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    Sunday, August 16, 2020

    Legal Advice - My Parents Forge My Signature

    Legal Advice - My Parents Forge My Signature

    My Parents Forge My Signature

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm 20 yrs old and live in Indiana. When I went to college, my father and stepmother signed my name on student loans without my knowledge. They told me they signed me up for scholarships. I was 17 at the time. My stepmother also filed my fafsa with her income and not my mothers and caused me to get less financial aid even though i was not living with them. I took a year off college and am trying to go back to the same school but now i have 15k in collections??? Their emails were and still are linked to most of my things including medical bills which they will not give me access to. They deposited my Tax refund last year into their bank account without my approval. and sent me random small amounts of money for 2 months (ex:$20). I just dont know what to do anymore. I live with my boyfriend in our own place and havent lived with family in over 2 years.

    submitted by /u/hayleewilli256
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    Neighbor 'patrols' neighborhood and takes pictures.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    There is an older woman (60's I guess?) that lives down the street and everyday she creeps around in her truck and watches everyone in the neighborhood. She uses her phone to record and take pictures of people in their yards and has even photographed my dad in the garage when he was working. If something she considers strange is going (building in the backyard, garage sale, HVAC truck) on at someone's house, she will hop in her truck, drive down the street, and park a few houses down to watch. She also likes to stand on her corner to watch people. I once saw her act like she was working on a tree, but in reality she was recording her neighbors across the street.

    I don't think she is dangerous, but it is really obnoxious. I was working in my backyard once when she slowly drove by and laid on the horn as she passed. I then stepped out of the backyard and called the police. She then turned back around and unironically yelled at me to mind my own business.

    The police came but said there wasn't anything they could do unless she was on the property and that she had been doing it for years. I'm clearly not the first person to call them.

    Is there anything I could do to try and make her stop?
    Just seems odd because if I (older male) were to drive around taking pictures of the neighbors and neighborhood, I've have the cops knocking on my door.

    tl;dr - Super busybody neighborhood lady spies on people and takes pictures (of people) and the police said they can't do anything about it.

    submitted by /u/PowerPc2000
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    My brother (13) got attacked by a group of boys and and are now trying to make us pay for a hospital bill because One of the boys that attacked him broke his wrist in the fight

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    My brother is currently doing online school because of quarantine there is a park by my house we're he goes to play he went down to play basketball and long story short 3 kids from his school who he doesn't get along with attacked him. They told him to get of the court he said no so they attacked him. He's a very tall bulky kid so he did an ok job defending himself it was very brief but one of the kids who was smaller jumped on his back and my brother fell backwards onto him breaking his wrist and the kid hit his head hard on the way down. Another mom that my mom knows was there and broke it up called the parents of all the kids involved and the cops my parents rushed over no one was arrested but my parents did make a police report we thought it was over with but my mom got a Facebook message from the boy who broke his wrist. She said that she would be pressing charges on my brother because she thinks he fell on him purposely and expects my parents to pay for the medical bills does she have a leg to stand on should we get a lawyer. We are located in southern California the boys were not on school premises just a local park.

    submitted by /u/GracefullyShivering
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    Megachurch next door wont turn their music down. It gets us up at 7am and keeps us up past 9PM. What are my options?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    I live in the edge of the neighborhood and across the street is this massive way overbuilt mega church. They have speakers in their parking lots and they blast they music starting at 7am every day. It usually runs until about 2pm then starts up again at 4pm and goes to about 930. We cannot sleep at all. We have a new born and plus i work from home. I meet with clients virtually all day and they can even hear the music!!! I have evidence of my clients complaints as well as have called the city police twice. Both times the cops have came out they agreed with me and said they would do what they can. They also mentioned that since it is a commercially zoned property they have different ordnances. Basically what are my options here? They have not turned the music down at all, this has been going on since i moved here 2 years ago. Today i wanted to go inside and ask for a manager or whoever is in charge but i peak in the door and the place is packed with 100 people and no masks on!! I was blown away. This is affecting my business and has been going on for months. what can i do?

    Location: FL

    TLDR: Megachurch is blasting their music all hours of the day. Police agree with me but havnt been able to do anything. what can i do?

    submitted by /u/Courierr76
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    Found out "friend" is dating the child victim in a rape case he is witness on

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Male 24 new account because friends know my main account.

    My best friend introduced me to the younger brother (18 male) of one of my old school friends about a month ago, let's call him G.

    Only met G twice but for the most part he seemed ok.

    At a party two weeks ago he mentioned he needs to appear in court to give a witness statement because a young girl (don't know her name so just going with A) was raped by a 40 year old piece of shit.

    He didn't tell us anything else about the case and i didn't think anything else of it.

    Until today a mutual friend called E sent me a picture of A's instagram showing she is friends with G and that she is currently dating someone, well E said A is dating G and it turns out she is only 12 years old.

    Now i though what a load of shit and rang G, at which point he starts going wtf how do i know and starts saying he didn't know she was 12 and that he only found out yesterday even though they have been dating and sleeping together for months.

    I managed to add A on insta and she even has a couple of week old posts saying she is dating G

    Now i don't know what to do, i don't believe a thing he says and am 100% convinced he is a pedo.

    1: how can someone be a witness at a trial and never learn her age, especially given the nature of the case.

    2: He's already changed story 3 times on when he met her, when he found out and when he broke it off, first he said he hadn't broke it of yet because he loved her, then after i rang his brother he said he broke up with her after he spoke with me, then he said to another friend he broke up with her last week even though he told me he only found out her age yesterday.

    3: how can you not tell the difference between a 12 year old and a 18 year old, hell at 12 i was around 1m85 and i still sure as shit didn't look 18.

    4: Isn't it a massive conflict of interest if the witness is sleeping with the defendant.

    Now i don't know what to do, half my friends think he's a pedo and have gone no contact but they all refuse to get involved, 2 friends are even defending him saying it's not his fault she lied about her age, only one other friend thinks we should do something.

    Now the question is what ? Shall we go to the police and tell them what we know even if admittedly there is loads we still don't know, we don't even know the girls name, only her instagram account.

    And all we have as evidence is texts where he never denies going out with her although in a couple texts he does say he broke up with her (can't break up if you weren't together).

    He admits to everything during the messenger calls we had but i dough facebook records any of the conversations ?

    I don't know what to do, if i go to the police and they uncover the truth the trial might go to shit, but if i don't G will probably keep seeing a 12 year old.

    So any advice would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/FranceAdviceAnony
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    Can we manufacture parts using old molds that have been abandoned?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    We are a plastic injection molding facility and have in our possession customer owned molds from many years back, whose owners we can no longer contact.

    We were thinking of scrapping these molds (since storing them cost $) but there might be a market online if we start producing and marketing the products which the molds can produce.

    Some of the molds go back 40 years and the original owners have passed (or are unreachable) or the original companies who purchased the molds are no longer in business.

    Would we be able to produce parts and sell them using these molds? If not, are we able to scrap them if we have been unsuccessful in contacting the original owner? There was never any type of contract in place to spell anything out. We are located in Canada.

    Any feedback would be great. Thank you for the help!


    submitted by /u/johnnyd822
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    Own house but rent land, been here 18+ years. Landlord is telling us we have to move. (Can she force a move if we own the house?)

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    Texas. My mother and I live in a double wide and she has paid it off. Landlord bought land from previous owner about 5 years ago and never updated renting contract and has gone up on rent several time. They are now telling us they want us to get off their land because eventually they want to sell it. We don't have the money to move the house, barely have the money to keep up with the current rent. Plus most land that is zoned for mobile homes requires them to be new to buy the land. Landlord will not buy our house and is just telling us to figure it out and be gone in roughly 6 months. We are wanting to know if this is even something the landlord can do. Especially when they are "starting with us and aren't sure if they are gonna make the others move." We haven't broken anything in the original contract from the first owner to provoke a move. Any advice on the matter is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/r3dditus3r52
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    What happens to my debt when I die? (California)

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Here's the situation.

    I'll be dead in about a year.

    Married, but the only thing we hold jointly is the house. She moved in after we got together and we put the house in both our names during a refi, everything else is solely in my name, all the bills, everything. We even have separate bank accounts.

    I have close to $30K in credit card debt.

    Again, this debt is only in my name. She is not a joint holder on the cards, the accounts, not an authorized signer, anything.

    When I'm gone can anyone try and get proceeds from the sale of the house or from my life insurance to collect that debt?

    Bottom line I want to make this as easy and as cheap as possible for people to deal with after I'm gone. I appreciate any information.

    submitted by /u/lastusernamevr
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    My brother gave me his old car and intended me to have sole ownership. My dad put the car in his name instead (GA)

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    So about a year ago, my brother gave me his old car because he got a new one. He lives in Florida. He intended my name to be on the title (Im a minor so he handled it with my dad) and instead of signing me on the title so that I could take the car when I turn 18, my dad put the car in his name and doesn't intend to sign it over to me when I'm of age (a few months away).

    Is it possible for my brother and I to sue him for it because my brothers intention was not for my dad to have sole ownership and wasn't aware that I was not on the title?

    My dad claims he did it because then he doesn't have to add me to his insurance and he can keep his premium down (this is also illegal too, since technically I'm an uninsured driver, right?), but since he doesn't intend to give me ownership when I'm 18 I think it's more of a way for him to control me.

    submitted by /u/preston677
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    My husband took 2 of our 4 children. IDAHO

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    My spuse left on Friday with two of four kids. My spouse told me that he was filing an ex parte order and I wouldn't be able to see any of our kids. I could stop him from leaving the the younger kids , he just left and he won't let me talk to them

    I have been a stay at home mom for the past 8 years. I have no job, no family, no friends and no where to go. He removed thousands from our joint checking to a separate account. I have two of our kids, i run a small farm on our property. I dont know what to do. He has a large family and friend network here.

    School starts for 3 of our kids in 10 days.

    I have not been served and the idaho courts website show that he did motion for an emergency ex parte but the order isn't there.

    Does that mean its been denied? Would I be served without an ex parte order? They filed late Friday so maybe he judge won't see it until Monday.

    We dont have a history of DV, never arrested, no threats and arent drug users.

    Seriously, this is out of left field, how can he justify that i am such a danger when he was comfortable leaving me with the 4 kids last week. Including the day he meet with his attorney. WTF

    Then splitting our family in half. The kids that are here with me are suffering. They feel abandoned .

    I dont know what to do or how it works here in Idaho.

    I have a teleconference on Tuesday with a lawyer.

    submitted by /u/yamamaha51
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    Problematic neighbor

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    I live in southern California and I own my apartment. My upstairs neighbor and I haven't been on very good terms lately. Let's call my neighbor Jen. I have a hard time sleeping and Jen's A/C unit is right outside my sliding glass door. (To better explain, I live in a two story apartment complex with my neighbor getting two balconies and I get a un-shared backyard.) Jen's A/C unit is having some sort of mechanical issue as the sound is abnormally loud. I knocked on her door and explained that her A/C was making some weird mechanical noises. At first she was super nice and told me her A/C was acting weird for her too as it was turning off after 5 minutes of being on. Jen explained to me that she was gonna fix it as soon as she could. So I felt blessed that this issue was going to be resolved quickly... Boy was I wrong. After a month of letting random A/C repair people in and out of my apartment (I have to let people in to my backyard to repair anything affecting her apartment or if there is an emergency), I was still waiting for some results. So I politely approached Jen one day and asked if she could run the A/C before 11PM and after 7AM, so I could sleep and I felt that it was a good compromise. Jen just went crazy and started yelling at me for no reason I could understand and I just walked away. So she started to stomp on the floors above me every night from when she wakes up till 12AM. Jen's next step was to get a security camera, I think it's made by ring. The problem I'm having is that the camera is pointed directly at her A/C unit which is in my backyard. The camera is also on her balcony light so it has a very good view of the rest of my backyard. I also have the suspicion that the camera being used also records audio.

    Is it legal for her to have that camera up?

    What else can I do to get the A/C unit resolved?

    submitted by /u/shemegma
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    (Az, USA) Someone took photos of my vagina during childbirth without my permission/knowledge.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy six months ago. I recently learned that someone in the delivery room (not a medical provider) took photos of my vagina during childbirth. Three other people witnessed this but I wasn't informed until this past week.

    This person never asked me for permission and never let me know themselves. Because of this person's personality I imagine they've shared it. I am apprehensive to confront this person for several personal reasons.

    Is there any legal backing if I were to demand these photos be deleted?

    I am currently engaged in a custody battle with this person's family member and was unsure if I should even mention this to my attorney as it does not relate to custody.

    submitted by /u/summermadness20
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    Housemates Left Leaving Everything Behind and a Mess

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    So my apartment is rented out by individual leases to each tenant per bedroom. I'm not close to my apartment housemates and one of them left a few months ago and left a huge mess in the apartment with all his stuff behind. I already renewed my lease but neither of my housemates did so I am the only one continuing to live there. Now my apartment wants me to clean up the entire mess and all the stuff the guy left behind as new housemates might move in soon or I will be charged a "fine". Is there any way that I can make my apartment clean up that mess or am I liable for it?

    Edit: on my leasing contract it states "Resident and Roommates shall be jointly and severally liable for the Common Area." From what I am reading this is the only part that addresses the common area. Also live in California.

    submitted by /u/pplan334
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    I was fired for my prescription

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    I was recently fired because amphetamines showed up in my drug screening. I was told I needed to provide proof of my prescription (amphetamine salts, aka the poor man's adderall, for my ADHD). Problem is, I was told by HR that I needed to give that proof to Checkr, the website the company uses for their background checks. Checkr told me they couldn't do anything for me, as did my former employer. I went ahead and emailed the proof directly to the HR rep that I was talking to, as a last resort sort of "I'm not on meth, I just can't focus, Giovanni" play. Come to find out, I needed to send that proof to the lab where I initially got the drug testing done. They didn't mention that this was the step I needed to take, or the lab I went to, or that this lab had apparently reached out to me for additional info until I was literally in the supervisor's office, being fired. I have multiple emails from both my former employer and Checkr telling me that neither of them can do anything (basically "go ask your mom/dad" ping-pong). Is there anything I can do in this situation? I just want my job back.

    submitted by /u/ablalb
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    Domestic Violence Break-In and Theft

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    Chicago, IL. So, last night I was a witness to one of the most confusing and scary situations of my life. To preface this, it's my best friend's birthday(C) and me, her, and our boyfriends have a plan to do breweries and dinner. We go to the brewery together and it's a good time, but her boyfriend(W) is starting to get drunk. We get to dinner and he starts getting a little loud. Annoying, but not too bad. All of a sudden he gets his salmon and decides that it's "horrible" and he's not eating it. He instantly becomes enraged and starts slamming things down on the table and disturbing the entire restaurant with his yelling. At this point, my friend is distraught that she's had her birthday ruined. Her boyfriend then gets up and leaves the restaurant to basically roam the streets. We paid and went to go find him, while my friend plugs his address into my GPS and lets us know she absolutely does not want him staying at her house. Once we find him, we drive him home in mostly silence besides the fact that W keeps touching C and C keeps telling him to stop. We begin to pull up on his house, and he becomes extremely angry and starts breathing heavily and hitting his fist in his hands. We finally get him out of the car and alert his mother that he is drunk and not allowed at C's house tonight. We drive C back home, and she is getting call after call from W. Once we get C home, she tells us that from his location she can see that he's coming to her house (5-6 miles) on foot. Scared for her safety, we take her and her dog and go sit in my car down the block. We assumed he would see she's not home and leave. W gets to her house, screaming and pounding on the door, alerting the ring doorbell feed. Wanting to go back into her own home, C calls W's mom asking her to come get her son. She agrees, and we wait some more. She finally gets to the house, calls C back, and while on speaker she says she found her son inside the house and proceeds to ask him how he got in, to which he says that he broke the window to get in. I'm recording this whole phone call in a video, so I hear him say it. He gets madder and madder on the phone saying he "just wants to talk" and begins taking things out of her home that "he bought her" and putting them into his vehicle. At this point, W's mother comes up to our car attempting to tell C that she needs to go talk to him alone. My boyfriend and I told her that it was not a safe situation and not to get out, and W's mother proceeded to yell in our faces about how "we don't even know her son". At this point, they are not leaving, the mother is not helping, the window is broken, and her stuff is stolen, so I decide to call the police to help take him away and get her stuff back. The police come and immediately start talking to W and his mother. They then come up to my vehicle and talk to C and get her statement. They ask her to get out and assess the damage to her home and start writing things down. At this point, C is inside and I can hear W telling the police officers that the situation is somehow my fault and that I am a bad influence. C comes back to the car and tells us that her mom told her not to press charges because they don't have money for a lawyer right now. W finally leaves with his mother, and we go back inside her house. Inside the house we find that he has stolen multiple expensive makeup pallets and many other valuable things and locked them in his car out front. He thinks he gifted these all to her. Some he did, some he didn't. Either way, they are in his car outside. While we were inside, W's mother comes back to C's house and takes the car full of her stuff. We didn't know she took it until she messaged C. We call the police to come back, and the officer asks C to call W's mother and ask her to bring it back. The mother proceeds to go on a rant about how this is just between C and W, and how the police shouldn't be involved, and how she is not bringing it back. The officer asks her to bring it the next day (today) and she agrees to do so, and then today she did not bring it. W was not arrested, and C has property damage and a bunch of stolen items.

    TLDR; friend's now ex-boyfriend broke into her house by smashing a window and stole her things. Police were called and did nothing, and her stuff is still missing.

    So, I guess I am confused. Here are my questions: 1) Did she need money to press charges? 2) How is it possible no action was taken against him and her items were not forcibly returned to her? 3) If he gifted her something, how is it possible that he can break into her home and steal it without ramifications? 4) Is there anything she can do now without having money for a lawyer? 5) Can the police force W to return her stolen items? 6) Is there any legal action I personally can take?

    submitted by /u/queenlo14
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    Bruise's on my son after a weekend with dad.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    I just picked my 8 year old son up from his father's house about two hours ago. We are in the middle of a heat wave here in California right now with temps in the 100's, so we decide to go swimming. That's when I notice these huge hand print shaped bruise's on his left shoulder and back. When asked he says it was his father last night (Saturday) during his shower. He said his little brother had sprayed bug spray on him and my son was panicking in the shower. When I texted his father he says he has no idea where they came from, and that "I didn't see them last night after his shower." I already have sole physical custody. His father gets him every weekend. I no longer feel that it is safe for my son to go over there. How do I legally go about it?

    submitted by /u/babycakes101314
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    Update Part 2: Landlord is selling house

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    My original post here states: we did not have the lease- as it turns out one of the roommates found the pictures on his old phone of the lease and it is identical and very generic except for this concerning paragraph.

    Edit: location northern Colorado

    This paragraph is the only difference between the two leases.

    Landlord's Termination Option. Notwithstanding anything in the Lease to the contrary, Landlord may terminate the Lease with respect to all or a portion of the Premises at any time for any or no reason upon 30 days' prior written notice to Tenant. Any sublease or lease of all or any portion of the Premises shall terminate all of Tenant's future payment obligations with respect to that portion of the Premises for the full future Term of the Lease; provided in the case of a sublease or lease of a portion of the Premises the payment obligations with respect to the subject Premises shall be determined equitably and in good faith by Landlord following consultation with Tenant. Upon the effectiveness of the termination of the Lease by Landlord, Tenant shall accrue no further obligations with respect to the portion of the Premises to which the termination applies, except with respect to those provisions of the Lease that, by their express terms, survive the expiration or earlier termination thereof.

    Which seems to be found from some generic lease website.

    We as a house have agreed we do not want to deal with the landlord to legal process and she says the house will most likely go under contract and we'll receive a 30-day notice to quit on October 1st.

    We are wanting to be proactive and find a new house before this but want to negotiate terms but do not know how to go about this.

    Our questions of now are:

    1. What do we do about this lease change being favor of the landlord to kick us out?

    2. If we do agree to her terms and getting out what contract do we need to get our deposit back?

    3. If we decide to move out earlier do we still need to pay up until she serves us? So how can we get her to terminate the lease so we can move on.

    submitted by /u/Dannilyon
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    Ex wife suing me in civil court

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    My ex wife is suing me in small claims for half of her tax debit from 2017. It's from PayPal when we sold items on eBay. She ignored the 1099k from PayPal and it caught up to her last year. She is now a year later suing me. Our divorce decree says she is responsible for any debit after we are divorced. We've been divorced for a year. She wants me to pay half of the $8,000.
    Does anyone know of i have any leg to stand on in fighting this? She claims she didn't know about the irs debt until after we got divorced. Or else she would of included it in the divorce. I told her I'm not paying a dime and it's her debt. She says fair and fair and since we sold on eBay while married I should have to pay the half. Any legal advise would help. My state of NH New Hampshire USA she can sue upto $10k and we have to do Mediation first because it's over $5k. I can request a jury trial as well. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Idle0095
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    My Ex SD/BF wants to sue me for theft, prostitution, solicitation, fraud, tax evasion, and other things, after finding out I cheated on him

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Repost, broke a rule.... Location: Oregon

    Sorry this is going to be a long and messy one but please read...

    I am in my early twenties. About two or so years ago I met a man in his 50's on a dating site called Seeking Arrangements. If you're unfamiliar with it, Seeking is advertised as a sugar baby/sugar daddy dating website. Things started off as a traditional SD/SB relationship and stayed that way for awhile. I was in the process of moving out of my last ex's house and he was still living with a girlfriend and her kids up until about seven months ago.

    The first time we met he gave me $200 after meeting him for lunch. For about a month he would ask me to meet him at a hotel for a brief period of time to hangout and have sex and he would pay me $500-700 a meet. A few months into seeing each other, I got my own place and he started writing me monthly checks from his business account (he is a business owner), rather than paying me cash. It stayed this way until March of this year when he made me an "employee" of his and put me on his payroll.

    I have always received a check at the beginning of the month, before I was an employee of his and while I was an employee of his. I was an employee of his until either June or July, we broke up at the very end of June so I am not sure if he had time to take me off his payroll or not.

    For awhile, I never treated this as a traditional or closed relationship. Considering how we met and the circumstances, he was still living with a girlfriend and her kids for awhile.. Because of this, I continued to use the website, I had a few flings and went on a few dates with a few people, I had sex with a few people, and I was also compensated for my time by some of these people.

    So a little bit over a year after we started seeing each other, the girlfriend or whatever she was, her and her kids moved out. At this point we're over a year into seeing each other. When she moved out, his expectations out of me skyrocketed. At some point throughout all this, his mindset changed and we were "in a relationship". Not what I wanted but I was happy when we were together, so although he was still (in my mind) my SD.. he was fulfilling a boyfriend role.

    During a few of the times I was out doing stuff, I lied to him about being a few places or what I was doing and with who sometimes because I wanted to do me. I don't need to account to my SD for what I'm doing at all times so I just made up some story doing something with my mom or a friend. It wasn't until November or December of 2019 when I started taking this a little bit more seriously. We had a big fight and I really did love him and didn't want him out of my life, so I tried to fulfill that girlfriend role he wanted out of me.

    Fast forward to June and I finish school. Situation with SD/BF is kind of on the outs and strained, he knows I'm running out of steam for this, he knows I want to move on and spread my wings. My lease is up on July 31st and SD/BF knows I'm frantically looking for jobs and have been applying across the country, Oregon included, however I really wanted to move to Florida. We end up having a big fight about somethings and end things. Before I left, we talk about the check and he says "I won't fuck you over" You will get your last check, I'm not an ass". I was appreciative and left his house and said we will talk soon.

    I reached out to him about three days after the fight, asked if he would like to meet up for coffee to talk and make some things right. I also wanted to collect my check but didn't bring it up, because I didnt want it to seem like that was the soul purpose, because it wasn't, and he said he would bring it. He agreed to meet, we talked it went well until I said I was moving to Florida. I brought up the check and he freaked out and called me a bitch and told me I didnt deserve it and left. We kept in contact for a few days I was trying to talk him down out of his rage, and just reason with him. I told him we could try and work things out and see what happens, he knew I was leaving in a week, and he was willing to do this. He went to my bank and deposited the check into my account and I thanked him and we talked for another day or so however he was manipulating me into trying to do things I didn't want to do, such as be in an active relationship again or prolong me being in Oregon. After I caught on to what was going on, I thanked him for the last check but told him I dont feel comfortable being with someone who is trying to put a hold on my life for them. Im 23, just finished school, and am ready to start my life.

    So another falling out happens. Initially he was claiming I stole that money from him. Within the last week, he has obviously hired someone to look into my digital foot print and some how was able to find all my Seeking information and some how talked to some of the people I went on dates with, as well as found pictures of a trip I went to for a concert that I lied to him about, and just some other lies I had told him. Yes... I know lying is bad and wrong and 'why didnt you just tell the truth?'. I could've told the truth about a lot of things but it was honestly at the time easier to lie than to go back and forth with him about everything.

    Now that he has found out about my Seeking Arrangement stuff, he is threatening to sue me for theft of up to $100,000 for all the money and gifts he's boughten me in the last two years. As well as wants to press charges on me for sex trafficking, prostitution, solicitation, fraud, tax evasion, and whatever else he can come up with. His exact words were " I will spend every penny I have to watch you suffer".

    The only out he is giving me to any of this is to move back to Oregon. He said if I move back to Oregon he won't press charges and none of this has to happen. Initially he wanted a lump some of $30,000+ by the end of the week or "things will get very messy for you". Now the only opportunity I have to not be sued is to move back to Oregon. He knows I don't have the means to do it, and sent me a picture of his credit card to buy a plane ticket to "get it done".

    He wants an answer by this morning. I don't know what to do. I'm so scared. All I care about is my future and not having a criminal record or going to jail...... I don't want a lawsuit, I don't want any of this.

    Please help, reddit

    submitted by /u/lilbaby97
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    Can I report child sexual abuse even if I didn’t see it.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Houston, Texas

    Can I report someone in San Antonio (from Houston) for Child Sexual Abuse even if I did not see it happen?

    I've scoured the internet and haven't been able to find anything on it.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/BeaklessBird
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    Tree law: someone cut a 100+ tree

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    I live in Italy and my family has an olive plantation with really old trees ( from 100 To 700+ years old ) . In this plantation there was a beautiful acacia tree who was about 100 years old. About 2 years ago a guy came when we weren't there and took the tree ( he spoke to my grandfather many years ago and said that he liked it and if he could take it ). That was probably the most beautiful tree in the plantation ( it even had a grape tree merged in it because you could see grapes dangling from his branches ). My question is: was he allowed to cut it with only kind of a verbal agreement many years ago ( my grandfather was already dead when he cut it ) and if he wasn't, how much can this tree cost? P.S. English isn't my first language so the trees name may not be perfect but I think you understood.

    submitted by /u/_Tequila_Joseph_
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    I work in retail & when I asked a customer to wear a mask,she got close to me & screamed at me without a mask on (about 10-12 inches away) I’m now feeling sick & have stayed home from work..what are my rights as an employee?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Sorry for a lot of info but 2 days ago a customer came into my store and screamed at me when I kindly said "hey we encourage you to wear a mask while in the store and we can even provide you with one" but she got in my face and screamed at me with no mask on. She was with her father who reminded me of Alex Jones. He got in my face too but was wearing a mask and said because I collectively attacked them when I said "hey you guys" or something, and he was also raging at me and kept getting closer to me as if he was going to assault me.

    she then wentoutside screaming about how she's on the phone with cooperate & then she came back into the store screaming at my manager complaining about me specifically and said I have mental problems and they should fire me because I have problems .. they stood outside the front doors pacing for about an hour and half waiting for me to get off my shift.. my boss tried to de-escalate the situation but they both (the woman and her father) kept saying "we are on the phone with corporate right now, that little bitch is getting fired and we are getting served mask or no mask and I bet you the company is giving us a gift card!!"

    Like I said in the title, she stood outside my store with her father for about an hour and they were on the phone and they would scream into the store sporadically and let us know as employees that they were on the phone with corporate and they were complaining about us specifically me, the woman came back in later and started screaming at my manager and said that I'm an awful person and she's going to make sure that I get fired etc. etc., now I'm here at home feeling extremely sick and I'd like to make a note that I am extremely diligent about wearing my mask everywhere and washing my hands I wear gloves at work this is the only person I have ever encountered out in public that hasn't been wearing a mask and furthermore got into my face and screamed, now I'm feeling sick at home and I don't know what the total ramifications will be

    When screaming at my boss about the mask issue (this whole time she refused to wear a mask while verbally assaulting my boss too) and my boss said "well we ask because due to health and safety" and the woman said "COVID isn't real, this shit doesn't exist!! What fucking health and safety????!!! Tell me where it says it ??? Is it a law???????" Completely irate. I've kept in contact with my boss and she told me that my health comes first and to relax at home, and I appreciate that, but I think something should have been done about this woman using herself as a biological weapon and seemingly succeeding. She wasn't sniffling or sick but she shouted in my face less than 10 inches away... now I'm sick.. very bizarre..

    submitted by /u/Most_Steak9598
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    Is this pay discrimination? Do I have grounds to file a complaint?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    I'm a college student currently working a temporary job in South Carolina. Myself and 5 other students from my school were hired by a well known manufacturing company to help package 2 million face masks for shipping. The offer we were given included them paying for our hotel rooms and a daily food stipend in addition to our hourly pay. After starting they quickly realized we'd need more people, so the guy who hired us asked us to reach out to our friends. I specifically asked what I should tell them the payment offer was, and the guy said just send the same exact offer I received (including hotel room and food stipend). Five friends agreed to sign up to help, and they all just so happened to be black men. In addition, there were 2 white men and 2 women who joined. So now we're about a week in, and they tell my friends that they won't be receiving the food stipend, and they'll actually be paid less per hour (which is not the offer they signed up for). Management claimed this is because of when they signed up. Supposedly the original group would be paid the most, and it would decrease according to start date. However, as we're all talking about how much we were told we would be paid, we recognize a trend. White and Latino Men are being paid the most, all the women less, and the black men the lowest. It can't be according to start date because there are men that started later in the project that are getting paid more than women who were apart of the original group. We are all doing to same job of packing face masks, in the same area, working the same shift in the warehouse together.

    This seems terribly unfair to me. I'm wondering if this counts as discrimination and if I have the grounds to contest it.

    submitted by /u/Kaynojay
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    I(f19) have COVID symptoms can my boss fire me if my doctor requires that I quarantine?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    (I work in Oklahoma) I woke up today with several symptoms headache, cough, tightness of chest and trouble breathing(my heart rate was also very high while sitting down 115) My workplace in has a policy that I have to call in at least 3 hours before my shift starts but I woke up at 1:30p and my shift started at 3:30 I went in because I didn't want to risk getting wrote up but felt like crap, My coworker got my boss and i told them my symptoms, they ignored my symptoms and told me I had to wait for a cover until I could go home, while they were calling for a cover I had to interact with customers and prepare food (the cover got there less than 10 minutes after shift change so about 4:30). I'm going to get tested tomorrow but they made another coworker keep working until her test results came back last month. Is there anything I can do if they try to make me come into work? A lot of older people and children come into my workplace and if I have it I don't want to give it to someone else.

    submitted by /u/Deadfreakling
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