• Breaking News

    Friday, August 7, 2020

    Legal Advice - Signed a lease a week ago, today we found out there's an old lady living in the basement (NY)

    Legal Advice - Signed a lease a week ago, today we found out there's an old lady living in the basement (NY)

    Signed a lease a week ago, today we found out there's an old lady living in the basement (NY)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Rockland County, NY.

    I signed a lease about one week ago for what was marketed as a house, we did the walk through and everything looked great. Only place we didn't see was the basement, we asked our future landlord about it and were told it's storage space and incredibly messy because of the current tenants. Because of that we were unable to see the space, but seeing as the rest of the home was perfect for us and storage wasn't our priority, we signed the lease the next day.

    Today, I asked again about the basement as one of my roommates wanted to see if the space would fit their musical gear and we were told that the basement is actually home to an older woman "who doesn't make much of a fuss" and wouldn't disturb our living there.

    The lease doesn't mention anything about shared living space, separate apartments, or other tenants. We were fully under the impression that we were paying for the entire house and at no time was there any sign that there were other tenants or a downstairs apartment.

    The landlord has offered to let us out of our lease because there are other's interested, however, due to COVID it has been an uphill battle finding living arrangements and we're afraid that if we don't take this we're not going to find another spot before it's too late.

    What are my best courses of action here? We don't want to give up the house because we really do need somewhere to live, but this isn't the space we agreed on paying for.

    submitted by /u/ThrowLAGrandma
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    I essentially won the lottery, and my dad wants me to give him most of the money. Please advise.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    To start, I live in Oregon and I am 22 years old. Live with my dad, always have, never could move out, my career never took off. I do odd jobs and gig economy and my income is about $1000/month. $500 of which I have to give my dad for rent and food, but fair enough. I can't afford a real apartment. The rest I save and spend as I please.

    I will add, my dad watches my bank account. He does it to make sure I'm saving money for a car and an apartment. I am 100% owner of my account, my dad can't access the money, but we have it set up so he receives a copy of the statements every month.

    Anyway I had invested into cryptocurrency a long time ago, back when it was cheap. And my dad knows about it. Well recently I sold part of my cryptocurrency and received $30,000. I have another $40,000 worth of cryptocurrency that I'm holding on to, haven't sold yet.

    So in total I won $70,000, of which $30,000 is a realized gain. That $30,000 was deposited into the account, and dad saw the transaction.

    He is now demanding that I set aside $10,000 for myself "because that is all I need", set aside enough to pay capital gains tax, and give him the rest of the US Dollars and Cryptocurrency.

    He says if I don't then I'm out of the house the first of next month and he won't accept any more of my $500/month rent. Please advise.

    submitted by /u/Due_Resolution_5703
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    [Alabama] How would one go about renaming a lake that sits entirely on our family's farm of many generations?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    My family's farm has an 11-acre lake that I'll call Webster Pond. This land has been in my family for nearly a hundred years, and nobody knows who Webster is, when or why it was named that, or for that matter why it has a name at all*. Nevertheless, if you look at the county's GIS map and Google maps, they both show the pond and it's labeled as Webster's Pond.

    My father recently passed away, and as a tribute to him we'd like to have it renamed [Our name] Pond. It sits entirely within the boundaries of our farm, there are no divided parcels, it's not navigable or anything that would be used as a landmark in any way. This would just be for our own...amusement? Satisfaction? Obviously I realize we could just call it whatever we wanted among ourselves, but it would be sentimental to have it officially recognized under the name we want.

    Where do I start?

    *One thing that may be important is that the lake has a large spillway that flows into a creek that feeds a tributary of a major river (so it goes Webster Pond > Horse Branch > Mud Creek > Major River--made up names but they are all named bodies of water). So I guess it's possible that the pond was required to be named something because it does ultimately feed into that river. No idea if that's relevant.

    submitted by /u/salliek76
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    Pittsburgh, PA. I think my neighbor just put up a “no parking to the corner” sign and painted the curb yellow himself.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    Little background, I grew up in TN and a bunch of my college friends went on to work for the department of transportation after graduation. So I myself am no civil engineer, but I've seen a lot of their work (Snapchat, etc) and talked to them about their work/standards of work.

    Now, present day, moved to PA several years ago and bought a house. I like my neighbors well enough, but they have always been annoying about parking (going as far as harassing me if they don't like some way that I parked). They live on the corner of a main road (no parking) and an alley where everyone parks and I, and many others, live. They have the typical yinzer attitude of, this spot on the street is mine, no one else can park here and put up cones/chairs to "block" the spot from anyone else. Beyond this, they also try to police where other people can park, putting up cones so no one parks within x feet of their door. Their door is not obstructed by a car parking in front of it. Yesterday when I was at work, a "no parking to the corner" sign was out up, not cemented into the ground, but latched onto a yellow concrete pillar that they put in before my time. What's more, they seem to have spray painted the curb yellow. Not cleanly painted on the top and the side, which is standard as far as I know, but roughly pained on top of the curb as if by a can of spray paint.

    What are my options here? This feels very illegal. While I don't want them to be punished, I also am sick of them asserting themselves to the neighborhood and preventing people from parking or harassing them if they park in a way they don't like.

    Thanks in advance for your advice.

    Edit: Thank you everyone, seriously. I'll add an edit later if this is resolved or if my car gets towed/torched/keyed. Thanks also to the people whose comments got removed bc of rules. Idk what you said, but I'll assume it was encouragement lol.

    submitted by /u/TravelingLemonTree
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    I (22f) met a man (32) on a dating app in July 2019 and he's been harassing and stalking me ever since

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Location: USA

    [UPDATE] Shortly after the emergency OP was finalized my stalker was spotted by my employer at my workplace. It was barely 30 minutes to an hour after me seeing the judge so he hadn't received his summons yet.

    He drove onto the premises, backed out and then drove back in a second time. For context, I work in the country (If you haven't noticed my post history it's mostly vegetables), so my employers live on the premises and are farmers. They were informed about my stalker and the incidents I filed in my OP.

    My employer is the hero of this story, I'll call him Tom. Tom noticed the suspicious car lurking on the premise twice and, following his gut instinct (his words), grabbed his car keys and a weapon and followed the car.

    En route he's confirming the lisence plate number is my stalker and he calls 911. Tom continues to follow my stalker while on the phone with the dispatcher.

    The stalker is driving in the direction OF MY FAMILY

    Police pull him over literally less than 300 yards from my family's home. Tom is sending me updates via text this whole time and I'm rushing to my computer to send the OP I got via email to him to present to police If necessary since I wasn't sure if it had been entered into the system yet.

    I'm waiting, terrified and in hiding for updates.

    I receive a call from an officer. He tells me they received the OP and searched his car.

    My stalker was driving towards my family with a pistol, a shot gun, 2 rifles, ammo and an array of hunting knives. Police confiscated everything and his foid card. The cop tells me he hadn't been served with the order prior to being caught at my workplace so he was going to be let go. He asks me quickly if I know of any more weapons he might have.

    I was mortified and bawling at this point. But I swear to God a moment of clarity came to me. A comment on either this post or r/relationship_advice had mentioned that he seemed mentally ill and could be placed on an involuntary psychiatic hold

    I quickly told the officer that I have enough evidence to get him admitted to for involuntary psychiatric hold and could send it to him now.

    He gave me his email address and I sent him EVERYTHING I could to get this guy booked. Texts where he's admitting past history of psychosis. Emails that are automatically signed with his name and the same phone numbers so he couldn't deny the texts were from him. I sent emails citing paranoid schizophrenic rhetoric with time stamps showing the escalation of his threats towards me, my family and friends.

    It was enough to place him in an involuntary psychiatric hold

    I'm safe for now, thank you reddit.

    I'm pretty sure this guy was on his way to hurt or kill my family. Im aware that I am in no way out of the clear in the grand scheme of things, and I will remain EXTREMELY careful and diligent.

    But for now, I can sleep soundly tonight .

    This is going to be long, and also very painful to recount. I might have to cross post to r/legaladvice aswell

    So sometime in July 2019 I met a man on Plenty of Fish (first mistake). We began communicating through the app and on Snapchat, and would talk quite regularly. His age was listed as 32 years old and I was 22 at the time.

    After talking with him for months I decided, foolishly, to meet up with him at his house. For context, he lives about 2 hours north of me. The plan was to watch movies, spend the night and then I would leave in the morning. I told several friends where I was going and gave them the location of his place and his address.

    When I arrived and saw his house for the first time I was shocked. It was huge, I mean $500,000+ and new tech everywhere. I also saw he had weapons, which is not unusual for guys to have in this region (Midwest USA) Our first meeting went ok, we talked and I had some drinks. I started to get an uneasy feeling though. I had no idea what to attribute it to. He seemed nice and was obviously educated and well off. He suggested he works in websight development. Because of my uneasy feelings I did not have sex with him or engage with him sexually at all, though.

    An important note to add here is that I ordered a pizza for us and he said he'd like to cashapp me back for it. I have him my cashapp handle.

    A giant snow storm hit that night and my car was effectively trapped there at his place (on top of a steep hill) and the roads were really bad since he lives quite out in the country. The snow storm was sudden, because of this it was unsafe to drive home and had to stay another night.

    That whole next day when I was at his house I felt very very uneasy. He seemed very happy that I was staying and suggested multiple times that I just get my stuff and move in with him once the snow melts. He'd say "ohhh I love you 😍" nonchalantly. I was getting really nervous and looking for my next out.

    Once I left, on my 2 hour drive back home I began rationalizing the experience. Maybe he's just lonely? I dont understand how a young man obviously so well off was browsing a dating app and had chosen me?! I'm not a particularly pretty girl. I'm really average. Maybe I let It get to my head a bit and thought I was over reacting for feeling uneasy and he was quite nice to me. Nothing to be afraid of, right?

    Cut to 1 more hangout later and me undoubtedly in reality that something is not right here.

    I receive a text message from him.

    Keep in mind we had been communicating via Snapchat at that point. I never gave him my number.

    The contents of the message were along the lines of, a gif of a girl coughing and him accusing me of giving him mono. I never kissed him.

    He then sends me profile photos of an account I had made years ago on an app called Seeking Arrangement. It's a sugar baby app. It was a joke to me and I never actually used it. He got it in his head that I was a "prostitute" and that's when things get really dark.

    He starts sending me random cashapp payments in an attempt to "bid" on me. He is treating me at this point like I am an actual prostitute/sex worker and is oscillating between "I love you" and "you filthy dirty fucking whore"

    He also starts exhibiting signs that he's going into some sort of psychosis. He sends me audio recordings of me talking to him at his house saying there are voices in the background and I need to "explain myself"

    I'm freaking out at this point. I tell him to seek help and block his number.

    That's when I start getting calls. Hundreds of calls. From different burner numbers, calls from my area code. Calls with area codes from places I had lived previously. It was so bad I had to get a new physical phone and phone number because I had started to fear he could be tracking me.

    That's when he began messaging my friends, ex partners and even my MOTHER asking for information about me, where I am and how to contact me.

    He began sending emails to old email addresses I have no idea how he found. They'd start out as him asking me to get in touch because of "something important" and then turn really threatening, accusing me of "putting cameras in his house" "inviting people to his house and he could hear their voices in the background" and "high level espionage shit"

    He messages my ex partners threatening physical violence for "talking to me at the same time as him" and that I was his woman and we had a relationship.

    I was so scared of this man but had not gotten in contact with the police until last night when he showed up at my FRIENDS APARTMENT, citing get full name and demanding to see me WHILE I WAS THERE.

    We called the police, I have since filed an emergency order of protection against him and am waiting for it to be processed and get a call back (it's all online now, covid)

    I'm terrified. Some of his threatening texts state that he is going to make a mockery of me because he knows I can't afford the same type of legal protection as him. I've had to file police reports in the tri county area of where I live.

    I need an attorney, NOW! I'm in contact with several for a consultation. Which lawyers would be the best to help me in this situation? I know nothing about this

    I'm a young girl and I'm so new to all this and how this process works I'm terrified.

    If I get a 2 year order I'd protection, what if he's still obsessive over me once it expires? I'm loosing sleep. I'm fearing for my life.

    I also have screenshots of all his messages/threats to friends and family and screenshots of conversations with him where he is effectively admitting he's psychotic.

    How do I protect myself until the emergency order of protection processes??

    submitted by /u/TruckstopBathtub
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    A hotel denied myself and my service dog access stating that my dog needed registration from a random scam site (that was posted on their wall??) and also documentation on MY disability?? Now, they won’t refund our deposit. California

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    My boy and I decided to take Odin out to Venice beach for a birthday weekend out. We made a reservation at a hotel and arrived. I will admit that I accidentally did not disclose that Odin was with me. I'm waiting for his new "service dog" vest to come in (and have been using his mesh "in training" vest since it's summer here in Southern California and we live in the desert). I haven't been vesting him today as the ADA states under titles II and III that an SD does not have to be vested nor identified by gear.

    Well, when we arrived to the hotel, I told the receptionist that I had Odin and that he is a multi-purpose service dog. She told me that I needed documentation. I told her that there is no legal documentation necessary for service dogs in the US. She then pointed to some sort of documentation on the wall (that looked like it had come off some sort of scam site online because I have never seen it before even when I worked with a program in the beginning of his training and I refuse to use any sort of documentation for access because it hinders other legitimate teams who owner train which is perfectly acceptable). Anyways, I tried to inform her that according to the ADA, there is no legal registration and that she is allowed to ask me two questions which are: 1. Is that a service dog that mitigates a disability 2. What job or task are they trained to do?

    The law also states:

    Staff are not allowed to request any documentation for the dog, require that the dog demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of the person's disability.

    After we were told to leave, we were in the parking lot, trying to cancel our stay and they wouldn't refund us our money (over $300) and told us we could talk to the owner tomorrow morning. They also said if we didn't leave immediately that they would call the police and I told them please DO. I would LOVE to make a report. They then backpedaled and told us that we would have to talk to the owner and there wasn't anything they could do. I then sent them the articles straight from ADA.gov and cited where they broke the laws. They then told me that they could not accommodate me without: 1. Documentation on my disability (excuse me??!!!) 2. The animal being present. ( He was present. He was in a "cover" position by my side as we stood in front of the counter - I was wearing messenger style leash)

    We told her that he was there and that it was very illegal to ask for documentation about my disability but if it got us the room that I'd provide it. They then stopped contact with us.

    We called around and found out that they have "sister" hotels, but it doesn't seem like they have a "cooperation" attached to them, at least not one attached to their website. I'll be calling in the morning to speak to the owner and will be directing them to the ADA INFO line. But, does anybody know the specific law(s) they broke about asking me for documentation on my disabilities? I know it's illegal, but when I looked online, it seemed like the ADA pertained more to employment than just regular businesses.

    submitted by /u/ohhoneyno_
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    NJ - Landlord refuses to rent to unmarried couple with kids.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Title. In NJ.

    We applied for a rental and the realtor we used corresponded with the landlord on our behalf. The landlord refused to rent to us, emailing to the realtor that we have two kids and are only dating.

    Would this fall under discrimination?

    Not looking to force anyone's hand. Obviously nobody wants to live under the thumb of a landlord like that. But just curious as to what my rights are here.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/doubleblondebraids
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    My paycheck bounced and my employer doesn't know when they'll be able to get me a new one. What can I do?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    Hi everybody! I wasn't sure which sub this question would be appropriate for, so if this is the wrong one I'm sorry and please let me know where else I should take this question.

    I work at a small, locally owned business in Michigan as just a basic-level employee making minimum wage plus tips. They are having trouble getting any help from the government during Covid and struggling financially.

    This morning I opened my banking app to find that my paycheck had bounced and I was over $100 negative. The app said the money was there yesterday so I paid my rent, but apparently it wasn't really there. They warned me this might happen the same day I deposited the check, but after I had already done so. I thought it went through since my account balance reflected that, which is why I went ahead and paid the rent with it.

    I managed to borrow enough to get my account back to zero, but I'm still stuck without a check. My employer said they don't know when they'll be able to pay it back, and I'm concerned now that my check coming in next week will bounce as well.

    Today marks week 3 that I haven't been paid for. I'm wondering if I should stop going in until I'm paid, but they might just fire me about it. If they do, I don't know how to make them give me the money I already earned. I have nothing new lined up and I have $0 in my account.

    What can I do, legally, to try and get my money back? Should I be contacting the Department of Labor? Google told me to demand in writing a specific date that they would get me my check by, but they just keep saying they don't know. And should I refuse to go in until I'm paid, or keep working and document the lost pay? I really like my job and the people at it, but I need to eat and I can't just work for free for the foreseeable future.

    submitted by /u/PatientGiggles
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    Breast pumping at work with a hidden camera in the office

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    This is a throwaway to avoid the personal details on my account. Located in KS

    I have a 6 month old son that's been breastfed since birth. I went back to work to the bar I've been working at for the past 5 years after a 6week maternity leave with the intention to pump during my shifts. My boss didn't have a problem with it, there is a private office with a lock, and he told me to print a sign to put on the door when I'm in there. I've been pumping in there once a day, sometimes two to three times on longer shifts, without any problems until now.

    We have cameras throughout the bar. There's a computer screen in the office that has all the camera views. The other day, my boss pulled up the camera system on his phone, and I saw a view of the office that I've never seen before. There's been a hidden camera in there for over a year because of a theft. I was never told about this camera, not even after I told him I would be pumping in there. Every manager - and I'm talking EVERY manager of the 7+ locations - has access to this app and can check on any location at any time.

    Needless to say, I was shocked and felt violated. No one has ever said they've seen me, but that doesn't mean they haven't. And for anyone that hasn't worked in the culture of a bar or restaurant, sexual harassment is fairly commonplace and often joked about, so I can imagine if I had been seen, it was turned into a private joke amongst the managers. When I told my boss my feelings, he told me to tape a piece of paper over it when I'm in there. Why wasn't I told to do this before??

    Is this worth pursuing in any legal manner? From reading the FLSA, there doesn't seem to be much mention about what lengths a woman can go to if their rights are violated.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    submitted by /u/PumpingThrowAway
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    Auto dealer received the insurance check payoff after truck was totaled. I don't believe he was entitled to full amount due to us not owing that much. Help please!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Location: Kentucky

    Back in March my bf and I found a truck we were interested in from a small individual owned dealership that does financing. Dealer was asking $8500 but we agreed on $8100 with $2800 down payment. When discussing the financing the dealer said that he would accept $225 a month for 36 months which is a 30% interest rate as we expected because he has horrible credit. We gave him the down payment and Bf and dealer signed the paperwork.

    Three months later someone hit the truck in a hit and run and totaled out the truck. Insurance sent the payoff check directly to the dealership in the amount of $6523. This is when I started suspecting thing were not right.

    I entered all the financial info into an amortization calculator and got the same payments as agreed upon. So, at the end of month 3 we would have owed $5015.53. Bf payed extra $25 a month so that bring the total of principle down to $4940.53. I asked Bf for a copy of the contract and/or financial agreement and he said that he never got one or signed one. That basically it was all verbal.

    The only thing we do have is the bill of sale, but the dealer wrote that we only paid $4500 for the truck because he said he wanted to do us a favor.

    I contacted the dealer about the insurance overpaying and wouldn't listen to anything I said. He said that he actually lost $800 on the whole deal but he would just cut his losses. I tried to explain to him that yes if we had paid the truck off over the 36 months that he would have made $2800 in interest but since it was paid off after month 3 he wasn't entitled to the interest that he would have made.

    After several attempts asking him to produce any paperwork on financing he said that the bill of sales is the contract/ financial agreement and that we committed tax fraud by putting a smaller amount. The dealer wrote out and signed the bill of sale, bf did not put a smaller amount, but he did sign and date it. The taxes have not been paid yet due to the courthouse shutting down the day after we purchased.

    I would like to settle this without lawyers but will if needed. So far, we are out $3550 on truck and I would just like the $1583 insurance overpaid. Can anyone tell me what if any laws dealer broke? Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ninny_bojenny
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    My grandfather died before a will was made up, and my aunt who has control over his pension has yet to pay any of my grandma's bills even though she verbally agreed to it. Is this verbal agreement enough to help my grandma? (New York State)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    My grandpa and grandma had given my grandpa's pension to my aunt to make the money last longer. The money was supposed to go to supporting my grandma until she passed too. However, it's been almost 2 months and none of the bills have been paid with that money. In order to give the pension to my aunt my grandma had to sign a paper saying she wouldn't go after my aunt for the pension. Does my grandma have any legal standing?

    I did have a look at the rules and the wiki, but admittedly not too close a look. I apologize if I broke a rule or this has already been posted.

    Edit: I asked my grandma who was the benificary and she said it was my aunt. So it seems we can only hope my aunt comes to her senses. Thank you all for your advice, it means a lot to me.

    submitted by /u/Littlefieldsharks
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    Google class action lawsuit

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Has anyone else gotten the email about the google class action lawsuit? Is it legit? Is it saying that the pay out will only be $12? That doesn't seem worth the hassle to me.

    submitted by /u/215Tina
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    Smart home system I purchased outright suddenly decides to start charging subscription fees 2 years later (TX)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    A couple years ago I bought a popular smart home hub and a bunch of compatible smart home devices like locks, light switches, sensors, etc. There were no subscription plans, you just buy the equipment and install it in the house and you're good.

    They recently decided to change their business model and notified customers that they were going to begin charging a monthly fee to use the devices we had already purchased. If we don't pay the new subscription fee, they will disable the devices so they cannot be used remotely from the app or via voice (like with Alexa or Google/Nest). So now instead of telling Google to turn off the lights or being able to do it from my phone, I have to get up and go do it. I know, I know, first world problems... but, I paid for this stuff!

    Is what they're doing legal? They're a Delaware corporation and I'm in Texas. If I have the time on my hands to file a suit in my county's small claims court, is it possible for me to collect since they're in another state? I'm willing to take the time and figure out the paperwork... I just want to get my money refunded if I'm not going to be able to use it anymore.

    There's a class action lawsuit filed against them but I know how these things are and I don't expect that to pay squat and there's no way these guys will have the cash for it anyway and even if they do I'm sure the lawyers will get paid first, so I'd rather get in there ASAP with my own small claims suit if it's viable.

    I don't have the terms of service that came with it, but I pulled up their homepage on archive.org to look at how they were selling it, and the first bullet was "NO REQUIRED MONTHLY FEES."

    submitted by /u/questionAboutThing
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    My spouse is in a rehab center that is threatening to baker act them for asking for a second opinion. I need to get this person out

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Located in Florida. I know my spouse very well, and she's been in a rehab center for the last 3 days or so. Long enough for her to tell me there's a nurse they're all afraid of because the nurse treats them like shit and if there's any negative reaction, she has them sent to somewhere not so appealing. She called me this morning to tell me that her doc wanted to baker act her, she then asked for a second opinion (fair enough); his response was that he'd baker act her for asking for a second opinion. She's scared and I'm scared for her. I know what it can seem like, but I know this woman, and I know her life because we've shared the last 5 years of it. This place is sketchy. I'm sorry for rambling but I need to know if I can get her out. What I can do As her spouse to have her taken out and put somewhere better if need be.

    Update(not much) Turns out the doctor she saw wasn't her doctor and was doing a residency there. She's speaking with her case manager and doctor that assured her she'd be discharged on the original date. She wasn't baker acted. I'm hoping that's that, but I'll leave the post up for a bit longer just in case something shady happens, and to pull from the resources I was provided here to help me report this center. Again, I'm very appreciative.

    submitted by /u/Patty_Pimp
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    A website has posted pictures of my brothers suicide & put his name & age w/out permission.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    So earlier this week my brother took his own life. as you can imagine this has been awful on family and friends. well he had jumped off of a bridge, and on that bridge were cameras (they were not even traffic cameras or anything. they are people's personal cameras so they can watch people take their own lives.) and just 2 days after this happened we had found a facebook page and twitter that has posted about a male who had committed suicide and tagged a link to a website that showed pictures OF the actual suicide. they stated my brothers name and age and everything... i have tried politely asking them to take it down as for it is disrespectful to me and my family, and their response was basically that because he killed himself in public that it was newsworthy and wouldn't be fair to witnesses. in my opinion it's fair because witnesses did nothing to stop him and if it was newsworthy it would have been on the news. they refuse to take the post down. it's not just the disrespect towards me and my family but it's also for the previous families and victims that i care about and i don't want this to continue. is there any way i can start some type of lawsuit to get this taken down? is this legal? any advice will help. thank you. sorry if i have poor grammar or was confusing i haven't slept since this has happened so i'm sorry for that.

    submitted by /u/megankrm
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    Can my boss do this?!?! Maryland Edition

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    Hello legal side of Reddit!

    About a month ago I took a new job as a receptionist at a relatively new (a little over a year old) dental office. Talking to the doctor and dental assistant, this office seemed to be a great fit with decent pay even though it's a little bit of drive from home. At the end of this interview he (the dr) offers me the position officially and hands me the paperwork. Now, my boyfriend and I just moved to a new area and I hated having to rely on him for things so I read through the paperwork as best I could and signed. There was however one part of this job application that didn't sit well with me from the beginning and was kind of unsettling. See, this dr put in a clause that I was required to give him a 2 week notice or pay him (what can only be explained as) a penalty fee. I briefly asked about it, and he explained that it was in the job application because he'd had other people walk out on the job without handing in their two week's notice. ANYWAYS, I ask for a copy of all the paperwork because this has been bothering since I started working there. Brace yourselves, since I'm just going to quote the damn thing: "The employee is required to give a 2-week notice of termination to the employer. The failure to notify the employer 2 weeks prior to termination can be fined up to $200 per day and applied to the remaining days of the 2-week notice of termination." Now, in super curious as to if this is legal. I submitted my 2-week notice since I can no longer stand working for this man and understand why people have walked out on the job. He's blatantly rude to his dental assistant, has yelled at her and myself in front of patients, changes procedures the day of (and sometimes at the time of) patient's appointment and when we don't have the tools or paperwork ready, he yells at us. There has never been an apology or acknowledgement from him regarding his behavior towards us, the office has lost patients for this reason and I'm sick of it. Please help, and I apologize for this post being all over the place.

    submitted by /u/snowrose11
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    NYC - Roommate destroyed property, but after I moved out

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    I moved out of my apartment but left my sofa ($2,500) because I was making arrangements to hire movers to take it out in a week. My roommate then informed me (6 days later) that he hired people to move my sofa out and put it on the sidewalk. During this moving process, allegedly the sofa got stuck and it had to be cut it in half, completely destroying it.

    Do I have fair reason to take my roommate to small claims court? It's obviously my property, but was in the apartment a couple days after I moved out.

    submitted by /u/marealnamesclarence
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    Previous tenants didnt clean and landlord didnt inspect

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    We signed a lease last month to move in a house(Wisconsin)on August 1. I called the landlord 3 times to confirm we could move in August 1. He said yes he was going through the house July 31 at 3pm and he would see us August 1 at 10am. We got our uhaul and headed to the house and the garage door wouldn't open. Then we get in the house and oh man the previous tenants just picked up their stuff and left. No cleaning nothing. Sbower was gross, washer/dryer full of dog hair and dirt, carpets stained and smelled so bad, grass was 6 inches long, dead flowers and weeds along the house, broken door handle on one door, broken screen on another, the list goes on. We documented everything with videos and pictures. Landlord wants us to leave since we are 'not satisfied with the property.' They wouldn't give us a copy of our lease and we had to get a police Officer to help us obtain a copy which had a note attached saying we were now a month to month vs the year lease we signed. We told them we were cleaning the house and would deduct expenses from next months rent. They called, but I didn't answer as I don't want to communicate unless I can document. The message said ANYTHING we have done to the house needed their approval. We used a rug doctor about 5 times, carpets were wet, so we stayed at a hotel a few days. We used baking soda in the carpets and it did nothing. We finally got them professionay cleaned yesterday, but did not get prior approval from LL. They are starting to smell better. We plan to make copies of all receipts for cleaning products, uhaul rentals, gas, hotel stays etc and will deduct this from next month's rent since landlord didn't care nor do anything about the mess. Isn't this what the previous tenants security deposit was for? Can we legally do this? Can they change our lease month to month once it's signed? What else should we do to help us with this? We have put a lot of money into this already. We just got big furniture moved in today. Any help and/or advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/sonichedgehog11
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    My neighbor was given 3 weeks to relocate her living situation, as the property owners sold the duplex. However, she is having her deposit withheld because she's breaking the lease early?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    To make a long story short, our antics with our previous landlord was nothing short of a circus show. We were not informed of the property being sold until it was officially off their hands.

    In terms of our living situation, we were informed we could keep our unit as is, however our neighbor was was told she needed to be moved out by Aug. 31. (End of her original lease with the previous landlord) She was not informed of this until August 5th.

    To make matters worse, our new landlord is exactly that-- brand new. And very ambitious. For the past couple weeks, he has been texting her asking if she was thinking of moving out any earlier, as he had plans to fix up her unit.

    Well, she did happen to find the only available unit in her price range/area that wanted to rent out immediately. In order to secure her spot, she took the opportunity. Before doing this, she read over her lease many times in order to ensure there was no early termination fee. She called the previous tenants (who also moved out a little earlier than their lease ended) and they confirmed they did not pay an early termination fee.

    Today was her official last day per their verbal agreement. He prorated her rent for the week, and things were amicable. Then he informed her that he was keeping the deposit. Not because any damage had been found, but because she was leaving before her lease was up.

    I'm new to being a tenant, and our neighbor is already so busy with her sudden move.

    Is this legal? And if not, is there anything that can be done?

    Also, Sorry if I didn't include enough info, I didn't want to write a book. Will add more if requested.

    edit Our location is Michigan. If I don't need to give a city, I won't. Our landlord frequents reddit. Also, I got a date wrong and edited that. Original July 15th---> changed to August 5th.

    submitted by /u/Indykat13
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    A bunch of girls are posting false allegations all over the internet and it is ruining my life

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    This all started back in back in December 2018. I was on tour with my band when all of the sudden i get woken up by my band mates asking me what this was all about. Basically someone had made a fake Snapchat, not even a hour old, and added and messaged this girl (sarah) supposedly sending her sexual photos or something I'm not really sure, but when sarah asked this person who it was that was messaging her, the person said it was me, with a screenshot of my Instagram as proof it was me. I know. Stupid. Mind you this girl Sarah is known for blowing things up and being extra dramatic. Sarah ended up posting a ton of stuff on Facebook and Twitter slandering my name and my bands name. I was advised by my bands lawyer not to even acknowledge any of the posts, and slowly, it was forgotten about. The snapchat was deleted shortly after Sarah's Facebook post. Want to make it clear this Snapchat was NOT in any way shape or form affiliated with me. I have one personal Snapchat.

    Fast forward to around March of this year, Sarah's best friend makes a tweet talking about how my band encourages sexual predators because i never got kicked out of the band and that I'm a predator and this and that. (I have NEVER touched a woman the wrong way nor have i ever sent explicit messages in my life). Sarah's best friend goes on for a while making multiple post about me and my man claiming thing neither I nor my bandmates have ever done. A bunch of other girls home I've never met on the post and saying that sis Snapchat has messaged them as well sending them explicit shit or something. They never posted any screenshots or anything and are simply commenting "DM me" so I don't even know what it is that is that is being said. Once again, I was advised to not acknowledge anything as that would assume my guilt.
    This is when my bandmates started to slowly stop being on my side as it makes them look bad. My band mates Were starting to get frustrated as it was making the band look bad but once again, it blew over.

    Fast forward to august 6th. Sarah's best friend has made ANOTHER post on Facebook. This time using my first and last name, my bands name, and saying that they will not be silenced. She and all these other girls are officially trying to cancel me and my band. On top of that, my ex girlfriend from 8 years ago commented on the post. Now, I'll admit i cheated on her when i was 18 and broke up. ( I'm 26 now). But other than that, i never did anything bad aside from the cheating obviously. My ex commented and said "givesyouamnesia has been a sexual predator since 2012, message me". I have no idea what my ex could have told this girl but once again it's all being said over message so i can't see it. Now my band mates are considering kicking me out of the band, and our record label called me an hour ago telling me i have to lawyer up and get this shit straightened out. I cannot afford a lawyer. I have went to multiple police stations to try and file a report, but none of them want to give me the time of day. This is ruining my life. I want to make it very clear i am NOT the owner of this Snapchat and have never ever in my life done anything harmful to women nor sent any explicit messages or anything of the sort. My best guess as to who created this Snapchat is that it was my girlfriend at the time who was mad at me for being on tour for so long and constantly assumed i was cheating on her (i never entertained another girl she was just insecure), seeing as my girlfriend at the time knew that this girl Sarah would blow shit way out of proportion. But that is my only guess as to who might have made the Snapchat.

    I have put my blood sweat and tears into my band all for it to be torn away from me over something i have no control over.

    TL;DR someone pretended to be me on the internet and harassed a bunch of women. Now my name is being slandered and my band is being cancelled.

    EDIT: takes place in upstate NY

    submitted by /u/givesyouamnesia
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    Will i go to jail if I go to the city court to reschedule a court date?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    A court paper with a court date on Jul 27th was sent to my parent's house (I no longer live there) while they were in California for a couple of months. I missed the court fate because they just got back Wednesday.

    I called the city court (misdemeanor charge) and they said that I have to go to the court in person to talk to them about it.

    Will i be arrested if I go in person or should they be able to reschedule?

    I don't have any cash on me right now to pay a fine either. I will in a couple of days though. If i can't pay the fine but go anyway will I be arrested or can I pay it later?

    submitted by /u/hseevatcm
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    Mother stole grandmother’s identity and found out it was worse than she originally thought. This was the fourth victim my mother preyed on. What can be done?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Back in June I reported my mother for taking advantage of my grandmother when I found out. She talked my grandmother into becoming power of attorney and moved my grandmother in after my grandfather passed. She opened loans, tried for a mortgage, opened credit cards, withdrew from my grandmother's checking accounts, and more all without my grandmother's knowledge. The credit cards and loans were never paid off and went to collections. The debt was around $9,000-10,000. I helped her file a report online with the FTC. I made copies and letters for her to mail to any business involved and to take to the police station. My grandmother refused to press charges, refused a restraining order against my mother for harassment despite everyone involved saying she should, and talked the aging agency that got involved into not pressing it any farther once they recovered only $3,000 of the money back.

    Debt collectors have been harassing her still despite having the identity theft report and are trying to scare her into paying those debts. I found out today due to a collector telling her to contact me and see if I'll loan her money to pay them or they'll take her to court and get the money anyway. I told her it's a scare tactic and that I won't give her money. She can't afford much now that my mother ruined her so she offered to pay them smaller monthly payments and they refused. I told her she should of never said she would pay or accept the debt because she has the report to prove it was identity theft but she did so anyways. Her reason was that she already got my mother into enough trouble and she hopes that maybe my mother will forgive her(yes, I told her it should be the other way around).

    Since I reported it all back in June she's found out the identity theft was a lot worse than she thought but still refuses to press charges as she feels she doesn't have the heart to do so. My mother harasses her weekly and despite me blocking her on my grandmother's phone when asked my grandmother turns around and unblocks her in hopes to build a relationship with her again. Debt collectors call every day, she found out there's more accounts falsely opened, her savings is very low and she's always stressed about how she'll continue living off her fixed income.

    I'm at my wits end, I keep getting calls from her almost daily crying about this and I always suggest she press charges but she won't. Im very vocal about how I feel my mother deserves to be charged as I had to file a report in September 2018, at the time of filing I had no clue it was my own mother that stole my identity. When I found out I chickened out of pressing charges as mine was less than $2,000 and the businesses all dropped the debt once they seen the report. I had no clue I wasn't the first victim she did this too. I'm guessing there isn't anything that can be done to end this because she won't press charges herself? If something can be done who do I need to contact?

    Location: PA, USA

    submitted by /u/Fancy-Trash0
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    Therapist won't provide records

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    (New Mexico) I have a former therapist who has been ignoring requests for my medical records for over a year now. I believe she is doing it due to a personal grudge against me. I looked up what I could find about it on google, and realized that my verbal requests didn't hold legal merit. I used a form letter from rocketlawyer (maybe a mistake, I don't know) and mailed it to her office with tracking so I would have record of a written and signed request this time. That was over a month ago. She sent me one small piece of what I wanted (the results of just one of a number of tests I did during my time as her patient, when what I requested was all medical records for all of my treatment) and hasn't responded to any communications since. She runs her own practice, so there isn't anyone else to contact. What else can I do to attempt to get these records? Is it time to get a lawyer involved, and if so what type of lawyer would I even be looking for?

    submitted by /u/toxicat890
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    Favor delivery driver sexually assaulted my Mom.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    Tonight my mom ordered favor and when the creep got here he asked my mom "Do you have a husband at home" and my mom said no and then he reached through the gate and grabbed my mom's breast and said he want's to make a deal. She ran back inside and started crying and told the guy to leave her alone. I came down with a metal pole and told my Mom I am going outside and get him out of here. She did not let me which is understandable. She called her friend to come see if he was still here. The driver texted my mom through the favor number asking if she changes her mind he will be here. My mom texts the creep through favor to leave us alone and she will call the cops and to stop the favor order. My mom hear's someone calling her name and thinks its the friend but it is actually the fucking creep still there. The creep refuses to stop the favor order to stop us from reporting him to Favor. When the friend of my mom came the creep was still around here and ran from him. We live in Texas. How can we get this guy arrested and how should we go about it we only have the texts as proof. Sorry for bad grammar I am pissed and wrote this as quickly as possible.

    Edit: I told her we need to call the cops and she starts crying and is scared to call them. She has past trauma from my father and it triggered her. I asked her if we can file a police report tomorrow and she refuses right now and she is extremely distressed and hysterical. Her friend is over and is calming her down. Hopefully she will agree to file a police report soon.

    submitted by /u/ThroAwayw1283
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