• Breaking News

    Monday, August 17, 2020

    Legal Advice - My landlord won’t let us control how often the sprinklers run, but still makes us pay for the water bill. Any way we can get him to stop running them so frequently?

    Legal Advice - My landlord won’t let us control how often the sprinklers run, but still makes us pay for the water bill. Any way we can get him to stop running them so frequently?

    My landlord won’t let us control how often the sprinklers run, but still makes us pay for the water bill. Any way we can get him to stop running them so frequently?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Update: Thanks everyone for your helpful advice! We're having someone from the county come check for leaks. Appreciate all your help! :)

    My lease (in VA) says that my roommates and I are responsible for maintaining the lawn, including paying for the water for "automatic sprinklers." My landlord is pretty uptight about the lawn and at the beginning of the billing cycle was running the sprinklers 3x a day. Now, they run them 3x a week. The sprinklers even caused flooding in our basement. Imagine my surprise when i got the water bill and saw it was triple our last bill (close to $1000) and double that of last summer.

    The thing is our landlord won't let us control the sprinklers. The lease just says we're responsible for the automatic sprinklers, but it does not say how often they need to go off. When I spoke to the landlord about the dramatic increase in the bill, they shrugged it off, said it was the sprinklers that caused it, and that we need to budget for summer months. They would not budge on how frequently the sprinklers run. They ultimately said they'd knock down our rent a little for the next month (nowhere near how much more we're paying for water though). However, they're adamant that the sprinklers must run multiple times a week.

    Do we have any legal power to control how often the landlord waters the lawn? I feel that since we're footing the bill, we deserve to have a say.

    submitted by /u/jerseyswhereitsat
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    My sister just found out she was paid half of what she should make for overtime at her job. This has gone on for several years. How far back can she legally request the back pay?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    My sister is on call for her job in N.C. every other week. Per policy she is supposed to get an extra $4 an hour but she just realized they have only been paying her $2 an hour. She has been at the job for almost 4 years. Can she request the back pay from the entire time or just part of it? She works for a major hospital.

    submitted by /u/PuggleLite
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    Human Resources disclosed my partners beneficiary when he updated his info.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    My partner has life insurance. He changed his beneficiary to me. The woman in HR is close with one of my partners equals and disclosed to the coworker changed the beneficiary from ex wife to me. The co worker said something to my boyfriend that insinuated that he should be careful because I am much younger than him and would probably "kill him for a half million dollars". Also stated that he wished my partner made him the new beneficiary. That statement is very untrue and my partner is upset that his private business was discussed with other employees. What steps should my partner take to corporate since his privacy was breached. We are in New Jersey if that matters.

    submitted by /u/Frequencytoturnuon
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    GA, USA. Just sold our house and the buyer is refusing to pay for separately agreed upon sale of furniture.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    I'll try to include just the facts, while summarizing. As the title says, we just sold our home recently. There were a couple minor hiccups through the process, but it's complete now.

    Not included in the sale of the house, was an agreement we made with the buyer (via email, fwiw) to leave a few things like furniture for the price of a few hundred dollars.

    To make a long story short, our move out date and time was moved up by almost a month. So come move out time, we were still packing up the last of our stuff while the buyer was moving in. We finished getting everything packed several hours after we should've been out, per the contract. However, the buyer never objected and even seemed almost sympathetic.

    It had been a few days and we hadn't heard from them, so we sent them an email reminding them of the agreed upon payment, and said we could pick it up from them or they could mail it to our new address. Their response was along the lines of "Well, since you affected our move-in so much, I assumed we would call it even." Of course, I replied informing them that it was not "even" and we still expect the money.

    Now, the buyer is saying that we are welcome to take them to small claims court if we wish, but that if we do so, he will counter-sue for breach of contract.

    So, I guess my question is, what legal right do either of us have in this situation? Would it be worth going to small claims court? I could never fathom doing this to another human being, but I realize there are people like this in the world and that the law doesn't always care about how I feel and morality.

    submitted by /u/conthebon
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    Pretty positive my mother's doctor's office lifted prescription drugs from her.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    My mother has come up short a day on her morphine script often this past year. We keep it locked at home in a lock-box that only my mom and I have a key to. When we brought it up to her doctor she recommended we start counting our pills when we pick up from the pharmacy.

    My mother sees this doctor every two weeks and every so often the nurse/tech there will email me and ask me to bring in my mothers medications. The techs to my understanding count them and then write us a script for anything we are low on. So, we decided to count the pills today before going to the Doctor's office, specifically the morphine. My mother and i each counted the pills independently and each counted 9. After her appointment when she got back in the car we counted and only counted 7. I was about to go into the offices and tell them what I discovered but my mom told me not to be reactionary. We decided we would go home and write this down in a timeline and then contact the doctor personally to express our concern.

    This is a small practice with the one doctor and two nurses/techs that also take on secretary work. We were able to get ahold of the doctor and speak with her privately but she didn't seem to/want to believe us. My mother is nearing the end of her life and I dont want to deal with a lawsuit or want to make a huge deal about this to add to the extra stress. The doctor didn't seem to know what to do, she said she would talk to her techs but obviously they're just going to deny it. She said it's just our word against hers. I asked what protocol her office has when counting pills (do they log them or record them anywhere? Does her techs sign off on anything after handling narcotics?) She told me her office has no such protocol. Her tone of voice over the phone made it sound like she was upset with us and wasn't happy to have to deal with this.

    My mother is nervous about her doctor telling her that she can no longer see my mom as a patient after this. I dont know what to do or what I'm expecting to happen. I was mostly just trying to do the right thing by notifying the doctor her staff is very likely lifting medication from patients, but am afraid I ultimately did something that is going to harm my mother's health care.

    Dunno what specific questions I have or advice I am seeking beyond knowing how serious this is and if my mom is protected. We don't keep a log ourselves or sign off when we have counted, but neither do they so how does one even prove this happened?

    BTW, I live in California if that means anything.

    submitted by /u/icantbelieveit124
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    My [25] roommate [19] got injured on the job and her boss refuses to let her fill out an injury report

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    Location is Oklahoma, US.

    My roommate slipped (twice) and hurt her knee at work today, and when I told her to request to fill out an injury report, her boss refused to give her the paperwork. Instead she was told to "take an ibuprofen and clock out for a few minutes." I advised her to demand the paperwork for a report or she'd seek legal action.

    They then forced her to clock out in order to fill out the incident report. Then, her boss wrote the incident report and refused to let her write, or to write what she claims happened. I told her not to sign anything and that we'd be seeking legal advice.

    So my questions are, is the manager allowed to refuse to fill out an injury report? Is she allowed to force my roommate to clock out in order to fill out that report? And lastly, is it legal for her to refuse to let my roommate write her own injury report, and also not write what my roommate said happened?

    I've filled out injury reports before, and this seems incredibly shady. Is this something we should seek legal intervention on?

    submitted by /u/EtherealSkye
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    Cousin (M30~) is a registered sex offender due to child pornography. His sister is letting him babysit her children (11 and 2, both young girls). What can I do to help protect them?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    (Post that involves all the drama, but I'm here for legal advicehttps://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/ibm88r/issues_with_my_19f_older_cousin_m30/ )

    My whole family thinks that he has changed. That he was somehow infected by a virus that opened up a banking account. That said virus downloaded and then distributed CP to get money into that banking account. I don't believe one word of it. He was arrested 5~ years ago and was released around four or so months ago if memory serves me right.

    His sister is letting him babysit her two children. Both are girls aged 11 and 2. I was molested by a female family member between the ages of three and five. I do NOT want that to happen to those girls, and although my experience was different due to the sex of the offender, it is still a heinous act.

    He is not on parole, but he is listed on the sex offender website.

    My questions are as follows..

    • Is it illegal for him to babysit those children?
      • I can not find any laws for my state, but if anyone has information on where I can go, a website I could visit, or a number I could call, I would greatly appreciate it.
    • If it is illegal in my state, how can I call to protect my identity? I don't want it being traced back to me. I'd probably get kicked out of my house and be disowned by my family if they found out it was me that called. I don't want that to happen to me.
    • I am willing to take ANY measures that are needed to help these young girls. I know his mother (the children's grandmother) typically ASSISTS him with babysitting from time to time, but she is on oxygen and tends to take naps. She may fall asleep for 10-20 minutes, but that's still time for him to do something.

    Edit - I don't want to openly say my state due to family possibly having a reddit account. This is a rather specific post. I live in the Eastern area of the US. If you need to know my state, please send me a private message.

    Update: my state is Kentucky. Since going to the dm's goes against the rules, there y'all go. The only thing I can find regarding this issue is the following..: "In addition, offenders under supervision may be restricted by the conditions of their probation or parole from living or working in areas where children are present, depending on the conditions placed upon them by the sentencing judge or the parole board."

    Since he's babysitting I don't know if that falls under working.

    I'm on the fence about going to anyone. I'll be homeless if my family finds out it was me, haha.

    submitted by /u/AberrantQuill
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    My roommate defecated in my child's bed, am I allowed to send her pictures when she denies it?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Los Angeles county, CA

    My roommate rents one room in our 3 bedroom house, my boyfriend and I rent the other 2 rooms. We are all on separate leases.

    My roommate has a very obvious drug problem. She gets 30 days worth of benzos and takes them all within 5 to 10 days of filling the prescription.

    While in a drug haze last week, she went into my kids bedroom (they were not present) in the middle of the night, climbed on the loft bed naked, and defecated and urinated on the mattress while there. I took photos because she denies anything she does while loaded.

    She is denying this ever happened. The mattress, a blanket, and a pillow have to be thrown out. Because of her denial, I want to send her the photos of her on the bed that I have.

    My boyfriend swears this is illegal. To be clear, I am in no way threatening to nor intend to send these to anyone but her. I have no intention of threatening to release them to anyone. I simply want to send them to her to prove it happened. I am asking for nothing in exchange in any way.

    Is it illegal to send her own pictures to her, and only her?

    Edit: To be clear, she is naked in the pictures on my daughter's bed.

    submitted by /u/WTFisMinWageAnyway
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    Neighbors keep leaving their property on my family's church grounds.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    I live in Indiana and the neighbors to the church leave a trampoline on the church grounds next to windows. We've told them for insurance reasons they can't leave the trampoline on the cburch grounds. One bad jump and a kid goes through a window. Maybe even a stained glass one. They moved the trampoline back to their property that day and then have been edging it back ever since. Given how rude they were when told they couldn't do this, we do not want to escalate things without some way of showing them authorities will not side with them. What are our options in dealing with them?

    submitted by /u/Dynespark
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    Hired a friend to fix something on my property, and they hurt themselves with their own tools, am I liable?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    As the title says, a friend was hired to fix something on the property in Maryland, and on the last day of the work, they managed to injure themselves to the point of needing emergency surgery. There was no contract made or signed, simply a "hey can you do this?" "Yes, hows $ sound for a price?" "Works for me." "Great, I'll start this weekend." It took a total of four days spread out over a month to complete, as for various reasons (lack of materials, Covid) the work had to be delayed. On the last day my friend accidentally injured themselves using a power tool. When it happened I drove them to the hospital, and they were admitted for a little over two days, needing surgery to fix the injury. My friend and I caught up about it today, and they mentioned in passing that they weren't planning on suing, but in the off chance that their medical bills turned in to more than they could handle, they wanted to know if they could lean on my homeowners insurance. I want to help, however there was no contract, no implied deadline for the work, and the injury occurred using tools owned by the friend, so I don't know how to proceed. Is those evens something homeowners insurance would cover?

    Edit: to include location (Maryland)

    submitted by /u/tootattooed
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    Dealership won’t send my fiancé her car title, a year after having paid it off. [IN, USA]

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    The car in question is one we've been wanting to sell since April, so she contacted the dealership as they still hadn't sent the title. When two weeks had gone by and it still hadn't arrived, she called back and it was an "Oops, so sorry, we will get it out today." Still didn't come.

    She called back, they said they had mailed it out—we thought okay, maybe it got lost in transit somehow? She went through the process with the BMV of ordering a replacement title. Never arrived. Called the BMV, the dealership was still listed as lien holder—they mailed the replacement title to them.

    Since then, she has called maybe four times and requested it be sent to us. The 2nd to last time, they guaranteed it would be sent registered mail. The most recent time, they said they needed to check and would call her back. It's been a week and no response.

    I've sat back and let her do her best to handle this, but it's clear these people are inept and I'm pretty offended that they're treating her this way. So I'm more than happy to step in.

    What should I threaten or what's my best plan of attack? They're about 80 minutes away from where I live, so while I absolutely will show up if the first attempt doesn't result in us receiving the title, I'd like to try a phone conversation with some level of management first.

    I appreciate any help, wisdom, and experience this community can offer.

    submitted by /u/Iskariot-
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    TX, USA. Called farm mortgage company to ask about forbearance. Now they want to foreclose.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    I recently called my farm mortgage company to inquire about the possibility of getting a forbearance. I stated to them that I had been unemployed for almost a year. They sent me a packet saying I must apply for loan restructuring or they can start foreclosure procedures. I was just calling to ask about the forbearance process. I have not missed a loan payment nor do I plan to. I have been surviving on savings and severance from my last job. There are a few side hustles as well. My credit score has gone to hell due to credit card issues. I did let those go as my current situation puts them as low priority. I am currently in the process of negotiating settlements with them.

    My mortgage is not a regular home mortgage. My mortgage is not federally backed to my knowledge. It is through an AG Credit co-op. The property we bought had a metal building(They are called barndominiums out here) but was not considered a livable structure for loan purposes. I could not use my VA benefits to purchase for example. Namely there was no kitchen but there is climate controlled space with a bathroom in part of the building. We use it as home office/living area. The rest of the building is storage, garage and workshop area. We have a big 5th wheel so this was not a concern to us. It is common in rural areas like ours to either live in a 5th wheel as you build or have partial living areas in a bldg and sleep/cook in an RV as you build.

    I was under the impression that applying for any type of forbearance was a protected action under the covid provisions or whatever you want to call them. How can they even try to foreclose when I have not breached the loan contract in any way? The documentation they sent states to the effect that I have notified them I will have trouble maintaining the loan specifics and to protect the shareholders they can foreclose.

    submitted by /u/drunkenmugsy
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    [Reno, NV] My landlord wants to charge me $550 for a cleaning fee that was not mentioned in the lease at all.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I live in an apartment complex marketed towards college students, so there's a lot of people moving in and out every year. Every August, there's a period of time called 'Turn', where maintenance people more or less freely come in to inspect the area, repaint rooms, etc. They have keys and can let themselves in without my knowledge. That's allowed for in the lease, and I understand why it's needed.

    All three of my roommates moved out this year, and one of the empty rooms was getting an early transfer, so there were a lot of people coming in and out - they had to make sure that the transfer room was painted and cleaned first, then they had to clean and paint the other rooms, then they had to steam the carpets, etc.

    The lease mentions proper notice for all of this, and the only notice that I was given was a hand-written addition of the dates 8/2, 8/3, 8/12, and 8/13 on a printed flyer that described the cleaning/Turn process. It gave a picture example of 'dirty' (the kitchen counter being completely lost underneath a pile of junk) and 'clean' (the kitchen counter being, well, empty). It said that if my apartment is not 'clean', then I would be charged $550 to have a cleaning crew come in and do it for me.

    So I took everything off the counters, wiped things down, etc. However, this is still an actively lived in space, and I figured it wouldn't be an issue to have just a single towel, hotpad, and fly trap out on the counter.

    On 8/15, the property manager came in more or less unannounced to conduct a 'visual inspection'. I didn't get the time between her knocking and her entering to even get to the door, and she looked around for just a minute before briskly telling me that 'everything' needed to be cleaned. In the same sentence she said that those three objects needed to be taken off the counter, so I kind of balked at the pettiness, took those things off the counter, and then put them right back on after she left, thinking that was all she meant. She also left a pack of sanitizer wipes and another flyer saying to 'please use this to wipe down the counter in preparation for your new roommates'. Since I had already wiped down the counter myself, I figured that wasn't necessary, and just left them there.

    But at some point, someone came in and added a hand-written addition to that note, saying 'On 8/15 we talked to Room B about cleaning the apartment and it was not cleaned, so we are hiring a cleaning service to come in and clean it. You will be charged.' As soon as I saw that yesterday I immediately went down to the office and had a less than productive conversation with the manager - I was, well, enraged at the idea of paying $550 to clean an apartment that I already viewed as clean, and she was adamant that it wasn't clean and that she had told me that. She said that she wasn't going to "sit here and argue with [me], I can't have parents getting mad at me because their common area isn't cleaned" and if I could clean it I wouldn't be charged and she would check tomorrow. So I tore up the flyer, left, and promptly cleaned the apartment to the best of my ability and means. I used the sanitizer wipes on the counter, swept the floor, took out the trash, wiped down the sink, etc.

    Around 8:30AM today I woke up just before I heard someone knocking and then entering my apartment, and before I knew it there was a cleaning crew inside aggressively cleaning every surface - moving furniture, mopping the floors, standing on chairs to clean hanging lamps, etc. I wasn't even sure if they were a cleaning crew before I saw their matching shirts. I left them alone, anxious about if I was going to charged, and then went out to check their work when they left. A maintenance crew from the apartment happened to enter as I was doing that, and I asked them if I would be charged.

    "Yes, you will be, the apartment wasn't clean."
    "Uh, yes it was."
    "No it wasn't, sorry, you need to talk to the office about that."

    And then they left.

    Now, the only thing the lease mentions about any kind of cleaning fee is a 'reasonable cleaning fee'. The term reasonable isn't defined, but I think it's pretty fair to say that $550 is not reasonable. There's also the notice issue that I posted above, and the only way for me to default is if I break any rules in the lease or don't pay any 'lawful fees'..

    Obviously I want to fight this, but I'm not sure how short of going into the office and having a screaming match with the manager. I can give the full lease on request and am going to contact a local advocate group, but outside of that, what are my options?

    submitted by /u/Portalboat
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    "Loan Company" Allowed A Check To Be Fraudulently Cashed In My Name

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I got one of those sketchy checks in the mail. The kind that says, "hey just endorse and deposit me, and I'll ruin your life for the next two years." I left it on the counter with the rest of my junk mail, but the next day I noticed it was gone. My roommate, who is a drug addict, had relapsed after 2 years and 51 weeks of sobriety and took the check. Obviously he did not admit to this. I called the sketchy loan company and explained that I left the check on my kitchen counter and it was gone. I did not want the loan, and I was concerned that whoever took the check would try to cash it. I asked the manager of the company to put a stop pay on the check. He said that was not possible, but not to worry, there was no activity on it. I called back several days later, once I knew for sure who had taken the check, and begged the manager again to put a stop pay on it. I even offered to pay any fees associated with the stop pay. He again told me that was impossible. He looked up my information and told me there was still no activity on the check so I shouldn't worry.

    Three months later, he called me at work. I'm not sure how he got my work number because he didn't take down anything other than my name the first two times I called him. He immediately began the conversation with "Hey 2bundlesofsticks I've been trying to get in touch with you. I've been to your house a couple of times, and you weren't home. I need to talk to you about your delinquent account with us." I was put off that he 1) called me at work and 2) had apparently been to my house. I told him (very rudely) that I did not have an account with him that warranted any kind of discussion. I tried to prevent this from happening before it became a problem because I knew I could not afford to be responsible for the loan, so as far as I was concerned, it was his problem now. I hung up on him, and he called back several times, but I refused to engage after that. I'm sure that probably wasn't the best route to take, but my emotions got the better of me.

    I contacted the person that cashed the check, and they made a payment on the loan. While he was at the office making a payment, the manager and roommate discussed details of my account and personal information, including my credit score. The manager told my roommate that he would transfer the loan into his name, but that I should refinancing with him as a co-signer because my credit score was better and would make his monthly payments lowered. Roommate came home and tried to convince me that this was the best option for both of us. I declined.

    Roommate continued to make sporadic payments, until recently. He informed me Friday afternoon that the manager had called and threatened to garnish my wages 25% if a pretty sizable payment was not received today.

    I sent a letter to the corporate office detailing the above and threatening to retain a lawyer should they garnish my wages because not only did the manager knowingly allow a check to be fraudulently cashed in my name, he has also discussed my account and personal information with my roommate, which I did not give him permission to do. Furthermore, when my roommate called today to arrange the payment, the manager asked him to come in in person so he could show him the letter I sent because he didn't want to discuss it on the recorded lines. I asked my roommate to record their conversation and get a picture of the letter if possible because once again, he is discussing details that should be private.

    What action should I take? I can't afford a lawyer, and it probably wouldn't be worth it because the loan is not a huge amount, but I can't and shouldn't have this hanging over my head for the next couple of years while it's being paid off. I understand the check was cashed and the money is gone, but I did not receive a penny of it, and I tried to prevent this from happening. I also understand my roommate committed a crime, but I would prefer not to file criminal charges. He has come a long way, and I don't believe that he deserves a felony conviction and jail time over his first mistake after almost three years clean.

    Ideally, the loan could just be transferred into his name, whether he is eligible or not. If not, then I would be willing to pay the amount of the loan back without the interest and processing fees tacked on at lower monthly payment than what was offered. This would be the more affordable option for my roommate because I still have no intentions of paying for the loan myself. I have tried to make sure I have not said or done anything to indicate that I am accepting responsibility for the debt. Frankly, I think the manager should be terminated and the loan forgiven because of their sketchy practices. These types of companies prey on desperate people, and the manager's behavior has been unprofessional and borderline harassment.

    submitted by /u/2bundlesofsticks
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    How do I make sure my spouse can't keep me from taking our kids back after a visit?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    We aren't legally separated, there is no legal order of custody. I'm currently in Texas with physical custody of our 2 kids under 5 (going on a month, and thru all of September). He's in California and moving to Indiana this week. The plan is for me to bring him the kids once he's settled and then go set myself up in Missouri. After which we're planning on switching off with the kids every 2 weeks. Things he's said have me second guessing his intentions and I'm scared that he won't let me take them back. Indiana laws will support whichever parent has physical custody at any given moment so the police won't help without an order of custody. Do I need to file that here in Texas, in Indiana, in Missouri or? Do we need to go to court? Is there a way to just get an agreement notarized if we both sign it without lawyers and having to pay court fees? We're both currently unemployed with limited finances.

    I originally took the kids because he screams in their faces and I couldn't let him continue to abuse them like that. He's supposedly seeking help which I've told him he needs to do for me to be comfortable with him having our kids, especially without me. I don't want to keep them apart. When he's not angry, he's a great father in so many ways and they deserve to have that love in their life without it being tainted by abuse.

    We aren't divorcing, it's complicated.

    Thanks in advance for any responses.

    submitted by /u/ishnessocity
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    Company in Atlanta, GA won’t give me the services I (18 f) paid for, or a refund

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    I (18 f) purchased laser hair removal treatment in January, after my birthday, as a gift to myself. I purchased treatment from a fairly well known company who I will not name (yet!). At the time, I had no credit card or any financial independence so I decided to finance the treatment with a credit card. I paid this card company $169.42 a month for treatment. Fast forward to after my first treatment in February, the company goes MIA. The pandemic hit so they were closed for about a month, I understood that.

    Months go by and they never open back up, to my knowledge. I call them, email them, tweet them, any way that you could contact this company besides physically showing up, I did it. Google says they're open, but they're not responding and I haven't driven there because it's an hour away and not something I'm available to just do right now with my schedule. I'm still getting charged $169.42 for a service I'm STILL not getting from a company who has ghosted me.

    I contact their main office since they own so many stores, they continue to tell me for two weeks straight, "we'll call you in two days with someone who can further assist you!", but never did. I get a call from a lady who tells me that she's "soooo sorry" for not getting back to me, and asks me when I'd like to schedule my next treatment. I tell her at this point I'd like a refund because it's been way too long for that and I'd like to take my business elsewhere. She tells me that a refund isn't available for laser hair removal, and that the company had been attempting to contact me for months. I asked her what phone number they'd been attempting to reach, and she read back my number.

    I have no record of them attempting to contact me, but I have records of me TIRELESSLY attempting to contact them for months. I do my research, I find their refund policy which tells me that if I don't receive my laser hair removal treatment then I am eligible for a refund, so this lady just told me two lies. I contact them AGAIN and inform them of this, for them to tell me that someone will contact me in three days. It has now been a week and I have heard nothing.

    I don't know what to do at this point. I contacted the credit card company to inform them of this issue, they were incredibly understanding and told me to contact this company for my refund as well. I cannot reach these people for a refund to this day. I don't know what to do. I'm very irritated and would like this to be sorted out and done with.

    This company is incredibly mainstream and if you're from Atlanta, you probably know the company that I'm referring to. Growing up I heard their radio advertisements on a daily basis, so it's not like this company is built on being a scam or shady. I'm not sure if they just really need money or have lost a lot of clients to where they are desperate, but this isn't the way that you should treat a client.

    What should I do?

    submitted by /u/pleasehelpmeoutyo
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    120+ Vulnerable people (including me) stranded in Newark airport due to United Airline denied boarding. What should I do?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    This happened yesterday at 11 AM. The flight UA79 heading to Narita Tokyo, ETA 1:55 PM was delayed for 1h 45 min due to a crew member being late. This might not sound like a big deal, but 120 of us temporary residents of the US was denied boarding.

    Most of us here are heading to Narita because we needed to board the connecting flight MF 810 at Narita heading to Fuzhou, China. The scheduled departure time for MF 801 was 3:30 PM and with UA79 delayed for almost 2 hours we would have arrived at Narita only to see our second flight flying away. Now as per Japan's travel regulation, while connection flights are allowed, entry (leaving airport) for foreign nationals (with or without visa) and overnight connection are both not allowed. And as per Narita airport's instruction to United (quoted from one of the UA representative at Newark liberty), we were not allowed to board UA79 because, again as per their explanation, there is no guarantee for us to procure alternative flights that leaves before midnight.

    And they would be right. China is already imposing on us--rightful Chinese citizens, which is beside the point--extremely strict travel restrictions, leaving only 1 round trip flight to China per airline per country per week. Take Japan to China as an example, All Nippon Airways would only be able to run a single flight per week to China and one flying back, with no guarantee on which city we actually land at. This restriction was since loosened to about two flights per week, and adding up all the currently operating airlines we get roughly 14 flights per week between Japan and China. Compare to before Corona hits where each airline would have multiple flights running per day for the entire week (perhaps not accurate here, but you get the gist) the current carrying capacity is far from enough to accommodate all of us, wanting to go home in this trying time. Almost everyone stranded here right now brought our tickets 3, or even 4 month ago, simply because none are available for closer dates. What's worst is the existence of grey market (for lack of a better term) ticket dealers that locks in these seats (how do they do it I do not know) and inflate the price for the tickets to upward 2000 USD. These we simply cannot afford. We made so much effort to get our tickets, only to have UA completely fuck us over. Only a handful of us will be able to hook up to alternative flights back home, simply due to how scarce tickets are.

    I personally am a 2020 college graduate with a visa that will last me long enough. But I now have nowhere to live since I travelled here from Boston. Many are on the same boat and already ended our tenancy. There are also people with visas that are expiring very soon, which will soon cause them to overstay, hindering there ability to enter the US in the future. Families (including elderly) have no place to stay, people been handed costs that they simply cannot afford.

    What did UA did to compensate us? Nothing really. You want to cancel/reschedule your flight? Go call our customer service. No accommodation for us whatsoever apart from a hotel vouchers for 1 night. Still charges us cancellation fees, mind you. Absolute refusal for further communication with the higher-ups/connecting airline/Narita airport. Staffs are just trying to chase us away at this point.

    Shamefully I do not know what are within my rights in this incident. I wish I had a lawyer to consult with but I don't. What is the best course of action that I can take at this point? Some people are trying to attract media attention, others contacting China embassy/consulates, and I just want United Airline to pay me their due recompense to the last dime.

    submitted by /u/Leon1724
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    I posted screen shots of texts from this guy I met and knew for two hours calling me a slut etc. he said “do it so u can get sued, this is a 1v1 conversation. To do otherwise is a violation of privy”. Does what he’s saying hold up legally?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Edit 1 - USA - Tennessee - BOTH PARTIES OVER 18

    I hid his name in the post, but I'm curious to know if I chose not to do that would that be anymore incriminating? Thanks.

    Is it illegal to publicize text conversations that the person willingly wrote out and sent solely to me?

    submitted by /u/GirthInPants
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    Hurt on the job

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    I am located in South Carolina. About a month back I got hurt on the job due to someone else's negligence, I visited my employers doctor who put me on restricted/ light duty and was given a couple follow up appointments. I am a full-time employee and now my hours are being cut, I'm being sent home early, I'm getting 2 - 2 1/2 hour breaks and I'm barely making half of my full time hours REQUIRED by the company to maintain full time status. Company policy states if you miss your target hours for full time (35) a couple weeks in a row you get demoted to a part time package handler. What should I do in this situation?

    submitted by /u/oliveOilpurrs
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    The court date to finalize the divorce between my parents is apparently near but my father's lawyer seems to have no knowledge of it.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    This takes place in Louisiana.

    So my parents filed for divorce in December of 2018 and, at least according to my mother's lawyer, the court date to finalize it (along with matters like who gets the house) will take place at the end of August through a Zoom meeting because of the ongoing pandemic.

    The issue here is that when I asked my father if he was ready for this to finally be over he asked what I was talking about. He told me his lawyer had never told him about this.

    My mother has declined to talk with my father about this because she says that that's the jobs of the lawyers which... sounds about right to me honestly.

    A week after that conversation, my father tells me that his lawyer still doesn't know anything about this and attempts to reach my mother's lawyer by phone have been unsuccessful. My dad also tells me that he's personally sat with his lawyer while he attempted to contact my mother's lawyer.

    I don't want my Dad to miss that court date if he can help it so what can he do now? Is there a way my dad can personally check if there is indeed a court date? Would my mother's lawyer gain anything by lying about a court date? Is a lack of communication like this between lawyers normal? My father has expressed concerns about the competency of his lawyer to me before this whole episode, but a lawyer not knowing about when his client has a court date is extreme, no?

    I'm making this post on his behalf because he speaks limited English (his lawyer speaks Spanish) and doesn't quite understand how to navigate this site.

    submitted by /u/NeedMeSumLegalAdvice
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    [NY]/Federally. I suspect my sister is being sexually abused by an adult. Would the following be illegal.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    My sister and I are underage (both under 16). The adult is, well, an adult (in his 50s).

    The adult is her piano teacher, but her lessons line up at a time where my parents are not home but I am.

    Recently I have been hearing a lack of piano from the basement and I've been hearing what sounds like moaning/gasping.

    1. Would it be illegal for me to secretly record the room, to see if they are having sex?
    2. If they did have sex and it was recorded, would I be in posession of cp, even though I am notdoing it for sexual pleasure?

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    What are the consequences of providing a fake medical document to a property manager?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    I provided a fake doctors note to extend my lease 2 weeks - what could happen? (Texas)

    submitted by /u/justaxim
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    Fake spoof numbers harassing me every few weeks from different numbers

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    So I've been getting harassing texts saying my partner is cheating on me and that I'm garbage (to put it nicely). They come from different phone numbers each time and it's been going on for 8 months. Every few weeks, a different number. They're spoof numbers and have the same voicemail. I take it that it's an app. So I can't really prove that they're all the same person. I just got another one today but this time, they were saying my partner is cheating on me by sending explicit photos of themselves to their ex. And they even sent me the photo. However, the photo is cropped to not show any actual private parts. But it's a photo I've seen before from my partner and know it's been sent to an ex way back in the day. This phone number claimed to be that ex. I contacted that ex and they've been getting similar messages to their current partner saying that she's cheating too. And sent him a portion of a nude of hers that crops out the actual private part. That ex said they had already started an investigation with the police before and they said that there's nothing they can do as there was no threat or person to pin it too. And I get that this is still not a threat since they're just "warning" me that my partners cheating on me. But since they sent me a portion of a sexually explicit private photo without the consent of my partner ( I don't know how they obtained it), can some more action occur legally? Can the police track that number to a phone using the app or a burner?

    submitted by /u/Obvious_Principle
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    My sister thinks my dad is molesting me and i think she might call the cops

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    Takes place in oregon First time posting and first time on reddit also writing this on the phone also sorry for my bad at spelling. Just for people to know my sister is bipolar and borderline.

    My sister is 22 my dad is 41 as the day of writing this and i am still a minor so i don't feel comfortable putting my age on here. My sister has gotten out of hand and has been telling people our dad has been molesting me. My aunt told me this and said that i cant be alone with dad because my sister might call the cops. Is there anything that we can do if she does so my dad doesn't get arrested and lose his job.

    submitted by /u/LilCheetah15
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