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    Saturday, August 15, 2020

    Legal Advice - Man ringing our doorbell everyday and trying to open door

    Legal Advice - Man ringing our doorbell everyday and trying to open door

    Man ringing our doorbell everyday and trying to open door

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    My wife and I live in the city in an apartment-like building. The front door leads only to our apartment, and consists of a gate with a glass door behind it.

    From Jan 2020 to April 2020 a man was ringing our doorbell about once a day. The times vary significantly, from noon, to 7 in the evening to many around 4am. We started shutting off our doorbell every night (thankfully, there's a little switch) and just dealing with it during the day. We have to check every time in case of a delivery.

    I've tried talking with him over the intercom (trying not to do anything to make it worse). I've tried ignoring it for multiple weeks. I've ran out and stared at him as he walked away. We've notified our landlords, and they simply recommended to keep the door locked.

    Eventually, we placed a camera behind the glass door and have recorded the person doing it. I called the police, and they took a description, but didn't want the recording. Sometimes our outer gate doesn't lock all of the way and I've seen him open it up and wiggle the next door, but luckily he always leaves.

    Finally the person stopped during late April. We thought we were done with it, but of course, it started back up mid July and has been going steady until today.

    Is there anything we can do? Is ringing the doorbell like this considered harassment? We live in San Francisco, and while we hope to move away in the near future, I feel like we shouldn't let this guy do this to us or the next tenant.

    submitted by /u/FearMeMeow
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    UPDATE: "My boyfriend(ish) called 911 on me and got me committed to a mental health institution against my will and I lost my job, lots of bills, didn't pay rent, . Can I sue him for damages and if so how? "

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 01:48 AM PDT


    Hi all - last year I posted the above thread requesting legal advice after a MH inpatient stay. The thread was quickly locked, and I am ashamed to say that some of my comments were not me at my best. I doubt anyone remembers, but I just came across my throwaway login details and decided to share outcomes if anyone's interested, and I guess (now that I am in a better head space) give LA some tips on responding to similar questions from posters in the future. Plus, I now see there was a BOLA post about me that got a lot of responses so maybe they'd be interested in seeing it.

    Some information that is not a "legal update" but is context relevant nonetheless, that I did not include in my original OP. The dx I received in November 2019 was (basically) bipolar disorder with borderline personality traits. I have a current psychiatrist and counselor and my dx is in review, so I no longer am sure now relevant those diagnoses are. Important thing is I am stable, medicated, housed, and gainfully employed once again.

    No, I obviously didn't end up suing Alex. As the respondents to my original post (strongly) pointed out, that isn't really a thing and I never genuinely pursued it. I was probably trying to place a sense of anger in a more tangible place rather than genuinely seeking legal action. I have not spoken to him in seven months (as per the DV orders) and I have no intention of doing so.

    As for the missing information in my original post: no, I still do not remember the offending phone call that led to my inpatient stay. I know that the commentators to my OP did not believe that I couldn't remember, but I just don't. I can't explain why; that's the nature of mental illness. My psychiatrist believes I disassociated for a long period of the evening in question. I am sure I did say or do some sily things and "Alex" was right to contact 911 (as I have now confirmed he did indeed do - I have more information on this later).

    No, I no longer believe I was held unlawfully. The initial 72/48 hr hold was completely legal and I understand it's necessity. The following few weeks of voluntary inpatient stay were not as "involuntary" as I had believed them to be, on reflection - I was in a state of crisis and my doctor suggested I stay in the hospital and I was very suggestible at the time. I probably could have made more of an effort to contact my employer or attempt to access FLMA (more on that later)

    Re: the weapon/gun allegations. In my last ever conversation with Alex (which I conducted without breaching my order), he acknowledged I never directly stated I had a gun nor made threats regarding a gun. I had previously (in normal, not-arguing conversation) mentioned to Alex that the neighbor in my duplex has a gun, and he (the neighbor) had joked to me about letting me borrow the gun if I "ever needed it" (the neighbor had heard Alex and I having some very intense arguments - it was a very inappropriate joke for the neighbor to make, which I shared with Alex not as a threat but as a "hey my neighbor is a wierdo" story). Alex then extrapolated that earlier conversation in his 911 call stating I had "access to a gun" (although my neighbor was joking and would have probably never let me use it, and, of course I just would never do that).

    The HR manager to my original job got back to me (probably early Dec? cant remember) when they released I was eligible for FLMA and offered me re-employment (probably fearing lega action) but by that point I'd gotten a job through my cousin working as an aged care social worker which was more pay and less stressful.

    So yeah - that's the update/clarity for you.

    Reading over my original post and response to comments makes me cringe so bad and I can't believe I was ever that unwell, so sorry. But I also want to point out, that, having read the BOLA thread based on my thread, I received little useful response from this sub before the thread got locked. It's not reddit/LA's job to treat my mental health, but I probably would have benefitted from a reminder of FLMA at that point, or more focus on my job related and less insane questions, (even though everything worked out in the end) but the commentors were too busy calling me crazy (which I was and am, but that's not legal advice)

    Anyway, thanks again

    EDIT: just realized I didn't post any actual tips for responding to LA posts that are from people who are clearly unwell. I'm an MSW so I probably should do that. Here goes:

    1. Look beyond the crazy and see if there's any actual actionable legal content in the post. if there isn't, that's fine,
    2. It's fun to call out OPs who are clearly posting self-serving threads that are inconsistent/clearly not truthful. I'm an LA poster on my main account (not a lawyer) and I am guilty of this too. I guess the tip here is, you can point out that you believe an OP is lying/self-serving/withholding information and still point them in the right direction (again should there be any actual actionable legal content in their question)
    3. Re-direct OPs "like me" to mental health resources relevant to their geographic region. In my case, I absolutely would have disregarded this but it might help other people who are less acutely unwell.
    4. Try to avoid getting threads locked by not dogpiling OPs - it lessens the likelihood that they will recieve helpful comments in future. Having logged into my throway today I can see that there were some people who messae me privately with helpful responses and I thank them very much

    That's all I can think of and I hope this doesn't come across pious at all - again, I understand my original post back in Nov was bonkers and I deserved some ridicule

    submitted by /u/throwaway_LAOP_1994
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    College baseball program built a field next to auto repair business, cars getting hit with baseballs. Field is new this year, business has been here for 10+. Any recourse? WI

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    So I work at an automotive repair business in the greater Milwaukee area. Local college built up a nice field across the street. I like baseball and all that, but the problem is that cars are getting hit in our lot by foul balls. Our lot is behind home plate and across the street.

    We have called the police, they told us to take it up with the program director. Program director didn't do anything about it. They have vertical nets but obviously foul balls fly much higher than the nets.

    Went to the city council meeting with a box of baseballs, not much has been done. Customer cars are parked as far away as possible but we are busy and run out of room.

    Can anything be done? What about the liability? This is a frustrating problem because often it's just kids playing organized sports, we can't just go over and yell at them without looking like jerks. Still, thousands in damages are not easy to swallow either.

    Thanks in advance for any input.

    submitted by /u/Valkyrier
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    Kicked out from AirBnB, 10 days in a 2 month term

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    My dad works as a technician. He was laid off for few months but was called back to work recently. Toronto hasnt opened yet so he can temporary work in Niagara region.

    Since Niagara is far, he decided to get a room for a month or two. He got a room in a AirBnB for 2 month term at 1200 dollars. Everything was going well for the first 9 days.

    On the 10th day, my dad was asked to immediately vacate the room. The host texted that said she needed the room and that she "changed the posting" on airbnb.

    At first my dad didnt want to leave. But then they threatened to lock the room and charge with trespassing. My dad paid 1200 and the host was trying only refund 500 for 10 days!

    We contacted airbnb and they would refund no more than 900. Thats 30 per day. At the original was 1200 for 60 days which is 20 per day.

    Can they get away with this? My dad had to move out immediately and was put under a lot of stress. He moved out by midnight. He had work the next day.

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/mckaelk
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    Ex released a video of us having sex + blowjob we made while we were together on pornhub without my consent after we broke up

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    (Didn't know what flair to use) I am located in Ontario, Canada

    Also posted in relationship advice but everyone said to come here and they are right. So the title basically explains it. When we were together we agreed to make a video together because it kind of turned me on and I wanted to have it for when i missed him. After we broke up I asked him to delete my nudes and the videos and he said he did. Two months later someone messaged me saying they found me on pornhub and it is my videos. I know it's his account based on the username and profile photo, and how he acted afterwards tells me he definitely did it. Wondering how people in this situation have dealt with it. Has the video affected you in your life at all? Just want some advice. Thanks in advance

    Also want to add that when I found out I panicked and called him, so he knows that I found out about the videos and has deleted the videos and possibly his account. I have screenshots of the video up plus his account. Don't know what I can sue him for and stuff. Any advice is really appreciated.

    submitted by /u/throwRAYupayupadoo
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    Someone just emailed me about my stolen TV they bought

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    So I left my wife a couple months ago and she trashed our apartment and sold everything in it of value, which was mine before our marriage. The guy she sold my TV to just emailed me asking how to get my account off of it, because he doesn't have the password and doesn't want me to worry. I haven't replied yet, I don't know what to say. Any advice? I have the TV listed in marital possessions I have given to my divorce attorney, thinking I would never see it again.

    submitted by /u/Steamedmangopaste
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    Boss is charging us a "credit card fee" out of our tips. Is that legal? Texas

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Houston, Texas.

    Part time barista job.

    before we begin, i understand in franchises, the owner decides the wage and such but i am wondering if this fee is legal

    When we started here, it was under another owner. it was two person per shift, to man the register and make drinks. and prepare the teas + boba (a topping).

    If you worked alone, you keep all the tips, if with a coworker- tips is split. Also we got paid more for work alone hours because it's more work.

    Now this new owner comes in and removes the 2 person per shift schedule and now it's one person per shift. More work on one person. No more work alone hour pay..

    Recently she started being sketchy with her vague "fees".

    She started charging us a fee off our checks. how she calculates how much tips we get is basically merit. she said she just guesses.. variables are how many shifts we take, how hard we work, . she caps the amount of tips we make at $10-$15 per shift. so if for example i make $33 in tips working alone on one shift, if she feels i worked hard- i can get $15, the rest of the tips go to the "credit card company". her excuse was that she pays us more than the other franchises ($8-$10/hr) plus tips. now we find out this is not true.

    my coworker and i went out on an investigation and visited another store (same store different owner, you know- a franchise).

    it's a smaller establishment but the owner does NOT touch his employee's tips at all. they had 2-3 workers on shifts to split the work. and they get paid $8-$10

    when i discussed with them, their response was "no shit she was paying yall "more". it's more work on one person".

    i need advice. me and my coworkers are going to email and report her. but do we have grounds?

    e: oh also she doesnt give pay stubs. i asked on the last check and she just "liked" my text and didnt provide it

    submitted by /u/brunobagel
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    Im scared my ex can take my child away from me when my son doesnt know who they are

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    Im in CA. I was wondering if anybody here has a similar experience or any advice. I cannot afford a lawyer. Ive been trying to understand the courts on my own for over a year now and am not doing a great job. My ex and i do not have a parenting plan or custody agreement, our son is 2. We were on and off for a year and our son has lived with only me since March 2019. I went no contact in Februart 2020 because of a bad incident. I told my ex that they can contact me about our son and to see him but i will not initiate a relationship between them. Its been 5 months and my ex has seen him twice and only sends a text maybe once a month asking about our son. Hasnt sent money in 3 months. I want to plan a trip out of state and if my ex contacts me, i will ask.

    Could they hold anything legally above my head if i take my child, that i am the primary and sole caregiver for, out of state? Im terrified that my ex could split(BPD) and file a police report for kidnapping and take my son, who doesnt even know who that parent is.

    submitted by /u/caffeinated-reader
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    What can happen if I write an article about someone that sexually assaulted me and include their name?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    I (then 18f) was sexually assaulted by my then boyfriend (then 19m) 4.5 years ago. I will spare you the dirty details, but he sexually assaulted me twice.

    Two years later, I learned a lot more about sexual assault, and that is when I recognized that what happened to me as an assault. I decided, 4.5 years after the assault, that I don't want to press charges against him, but since I am a writer, I want to write an article about what happened to me (no details, just in general what happened). I have yet to decide whether or not I want to include his first name in the article.

    Here's where I need the advice: I decided against involving the police and therefore never pressed charges against him or publicly accused him of anything, but I am considering using his first name in the article. What can happen to me if I include his first name in an article that I share to my social media accounts?

    *Located in Iowa

    submitted by /u/anon3744883
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    My husband won't watch our son or hire a babysitter, leaving me unable to seek medical care

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    California. My husband has the sole income. I need surgery in one week and have nobody to watch my son.

    My husband won't call off work and won't watch him, and also won't give me money to hire a baby sitter. I have no family or friends to help, either.

    I'm not sure what I can do legally. Are there legal resources to help in my situation?

    submitted by /u/FakWater
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    A friend of mine works for a local BBQ restaurant in Ohio. He received a letter from the owner stating that he worked 45.5 hours last week and that he was only going to be paid for 43.5 hours of work.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    My friend is the Pitmaster and is the only person at the restaurant besides the owner who can run the BBQ pit. My friend routinely works over 40 hours a week because the owner does not like coming into the restaurant. Like I stated above he received a letter with his paycheck stating he would not be paid for 2 hours of work as the owner feels he is paying to much in overtime. Is th is legal? Does my friend have any legal recourse?

    submitted by /u/mbizzle70
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    Apartment building not allowing any guests [Philadelphia, PA, USA]

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    Hello. My (25M) girlfriend (22F) recently moved into a new apartment building (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA). After helping her move in yesterday we were informed I was not able to enter the premises after the move-in period (ends 8/19). When we asked why we were simply told "No guests are allowed due to the current coronavirus pandemic. This is designed to keep you and everyone at the property protected. Residents breaking this policy will be reported to the police and the resident will be held responsible." What the hell? I can understand them limiting the number of guests per tenant and MAYBE the visiting hours temporarily, but barring all guests completely? This doesn't sit right with me, neither her more importantly. She is grown woman paying an upwards of $2,000/month rent and now she can't have her boyfriend over for dinner or her mom even come visit to see the new place. Is this legal? If so, what are the limitations of how much control they can exert over her? If it is not legal, what can/should she do? Is there a specific law she can reference when voicing her opposition? Etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/flickedjellybean
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    Manager fired me but I am still working and getting paid

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    I work in IT for a medium sized private company, I have been in my current job for about 3 years. I have two managers, my direct supervisor "Daniel" and my department lead "Brian". Brian is a chill guy and we get on well, he has been with the company for over 10 years. Daniel has been there about 2 years now, to be honest I don't get on well with him but thats just a personal thing. While we aren't on friendly terms or socialise together outside, we both keep it professional at work and I have had zero warnings or write ups.

    Due to COVID I and most people in the company have been WFH since May. I have the same workload as I always have but I know other areas have taken a hit and the company isn't doing great right now. About three weeks ago Daniel contacted me and said unfortunately due to the downturn they have to let one sysadmin go and that's gonna be me. Pretty sure he chose me becase we dont get on socially because the other guy and I have the same quals and experience. He said HR would be in contact the next day about severance and departure arrangements.

    HR has not contacted me. While Daniel has not delegated me any more work Brian continues to do so. Brian and I have had Zoom meetings regularly to discuss work and for me to provide him with project updates. Brian has not mentioned anything about me being fired and I have not asked. I am getting less work because obviously Daniel thinks I am gone and is not tasking me but I still get about 50% of my usual workload straight from Brian. My details have been removed as a contact person for IT issues for internal customers. I am still getting paid as normal.

    Is there any legal liability here if I just dont say anything and keep completing the work I am tasked with? I dont want to lose my job. I am looking for new work but it is hard in the pandemic. My plan is to just keep working here on the DL until I can secure a new job which might take a while. My location is MI.

    submitted by /u/DamnILoveSalmon
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    Water runoff from HOA Common area damaging my property

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Hello -- I'm an NC resident in a single home neighborhood governed by a HOA. Behind our home is a wooded common area with trees that borders another slightly uphill neighborhood. A few years ago, a couple of new houses were built behind our house (and others) and since then, our property has sustained damage due to massive water intrusion that is coming from the uphill neighborhood first, then our HOA's common area. The water traverses a private HOA owned ally in the back of our home (and others). Our house is the first low laying homes on the ally so naturally, the water hits us first. We have installed heavy-duty drains to handle this neighborhood water and have none the less have had damage. We are worn out from stressing about the runoff every time we get a big rain. The water is just too much for one house to manage. The developer and the HOA have not been helpful My questions are: Do we have a cause of action against the HOA or the uphill neighbors for our damage and the fact that this water is settling on our property, and (2), Can we legally divert the water on down the street with a berm (3) If the water comes from the HOA Common area, is it the responsibility of the HOA to manage? Thanks for any advice and opinions.

    submitted by /u/dnason9
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    Sibling broke into my room and cornered me and my husband. Is there any recourse?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Virginia. I (24F) married my husband from a foreign country 2 years ago, my mom was gracious enough to let us live with her while we're working to save up and buy a house. Me and my brother do not get along. He lives on the other side of the house. My brother (20) is very easily aggravated and entitled, he has some mental illnesses that he is receiving disability for. He does not like me and my husband living there and has been physical towards us before where he pushed me and demanded that we leave. He has demanded that we pay rent to our mom (he does not have that authority and he does not pay rent himself or contribute to any costs). While we do not pay for rent, we do pay for our own groceries, phone, gas and living expenses. My mother is very helpless when it comes to my brother as she cannot control him. To paint the picture, my mother gave us cash in private and then tells us later to come out and pretend we are paying her when my brother is there.

    It has gotten to the point where my brother told us if he ever sees my husband outside our room he will take more serious action. Due to Covid my husband lost his job and so for months now he has not left our room to avoid confronting my brother. I would scout the house to make sure my brother is not there when we need to go out. The few times he saw him my brother immediately followed him and harassed us outside our door, saying that he can get in if he really wanted to and screaming that he does not want to see his face ever again.

    Yesterday morning, my brother threw a fit at my mom. Our mother works seven days a week and is not home most of the day, she's only home in the mornings and the evenings. I was not outside my room to witness it but I could hear the argument. She had went into his room to clean it and threw something out. This infuriated him. He said she was breaking the law, going into his room like that without permission, that he was going to teach her a lesson. He called the cops on her. The police came, I heard them arriving through the front door. I recorded the entire conversation through my phone leaning against the door. The police asked what was the problem and my brother said she went into his room without permission. They asked if he paid rent, or contributed to the bills in any way, to which he responded no. The police then basically said that he is over 18 and is a guest in her home. That he can choose to leave whenever he wants. He even said he would be appreciative of his parents if they allowed him to live with them like that. He asked for their statements and in the end left saying for them to work the issues out, and that he does not want to have to come back here again for a second time. My mother was shaken from this and missed her work appointment.

    Yesterday afternoon, me and my husband had gone out for groceries. When we got home, per usual I went inside first to check that my brother is in his room and that it's safe to bring stuff in. My husband is fast and was able to bring everything in and made it back to our room. However the moment my brother heard sounds of movement in the house he rushed out of his door coming to us picking for a fight. When he came out he did not see my husband but I was still outside the door. He asked me where we went. I said the store name and went inside my room and locked the door. Moments later he used a credit card to lockpick the door and barged himself in. He cornered us and started interrogating me and my husband and giving the usual spiel. Up to close to my face, raising his voice, cursing, asking us why we are still living here. Asking about his job, about how much he makes. Saying for us to leave or contribute. Saying he hates us and he's going to make us pay. The only reason he did not get physical with us is because I had my phone out and was recording the whole incident. The whole incident lasted around 14 minutes. I did not incite any violence, my husband did not answer to him and stayed quiet. I answered his questions calmly and asked why he was doing this, breaking into my room like that. He did not give a clear answer except for the fact that he hates us living there. My answer is that I will only respond to my mom about the living situation as she is the one who owns the house and pays the mortgage. That we do not answer to him as he does not have the right to demand anything from us. After 14 minutes of this he went back into his room.

    I have voice and video recordings of all of the events from yesterday, is there any action I could take to further protect myself from harassment? I have already ordered a deadbolt to put on my door so he doesn't break in again. Any advice is appreciated, thank you.

    submitted by /u/redbeetree
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    Lived with therapist for a month, now that I leave she's being vindictive.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    This is long, but the past month/3 days have been a living hell for me. I'm sorry if it's all over the place, things come in my head and I keep remembering details. This is all in CA

    In February of 2020, I began to look for jobs for cash; yard work, cleaning, and whatnot. One of the people who responded to my posts was an elderly woman in her 70's, let's call her M. I myself am in the 18-21 range.

    When I first came to M's home and began to work for her, things were quite simple between us. Very quickly though, she began to take a liking to me, and when I would cancel a day of working for her, I'd use the excuse of being sick or something; if I came looking a bit stressed she would ask me about whether I was ok. I truly didn't see anything bad in this woman, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt, and began to share things about my life with her. Eventually, we would have full conversations about my life, I asked her for advice on my relationship with my parents, with my boyfriend at the time, and for me, it was simply nice to talk to an adult. But she began to take an interest to my life and was always telling me she was worried about me, which for me was a red flag, but I didn't take it as a red flag at first.

    One day when I came to work for her, I was very obviously stressed out as I had received bad news while I was working, and she told me to stop working, we began to talk, and this is when she revealed to me she was a therapist and offered to take me on as a patient and work with me professionally.

    I felt it was weird, as her main point was I would be billed through insurance, it was completely free for me, and something gave me the thought that she was taking me on as a patient because she needed money. Or something. Just something felt weird about it. But I continued on with it, and we began sessions.

    A lot of the session topics focused on my relationship with my mother, and it was a lot of angry ranting. M took a lot of this information and began twisting it into some narrative about how awful my mother is, and began to really bash my mother and father, saying they were unfit to be parents, and she held onto this narrative in her head for the next months, despite me telling her multiple times in an attempt to sway her opinion on my parents, that despite our conflicts, I don't hate my parents, they are good people. Her response was that I'm too trusting and gullible, and I make excuses for people when I shouldn't, blah blah.

    At one separate point at the beginning of June, I took a trip up to my friends, she drove me there, insisted it was fine and she had no trouble doing it, and she told me that when I come back if I didn't want to go home, she had a spare room I could stay in for a couple of days to be away from my mom more if I wanted, and she could come and get me and bring me back again. I told her I appreciated the offer and would let her know, but I really just wanted to go home, so I did. Over the next few weeks, she would remind me of the fact she had a spare empty room I could live in, and I could come whenever I wanted because she could use help around the house, and she really would enjoy having me around.

    Anyway. At the beginning of July, my mom and I got into a fight, and she ended up telling me I need to leave by the end of the month. I had work scheduled that day, so when I went over, I told M everything that had happened, not with the intention of her bringing me in, just ranting out of stress again. She immediately offered her spare room to me again, telling me why wait, I should leave now, this is my chance to get out, and she was so pushy that I agreed. Immediately I felt it was a mistake. She tried to convince me She was very eager to buy me things, she wanted me to change my phone number and bought me a SIM card to put in my phone and replace it, and not tell my mom my new number so she cant contact me anymore. It was all too much for me.

    Not too long after, my grandmother passed away. The first night, M was kind and took me to see my mother, but told me I needed to set a boundary wiith her and not let her pull me back into her house and wanted me to make sure I set a time to leave. I felt extremely guilty for leaving my mom on her own, but M told me my mother can handle herself, and I shouldn't worry about it. The next day, when I told her I was going back to my mom's, she began to hysterically cry, saying that she gives so much and gets nothing in return, and she was going to say something more about my mother but stopped herself. She guilted me so badly, I didn't go see my mother that night. I was in fact worried to even bring up to her that I was visiting my mother.

    I wanted to leave for the entire month, but I felt bad for her. She was recently diagnosed with a disease, and I felt guilty even thinking of leaving, I was in pain all the time of how much I missed my mom and my home.

    4 days ago now, on August 11, M became irritated with me because I didn't clean her bathroom properly after a shower. She sat me down and told me that maybe this isn't what I thought it would be, and that I had made a commitment to help her, and I wasn't following through. I took this as my opportunity to leave, and I told her that I agreed, maybe it wasn't the right fit for me, and maybe I should go home. She told me to think it over for a few days, make a list of goals I want to complete, and we'd revisit the topic later, and we should get to work. The rest of the day was very awkward, I completed any tasks she asked of me, and then asked her if she needed anything else, because I wanted to take a walk. She told me no, and said I looked very upset. I told her I would rather not talk about it, she seemed to get offended and waved me out of her room.

    I was gone for about two hours, when I returned, she wasn't there. She returned 30 minutes later, and asked whether I had made my decision, I told her I did, and I would be returning home. She told me to pack my things and be gone by 11 the next morning, I was gone that night by 9 PM.

    The next morning at 8 AM, she's banging on my door very loud, when I open the door she's screaming at me telling me she wants to talk to my mom, that she's about to call the police on me, and that I've disrespected her. She brings my mom out to her car and talks to her for two hours, then comes back in and tells me I need to come with her to clean out the dirty room I left. She rudely tells me to get dressed and hurry and is yelling at me talking about how much of a spoiled brat I am, all in my own house. When I get in her car, she starts screaming at me, calling me a manipulative bitch, a thief, a liar, a drug addict, and continues to scream and berate me and tell me my parents hate me, my mom hates me and is going to kick me out, i need to find a new place to live, and lying to my face about things. When I questioned why I was a thief and a drug addict, she told me to shut the fuck up and I knew what she was talking about, and im playing dumb or im stupider than she thought.

    When we get to her house, she told me that she told my mom everything, including the fact I had an abortion, because "my mom deserved to know". She claimed she was doing right by me by doing that.

    When she drove me back home again, she told me that no matter what she still loved me, and asked if I knew that. when I didn't respond, she said even if I don't believe or know it, it's true. I felt the most disgusting feeling when she said this.

    When i came home again, my mom told me everything M had said. Long story short, M repeated everything I said in and out of sessions to my mother but exaggerated and twisted them in some way to make me look bad.

    My question is, what the fuck do I do? My mom and I feel disgusted, violated, unsafe, I feel scared to go around town because Im scared I'll see her. I'm scared that she will retaliate if I report her, because she knows I smoke marijuana, and I am on informal probation, and I worry she can use that against me to fuck me over.

    submitted by /u/hita34
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    Client from HELL. What to do?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    We sell pretty expensive standardized products (total price 38k+). One of our recent clients had a product custom made and delivered for him last month. The production and customization took almost a year to finish, because he was constantly changing his mind and then the shipping was delayed due to corona.

    Long story short, he is unhappy. The product was slightly damaged during transport and we have hired a person to go over and fix it temporarily, so that no further damage occurs while we're working on a permanent solution. The client just sent us an email saying that he disputed the last 50% charge (19k) with his credit card company because he's unhappy with the product and service. He still wants us to come over and fully fix the issue, or replace the product.

    He doesn't listen to reason about it being difficult to find suitable people in his state at the moment to fix the issue, he doesn't read the installation manual and he insists that the delays are caused by us (although it's mostly him; the guy couldn't decide on the color for 4 months). He had many customized items integrated into the product that were both difficult to implement and that we usually don't offer. This caused another 4-5 months delay just in production time, which he agreed to.

    So my question is, how possible is it for him to really do the charge-back for 19k? Also, looking for creative ways to deal with him. We can't just refund him all the money and take the product back, as it's custom-made and we can't really do much with it. If the money does get taken back, can we file a police report and request the product back?

    In terms of paperwork, it is solid and we're protected. The client is being unreasonable and unfortunately, we have no control over the credit card company.

    Location: Client - OH; Company - CA

    Thank you for any ideas and help!

    submitted by /u/Yruhary
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    My 11 year old nephew was verbally assaulted by two adults today and called a racist name repeatedly WI

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm super shaky right now so I apologize there will be typos.

    Story is Nephew came home crying, told my sister he was kicked out of the pool for talking back and went to his room. A few minutes later she gets a text from Jaydens mom, "Jayden just came home in tears about what happened to Lucas and wanted me to check and see if he's alright" Confused, she calls the mom to get details because Lucas obviously wasn't willing to share the entire truth. While she's calling, the cops knock on her door and explain to her what's happened...this kid Jeremy was repeatedly calling Lucas a N and Lucas told him if he didn't stop he was going to beat him up. Jermey calls his mom, and her and his grandpa go down to the pool and verbally attack him and called him an N repeatedly. Lucas then ran out of the pool crying and ran home. A witness who video taped the incident called the police. The police told my sister they could do one of three things. #1 tell the family to stay away from Lucas #2 go over there and have a talk with the family #3 give the women a citation for disorderly conduct. My sister chose option 3. My father, Lucas grandfather, went to the police department before shift change to ask who took the video and notified police so he could thank them...he was told he couldn't give it to him, but he could come back Monday and file for public records and then he could get all THREE videos...this was an not the officer who spoke to my sister, but he did verify that he saw the videos, and read some of the incident details. Not sure why there's a discrepancy here, maybe just miscommunication as this was very recent. This officer goes on to tell grandpa that this family has metal issues, the cops are they're all the time, etc. So now I'm very worried that mentally unstable racist adults who just got a ticket know when my nephew lives...I feel a restraining order goes without saying, but mentally ill most likely aren't afraid of paper. Over two weeks ago, I discussed issues similar to this with the director of the pool, and with the chief of police. (First time it's happened with adults that we know of because of the video, Lucas is ashamed of it and today we learned isn't always telling us when it's happening) so when I met with the chief of police I had a lot of questions about resources for him, and actual laws that can be enforced by the local police department in regards to racist words. He told me it is not against the law to call someone the N word. Now today they give her a disorderly for it. I guess the legal advice I'm looking for is, does it become illegal because he is a minor? And other than a restraining order, what other legal action can be taken against this family. This has been going on all summer with the kid, but now I wonder if the adults have been involved other times too.

    submitted by /u/molly32mae
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    Was told to bring this here: My ex cheated and convinced another man my baby girl is his.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    So this really started about a year ago. I was dating this girl for about 2y, and near the end of it (beginning of 19), she started to ghost me.

    Come to find out, she had been cheating (just messages at first. They didn't sleep together until mid-Dec 2018. I read all the messages) for about 6 months with a guy that came to her on a rebound.

    A baby girl was born late July 2019. The time frame fits to where I believe there's no way she's the other guy's child. She also has my eyes (dark blue. Mom's are green, other guys' are brown). Every question I asked, she had a response. "She was born a month early," "I didn't know I was pregnant." That sort of thing.

    I've begged for the last year for a paternity test. She's convinced her family I'm just a disgruntled ex harassing her. She got the guy to marry her, they bought a new house together, and in the meantime, dragged my name through the mud to her family, to the point that they refuse to speak to me.

    My parents say drop it because they "don't want my ex in the family." We had a few mutual friends that she's convinced I'm harassing/stalking her. I've tried to walk away several times, but it always feels... Wrong. Like if I drop it, I'm walking out on my child.

    My baby's 13mo old now. I feel like a terrible person, but I know I'm only trying to do the right thing. Yeah, I showed up to her house (the day I found out about the baby) to try to get some answers (there was no break up. She half-ghosted me for months, then I found out about the other guy when she updated her relationship status on FB) and was met with threats of legal action.

    I hired a lawyer at the beginning of 2020, and things were starting to look up, until she referred me to another lawyer that specialized in paternity cases, only to never hear from them again. I've called every couple months only to be met with vague dismissals.

    I literally JUST want a test. Everyone tries to make me drop it with burdens of child support and child care, and if I'm honest, I never wanted a kid. But She's here now, and I feel like I have to at least TRY to do right by her. Not by my ex. By my child. If my ex and the other got are happy together, cool. I doubt it bc he came to my ex literally 2 weeks after getting dumped by his GF of 4 years, but that's neither here nor there. I just need to know.

    Edit, extra info: In December 2019, my ex had agreed to a test, but refused to allow me near the child, and changed her mind when I refused her stipulation of "if it's positive, you have to promise to drop it and never contact me or my family again"

    I told her that's not how child care works, and flat refused. I have all the messages.

    submitted by /u/TheRealImhotep96
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    How can a 20 year old dude get custody of their 16 year old sister from their shithead mom?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    So my mom is a piece of shit. She's fucked up her relationship with me and my sister to the point of us both leaving her at 16.

    I left her when j was 16 because she bullied me about not being the smartest kid ever, and always went against things I wanted such as making me eat Brussels sprouts evey night despite me hating them or giving me a crew cut every week even though I always wanted to grow my hair out.

    I know what she did to me isn't that bad. But what she did to my sister...HOLY HELL!!!!

    When my sister Shay was 8 my mom would constantly tell her she wasn't good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough. It got so bad that I found Shay holding a knife to her throat and I had to negotiate her to put it down. I was 12, she was 8.

    When Shay was 12, people at school were bullying her because she was a bit on the chunky side. My mom told her to go on a diet, but when that diet evolved into anorexia my mom did nothing to stop it. She actively encouraged it. Shay literally owes her life to her friends that got her to recover.

    Recently my mom asked Shay if she could cut her split ends off. She cut her hair into a bob. Shay was pissed off, and at that point she finally realized what kind of a person our mom is. Not a good one.

    I have a few screenshots and Shay's word to show to the cops. That's isn't enough, I don't think anyways. What else would I need to get custody of Shay? We live in America if that helps.

    submitted by /u/OneShotKnock
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    My 16yr old son was cited by the police for a business violation that he does not own.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    My son and his friends sell pushcart ice-cream and hotdogs on the beach in Florida. Today they were stopped by the city police and they (6) were given Civil Citations for $500 each for, "Certain sales and leases along the beachfront are prohibited except pursuant to license agreement." Basically the owner of the company did not have the proper licensing for beach sales. My questions: 1) Are the employees/minors responsible for paying this type of fine? 2) If the owner does not pay for their citations, do we have legal recourse against him? The owner seems to be shady and takes advantage of underage kids. We did not give written or verbal permission for my son to work for his business. He also pays them hourly in cash, so I doubt there is any paper trail or taxes. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Jdaddy2u
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    What are my next steps after being sued by mistake?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    This is in New Jersey. On August 5, 2020, my parents received a court summons letter. The letter states that we were being sued for causing personal injury to the plaintiff. However, the location of this site of injury is an hour away from my parent's small business restaurant.

    After some googling, there's a small business restaurant at the site of injury with the exact same business name. Our zip code is also contains the same numbers but with the numbers flipped in one place. I can see how someone might confuse my parent's business with the other that's at fault due to the name similarity and zip code similarity.

    I sent a mail in response (August 7th) to the court summons to try and clarify the situation in that my parent's business are not affiliated with the other and this is a case of mistaken identity.

    Today, my parents received a return letter from the court stating that we need to answer with an attorney to represent our matter. I am extremely confused at why we are being dragged into this mess and is an attorney actually necessary? Is there a way to make the courts understand that they have the wrong business under scrutiny? How do I properly proceed?

    Thank you for your time and I will greatly appreciate any help and guidance in this situation.

    submitted by /u/limnix
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    Court ordered my infant spend every other weekend with his dad - father has been pretty much absent and says he wants the time ordered (SC) (crosspost r/attachmentparenting)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Throwaway here, and I am freaking out.

    I'm divorcing my abusive husband, who has been pretty much an absent father. He has spent less than 50 hours with our 9 month old baby in the last three months, due to his own volition. I am attachment parenting by myself and my sweet son is the happiest, most loving baby. He only spent one night away with his dad, and came back starving and miserable, angry, and anxious. Now the court has ordered he gets him every other weekend despite all of the evidence on how horrible it is for an infant AND that he does not care for our son and our boy comes back an entirely different baby. I am solidly freaking out because he hasn't seen our son in WEEKS and is now going to take him for 48 straight hours. On top of that, my husband is just being petty because he can't abuse me, but he can hurt me through our son, knowing that I know he won't take care of him properly. What's a mother to do? I asked if he would visit our son more frequently instead fo the overnights so he gets the same time, but he has no desire, just wants to hurt me and but more importantly, is hurting our son. Is there anyone who's gone through something like this? If I show him anything about attachment parenting or even speak up, my attorney says it can be viewed as manipulation and can make things look really bad for me. How is speaking up for my baby make me look like a bad mother? I can even possibly lose custody bc my soon-to-be-ex is extremely vindictive and already lied in court the last time we were there. My mama heart is broken and I am constantly in tears dreading this day. Is there anything I can do to revoke the overnights and/or say without coming off as "manipulative?" Any help at all would be so appreciative.

    submitted by /u/apthrowawayinfant
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