up with any single piece of evidence against me. He did this in 2019..the same thing and now again after the tire incident. I can't get a job because his damaging page is first on the search. My daughter and her friends can see this as well. What can I do for this to stop? Texas

    submitted by /u/twingytwirl
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    Cop damaged my pistol and searched me without consent today when I informed him of my weapon and concealed carry license. Do I have any options here?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    Texas. I was pulled over for going 4 above the speed limit. Cop asked if I had any weapons so I answered truthfully. Things then eacalated FAST. He forced open my door, pulled me out, put my hands on the top of the car and searched me. He removed my pistol and threw it out of our reach, damaging it as it landed.

    I was then cuffed behind my back and he asked if there were any other weapons. I wanted to lie after watching him throw my pistol onto the concrete but I don't know if I am allowed. So I said yes. He asked where and I tried to ask if it mattered given that I'm now cuffed. He proceeded to search the car and found my AR15 which he checked was clear and safe. He left it in my trunk thankfully.

    I remained cuffed while he gave me the ticket and explained it. He then uncuffed me, gave me the paperwork and told me to retrieve my pistol. He then left.

    My main question is whether I can sue for the damage to my pistol from it being thrown onto, then sliding across concrete?

    But also was this an illegal search and can I press charges against the cop?

    Finally I would also like to know if I am allowed to not tell a cop I have a weapon or if I can stay silent?

    Thanks in advance <3

    submitted by /u/Glarghl01010
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    My parents got my sisters legal guardianship of me removed in court and I want to go back

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    I(15f) used to live with my older sister(22f) because my parents abandoned us and I was abused by my aunt.

    5 years later our parents come back wanting me to live with them and I refused since my sister was more caring then both of them combined. Well they took us to court and somehow got her legal guardianship removed and now my parents have full custody of me. I hate both of them and don't see them as family after what I was put through because of them.

    They took my phone so I can't talk to her(writing this on my iPad) and I feel like my entire life has just been flipped upside down. What should I do we live in South Carolina

    submitted by /u/throwRAimissyousis
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    I have been double paying rent for a lease overlap and recently found out that the old unit is being completely renovated/gutted. Can I get rent money back for when renovations started? In Boston

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    The title mostly sums up the situation, but here's a bit more context.

    My roommate and I moved out of the old apartment on 6/1 when the lease is up 9/1. We contacted the management company to see if we could mutually end the lease since they may want to renovate in time for the 9/1 lease cycle (they recently renovated a unit across the hall from ours). They said no, so we proceeded to move out and have been paying rent since we couldn't get out of the lease.
    We've been occasionally checking in on the old unit for mail and found out last week that the unit has been completely gutted for renovations. Surely the landlord can't take rent and also renovate the whole unit right?

    I wasn't able to find anything clear regarding these laws. Is the unit considered abandoned so the landlord can renovate it even though we've been paying rent? Or are we entitled our rent and security deposit back? Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bostontenanthrowaway
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    My gf is infected with COVID-19 and her employers are demanding she still comes into work and not tell anyone, including her friends.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    She works at a pizzeria and her bosses are basically trying to gag her so that she can still come into work and handle food. Is there anything legally either her or I can do to stop them from trying endanger hundreds if not thousands of lives?

    submitted by /u/ThrowAway197563991
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    Lied to about laundry - what can I do?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    For context, I am in Los Angeles.

    When I moved into my apartment, the on-site manager informed me that I should avoid using the washers & dryers in the shared laundry room because they were always breaking down. This caught me off guard because when I toured the apartment and signed my lease the property manager (the on-site manager's boss) didn't mention this to me even when I specifically asked about the laundry room. I didn't let it bother me much initially because I figured they would replace the washers & dryers with new ones soon and I'd be able to use them. But it's been months now and nothing. I wouldn't have even signed the lease if I'd known that I wouldn't be able to use the laundry facility as this was on my "must haves" list.

    I've been having to go to a laundromat so far, which wouldn't be a huge issue if it wasn't for the fact that I don't have a car and have to rely on expensive rideshares. It's a waste of money when I should be able to do laundry without leaving my complex.

    I want to know if there is any legal way for me to either: A) Force them to replace the machines? ; or B) Negotiate a lower rent payment since the laundry was listed as guaranteed in my lease?

    submitted by /u/deejustlikestotalk
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    Child pornography and custody rights

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    A week ago my ex-husband called and I asked if I would attend a therapy session with him because he needed to tell me something. We share a 14-year old son and have been successfully co-parenting for the last several years, so I agreed. I went to the session yesterday and my ex began by saying "I have a porn addiction." At this point I was seriously questioning why he felt the need to share something like that with me until this led into him disclosing that he would be serving prison time shortly for charges related to child pornography. He told me that my son had been in the dark about this situation until recently when there was a raid on the house where my son was present and was placed in a police car. I'm sitting here even now dumbfounded and blindsided. To provide a bit of background, my ex was given primary custody in 2008 because I couldn't afford a proper lawyer. We had been cordial until I got pregnant by my boyfriend at the time. That triggered a series of actions on his part out of anger. He began keeping my son from me and limiting any interactions between the two of us. The following year I moved out of state to improve overall quality of life for my children and myself. I couldn't take my son with me as that would constitute kidnapping. I called regularly. I visited every three months and for all holidays. In 2017 I moved back into the state and since then my son has went from visiting us on the weekends to now staying Saturday through Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on the week. He has expressed the desire to live with us more than once. There is nothing I want more in the world than to see my son everyday and make up for every minute I missed with him. I've dreamt of this moment, but not in this fashion. At this session yesterday, his dad asked if I would change things as little as possible for our son when he begins his prison sentence. He wants me to share custody with his girlfriend of several years. He mentioned that his lawyer had written up a document for me to sign saying I would work with her, including giving her medical rights to my son. Obviously that is not something I interested in as this woman is still standing by a pedophile. My son is currently in their custody, which I don't understand how is possible given his dad's charges. I'm going into this situation blind. I can't afford an attorney, but would like to know what my legal options are. I'd like to get things as stable for my son as quickly as possible. For more background information, I have a clean record. I have custody of my other two children. I work with an in home care agency that provides services to mentally and physically handicapped people. I rent a home and have been at the same address for over three years. I am open to answering any questions if that can help clear any information up. I just want my son happy and safe. I just don't know how to do it legally.

    submitted by /u/floggleboggle
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    Landlord changed locks on my door without evitction notice and throw out my stuff. (CA)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    The title basically explains everything the landlord changed the locks from my apartment and throw some of my stuff in the trash as well as him taking some of my stuff, I went to the management office and explained what he did and they said they had no idea, they later put him on the phone I start recording and tell him I'm recording and he admits he changed the locks and I informed him that what he did was illegal he says that's bullshit and that if I step on his property again he will have the police arrest me.

    submitted by /u/gmoneypimp
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    Seller let someone move in to home before closing

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    This is in Virginia:

    Seller had moved their stuff out of the home after accepting our offer. We are now less than two weeks away from closing and I just found out that they let a friend "layover" (is that even a thing) at the home. So someone else is living there now. My concern is that worst case scenario there is no legal agreement with this friend and come closing day this friend decides he's not moving.

    They own the home and it is theirs to do as they wish, I get that and hopefully the person is taking care of the place. But I can't help but feel a little upset by the situation. Like I bought a new car and the dealer let someone else put a few hundred miles on it before letting me have it.

    Just wanted to get any thoughts/suggestions. I've spoken to our realtor and said the deal was off if the person has not vacated the premises prior to closing. Anything else we should do?

    submitted by /u/JackOfAllCode
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    Is it legal to grow and make smoking tobacco, assuming I have no intentions to sell it? (MA)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Medical Shuttle transport driver didn't secure my moms wheel chair while in transport she fell over...

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    My mom is a dialysis patient and a Medical transport shuttle takes her to the dialysis center, the driver didn't secure my moms wheel chair while in transport, she fell over during transportation and She hit her head, and her right body side, she now has bruises all over her right side of the body and a bump on her head. I am taking her to the emergency room to get her checked out. I called the transport company and they said that they cant help until Monday. I am not sure what i can do or what steps to take next. Any advice Location: CA

    submitted by /u/Anniethebrave
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    (FL) I was a passenger in a traffic accident (my friend was driving) and a “Good Samaritan” seems like he’s trying to blackmail us?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    I live in PA and was staying with a friend in Florida. We were involved in a car accident when it was raining. One other car involved with one occupant (the other driver.) a guy stopped when he saw the wreck and came over and helped us out of the car, prayed with us and offered me to sit down on the guardrail so I could calm down and smoke a cigarette. I was having a full blown panic attack, crying.

    I checked on the other driver, a lady, who was alone in the car and she said she was okay but just shook up. Her brother came and picked her up.

    Anyway, no one was seriously injured. Just bumps and scrapes. No one left by EMS. The "Good Samaritan" gave me his number. I shot him a text that night saying thanks and God bless.

    I flew back home to PA today and received a call out of the blue from this "good Samaritan" telling me that my friend who was driving needs to call him immediately. I asked why..? He said the other woman involved in the accident is trying to say my friend and I were drunk. He said the cops called him and he needs to go make "another statement." This sounded odd to me. It's been 4 days since the accident. Mind you, at the accident neither of us were drunk or drinking! I was acting VERY upset because it was my first car accident but nothing like puking or anything! And I was the passenger anyway.

    The police never made us do any type of sobriety test, never asked if we were impaired (we weren't), never asked us to do a breathalyzer or blood test. Sheriff stated he wasn't giving my friend any points or even charging her with reckless driving or speeding since it was so slick out.

    It seems like this man who called me is lying. I hope he's bluffing but can I even get in any trouble since I was only a passenger? And since we were never asked to do any type of sobriety test, it's obvious the cops didn't suspect a DUI. Wtf?

    submitted by /u/not_monica
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    Grandparents rights in Maryland?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    I am a father of a newborn baby, about 6 weeks old. My fiancee and I are currently engaged, and intend to marry as soon as restrictions lift and the licensing office reopens. I grew up with emotionally abusive parents, mainly my father, and cut contact with him 2 years ago. He does not know anything about my current life, including my son. My mom is extremely manipulative, but currently knows about me and my new family. If my mother were to decide to tell my father out of anger one day, and I chose to cut contact with her as well, is there any right for grandparents of my son in Maryland to take us to court over this? For further context, I live in a good home with my partner and inlaws, it is a good size, clean, and the family is financially stable. My fiancee and I are both currently unemployed due to the virus, but are perfectly capable of working in the near future and have more than enough financial support at the moment. My son is well taken care of, and in a safe and loving home, so is there anything I need to worry about if my mother or father choose to attempt to force their way into our lives?

    TL:DR: I have a son, if I chose to cut contact with my abusive parents, are there any ways they can rightfully take us to court in Maryland over grandparents rights?

    submitted by /u/GankSpank19
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    My brother owes $20000 to home depot over renting a tool but he was tricked

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    A "friend" of my brothers' told him that he had a construction job for that day and needed a favor. He asked my brother to rent out a machine from home depot cause he was busy at the job, so my brother agreed and rented it out. He gave it to his friend and the friend payed him what it costs to rent for the day. After that he ghosted my brother and kept the machine. Is there anything we can do?

    submitted by /u/WILLUM_6
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    I need advice on my idea, my mom is 60 and unable to work although not legally disabled, she's only 3 federal work credits off of qualifying for her survivor's benefits.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    [ ARIZONA ] I was faced with this predicament and with my mom getting to the age of 65 soon it feels like the clock is ticking. I thought of the idea of employing my mom as a household employee, I was willing to register my 'business' with the IRS, get the I-9 forms, pay taxes out of her minimum wage pay, etc. Until I also found that she could be an independent contractor while 'working for me'. I was just curious if anybody else has been in the same boat, what a better route could be, or if there are any legal technicalities in my approach to this. So far I'm leaning towards her being independently contracted and putting away her taxes in a savings account to pay off owed taxes when filing. Seriously appreciate anything to help us out.

    submitted by /u/Gerdione
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    Can my company force our employees to leave and work for another company and then deny unemployment if we choose not to?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    We have a weird situation going on at our company. A lot of the IT staff (myself not included in this, so I am asking on their behalf) are being outsourced. They are being given offers by the outsourcing company, though they do not appear to be equivalent to their current pay and benefits. If the employees choose not to accept the offer, I am told that they are not offering a severance package (which is something they have traditionally always offered when letting someone go). Matter of fact, they went as far as to say that if they do not accept the offer, it is the equivalent of quitting, and that they will also not qualify for unemployment benefits. In most senses, it seems as if our company is attempting to work with the consulting firm to "lock the employees into a deal". I realize they have complete control over what they do with a severance package, but is it actually legal for them to decline unemployment benefits and/or claim that the employees actually "quit"?

    EDIT: State is Massachusetts, but we have employees affected by this in both Connecticut and Rhode Island.

    submitted by /u/xyeLz
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    Sister-in-law found spy cam in bedroom

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    My wife's sister found a spy cam in her bedroom and was able to retrieve SD card. The card had many videos of her male roommate in her room while she was not there. There was even some of him naked in her bed. It also showed her in many different situations; sleeping, changing, etc. she called the police and they were no help even when she stated that she had him on video. They responded with "there's not enough evidence that he planted it". They even had the nerve to ask is she gave hints or led him to think that doing this was okay. For the record she is a lesbian and has never had any other type of relationship with him besides that of a roommate/minor friend. Since the police were no help she took some family to confront him. One member even (secretly) filmed the confrontation in which he admits it was him. He showed absolutely no remorse until she informed him that she let the cops know. Can this new admission on tape help her to get justice even though it was filmed without him knowing? Are there any other actions that can be taken? I, like the rest of her family am furious that he could violate her privacy and would love to see justice served. Thanks in advance for any advice/help.

    submitted by /u/jayvee8788
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    I got a smart camera and caught the neighbor throwing their dog shit in front of our house. What are my options?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Every few days or so, I'd come home to my beautiful family after a long day of work only to be greeted by a bag of dog shit sitting on our front porch.

    This started about 2-3 months ago, and happens multiple times a week. A lot of the times, the dog shit would be found technically on "public property" as they would strategically throw it right outside our driveway where the sidewalk is.

    I finally got tired of it and ordered a smart camera and set it up in a discreet spot immediately after receiving it.

    Few days later, I catch the man in question on film.

    Just in case, it wasn't the same person I kept watch of the activity and he comes and throws his bag of dog shit again 2 days later.

    It's not like his dog poops in front of our home and he leaves it there. The man clearly holds on to the bag and waits to pass by our home to plant it.

    We live in a pretty large neighborhood so I'm not sure what house he lives in. I've never seen him before to be honest.

    I'm tired of cleaning after this guy and I'm not sure what my options are with the evidence I've captured.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/pleasantlyplumpy
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    Restraining Order hearing.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    My younger sister and I have never gotten along. In part due to our mom favoring her over me. She has a mental illness and was taken out of the home for a few years when we were teens.

    She's threatened me with a knife and other violence, threatened to report me to DCYF for no reason, and now she's refusing to listen when I say I'm done with her and don't want anything else to do with her. She threatened to show up at my job and get me fired. My husband and I had enough, so I screen caped all her messages, made a report to the police, who filed a report and suggested I get a protective order, which I did.

    The hearing is Tuesday. I know it'll just be her and I in the court room with the judge and court reporter. I know I'll have to reiterate my side of things and show the printouts of her messages. I'm afraid I'm going to be emotional. I just want to be done.

    Can anyone tell me what to expect beyond that? Is there something I should or shouldn't do?

    We're both now in our late 20's. I'm married with a 2 year old and I just don't feel safe with her anywhere near me.

    How likely is it that my order could be denied?

    It's so bad, we're considering moving and not telling that side of the family.

    I'm in NH

    submitted by /u/NHThestral
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    I, a minor, had my information sold online (phone number, name, and in some cases, my address)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    I have been getting texts from random people in relation to what I assume is from dating sites and whatnot. My most recent text from a number was "I got 60", which may be referring to prostitution but am unsure. Other cases have sent texts that reinforce this theory, and I believe my phone number was used illegally for a fake dating profile.

    Whenever I ask where they got my number from, they either don't say anything, or just tell me to screw off.

    I believe my info was sold by a company who acquired it illegitimately and maybe is also distributing it elsewhere.

    What do I do?

    Edit: forgot to mention that this has been happening for a while.

    Edit 2: I am in the US, specifically Texas

    submitted by /u/thisisaNORMALname
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    Did my parents get scammed on this loan?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    Hi folks, apologies if I'm not clear as I'm currently having a small panic attack. Trying to cut down on details to be clearer. Location is California.

    I recently moved back in my with my parents and I think they may have been taken advantage of, but I don't know anything about financing. Issue at hand is a loan they were given for a new roof under a contract they did not get to read/sign. The loan was given through the same company that installed the roof.

    - Parents took out a loan for a new home roof in 2019.

    - They did not know the details of the loan until they received their copies of the contract in the mail. In particular, they did not know the interest rate was 10% and the finance charge was 15k on 25k (they cannot afford this whatsoever). He was also told he cannot pay the loan off quicker to avoid the interest rate, that it must be paid over a 10 year period.

    - They are 7 months into making payments, and my father only now mentions that they never got to see the contract or know the details until after it was already done. He showed me the paperwork. It was filled out completely by someone else, and the signatures are definitely not theirs.

    I'm completely baffled by all of this, but I also don't know anything about loans in general.

    Is there any chance is this is legal whatsoever? I don't understand how someone else could have signed on behalf of both my parents.

    Do they have any legal path they could take here? They cannot afford this whatsoever, and what little money they do have, my father is diverting to a different (lower) interest rate loan because he was told he cannot pay this one off faster.

    submitted by /u/TA4151007
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